Jakes Chance


Published on Jun 30, 2008


Hello everyone... If you happened to email me after the last chapter. I never received them since i gave the wrong email addy.. I'm so sorry about the confusion.

My email is jakeschance@gmail.com.

Please feel free to email with any questions or comments.

Thanks Brent

Jakes Chance Chapter 15

I woke around three thirty in the morning having to pee. Jake was on my right side and Chase was still on my left. They both had not moved since we fell asleep. I rolled Chase over onto his side trying to escape before he reattached himself to me. I pushed Jake onto his back and started to crawl over him. As I straddled him he grabbed my legs and said "I like you in this position. Where are you going?"

"I've gotta pee Jake." I leaned down and kissed him and added. "Why don't you move over closer to Chase so when I get back I'll just scoot in behind you." I leaned down and kissed him again and got up and off of the bed. I went into the bathroom and was doing my business when Jake walked in and stood next to me relieving himself. He looked over at me and smiled. "Why are you smiling?"

"I've really missed how close we were, and am so thankful that we are back together." He then leaned over and kissed me. As we were kissing I felt something warm and wet on my leg. I reached down and readjusted his aim so it actually went in the toilet and not on the floor and my leg. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. I pulled away from the kiss and said "Next time could you wait to kiss me until you're done peeing. I'm not into water sports."

He laughed "Sorry about that, I guess I got a little excited."

I squeezed his dick and said "Nope not yet. But we can work on that once Chase goes home." and leaned in for a quick kiss. I cleaned up the floor and threw the rug into the laundry hamper to be washed. "I don't know about you but I'm still really tired and I'm going back to bed." I walked over and washed my hands and went back to bed. Somehow I ended up in the middle with both guys wrapped around me when I woke up again. Jake was laying with his face up against the side of my head. He was snoring softly. Chase was laying with his head on my chest with his leg wrapped around my leg. I could feel his morning wood pressed up against my leg. I moved trying to untangle myself from Chase first. When I moved my leg of course it caused friction on Chase's hard on and he moaned. I tried to move so that I could get away from him but it only added further friction to his hard on. He moaned a little louder. I finally just rolled him over onto his back and laughed as I saw his dick was fully engorged and sticking straight out of his boxers. I reached over and covered him with a blanket and crawled off of the bed. I went out and started a pot of coffee and let the dogs out.

Looking out the window I noticed that we had to have at least a foot of snow. I watched the dogs run and play and jump around like two little kids. It makes me smile just watching them. Chase walked up and stood beside me in his boxer briefs.

"Chasey you need to put some clothes on. It's a little too cold to be walking around in your panties."

He smacked me on the arm "We're okay aren't we?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Last night." He said and looked down.

"Chase I love you.. I could care less what route you take with your sex life. The only thing that really bothered me was that you never told me. But I already told you that. All is forgiven. You know I love you right."

"Of course I do. You know I love you too right?"

"Of course I do.. But if you choose to keep something that important from me again I will rip your nuts off. Am I clear."

"Totally." He answered.

"Good.. because it would be a shame to lose something so important that goes along with that big thing that was sticking out of your boxers this morning." I looked over at Chase with a huge smile on my face. His face turned from one color of red to a darker shade within seconds.

He dropped his head and said "UGGHHHH." I just laughed and hugged him to me. "No worries buddy.. It's not a big deal.. well.. it was a big deal.. but I will keep the information to myself." He just shook his head and asked "What are we having for breakfast?"

Laughing I said "I guess you're ready for a change of subject?"

"Yes..." He said with hope in his voice.

"Okay okay.. fine... Whatever you make is what you're having."

"Huh?? what do you mean?"

"I'm not cooking any breakfast this morning. There's cold cereal in the pantry or you can make yourself some eggs." "Come on Chance you know I hate cold cereal and that I can't cook worth a shit... could you please make me something?"

"Fine.. I will make some bacon and eggs, you can make the toast. Can you handle making the toast?"

"I can do toast." he walked over and pulled the toaster out of the cabinet as I grabbed the bacon and eggs out of the fridge. I pulled out a frying pan and threw the bacon in the pan waiting for it to start cooking.

"Chase you can set the table also." I figured he could do that since he practically lives here anyway and knows where everything is. "I'm gonna go wake Jake up." I walked into the bedroom to see Jake laying in the middle of the bed hugging my pillow to his face snoring lightly. I walked to the side of the bed and leaned over and kissed his cheek. "baby... we're making breakfast.. If you're interested you need to get up."

He stretched and yawned out "I think I'm going to sleep for a little while longer." He opened his eyes and looked into mine as he leaned up and kissed me. "Will you save me a couple pieces of bacon?"

"Sure.. I will have to fight Chase for them but I'm pretty sure I can take him."

"Hey... I heard that." Chase yelled from the kitchen.

I started laughing and said "Well then you heard that we need to save Jake a few pieces of bacon." I leaned over and kissed Jake on the cheek and said "Go back to sleep sweetie, you can eat when you get up." He rolled over and hugged my pillow to his chest. I closed the door behind me and went out and made Chase and I breakfast.

At the last minute Chase asked. "Can you make some French toast Chance?"

I turned and looked at him saying "Buddy this is not IHOP. If you want more than bacon and eggs you're on your own."

"Well at least at IHOP they have cute waiters." I turned and gave him a dirty look and threw the spatula at him. He ducked as it flew by his head laughing at me the whole time.

"That may be the only place you will be eating at if you keep being a smart ass."

He walked up to me and put his arm around my waist and leaned in trying to kiss me on the cheek. I pushed him away saying "Don't try and be nice now.. How did you say you wanted your eggs. Wasn't it over easy and hard as a rock.?" I said laughing at the look on his face.

Chance and I sat down and ate together talking about college and the costs associated with it. He and I have an agreement which is, if he got good enough grades to get into college that I would pay for it with stipulations that he had to continue to get at least a 3.0 to a 3.5. Yes he has to show me proof that he is maintaining our agreement. If he doesn't he then will have to get a job and pay for the college tuition himself. I told him "I've already sent in your first semester tuition. Did you find out about the cost of books for the classes you're taking?"

"Yes.. it will be about three hundred." Chase said in between bites of food.

"Okay, I will transfer the money into your account." I heard the door to the bedroom open as Jake walked out in his boxers. He stumbled into the kitchen walking over to me. He leaned down giving me a kiss. He sat down and asked "What are you transferring?"

"Money into Chase's bank account so that he can buy his books for school."

"Chase did you save me some bacon?" Jake asked giving him a dirty look.

"Sure did, It's up on the stove."

I had finished eating so I got up and walked to the fridge and asked Jake "Did you want some eggs?"

"Could you make some French toast?"

Chase started laughing and said "You better stick with the eggs Jake."

"Nope... no French toast Jake unless you want to make it. But you can have some cereal or I can make you some eggs."

Jake looked at us like we were nuts and shrugged his shoulders and said "Eggs are fine." I scrambled some eggs for Jake as he toasted two pieces of bread. I grabbed more coffee for myself as Jake sat down to eat. I walked back into the laundry room and started a load of laundry as Jake and Chase sat and got to know one another better.

I walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table with them. Jake reached over and grabbed my hand holding it while he and Chase sat and talked. It was nice seeing Jake get along so well with Chase.

I leaned over and kissed Jake on the cheek and got up and cleaned up the kitchen. Jake and Chase cleared the table and put everything away. I put all the dishes in the dishwasher and said "Okay guys I'm gonna go take my shower. Could someone let the dogs back in please?"

Chase said "I will let them in.. I'm gonna go down and take a shower and put some clean clothes on anyway."

"Thanks." I said walking into my bedroom grabbing a clean pair of boxer briefs and heading into the bathroom. I turned on the water waiting for it to come up to the correct temperature. Jake came walking into the bathroom holding a clean pair of boxer briefs also asking "You okay?"

"I'm good.. a little tired but good." I turned to him and took him into my arms leaning my head on his shoulder. "How are you doing? This is a strange place and all new people.. how are you holding up?"

"I love it here Chance... I love you and as long as I'm with you.. then I'm good. Plus your family is awesome."

"Good sexy.. I'm glad to hear it." I said checking the water temperature again. I slid my boxers off and stepped into the shower saying "Are you coming in?"

"Hell yeah.. I was afraid you weren't going to ask." He replied smiling at me.

"Well.... get in here." I watched him drop his boxer briefs and licked my lips. He stepped in and I shut the shower door behind him. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, hungry for more than just a kiss. I opened my mouth and sucked on his bottom lip. I pulled back saying "Jake I want you so bad right now." I pushed him against the wall and attacked his neck, I moved up his neck and sucked on his ear lobe. I heard a soft moan escape his lips. So I whispered in his ear "You like that baby?"

"Oh my god yes Chance look at me, I'm hard as a rock." I reached down and took a hold of his cock. "Do you want me to help you with this?" I asked licking his neck. He moaned, which I took as a yes. I slowly licked my way down his body until I was eye level with his dick. I could see that he was already leaking so I moved in and licked the tip tasting what I had been missing the last few months. I slowly stuck my tongue out and licked around the head. In one movement I fully went down on him until I felt the head hit the back of my throat. I pulled back and again licked around the now sensitive head. I went back down on him and started a nice slow pace. I could hear Jake moaning and telling me how much he loved me and how he was so close. I pulled off of him again and let his cock fall from my mouth. I leaned in and took one of his balls into my mouth and started sucking. That's all it took for Jake to reach the edge and jump off. His legs started to shake and the first shot of his cum went into my hair. I moved quickly and took his cock back into my mouth as the second, third, fourth and fifth shots landed on my tongue. I swallowed and licked the remaining cum off of Jake and stood up. I leaned in and kissed him as he continued to lean against the wall with his eyes closed.

I grabbed the soap and lathered Jake and myself up. I washed my hair and then Jake's. "Jake you need to rinse off." I said pushing him into the water. I waited for him to finish and then moved him out of my way so that I could rinse off also. I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower drying myself off. I turned and looked at Jake and he was still standing in the shower. "Jake??? come on you need to dry off." I said pulling him out of the shower. I handed him a towel which he took. I finished drying off and looked back at Jake and he was still standing in the same position. I put on some boxer briefs and walked back over to him to see tears running down his face. "Jake... what's wrong?" I asked scared.

He looked down at the floor. I took him into my arms pleading "Please Jake you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing really... I didn't think that we would ever be back together and we are. I love you so much Chance. Damn!!!!! I'm just being a big baby." He said getting angry with himself.

I lifted his head so that he was looking into my eyes and said "Jake I love you too. It makes me very happy that you feel this strongly about us being back together. That means so much more to me than any material thing you could ever give me. Now get dried off and dressed before you get sick." I said smacking him on the ass as I walked away. Jake came running after me grabbing me and throwing me on the bed as he pounced on me. I laid back looking up at his smiling face and asked "So what now?"

"This." He said leaning down and kissing me open mouthed. I moaned while he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with more force sticking my tongue as far into his mouth as I could. He pulled away breathing heavy saying "God I want you so bad." as he moved down and took my nipple into his mouth. I could hear Chase coming up the stairs as he got closer to the door of the bedroom he was saying "I just talked to Ty, they're having karaoke tonight at the pub in town.." He stopped as he walked through the door and said "Holy fuck!!!" I had my head up watching his face.

I started laughing at the look on Chase's face. Jake started to move like he was going to get off of me so I shifted my eyes to meet his saying "Don't move." I looked back up at Chase and asked "Chase could you give us a minute please?" He didn't move from the spot he was standing in and kept staring at Jake's ass. "Chase!!" I said louder. He looked into my eyes so I asked again "Could you give us a minute please."

"Ummm...." He stuttered out " Yeah.... Aaaaa.. sure.." He said as he turned and walked out of the room.

I looked back into Jake's eyes and started laughing and so did Jake. I finally calmed down enough to say "Well that went well didn't it."

"Sure it did. Why did you tell me not to move when Chase interrupted us?"

"I knew you were hard and I didn't want to give him a free show. What you have is only for me to see and no one else." I said leaning up and kissing him again. "You better get up and get dressed. Let's go find out what Chase was talking about."

Jake decided that he wanted to go watch Karaoke that night so we all left the house around eight thirty. As I was driving us to the pub Chase asked "Chance you're going to sing tonight aren't you?""

"I didn't plan on it no." I replied.

"Come on.. you're awesome.. I'm sure Jake wants you to sing don't you Jake."

He looked over at me saying "I didn't know you could sing."

"I usually don't. Chase Is being a little dramatic."

"You're so full of shit.. Your an awesome singer. Jake I cannot believe you haven't heard him. He should be recording records or something."

"Shut up Chase.?" I said getting embarrassed. I could feel my face turning red.

"He sang at my aunt's wedding and got a standing ovation, he's that good."

Jake looked over and asked "Is that true?"

"Yes, the wedding thing is true." I answered not looking at Jake.

Chase was all excited that I admitted it saying "See I told you. He's awesome and should really be singing professionally."

"Chase shut up." I said getting pissed.

"Okay okay.. sorry." Chase responded.

We walked into the pub and sat a table away from the stage. Chase went over and grabbed a song book trying to figure out what he was going to sing. Jake leaned over and asked "Are you going to sing for me tonight?"

"Uggghh Jake, can't I just sing for you in the Jeep, please?" I whined.

He started laughing and said "No I want to hear you sing on stage baby. Come on sing something for me, please. Just for me." He pleaded.

"Fine... okay fine. I will, but only one song."

Jake smiled wide saying "Awesome. I can live with one song."

I gestured to Chase to give me the book so I could choose a song and wait my turn. I picked the one song that I wanted to sing for Jake and sat drinking my one and only beer of the night. Ty one of my other cousins came over and sat with us. I introduced him to Jake and then sat listening to all three of them talk about baseball. It's not that I don't like sports because I do.. I just cannot get into it like them. My name was called to sing next. I got up and made my way to the stage. I climbed the two stairs, walked up to the mic took it in my hand and waited.

The music started, I waited for the intro to end and started to sing. . Hmmmmmmm Hmmmmmm

This is a crazy world These can be lonely days It's hard to know who's on your side Most of the time

Who can you really trust Who do you really know

Is there anybody out there Who can make you feel less alone Sometimes you just can't make it on your own

If you need a place where you can run If you need a shoulder to cry on Well I will always be your friend When you need some shelter from the rain When you need a healer for your pain I will be there time and time again

When you need someone to love you Here I am


If you have broken dreams Just lay them all on me I'll be the one who understands So take my hand If there is emptiness You know I'll do my best To fill you up with all the love That I can show someone I'll promise you you'll never walk alone

Well if you need a place where you can run If you need a shoulder to cry on Well I will always be your friend When you need a shelter from the rain When you need a healer for your pain I will be there time and time again

When you need someone to love you Here I am


Everybody needs somebody who They can pour there heart and soul into

If you need a place where you can run If you need a shoulder to cry on I'll always be your friend When you need some shelter from the rain When you need a healer for the pain

I will be there time and time again

When you need someone to love you Here I am.

I put the mic back in the stands holder and stepped down from the stage to thunderous applause.

Totally embarrassed I walked back over to our table. Jake rushed up to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. He pulled back and kissed me with so much passion that I thought I would pass out. He pulled away from the kiss saying "That was so beautiful.. Holy fuck I didn't know you could sing like that." He leaned in close to my ear whispering "I love you so much and want you so bad.... lets go home so you can make love to me"

I looked over at Chase and Ty and said "We're leaving, Chase are you coming home with us?"

He looked at me with a smirk on his face and said "I'm going home.. I'm not going to your house and have tp listen to you guys fuck all night."

"Good.. see ya." I said taking Jake's hand and pulling him out of the pub. We jumped in the Jeep and headed for home.

Next: Chapter 16

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