Jakes Chance


Published on Aug 14, 2008


Sometimes you wonder where time truly does go.. I sure the hell couldn't tell you. I cannot believe that four months have passed since Jake showed up at my door step. So much has happened.

I came home from work and walked into a complete mess of boxes everywhere.

"Jake.... Jake!!!!! Where are you?"

"In the bedroom babe."

I made my way into the bedroom crawling over boxes. As I finally found Jake I asked "What's up with all these boxes? And what's in them?"

"My clothes and family photos" He said as he came over and kissed me.

"Oh okay.. ummm... We're not going to have enough room in the closet for all these clothes. You do realize that right?"

"Yeah.. I figured we could go through them and keep what we want and have a yard sale. What we don't sell, give to the goodwill. If that's okay?"

"Yeah that's fine.. What kind of clothes are in these boxes?"

"Prada, Dolce, Hugo Boss and lots of other stuff.. Oh hey... I have this coat that would look great on you." He walked over and dug through a box and pulled out this amazing blue jacket. He walked over to me and said "Turn around let's try it on you." he slipped it up my arms and and on me and turned me around looking at me.

When he didn't say anything I asked "What?? does it look that bad?"

"Not at all.. I was just thinking about how bad I want to fuck you or have you fuck me right now. The coat looks awesome on you. You're fucking hot." He leaned in and kissed me passionately trying to force his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away smiling at him.

He stepped away from me and kicked his shoes off and bent down and pulled his socks off. I watched what he was doing, as I slightly tilted my head wondering how far he would take this. He took his shirt off next and threw it at me.. I just let it fall to the floor. He then unzipped his pants and slowly pushed them over his hips and let them fall to the floor also. He now stood in just his boxer briefs, he slowly ran his fingers around the elastic at the top and stretched the front out so that I could see he had something on underneath the boxers. He slowly started working them down so that they were right in the middle of his package. I could now see that he was wearing a jock strap, which totally turned me on. I looked up from his package and into his eyes to see him staring at me with a smile on his face. I slowly walked up to him and said "You know how much a hot guy in a jock turns me on!"

"I know baby, I'm wearing it just for you."

I pulled the coat off and threw it onto one of the boxes. I pulled him to me grinding my now hard cock into his crotch. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him passionately. I slowly moved Jake backwards towards the dresser. Once his ass was firmly against the dresser I continued to grind up against him. I moved slowly down his body until my face was against his jock strap bulge. I sucked his cock into my mouth through the jock. Jake tilted his head back and moaned. I continued doing this until the jock was almost transparent from my saliva. I moved back up his body and stopped at his nipples to suck and nibble on them. I continued my way up until he was kissing me trying to stick his tongue down my throat. I pulled away and went back in for another kiss, I moved a little lower and sucked on his lower lip. Jake again moaned into my mouth. I couldn't take it anymore. I looked him straight in the eyes grabbed him by the sides and turned him around. I pushed him down so that he was bent over the dresser. I unzipped and dropped my pants. I stepped out of them as I pushed my boxers down and kicked them off as well. I grabbed the lube out of the top drawer and generously lubed my cock and placed it at Jakes hole. I bent forward and slowly pushed my hard cock into his ass. Jake took in a sharp breath and let it out slowly. "I'm sorry baby.. but you have me so hot and horny. I had to be inside of you."

"It's okay, Just shut up and fuck me." He pleaded. Once I bottomed out I pulled all the way out again and re-entered him again and again until he was squealing with delight. I pulled completely out so that we could move over to the bed. I had Jake lay on his back as I moved up and in between his legs and re-entered him. I moved over Jake and kissed him deeply and pulled back saying "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too Chance." He reached down and started fondling himself. I moved his hand away saying "Nope.. I will get you off... no touching." I started moving my hips again making love to Jake. I rotated my hips making sure that I hit every part of his insides including his prostate. Within minutes he was moaning with delight and throwing his head from side to side. "I'm gonna cum Chance. ..... gonnaaa cummm." He said as I felt his ass muscles tighten around my cock. I watched in amazement as his dick expanded in the jock. His dick pulsed and shot thick white cum that slowly leaked through the jock fabric. With that sight I couldn't hold back any further and started shooting into his ass. I kept pumping until I was spent and then laid down telling him how much I loved him.

We got up and cleaned ourselves up and then I helped him go through all the clothes.

We bagged up everything that we weren't going to keep and hung up everything we were, to say that the closet was full is an understatement. I looked over at Jake as we hauled the last box out to the burn pile saying "Don't forget next Sunday is the family Christmas party. Everyone will be here."

"How many people?" Jake asked.

"About thirty"

"Thirty... holy shit Chance, how are we going to fit everyone in the house?"

I laughed and said "We do it every year.. some upstairs, some downstairs. Some will play pool, darts, watch movies or play video games. They have enough stuff to do to keep them busy and out of the kitchen."

I grabbed his hand as we were walking back to the house. "oh shit I almost forgot to tell you.. we have a gift exchange every year. You only buy one gift and it can't be over twenty five bucks."

"Oh okay.. Ummm, did you already pick something up?" He asked.

"Yeah.. the women are always fighting over crock pots for some reason, so that's what I got."

"What do you think I should get?" he asked.

"Not sure. Get something for hunting or some work tools. All the guys fight for them."

"All of them?" he asked side stepping and hitting his hip to mine.

"Okay not all." I said laughing. "I can't stand hunting and I sure the hell don't work on my jeep."

He stopped and pulled me to him kissing me on the lips, and then asked "What about us.. are we exchanging gifts?"

I smiled at him "I don't know? Are we?"

"Hell yeah, I think we should." He said smiling at me.

"Okay, sounds good to me. However, let's agree not to go overboard... okay?"

"Okay." He said leaning in and kissing me again.

I have no clue where the week went. I received a strange call from my bank as I was coming home from work on Wednesday. It was Sam Moran the VP of the bank asking me to come in. That he has some papers for me to sign, and that it needed to be done as soon as possible to close the transaction. "Sam I'm not sure what you're referring to. But I don't think you have the correct person. The only thing I have open at your bank is my checking and savings account. I paid off the house over two years ago.

"Chance.. a gentleman is opening a checking and savings account with your name on the account. I need you to come in and sign the papers to finish the transaction.

"Sam I'm not sure whats going on. Who is this person? Whats his name?"

"Its your partner Jake."

"Ohhhhh.. Ummmm... is my PARTNER still at the bank?" I asked with emphasis on the word partner.

"Yes Chance.. He's here in the office with me."

"Okay Sam, I will be there within a half hour. Please tell Mr. Gyllenhaal to wait."

"Okay, see you when you get here Chance."

As I was driving I wondered what Jake was up to and why he would want to open another checking account.. I sure the hell didn't want or need access to his money. I don't want his money. The only thing I want from Jake is his love, compassion and of course sex.

About a half hour later I pulled up to the bank. As I was getting out of the jeep I saw Jake come out of the bank and walk up to me. He hugged me and then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled away saying "What the hell is going on Jake? Why am I coming up here to sign some papers on a checking and savings account?"

He looked away from me and then down at his feet. "Come on Jake start talking.. why am I at the bank?"

He looked up at my face and into my eyes saying "I wanted to open a checking and savings account here in town. I also wanted you added onto the account so that if I am ever out of town filming or away on business you will have access to whatever you need. So... its going to be a joint checking account with both of our names on the checks. But I need you to sign the paperwork so that they can finalize it and transfer the money into the account."

I stood there dumbfounded. "Jake that's a lot to digest and think about... what if someone gets a hold of one of those checks.. don't you think they are going to wonder why our names are on them?"

"I don't care anymore Chance. I love you and want to be with you for the rest of my life. NO. thats bullshit. I love you and WILL be with you for the rest of my life. I am not going to hide how much I love you anymore. If anyone asks me, or the subject is brought up, I will come out to the whole world. I am not going to hide who I am and who I love anymore."

I just stood staring at him. I .. Well.. Hell.. what do you say to that. He just confessed his love for me. Of course my answer will be yes.. I will sign the paperwork for the checking account. After I make a few things clear of course.

"Jake you don't have to do this to prove to anyone how much you love me. I know how much you love me. Jake, I don't want your money, you know that. We've already discussed this."

"I'm not doing this to prove how much I love you. I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks.. I'm doing this because it needs to be done. I love you Chance and I'm doing this just in case I'm gone and something has to be done or an emergency comes up and you need access to OUR money. That's why I'm doing this. The way I see it is.. it's not my money anymore... It's OUR money. I want us to be partners in everything."

"Okay." Was the only thing I could say. We walked into the bank together and headed straight to Sam's office. We sat down in the chairs directly across from him. He explained what I was signing and why I needed to sign it. After the last signature was in place he advised that he would go make the transfer from Jake's private account in California to the account that we just opened. I stopped him asking "Why does the money need to be transferred?" I looked at Jake and asked "Can't you just write a check from your account in California and deposit it in the new account."

Sam spoke up saying "With the amount of money he is going to be putting into the account its easier if a transfer is done."

"Oh.... Okay." I said not asking anymore questions. Sam got up and left to make the transfer.

Jake leaned over and took my hand saying "Thank you baby."

"No problem Jake. I love you.. you know that."

He leaned in and kissed me and pulled back saying "Yeah I know. This will take us one step closer to being true partners."

"Then I'm all for it." I said smiling at him.

Sam came walking back into his office saying "The account is setup and opened. You should be getting your checks within ten working days. The account transfer For Five hundred thousand dollars has been completed. The money is being put in the account as we speak."

I'm sure Jake and Sam could hear my jaw hit my chest. I then said not so tactfully. "Holy fuck." and not very quietly I might add. I'm sure the whole bank heard me. I looked at Jake and asked "Why?... why so much money Jake?"

"Baby, its not a big deal. I transferred that much because there are some things we need to do to the house.. plus I want to build the green house we keep talking about. We need to build the 3 car garage." I held up my hand to stop him.

"Okay okay. I understand. It just shocked me." I said shaking my head.

"I should have warned you and I'm sorry about that baby." As he took my hand.

Jake stood "Thank you so much Sam for all of your help with this. I do truly appreciate it."

"Not a problem Jake.. It's my pleasure. If you think of anything else you should need for your banking needs you just let me know."

They shook hands and then I shook Sam's hand and we left the bank. I walked up to the Jeep with Jake right behind me. I got in and shut the door and continued to talk to Jake through the open window. "Well babe I'm heading home.. do you still have more running around to do or are you coming straight home?"

"No I'm coming home. I will be right behind you." He leaned in and kissed me and I kissed him back. I pulled away "See you at home sexy."

He smiled from ear to ear and said "MMMHHMMM. See you at home lover." and then winked at me. I put the Jeep in reverse and headed for home.

Before I knew it it was Saturday and I was preparing as much food as possible for the dinner the next day. Jake was in the kitchen as much as I was helping me, which made it a lot faster and easier. We had everything ready by five that night. In the morning the only thing we had to do was get the ham in the oven a couple hours before the meal. The turkey was being deep fried by the guys so I didn't have to do anything with it other than season it. So tomorrow should be fairly easy and stress free. I hope.

Jake and I crawled into bed by eight that night. Exhausted from the week and preparing all the food. I had my gift for him wrapped and under the tree waiting for him to open tomorrow night. I noticed I had one under the tree wrapped with my name on it from him. I cannot tell you how bad I wanted to pick it up and feel it and shake and try to figure out what it was. But I forced myself to walk away. Okay okay I walked away that time.. but I went back. Hehehe, like you wouldn't have done the same. I never did figure out what it was.

I woke the next morning at my usual time, six.. I laid there thinking. Why is it during the week you don't want to get up and want to sleep in, and on the weekends you can't sleep in?. I ended up just laying with Jake wrapped around me softly snoring into my ear. I've come to the conclusion that I would spend the rest of my life with Jake. He is truly all I want and all that I will ever need in my life. I totally cannot see my life without him. Even if he does drool on my shoulder all the time.

I figured it was time to try and slip my way out of Jake's grasp when the urge to pee was too overwhelming. I was finally able to release myself from Jake's death grip and make it to the bathroom. I walked out of the bedroom and shut the door so that I wouldn't wake Jake, I then walked over and started the coffee. I heard the door to the bedroom open as Jake came walking over to me naked. He put his arms around me and hugged me to him saying "I missed you baby."

"I'm sorry hon, I tried not to wake you up. I figured I would let you sleep for a few more hours."

"You didn't wake me up.. I missed your warm body pressed against mine." I leaned in and kissed him and then said "You're too sweet. Jake you may want to put some clothes on though, its cold in here and I don't want you to get sick."

"Yeah you're probably right." He mumbled to himself and walked away. He came back out a few minutes later with sweats, a t shirt and socks on. He acted like he was modeling for me so I clapped and cheered for him. He walked up to me with a big smile on his face. So I said "You sure know how to dress up for me baby. I like it. Makes it easy to get them off of you later."

"Yeah.. plus I'm not wearing any underwear." he said smirking at me.

"That will be even easier then." I said leaning in to kiss him again.

We made breakfast together, we had oatmeal, fruit and toast. I cleaned up the kitchen as Jake started bringing everything out for the feast. By the time we finished getting everything ready and went in and took a shower together to save time people were just starting to show up. As the kids came in I sent them downstairs to play. While most of the adults sat upstairs and talked or played cards. Dinner went off without any problems and everyone pitched in to clean the kitchen up and get all the dishes in the dishwasher.

I called everyone up from downstairs letting them know that we were going to do the gift exchange. Everyone came running. We put all the gifts on and around the table. I had one of the younger girls take a basket around with numbers in them for everyone to draw out a number. Once everyone had a number we took turns picking a present and stealing anyone we wanted. We all had a good time. I grabbed some garbage bags and the kids picked up all the wrapping paper.

"Okay everyone time for dessert.. everything is out on the counter you can help yourselves when you want some."

Jake came walking up to me saying "Wait.. whoooaa everyone hold on. There is one more present that has yet to be opened. Chance.. this present is for you. I know we have had problems in the past and we have always worked them out. I want nothing more than to give you this present." He took my hand and continued. "I love you Chance, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I truly feel lost when you're not around. I want us to always be together. From me to you." He got down on one knee and said "From me for you and from you for me... I love you Chance.. Would you marry me?"

To say I was shocked and stunned would be an understatement. I'm sure I stood there with a stupid ass look on my face as tears slowly left my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

Jake reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring case and slipped it into my hand. I turned the box over and over again in my hands just staring at it. I heard someone say open it. I opened the box and cried even harder. The ring was beautiful.. It was a Titanium band that was not connected at the top. The diamond was placed into the center of it connecting the ring together. It was beautiful. I just stood staring at the ring crying. I looked up at Jake and saw tears running down his face also. I then looked around the room to see all the womens faces wet with tears.

I looked back at Jake and said "I can,t believe you kept this from me. Hell you suck at not telling me what you're giving me for my birthday or Christmas." I looked back down at the ring and then back at Jake and said "I love you so much, probably more than you will ever know. Of course I will marry you." I handed him the ring box back and held out my hand. He took the ring out of the box and placed it to my finger and slid it on.... it fit perfectly. I started crying harder and hugged him and kissed him.

Chase walked up to us saying "Okay... please tell me all this mushy shit is over now?"

We both turned and looked at him and said "Shut up Chase!"

Chase came over first and hugged both Jake and I at the same time saying "I love you guys and congrats on the engagement." Of course I cried even harder then. All the women of the group came over wanting to see the ring. Jake was beaming from ear to ear on what a great job he did in picking it out. It is truly a beautiful ring.

We did the gift exchange which is a lot of fun. Once that was done everyone started heading home. Which left just Jake, Chance and myself at the house. Jake wanted some coffee, so as he was standing at the counter making it I went over to the tree and grabbed his present from me and took it to him. I laid it down in front of him and walked away. I went and sat down at the breakfast nook table and waited. He looked over at me and smiled. He shook it trying to figure out what it was without opening it.

"You're never going to guess what it is.. so you might as well open it up." He came over to the table and sat down next to me. And ripped the paper off of the box. He pulled out the ring that I had made for him. It was made from titanium also but it was puzzle pieces that were fit together to form a ring.

"Its awesome baby.. I love it." he said slipping the ring on his middle finger of his left hand.

I moved closer to him saying "it represents the two pieces of a puzzle and how well they fit together like we do." I got up and moved to the sink saying "There's something else in the bottom of the box." I turned and leaned against the sink looking at the back of Jake's head. I watched him pull the papers out of the box and sit reading through them. He got up from the chair and started walking over to me, that's when I noticed he had tears running down his face. I met him half way taking him into my arms saying "Merry Christmas Babe."

He sobbed into my shoulder "I can't believe you did this. I love you so much."

"I love you too babe." I could hear Chase coming up the stairs saying "What the hell's taking you so long old man.. I cannot imag...." He stopped mid step and asked "What's going on.. what's wrong?"

"Jake walked over to Chase and handed him all the paper work. Chase read through it and smiled at me. "Umm... but I have a question though? "

I walked over and hugged Jake to me saying "Okay, what's your question?"

"I have no idea what that shit means.. what did you give him?"

I laughed because Chase is so naive at times. "I gave him half the house Chase."

The look on Chase's face was priceless. "Wow, you two are really serious aren't you?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

Jake said "Damn right we are. We're going to get married."

I looked at Jake and said "Did you want your Christmas present now?"

"Baby we can't do that right in front of our child?" and he started laughing.

Chase spoke up saying "If I was the love child of you two.. I would be a whole lot better looking than what I am?"

We both walked up to him and hugged him to us. I turned to Jake and said "Your x-mas present is in the cupboard next to the bills." Jake released me and walked over and opened the cupboard door. He pulled out the packet and started looking through it. Chase and I walked over to him as I said "Ive already talked to your management group and you have the time off." Chase had a confused look on his face. "Were going on vacation. The first stop is London then Paris. From Paris we go to Germany, Ireland and then Scotland. From Scotland we go to Austria and Switzerland and then head back home. We will be gone for three weeks.

Chase was so excited for us "You guys are going to have so much fun. I'm so jealous."

Jake looked at him and asked "Why are you jealous?"

"You guys are going to all those countries.. Why wouldn't I be?"

Jake started laughing and said "Because you're going with us dumb ass!" Jake handed him his itinerary.

"HUH!!!! What???? Oh my god I am??? Really??" he said jumping around.

I started laughing and said "Merry Christmas Chase."

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