Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 23, 2017


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Chapter 11 - A Shot In The Dark

Wednesday morning began with a view to die for; my beloved Tamam walking butt naked into the bathroom. Oh how I love to see him move. It was quite clear that he wanted me to sleep in, but that was not to be. I knew this would be another stressful day. The day would begin with breakfast with the General in his adjutant, they would try to talk to me about career options including reenlistment. "Fat chance" I muttered remembering last night's epic love making with my man.

Tam turned back in my direction, "What was that Jono?"

Damn I hadn't realized I spoke out loud. Curse my broken internal monologue. "Nothing Tam, I was thinking of a reply to the General if he asks me to reenlist."

"I do not know about your military, but I would recommend something slightly less confrontational than 'fat chance.'" He laughed as he walked back towards our bed. His cock showed signs of fading morning wood. Still semi engorged, it was swinging side to side like an erotic clock pendulum with his every step. My ass was still sore from last night's play. That didn't mean I couldn't help my man. I swear Tam could read my mind.

"Jono, we do not have time for that."

"But Tam, life is too short. You have to take the pleasure when it presents itself." I reached up and softly cradled his balls in the palm of my hand. In no time at all his cock firmed in line with my thoughts.

"I still do not see what pleasure you get from this..."

"The pleasure of pleasing you, and a load of your oh so tasty cum." With two or three slow and deliberate strokes of the massive slab of my man's meat, he was fully developed and leaking the sticky fluid I desired.

I flicked my tongue across then around the head of his fat cock. I used the tip of my tongue to scrape a bit of the precum out of the slit. He may be in a hurry, I was not. He lined up and pushed his meat against my lips. I parted them slowly granting him access on my terms and schedule.

He removed my mouth toy. "Jono, why do you tease me so?"

"My love I'm not teasing you. I want you to think on this all day long. I want this moment of bliss to carry you through the day. Until you are once again laying by my side again and take your place deep within me."

Then he again returned his member between my lips. I knew this time I would have to get about the business at hand. He was leaking cum as if he had a bottomless fountain. I sucked and slurped as fast as I could to capture as much of his precious juice. The surface veins on his cock were throbbing as he gently slid more into my yearning throat. Softly slowly he impaled my mouth to his root. Gently and firmly he drove in, until his soft bush was tickling my nostrils. The musky aroma of Tam was overpowering.

He paused his hip gyrations every so often so I could catch my breath. Then he would return to his slow teasing thrusts. His cock twitched I knew he would shoot soon. He pulled out and his seed became a shot in the dark across my face. He laughed playfully at his frosting hanging from my pouty lip.

He kissed my forehead and pushed me to my back, "They can wait for me, my beautiful boy needs me now." He positioned my body resting my ass on the edge of the bed. Standing before me he raised and parted my legs. His cock was still hard as he reached for the lube. He lined it up against my hole, and slowly he pushed in. "I will be gentle, but I love watching your sweet face when you cum." He wiped his thumb across my lips. I sucked his seed covered thumb into my mouth, as Tam massive glory filled my ass. I knew he would not last long. I wanted anything that he could give me.

He was taking long slow full thrust in and out of my chute. Such discipline and control, such delight he was providing me. I started stroking my own cock in rhythm with his thrusts. I begged for him to fuck me harder. "And disobey your Doctor's orders? Never!" Moments later he seeded deep in me, as ropes of cum shot from my cock.

As he removed my right leg from his massive shoulder he pushed down hard on the nail of my big toe. When he removed the pressure he smiled broadly as blood refilled the digit. He kissed then sucked my big toe, "Pink and pretty as it should be. But look, I have made a mess on my boy. This must be fixed."

I was grinning ear-to-ear behind the mask of seed he gave me. He swept me up from the bed and carried me into the bath. We took turns cleaning each other, as we shared our shower. I was still naked afterwards as I helped him dress for the day. "Tam, what does one wear to a private breakfast with a General?"

"This is something I have never done. Perhaps Benjamin can help you out."

As I quickly threw on my bathrobe I decided to tease Tam, "Hamzan would be very disappointed with the two of us. You have me so that I am hardly sleeping in his pajamas."

He walked to me picking me up off the ground kissing me passionately. "I would remind my tiny warrior, you have not complained about your lack of attire." Kissing me again, he set me back down on my feet, "Now Jono, go talk to Benjamin, he has to get ready for work as well. You don't want to lose the opportunity. Knock first, I believe that Adar spent the night, as did Pete."

I wandered through the rotunda to the other three rooms. I knocked on Captain Nelson's as the door opened and the smell of sweat and cum filled my nostrils. I viewed Adar's naked body. He answered teasing me, "Good morning Jono. Looking forward to another lazy day I see." Adar was fuzzy like my Tam but not as muscular. He was still pretty to look at. In less than a month the way I thought of men had changed so much.

"Good morning Adar. I was thinking for the appearance sake, that it would be wise to add you to the security detail. That way you would have a room to yourself here in the suite and fewer eyes would be raised when you visit Benjamin."

He smiled and replied, "I would very much like to be on your detail Jono." I had seen him on the range and I knew he could shoot. I figured if Ben and Tam trusted him then I could do worse.

The Captain moved on the bed as my eyes adjusted to the dark. "That sounds like a really good idea Jono. CRAP! IS IT THAT LATE ALREADY?"

"0500 sir. Sorry for the intrusion. I figured you'd be getting ready for work."

"Thanks for the save partner. I am supposed to be. What do you need lil' guy?" Light flooded the room as Adar dashed to the bathroom.

"What should I wear for breakfast with the General?"

"In normal circumstances I'd recommend blues, short sleeve shirt, no tie. These are hardly normal circumstances. Wait till six and give a call over and talk to the Major. He will steer you right. These two love the hell outta you buddy. Something else to keep in mind, the Eagles arrive this afternoon. They are the whole reason why the General is here. Expect him to be very short and tight with his time." Ben then rifled his hand through my hair. I have so many big brothers looking out for me now.

As I re-entered the hall and closed the bedroom door behind me I was greeted by yet another brother. This time it was Reza, "Good morning my baby brother." He purred as he kissed my cheek. "Shall we make the coffee?"

"Oh God yes. How was your evening?" He didn't need to reply his smile lit up the room. I kissed his cheek and gave him a big hug. "I take it things bode well for you and Pete?"

"He is the rarest of all treasures. A dominant man who is not abusive. One who cares about my pleasure as much as he cares about his own. You have chosen so well for me. I think father will like him." I knew what he meant was that his father would tolerate Pete. If only for the sake of seeing his baby boy well cared for and not misused.

If these two became a permanent item, I knew there was a cover built in. Reza being a Prince, security would always be a concerned. It would be nothing for the family to 'hire' Pete as his traveling bodyguard.

We entered the kitchen and in no time at all we had a pot of cardamon coffee going. Slowly our fellow suite-mates started to wander into the lounge as if drawn by the scent of the coffee. Pete looked so cute as he was admiring his reflection looking at his new threads. "Nice suit Pete. You look so fine." I teased.

"Back off bitch he's mine." Reza jokingly replied.

Pete replied, "Reza, please don't ever do that again. Jono our friend Fibrin arrived last night. He's downstairs studying the layout."

"Thanks for the heads up." I noticed the time was 0600. "Time to call the Major." I dialed the extension to the Major's room.


"Yes sir, Airman Banks here. Just wondering what I should wear this morning. Blues or fatigues?"

"Jono, you are on stand down for another 24 hours. Hell son, I think the General wouldn't mind seeing you in PJs. At least then he'd know you were serious about resting today. That being said civilian attire would be appropriate to wear, think business casual. See you in about an hour."

"I'll be there Sir."

Now the question remains, what is business casual to the Major and the General? I know it could mean a lot of things to a lot of people. I chose to use the example from my Uncle Jack; A t-shirt, gray polo shirt, sports coat, and dress pants.

Tam and the rest went out to the base, leaving me alone with Reza and Pete. Once dressed I returned to the lounge and had a final cup of coffee with the guys. Pete offered to walk me out as a very sleepy Reza returned to his room. When we hit the rotunda he looked at me and said, "Thank you so much for introducing me to Reza. I never thought I'd let someone else into my heart. You are a pain in the ass as a protection detail. But as a man you are worth all the trouble. Please Jono, whatever you do don't let your guard down around Fibrin."

When we walked out the front door, I was surprised to see how huge the security detail had grown. Sgt Yahya Al-Ali was barking orders. I spoke, "Sergeant Al-Ali, is it shift change?"

"No young Prince, please return to your suite. Your pasty man has been seen in the hotel again. A member of my team has been found dead." It was as if a switch went off inside Pete's head. He reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved his derringer. As he handed it to me, Sgt Al-Ali raised his hand in objection, "No! The small noise maker is not sufficient. Young Prince do you know how to fire a Colt 1911?"

"Sergeant long before I shot marksman with the 1911 in the Air Force, my father taught both of his sons how to fire his. I was plugging targets from horseback when I was only seven."

Yahya motioned for one subordinates. The man removed his ALICE belt with a 1911 and ammo pouches hanging from it. I slung it over my shoulder. I knew if I tried to wear it around my waist without adjustment it would fall to the floor. The elevator doors opened and even more security emerged, including Agent Fibrin.

Pete was directing me to withdraw to the security of the suite. "Tell Reza to lock the door and shelter in his own room." Alex Fibrin nodded in my direction then directed Pete to the security office to monitor the cameras. Pete raised concern about leaving me alone. Alex reminded him I was armed, and that he was the senior agent and again told him to go.

I withdrew into the suite advising Reza what was going on. He closed and locked the door as I ran down the hall and pounded on the adjoining suite door to the General's quarters.

The Major initially chastised me for banging on the connecting door, but then thanked me when I explained my haste. He and I were sweeping and securing rooms as we passed each. The General was just stepping out of his room as we reached him. The Major brought him up to speed as I completed my task. General Mallory laughed, "It looks like you have done that a time or two." He picked up the receiver of the STU-II and advised it was dead.

"Crap, sorry sir that was my fault. I secured the STU when everyone left the suite. If you follow me I can reboot it in my office. I can also prep some food for us, my fridge is fairly well stocked." We made our way back to my suite securing the connecting hall in our wake. Once in my office I locked all of the doors and powered up and programmed the STU. The General thanked me as he picked up the receiver and started his briefing to base operations.

I asked the Major to secure the office so I can finish sweeping the rest of the suite. I also took advantage of the sweep to hide any personal items that might hint at last night’s carnal activities. I popped into Reza's room and advised him to do the same. By the time I was completed, Mallory was done with calls. "Sirs there are no surprises in the suite. Are you hungry? I make a mean western omelet, that would of course be after I adjust this belt."

Both officers laughed as I pointed at the oversized belt that I was wearing more like a baldric. We walked to the kitchen and I removed the 1911 from its holster, ensured it was on safe and placed it on the counter and began shortening the ALICE belt to my size. To be honest I had it set to the smallest diameter and it was still a hair too big. At least it wasn't over my shoulder.

I moved on to my next task feeding the two men. I started pulling eggs, veggies and meat from the fridge then went to work with a knife from the block. "I regret that I have no ham, but we can make due." Both men agreed as I sliced then diced strips of mutton and a couple of small onions dumping them into a frying pan halfway through the preparation the STU rang the Major got it first then called the General to the phone.

"CINC-USAFE, wants an update Jono, this will be a bit." The first omelet was ready and I zipped it into Reza. By the time the final three were ready to come off the griddle the General rejoined us.

I directed the officers to the table and served them, then plated my own. "I figured this would be faster and hotter than anything from the kitchen at this point until the building is secured. Let's face it this IS a big ass building."

The General was the first to speak. "Jono, weapons skills, language skills, technical prowess, and now I discover you are a damn good cook. Something still hiding in there?" He paused examining me hard. "I had a good chat with agent Fibrin last night over dinner. He told me he was looking forward to working with you 'AGAIN.' It did kind of strike me odd, because I could not find anywhere in your jacket that you ever worked with the OSI. Care to fill me in son?"

"With respect Sir, I'm not sure how much I can tell you. The agent was the original classifying authority. Given our current situation I have no doubt you have a need to know. Did you know Alex journals about everything, I would love to see his filing system."

The General was losing his patience, "Sir, we went on a squadron ski trip down in the Harz Mountains. He and I stumbled into a civilian law enforcement/tourist problem. Alex watched me translating for a polizei who is fighting to understand Greek, English, and French through his German and broken English. Not only were we able to solve the underlying language issues, we were able to dispel the cause of the fight, a poorly translated joke that started the brawl. All three of the combatants where so happy with the result, and the original joke, that each bought three rounds of drinks for the house."

"I have worked with Alex on two occasions after that, when he thought he could use my ear. The first when a group of drug smugglers who were shipping heroin all over Europe through the army supply chain. The Army CID requested Alex because their local operatives had been compromised. All Alex needed from me was my ear. I had to eavesdrop on them while He was making it look like we were on the date. The crew was operating out of a gay disco run by a Turkish ex-pat. It was more than a little bit uncomfortable. The second involved an Air Force Colonel who was selling secrets to the Soviets, that's the one I'm not sure how much I can share. Again I was just there for a translation assist. The Col and his handler bounced between four languages as they set up drop sites."

"I had heard about the first one, I didn't know there was so much Air Force involvement. I know about the second. He had a lot of people fooled. So you are 'Her Hörer,' I did not see that coming. A lot of folks thought you were a German contractor. There are a cluster of stars at the Pentagon and throughout Europe who would love to shake your hand. Damn fine work son."

"Alex thought down playing or hiding our involvement on the drug case might help the Army save face. That's when he started calling me the 'Listener.' It is a bit cliche but it did give me a bit of anonymity. No-one likes a rat sir. He kept me out of the reports for my protection."

"Jono, I told you before you need to start planning outside your career field. I can think of six other General officers would love to have you as their enlisted aide. When it comes to the enlisted aide position just about everything is waiver-able. Hell son I put in for you myself except for I'm trying to get my staff to cover. Jono, I can see the writing on the wall, my star is fading. Vice President Bush likes me, hell he speaks very highly of me, which is not helping."

He paused for a bite off his plate. "My career is not going to survive the next election, unless someone falls on their sword for what happened in Honduras and Nicaragua. I always had a soft spot in my heart for the little guy, the freedom fighter who stands up against the bully. You know the guy who puts it all on the line for their sense of right. That being said, we made mistakes."

"The next election is a statistical shoe in. The bottom line is, the last sitting Vice President who was elected to succeed his running mate, was Van Buren in 1836. The other inescapable truth is I've pissed off far too many of the other party. I hate to say that 90% of a general's job today is politics. It is a game I don't play so well."

He rested his hand on my shoulder, "Son I just don't want you to be in such a hurry to return to your old life that you miss the opportunities that are presented to you now. You have a hell of a lot to offer the Air Force, and I think the Air Force has a hell of a lot to offer you." As I was promising to consider his words the STU rang again.

The Major and I made short work of cleanup. He grabbed the dish towel and started drying as I washed. "You may want to stop calling the OSI agent Alex. He's a lieutenant colonel on active duty. That being said, you do impress the General. I have never seen him put so much effort into retaining an A1C. I hope you recognize the incredible opportunity you are being given."

I replied, "I do sir."

"Jono, about Fibrin, do you really think he left your name out of his reports to 'protect' you?" I nodded yes. "Ah, to be young and naive again. In a couple of days I will be your CO, I will be looking over his shoulder. I will tell you the boss and I do not trust him, neither should you. I cannot begin to count how many regulations he ignored. He never should have used you in the disco. He is a glory hound."

The General rejoined us. "Well that was interesting, I just got a briefing on your pasty man, I like the way you described him as 'the man in the bad suit' the CIA thought it was funny as hell. According to their sources he is a well-known assassin, a Bulgarian national with a string of bodies that stretches across four continents." His briefing was interrupted by a knock at the door. After verifying the identities of the men through the peephole I let the two agents in.

"Did you guys get him?" I asked.

Agent Fibrin responded, "No buddy, I think he gave us the slip. He is gonna mess up soon and we will grab him."

I looked at Fibrin and chastised him, "You sir. All those weeks we worked together, and you didn't bother to tell me you were a Lt Colonel?

"Sorry Jono, I wasn't sure you could maintain your cover, and I really did need you to look casual. It was a calculated risk."

The General chimed in, "Don't you think you should have notified someone in his chain of command that you were taking such a 'calculated risk?' Col Fibrin, I have never doubted the intelligence of a man who wears the same uniform as I do. This boy only had six months on active duty and no field training."

Fibrin replied, "Sir, there was a valid security aspect of both cases. I could not risk Jono's involvement becoming public knowledge. With respect, his CO isn't known for his good judgment, as recent events have borne out." He rested his hand on the back of my neck and continued, "General one thing I will tell you, if this boy was a staff sergeant, and on his second enlistment, I would be recruiting him into the OSI." The look on the general's face told me he was not impressed.

Fibrin continued, "Sir Jono, is a natural for covert operations. Part of the reason I like the Mobile TACS people is that because of their mission they have to be multi-faceted. They have to be truck drivers, security, field medical, and construction crews on top of their day to day jobs."

He took a deep breath, "Sir, Jono and I were in that bar less than 5 minutes and my cover was blown they knew I was out of place. The wait staff was already going around telling customers to be careful around us thinking I was CID. I was just about to abort the operation when Jono pulled it out of the fire. He noticed something I didn't, the bartender was deaf and lip reading bar orders. Did you know Jono can sign in 3 languages?"

I told them a few of my foster siblings were deaf. Alex continued. "I looked over and he's signing to the bartender. The next thing I know there's a ice bucket with chilled vintage champagne on our table, an apology note, and a complimentary key to one of the play rooms upstairs. To this day the boy hasn't told me exactly what he said."

I interjected, "There's a reason why I haven't told you. I heard what the staff was saying, I went a little bit off script. I signed to the bartender begging him and the staff to stop, that they were making my date nervous. I said that it had been six months since I got laid. I was so desperate, I'd even steal time from my very married boss. It must have worked because the staff did go around again and smoothed the waters. Most of the other guests smiled or winked in my direction."

I realized I had better get back on point. "The scumbags at the next table even relaxed and continued their discussions in Turkmen of how they could smuggle heroin through the army supply chain back into the states the next month. On the way out the bartender slipped a note in my pocket apologizing for screwing up my night. He also told me I could do better and gave me his address." The four men fell out laughing.

Finally the General's laughter subsided. "Jono, I was wondering if you join me in the office. I'd kind of like to have a one-on-one chat with you." I wondered 'oh shit what did I do now' but stood and followed after him.

As soon as the door closed the general put his finger in my chest, "Jono I'm going to tell you one thing son. Don't trust that son-of-a-bitch Fibrin. He never should have used you like that, on a tactical operation with only six months on active duty and no real training to speak of. I know you have some mighty powerful natural skills, but he still wrote a check with your life that he didn't have the right to cash. If he couldn't trust your CO, he should've found someone higher."

He sat and motioned me to do the same. "I'm not sure he even recognizes the fact that you bailed his ass out. Jono, how far would he have gone to maintain his cover? What if he had to take you upstairs to one of those play rooms? How far would you have had to go if there was a camera present? He took way too many chances with you. The fact that he left you unguarded this morning is unacceptable."

"Sir, I wouldn't exactly call myself unguarded. The half dozen men on the landing are nothing to sneeze at."

"Jono, the protocol set down by command said that you were not to be left alone EVER. I know you didn't get all the stats on your protection detail, mostly because the host nation and parent command didn't want you nervous. These men aren't screwing around, they want you dead. It's our job to keep you alive."

He twisted in his chair. "As far as the second operation, I know he didn't put your name into his report. Isn't it odd to you, there's an Eastern Bloc agent hunting after you specifically. Suddenly they go active when Fibrin arrives, that is one hell of a coincidence. Son I believe in coincidences, they happen every day. I just don't trust them.

On to new stuff. Jono, I was dead serious when I said there was a whole bunch of generals who could use an aide like you. I would like you to consider it. I'm not going to push you for an answer right now, but I would like you to think about it while you're here for the next 11 months. I can see you on the Go Team, but there are so many different ways you can serve. You need to start thinking outside your career field." With that we stood up and exited the room. Both Pete and Alex were gone. "Bryce what the hell's going on?!?"

"He's still here sir. Fibrin was informed, another of the Saudi soldiers was found dead just outside of the arboretum. He took Agent Ramirez to investigate."

"Did Ramirez ask to join the hunt or was he directed to?" The major responded that Pete had been directed by Fibrin. "Jono, this is what I meant. Fibrin knows where he is supposed to be. He is out hunting for glory. Bryce; you and Jono hold the fort, I have to brief Donnolly, this crap has gone far enough." He returned to the office to make the call.

I offered the web belt and weapon to the major. He turned it down saying I already had it dialed in for my waist, and he was already armed. We discussed some of the unit politics he was walking into. Simply put he was going to need to know where the bodies were buried. He already knew most of the players, he didn't know some of the tricks they used.

Fifteen minutes in, our chatter was silenced. We heard the roofing material disturbed by footsteps, there was just enough time for us to take cover behind the counter. A man in urban camo dropped onto the terrace. I drew the 1911, and flipped the safety to fire. Something was very familiar about the way he moved. The figure suddenly turned in the direction of the office. I saw the office door begin to open in the reflection in the glass.

I sprung up from cover, "Drop you weapon to the ground!" I commanded. The man spun back in my direction as I fired three rounds. The glass door shattered and the subject crumpled to the deck in a heap. The rotunda door flew open as Yahya and his men rushed into the room. My 1911 slid from my hand as I spun to the right. I saw the curls of smoke coming from the Major's weapon.

It was as if time slowed to a crawl, searing white hot pain in my right shoulder as I too hit the floor. The major was saying something but I couldn't hear him. He was packing the white dish towels against my shoulder. They turned red almost immediately. My head rolled to the left in time to see Yahya examine the heap of flesh on the pool deck. A quick gesture of a thumb across his throat told me he was no longer a threat. He ripped the grey balaclava from the gunman's head and his head bounced on the pool deck facing me. The baby face of Naveed Yasin was revealed.

My eyes locked on Yahya's, they filled with panic seeing me on the ground. I felt like I was falling as my vision narrowed. Yahya's men stepped in. My new jacket and shirt were cut away. I rolled my head to the right and saw the wound oozing out a crimson flow. The blood pool in the wound bubbling with air and it was becoming harder to breathe. "This isn't good..." I thought. My vision faded to gray then black.

I had the dream again this time it was a little different. Tam and I were still in the canoe drifting down Black Creek. Then I could see Mom and Dad tubing near us on the right. Mikaeel was just ahead. Jack, Aunt Bev and their baby girl were laughing and giggling on our left. It was a beautiful summer day.

The color drained from the sky to a sepia tone. The wind whipped up in the clouds rolled in. The giggling and laughter became sounds of panic and slowly one by one the voices faded. A wave crashed against the side of the canoe and it was overturned. I desperately thrashed around in the water looking for Tam, who is nowhere to be found. Another wave crashed over my head and drove me under the water. As I surfaced I found myself wrapped in powerful arms. I spun so that I could look on Tam's face, only to see the face of Naveed looking back. Naveed's icy hands came up and wrapped around my throat, attempting to choke the life out of me. I fought to no avail, I could not escape his grasp. As the life drained from me, his flesh melted away leaving behind just the eery visage of death itself.

I woke to the face of my beloved Tamam in the bright hospital room leaning over me telling me that I was safe. I had on a surgical gown and tubes running out of my body. He was kissing my forehead and wiping the tears from my eyes. "My love, I have you. Nothing will harm you ever again." I knew he was right, as I fell back to sleep.

I awoke again to the smell of a hospital. God I hate hospitals. The room was now dark. My shoulder was killing me. I saw a familiar shape at the foot of the bed. "Tam?" I asked weakly. His head rolled up as if he was just waking. I pulled the non-rebreather mask from my face and asked again, "Is that you, Tam?"

He quickly came to my side and buried his face in my chest. He needed a shave. "I thought I had lost my sweet boy. I never should have left you alone."

"I was hardly alone. As to losing me, never my love, never. I am sorry to frighten you so." I replied in a weak whisper. "My chest is so tight, and it hurts."

Tam raised his head, but was clutching my hand. "Naveed is dead you and Major Daniels shot him 6 times. Sadly one of his rounds hit you. It punctured your right lung. Why did you stand? You were safe, all you had to do was shout for the guards."

"Tam, there wasn't time, the General was coming out of the office. If we didn't act he would've been killed. It was my duty." I saw the fatigue and worry on his face. "You look so rough my love. How long has it been?"

"You were shot 3 weeks ago. You slipped into a comma after you woke from surgery. The General was seeking to medevac you to Germany. After consulting the doctors the King forbade it." His lips crashed against mine, "As to my appearance, try sleeping in a hospital chair for three weeks." He pushed the call button.

"The Bulgarian Tam, did they get him?"

Tam paused then replied, "He was shot dead as he fled the hotel."

The nurse entered. Her eyes told me she too was smiling behind her hijab. She took my vitals and said, "I will tell the doctors, and our father Tamam." Then she departed.

Papa Omar, Naser, Najib, and the doctors entered the room. I knew they were doctors because they flipped on the fucking lights without warning. Damn that hurts the eyes, even my Tamam grumbled. Papa Omar rested his forehead to mine rubbing his nose on mine. "I am so happy, I thought I failed my friend again." He kissed my forehead.

I clutched his hand weakly, "Neither you nor your family has EVER failed me or mine, Papa."

The doctors did what doctors do ran tests and patted themselves on the back. I was in the hospital another four weeks when another familiar face was at my door. "Good morning General Mallory!" I asked Tam if I could talk to him alone. He nodded and left the room closing the door.

"Back at you son." He replied with a smile. He looked at my service dress uniform hanging on the closet door and ran his fingers over the three stripes. "First time I ever promoted someone while they were asleep." he laughed "I just flew in to drop of the first off the two new AWACS birds. I had to stop by and thank you for my life." He shook my hand and sat in the chair next to my bed. I adjusted the bed so I was sitting. "I am told that Doctor Connor is going to release you on convalescent leave today. Any ideas where you will be recouping?"

"Papa Omar wants me out at the ranch." My eyes misted over as I asked if he had been told the rest.

"Yeah, Doc Connor told me. He said when the bullet hit your scapula it shattered and went back into your right lung. It destroyed a crap-load of tissue. He also told me the Medical Review Board has recommended your retirement." his voice cracked as he continued "You are just so damn small son. I don't see a comeback on one and a quarter lungs. Added to the other damage you've earned the retirement."

I was now crying, "God, sir I thought you'd be the one telling me to fight my way back."

"Jono, I don't believe in blowing sunshine up anyone's ass. I told you once it was time to think outside your career field. Maybe it is time to think outside the service. You told me the Air Force was an means to an end. With your VEAP and VA benefits you can finish your education. If you were to make it back through the review board, and they reversed the ruling, you'd NEVER make it back to flight status. Without that you'd never qualify to be on either AWACS or the Go Team. Major Cawfield told me how you wanted to be on a flight-crew. That just is not possible anymore."

"I guess I just needed a cold dose of reality. Thank you sir, for not sugar coating it. Before I separate, is it possible to update my home of record to stay here? I have lived my life as an American, but I am Saudi too. I think I really need to know what that means. The base Imam and his son have been tutoring me in the beauty of Islam."

Truth be told, Yahya had been present at my side every day for the twelve hours Tam and Ben were on base. I began seeing the beauty my father saw in the faith. Like Tamam, Reza, and Naser I doubt I would ever be a particularly good Muslim.

He rubbed my hair, "Jono, I do think that can be arranged. In fact I don't think these folks will let you go. I will make sure the paperwork is ready in the orderly room. Oh, one more thing. I need you out on the air field this afternoon in your service dress uniform at 1500. I wanna show you something cool."

"Forgive my appearance in advance. It'll look like I am wearing a duffel bag."

He replied, "It's not the uniform that is important. In the end, it comes down to the man who wears it." He shook my hand and then he left the room. Tam came in and held me till I regained composure. I was all his now, and for this moment in time it was more than enough.

Why does it always take so long to get out of a fucking hospital? The doctors and administrators came and went with kind words and parting instructions. Finally Prince Aziz, the Trauma doctor who treated me, and an orderly arrived with a wheel chair. "Is that really necessary? If the media is out there, I want the world to see these bastards failed! Can I please walk out under my own power?"

Aziz waived the orderly away. We exited the hospital, and the media was there. Tam was to my left and Aziz to my right. Both men were ready to catch me if I stumbled. Neither took this moment from me as we entered the car and drove off to the base.

While in the hospital Najib managed to reverse the name change associated with my Uncle Jack's adoption of me. I was beginning my new life with my father's name.

That meant paperwork and quality time with Sergeant Dennis. "Jono! Brah it is so good to see you! Shit man the place ain't been the same without you." He grabbed my good arm and pulled me in for a Hawaiian hug. To be honest the hugs from his Polynesian frame hurt before I was shot.

As he released me and I could breathe again, I coughed and patted his massive chest. "Good seeing you again too sir." He pointed to the scale I removed my jacket and stood on the scale. My heart fell as it was leveled at 78 pounds. I lost 20 pounds.

"Damn Brah, I didn't think it was possible for you to get skinnier." He saw the pain on my face. "You'll get it back Jono. I got all the paperwork done just need you to sign."

It took about twenty minutes to sign it all. "I'll have to run the ID and line badge over to the Saudi side, our laminator is down again, fuckin low bid piece of crap. I'll have them to ya before you leave today. This is from our friends at finance."

I opened the fat envelope, "FUCK!" In my life I had seen a pile of money. NEVER this much handed to me at once.

"I am told General Donnolly had your rank adjusted to your day of enlistment. You were robbed brah. You shoulda come in as an A1C. That is your adjusted back pay and benefit money."

I knew with his sad, "Pau Brah" and hug, we were done.

I sealed my paperwork and pay envelope in Tam's briefcase, and put my jacket back on.

I rejoined Tam in the lobby and we headed over to the briefing room. General Mallory was standing between the King and General Donnolly CINC-USAFE. Captain Nelson called the room to attention.

General Mallory bellowed, "Senior Airman Al-Amin front and center." Tam passed the briefcase off to Naser and fell in on my six. I know he was there to catch me if I should fall. To be honest the ceremony was a blur.

As General Mallory read the citations as General Donnolly formally presented my Purple Heart and Silver Star for saving General Mallory. I was advised Lt Col Daniels was awarded his earlier. General Mallory called Vannessa and Omar Hassan forward. "By order of the Secretary of the Air Force Senior Airman Jono Bin Aban Al-Amin for his valor and exceptional devotion to duty is granted a Stripes For Exceptional Performance promotion to Staff Sergeant United States Air Force. Nessa and Papa Omar pinned on my new stripe.

Sgt Dennis handed the General my new ID and line badge, who in turn presented them to me. After a brief reception in the mess hall I said my goodbye's to my team mates.

Nasser said he would drive the baggage home. Najib walked the rest of us to his "new toy" a gold, tan, and black Bell 222. Tam and I climbed in the back and sank into the leather seats. His sister the nurse and Nessa sat across from us. I am not sure who was whose escort.

Tam buckled me next to himself in like a child. I could have done it myself, but I was too tired to fight. Besides I think it made him happy to do for me.

Once airborne Tam loosened my seat-belt so I could lean against him. The sound of his heartbeat was better than any lullaby. A little over an hour later we were landing on the ranch. Tam and Naser's sister Fahima led Nessa to one of the guest suites.

Tam and Omar wanted Fahima close to me in case anything went wrong with my health. Ben approved a two week permissive TDY for Vanessa to help me get settled in. Tam set me down on the ground long enough for Papa Omar and Najib to welcome me home. Then they led the way to the house as Tam picked me up leaning the left side of my body against his.

I slung my left arm around his neck and rested my nose against his neck God I loved his smell. I missed not being with him sexually. It must have been worse for him, seven weeks is a long time for a man to go without. I knew we didn't have a lot of time he had to be back in Riyadh on Monday.

He carried me into his suite and set me down as if I was going to shatter. I started to remove my service jacket but my arm was not doing what I wanted it to. I just did this earlier, why can't I do it now I thought. I was getting frustrated. If I couldn't handle the big buttons on the jacket, how in the fuck am I going to get the little ones on the shirt open. A weak right arm. Damn what a cultural nightmare this is.

Tam sensed my frustration, "You are tired, it will take time. Give your body that time. Until then, let us help you. As you helped Naser and Reza." He opened the buttons and slid the jacket from my shoulders and then the shirt. He looked at as if he couldn't figure out how to get the t-shirt off without hurting my arm.

"I have it from here Tam."

He smiled as I contorted inside the stretchy loose fabric. I had a smile of victory as I emerged from the cotton prison, until I saw that the smile fade from his face when he saw my body. He hadn't seen me naked for seven weeks. Then I saw my own reflection in the wardrobe mirror. My ribs were sticking through the skin like an over stretch drum.

"Well we might as well see the rest." I drew a ragged breath and kicked off my shoes and let my pants fall to the floor. Some people, normal people would hardly notice a 20 pound weight loss. On me the difference was huge. Immediately understood why Tam was looking at me so differently, and why everyone was treating me as if I was made out of delicate fine porcelain.

I sank to the floor crying. Tam sank down behind me pulling me into his chest. "It is how your body heals. Your body needed all of its resources to repair the damage to the trauma in your chest and shoulder. Reza's mother and sisters have already adopted you and have plans to fatten you up again. My sister will supervise your physical therapy, with Naser or Najib to help you when I am in Riyadh."

I whined back, "I'm ugly, you deserve so much better."

"Jono, We have been through this. For me, there are none better. This I know, I have had others. You have had a long day, it is time you were in bed."

"Tamam, will you take me tonight, please?" I pleaded.

"Has my boy missed me, as much as I have missed him? We will have to be careful." He stood then helped me up, and led me to his bed. He sat me down on the edge and slowly removed his clothing for me so I could see his body and all of its manly majesty.

I started to reach for his swelling member and he chastised me, "Jono, use your right hand." Suddenly some parts of physical therapy were looking downright enjoyable. It was difficult to maintain contact and get a good motion going, but I guess that was the point he was trying to make. Thankfully it didn't take long for him to develop.

I leaned forward and took the head of his leaking shaft between my lips. After a few minutes of treating me to pure oral delight from his rod, he took over and pushed me back on the bed.

He covered my body with his. Kissing my lips, working his way down to my neck, and then he went over to the right shoulder. He started kissing the tender tissue around the scar that had begun forming. I remembered my father telling me kisses could heal. With Tam I knew they would.

He raised my legs, resting them on his shoulders. Reaching over to the nightstand he grabbed the tube of lube. Unlike our first night, he squeezed a little into the palm of his hand and warmed it. Then he coated his finger in the warm lube and gently slid it inside me. My lower lip disappeared between my teeth as I let out a soft low moan pleasure. It was hard to believe how much a sphincter could tighten in just 7 weeks.

Tonight was going to be almost like our first night together. I didn't realize what he was doing at first but he had his left hand with the lube just under my butthole. It wasn't until the insertion of the finger that I realized he was dredging second and third fingers through the fluid getting them ready for insertion as well.

As he worked up to the second and third digits, he began twisting and wiggling them ever so gently. My hip started to buck back against his hand. I was starting to thrash hard upon the bed and he put his left hand on my chest, "Easy Jono, this is a trot not a gallop." He was the stallion, I was the foal. His to teach.

His cock was rock hard, clearly he missed me. Slowly, gently he buried his pole within me. My ass stretched to accommodate the huge invader. My hips rolled to coax him on, and drive him in deeper. At long last I felt his pubic hair tickle my butt cheeks. My stallion owned me, completely.

His right hand slid from my hip and he caressed his fingertips across my wound site. He smiled at me and kissed my right calf. He slowly picked up speed as he thrust deep within me. Without touching it, I shot my seed over my stomach and chest. The sight of it tripped his orgasm as he seeded deep within me.

We showered and Tamam dressed me for bed in my camel brown silk jammies. I curled up next to him. He pulled me close and he rested my head on his chest. I heard the heartbeat of my love.

He asked me what were my thoughts on the day. "Tam, I hate endings."

"Jono, it is not an ending. It is our beginning."

He is my purpose now I thought, as the thumping of his heart lulled me to sleep. Where he was, I was home.



Next: Chapter 12

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