Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 20, 2017


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Chapter 5 - An Introduction To My Father

I awoke to Tamam lightly rubbing the skin between my eyes. I nuzzled deep into the fabric of his shirt deeply inhaling his scent. "Jono, you must wake now. We must dress you for dinner with the family."

I grumbled and whined, "Food is overrated, but family time is not." I discovered my sweet Arabian ninja already had an outfit selected and prepared for me, a jade color shirt that closely matched what he was wearing, and black trousers. "Tam, you have ruined me." The comment elicited a confused look from him. "I will never be able to buy off the rack again." His smile lit up my world, as he tousled my hair and kissed my forehead. We finished our preparations, and walked down the hallway to the central core of the house.

When we entered the great room I was surprised to find two new people to greet. But first Tamam addressed his father who greeted his son as if he had not seen him in months, instead of just this afternoon. Then Omar greeted me the same way. I was so happy he was slowing his speech so I could keep up.

Tam, then took me to one of the new faces. They hugged and kissed on each other. I could see the family resemblance on the older man wearing a crisply pressed thobe. I was grinning like an idiot as Tamam introduced me to his older brother Najibullah. I knew first impressions were critical. So I decided to greet him in Arabic. "Good evening Najibullah peace be with you."

He replied, "And upon you be peace Jono. Your accent is really very charming. I see why Naser spoke so well of you, so very, very, very often. Thank you for assisting us during our staff difficulties today. Our guests were very impressed with your bearing and behavior. You were not the American cowboy from the wild west they were expecting."

I wasn't sure how to accept that so I decided to accept it gracefully. "It is how I choose to honor those who raised me; by following their instruction. I will never shame my father, or his people."

With that I apparently had impressed him enough and he reached out and kissed both of my cheeks. "My friends call me Najib."

I replied, "You are most definitely 'distinguished' Najib. Thank you for your warm welcome." I couldn't help but make a play on his name.

Tamam then walked over to a smaller man who greeted him with great enthusiasm. When I was introduced to his baby brother Reza he immediately fell upon my neck like a dear friend. Reza was not like his brothers. He was at least a foot smaller and nowhere near as built. It was as if his body was built more for endurance than for strength. When we broke our hug I asked if he was a runner. He nodded in the affirmative. Note to self, a running partner, if my Tamam will allow it. He whispered a question in my ear "Did you like the toy chest I picked out for you?"

I blushed bright red remembering the vibrating orbs, and whispered back, "The string of balls was fun, thank you." Tamam glared at his little brother. I guess he didn't like me whispering to him. "Ana asef Tamam." He smiled and tousled my hair with his fingers.

Papa Omar said in honor of my last night at the ranch, we would have an American style dinner of steak, potatoes, and fresh steamed asparagus. "Your foster parents said asparagus was your favorite vegetable." Reza's nose crinkled as if he smelled something truly foul. Later he would pull me aside for a lesson on how cum gets its flavor. Apparently meat, heavy proteins, and animal fats give cum a bitter taste, whereas starch gives it a mild sweet flavor. Fruit gives it a very sweet flavor. He told me asparagus on the other hand makes it taste really rank.

Reza intrigued me. Not only did he not look like his brothers, he did not behave like them either. I learned that Tamam and Naser had the same mother but Najib and Reza were from two of Omar's other wives. The whole arrangement was confusing to me. But, as brothers they all loved each other so who was I to judge.

At dinner Najib asked, "Jono, Naser told me that you play cello for falcons, is this so?"

"Yes it is. When I was troubled, or working on a solution to a problem, it was an escape. While Naser was with us, I was having difficulty continuing college. The state had cancelled a promise of tuition assistance. The medical bills of the foster siblings made it impossible for the Ghorbani's to help. Add to that interns with the Symphony, like me, did not get paid. I was more than a little blue; I needed a brief break from reality. I rode my horse down to the dock with my cello on my back and played for a couple hours as the eagles, hawks, and falcons fished in the Gulf. I did not know that Naser had followed me and heard my entire set." I smiled at Naser.

Reza asked, "What does an intern do with the symphony?"

"He gets lunches for the performers and crew, runs errands for the conductor, and hopes that someone gets sick so that he can play in a performance." I joked. "Actually, I got a lot of stage time. The conductor and the other performers liked me. Although they could not see past my years, thinking I was lacking the maturity to truly understand the music. Thus the reason I was an intern and not a full member of the symphony." Reza replied how much it must have sucked. I could only agree and add how I was still (in the eyes of the state) an under aged worker at the time.

After dinner we retired to the family room Papa Omar and I played a few games of backgammon. While his sons chatted away, Omar beat me two out of three games. I discovered Reza was a student home on vacation. I was surprised that he was studying abroad. He was studying to be a physician at the University of Bremen. He spoke of his house in Osterholz.

I was amazed that he knew about our unit's compound in Basdahl. He said he had three rooms that were empty, and how the commute would only be 25 minutes from his home, as opposed to the one hour from our support base in Bremerhaven. It was hard to tell if Tamam loved the idea or not. I told Reza E-3s were not often given permission to live off base, and having a car was mandatory to even apply for the option. I think Tamam smiled at my evasion.

While playing chess with Najib I found out that he was a lawyer, with a practice in Dhahran. His practice was centered on contract law, I feigned interest. To tell the truth I disliked lawyers in general. He boasted about a successful case he just argued in Bahrain. It centered on a French company's breach of contract. He laughed about how he could have used someone with my linguistic intrepidity during the research phase.

He looked at Tamam and asked if he may pick my brain while I am in country, if the need should arise. I must have had an annoyed look on my face. Tamam looked at me and gestured in the direction of his brother. I told Najib I would be happy to unofficially help him. But if he needed more, regulations require that I would have to clear it with both my wing and base commanders. He acknowledged the limitation with a smile.

I then asked for some advice. "I am curious if my Saudi passport could be renewed while I was in country, or if it was no longer valid with the death of my father, and my uncle's adoption of me."

"Jono, have you ever formally renounced your Saudi citizenship?" I told him I had not, and I added that the U.S. government did not recognize the Saudi citizenship. The five men laughed and Najib replied, "Their opinion does not matter in regards to our laws. Do you have the passport with you?" I told him it was at the hotel in the room safe. The name on my passport was Jono Bin-Aban Al-Amin. "I will inquire on this matter for you Jono. I am curious, why is this important to you?"

"It was important to my Papa that his name continues. He was the last in his line. He was gravely wounded protecting his commander back in 53. Momma was on scholarship as a nursing student in Riyadh and was part of the treatment team who cared for my Papa. They fell madly in love, the fact she looked somewhat like Jayne Mansfield didn't hurt. Because I was their second 'miracle baby' and was not supposed to survive made mom a bit 'clingy.' If they would travel overseas, I was dragged along. So long as I was not in school at the time. They even went so far as to plan their trips around my school calendar."

The odd look crept onto Omar's face as he cradled my cheek in his right hand. He then turned and shuffled into his office. I guess it was late because I yawned as I asked, "Did I say something wrong Tamam? Should I apologize to Papa Omar?"

"No Jono, it has been a long day, and we face another busy day tomorrow." His brothers took turns saying goodnight to the both of us. As we entered Tamam's wing I could hear the other men chattering away.

I dressed quickly and climbed into bed with my naked giant. I cuddled next to him and fell asleep quickly cradled in Tamam's mighty arms, having pleasant dreams of the future. As I drifted off I could swear Tamam was softly kissing my forehead.

Sunday morning I woke with the sun, just not with Papa Omar's son! I am a very light sleeper, how did my Arab ninja sneak out of bed? I took care of nature's call, and found the slippers Tamam picked up for me. Gawd my head was throbbing. I woke with a massive eye-watering headache. I knew it was a delayed withdrawal from Naser's sedative. Fuck the morning stretches, I am sore.

I waddled out to Tam's living/dining room. No Tamam, FUCK! I waddled down the hall checking doors. Still no Tam! Okay, out into the family area. Entry hall, nope. As I approached the common room, FINALLY, I heard him, talking to his brothers. When I rounded the corner I saw the coolest thing ever. A family gathering around in the pit group sofa in their sleep clothing just being comfortable. Just sitting there enjoying each other's company. I actually froze in the doorway afraid to disturb the scene. It was Papa Omar who saw me first. "Good morning little one." I failed to hide my grimace as well as I had hoped. "What is wrong?"

"Caffeine withdrawal headache." Good save I thought. Reza presented me a steaming cup of cardamom-infused coffee. "Bless you Reza."

He teased my hair. "Perhaps, Tamam could take you to town and fix this."

My eyes rolled, "Okay you three, enough, let's get the haircut. Sheesh!"

"Have my sons been too persistent?" I nodded yes. This earned Tamam a playful smack in the back off the head from his father. Tamam attempted to tame my bed head cowlicks.

"How long have you been up Tam? I am normally a very light sleeper, what are you a ninja?" I teased.

"I thought I was very stealthy, but I have only been out here a few moments longer than you. How would you like a trip to the spa this morning and perhaps a bit of light shopping?"

"Yes please, I am sore everywhere." Tamam turned to Reza and asked if he wished to tag along. He gave an enthusiastic yes. I got the feeling Tam and Reza have a relationship bond like Mikaeel and I had. Looking at them both pleased me, and broke my heart at the same time.

Tamam saw the look on my face and asked, "Why do you look so sad Jono?"

"I am sorry Tamam, looking at the two of you, I was missing my brother." With that Tamam wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

Omar rubbed the back of my neck. "You remind us to treasure even the simple times together. I am so glad our families have been reunited. Sit and finish your coffee, my wives will have breakfast ready shortly."

One of my favorite things on earth is cardamom coffee. I used to sneak sips from papa's cup as a little boy. On buying trips to Turkey, Syria, and Jordan he would treat me to my own cup. Mom would grumble but pop would tell her I was learning to be a man.

The brothers continued their chatting and Papa Omar would add his wisdom. A few minutes later a handsome woman touched Omar's shoulder and whispered in his ear. He smiled and brushed her cheek. "They are ready for us."

We were guided into the dining room, the main table was covered with plates filled with flatbreads, balila, ful mudammas, zater, labneh, waffles, pastries, and the ladies prepared Mishi waraq and kanafa as well. The family was making me feel so welcome, and cared for. Reza leaned over and told me his mother made the grape leaves and the fried phyllo dough. I had forgotten how large the traditional Arabic breakfast was.

The Ghorbani's had become somewhat westernized. Partly due to the small stipend that DCF allotted them for the care of the children in the group home. We relied a lot on the free breakfasts and lunches from the school district. They did provide for our needs. What we lacked in exposure to their culture was made up by the sharing of their love for us.

Tam led me by the arm to the big table. I was given the chair to the right of Omar with Tam to my right. Najib and Reza were next to their mothers across the table and Naser was on our side of the table to Tam's right. I looked down at the fried eggs on my plate and so they were prepared over-hard, exactly as I would normally have them. I immediately looked at Tam, "Did you call Afsoon again?" At which point he posed in a "who me" style.

Reza's mother Daliyah turned to her husband and commented on how charming my accent was. I was surprised she addressed him in Shabaki (a Kurdish dialect). In her dialect, I asked Omar for permission to talk to his wife. A look of shock spread on both Reza and Daliyah's faces. I excitedly explained it had been years since I had the opportunity to use it. He smiled and gave permission.

I asked, "How long has it been since you lived in Mosul?" I knew she must have left when she was young but the accent was there. She confirmed my theory and said her family had left Iraq for business opportunities in Saudi Arabia when she was 8. Where she was educated and later promised to Omar. She in turn asked how I learned Shabaki.

"My Papa was planning a furniture buying trip to Batman, Turkey. He was asked by the Imam of his mosque to help lay the groundwork for the building of a school and clinic in the village of Çukurca. It was during summer vacation and he asked mother to bring me along. My parents were eager to reward me because I had skipped a grade in school. The fact was they wanted to slow me down a bit. They were afraid I was missing out on my childhood and thought that a grand adventure might just be enough of a diversion.

Papa loved watching me learn new languages. When we arrived in the city we found a small group of refugees from North of Mosul. Within a couple days I was asking simple questions of the children. By the end of the first week I was asking the adults questions. Most thought it was 'charming,' others not so much. There were a few times I spoke too much and was directed by Papa to shut up." She smiled and Tamam rubbed my shoulder. Tam put some basturma sausage on my plate as a subtle hint that I should eat as I talked.

Daliyah told me how her younger cousins still attend that school. She also told me how the locals continued to praise the Saudi hero and his American boy. I simply nodded and smiled. I told her I had very little to do with the actual project I was there solely as my father's son. She told me that was not the way she was told the story ended, and how my involvement in winning over the local officials was more important than I had thought.

I smiled and looked at Tam, "Remember, Nessa told you I was good at translating humor. Although Papa had a huge heart, he didn't have that gift. His attempts at humor were often perceived as threats." Papa Omar broke out in laughter. It made my heart happy to know I was with someone who knew the people I loved, and to know that I was not alone anymore.

After the meal was done Tam and I returned to his wing before we went to town. We showered and met Reza in the great hall Papa Omar, Najib, and Naser were there as well. Farewells were extended I realized we would be going back to Riyadh straight from the spa. As we walked to the garage I was feeling melancholy. Tamam hugged me saying we would be back next week. He helped me climb into the back of the Land Rover, it was loaded. Something was wrong. The luggage was different. The Hassan telepathy kicked in again. Tam spoke, "Jono, we are giving Reza a ride to Riyadh. His break from school is almost over. He is returning to Bremen for winter classes."

Reza extended a few colorful words. I blushed and smiled as Tam semi playfully slugged his baby brother. I remembered how my own brother belted me when I repeated a profanity that he had just shouted. "Tamam, just where did Reza learn such language? It sounds like something a baby brother would learn from a big brother." Reza winked as he shot me an ear to ear grin. I returned his smile and said, "We baby brothers have to stick together."

Truth be told, I was a little jealous. He was in my seat. I should be next to MY Tamam. I know that was stupid. Tamam was his brother all his life. I have only been his lover for three days. A feeling of shame crept over me, along with a wave of nausea. Again Tam's telepathy kicked in again, "Jono, are you lonely sitting back there?"

"Just a bit, just being dumb I guess. Papa used to make me ride in the back when we traveled. I know there is a good reason." Suddenly the wave of nausea became a full-on tsunami. "I am sorry Tam, could you please pull over for a moment." No sooner had the car reach the side of the road and stopped, I threw open the door and said goodbye to my morning breakfast. Note to self I really do have to chew more.

I closed the door and began making apologies for my weakness. "There is no need to apologize. Perhaps I will let Reza ride back there with you to Riyadh. That way the two of you can get to know one another better." With that my nose dug into a trashy pulp novel and I let the boys talk. Funny thing about bodice rippers, it was fun to imagine myself in both the male and female character roles. Not that I was interested in cross-dressing. The thought of having a powerful male interested in me. To have him pursue me, succumbing to the heat of his seduction and passionate advances... Wait a tick, it happened. I always dismissed this stuff as a cheap fantasy, now I am both living and loving it.

We pulled into the spa and the staff rushed out opening the vehicle doors. I fell in alongside Tamam and avoided eye contact with the staff. Tam firmly placed his hand on the small of my back, both guiding my path and his action also told everyone else hands off. I wasn't fond of being treated like property, but I did love both his touch and attentions.

Reza was chattering away. We were escorted into a comfortable reception area and offered a seat. Shortly after an older tall handsome man entered the room. As he passed, I shuddered when he turned his head away and saw an old jagged scar on his right cheek. I wondered how he received such a mark.

He sat down behind his desk and started asking Tamam and Reza what they wished. I was starting to become used to being ignored, it still pissed me off. Then he screwed up, he asked, "What treatment shall we provide your charming plaything."

The Hassan telepathy kicked in again. Tamam could see the rage building in my eyes. "Forgive me Amman; this is the son of a dear family friend. This is Jono bin Aban Al-Amin." The confused look on his face was priceless.

"Please forgive my assumption. If I may ask, would your father be from Al-Hareeq?" I nodded yes. "Then my shame is doubled." He stood and walked over to the far wall of his office and removed a photograph from the wall. Walking back he presented the photo to me. "I had the honor of serving with your father."

My eyes watered as he pointed to Papa in his prime, wearing the rank of Naqib (captain) on his uniform. "He is a great man, so many of us owe our lives to him, none more than our commander." I could see Amman in the next row behind Papa. He too was young and the scar now on his face was not there. What floored me was who was in the row in front of him.

My finger slid down to a very familiar face Papa Omar. "Yes, we all served together. Tamam does our commander look familiar to you?" Tam let out a low profanity. Even I could identify a much younger image of the current King.

"I was the medic who first treated your father, just after he was wounded saving our dear commander, now king's life. I didn't think Aban would survive the day." He touched his scar and added, "I was not sure any of us would." The mood was short lived. Amman asked, "How does life find your father these days?"

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I told him of the crash. My voice cracked and I was unable to continue. Tam stepped in and finished my story. As my finger rested on Papa, I thanked Amman saying I had never seen photos of him this young.

Amman wiped the tear from my cheek saying, "He was very proud of you." It was a great mystery to me when I lost contact. There is no shame in tears shed for a lost loved one, or brother. Every man in our division was a beneficiary of his devotion to duty and his selfless courage. We all called him our brother. I guess in a way that means you have a great number of Uncle's or Papa's looking over you now."

"Thank you Sir." Suddenly Papa Omar's affection towards me made perfect sense. I wasn't just the son of a dear friend and business associate, I WAS his family.

"Jono, please call me Amman." He returned to his seat. "So, the three of you will have a good steam bath, followed by a wrap and massage. You young man, are in need of a haircut. Those eyes are so light they need protection... ...perhaps some kohl, or henna for them. It will help keep the harsh sun from damaging your eyes, and set them like the precious gemstones they are."

I looked towards Tamam who was nodding in the affirmative. I replied, "That sounds great to me sir."

"One more thing, Tamam, young Jono, is MY guest today. I am so pleased to see you again. You were so small when you accompanied Aban when his father died. But I do remember you." With that we were taken to a changing room. I was blushing as Reza saw me naked. I was feeling a bit of shame remembering the error I made with Naser.

Reza was different; his body was softer than both off his brothers. He had a few old scars on his stomach and back. They were circular in shape about an inch in diameter. He was the first Arab man I had seen, who had no hair other than what was on his head. It seems I was a curiosity to him as well. He sensed my interest flashed me his toothy smile and told me he waxed weekly to reduce friction in the pool. Then he asked if I waxed, shaved, or had mine chemically removed.

I replied, "I am all natural still, Reza. I would love to have the hair Tamam has on his scrotum or armpits on my chest."

Tam popped my ass with his towel. We wrapped our towels around our waists and joined our escort in the hall. To me the sauna was heavenly. I loved the dry Saudi heat, but the heat and moisture of this room was like August on the Gulf. Tam took the top bench, I was in the middle and Reza was on the first. We spread our towels on the benches and lay upon them. I saw Tam's semi hard cock and asked, "Do you wish for me to help you with that?"

He replied, "Perhaps later sweet Jono. Today is all about your pleasure." He pointed at my tiny erection and continued, "I think Reza would like to help you with that." I turned my head to find Reza had already shifted position. He was kneeling by my side and leaning in. His velvet soft lips locked onto mine. His hand was softly stroking my tiny member. His lips parted as if waiting for something. Suddenly I realized it was not like kissing Tam. He was waiting for my tongue to explore his mouth.

I tentatively touched the inside of his lip with the tip of my tongue. Electric bolts of excitement flew through my body. It was so different but also nice. As our lips parted find a strand of saliva connected us as he wiped it away. He looked at me admiring how surprised I appeared. He asked me why I was so hesitant to use my tongue. He asked if I had ever been a top before. My eyes dropped and the blush that filled my cheeks explained everything. Tamam had told Reza that he had been my first lover ever. Reza voice became sad as he told me how I could have done far worse than his brother.

Reza pulled me into another passionate kiss. His hand never once came off my penis. When our lips parted I apologized for having so little to offer him. He laughed and told me if it came from me and reached him he was happy. He softly kissed me on the neck and kissed his way down my chest and stomach. After what seemed like forever, he arrived at my waist. He looked up towards me and smiled, then opened his mouth and took me to the hilt. Licking and nibbling on the tender skin.

After a few minutes he let go, and ran his finger around my glans. "So Jono, did you present your ring to Allah. It is so rare for a Westerner to be circumcised."

I apologized, "I do believe in God, I do not believe in any one religion."

Tam interrupted me, "Never say that out loud in public again. Your father was Muslim so YOU are Muslim in the eyes of Saudi Arabia."

"I am sorry Tam, I didn't know." He nodded clearly I still had much to learn. I returned to Reza's question. "In America, it is common to have your child circumcised as an infant. They say it is for health reasons."

He smiled and returned to his efforts. The feeling of excitement shot through my body again. Here I was lying next to the man I believed the sun moon and stars revolved around. While his baby brother nursed on my cock. I was moaning with pleasure as his hand rubbed the skin between my tiny testicles and my ass. My eyes rolled in the direction of Tamam whose hand was slowly stroking his own slab of meat. Oh how I wanted him. Clearly he was enjoying the sight of his brother pleasuring me.

I started to reach for him and he shook his head no. Instead I took my hand and rested it on the back of Reza's head. I was yearning for the touch of my man. But for some reason he wanted his brother to pleasure me. Unlike the incident with Naser, this oddly felt right. Reza released my cock and began slowly climbing up my body to my mouth again our lips met in a fiery passionate kiss.

My tongue explored more of his mouth. "Jono, you kiss very well, and you taste sweet like I knew you would." I was having difficulty breathing. He wasn't heavy but he was putting a lot of his weight on my chest. My head was spinning as I started seeing stars. It was as if I was looking through a narrowing tunnel as I felt the strength leave my body, then blackness.

Tam must have realized I was in trouble. I awoke when he angrily barked at his brother "Reza, he cannot breathe! You are crushing the boy!" Reza quickly rolled us to our sides. After a few deep breaths, the bluish tint disappeared from my cheeks. Tam reached down with the hand he had just been stroking himself with and coddled my cheek. The musky smell of his crotch was still strong in his palm. I inhaled it deeply pulling my lower lip between my teeth.

I had to do something to lighten the mood. I looked at Tam and sang out, "He ain't heavy, he's your brother." I was pretty sure the Hollies would forgive me for the rewrite. Reza got the joke and laughed; Tam got the joke, but was in no mood to laugh about it. "I am all right Tam. Your brother wasn't that heavy. If I was in trouble I would have gotten his attention somehow." The painful truth was that Tam was right. I wasn't breathing. He knew it and was quite angry.

"Jono, you were blue! I am not the medical student, he is! If I cannot trust him when I am in arms reach, how can I trust him to take care of you when you are both back in Germany?" He turned his attention back to his brother. "You should have known he was in trouble." Reza was begging my forgiveness as he buried his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Tam stop!" I hissed. "My sex life is only three, THREE, days old! It's a difficult place to be in to start with. The two of you have all the experience. Need I remind you Tam, you injured me as well. We are all still learning what my frame can and cannot do. The important thing is I am okay." Suddenly a light bulb came on in my brain. Tam just said he wanted to leave me and Reza's care in Germany. "Tam, I thought you didn't want me to live in his house."

"It is better you live with him, then with strangers. I would rather you top for him, than bottom for another. As to your first point, I am sorry Reza, Jono is correct we are all still learning."

That light bulb in my brain suddenly got very bright. "Reza you want me as a house guest? You can do far better."

"Jono, it is not often that Tamam asks me for a favor. Especially one as pleasurable as caring for you. My last partner injured me, very badly. After that, he left me for another. I know you would never hurt me. Even if we become only friends, I would love to have you stay with me. I have three cars, so your transportation to your site will not be an issue. I have no problem signing one of them over to you for the duration of your stay in Germany."

Tam looked at me and said, "The house was to be a surprise. I know my brother would never force you to do anything you did not wish. He could never harm you, and you would never harm him. I know your eventual return to Germany was of concern to you. I want you to know I will not let mere miles separate us for long. If we had to be separated by borders at least he could protect you, until you could return to me."

Our conversation was cut short by a knock on the door. It was time for the next phase of our treatments. We entered another room which smelled really foul. The smell of sulfur filled the air. Ah, it was time for the body wraps.

Seaweed and some stinky mud were slathered on Reza and I. Tamam opted out of this level of the treatment he instead chose to sit in a side chair making jokes. I kept thinking to myself I have 6 months to make him pay for his mirth at our plight. After 30 minutes cocooned in the mud plaster the attendants returned and hosed and sponged us off. We were led into the next chamber which had large tubs of scented water to remove or cover the sulfur smell from the previous treatment. Mine smelled of sandalwood. I was tempted to join Reza in his bath, it smelled of jasmine. However, I thought it was better to behave.

Every so often Tamam would reach over and tap on my hand from his tub. Could he really read my mind I wondered? Between the heat of the bath and the bubbles caressing my skin I started nodding off. Each time I would start to doze off Tam would softly touch the back of my hand to bring me back. I knew if he was around nothing would ever harm me again.

I was just starting to really enjoy the tub when the staff entered the room. Reza was whisked away for his next treatment. The staff looked at Tamam then pointed in my direction and asked, "mazil alshshaer?" Tamam began laughing so hard mini tsunami waves of water flew over the sides of the tub. He shook his head no. I looked at him with a puzzled expression. He smiled and told me, "They asked if I wished a depilatory waxing for my boy."

"Thank you Tamam, I want to keep the small amount of body hair I have." As my waxing boys opened the door to leave we heard Reza let out a loud shriek. It was at that time I realized how truly grateful I was that I did not become a swimmer.

We were again joined by staff from the spa. Again they asked Tamam all the questions. They were talking about MY hair as if I was not in the room. I shifted myself in the tub to face Tamam. "Please remember the hair must still meet Air Force regulations." With that I slumped back into the tub. My tantrum made a little tsunami of my own.

Tam addressed me in English, "Jono, what hairstyle were you thinking of, how about a loose flat top? Something like a shaggy brush cut." I smiled ear to ear and nodded vigorously in agreement. He flipped through the photos given him by the staff occasionally showing me for approval. After six or seven samples he found the perfect one.

The stylists left the room to prepare for us and the next group entered. Five very effeminate Filipino men helped me out of the bath and began drying me off. In Tagalong they began chatting in hushed tones about how white and smooth my skin was. One remarked, "Clearly the TOY's hair is bleached, that light a shade of yellow cannot be natural." Stupid comments continued to fly from the young men's mouths. One even made the statement that I was probably another one of 'his' spoiled western sluts. That one stung, for all I knew maybe they were right. I knew I was not HIS first. Tam was glaring at them and asked me a question in English, "Do you understand what they are saying?"

I blushed and dropped my head, "I picked up the basics of Tagalog on a buying trip to the Philippines and Indonesia with Papa. It is not that complex a language. They were only gossiping harmlessly." Then I addressed the catty bitches in their language, "It is called corn silk blonde, it is natural, and as to your comment that I am a spoiled western slut, your boss just called me his nephew." Suddenly they fell mute as an expression of great fear and shame spread across their faces. I had the power and they knew it. Their conversation became just business. Once we were dry, soft fluffy robes were wrapped around us. Tam hugged me close on the way out and whispered in my ear "It showed when you became annoyed."

I whispered in reply, "Ana asef habibi." He kissed my forehead and told me I was his greatest jewel.

We entered a room with four massage tables' draped in towels. Three of the largest men I had ever seen were standing next to the first three. I must have given Tamam a nervous look because he asked if there was another masseuse available. The man was not offended, "The purpose is to relax, if I make you nervous those knots will never come out." With that he left the room. When his replacement entered I almost laughed out loud, it was one of the Filipino men who just mocked me. As I laid face down on the table he whispered in Tagalog "Please forgive us it is so rare for others to understand our tongue, we often forget others occasionally do. What we were saying was inexcusable."

I replied, "One language is never enough. You are forgiven." His smile shone like the sun. He began working on the knots in my back. It hurt as each knot released its hold, but the result was wonderful. I became more relaxed, HELL after 15 minutes I was almost purring. At that point Reza rejoined us. He was almost pink after his body waxing. I never thought I would be happy for the delay in puberty's onset. I could see Tamam trying to stifle a chuckle as Reza slowly moved to his table.

I was just about to make a joke when my masseuse told me to rollover. I asked for a towel to cover my midsection. I was still ashamed of my "shortcoming." He smiled and draped the towel as I rolled onto my back. He rested his hand on my now covered package and whispered in our secret language, "Young master, you have nothing to be ashamed of." Poor Reza was still whimpering softly. His skin was still sore from the depilatory treatment. I had made eye contact with him; I stuck my lower pouty lip out which elicited a smile. I hoped Tam would let me go natural, if puberty ever occurred.

I could see Tam chuckling, I love watching him laugh. The oils must have been infused with myrrh, my skin was tingling. I also smelled sandalwood; apparently that was Tamam's scent for me. 15 minutes later the magic fingers that practically transported me to another world stopped their magic. All of various muscle aches I had were gone. I felt like a tenderized piece of Kobe beef.

Tamam had already stood up and put his robe on. He then turned towards me so that I could put mine on and keep myself covered. He then turned his attention to his brother. "Little brother your massage is over. I told you to hold off on the wax until you return to Germany. It's time we move on." Reza deployed his lower pouty lip. Tam had immediately rebuffed it. He pointed at me and said, "He can do that and get away with it, you cannot little brother." Tamam ran his fingers through my hair "Are you ready to thin this?" My lower lip disappeared between my teeth as I gave a so-so sign with my hand. "Trust me, it will be great." My lip emerged from its hiding place as I smiled. He was Tamam, he is perfect, and he will never hurt me.

The stylist made short work of my shaggy locks. While he was shearing me, my hands and feet were soaking in some kind of goopy liquid. The stylist was smiling as he finished, and gestured for Tamam's approval who gave emphatic thumbs up. With that the stylist walked away and the Filipino girly-boys returned and began working on my hands and feet. It was like watching a NASCAR pit crew in action.

Four of them each began working on a hand or foot. I had never had a manicure or pedicure before. It was a cool experience. The fifth was my masseuse. He began stirring a thick paste and applying it to my face. It smelled like it contained some form of eucalyptus oil. It hardened on my face for about five minutes. The four men working on my nails finished their task with a quick massage of their assigned appendage, and then returned the slippers to my feet.

The fifth man on the team returned and began loosening the edges of the mask. As he removed the mask, I saw what it pulled from my pores. My nose wrinkled, I thought my hygiene was good. He smiled pointed at himself and said in broken English, "Jy Ang, sends you home with good skins stuff, keep you skins smooth and healthy." He ended with a wink, and I thanked him.

Once my skin was salt scrubbed, and cleaned, Jy opened a small packet of black powder kohl. He then wet what looked like a thin wooden pencil with a rounded end. He dipped and rolled the pencil in the powder packet, then applied it to my eyelids lower then upper. The rod gently rested against my eyeball then spun and swooped the pencil along the inside edge of my lids and down my eyelashes. It felt odd but it didn't itch or scratch like I thought it would. Jy smiled as he finished then looked at Tamam as he gestured towards my face. Tamam smiled and softly applauded. I still had not even seen my new hair. It was a little annoying.

"Jy, may I see?" He beamed apparently he normally was not addressed personally. He extended his mirror, the thin lining of kohl did pull attention straight to my eyes, and the flattop did frame my face. Then the demon raised its head again as I saw the scar in my hairline. My hand raised and touched the scar. My eyes watered.

Jy saw that I was upset, "Good Sar, you have such a very pretty face, no one ever see you very tiny lines." I thanked him as he applied some cologne, then a dusting of powder to my face and neck. I moved to the overstuffed wingback chair across the room and waited for the boys to finish their beard trimming and haircuts. Reza chose to have kohl applied as well. I knew this was not unusual for men here, with the harsh sun it was almost medicinal.

When the boy's grooming was complete, we returned to our dressing room. No sooner had the door closed when Tamam pulled me to my tiptoes as my robe hit the floor. "You are so beautiful, and I am so blessed." Our lips met in a passionate lock. I was craving his embrace all morning. When our lips parted I popped back to my tiptoes to kiss the now bare skin beneath his beard. As I stood naked in front of him, his smile seemed to warm me to my core. I was practically floating as I waddled back to my changing area.

Reza walked over and hugged me. He whispered in my ear, "I love that you make him so happy. He needed someone with depth as well as beauty in his life." I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him as Tamam had just kissed me. His robe opened and my skin crushed against his. The smell of jasmine on him was intoxicating. My right hand held the back of his neck, while my left slid to the small of his back.

Tamam interpreted, "I could watch the two of you play all day, but the mall and Riyadh await us." We quickly dressed and started to leave when Amman met us at the door. He presented me with a small wrapped box. "It is the photo you admired earlier. I have another I can bring from home." I handed the package to Tam and hugged Amman thanked him for saving my father's life. "Your father was a tremendous man. It was he who saved our lives. It was only right to return the favor." He kissed both of my cheeks, and then bid us safe travels.

We went to the Mall, and bought the gifts for Nessa and the Captain we had joked about on Thursday night. Tam got Vanessa a beautiful two portrait locket. I had told him how she had an antique locket that was broken on a deployment and how it broke her heart. I told him the locket itself was not all that important. She kept pictures of her brothers in it close to her heart. She's tried to find a replacement but could not find one that carried two photos.

I bought Captain Nelson a longer chain to hide his boyfriend's charm. I took a moment holding the chain admiring its clasp, weight and design. I saw that there was a smaller one in the adjacent case that matched Tamam's bracelet. Tam asked, "Jono, what are you thinking."

I asked if I could try on the chain and the owner presented it to me. It fell to the middle of my sternum, right over my heart. I removed it again setting it on the counter. I asked the owner if I could borrow his polishing cloth. I removed my father's wedding ring and began to restore its shine. The owner asked to see the ring and I honored his request. I told him how my Papa designed and made the wedding set for my mother. I shared that it was all I had to remember them.

He praised Papa's skill. I told him what happened the last time I wore it from my neck. I looked at the chain and praised the jeweler's craftsmanship. He looked at me and boasted none of his chains had ever broken, and how the clasps were designed to fail closed. We agreed on a price and I slid the ring on the chain. Tam helped me close the clasp. If Nessa could carry her family near her heart, it would be sufficient for me as well. Tam looked so pleased.

I asked Tam if we could get something to eat before we started back to Riyadh. He said it would have to be something fast. When Reza recommended falafel Tam and I began laughing. The laughter increased when he asked if it was a private joke. Three nights and three days seem like such a lifetime. We stopped at the cafe in the entrance of the mall just outside the family only zone and had falafel. Tamam had his strong tea, Reza had a coke (it doesn't taste right here), and I had a blend of carrot and pear juice. I kept touching the center of my chest. Tamam rested his hand on my shoulder saying, "I see the clasp, and it is still there." I apologized then he replied touching the indent in my finger, "It was there for many years. It will take time for you to get used to its new home." I wanted to throw my arms around him, but this was too public. Instead I merely thanked him until later when I could do more...


Next: Chapter 6

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