Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 24, 2017


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--Izzy ________

Chapter 13 -- A Killer Christmas.

December 25, 1986 (0325)

I awoke In my burgundy pajamas refreshed, re-energized, and very hungry. I don't know how I got out of my clothes and into pajamas. I had a feeling Naser had something to do with it. There was a Polaroid photo on Tam's dresser mirror frame.

I walked to the dresser, the photo it was a picture of me snuggling with the teddy bear Tam had shipped to me. I had a very peaceful expression and a smile on my face. I didn't care about how I got into my pj's anymore. I was however gonna hurt Naser for taking the photo. I just got 10 wonderful hours of recuperative sleep. I also realized that I slept through dinner. My tummy rumbled again.

I raided Tam's mini kitchen. There was a plate in the fridge with a note "You missed dinner." I devoured the contents without reheating them. I needed food. After killing the plate and the other nibblies in the kitchen, I was still happy, and very hungry. I donned my slippers and broke my connection to the protocal machine, after recording my vitals for Fahima. Then I set out for the kitchen.

I quickly acquainted myself with the main kitchen. After polishing off a fair bit of the leftovers, I was startled by a familiar voice behind me. "Baby bear what in the fuck are you doing up?" I spun to find Nessa wiping the sleep from her eyes. After seeing the empty platters, she answered her own question, "Hungry?" I nodded. "It's about fucking time!" She said with a smile. "Daliyah was starting to think I was lying about your recovery appetite."

The light bulb finally lit over my head, "Why you up mama bear?"

"Missing bama' a bit. You do remember what today is right?" She replied then asked, "You know what I am craving right now?"

I almost answered with Najib or bacon, but I went with a shrug and a head shake.

"Sugar cookies. I thought I would bake a batch for you and Najib." I pointed out the ingredients for her as she needed them. I also did the metric conversions for her. The first batch had just been set out to cool when we got busted.

Daliyah spoke, "Why is my husband's son out of bed!" She saw the platters from the fridge drying in the rack. She pointed at me and asked, "You?"

She shot a knowing look at Nessa who responded with, "A hungry Jono is a sight to behold, a true force of nature."

Of Omar's three surviving wives I liked Daliyah the best. "I am sorry Momma Daliyah I was very hungry." She and the older wife both hugged me saying it was an answer to prayers. The ladies liked how Nessa and I were always polite when addressing them and offering to help. We both said it was part of being raised in the south.

The older wife, Naima picked up a cooling cookie and nibbled at it. Nessa told her, "Ma'am, we know they have no nutritional value. We wanted to share a sweet taste of the season back home with the family."

Daliyah bit into one of the cookies and smiled. Naima shocked us both when she kissed Nessa's forehead, "My Najib will love them. He likes sweet things."

"I am going to teach her my grandmother's recipes for ghiraybah (shortbread cookies) and kleeja (cardamom-wheat cookies) at some point." I smiled remembering my Tamam feeding me kleeja on our first 'date' in the hotel cafe.

The last batch of cookies were put out to cool, and the wives shoo'd us out of their domain. It took me a bit longer to move. I had to take a moment to record my vitals and unplug from the kitchen protocal machine. This was getting old, but I knew it was the cost of being here. Both ladies could see right through my smile, they knew I was frustrated.

After my morning workout with Naser and Waleed (and a vigorous tongue lashing from Fahima) the family gathered for breakfast together. This was the tradition for them when on the ranch. They gathered for first and last meal and ate as a family. My Papa used to insist on that quality time with his boys as well.

I don't think it was a regular part of Nessa's life as a child. In her world meals were something to be done in passing between tasks. She was enjoying the change, seeing a family living their love, one for another.

Papa Omar displayed a look of astonishment (and perhaps concern) with the volume and speed of my consumption. "It is how my body heals Papa, I am okay really. This is a very good sign." Both Naser and Nessa nodded in agreement. He rubbed my head and smiled, taking our word.

After the meal Naima presented a small plate with two sugar cookies to her son. He ate one quickly and kissed his mother. "Do not thank me my son. Vanessa made these for you." He kissed her forehead.

Papa Omar spoke, "Then this is a morning for surprises. If the two little ones will follow me." he said playfully. We followed him into his office. Hanging on his mantle were two red stockings the first had Vanessa's name written in Arabic script. The other said `Under a Lucky Star ~ Light of the World'

Nessa asked, "Wow baby bear, my name is so much shorter in Arabic but your tiny 4 letter name is huge! What does it really say?"

"Only two people in this family, to my knowledge, know the story of my name. You will have to learn the language or marry into the family to find out."

I noticed mine was far heavier than Nessa's. Papa made a simple request/statement, "Jono, you will NOT tell the Imam about this during your studies." I told him I understood.

Most of the contents of the top portion were the normal Christmas type stuff. I knew the Hassan's were far from normal people. Nessa opened a tiny package from Naser half way to the toe. She opened the box to reveal opal and diamond earrings. The opal stones were arranged to look like a magnolia bloom.

I looked at Najib and asked in Arabic if my gift was ready. If her lost "item" had been found. He smiled and nodded, handing me a bound dossier. I scanned the contents and started to weep with joy. Nessa asked, "What is wrong baby brother."

I apologized to the Hassan's for showing such emotion. "Nothing mama bear, nothing at all. I asked a favor of Najib. I put up every cent I had at the time to find something you lost. Something I knew you needed to find again. Merry Christmas mama bear." I handed her the black leather dossier embossed with the name `Calvin Gilmore.' Her trembling fingers outlined his name.

"My Cal, you two found my Cal? Oh, baby brother I am so gonna hurt you." She opened the folder and began reading. I was behind her rubbing her shoulders. Half way into the folder she turned to a page with it had large Arabic words on it. It was repeated on the next five pages. "Jono, what does this say?"

I turned her towards the door as I answered her question, "TURN AROUND!" Najib one upped me and I didn't care.

The sweet as honey bama' drawl of Cal Gilmore filled the room, "Merry Christmas baby sister."

As Nessa flew into her big brother's strong arms, I leaned against Najib. "You know you are gonna have to negotiate a bride price with someone else now?"

He hugged my shoulder replying in a low tone, "Already done, I have his blessing. For the record, their father is an ass. I so wanted to make this perfect for my princess, but his heart cannot see past his hate. He actually called me a damned camel jockey. Our family has neither raised, nor raced the beasts in generations."

He opened a velvet box containing a matching set of wedding rings. The twisted vine pattern was almost identical to my father's ring. "This was Nessa's request, because you brought us together. If you take offense or have objection, I will have them redone."

I rested my hand in the center of his chest, "Papa would have been honored. I am overjoyed, of course you have my blessing to use the design my brother."

Nessa dragged her Cal around the room introducing him to the whole family. When she reached me he said, "You must be Jono. Happy to meet you, I remember you from the news growin' up. It was Jamaal who taught me the rest of your story. I understand you've been lookin' after my baby sis. I cain't thank you enough. It's nice havin' a baby brother again."

"It was my pleasure Mr. Gilmore. Nessa and I are battle buddies. We watched out for each other."

"Jono, just call me Cal. Mr. Gilmore was the sperm donor who gave me life. Hell, I tried to sneak in to Richie's funeral service, he and my Mom had the sheriff trespass me from the funeral home and family cemetery. They trespassed me from our house. Got the local Judge to issue a restraining order to keep away from the squirrel' here on the grounds of moral corruption.'"

"Squirrel?" I teased Nessa. I came to realize although I only had my parents ten short years, I had probably had seen and experienced more real family love then Cal, Richie, and Nessa combined. Thank you God for the blessing of my family.

Cal introduced us to Jamaal his partner of 5 years. I hated that euphemism "partner," as if their love was less, just because they didn't have a fucking piece of paper. Cal worked the rodeo circuit. Somehow he managed to find the only black, country music rapping, bull riding, Muslim I ever heard of.

Jamaal was outgoing, and Cal was so restrained. They were both beautiful to look at, a perfect match. "Jamaal has not stopped raving about your family. Based on the news stories, I thought you was Baptist till he told me about your daddy." There was something very familiar about Jamaal, I just couldn't put a finger on it.

Jamaal wore a woven dark gray kufi on his shaved head. He nearly buried my hand in his as we shook hands. I learned he was from Cairo... ...Cairo, Georgia that is. He knew my story, his knowledge was not from just the news, he actually knew my family.

He said, "Mike was a great athlete. I always admired his form on the gridiron. He was a tough opponent. Wherever he was, you were somewhere around cheering on your big brother." This was such a great gift. Someone from my past I didn't remember. He was from my first life. The time I referred to as BC (Before Crash). The time that was before the gift/curse of near perfect memory.

He showed me a photo of his family. Papa was shaking his father's hand. His father was a regular at the mosque in Tallahassee Papa went to. "You still look so much like your mother. I admired your father and his service to the community. The Imam and the Muslim community tried to reach out to you after the tragedy. Your uncle stopped us, and ordered us away." Our handshake became an impassioned hug like that of old friends.

Turned out Najib had them hidden in one of the guest houses on the estate. We talked for a bit until Papa asked us to continue opening our gifts. Nessa was content with her greatest gift, reunion with her brother. Even the ornate matching magnolia blossom necklace in the toe of her stocking could not top that joy.

My gifts were far more practical. In the middle of the stocking was a telemetry device for the protocal machine. Fahima told me it would relay my stats no matter where I was in the house to the kitchen unit. She then told me my last gift in the toe of the stocking and the telemetry device might interfere with each other.

It was wrapped with a simple card, "I love and miss the sound of my baby bear..." I opened the package to find a DynaTAC 8000x. I grumbled to myself, "One does not waste $3000 on a fucking phone!" Naser and Najib let out a low envious whistle. I quickly assembled the unit and powered it up. Fahima was right, it did interfere with the telemetry module.

I scrolled through the 30 programmed numbers. Tam Loft, Tam Office, Tam Car, Tam Cell, Tam Home, Omar Home, etc. on it went through the rest of the family. He left ONE slot for me, ONE. I was gonna hurt that man.

Cal looked at the card, "Jono, He does know a baby bear is a `cub' right?"

"Thank your sister. She had TSgt Sasquamo looking out for her when she arrived in Germany. His call sign was Sasquatch, his DO in Nam thought it was funny because of all his body hair. Nessa started calling him Papa Bear. When I arrived she and Sas started running interference for me. The section labeled her Mama Bear and me Baby Bear."

The sound of joyful conversation filled the house the rest of the day. What a great Christmas. The only thing I wanted was my Tam with me. Each hour that past I reminded myself was one hour closer to his arrival.

Jamaal and I sat in the corner of the lounge. He said the reunion was a double blessing, it got them away from their troubles. Cal was just recovering from an injury on the circuit. As a result of the injury in a few other financial setbacks they lost their ranch in Wyoming. They were looking at other options. I started having an idea. I'd need to talk to Tam, Najib, and Mehrdad first.

I stepped out to the balcony and called Tam on my new phone from the patio at 4PM to find out how things were going. They were on a skeleton crew and just about to shut down and hand off to the forward units for the weekend. He was about to walk into the DO's office for the official stand down order. "I must go, I will see you very soon." The whole call lasted two and a half minutes, wow what a good return on that investment.

December 25, (1630 hours)

Tam called me on the 'bone' phone. "Jono, something has happened. I cannot go into detail on this line. Tell Vanessa, Ben told her to pack a bag, she has been recalled to Riyadh. Let Najib know this is urgent, ask him to fly her."

I asked if my leave was cancelled. "No, you have been grounded. Yours is medical leave. Your duty station is there, getting better. I am deploying from Riyadh in a few minutes, I wish I could tell you more. Jono, you are part of me, keep that part safe for me. For now do as I ask."

I hit the end button and ran back into the main house. I breathlessly passed on Tam's request. Najib grabbed the phone on the side table and called to have the chopper ready. Then called to file a flight plan.

While Najib was on the phone I made a call myself on Tam's gift. Prince Aziz's numbers were 22-24 in the bone phone's memory. He said my request would be honored. When we completed our calls Najib asked me, "Would you like to fly as family escort for Vanessa?"

I replied, "Yes, I would loved to but two things are stopping me." I pointed at Cal. "First, You and Jamaal get packed. You have a family suite at the hotel courtesy of the Royal Family. So you can spend some time with your sister when she is not on duty."

The men departed to gather their bags. Nessa kissed my cheek, "I'll be back. No matter how this day ends, this is my best Christmas ever." Then she ran upstairs to gather her things.

I turned back to Najib "Second Tam told me my place was here. Medical leaves have not been cancelled. I can imagine the options are here or the embassy. He wants me here, and I will obey him."

Najib rested his forehead to mine, "You are a good brother. My brother made a good choice with you." He handed me a golf foil box. "This is my gift to you. Please do not open it until after we leave. There's a note that will explain everything."

Fahima entered the lounge and interrupted. "Najib, all hospital staff have just been called in for duty. We have burn casualties in bound. A jet crashed in Arar. Can you take me to Riyadh. I am sorry Jono, I am needed by many."

I kissed her cheek. "Fahima, I understand duty. I will keep up the journal." She started to say she would arrange to have a local doc stop by. I asked her to focus on her new patients. She kissed my forehead and ran to pack a bag.

When we heard the Bell Helicopter take off Papa Omar pointed at the package from Najib. I opened the gift box and discovered a credit card folio and wallet. There was a note inside the folio:

"Jono, I took the money you gave me for the private investigator, together with your back pay, and opened a bank account in your name. In the pile of paperwork that you signed was a new direct deposit slip for your military salary and eventual pension. It will go into the Bank's New York office. You have debit and credit cards that will work around the globe.

This was your money Jono. Finding my love's family was my responsibility not yours. I do appreciate the gesture and idea my brother. I hope that you will stand with me as a witness for the bride and later in the groom's hall when we are wed. The wallet contains your driving license and a local bank card tied to your allowance from the estate. I am still deeply in your debt baby brother.


Papa Omar and I returned to the lounge and turned on the TV, it just showed local programming. After an hour I turned on the feed from the big dish. New York was reporting a failed hijacking of Iraqi Airways flight 163. Failed hell it was broken in two and burning. They reported it was flying from Baghdad Iraq to Amman Jordan 106 people were aboard Hezbollah took credit for the hijacking.

The final shot was the Saudi forces securing the scene. The horrors they must be seeing, what my Tam would be seeing.

Three hours in, the local media was not giving it much coverage. Sadly Papa Omar and I were learning more from Walter Cronkite. Iraq was blaming Iran. That did not surprise me, it was as if they blamed Iran for there being fleas in the desert sand these days. My uncle taught me to hate the Iranians after the embassy crisis. Mehrdad showed me that blind hate was just as wrong.

I caught a brief glimpse of Tamam on the local coverage. He looked so very tired. He was directing air ambulances on a make shift landing zone. The severely wounded were being shuttled to Amman, Riyadh, and back to Baghdad. I also saw the faces of many of our Saudi trainees carrying covered litters, I assumed the dead.

Papa Omar asked why Vanessa was needed. I told him until everything could be resolved it was likely the base was on full alert. US Air Force personnel would be sliding into the positions had normally held by the deployed Saudi personnel. It takes about 80 people to run the 91 in manual operations on a 24-Hour schedule. He knew where I wanted to be, and gave me a comforting rub on the back.

December 29th

The last four days past slowly I was missing my friends. I was missing my Tam. The ladies let it slip about a party that the family was going to host on New Year's eve. If I was cynical I would assume that it was something to distract me from how lonely I felt. Apparently all of Papa Omar's children would be coming back to the ranch. I prayed a selfish prayer that Tam would be one of them.

Yesterday, the King asked Najib to help with the logistics of the relief efforts. Naser and Omar did what they could but I was feeling lonely and useless. My days became monotonous, full of range of motion exercises, snacks, workouts, meals, fitness shakes, vital signs, and doctor's reviews. I was so lonely Papa started letting me walk to the quarantine yard `alone' just to spend time with my girl.

The term `alone' is a subjective one. If I went outside, security was watching. I might not see them but they could see me. I know that because my food and meds always found me on schedule even if I wasn't where I should be.

Naser took me riding a few times on one of the tan Arabians. Juno (AKA Habeeba) was being sired, in hopes of producing another white. The breeding was not going well, I was starting to wonder if the white stallion was gay. Then again, who knows what a horse finds sexy in a mare.

Today's ride was to the far side of the reserve. He took me to one of the `cabins.' It was wrapped by dunes that were kept at bay by ten foot retaining walls. We rode up an inclining ramp to the 60's modern style house. It looked like Frank Lloyd Wright dropped one of his creations in the middle of the desert. Naser called it the playhouse. As the boys went to college it became a place to assert their independence.

The south walls of the building were solid, with short wide windows near the tops of the walls. The north walls were made up of large glass pains. I was surprised to discover it wasn't one building, it was two wrapping and shading a large swimming pool. We tied up the horses and entered the breezeway between the buildings.

The tall narrow building on the west side of the pool was set up as a study/office. He opened the door there was a small kitchenette inside the door and a small bathroom under the stairs. Over our heads was an upper floor made up of interconnected 2 wide foot steel framed glass panels. I scanned the books on the shelves, they were mostly classic Arab literature. We walked up the floating glass stairs to an opulent bedroom.

Naser said, "I thought about moving out here. It turns out Waleed is terrified of heights. It is smaller than Tam's wing but it is private."

"Do you want me to move out Naser?"

"Hell, no baby brother. Father liked the design so much he had one built in the diplomatic quarter of Jeddah, and he did it again when the embassies moved to Riyadh. It would be a great place for a student or an interpreter to work from."

"Everyone is trying to plan my future. I don't know what I want to do. The point is moot till the Air Force decides what to do with me next month. There is a very good chance I may be forced to return to my original home of record Fluffy Landing."

He hugged me tightly, "Wherever you end up, we won't be far. Tam and father will find a way to bring you home."

He wrapped his arm around my waist leading me into the large building on the south side of the pool. We crossed the breezeway diagonally and entered through the kitchen. It was a very large galley style kitchen with a huge black marble island in the middle.

We then crossed into the dining room and entry hall. I could tell Papa Omar had his hands in this design, it was mission style furniture, with beefy, strong lines.

Naser said, "The last people to live here were Fahima and her husband. Papa hoped that she would have many children, but her husband and Tam's friend Ahmad died far too young. Leaving her barren. Her husband had no brothers to marry his widow, so she was returned to the family. She used her education, to secure a position at the hospital as a nurse."

We walked through to what he called the gathering room. It looked like a large living room with a glass atrium. We went around the atrium into what he called the media room. There was a large projector screen that came down on the south wall.

I powered up the receiver and started the tape deck. The silky voice of Amr Diad filled the house. He was singing Ya Tariq Ya Tariq (Oh Road Oh Road). With each syllable, I missed my Tamam more and more. "...O through the hearts of thirsty pain, allow ourselves to forget who claimed the breeze..."

Naser saw the longing on my face. "You have not seen everything yet Jono. Come with me." He grabbed my hand and let me back into the entry hall. Then up the floating stairs to the master suite. It had a lovely skylight over the bed. The room was bathed and soft cool indirect evening light.

There was a beautifully upholstered and draped canopy bed in the middle of the room. I rushed by it, going to the far side of the room to a balcony that offered a commanding view of the dining room and entry hall.

Naser stood behind me and wrapped me in his arms. "Tam told me how lonely you are. He said his beautiful boy's hole should be pleased by something more than a hunk of rubber. I would very much love to be the one who keeps you company until your beloved returns. If you prefer another I can bring him here for you."

I turned around dropping my head into his sternum sighing. "Why does everyone think I am a child who cannot control his impulses?"

"No one thinks that Jono. You are lonely. Tam does not want that. He noticed after your play time with Jy your sleep and healing improved. He wants that to continue. As you love him, he loves you."

"Naser, and what of Waleed? I see how his eyes dance when he sees you. Does he not desire the touch of HIS man? I should steal you from him to please myself? Though you hide it well, I do see how you look at him."

Naser kissed my head. "It is useless to argue with you?"

"I don't see how it can happen, without risking hurt to someone." I tiptoed kissing the skin between his neck and beard thinking; `Ah, to live another life.' "You have been one of my oldest and dearest friends. I never want that to change." Holy crap this was the first time I ever friend-zoned someone else. Damn, it sucks from this side too.

He hugged me and swayed along to Amr's singing. Naser began singing along while he danced with me. This was nice, only one thing that could make it better, if he was Tam. This perfect moment was shattered by the clearing of a throat behind us. The embrace was broken and we turned to see who the intruder was.

A visibly shaken Waleed dropped his head and spoke. "I am sorry masters. I d-did not mean to intrude. I saw the horses and wanted to see if I could help."

I walked to him, "Waleed, nothing happened here. I would never..." He suddenly silenced my chatter by pressing his lips to mine. He also grabbed the back of my head and sucked my lower lip. I knew Waleed was only a few months older than I, but he had far more experience, most of it not good.

Our embrace softened as his lips broke contact with mine. He whispered into my ear, "I have wanted that since you destroyed my abusers life. You gave me, a bond servant a new life. He dropped his head and lowered his eyes from mine. Forgive me Master Jono, I heard what you said to Master Naser, how you cared for my happiness. Not even my family did that."

Naser was so stunned that he collapsed into the wing back chair. I took the trembling hands of his frightened boy. He told me his father owed a great debt to Omar Hassan for damaging his property. The father signed over his son's service, in contract to work off the debt. Naser confirmed what was said, "Father released Waleed, and excused the debt for his protection of Habeeba."

"Master Naser took me home, father would not allow me in. He heard what happened to me and said I was a whore who allowed himself to be taken. I shamed my family by not dying. Master Naser took pity on me and took me to his home. He gave me a new life. He has made me so happy. I know how the two of you desire each other. Just as I know he has freed me, but can you free a fish from water?"

He continued, "Master Tam desires your pleasure above all. Nothing will diminish how he feels for you." It felt as if the air was taken from my lungs and I sat on the chaise. Waleed dropped to his knees resting his head in my chest.

He ran his hands down my thighs. "I would enjoy playing with you as well. Not because it would please my new Master, but because I wish to please you. When you slept with us I prayed that Master and you would be intimate so that I could share in your pleasure."

I kissed his forehead, as I looked into his eyes I saw his desire looking back. The older boy removed my shoes and socks kissing my feet. He kissed his way back up my tiny body climbing further between my spread legs. He paused resting his head against my chest.

I sat before him like a king on a throne. He the dutiful servant was kneeling in front of me. I raised his head and kissed his full lips. I was exploring his mouth with my tongue, while I unbuttoned his thobe. He stood and his lean body shed the thobe like a serpent loses its skin.

His smooth light brown skin and firm body swayed along with the Egyptian singers vocal strains. Seductively removing his underwear as I caressed his well defined pecks and abs. My gaze crossed the room as Naser's fly was open and he was slowly stroking his long firming shaft. God how I wanted a cock like that.

I stood removing my shirt, as Waleed unfastened my belt and opened my pants. He kissed his way back down my body as he lowered my pants and underwear to the ground. I looked down at Waleed as he took stock of my tiny boyish frame. While I no longer looked like and over stretched drum I had not yet recovered my definition.

His eyes shown like twin polished brown tourmalines, as he looked up with adoration. He was stroking and kissing the flesh of my inner thighs. Naser looked on totally enthralled with his boy's service.

I took his hand and after he rose, we crossed to the large bed in the center of the room. As I covered his body with my own we kissed and pawed at each other, almost like two kittens playing. Naser let out a groan of approval.

I had only done it once before with Reza, but I learned that I very much enjoyed 69s. Waleed's cock was longer than my little wand, but smaller than Tam and Naser's. As we slurped and sucked each other's members greedily. I had almost forgotten the third man in the room when I felt Naser's strong hands parting the globes of my ass exposing my pink pucker.

His beard tickled as it brushed against my cheeks. WOW! he had his brothers tongue, I thought as it began savagely attacked my lonely hole. My hips bucked driving my cock into the entrance of Waleed's throat. He release his prize asking if Naser's ass play felt good. "Naser you haven't done this to him?"

Naser replied that Waleed wouldn't let him. "Would you let me show you Waleed?" He spun around faster than a water-spout over the gulf. He quickly lifted his legs, exposing his beautiful ass, cock, balls, and that gorgeous chest I admired so. I sucked one ball then the other and his hard cock twitched. Then I nibbled at his perineum on my way to his light olive colored taint.

"My generous Naser sent me to a doctor to repair the damage the monster caused." I didn't even know that was possible.

Waleed moaned as I kissed then glided the tip of my tongue around and over his hole. His head flew back in delight as I buried my tongue in his ass. What Naser did to me I in turn did to Waleed. The older boy and I were moaning and twitching in delight.

Naser let me improvise a bit as he walked to the far side of the room to get something. I started fingering the ass of the Arab Adonis laying before me. I had him suck my fingers before I slid them in his warm ass.

Naser returned with two items; lube and a small leather strap with a snap on it. He softly held my cock and balls then wrapped the leather strap around the base of my cock and scrotum.

As I turned towards him, he saw the look of concern on my face. "It is just a cock strap Jono. It will help you to extend my boy's pleasure, while I fuck him with your cock. Trust me?" I nodded in the affirmative and returned to preparing his boy. Naser began lubing my ass with finger play of his own occasionally stroking the surplus lube on my cock.

It seemed like forever but I guess he finally thought I was ready. Naser slowly pushed his cock inside of me as Waleed helped me control my breathing. The last thing I wanted to do was pass out. Once Naser was fully inside of me it was my turn.

I rested the head of my tiny pecker against his boys pucker. It took no time to get all five inches inside him. Waleed was grinning up at me like I was a prize stallion what an ego stroke he gave me.

Naser was controlling all the pleasure. He was right when he said he was gonna fuck his boy with my cock. He would pull almost all the way out of my ass, in turn pulling my cock almost out of Waleed. Then he would slam us both back in. I was becoming light headed after fifteen minutes of being Naser's sexual marionette, Waleed and I shot our loads together.

I collapsed into Waleed's chest desperately panting for air. Naser moved himself to Waleed's face and his boy brought his orgasm to completion through oral manipulation. I hadn't noticed how dark the room had become.

The sun had long since slipped down over the horizon. Naser dressed himself telling us to relax in the house. It was an hour or so ride back. He didn't want me (in my now weakened state) riding in the dark. He said he would take the horses back to the stable and come back for us in the jeep.

I pointed at my phone, "Naser, let's just call the house, or just stay the night."

He dismissed my concern with, "It's my job to care for you both." Then he set off.

Waleed held me for a very long time until my breathing return to normal. Well I guess that would be the new normal. He just laid there beneath me playing with my hair and softly rubbing my shoulders. While I caressed his beautiful chest. I don't know what these men see in me. He looked at me as if I was his prized stallion, though I felt more like a gelding.

We laid there in post-coital bliss for almost half an hour. Then he led me to the shower. Scrubbing every inch of my body. He looked so surprised when I started to return the favor. I had only seen one other smooth Arab man. I knew Reza waxed so I asked if Waleed did as well. He told me it was necessary for the wound care, that I had asked for him to receive.

He said, "I enjoyed how Naser's hair tickles my smooth skin." I blushed knowingly. "Do you like me smooth like Master Naser does?" I grinned and nodded.

He asked "How often does yours have to come off?" There was a look of shock, disbelief, and envy when I answered his question. We dressed and went down to the media room to wait for Naser.

The pool deck lights came on and filled the room with indirect light. Soft Arab love songs came out of the stereo. Waleed took off his boots. In my wellingtons I was able to look him almost in the eyes. Damn he had fuck me eyes. We started slow dancing and he dropped his head into my good shoulder. Damn this felt nice. I softly kissed and nuzzled the back of his neck.

God I wish Tam was here to do this to me. The spell of the perfect moment was broken, as the monstrously large cellular phone hanging from my waist rang. The tiny screen read 'Tam Cell' and I hit the send key. Tamam's voice was terse, "Jono, where are you at this late hour? Are you behaving?"

I answered his questions in order. "I am at the playhouse. I am sorry, I am not sure I have been."

There was a moment of stunned silence on the other end. "Who are you with?" I left Waleed and walked out to the pool and brought him up to speed.

"I went riding with Naser. We were joined by Waleed. I have missed you so much, and Reza's toys are NOT a replacement for you. I can't wait to be in your arms again. I miss my fuzzy bear."

Tam started laughing on the other end. "Jono, I told you before, you may seek comfort from my brother if you desire it. I know your heart is mine. Just as I know you were thinking of me."

"Tam, are you okay. I have worried so. When I saw you on TV you looked so very tired."

"It has been a difficult task here. We are all drained. I have yearned for your touch. I understand you've put on almost 7 kilos (15 pounds). You must look so beautiful."

"I still get light headed when I exert myself. That, and the lack of sunlight is why Naser went for a vehicle and left Waleed to care for me."

"Naser is riding back alone, on horseback, in the dark? Let me speak with Waleed." I went back into the house and handed it off to him. Tam had him check something.

Waleed ran down the breezeway, "He has taken all three horses Master. Young Jono suggested that we all just stay, or call for transport. Master Naser swore he would be fine." As Tam spoke to Waleed the color drained from his cheeks. I looked at the clock and realized two hours had passed.

Waleed handed me the phone. Tam continued issuing orders, "Jono, you are in charge. Have Waleed look for food in the kitchen." I relayed the instruction and the older boy departed.

I replied in English, "He is checking. What is wrong?"

"Nothing you should be worried for. I will call security. The two of you stay there. If Naser does not come, father will come in the morning. Keep Waleed calm for Naser." I had no doubt he asked Waleed to calm me.

"I love you Tam, I should have been more assertive with Naser. I am sorry." He told me I did nothing wrong and I should save my battery. "I have the spare with me." He told me I was his good boy and released the line.

I entered the kitchen and Waleed pointed at a pantry well stocked with canned goods. Then he threw his arms around me. "Waleed, he grew up here, he will be fine. You'll see." I am not sure if my statement was for his comfort or for my own. I asked, "Did you checked the refrigerator." The look on his face was priceless as we opened the door and found it was fairly well stocked.

I saw the princess phone hanging in the kitchen. I picked it up and the line was dead. I understood why Tam wished for me to preserve my battery. Stupid phone I thought! Seriously what good is a battery that takes ten hours to charge and can be drained after only 30 minutes of talking. Then again it was now our lifeline. If not for the bulky contraption no one would be looking for Naser.

It took 30 minutes but the phone rang again as Waleed and I were cleaning up the dinner dishes. Tam asked me to step out on the deck. I obeyed

"Jono, Naser had an accident, security found him. His leg is injured and he has a mild concussion, but he is fine. The horse lost its footing and threw him. Father is staying with him tonight at the hospital. You boys stay where you are. Security is on the perimeter and you are safe. Father will collect you when Naser is released. Take care of Waleed."

I took a deep breath and rejoined Waleed. I brought him up to speed. "Papa Omar must hate me. This is twice Naser has been injured because of me." The older boy pulled me close. His touch was so very comforting. The TV was out, the movies uninteresting. I put a couple cassettes in the player and set them to relay play and repeat. Waleed took my hand and led me upstairs.

I doubted the phone's battery would last the night. I loaded the new battery and set it down on the night stand. Waleed turned down the bedding and asked me to join him. He pulled me on top of him as he wrapped me in his arms. "Jono, you did nothing wrong. You warned Master Naser and he ignored you. Master Omar will know this. He loves you every bit as much as any of his sons."

I kissed his sweet lips and asked, "Waleed, do you realize that was the first time tonight that you did not call me Master? I liked it."

I snuggled tight into him, my body almost feeding off his warm skin and fell asleep.

December 30, 0530

I awoke to the smell of fried eggs and a sexy voice. "Jono, sit up, your stomach woke me." My eyes slowly opened to a smiling Waleed carrying a bed tray. He was wearing a black apron with frilly white lace trim and nothing else. He turned and set the tray down on the desk.

His muscles rippled and his ass was framed by the white lace border of the apron. "God in heaven you have a beautiful ass." I blushed realizing that I actually said that out loud.

He turned back and said, "I am quite fond of the look of yours too my friend." He helped me sit up against the massive headboard. My right hand reached out and tweaked his nipple under the cute fabric. When his eyes closed in pleasure I pulled his lips to mine. My tongue probed his mouth, when our contact broke he nibbled on my right ear whispering "Oh my beautiful little man, the eggs are getting cold and there are no more."

"I get the hint. I'm sorry Waleed. I like touching you so, but I will behave myself. You look so damned cute in that."

He stood as he pulled the bottom of the apron and performed a cute little curtsy. Then he retrieved the tray putting it across my lap. "I used to cook for my father and older brothers, after mother..." I put my right hand on his cheek, he wasn't ready to tell me and he didn't need to finish. After dealing with orphans most of my life, I knew the look.

He smiled lifting the lid covering the plate. Scrambled eggs with roasted tomatoes, feta, and mutton. "You are trying to get me fat." I teased.

"Yes, I am. You have been so good to me. I want you healthy again."

He walked away to get his tray, "Waleed?"

He turned back, "Yes Jono?"

"Thank you, and ummm.... Would you, please, keep the apron on for me?" He blushed got his tray and returned, still wearing the cute apron that framed his beautiful ass. He ate quickly and set his tray on the floor. He just sat there smiling watching me eat. His hand crept under the sheets and softly wrapped around my cock. I moved my emptied food tray to the night stand. As I laid flat his head disappeared under the covers.

His silky lips held my rod in his hot wet mouth. He started playing with my hole as his mouth worked magic on my wick. I was trying to return the favor playing with his ass. He stopped I pulled the covers down. "Jono, please lay back and let me care for your needs." I smiled at the apron clad boy sucking my cock and finger fucking my ass.

Damn he was good, I quickly released thick streams of protein into his mouth. He pulled his fingers from my ass. My ass felt so empty as he climbed up my body, kissing and nibbling at my flesh the whole way. When his lips reached my own, I forced a disappointed look across my face. I pouted, "I thought you said you wanted to care for MY needs?" The look of absolute confusion on his face was priceless.

I reached under his apron and held his hard cock. "You made my hole all lonely, you have the only key in the house to make it happy again." I reached down and held his rock hard cock. I could tell he was tempted, but afraid. "I have taken Tam and Naser, you will not hurt me. You gave yourself to me last night, let me return that to you... Don't make me beg."

He rested my legs on his shoulders. He warmed the lube as he prepared my hole. He was so tender, he was afraid of hurting me. It hit me as his treasure trail rested on my perineum. I held his face asking, "Waleed, am I your first on top?" He nodded. I kissed his sweet lips, "Thank you for this. I am so happy to be your first."

The older boy began fucking my ass with complete abandon within 3 minutes his love juices filled my chute. I didn't care that he didn't stay in me. I rolled him on his back and began praising him, as I kissed his sexy mouth. I wanted him to know what a magnificent stud he had been. He was holding my ass and playing with his cum as it seeped out.

I didn't know whether Tamam would understand why I did this. Waleed deserved this for surviving what had done to him. He needed to know what it was to be a king in the bed. Our bliss was interrupted by the trilling ring of the cellphone. "This is Jono." I answered. Waleed leaned in, to hear as well.

I heard Papa Omar's voice, "Jono, Naser is okay the doctor is putting on his cast now. We will be with you around two this afternoon depending on how long it takes to get him released. Do you boys have enough to eat? Will you boys be alright till then?"

"We will be fine Papa there is more than enough to eat and do. Papa I am sorry he got hurt because of me. Please forgive me."

There was laughter on the other side of the phone. "Jono, Naser told me this is twice he ignored your counsel. He has been humbled nothing more. There is nothing to forgive."

"Papa, thank you. I should tell you this battery is almost dead, I'll put the other one on it should have enough charge to last a few hours."

I heard mumbling, "Jono, Naser says swap the battery and turn the phone off. Power it up at one or if you need to call out."

When I replied "Yes Papa" he hung up. "Well it looks like you are stuck with me for another six hours."

Waleed shouted, "Let's go swimming!"

Thank you God for me not living here... "I don't have trunks with me." He smiled with that damned toothy grin saying he didn't either. "You want the pervs on security to see us in the buff?" Waleed went to the dresser and found two pairs of trunks.

Damn I thought. I stomped into the shower getting myself clean again. Waleed asked why I was showering. "I am not sure you want to swim through my Waleed semen fortified butt slime." He kissed me and helped me clean myself out.

When he was finished with me he cleaned himself out. "I would enjoy... ummm later... what you did with mouth last night, back there... ummm could I try to do you too?"

"Waleed, are you asking me to rim you again?" He blushed nodding his head. "And you wanna learn how to rim me?" More nodding. "Who needs the pool."

I started kissing him but he stopped me. "You do. You have to exercise. There is no gym or treadmill here, that leaves the pool." With that the bath and playtime were over. We reentered the bedroom. He swiftly donned the hot pink swim trunks and filled them out very well. He handed me the smaller blue ones. Even on the smallest setting they fell off of me. Has no one heard of a drawstring in this country?

I used logic, one way or the other the boy was going to get me in the pool. If one dresser was filled with men's clothes I could only assume the other was filled with female. I open the corresponding drawer on the other dresser and found skimpy bikinis. No Imam in the world would ever approve a woman to wear these. Still any port in a storm.

I found the most conservative bottom I could find in the drawer. It had barely enough fabric to cover my tiny member and my little hole. My body turned bright red with a blush. I was standing in front of Walid butt naked while I was putting them on, and I was not embarrassed until they were covering what little I had.

Waleed went through a few more drawers. He located a slightly larger bikini bottom. It was black satiny and looked kind of like a speedo, with a little less fabric. It was definitely more than the thong from the first drawer. I put it on quickly and turn towards the stairs. I could see Waleed watching my ass wiggle with a very large smile on his face. We grabbed towels and headed down towards the pool.

Clearly he had been at the playhouse before. He knew where the sunscreen was. He slathered every square inch of exposed skin on my body. Apparently he didn't want to get blamed if I got a sunburn. Once our sunscreen was applied, Waleed performed a massive cannonball plunge into the pool. I looked for the stairs and found them on the east side shallow end of the pool.

The water was very cold on my feet, Waleed was begging me to just jump in get it over with. I said you go your way, I'll get in the pool mine. I was trembling he assumed I was cold. He came to me and threw his arm around me. I buried my head in his chest. "Is my mighty warrior afraid? I thought nothing frightened you."

"I've always been afraid of the water. Papa never forced me to learn how to swim. Uncle Jack once threw me into the river hoping I would learn how to swim. It was Mikaeel who realized I was in trouble and dove under the water and pulled me to shore. After the crash Jack was too afraid of losing his only heir to try it again."

"How did you pass water survival?"

"Waleed, I closed my eyes and treaded water or floated. I learned a trick in the hospital from Chief Duma, during the painful, or unpleasant parts of therapy. I hated hydrotherapy greatly; either Chief, or one of his firefighters was in the pool with me. With enough effort, I could imagine I was anywhere else. I am sorry you have seen my cowardice."

"Jono fear is not cowardice. You are terrified of the water, but you are still in it." He pulled me close. "Being afraid of a thing, but still facing it is the definition of courage. I will not be more that an arm length from you, closer if you desire. I will let no harm befall you."

We slowly walked into deeper water. Eventually the water was up to my armpits. I began walking back and forth across the narrow width of the pool. Waleed true to his word was right next to me. About forty minutes later, I was pushing myself a bit too hard in the frigid water and I slipped on the bottom of the pool.

Waleed grabbed hold of my arm to keep me from going under. His left hand rested on my ass. Something felt weird on my skin. I reached down and felt the stitching. "Is there a flower on my ass?"

"Yes Jono, it is a pretty black rose. But not as pretty as your pink rosebud." I turned to kiss him. He had an urgent look on his face as he commanded, "We must get you out, your lips are blue." He helped me out of the pool. Then he wrapped a large towel around me and rubbed me aggressively trying to increase circulation. "You should call Master Omar." I realized the portable oxygen was strapped to my saddle.

I told him to put a towel down on one of the deck chairs and lay on it. I grabbed four dry pool towels and laid down with him, telling him to wrap the towels around us both. "You are like ice Jono, call your Papa!"

"It would take too long for them to get here. Let me borrow a little of your heat. I will rest and my O2 levels will come up on their own in time." He was so warm. He held me tight as I trembled and quickly lost consciousness.

I woke up in the media room on one of the long sofas. Papa Omar was putting the O2 mask on my face. "I am fine Papa, I just pushed a little too hard in the cold pool." I looked at the clock on the wall. CRAP, I was out for over four hours. "Waleed?"

"Naser is comforting his boy and teaching him how to operate your phone." He kissed my forehead. "He was frightened. I called Fahima she said you told him the right things to do. She wanted you on oxygen for 15 minutes before we head back. Just in case. Speaking of Fahima, why are you wearing her bikini bottom, my son?"

I explained the lack of swim wear and how I wasn't comfortable swimming in the buff, not knowing if security was watching. He smiled and rubbed my head. 20 minutes later they got me settled in the SUV cocooning me in blankets. We returned to the main house, Papa Omar had to drive because of Naser's cast. I fell asleep in the back leaning against Waleed.

Back at the main house I made a list of things I wanted to pick up in town. Most had to do with the cell phone. Tam called twice that night to check on me. After repeated assurances that I was fine, he commanded me to sleep. I was hugging the huge teddy bear he had made for me. I honestly tried going to sleep with the stress of the day I should be wiped.

I went to the Tam's kitchen got some milk and a few of Nessa's sugar cookies and sat down to reflect on the day. Thanks to serendipity and Waleed's continued prodding I faced a primal terror. I started doing range of motions on my wounded wing. Not even a twinge of pain.

I saw her across the room trapped inside her prison. I could hear her mocking my cowardice. She screamed at me to let her out. Filled with fear I crossed the room and released the locks on her prison door. I gazed upon her slender form. Was this really something to fear.

I almost dragged her into the lounge resting her shapely, smooth body between my legs. I softly caressed her neck with my trembling fingers. She sighed with her velvety soft voice as my hand slid down her slender neck to her beautiful body. It felt like my heart would leap from my chest as my fingers softly stroked the outline of her gentle f-hole.

I pleaded with her, "Sweet Mara sing for me please..." I said as I touched the bow to her strings. In my farewell concert I performed Antonin Dvorak's - Silent Woods. After a few missteps Mara sang. Afterwards I rested her on her stand then walked over and closed her case. Mara deserves to breathe, she deserves to sing.

I turned back and saw Papa Omar with tears in his eyes standing at the door. "Happy or sad Papa?"

He smiled and simply replied, "Both, Jono, Both." He kissed my forehead, hugged me, then ordered me to bed. Then he turned and walked out. I curled up in bed cuddling into my plush Tam stand in. The heartbeat I missed so, lulling me to a deep happy sleep.

-- Continued

Next: Chapter 14

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