Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 20, 2017


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Chapter 6 - Jono & The Gilded Cage

We finished our meal and walked out to the Range Rover. Reza climbed in the back with me. When Tam put the key in the ignition there was an odd sound a funny electronic warning tone. He swore colorfully as he picked up a handset. He called the mobile operator to retrieve his message then dialed the number. "Benjamin I have you on speaker what is so urgent? We are on our way back to Riyadh."

"Tamam, assume we are being monitored. Is our buddy 'Taz' there with you? Is he safe? Has he been injured?" Tam said I was okay. "Sorry Tamam, on this one I cannot take your word, I need to hear his voice."

I leaned over the front seat and responded, "Yes sir, I am here. I am okay, and uninjured, what's the problem?"

"Something's up with you, I don't know what yet. Your stuff has been removed from your room at the hotel. What's going on?"

I was able to read the puzzlement on Tam and Reza's faces, "Nothing to my knowledge. No one here requested it. I'm trying to keep a low profile. Has anything else happened?"

"Yes, your presence has been requested by the host nation via the embassy at several Embassy functions this week. I guess it's a good thing that you had a gift waiting for you in your room. I hope you can be reunited with it."

I let the gift comment pass. "Do you know which section of the host nation government made the request?"

"I don't know exactly buddy. I do know that the request came via the State Department on our end. That normally implies that the request came from the civilian side of the government. All I can tell you for sure is this, everyone in both the American and Saudi chains of command knows your names, note the use of plurals, and both chains are very nervous. Before they simply knew OF you, now they know YOU. Haul your ass back here. The sooner you get here, the sooner we'll get answers."

"Message received, I'm sorry sir."

"Stuff happens Taz, we will figure it out. FYI, we have Echo Papa Six in active ready mode." With that he hung up.

"Tam, I am going to say words I never thought I would ever put together in a sentence. How fast can you drive?"

He began accelerating onto the highway, "Jono, what is Echo Papa Six?"

"Tam, if I ask you to take me to the airfield or the American Embassy would you do it without question?"

"Yes, I would Jono. But, you have not answered my question."

"The leadership has been spooked by something. EP6 is an Emergency Protocol, I cannot tell you more." I couldn't tell him the sixth covers the removal of compromised high value assets. Once declared, an American aircraft would remain on the ramp at the airfield and a helo at the embassy both in hot standby. If they need to get me out of the country I would be thrown into either. Once aboard the pilot will be under orders to take off, with or without local approval.

"Sit back Jono, everything will be alright. Reza make sure he is buckled in, and keep him occupied. We cannot stop for 'discomfort' breaks. If we can keep the pace up we'll be back in Riyadh in an hour to an hour and a half."

My mind was going so many dark places, some of them fatal. Did I insult the wrong person during training? Did someone see Tam and I? Oh, God do they know? Tam was driving like a man possessed. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, I could tell he was worried.

My drama managed to destroy the effects of the morning massages. Reza was holding me, "Jono, it will be okay. We will not let anything hurt you. Tamam, have you called father?"

My SERE training finally kicked in. "No Tam, turn off the phone and pull the fuse. If something IS wrong it can be tracked. Turn it back on when we are in the city. It will be harder to get a triangulation fix on the analog phone in the city."

"Jono is right Reza. If there is something wrong it will not help to worry father. Jono, nothing is wrong some idiot likely thought you had skipped out without paying the bill."

I could tell by the engine and transmission noise he had the gas pedal floored. He was worried and trying to calm me. I could see all the flaws in his logic. First if it had been a hotel error surely they would have said something to my Captain. The second glaring error in his logic was that the American forces were guests of the king. There was no way for me to skip out without paying. Tamam knew that as well, that is how I knew he wanted us calm.

My mind was racing as fast as the powerful engine, trying to figure out what had gone wrong, sadly I was coming up blank. After a few short minutes I recognized the futility of continuing to worry about what might be. One of the first things they taught us at SERE school was sleep when you can, there's no telling when you'll have another opportunity. If I couldn't actually fall asleep, at least I could close my eyes and rest, if not for my sake then for his. Tam wanted me calm, I could give him that. I snuggled in Reza's arms and closed my eyes.

When I awoke we were on the outskirts of Riyadh. Tamam briefed me on his contingency plan. Tamam would drop Reza and me off at the front entrance. If anything went sideways we would leave through the arboretum's emergency exit at the back of the hotel. Tamam would wait for us. If I was just moved to a new room Reza or I would call Tamam's car phone and let him know I was okay.

"Have you reactivated your car phone? If so please call the Captain let him know we are in the city. It would be nice to know if anything has changed, and if he needed me to go to the hotel or make the dash for the embassy or air base." I slid up towards the front seat as he dialed.

Captain Nelson answered he and Tamam exchanged hurried pleasantries. I asked if there was any new information and what our destination should be. "Taz, it looks as if they just moved you to a new hotel room, a room with diplomatic level security. Do YOU have a plan yet?"

"Yes sir, I will be entering the lobby with a trusted family member. It would be good to have other Americans present in case I need a running screen. These people should be able to take instruction on the fly."

"That is all taken care of buddy. Our colleague Oscar Goldman sent five of his employees to help if needed. You are on point. I will meet you at the door."

After hanging up Tam looked at me and said, "Jono, what the hell was that about? I know every member of the American contingent and I do not know a single one that has the name Oscar. I know it was code but what did he say?"

"He was letting me know it looks innocent, and to come to the hotel. He also was warning me they do not have a contingency plan on the ground. As to 'our colleague Oscar,' that is a reference to the Six Million Dollar Man TV show Oscar Goldman ran the fictitious OSI. He wanted me to know he will meet us in the lobby with five armed Air Force Office of Special Investigation agents who will be following our lead. My bet is that the agents will be scattered around the lobby and will be able to secure a route for us if needed."

Five minutes later we were pulling up to the door, game time. Reza and I exited the Range Rover and approached the lobby doors. I could see the Captain inside. Tam, took off like a bat out of hell. I was nervous but Reza looked worse. I turned putting my hand on his arm. "Take a deep breath." I bluffed, "This is what I train for. You are just family making sure I get home okay." He smiled and nodded.

We entered the lobby and were greeted by Captain Nelson. There were six men standing in the lobby wearing really crappy suits. I assumed five of them must have been the OSI agents. "Hey boss how was your weekend. I found out I have relatives, lots and lots of relatives. This is my cousin Reza Hassan. Perhaps you know his brother Tamam."

"We have met Jono, Good to see you again Reza. Wait, Captain Hassan is your cousin?"

"Actually in a roundabout way he is. My father served with his father and is considered a brother. Apparently the King thinks of him that way as well." With that quick revelation I knew which of the six crappy suits belong to the five OSI agents. I also knew that my boss was wearing a wire.

I continued with a fast briefing, "Boss they clearly do not teach OSI agents how to play poker. If anything goes hinky, Reza and I will be making a run through the Arboretum to the back door. Captain Hassan is currently out back swapping the Range Rover for the Jaguar that one of his staff just dropped off. He has flight line access to the air base and will take me directly to the aircraft if necessary. Make sure the Air Force Security knows not to shoot at the Jag. If you five understand that, please adjust your tie, your handkerchief, or jacket." Oh goody I thought five positive responses.

I smiled convincingly as I said, "Now, can I tell you how terrified I am sir?" There was no time to reply. Hotel security and the night manager were walking in our direction and I identified them as such.

"Mr. Al-Amin, we have just been informed of who you are, and how important a guest you are. You have been moved into a more secure part of the hotel. I am sorry but we were under orders to tell no one of your move. The King himself has sent a security detail to protect your floor. I assume the men in the 'suits' around the lobby are with you?"

I nodded and motioned for them to approach. "If you will kindly follow me, we will take you to your suite. You should not stay long in the lobby." So much for my low profile... But at least I knew what was going on.

"Captain Hassan will be arriving shortly with the rest of my things, please see that he is brought up immediately." He responded yes sir. The manager snapped his fingers and a member of the hotel security staff peeled off and waited at the front counter. The rest of us entered the private elevator. The manager gave me my key. "I was hoping to bring you up to speed on the revelations of this weekend over breakfast Captain, I'm sorry. I didn't expect anything to change, clearly I was wrong."

I turned my attention back to the manager and told him, "This is my supervisor he is required to have access to me 24/7. I work for him, not the other way around. This request will be followed, or I will end up sent back to my unit in disgrace, or forced to live at the embassy for the duration of this temporary duty assignment. Either way I will make my displeasure known to the King."

The Captain whispered, "Jono, to think your unit did not believe you understood command presence. I'm going to have to talk to your director of operations. So I take it something dramatic has changed in your life."

"I guess you could say that. I knew my father was injured protecting his unit. But I did not know until today that he was injured protecting the life of his commanding officer. Add to that the commanding officer is now King. I also did not know that entitled 'ME' to special treatment."

"Speaking of treatment Airman, I like the new brush cut, but what is that stuff around your eyes?"

"It is called kohl; it is used to keep light from reflecting into your eyes. I will try to get it all off tonight. However this brand is also laced with henna. So while the black will come off, there will be a brown stain around my eyelids for about a week or so."

"Yeah, I've seen the Saudi pilots use it. Need I remind you you're not in the Saudi military Jono?

I replied with, "No sir. I know I'm not in the Saudi military..." I paused for effect, "...YET." Reza and the manager laughed. Captain Nelson and the OSI agents did not, though the Captain did smirk. The elevator door opened to a marble floored entryway. There were two men armed with automatic weapons on either side of the middle door. I take it this is my new room?

"Actually you may have your pick of any of the three suites of rooms. The whole floor has been booked for you. In fact to solve the problem of access we could move Captain Nelson and members of your detail into one of the vacant suites, if it meets with your pleasure. First let me show you my recommendation for you. I know how much you enjoy playing the piano."

I noticed the hotel security did not get off the elevator. Two of the OSI agents remained in the outer hall with the Saudi military security. When the door swung open I was expecting lavish grandeur. Nothing in my imagination could prepare me for what I saw. The outer door of the suite opened to a round entry hall, which had a magnificent grand piano smack dab in the center of the rotunda. On the floor was a wonderful marble compass roundel with a red tile on one point of the design I looked at the manager and asked "Mecca" he nodded yes.

I addressed the boss, "Captain, will the Air Force have issue with me moving into this place."

"As the liaison officer, I can guarantee you did not ask for the special treatment and it is not being used to earn special favors from you. Considering we are all guests of the king he can choose to bestow his gifts as he wishes. But we will have to report it." The OSI agents began doing a security assessment of the suites.

I saw the phone on the credenza and looked at Reza, "Please, call your brother."

The manager continued on with the description of the suite of rooms. Five bedrooms the two larger are on the left hall the three smaller to the right, six baths, lounge, private gourmet kitchen, dining room, and a private pool with an infinity edge on the balcony. It had a commanding view of the city. I could see the Royal Palace.

The manager asked if I would like to see the master bedroom I nodded yes. The master bedroom was huge. I was amazed at the opulence of the room. The bed was topped with a custom cover made of Russian sable; it was to die for soft. I ran my fingers across the fur and it just slid between them. There was a suit tree standing in the corner with a mess dress uniform hanging from it, with my rank on the sleeves. I could only assume this was the surprise that Captain Nelson hinted at on the phone. I walked over and ran my finger over the new combat crew plate over the breast. I looked at Captain Nelson and said, "I see your handiwork."

"Tamam had the mess dress made by your tailor. I used my friends at the embassy to get your awards and rank shipped in fast. He also had a new service dress made for you."

I love the cut of the mess dress it's one of my favorite uniforms. There was just no point in me putting the money out until I got a medal or something to put on it. With just my jump wings and my combat crew plate it looked kind of naked. The captain pointed at the suit tree behind my mess dress uniform. What I thought was my freshly pressed service dress uniform, turned out to be a brand new custom tailored service dress uniform.

I examined my new service dress I saw the ultra thin ribbon rack. "Sir, those have to be custom-made, when did you two make these plans?"

"Day one Jono, he knew he wanted to do this after seeing you in the chow hall handling the folks with the allergies."

When I opened the walk-in closet, it was fully loaded with the clothes that we had selected on Thursday. Tam got me three complete wardrobes, one for each residence. I couldn't help think how I'm going to hurt that man. I whispered to Captain Nelson, "My room in Bremerhaven is an old broom closet." We went through to the adjoining suites and the Captain made his choice. I then asked if I may offer the other suite of rooms to my supervisor Sergeant Gilmore.

"So long as the connecting doors stay shut I don't have a problem. Considering she is your direct supervisor it makes sense."

Special Agent Ramirez approached, "I just had a chat with your security detail on the hall. It seems you have a full security detachment currently in the hotel. Anytime you go out in public there will be at least two people shadowing you. They did ask that you let them know in advance so they can secure your route."

"I am so sorry Captain Nelson. WE can't do business like this."

"Just roll with the situation for now. We can work out the details, Jono."

I thanked the OSI agents and told them they didn't need to stay. Agent Ramirez gave me a business card in case of an emergency. I asked the manager if the safe in my former room was emptied. It is in your closet Sir, intact. The manager asked if the captain would accompany him down to the front desk and he would issue the other keys. He then turned and addressed me again, "Anything you desire please do not hesitate to call the concierge. A full list of services that are available are in the folder on the desk. If your desire is not listed we will try to accommodate you." With that he and the Captain left.

I called down to Vanessa's room and quickly brought her up to speed. I told her of the empty suite next door and asked if she would like it. "Are you kidding, do you really have to ask?" I told her either I or the Captain would drop off her key.

There was a knock on my door. I noticed a problem with the security setup. I couldn't look through the peep hole, it was up too high. I pointed at it and Reza and I began laughing. He looked through, "It is Tamam."

I opened the door, "Hello Captain, please come in." I turned and looked at the security officers and told them, "This is Captain Tamam Hassan in addition to being the Saudi project manager for the new radar systems, our families have been friends for generations. I trust him with my life. He has unfettered access to this suite. Please make sure your relief is briefed. Thank you so very much."

He replied, "Thank you, Airman" and stepped in. As soon as the door closed I collapsed in his arms completely drained. His hands could feel the knots on my back. He chuckled as he said, "Well that was a complete waste of a massage this morning." He swept me off my feet and carried me into the living room. He sat on the sofa with me on his lap and kissed me deeply.

"It's not that I'm ungrateful of the King's generosity, but this is too much. I'm used to living in a tiny shoe-box of a room. It is literally an old broom closet. There are times that room felt too big for me. I could sleep in one of the drawers in that kitchen, which is not much of an exaggeration. Why does he think this is necessary? Then there is you Tamam, three full freaking wardrobes. Do you realize I cannot fit all of the clothes that you purchased for me in my dormitory room back home?"

"The King knows it is not. Think of it this way Jono, the King actually owns this entire hotel and several others. How much of a gift is this really to him? Add to that from his perspective he owes his very life to your father, and when you his son was in need, the King was unable to step in and repay that debt. As for my generosity I wanted to make sure you were comfortable no matter where we were. I will always be ready for you now."

"Papa would not a thought of it as a debt, he would have thought of it as his duty, nothing more. This is all too much. I know he believes he owes a debt to dad's memory, but I have done nothing to be worthy of it. Yes, I am an introvert. I like my privacy, but I'm going to lose my mind wandering around in this place. How am I supposed to see you? With the security details following me around, eventually they will put two and two together."

"I would love to have met your Papa. He taught you well about duty. That being said Jono, now what do you think his expectation of you would be in this situation? What do you think Aban would believe your duty is? In your role as a military technician on loan to our nation that makes you a target. As a guest of the King in our country that makes you a target. The fact that our King prizes your family highly makes you an incredible target, and one he feels obligated to protect. As far as not seeing me that will never happen. Even if I have to step down from my post, and ask to be part of your security detail, I will have my time with my beautiful boy."

There was a knock at the door. Reza started to get up and I said, "No, I don't have staff and I damn sure don't want those guys to shoot my guests." I opened the door; it was Captain Nelson and Sergeant Gilmore. The porters were loading their baggage into their respective suites. The guard looked at me gruffly, and told me I should look through the peephole to verify the guests before opening the door. I looked at him pointed to my eye level then pointed at the height difference to the peephole. My guests laughed. The guard told me he would request a step stool to accommodate the security issue.

Vanessa grabbed either side of my face, "Jono, I love what you did to your eyes. Your hair is so cute Taz!"

I grumbled, "Enough mamma bear" and led them into the living room.

"I believe you both know Captain Hassan, this is his baby brother Dr. Reza Hassan." Reza corrected me that he had not yet earned the title of doctor. I smiled and gave Nessa the box with her crescent moon necklace and thanked her for the loan of it. I pointed at Tam and said, "He has a gift for you."

Tamam then presented his box to Nessa. She was in tears when she opened it. "Jono told me how your old locket was destroyed on a deployment and that you couldn't find a replacement that could hold two photos. I hope this fills that void. It is a small way of thanking you for looking after Jono, and helping him prepare for this weekend."

"Thank you so much Captain Hassan." She threw her arms around me. "Taz, what happened to your Dad's ring?" I grabbed the chain and pulled it up out of my shirt. "I never thought you would ever take that ring off your finger. That's a far better place for it right over your heart."

I reached into the small bag and pulled out my gift for Captain Nelson. "You don't know it but you made something very special happen. Actually to be more specific, you made something very special possible. This is my way of saying thank you." He held up the chain and gave me a puzzled expression. I told him it would be easier to hide his "Star" as I pointed to the pendant with his lovers name on it.

Captain Nelson thanked me and added. "Jono, you do understand that the connecting door rule was not to be taken seriously. That was to appease the OSI agents, and in the appearance of propriety for the manager." I nodded my head.

"On the upside, Now that I have my own private gym. Nessa and I can start working out again. Of course that being said, I guess it is good that are suites have adjoining doors. I can't imagine what the Saudi guards would think about a woman entering my suite before work and leaving all sweaty. Then again that might be good for my reputation." There was a group laugh.

Tamam said, "That actually might not be a bad idea. It would solve certain 'misconceptions' if you're game for it Vanessa." Momma Bear smirked playfully and agreed.

"Captain Nelson, how much trouble am I in with our Embassy? I can't imagine that the Ambassador and his staff had an easy day."

"Shit, I forgot to call them." Captain Nelson got up. It was so hard to behave myself. What I wanted to do was cuddle with Tam and his brother. As the Captain rose he addressed me, "Sorry the last day of the weekend got spoiled. I hate to pile onto it, but your presence has been requested tomorrow at a reception at the American embassy. A driver will pick us up at 1700. The ambassador wants to chat with you before the guests arrive. Take the day off, make sure your uniform is ready to go, and your shoes have a good shine."

I told him my evaluation was going to happen Thursday and I felt the need to prepare. "Jono, I got word Dhahran will take primary CRC duties tomorrow. Stan eval has already requested the ops center for evaluations in the weapons cell. They're also going to push through your trainees this week. I know you have the skills and the knowledge down pat. If you do not ace the eval Thursday, I will be amazed. For the record not much amazes me. Take the day as an apology for interrupting the last day of your weekend. Nessa, you take the day as well. Jono will be requiring a military appropriate escort to the reception." We both responded with yes sirs.

Nessa asked, "Jono, I suppose I should unpack and get myself settled. Will you walk me out please?" I started walking to the adjoining door. "Main door Jono. Appearances of propriety remember? You don't want the guards thinking I spent the night in here do you? Much less reporting that back to their superiors." I told her that I wasn't thinking. Clearly I wasn't. At the door she said, "I sent you away with one beau and you came back with two? A doctor no less, not bad. Reza looks at you like a hungry dawg looks at a steak. Be careful my lil' Slut Puppy." Then she pecked my cheek before we opened the door and I walked her to her room.

I nodded at the security detail as I re-entered my suite. They looked surprised I even noticed them. This was going to be the difficult part, learning not to thank those who were doing things for me. Here I am repeating the same pattern over and over again, loss, recovery, learning a new social order. It was becoming the story of my life. I should be used to sudden reversals of fortune by now, but I am not, I doubt I ever will be.

Then as I cleared the rotunda, there he sat, my Tamam. My beautiful, studly, beacon of normalcy in this new world of mine. I confidently strode across the room and sat upon his lap, with the grace of a monarch taking their throne. Then, and only then, did I finally relax. It was as if a giant hole was opened up and all the stress and worry of the day poured out. As I melted into his arms, I knew, here in his arms I was safe. He would move heaven and earth to keep me from harm. I kissed and nuzzled the shaved smooth skin between his jaw and neck. I whispered to him "Please, take me to bed, or just take me right here."

He responded by kissing my forehead and telling me, "Patience, my greatest jewel. Reza is securing the adjoining rooms to ensure we are not disturbed." My lower lip jutted out and Tam sucked it into his mouth. I loved this power he had over my body.

"Tamam, you know that I would do whatever you ask, and that I love your whole family. That being said, I feel you want me to take your brother like you take me. Am I wrong? If I am not, why do you want this?"

"I see the trust you have for me, and the affection that drives it. As to it being 'my family,' my father has already told you it is your family as well. The answer to your questions, you are not wrong. Reza is what westerners call a bottom; it is a 'polite secret' here."

Tam saw the puzzled look on my face. "A polite secret is one that all assume, but none acknowledge. I am not trying to push you away from me, which will not happen. I know the size of your heart. I believe it has enough room for the two of us. You made him smile. It has been a very long time since someone did that. I originally hoped Benjamin would fall for him, but the chemistry did not happen. When you return to Germany I know he will keep you happy and safe. Benjamin says there's a fair possibility that with your linguistic skills you could be attached to the military or diplomatic office here in Saudi Arabia. You must be on your best behavior tomorrow and anytime that you're at the embassy. I hope the Ambassador sees your great worth." I blushed.

Reza had just entered the room when the phone rang. I couldn't help but think, 'damn am I ever going to get laid today.' The manager on the other end of the phone told me that an envoy was on his way up. I thanked him for the warning. I hung up and informed the boys. While we waited I asked Reza if his flight was in the morning. He replied he was actually flying out on Friday. He just wanted to spend some time in Riyadh. "Tam, should I call Captain Nelson and inform him of the envoy?"

"Absolutely not, Benjamin knows the fine line that you are walking. If the envoy is a member of the Saudi royal family the Captain's presence would offend him. It would be as if you needed an intermediary. This is not the case."

"Will your presence offend?"

"No it will not. My father has accepted you into his family to have two of his sons looking after you would be no surprise."

The door chime rang and I strode through the rotunda back to the big door. There was Prince Aziz wearing his black thobe with golden trim, "I told you we would see each other again." He fell upon me and kissed my cheeks. I invited him in and we returned to the living room. He greeted Tam the same way that he had greeted me. He then simply acknowledged the presence of Reza. This irked me. I would have to ask Tam later if the special treatment was due to Reza's polite secret. If so it did not seem so polite. "Jono, do you like my father's gift?"

"It is greatly appreciated but overwhelming. To be honest I was more than happy in my old room. I'm going to be very lonely up here."

"It was necessary to move you. The battle that our fathers fought in was a bitter defeat for the Yemenis. There are many hard feelings. With the increased tensions my father was tempted to ask your government to remove you from the country for your own safety. I argued if we could not keep our guests, and one of our own sons, safe within our own borders then we were not worthy to survive. My father agreed."

"I understand the logic, to do any less would show weakness before the enemy. Still I'm used to people looking over me..." I made in over my head gesture and continued, "...not looking over me." I made a covering gesture and he understood.

"We will TRY to keep the security presence discreet. Captain Hassan why are you here?"

"My father was in the same battle has your father and Jono's father. He accepts Jono as a member of our family. I am teaching him what that means, and what it means to be Saudi. He is also a Banks, and our families have been close for three generations. He is a highly valued member of my training team, as such I am watching over him along with Captain Nelson."

"That is good. Jono, my father has asked for you to dine with our family this evening. Will you attend? Of course the sons of Omar Hassan are also welcome."

"I would be honored to attend." I thought to myself there went my plans for the evening.

"Very good a car will collect you at six." We stood and walked to the elevator, where he hugged me and kissed my cheeks again. "I am grateful our families have reconnected."

"As am I, my Prince. It is good not to be alone in the world again, until this evening then." When the doors closed my head dropped as I let out a sigh. I remembered my two silent sentinels on either side of my door, and swiftly recomposed my bearing. "Forgive me gentlemen it has been a long day. A car will be coming to collect me at six please let me know when it arrives."

I walked over to the Captain's Suite so I could bring him up to speed. He rubbed my buzz cut and said "You're having a crappy day son. Hang in there buddy. Let me know what the King's palace looks like. I will bring the Ambassador up to speed. I know this isn't your cup of tea, but try to have a good time."

I responded, "Yes sir" and returned to my suite. I made the long trek from the door across the rotunda and into the living room and collapsed without much grace into Tamam's powerful arms. "Can you be taking me already before anything else goes wrong?"

"It pains me to say, no. We have much to do. I have less than three hours to prepare you to meet the King. Reza take him into the shower get him clean, the eyes too. You wearing kohl might be offensive to the king." My pouty lip was deployed. I realized makeup had to come off that night anyway but I did kind of like the way it looked. "Jono, you know better."

"Yes Tamam." then I pecked his cheek and took Reza's hand and led him to the master bedroom. When we entered he spun quickly and locked onto my lips with his. I explored their softness with my tongue. He enveloped me in his arms. We were fumbling with each other's shirt buttons, both refusing to release our respective lip locks, when Tamam entered the room.

"Okay, I can see the two of you children are determined to play, and my sweet Jono has behaved so well today that he has earned a reward. I must go to the apartment to get clean clothes for tonight." He stepped in and kissed me deeply then he walked to the dresser and set the alarm. "When this goes off playtime is over and the two of you need to get in the shower and get clean. Reza, he will wear the camel hair suit and black dress shirt."

"Tamam, can I wear my Wellington Boots, please? They make me about two inches taller it's not much but it helps."

"Oh, how I do spoil you so. The boots are acceptable." He swatted my bottom then left us to play. We launched our mouths at each other. By the time we heard the front door close both of our shirts were on the floor and Reza's pants were halfway down. I blushed to discover he had gone commando all day. Gawd, there was not one ounce of fat on him. My hands began kneading his rock solid ass cheeks and exploring his mouth with my tongue. At long last he released the top button on my pants and they swiftly fell to the floor. Oh the joys of being skinny.

New territory, I didn't know what I was supposed to do... sensing my confusion Reza smiled, "Jono you've never topped for anyone else, and I really am your first?" I could only blush and nod, as he slid his hand inside my underwear. He was softly sliding his skilled fingers up and down my 'lil guy.' "Good, no bad habits to break."

As he sank to his knees he gently pulled my silky jockeys down, freeing my cock from its prison. He used the tip of his tongue to bathe my balls and aching cock. I felt shame that I had so little to give him but I did so want to make him happy. His lips were warm on my cock as he drew it in. He was gently kneading my testicles when he stopped and let my cock slide from his mouth. "Jono, why aren't you touching me?"

"Reza, please forgive me, it feels really good. But, I don't know what I am supposed to be doing."

"What does Tamam do when you are sucking him?"

"Reza, I cannot do what he does. He lets me climb on top and suck him upside-down. While he plays with me. It is the only way I can get him all the way in my mouth."

"You said two things that surprised me. First, YOU can deep throat MY brother? Second, Tamam will actually 69 you?"

"It's not easy but I can take him with a lot of effort. What's a 69? He lets me suck him while he plays with my bottom."

Reza stood and pulled the fur cover off the bed, then pulled me on top of him. "I keep forgetting I am the one with the experience. When you have a guy on his knees worshiping your cock, let him know you are enjoying it. It is absolutely okay to hold the back of his head, grind against his mouth a bit. Some guys (on occasion me) even like getting skull fucked. Don't be afraid to get vocal. Let your partner know what feels good or does not. Let them know you are there, not just a mannequin with a strap on dildo."

"Now what Tam was doing was not a 69 exactly. Between a guy and a girl a 69 is when she sucks his cock, he eats her pussy." He saw a flash of confusion. "It's kind of like French kissing her cunt. From Tam's perspective that is what he was doing. Now a proper 69 between guys is when both parties pleasure each other's cock. I can tell you now Tamam will never 69 with you like that. I on the other-hand like it, I like it a lot." I reached down and put our cocks together and slowly stroked them.

"I wish I was bigger for you." He pushed me off of him, pinning me to the mattress beneath him.

"Never say that again Jono. You are perfect just the way you are. I have had bigger, I have also had smaller." I couldn't imagine anyone having smaller than I. "If it sticks out from you and cums inside me, I am happy. Besides it is proportional for your body." Then he rested his hand in the middle of my chest and said, "This is what I want. Not just a bit of anatomy. I want to share a piece of your heart, even if I must share it with my big brother."

He rose up off my lap grabbing my cock in his left hand and slowly lowered himself until his ass made contact with my cock. I was trying to figure out how he was going to take me without lube and then I remembered he and Tamam were much bigger than I. It was a good bet that his previous lover was bigger than I as well. As he slowly slid down my shaft I was overcome by the feeling of warmth the further I penetrated into him. It felt so good I actually moaned out loud. He smiled broadly, that was the feedback he was wanting. I slowly begin to raise my hips up into him as he was on his downward stroke eventually we began falling into an erotic rhythm.

The sound of wet slapping flesh filled the room as my hips rose up and smacked his bottom. It was about 20 minutes later that he looked down at me. Sweat was pouring from the two of us our breathing was ragged. Suddenly, as his cum exploded across my stomach and chest. He asked when I was going to cum. I had to explain to him that I'd had several dry orgasms. I know physiologically I was on par with a stallion, but without cum of my own, I felt like a gelding. He leaned over and kissed my lips, his ass never broke its hold on my cock.

As my cock softened and slid from his ass the alarm on the mantle went off. "Jono, a promise is a promise. Tamam told us we must prepare. Tonight you meet the king. While you bathe, I have to run down to the Rover for my bags."

I walked naked into the bathroom and suddenly panic's icy grip grabbed hold of my heart. A thought screamed in my head what happened to the items Nessa procured for me. What would they think if the people who packed up my room found my enema bag? I called over to Nessa's suite and had her meet me at the adjoining door. I threw on a robe and went to the door.

She laughed as I shook while posing my question to her. "Jono, I had you covered sweetie." She gave me a locking case and key. "I figured the panic in your voice was about this. Your special toiletries are in here. I figured you wouldn't want the maids to discover them while you were out. You can borrow the case. I recommend when you leave country, toss the enema bag, and replace it when you get to Germany, in case customs examines your bags."

I thanked her for having my back, and told her that tonight I would meet the King. The look of shock on her face was priceless. "I do believe this is the first time I have ever seen you surprised boss." We hugged as I promised to tell her everything in the morning.

I walked back to the bathroom. Using the key I opened my toiletry case. I quickly cleaned myself out so I would be ready for Tam later. I showered cleaning every nook and cranny. I was even able to remove the kohl from around my eyes, but there was a tell-tale brown henna stain in its wake. I was having fun playing with the multiple jets on the shower it didn't quite have as many features as Tam's but it was pleasant none the less.

I had just switched to the rain head when the door to the shower opened and Reza stepped in. "You looked so beautiful while you cleaned yourself. I can't help myself; your cute body deserves to be worshiped." With that he dropped to his knees. As the water cascaded down both of us, his lips wrapped around my stiffening cock, as his left hand slipped around and played with my asshole, I saw the latex dildo in his right hand. He must have seen the look of confusion on my face, "I brought your toy chest up from the back of the Rover." He slowly pushed the lubed toy against my pink rosebud. "Jono, you gave me the best orgasm I have had in years. I want to do the same for you. Maybe if I suck you while I play with your bottom."

"Do we have time for this? Tamam was very insistent." Reza answered by gentle but firm pressure on the toy as its knob popped inside my ring. I pushed back onto the toy. Reza's lips sank down upon my cock. I moaned out loud and ran my fingers through his thick hair grabbing hold of his head taking control of his motions. The whole time he was feeding the toy into my ass. In no time the entire toy's base was resting against the rim of my bottom.

I was softly fucking Reza's mouth and he was moaning while varying the pressure of his suction. His eyes rolled up making contact with my own. As I felt his finger and thumb move I heard a click. The toy lodged in my bowels sprung to life slowly gyrating and vibrating. I gasped for air as my hands made a death grip on his head. All of his effort earned him his reward. I filled his mouth with the fluid his heart desired as I released the second orgasm of my life. I had the same rubbery leg feeling. Reza barely had time to pull the still active toy from my tender hole as my legs gave out, and I collapsed on top of him on the shower floor.

Reza was holding me gently letting me regain my composure. He gently washed away the juices as the water cascaded down upon our bodies. I asked, "Is it normal for my legs to do this after having an orgasm?"

He kissed my forehead and replied, "It is the greatest compliment your body can give me Jono."

The moment did not last long out of the corner of my eye I detected motion. By the time my head turned to see who it was, the shower door was flung open and a very angry Tamam was standing there. He cursed at Reza telling him I should have been ready by now. Reza wrapped a towel around his waist and quietly returned to the other room. Tam threw a towel at me and left the bath. I dried myself and used a little of the cologne provided by the spa.

I walked out into the master bedroom only to see a still very angry Tam. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me across his lap, and then took his bare hand to my bottom turning it bright crimson. "Little one you must listen to me when I tell you to do something." He continued to spank me expecting me to cry out. Only the soft tears rolling down my cheeks betrayed how much it stung. I could not understand why he was so angry. The clock on the nightstand said we still had almost an hour before we were to be picked up. All that was left for me to do was to get dressed.

When his rage abated I slipped from his lap onto the floor. From my knees I begged his forgiveness. He cupped my cheek and told me I would learn to behave. As I stood and walked across the room to put the suit on that Reza had laid out for me, Tam told me to go finish my shower first.

"Tamam, I had finished my shower when Reza wished to give me what he could not give me in bed, an orgasm. I am sorry; I misunderstood what type of relationship you wished for me to develop with your brother. It must be my fault." The rage disappeared from his face and was replaced with a deep look of shame. He turned and left the room. I was tempted not to wear any underwear, my bottom was very sore. Propriety won out however, I figured it probably wouldn't be a good idea to free ball in front of the monarch in case 'nature' stirred.

I was gently sliding a pair of the sheer briefs over my battered butt when Reza enter the room. He was wearing a traditional thobe. "Jono, that looks like it hurts. I am so sorry; I should have waited until later. What did you say to him? I have never seen him like this." He walked over to the toy chest and returned the dildo from our previous session to its home inside the box. He closed the lid, locked it and presented me with the key. This will keep hotel staff away from your toys and help protect our little secret. He reached down and tickled my scrotum; I rested my head on his shoulder. He continued, "I am so sorry that my misbehavior got you injured. I will behave in the future. Perhaps I should let you spank me."

"No doubt you would enjoy it too much." I reached up behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I wanted to tell him he was not at fault and he did nothing wrong. All I could do was kiss him. The way he kissed me back, I knew no words were needed. "Now go back to the other room so I can finish getting dressed before the big bully comes in here and tans my behind again." He kissed me again and left the room. I finished getting dressed and walked out to the living room. As I entered, Reza swiftly left the room, apparently bully boy wanted to have more words alone with me.

Tamam was dressed in his dress uniform nervously pacing back and forth on the terrace. His usual air of confidence had all but evaporated. I walked onto the terrace behind him and wrapped my arms around him. As I rested my cheek between the bottoms of his shoulder blades I implored him, "Please forgive me I didn't mean to upset you." His head dropped as he shook off my embrace. He slowly walked away from me to the chair next to the door and sat down. I walked to him like a wounded puppy. I put my hand under his beard to lift his face. "I am truly sorry my beloved. I will obey you."

"Jono, it was not you who did wrong, it was I." I wanted nothing more than to curl up in his lap, but I was afraid of wrinkling his pretty uniform. He reached out to pull me close. When his hand made contact with my bottom, I could not help but to wince in pain. He quickly moved his hand to the small of my back. "It is I who must apologize. I saw how Reza brought you such pleasure and became jealous. Then I broke my word to never cause you pain." He spread his legs and pulled me to his chest. "The thought of you staying with Reza, while it is better than the alternatives, is still not what I want. I am almost a decade older than you. Someday you will find someone closer to your years and choose them."

I put my finger to his lips to tell him to hush. "I have fallen in love with 'you,' ya big goof. Not your age, not your status, and not your money. When Daliyah looks at your father do you not still see the love in their eyes? Almost three times as many years separate them. Should it be different for you and me? If you tell me to touch no one but you, I will obey. My only desire is to make you happy." I chose that time to shut up and just listen to the beating of his heart.

He pulled my head up to bring my lips to his. "Jono, does my brother bring you pleasure?"

I shook my head yes. "You both want different things from me. He taught me a few things I can't wait to try, to bring pleasure to you. The only reason I am not ripping your clothes off right now is that I do not want to piss-off the King by standing him up for dinner. Now, stand up so we can smooth a few of the wrinkles out of your uniform. So how does a foreign-born commoner address the Saudi King? I suppose I should learn how to address a noble, seeing as how you can't swing a dead cat in this country without hitting a prince."

"Drop your head slightly and simply address him as 'Excellency' or 'Your Excellency.' As to your colorful description about swinging a deceased feline, you cannot swing one in this suite without hitting two princes."

I swear I heard the sound of someone being slapped. Given the secluded nature of the balcony I knew that was unlikely. Shame filled my eyes as I looked at my beautiful prince, "I am so sorry Tamam, I did not know. Naser never told me that you were royalty. Please forgive me if I ever offended you."

"Sweet child, it is not the first time I heard that particular colorful, though not flattering, description used. The Saudi royal family is indeed highly prolific."

My time of embarrassment was thankfully cut short by the phone ringing. I walked back into the suite and answered it. Security had informed me the King's limousine was five minutes out. Tam, Reza, and I smoothed our clothing out one last time as we stepped out onto the elevator landing. My security detail grew from two to four men, who snapped to attention when I opened the door. I shot Tamam a look, stepping aside for him to exit first. "Jono, these men are honoring you. They are from the 30th Infantry Brigade. It appears your father's old unit has picked up your protection detail."

I thanked the Sergeant and his men for their service to me. He and his partner performed a smart about face and marched to the elevator. We rode down to the lobby in silence. When the doors opened two more uniformed guards met us. They led us across the lobby with the sergeant and his partner taking up the rear. Hotel security cleared our path and opened the lobby doors. Two more uniforms opened the limo doors, we were swept in and had barely sat when the doors closed and the vehicle sped off. It was odd being the last one into the vehicle. It violated my military training; normally the highest rank enters last that was Tamam. I felt like I was stealing from him. He treated it as normal. The limo and the chase motorcycles raced into the evening rush.

-- continued

Next: Chapter 7

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