Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 21, 2017


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Chapter 7 - The King & I

Once we were safely in the limo and safely underway from the hotel, I voiced my concern. "Tam, why do I have the place of honor? You are a Captain, I am just an Airman. Hell you both are princes; here I am, just a fucking nobody. Gawd I need a drink!"

"Jono, you are far from being nobody. You are the son of a great hero, the honored guest of our King... Wait, you drink alcohol Jono?"

"Surely you don't think that Nessa and I have been hanging around the Canadian embassy for the poutine? I had my first taste of whiskey when I was eight. Momma was hoping I would hate the taste, boy howdy I tells you was she wrong. On one trip my Papa discovered I had a taste for ogogoro and sodabi. I take it that's something I shouldn't share with the King?" Reza laughed out loud.

Tamam replied, "Let us just say for the rest of your stay in the Kingdom you shall be abstaining from consumption of alcohol, at least in public. In my presence you will not consume that West African filth." I dropped my head and pulled my lower lip into my mouth. I had disappointed him with my low palette. "There is no shame Jono, I simply wish to expose you to the finer things that life has to offer. Much of that African palm wine can rob you of your sight, and these beautiful gems have much to see."

My Gawd I wanted to crawl in his lap cuddle and kiss him all over. I did not know the driver, so I figured that was probably a bad idea. Instead I reached down and softly squeezed his hand; he smiled at me and returned the gesture. Reza was grinning like an idiot, as usual. The limousine paused only for a second as we were waived through the gates of the Royal Estate. I guess the four motorcycles that were screaming on each corner of the vehicle were subtle hint we were expected.

Gawd I really did need that drink. I asked Tamam when the last time he was here. He told me never. No pressure I thought. We pulled up to the main house and the doors flew open. My military training was once again getting in the way as I waited for Tamam to exit the vehicle. My hesitation was showing, because Tamam reached down and pinched my still tender butt cheek to remind me that I was the honored guest and should leave the vehicle first. I have so much to unlearn.

Prince Aziz was standing by the front door awaiting us. He kissed both my cheeks in the traditional greeting. Then he greeted Tamam and then coolly acknowledged Reza. This was starting to get on my nerves. We were led through into the throne room the king had already risen to greet me. I forgot all that Tamam had taught me and fell back on a lesson from Papa. I dropped my head and said, "My life for my King."

"Jono, your greeting is unexpected, but appreciated. Aban taught you well. Still, your family has given more than enough blood for my throne." He kissed my cheeks, and I his.

He took my arm and led us into the banquet room. He led me to the chair to his right. Tam and Reza were down near the foot of the table. The King introduced me to his sons as Jono "Son of Aban" Al-Amin, all had an impressed expression. I got the feeling I was the only one at the table who didn't know my Papa's whole story.

Dinner was a long drawn-out affair. The King's sons kept me entertained with stories of their business acumen. The son to my right, Usef was a Colonel and a fighter pilot with the ego to match. He boasted about graduating with top marks from F-15 flight training. I could see Tamam's jaw grinding. It was Aziz who gave me an opportunity to address a concern.

"Jono, how do you like your new accommodations?"

"I am more than a little overwhelmed by your family's extreme generosity. I am also grateful beyond my ability to express. A simple thank you is so inappropriate. Still, I don't know what I'll do with all that space. I kind of got used to barracks life this year."

"I was fortunate Omar Hassan loaned me his sons to help teach me more about Papa's culture and keep me from being so alone. It does make me more comfortable. I lived with thirteen foster brothers and sisters at the group home. Spending time with Tamam, Naser, Najibullah, and Reza has been like having a family again. This weekend I have felt like I was truly at home. I haven't been this happy in years."

I knew I was tempting fate, but I decided to openly flirt with their precious 'polite secret.' "Reza has even offered to stay in one of the rooms until he returns to school." A flurry of panicked looks flew around the table. Tam shook his head.

"Najibullah is looking into whether my Saudi passport is still valid, or if my status died with my father. The U.S. government will never accept it, but it was important to Papa."

The King rested his hand on my arm. "I and so many owe our lives to Aban Al-Amin. It is my responsibility to protect his sole heir, while you are in my kingdom. I know it can be isolating, and I am grateful my nephews are caring for you as family. Family is everything; you are as much a part of my family as Aban was. MY sons will make sure you have current paperwork."

He smiled and rested his hand on my arm, "You are home, we are family. When it comes to OUR claiming you as citizen, the American government's acceptance does not matter. You are a lost child of Islam. It is both our delight and our obligation to care for the last son of one of our mightiest defenders." His sons nodded in agreement.

After dinner the king took me into the courtyard garden. We talked about the happy string of miracles that brought me to the kingdom. After a few moments I screwed up the courage to ask the question, "My King, I have never been told the substance of my Papa's story. Could you tell me what happened? Papa said he would tell me when he thought I was old enough to understand. That day was taken from me."

"That would be my pleasure little one. The region we were in was in dispute for generations, the Saudi claim has always been the stronger one. We entered the city and engaged the Yemeni loyalists. We had the numbers to carry the day; still they tried to even the odds. The enemy loaded explosives into a cargo truck and drove toward our lines."

He rested his hand on my shoulder, "It was Aban who recognized the threat ran out from cover into the road shooting at the vehicle. As the driver succumbed to his wounds, the explosives in the vehicle detonated. We believe based on the devastation that the bomb had no less than 600 kilograms of explosives."

His eyes closed and he swallowed hard, "If the truck had gone any further it would have killed me and every member of the senior staff."

"Because of your father's courage, only four people died and three others were injured. We won the day because of him. Between the concussive impact and the shrapnel, we were convinced your father was dead. As soon as we realized he was still with us, we had him rushed back to the field hospital. From there he was stabilized and flown to Riyadh."

We sat on a bench next to an ornate fountain, "Your mother was a student nurse there. She stayed by his side the entire time he was recovering. She told him of her family in Florida. She shared stories of her father and older brother's famous horses, champions all. She continued her ceaseless prattle, talking to him non-stop until finally his eyes opened and he commanded her to be silent. The hand of the Prophet truly walks alongside your family."

He smiled, "By the point when he was able to walk, the die was cast and your father was smitten with his beautiful American nurse."

He continued, "A couple years earlier, it was I who told my father of a lovely woman I met while traveling to America with my cousin Omar. Father arranged a nursing scholarship for her. It was hoped she could be seduced and even agree to marry me. You must remember the times; women such as her brought a degree of glamour and status to the throne rooms in the old empires. He was seething that she would fall in love with Aban, even though he had saved his son's life. I told Aban that he should continue healing overseas."

"In time my father's anger cooled. By that time Aban was established in Florida, and in your family. I loved hearing him boast about his sons. He clearly favored the little one that his Nan loved so. You were the one he enjoyed traveling with. He once said to me, 'Jono is a blessed boy. He has the gift that builds peace between bitter enemies.' He was amazed with your gifts, learning new languages and music. I was crushed when I leaned of the death of your family. I mourned your death as if I lost my own children"

He put his arm around my shoulders. "More than anything Aban wanted sons. He thought his injuries protecting me and his fellow soldiers took that from him. You were his second great blessing from Allah. I did not know my old friend's son was alive, let alone could not afford to finish his education until the son arrived in my kingdom. I feel as if I failed both Aban and you."

"You did not fail neither him, nor I, my King. The most important lesson Papa taught us boys about life is the need to learn to stand. He often told us, `In spite of the odds, stand. In spite of the pain, stand. In spite of the burden, stand. Even the strongest of men will get knocked down, no recovery can begin until we learn, or if necessary relearn, to stand.'"

"Aban would be proud of you Jono. You are indeed worthy to carry his name and legacy." He hugged me again, and we returned to the others.

Reza watched on as I defeated Usef in backgammon. Two of the King's other sons chose to make fun of the rings around Reza and my eyes. I apologize for our appearance. Then I reminded them that even the prophet encouraged the use of kohl to protect vision. "Our Prophet himself would put kohl on his eyes three times every night, before he went to sleep. He would put kohl three times on his right eye and two times on his left."

The King praised my wisdom, and knowledge of the texts. His words took the sting out of their comments, as they retreated like scalded animals.

I could not help but notice when Tam was pulled aside by the King and Prince Aziz. Security officers joined them. They appeared to be in a deep heavy conversation. I was curious but, I had no doubt if it involved me Tamam would tell me later. In hindsight it was as if the men were playing games with me for no other reason than to distract me from the conversation across the room. I was starting to get irritated but I figured I should keep my hand close to my chest. I think Reza picked up on my darkening mood.

After about an hour, Tam approached me with the King. The King spoke, "Jono, I look forward to seeing you at the embassies this week." He kissed both of my cheeks and then Reza, Tamam, and then I re-entered the limousine.

Once in the limo, I asked Tam what they had been discussing all evening, he simply said we would discuss it later. As we left I noticed there were two other limousines leaving at the same time. Both of them had a security escort of eight police motorcycles each. I couldn't help but notice the security detachment on our limo had doubled from four to eight police motorcycles as well.

I could see the tension in Tam's face. I knew he needed me to be patient and calm. Once out the gate all three limousines headed off in different directions. Fifteen minutes later we were pulling in to the garage of the hotel. We were led through the kitchen, to a service elevator. Hotel security was everywhere. The service elevator dropped us at one of the mezzanine levels to transfer to the private elevator.

Once in the private elevator we were whisked back to our penthouse level suites. When the doors opened OSI Special Agent Ramirez was there to greet us. "Airman Banks, I hope you had a good evening. The technicians have finished installing STU-IIB extensions in both Captain Nelson and your suites. Are you in for the night?" I replied in the affirmative.

We walked across the penthouse mezzanine to the door of my suite. We were joined by Captain Nelson. Agent Ramirez turned to Reza. "Mr. Hassan, please stay here with security for the moment." Tamam nodded at his brother, who took a chair by the door. Once inside and behind closed doors, I asked the question "Is someone going to tell me, what the hell has happened?"

"There is credible intelligence that a tactical operation may be in place, threatening the American forces in Riyadh." Agent Ramirez continued, "The King has tripled security on every member of the detachment. He has requested additional assistance protecting you specifically. The Central Intelligence Agency has collected intel from their assets, which included photos of you, and information about your foster family in Florida."

I turned and shouted at Captain Nelson, "Sir, if I am putting other members of our team at risk, please send me back to Germany! I do not want to be responsible for even one of them dying or becoming injured. I am NOT that important to the mission. I am not irreplaceable."

Tamam spoke, "Jono, because of your father, you are a symbol. Add to that, the King values you greatly, as does our family. You are more indispensable than you know. The King was alerted to the security threat against you shortly after dinner. I was requested by him to remain by your side as your personal guard when we are not on duty. I, Captain Nelson, or Agent Ramirez will be by your side at all times."

He rested his huge hand on my quaking shoulder, "Keeping you here in country is the only way we can keep you safe. We're going to limit your public exposure, and thus limit their targeting opportunities. This attempt is not so much about killing you, as making our respective countries look weak. The Yemenis and their allies will stop at nothing to make our two governments look foolish. We cannot allow this to happen. You have a foot on two sides of the ocean firmly planted in two nations. You would be a powerful public symbol for propaganda if suddenly removed."

"Is the Ghorbani family protected? When I call them what can I say?"

Agent Ramirez replied, "The US Marshall Service is working with the local Sheriff to keep them safe. I would prefer you not contact them just now," he must have realized by the expression on my face that he was not going to get his wish. "Since you are going to call them no matter what, please keep the conversation general in nature."

Suddenly, I had a flash of memory to a point earlier in the day, as I muttered, "There were six crappy suits."

Agent Ramirez simply responded with "Excuse me Airman?"

I continued. "When we came back from Al-Umran, there were six men in the lobby with really bad suits, five of them where your team members. Who was the guy with the dirty-blonde hair, pasty white skin, thick lips, with the really poorly cut brown suit, buff shirt, and wide faux silk brown tie leaning against the piano?"

I looked at Tamam, "With THAT skin tone, I know he wasn't one of yours." I turned my gaze to agent Ramirez, "I doubt he would be a member of your team since he didn't have an earwig." Both men shook their heads no. I continued, "No self respecting businessman would wear a suit that bad in such an affluent environment. That leaves a spy or a cop."

A now very self-conscious agent Ramirez looked down at his suit and crossed his arms defensively. "I'm sorry sir; I know what you guys get paid for your clothing allowance. I also know they don't teach you how to buy off the rack to make inexpensive items look expensive. Once we're done with this I'll gladly help you out. I also know the world of James Bond is fiction and spies don't look like jet setters. That guy had to have been Eastern European, possibly Russian."

Agent Ramirez replied, "That leaves me two questions for you Airman. If you noticed the sixth person why didn't you speak up? Second, why do you assume Eastern European or Russian?"

"I have been traveling with my family, and doing business with people from around the world, since I was a small child. My time in Turkey taught me the only people I have met who wear five-year dated clothing were from the other side of the Iron Curtain. Given how pale he was, I'm assuming northern tier."

I continued, "As to your first question, if I had known what was happening in the first place, my attention would have been focused in a different direction. Number six would have had my undivided attention. I may have even sat down and played something on the piano, striking a conversation with him to find out where he was from, just by listening to his accent. Because of my size and appearance most people tend to dismiss my powers of observation and intelligence. My curse is on rare occasion, one of my greatest gifts. Perhaps both governments would keep that in mind in the future. If the hotel has video surveillance, do you want me to go down to security and review the footage?"

"No, I think I can do it from your description he should stand out. I know this will be difficult for you Airman, but I need you to stay in this suite unless you have duties elsewhere. I can guarantee you your surroundings are far better than what my team and I have."

"Sir a cage, even one this beautifully gilded, is still a cage. But I will adapt. I put myself in your hands."

Tamam led the agent to the door, as Captain Nelson introduced me to the STU-IIB. I hated the STU-II; it made people sound like Donald Duck through five miles of garden hose. Then he led me to the office and taught me how to secure the key, and open and closed the safe. I looked at him and apologized. "I am sorry sir; you shouldn't have to deal with all my baggage. I have put every member of our team in jeopardy."

"Jono, this is NOT your doing. This is NOT your baggage. You may have inherited it from your father but, you did not create it. No one on this team or in the command chain holds you responsible. You are a natural linguist, which is a resource we cannot afford to lose. The fact you are also a good trainer is the bonus as far as the general and I are concerned. By the way, General Mallory will be here in the morning, he will be on hand for the delivery of the first five Eagles. I know these three suites are technically yours but, would you mind if we put both he and his adjutant up in two of the rooms in my suite?"

"I am cool with it. Maybe you could move in here. I do have two more empty rooms. That way the General could have the whole suite next door, if he doesn't mind joining us in the bull's-eye. Sorry for the bad joke, I just can't live like this, constantly looking over my shoulder. I knew putting on the uniform came with risks but, I never imagined someone I never knew would want me, specifically dead."

"Jono, that's when you need 'battle buddies' watching your back. We got your back lil-buddy. I'll start haulin my shit over." With that I walked back into the living room. Reza, Tamam, and I were alone at last.

I walked to Tamam and rested my head against his sternum. "Is it okay if I stop being brave for a moment?" He wrapped his arms around me and told me softly three little words, "I have you." I wrapped my arms around his waist burying my face in his massive chest just shaking. After my arms finally connected around the small of his back, I could feel the 45 caliber he had tucked in his waistband. After what felt like an eternity I turned my head up, resting the bottom of my chin on his chest and looked into his eyes. "If you are staying here you need to get more clothes. You run home and pack."

He picked me up, and then kissed me ever so sweetly. He let me suck his bottom lip between my own. When our lips finally parted he lowered me to the floor and told me he could send for his things. I reminded him that anything that someone else packed would probably be opened inspected and shoved back in the bag. If I was not safe in this hotel, with all its security, I was safe nowhere. He acknowledged my wisdom on the matter.

Tam kissed me again and started to go. "Tam..." when he turned I continued, "...please grab a holster. I'd hate to see you damage that perfect bum of yours."

It took about 20 minutes to move the Captain's stuff. He then looked at me an announced, "Movie night."

"First, I am getting out of this suit. I'll be back in a couple minutes." I quickly put on my jade green silk jammies. I was surprised to find a set of matching slippers for each of my color combinations. I met Reza in the hall. I pointed to my slippers, "Your brother thinks of everything." I couldn't help but notice how he looked so damn cute in his chocolate brown mid thigh length silk sleep shirt.

Reza hugged me and said, "He is quite obsessive when it comes to matching colors. Drive him crazy, switch them up. Or better yet wear both a blue and a green one."

I playfully pecked his cheek, "Reza, I have far better, and more enjoyable ways to drive him crazy."

We walked into the lounge area. Captain Nelson was wearing a tank top t-shirt and satin running shorts. His body was covered in even more hair than I imagined. "Jono, you know how this fucking TV works?"

"Sir, off the top of my head no. I'll see if I can find the owner's manual. Reza, you got a clue?"

He smiled and took control of the remote. "I have one like it in Germany." He pushed one button and the blinds closed, and a screen came down from the ceiling, covering the center windows. He pushed another and the test signal from the projector flooded the screen.

I called down to the manager's desk informing him of the change in suite assignments, and how the now empty suite needed to be prepared for another high profile guest who would be arriving in the morning. He thanked me for the advanced notice and said the suite would be ready.

The Captain pointed at his VCR, "Know how to connect this Reza?"

"That depends, if it is NTSC it won't work here."

"I got it at the Exchange before I left, it is universal. It cost a mint, but as much as I travel it is nice being able to watch a few 'training' films." Apparently I must have had a confused look on my face. The Captain simply said, "You'll see." I fumbled through the videos in the case. None really caught my eye a couple action adventures, and musicals... Oh joy I thought, and plopped myself down in the pit group.

In a few moments the guys ceased their labors, the Captain grabbed a selection and popped it in. He fast forwarded through the opening credits and then the opening helicopter shot of a woman twirling around on a mountain top, singing about the hills been alive.

Suddenly the bright image disappeared and was replaced by a darkly lit bedroom with a wrought iron bed. Then two hot looking, muscular, furry guys wearing cowboy hats, leather vests and chaps, entered the room. They were pawing at each other and kissing through their 5 o-clock shadows. I shot a puzzled look at the Captain as Reza curled up in the sofa group with me.

Nelson smirked, "Recording over a video is a good way to slip things through customs. Having fuck buddies at the Canadian embassy gets this for us to enjoy." He gave us each a glass of amber liquid. The odor was all I needed to let me know it was top shelf whiskey. As I took a sip he spoke, "You two look cute together I may have to rethink twinks."

"Twinks, Sir?" No sooner had the words cleared my lips when Reza busted out laughing.

Captain Nelson settled into the pit group by my side opposite Reza, "Jono, we are sharing a suite, you are drinking my booze, and watching porn with me. Please, leave my rank at the door. Call me Ben. Surprised you don't understand what a twink is. That is what the two of you are, smooth cute and boyish. The two guys on the screen and I, we are bears, furry and manly."

"B-ben, I just got the concept of tops and bottoms down. How much more is there to learn?"

"We really have to work on that nervous stammer of yours. Jono, twinks normally like to bottom, whereas bears tend to top on twinks, and like to take turns with each other. We also like our sex a little rougher." I blushed

My blush deepened when Reza chimed in with, "There are always exceptions. I love bottoming for Jono. He may be tiny and a bit timid, but he can go for hours." I thought Ben was gonna choke on his whiskey as Reza rolled over and locked his lips to mine.

"I was not expecting to learn that. I guess it is true dynamite comes in small packages. Now as far as tonight's activities I would strongly recommend that it stay in this room. I think the General's adjutant may be bi or gay, but I know for a fact the General is not."

The action on the screen continued, and intensified. A small man dressed as a bellhop entered the room, he was grabbed violently was then tied to the headboard the bed. As the bondage increased intensity a sudden cold chill ran down my back. I climbed out of the pit group and walked over to the table trembling. Reza walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest. Ben stopped the video and asked what the problem was.

"I'm sorry Sir, restraint; it's the one spot in SERE school I had trouble with. After the crash I spent almost a year in restraints of one kind or another; first to minimize the injury to my spinal cord. Then the doctors used therapeutic restraints and braces to force my body to learn how to move again. I'm sorry it's more than a bit frightening to me and very uncomfortable."

"I understand BDSM isn't for everyone. You do have to tell your partner where the borders are. I hadn't even thought about the crash. Your fear of restraints is understandable and nothing to apologize for, and Jono, again it is Ben, not Sir. Hell, I am not that much older than you. How about we put Rambo in?"

I nodded yes. He rubbed my head and smiled then went to his movie case. Reza and I returned to the pit group, and began snuggling. Reza reached over pushing a button on the side armrest of the pit. Immediately the foot rests extended upward filling the gap between the padded ottoman and the seats, making a complete circle of padded comfort.

I reached over my glass; it had somehow been refilled while Reza's glass was now almost empty. I gulped a mouthful just to try keeping up. Ben walked over and topped us off and Reza thanked him. He raised his glass to his lips but I did not see him drink. I noticed Reza was now stretched out between Ben and I.

My inhibitions slowly faded as Ben's booze warmed my insides. Each time I reached for my glass, it was "magically" full again. I took another full gulp and set the glass down. Reza slid his hand into my pj top and began playing with my nipples. I looked at him through bleary eyes. I was trying to decide if he really wanted to play or if he was waiting for me to pass out from the booze.

Ben's hand was firmly rubbing the inside of Reza's thigh. It was clear to me, Ben wanted to do more than play with Reza. I felt Reza opening the three buttons on my pj top. As the silk slid from my shoulders, Ben admired my definition as I lowered my back to rest on the seat cushions. His hands however, were busy as well, sliding Reza's sleep shirt up over his thighs exposing his naked bottom.

Ben parted Reza's cheeks and roughly buried his tongue deep in Reza's ass, I took over the task of gliding the soft garment over his head and off his body. Reza now naked on top of me, he attacked my mouth with his in fierce passion.

He learned his lesson at the spa; he knew I could not bear his full weight. He struggled at pushing the waistband of my bottoms down, while straddling my small frame. Looking over his shoulder I could see Ben taking off his shirt exposing his perfect six pack abs covered in that thick chestnut brown fur.

He could see the difficulty Reza was having with my bottoms. Ben's hands pulled the fabric so hard both the pj bottoms and underwear came off at the same time. He used such force that I was pulled through Reza's legs and half way down his slim body. Ben let out, "Sorry buddy, I didn't think that one through."

I was left looking at Reza's semi erect cock. I replied, "Not a problem here!" as I began licking and nibbling on my third Hassan prick of the weekend. In no time at all Reza was rock hard. He was nowhere near as well endowed as his big brothers but, still I admired that his was bigger than mine. I wrapped my lips around it and drew him into me.

Not to be outdone Ben parted my knees and slid his rough furry torso between my legs and began sucking on my cock. Nessa would be so jealous I thought to myself. Oh joy, I mused, another thing I have to keep to myself. I noticed while Tam's body hair was soft and fluffy, Ben's was scratchy and coarse. How I wished he was here right now.

Reza pumped into my mouth hard. I had let my attention wander and it shown in my performance. "Focus damn it" I thought to myself. Here I had two gorgeous men who wanted my body, and were willing to share me. The least I could do was pay attention to their desires. Ben engulfed my rod and swiftly, actually a bit too swiftly. His prickly facial hair dug into the bare skin of my scrotum and hip. I winced in discomfort. It was as if I had a wire brush down there.

Reza knew something was up and climbed off. Ben released me and crawled up to my face. "That is the problem with shaving down there buddy, you leave your tackle unprotected." Reza laughed out loud. Ben continued, "I clearly am missing the joke."

I pointed at Reza, "He is the one who waxes. I am naturally smooth."

Ben shot back, "You are fuck'in kidding me! How old are you again?"

"Nope I am not kidding, Reza waxes." I replied playfully as Reza slowly stroked my cock, "I am still eighteen, chronologically. Physiologically, it is a different story, things don't always work right. That's how I stayed a virgin so long. No-one saw me as a sexual being till I got here and met Tamam. Reza was the first to get pleasure from that lil' nub." With that Reza straddled my hips and mounted my cock.

Ben roughly kissed me then whispered, "Jono, you're not that tiny. I have seen much smaller, some guys barely have a fat button sticking out, those cocks are called chodes. Look at the smile you are putting on Reza's face. I could be wrong, but I think he is happy..."

It was true he was grinning ear-to-ear. My hips were bucking up as his was riding down. We started to develop a good cadence as he reached down tracing the outline of Ben's cock through his shorts. Ben used one hand to firmly hold my mouth to his, the other he used to pull his shorts down to grant Reza access to his prick. Reza reach down with his other hand resting it under my bottom and began bucking my hips further to the side.

Eventually Ben, Reza, and I formed an erotic triangle. I was fucking Reza side saddle, while he was sucking Ben's uncircumcised cock, while Ben was alternating between tongue fucking my mouth, and aggressive nipple play. Ten minutes in we had just gotten into a comfortable groove.

Both of my hands were desperately holding on to Reza's hips for leverage. Reza was holding Ben's fuzzy balls in one hand and playing with Ben's belly fur with the other. Ben had one hand behind Reza's neck while he skull fucked his mouth violently. The other was being used to tweak one nipple then the other on me as my mouth was locked to his. That's when I felt the finger softly caressing my asshole.

In all the sexual action, I lost track of how many hands were involved until another hand softly lifted the other cheek exposing my asshole more.

I turned my gaze and saw Tam out of the corner of my eye. He was standing behind me smiling. He had already stripped off his clothing and was bending over me. He used both his thumbs to penetrate my ass and get me ready. Now my hips were violently thrusting forward and back trying to get more sensation both from my cock and ass.

It was Ben who first broke contact. He released my lips and then removed his throbbing member from Reza's throat. Tamam then forcibly pulled me from Reza's wonderful ass.

The disappointment must have been visible on our faces. I was so close. Tam told me, "A good host meets the needs of all of his guests Jono." By that point Ben had already flipped Reza on his back and begun fucking his hole hard.

"Tam that is what I was trying to do. Please, tell me what am I missing and I will fix it." He knelt behind me and pulled me up until I was on my knees and my back made contact with his soft furry tummy. As his shaft swelled and twitched against the small of my back I rolled my head back and to the side. I then flicked the tip of my tongue against his right nipple.

He told me again I was neglecting a guest. I was getting damned frustrated, "Ben is happy, Reza is happy, damn straight I want to make you happy who am I forgetting Tam?"

I swear my man loved confusing me, almost as much as he loved training me. He gently grabbed my chin and pointed my head in the direction of Reza's crotch. His cock leapt every time Ben slammed into him. The light bulb went on. My man wanted me nursing on his baby brother's cock, and was not going to give me what I needed till I did.

I obediently dropped onto all fours and started kissing my way down Reza's slender body until I almost reached his throbbing member. I was just about to take possession of my prize when all of a sudden the most delightful pressure was applied to my own cock. Reza beat me to the punch. I realized he was not going to let go so I stretched myself as long as I could. I managed to get just the very tip of his cock in my mouth.

I looked up at Ben with pleading eyes. He caught the hint and raised Reza's butt just a few inches higher in the air making Reza's back curl a little bit. With that the distance to Reza's cock was a little bit smaller. Finally, I could give him a proper blowjob. Every so often Ben's fuzzy tummy would make contact with my head. It was as if he was patting me on the head for doing a good job.

The sight must have been pleasing Tam as well, because he started rimming me. Between what he was doing with that wonderful tongue, his fingers deeply probed my hole. I was yearning for something larger. I must finally be getting broken in because it took almost no time for me to take him all the way to the base of his cock. Both he and Ben got into a rhythm both thrusting in at the same time. The impact of our men's thrusts in our bottoms shoved Reza and my cocks down each other's throats. I was not going to be able to last much longer. Reza was the first his load blasted the back of my throat. His load tasted sweet, it had an almost wild honey like quality.

Ben pulled out of Reza spraying his load across my face and down my back. He wiped his cum dripping cock across my lips. I licked the bitter seed from inside his foreskin. My whole body shuddered as I shot into Reza's mouth. He knew what was going to happen next. My legs were turning rubbery. Reza was barely able to get out from under me when my legs collapsed.

Tamam, still fully implanted in my ass slowly rolled me on my back and fucked me hard. I could barely breathe when he finally found his release. His cock exploded in my bowels. Reza had found a towel and gently wiped Ben's seed from my face and kissed my forehead. Then Ben grabbed his hand and led him to his new bedroom. Tam cradled me in his arms like a father holds his child until my strength returned. All the while he was kissing me and praising my accomplishment.

He stood up still cradling me in his massive arms and carried me through the master bedroom suite and into the bath. To my surprise he already had a bath drawn. My sweet Arabian ninja is always a sneaky step ahead of me, as it is meant to be. I rested in his arms as he washed all of the deposits from my body. I loved being his. He cared for even my most basic needs as if they were his own.

I turned my head towards his face and kissed his sweet lips. While the spa tub was nice, it wasn't as roomy as the ones in his homes "This is nice but, I miss your tubs." He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. When he released his hold I took the washcloth from his hand and the soap from the tray. Then I turned towards him and straddled his lap in the tub. I got a good lather on the washcloth. I loved the confused look on his face as I began softly washing HIS body. "Please, let me do this for you." His smile gave me such pleasure.

I could feel his manhood swelling under my bottom. As soon as I rinsed the soapy lather from his upper body his arms disappeared under the water. I felt his hands practically encircling my waist. "Is there some other service I can provide for my Prince?" He smiled again as I put my hands on his broad shoulders.

As I rose up off of his lap he guided his cock, resting it against my still very eager butt hole. I slowly lowered my battered bottom onto his massive pole. I could feel the veins of his cock pulsing filling with more blood to stiffen his rod. I suddenly saw why Reza liked this position. I was in full control of our pleasure. As I finished taking him all the way inside of me a horrific thought flashed through my mind. I leaned forward, kissed Tamam passionately and asked, "Tamam, will you still want me when you make me all loose?"

"You will always be just right, my little one." I kissed him again and got back to work. Rising and falling on his prick. It was as if I was riding a mighty stallion. My cadence set the tone for the ride. I kept my motions fluid and deliberate. While my actions were geared solely towards his pleasure, I wanted him to know I would not give in to reckless abandon.

Tamam started to raise his hips up and meet me on the downward stroke I put my hands firmly on his shoulder saying, "Please let me do this for you. I want to prove, both to you and to myself, that I can bring you pleasure."

"Jono, you have nothing to prove to me."

"I would like to prove to myself that I can return the pleasure that you have given me. Please let me do this." With that my stallion settled down and I continued my slow trot. I tightened my bottom as if I was trying to force the end of a bowel movement trying anything to get more tension on his rod. More than anything I wanted my man to cum, and I wanted to be the one who caused him to cum.

My breathing became somewhat erratic and Tam began to sweat. I could feel his cock twitching in my ass and I knew he was close. Suddenly I felt the spray from the end of his rod. He forced my hips down with his hands and massive arms holding me still. Even though I had all the leverage I could not fight his upper body strength. I collapsed against his chest throwing my arms around his neck kissing his neck, jaw, and lips.

"Look what you have done; now I must clean my little boy all over again. You create so much extra work for me." He mockingly complained in my ear.

I looked at him and said, "Perhaps we should shower I think we've made the water a little funky." I pointed at the skin forming on the water.

He laughed as he started the water draining. I tried to stand three times and could not. My legs would not work. It was frustrating beyond words and terribly frightening. Tam smiled kissed my forehead and picked me up out of the tub.

He carried me to the shower, sitting me on the shower bench. He told me, "Sweet Jono, Allah has a ways to humble the proud. There are times when we must stand alone, and there are times when you need someone to stand with you. Trust me I am here for you."

He was just about to turn on the water when he noticed that my legs were a different color from my body. They were a blue gray while the rest of my body was almost pink. He looked at me and asked, "Jono, is this normal?"

I smiled and asked, "Tamam, I am not mocking you but, how in the hell would I know what's normal after sex? I have only been a fully sexual creature for the last three days and four nights. What is normal?" I remembered back to when I was in the hospital the doctors would perform a test called capillary refill. I squeezed the nail bed of one of my fingers. The test was good for normal refill. I then had Tam perform the test on one of my toes and the color very slowly returned. By the look on my face, he knew what I did, this was not normal.

He looked at me and told me to sit still and left the room. When he returned he had Reza and Ben in tow. Reza performed the same tests and received the same results. Both Tam and Ben began talking as if I was not in the room about what should be done. My mood quickly turned from fear to anger as I reached under Tam's towel grabbing his scrotum from behind I firmly squeezed until I got his attention.

"I never thought I would have to add a 6th personal rule to life but here it is. Rule 6: When it involves my body, I get input on the subject. Do you understand?" He nodded in the affirmative "Good!"

I looked at Ben who swiftly covered up his family jewels, "Do you know a member of the medical staff who can be consulted without a record?" He nodded in the affirmative "Good, please go call them."

"Reza please lay out a pair of my white jockey underwear and my burgundy pajamas. Then work with Ben to remove the signs of what occurred in the lounge." The two left the room on their tasks.

I motioned for a very irritated Tamam to come closer; his hands were covering his balls as he dropped to a knee. I kissed his forehead and lips. "I am so sorry my beloved but, I had to get your attention. I am very frightened. Aside from my time with you and the guys, today has been awful. I thought it was bad enough, when I found out somebody wanted me dead. Now my body is betraying me. If necessary I will use the hand held shower to get myself clean before the doctor arrives. I would very much like to be in your arms before he gets here."

"You are right Jono, you have had to deal with a great deal of shit today, and I was behaving poorly." He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me passionately. Then he stood before me. "I ask only one thing Jono. I know that I was in error but please, never use that particular unpleasant method of getting my attention again."

I grabbed hold of his hips and pulled him towards me and kissed both of his testicles better. I extended my arms up and he helped me to my feet. My legs were not as rubbery so I figured this was a transitory condition. He turned on the water and adjusted it so that it wasn't too hot or too cold. Then he began again in earnest cleaning my body.

When we were finished I walked on shaky legs with Tam one step behind me to the bedroom. I sat down and pulled on my tighty whities Tam had a confused look on his face as I slid them on. "If it's an American doctor I doubt he would understand me wearing the silky drawers that you got for me. Simply put I don't know how trustworthy this guy is going to be. So please if he's American follow my lead."

Tam shook his head and helped me put on the burgundy pajamas and slippers that Reza left out for me. We joined them in the lounge. Nessa was also there in her preferred sleepwear loose sweats. Reza had on a loose long blue linen nightshirt, and Ben put on workout clothes. "I am so sorry all of you got disturbed tonight."

Nessa came to me and threw her arms around me, "Baby Bear, what kind of a friend would I be if I wasn't here when you needed me. Ben called over and said he needed help cleaning up. By the way, which one of you horn dawgs sprayed their jizz all over the sofa in the first place? In the future, for the love of Gawd throw down a fucking sheet or blanket!" Both Reza and Ben shot panicked looks in my direction.

"She knows about Tam and I. I will remember the trick about the blanket or sheet in the future." I tried to deflect any attention from them. I failed she saw the looks.

"Oh Baby Bear, you are going to keep the handle 'Slut Puppy' for quite some time to come. All three of them at once, it is no wonder you can't walk. When the innocent ones go bad, they really go all out." She walked over to Tamam and grabbed his arm. "Hurt my baby brother, I will hunt you down, Sir. I have dropped a buck at a quarter mile."

Tam shot me a panicked look. I smiled and nodded. She turned towards Captain Nelson "Sir, just please tell me you have a straight brother at home you can introduce me to." He laughed the Nessa focused on me again. "Okay Jono, what is going on?"

"My legs went out on me it's kind of like what happened when I moved that safe in the Major's office by myself. They just got kind of rubbery and then just stopped working."

Ben asked, "This has happened before?"

I replied, "Not quite like this and never this bad." I was saved by the ringing of the STU. I answered, agent Ramirez was on the other end!

"Airman Banks, are you okay?"

"I had a slip and fall. Captain Nelson wants one of the base docs to look at me. It was easier at this late hour to bring the doctor here then to arrange a motor pool and escorts to get me to the doctor. We didn't mean to panic you. If there is any way to keep this quiet, I would appreciate the courtesy. When he arrives could you have him sent straight up?

"Not a problem Airman, Captain Nelson should have known better. But he was probably right. I will let the Saudi guards know there is a pre-screened guest on his way up. By the way Banks, it looks like you were right on the man in the video. The sixth suit was definitely not part of our detachment. He also had no contact with any of the other guests, and was not a guest himself. I did a screen capture and we are sending the image over to Langley for review. Have you ever given any thought into becoming an operative?" I told him I hadn't but I would keep it in mind for the future.

I brought the team up to speed on our conversation. Was the sixth man there just as a coincidence, or was someone really out to get me? It was starting to look more like the latter. Nessa kissed my forehead and returned to her suite. My legs were still tingling when there was a knock on the door. Captain Nelson went and let the doctor in they exchanged pleasantries in the rotunda.

The doctor had my medical records in his hand and advised that he had stopped by the clinic to review them before coming out. "I have to admit Airman Banks; you are one patient I really wanted to see. I didn't want to meet you like this though. Your patient history made for a long good read. Simply from a case study perspective, when it comes to mass trauma they kind of wrote the book about you. What's going on tonight?"

I must have had a concerned look on my face because Ben blurted out, "Jono, it is okay to tell him everything. If it puts your mind at ease, Trevor and I have slept together. Trevor we just slept with Jono and that is where tonight's problems started."

I blushed beat red everywhere except my legs. Reza performed a proper patient transfer with the Doc. Then he and Captain Nelson left the room. "Jono is it?" I nodded "I am Dr. Trevor Connor and it is a pleasure. I guess Trevor or Doc is okay as well. Captain Hassan, I think our patient would prefer this examination be private."

"Please, the Hassan's are the closest thing I have to family." He then performed the capillary refill test and agreed it looked like a circulatory issue. Good news, heart sound is outstanding. BP is a bit low, but that is understandable considering how far and fast you run. Do you know how many Saudi pilots have been injured trying to keep up with you?"

I smirked. "Tell me has this happened before?" I told him of what sexual encounters triggered the issue, and moving the safe in Basdahl. I also told him of the setbacks I had in physical therapy due to chronic bowel obstructions. "Jono, I'd like to check out something. I need you to drop your pants and underwear." I complied. He put on an examination glove. "I need you to bend over the arm of the sofa here." I blushed. "Jono, this is purely clinical. I have a theory; I just need a bit of proof." I complied and he applied a bit of lube to his finger and almost apologetically pushed it in my ass. As he got close to my prostate he pushed hard, pressure increased. I started to feel my pulse and then it was gone.

A few minutes later, the tingling in my legs became numbness. "Captain, squeeze Jono's big toe and release it. Um hmmm. I thought so. Jono, you can get dressed again." Tam steadied me as I pulled up my bottoms. The doc removed the exam glove with a snap. "Jono, how big was your partner?" I held my hand about a foot and a half over my head.

The Doc laughed, "While that is interesting, it wasn't quite the measurement I was needing. How long is your partner's penis?" I held my hands about two feet apart. The shocked look on the doctor was turned to a smile when Tam corrected my flattering estimate by drawing my hands together to eleven inches. "Now how thick is he? I had my fingers were about two inches apart." The shocked look returned as Tam, confirmed my estimate. "You are a lucky boy."

"So Doc, am I broken?"

"No Jono, your body is small and your partner's penis is not. Hell's bells son his cock is about one fifth your body length. I believe it may be causing some of your intestines to shift, applying pressure against either the common iliac or both of the internal iliac arteries. I do want to schedule you for a vascular series. This will allow me to eliminate other 'possible' issues."

I knew he was holding back as he continued, "For now I'll just use the old standbys: Get some sleep, because sleep is recuperative. Get plenty of fiber, because it will keep you moving. Drink plenty of water, because you need it. Exercise regularly, because you want to stay thin and cute as a bug."

He looked at Tamam and tossed him the large tube of KY from his bag and pointing his finger at Tam. "You! Use more lube. He is a little raw down there."

"Doc, will this happen every time I make love?" I asked.

"This is just a guess without more tests, but that is most likely Jono. But the effects appear to be temporary in nature. He is large enough that he is putting your lower body in a sleeper hold. Surely this is happened before with other partners."

I shook my head no and told him that until four days ago I was a virgin. The look on his face was amazing. He gave me a comforting hug around my shoulders. "He was your first, no wonder you're so frightened. For now I will write this up as an obstructed bowel due to sports injury and stress, to justify the study. Stop by the clinic and pick up an enema kit for cleansing."

I blushed as I told him I already had one. "I guess I'll just write up I delivered one. Add a squirt of lube in the last bag; I think both you and your partner will like the results. Stop by anytime you need to chat, one bottom to another. I'll let you know when the study is set for." He turned to Tam and asked to walk out with him.

Tam nodded in the affirmative. He held the back of my neck and told me, "Go to bed. I will join you in a moment." I knew the doc was holding back, and it had to be something bad. I had been here before. But Tam gave me my task and I had to be obedient because he was always right.

I turned down the bed cover and slid between the sheets. I waited for twenty minutes still no Tamam. I decided to go looking for him. Why is it you can never find your slippers in the dark after you climb into bed? Screw it, I walked out barefoot. I emerged from the hall into the lounge to see Tam through the windows pacing nervously on the terrace. I could see the glow of a cigarette illuminating his face. He was taking deep drags from it. He was worried.

I walked out to the terrace. "So what was the other shoe?" I saw from the confused look he didn't understand. "Doctors are the worst card players and Dr. Connor appears to be the worst of them all. Tam, I have been dealing with doctors for most of my years. I know when they are holding something unpleasant back. I also know this," I reached up and removed the cigarette from his lips and crushed it out, "won't help me or you."

I led him to a deck chair and curled up on his lap when he sat, laying my head on his shoulder. "That is better, now what is the rest of the story?"

"The doctor isn't sure Jono, but he said he wants to rule out the possibility of an aneurysm or blood clot. He wants us to scale back our 'activities' for a couple days as a precaution."

"Is that all? Heck, that tain't nuttin babe. I have had docs ruling out one dire medical condition or another all my life. Tam, I am not as weak as they think. Lemme guess, he told you 'if' a clot is there, and 'if' the clot shifted it 'could' cause a stroke?"

He nodded. "Then he told you 'if' it was an aneurysm and 'if' it ruptured it 'could' leave me paralyzed."

Again he nodded. "Shoot Tam that is just another day that ends in 'y' for me. I know 'if' and 'could' are conditionals, one does not fear a maybe. But Tam, if it is too much for you to deal with, I would understand if you want to cut bait and run."

He had another confused look on his face. Between my drawl and use of cultural idioms I must have lost him. "I love you so much, I love being yours. That being said, you didn't bargain on all of this. I am giving you a way out, if you want it."

He pulled my lips to his. "I have been out here imagining my life without you in it. I cannot, you ARE my cooling moon rise. You have become the very happy completion of my every thought. Without you there is no point to continuing to breathe. Leave you? That will never happen!"

I snuggled into him and fell fast asleep watching him, and watching the stars.

I felt as if I was falling. It was a warm summer's day. I knew it was a dream but I didn't care. I was home floating down the Black Creek in a canoe. Tam's arms were wrapped around me. I could see my family floating just ahead of us disappearing around the bend. The sky and water slowly dissolved and we were floating on the seasonal lake of Hubail, Al Ahsa. I knew in my core I was safe and home.

-- continued


Next: Chapter 8

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