Lives Changed

By Michael King

Published on Jan 16, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The people do not exist except in my mind. This work is copyrighted and I ask that you do not copy, post or electronically download without my express permission. If you are too young to be in here or it is illegal in your state then please leave, as I do not wish anything bad to happen to you.


I know that we all enjoy these pages and wish for them to be here for a long time. We, the writers, take pride in being able to give you all a few minutes of pleasure. So please think of the time spent putting these pages up and donate just a bit to Nifty so we can keep going.


The characters Special Agent Rich Mason, Ben Jacobs and Bennie Jacobs are from his story The President's Son and are used with the express permission of the author, Miguel Sanchez.

There is lots more to come so please contact me at

Flames will be ignored and flushed.

Lives Changed Chapter 8-A

Ian had just parked and shut off his car when he happened to glance over at Jamie sitting there. The boy had a faraway look in his eyes as he stared at the school.

For Jamie is had been just over eighteen months since he had last stepped inside the old building. Ian could see that Jamie's Knuckles were white as he clenched his hand tightly together. "Relax Jamie." Ian started to say before being interrupted.

"That is easy for you to say. This is where it all started."

"I know."

"No you don't, this is the place everyone went to school, my dad, Governor Richardson his brother all of them even Marcus Daniels the best of them all."

"How do you know all this?"

"My dad use to talk about it, use to tell me how he and all his friends use to run the school and how he always got away with it. Now times have changed and he still thinks he runs things, but I tell you he doesn't."

"Who does, do you know?"

"I didn't get that far into the book I gave Tony, but I know there is someone paying everyone."

"You mean someone that hasn't been caught yet."

"Yeah, exactly."

"I will have Tony go through the book and see what he can find."

"He sent it to Ace in Washington to hold on to, figured it would be safer there."

"I have to agree, what with the fire and Malcolm being shot at. Who knows what will happen next."

"All I know is that it is for money."

"Okay. Now let's get inside before we get blown away, that wind is getting stronger."


Tony could hear the fear in Jamie's voice as he slowly climbed from the car and rapidly walked towards the front doors of the school. As the two entered the front doors they were greeted by the chief of police. Who told them that everyone was being split up, that youth were in one part of the building and adults were in the gym. Ian took the chief aside and showing him his Secret Service Id said that until such times as things have been dealt with, the young man he was with was under Federal protection and that no one was to know about it. The chief knew Jamie and his dad, but he also knew that there had been a warrant issued for Jamie's dad's arrest. "Agent Stillwaters I can assure you that young Mr. Marshall will be safe in the area with the youth, beside he would be more comfortable with kids his own age." The chief spoke.

"No Chief it is you that can be assured, Jamie Marshall will stay with me and any other agent that is in here, that order comes from Washington, not from me or anyone in this state. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, now where can we go to change out of these wet clothes?"

"The boy's washroom just down the hall."

"I know where it is Ian, I can show you." Jamie piped up.

"Okay son, let go, before anything else happens. Oh and chief, you might want to phone Tony Marchand about Jamie and me, I know you have his number."

Leave the chief standing there, Ian followed Jamie to the washroom where both quickly changed into some dry clothes before heading over to the gym and hopefully some hot coffee. The two were just about to enter the gym when Jamie heard his name being called out. Turning Jamie saw that it was one of his classmates and the kid didn't look like he was happy at all. "What's up Kurt?" Jamie asked as the boy got closer.

"I was going to ask you the same, you know that Sally has been asking about you, wondering where you are?" Kurt stated before continuing. "Also some of the guys are saying that you were in a juvy camp. Is that true?"

"Yeah, this is one of the counsellors, I have to be with him wherever I go at least till things get cool again. As for Sally, I don't know why she is so interested in me all of a sudden, it isn't like we were friends before this crap started, so what gives with that?"

"I don't know, all I know is she has been asking everyone about you. By the way you heard about Jordan?"

"No, what's he done now?"

"Well he was on probation for a while, I am surprised he wasn't at your camp. Anyhow rumor has it the cops are looking for him again."

"Really, wouldn't surprise me, he was always looking for or in trouble of some sorts."

"Come on Marshall get your butt in gear." Ian interrupted.

"Yes sir, see you later Kurt, well hopefully."

"Yeah man and be cool, this isn't like you Marshall."

"I know, but you know things happen."

"Yeah, well let's get together later if your friend here will let you."

"He will, he's a good guy I think." Jamie said with a laugh as he glanced at Ian.

The gym was crowded as Ian and Jamie walked in, there were aisles for people to walk up and down and one of those led to the stage area where there were numerous coffee pots going. Walking over Ian grabbed two cups, handing one to Jamie as he searched out the sugar and creams. Having fixed their coffees Ian searched out and found two bunks together and was just about to sit when the chief walked over. "Mr. Stillwaters may I have a word with you please?" The chief asked quietly.

"Sure thing." Ian said before looking at Jamie. Keeping in his counsellor role he smiled and pointed to the bunk beside him. "Sit and don't move Marshall, or I will cuff you there."

"Yes sir." Jamie mumbled, trying to hide the grin he felt.

Out in the hallway, well away from everyone the chief stopped and turned to stare at Ian. "Okay Agent Stillwaters, do you want to tell me just what the heck is going on?" The chief asked anger filling his voice.

"What do you mean, did you call and talk with Tony?" Ian asked as he leaned against the wall watching the gym door.

"That's just it, I did and things are going crazy. Did you know that Marshall, that kids father tried to break into the Daniels suite in Jacksonville. And now they can't find the guy. Then there is some FBI agent running around our city trying to find a second witness to all the shit that has gone down. To top all that one of my officers get himself arrested breaking into the Daniels home after he tried to serve a search warrant. The warrant apparently cause the old man at the home to have a heart attack. So please Mr. Secret Service no more games."

"Chief, I am sorry that you're being kept out of the whole thing, but for the safety of certain people it has been necessary, however I can tell you that there is a second witness for Tyrone Jackson's case. I didn't know about Marshall, but I feel he might be around here again. Now I have to ask how many officers do you have in this school right now."

"About eight why?"

"Because that boy I was with has to have 24 hour protection and it has to be done with no questions asked."

"Damn you people know how to mess up a normal day don't you?"

"We try not to. I am sorry that this has happened. Now I was given some information I must pass on to Tony, but chief I need to ask you this, who in this town would you say could start all this crap that has happened with the Daniels boy, I know it started way before Malcolm was born, but recently things have changed and now someone wants that boy dead."

"There are only maybe three people who could do what you're saying. The Governor, the bank president and heaven's forbid, but Richard Daniels himself."

"Well the ex-governor is in jail, so maybe that leaves him out of the picture. So that leaves just the two, out of them who would you suspect the most?"

"Honestly, I would look in the most unlikely place."

"Is there a way that you can do that for me, without causing any problems?"

"Sure, I can have one of my detectives start looking."

"No chief, I would prefer this kept between us for now, because if you're right, then a lot of people are going to be hurt big time. Three of those people will be boys and I don't want that."

"Okay, I'll get you those officers then head over to my office, is there anyone you would prefer helping you?"

"Yes Officers Sam Johnson and Liza Patterson, if they are available."

"I'll see to it that they are."

"Oh chief, have then ask for Mr. Stillwaters, not agent. If they go by agent they could put Jamie's life in danger."

"Understandable, I will inform then, as well as the others, I will have Liza put in charge of the team how does that sound?"

"Like you know what you're doing" Ian laughed as he turned and saw the boy Kurt staring at him.

Leaving the chief there laughing Ian started to walk back towards the gym, his pace slowed as he thought about what the chief and Jamie had both said. Ian had just reached the end of the hallway when Kurt stopped him.

"Sir, is it true that Jamie is in a lot of trouble?" Kurt asked as he looked at the floor.

"If he keeps his nose clean he won't be. Why do you ask?" Ian asked.

"Well sir, a lot of us know Jamie and we know he wouldn't do something stupid. So when we were told he had to go to a Juvy camp we were all surprised."

"Young man, what is your name?"

"I am Kurt Bronson, my dad runs the bank here."

"He does?"

"Yes sir. Why is my dad in trouble too?"

"Not that I know of, what is your dad's first name son?"

"David?. David Bronson."

"Okay you go back to where you're supposed to be, if I can I will bring Jamie down and you can all talk to him, how would that be?"

"That would be great sir. Oh have you heard from Malcolm or Patrick lately, you know the two boys that this strike is all about?"

"Last I heard Kurt, was that they were stuck in Jacksonville, because of this storm. You do know he is running for the school board?"

"Yes sir, my dad says Malcolm will win. I have to tell you is was just a joke when I put his name in to run."

"You did that, oh boy is Malcolm in for a shock, he thought it was an adult."

"No sir, a lot of the students feel that Malcolm would do what is right for us, not like some of the adults around."

"Well the boys will be home when the storm is over."

"Be nice to see them again, be even better if we could get back to classes."

"I agree with you there young man, but that will happen when things change. Isn't that what this strike is about?"

"Yes sir it is. And thank you for talking to me."

"You're welcome Kurt, now off you go before someone screams at you."

"Yes sir, and you're okay for a cop."

"I never said I was a cop."

"I know, but I also have seen you with Malcolm so don't fool me."

"Okay, but keep it quiet please."

"Sure, glad to help my friends."

In the gym Jamie who had watched Ian walk out to talk with the chief laid down on his cot and was soon sleeping, the noise around him a dim reminder that he wasn't alone, but that he was with people who could hurt him bad if they knew why he was here. Ian walking in saw that Jamie was sleeping so he left him there and went and grabbed another coffee. While at the table he was joined by Sam and Liza. "Mr. Stillwaters, we need to talk." Sam said in a whisper.

"Yes we do if you are Liza Patterson and Sam Johnson."

"We are, the rest of the team members are scattered around the room, all within easy reach of Jamie Marshall. Liza stated as she looked around.

"Now that is news, since I never said the boy's name to anyone." Ian frowned.

"No, the chief did, but don't worry the boy is safe."

"For now."

"What's that mean?" Sam asked.

"It means he is here for court, and if people find out he's here then he could be hurt or worse, so you tell your team that they are not to talk to him unless it is absolutely needed."

"I will pass that on, we also will also have a couple people a wake throughout the night."

"Does this have anything to do with that kidnapping and Malcom Daniels?" Liza asked.

"I can't answer that, and as far as everyone here knows I am just Mr. Stillwaters and that is how it has to be."

"Understood sir."

Later that night after everyone had settled down for the night, Ian went out to the main office, there he sat at the secretary's desk and thought about what he had learned. Finding a note pad and pen, Ian started making notes. Halfway through the first page he stopped and called Tony up in Jacksonville. "Marchand, Ian this had better be important."

"Tony, I know it is late, but I have a problem"

"Okay, tell me about it." Tony stated.

For the next thirty minutes Ian relayed everything he had learned from Jamie, the chief and from Kurt. "Tony I don't know if it is worth it but I think we should check out this David Bronson and Richard Daniels. I know it may be paranoia thinking it might be the father, but I can't leave this alone. Jamie said it all has to do with the money."

"The money, whose money?"

"I think Malcolm's money, I am going to talk to this Kurt Bronson again, maybe he can have his dad and I get together."

"That would help, and in the mean time I will call Washington and see what they can find out, may take a few days, but then we're not going anywhere are we." Tony laughed as he hung up.

Leaving the secretary's office, Ian made his way to the area for all the students were being bunked. Walking in the door. He looked around and seeing a counselor waved her over. Ian had to smile as he saw areas filled with kids playing on Xbox is in computers. He was still waiting for the counselor when he saw a group of girls and boys staring at him. He just turned to look to see where the counselor was when she walked up to him. "How may I help you, Mr. Stillwater's?" The lady asked.

"Well ma'am, I need to speak with Kurt Bronson, please." Ian asked.

"Can I ask what this is about?" The counselor asked.

"No, ma'am, you may not. I just need to ask Kurt that question."

"Very well, stay here and I will go get him.

For Kurt after he had talked with Ian in the hallway he had gone back and laid on his bunk, his mind million miles away. As currently there thinking he knew that Ian had not given him the full story, nor had Kurt told Ian everything so now Kurt may confuse. He was just about to get out and go to the washroom when the counselor stopped at the foot of his bed. "Kurt, are you some kind of trouble," she asked.

"Not that I know of, why?" Kurt asked.

"Well, there's a gentleman at the door, he wants to ask you a few questions." The counselor said.

"Okay." Kurt said as he stood and looked at the door. "Oh, that's Jamie's counselor, I'll be all right. He's a friend." Kurt said with a smile.

After talking to both Kurt and David Bronson, Ian knew that only two people could be out to hurt Malcolm, but now he just had to wait to hear back from Tony. Jamie in the meantime had gotten up and gone to get himself something to eat and drink before going back to his bunk and settling down to read. Jamie noticed that everywhere he went, that there were two people always watching him, and this made him nervous, so he had planned to talk to Ian about it, but before he could Jamie had fallen asleep.

The next morning when everyone woke the hurricane was wreaking havoc all over the coastline, word had come to some that their homes had been destroyed, while others were flooded. For Maurice Marshall. In Jordan Martin, the storm had not touched the cabin they were in though some of the branches of the trees surrounding the home had broken off and were laying all over the yard and driveway making it impossible for anyone to either enter or leave. This did not bother Jordan as he enjoyed the security of the storm.

Up in Jacksonville, Florida Tony Marchand and Donnie Osborne were busy on the phone's Tony had called Washington, and after speaking with Ace turned and looked at Richard Daniels. After both men had finished their calls Tony took Donnie over to their room, closing and locking the door Tony turned to Donnie who was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Okay, Tony what's bugging you, ever since that call from Ian you have become very suspicious." Donnie stated.

"I don't know Donnie, it's just that everything that is happening, involves the money that belongs to Malcolm. It seems everybody wants it, but why I don't know. Ian told me that there was someone paying everybody to get rid of Malcolm. Now, Ian thinks that it is either David Bronson, who is Malcolm's banker, or and this I can't believe Malcolm's father." Tony replied.

"I don't think it's the father." Donnie started to say before Tony interrupted him.

"I don't want to believe it either Donnie, but with the way things are we can't overlook anything."

"I know that Tony, but look at the way Richard is with the kids, he loves them, and I don't think he would do anything to hurt them."

"I know that also, he even threaten me when I asked about the two boys last name, Richard thought I was out to hurt the kids."

"So if you and I don't believe that it's Richard, then that only leaves David Bronson or someone else, but who?"

"That is a good question, one I am going to leave for the morning. I am going to bed. I need some sleep."

Having said that, both Tony and Donnie took turns in the shower, then climbed into their own beds, and before you can count to ten they were both fast asleep.

The jarring ring of the bedside telephone woke Donnie. Grabbing it, he had just gotten it to his ear when he could hear a woman's voice. "Good morning may I speak with a Tony Marchand please." The voice asked.

"Can I ask who is calling at such an early hour?" Donnie asked as he looked at his watch and saw that it was four in the morning.

"This is Margaret Jacobsen of the secret service." The woman stated. "Now get me Marchand."

"Lady, you really don't know what is happening, so let me tell you. Tony is sleeping, and in another 30 seconds I will be also, as for you well, you can call us back at a half decent hour, not when you damn well feel like it." Donnie Snapped back before hanging up.

It wasn't many hours later when the two men stirred and got out of bed. Tony was the first so he had the coffee going and then headed to the washroom, while Donnie got up and dressed. Pouring both of them a cup Donnie sat at the table and waited. When Tony finally finished Donnie told him about the call from Jacobsen and what he had done. Laughing Tony grabbed his cell phone and turned it on. "Maybe she tried my cell first, but who knows. I think you should take a course on making friends and influencing people."

"You're funny, she called at a dumb time and I told her that. Besides she woke me up and you know how I am when I first wake." Donnie said with a grin.

"Well don't worry about it. Now we have to get the family's home so Richard can see his dad. What's this?" Tony asked looking puzzled.

Richard Daniel Carson:

Wanted for fraud and embezzlement:

Richard Daniel Carson age 47 disappeared

Sixteen years ago after stealing more than

Seventy million in investments. Last known address

Was Biloxi Mississippi, Carson is also wanted

By the state of California for defrauding the

Bank of America of over seventeen million:

Also in connection with Carson is his father

Robert Andrew Carson, who is wanted as an

Accessory to these crimes.

Robert Carson's last known whereabouts was

Naples Florida.

All Tony could do was sit and swear as he read the text he had gotten. Grabbing Donnie's cell phone Tony quickly put in a call to Ace. When the switchboard answered Tony told the operator to put him through to Ace no matter where he was. "Ace here what can I do for you Tony?" Ace asked as the sound of a shower was heard in the background.

"Ace, are you the one that sent me this text about Carson?" Tony asked.

"What text, I haven't even seen if anything came through on what you asked for regarding Daniels or Bronson. So anything you have right now didn't come from me. Let me finish here, get Bennie to class and then I will see what's up and call you back."

"Okay, but I need to know real fast, since we will be heading back to Naples. I don't want to put those kids in any danger."

"As of right now those kids are your top priority, if that means keeping the adults separated from them do so, you have the full authority of this office behind you, and I am quite sure that the President will back us up."

"You know I never thought babysitting could be such a hassle. What makes it worse is that the baby is fifteen."

"Same age as your son would have been Tony, and I think that makes it harder for you, and maybe why you're putting so much into this. Let me ask you this, should I take you off this duty?"

"Ace, sir: if you took me off this now I would resign, but only after I kicked your butt."

"That is what I thought." Ace laughed. "Fine just remember to keep them safe."

"I will, in fact, I think I am going to keep all the officers I have right now until we get back home, then I might get some from the police there."

"What twelve secret service agents aren't enough?"

"Not if this text was right."

"Send me a copy if it would you, something stinks here."

"You're in Washington, when doesn't something stink." Tony laughed as he hung up. Then sent Ace the text that he had on his phone.

Margaret Jacobsen was in her early thirties, and that fact that right now she was in a leg cast didn't stop her from working, though it was a desk job for now.

Margaret was the oldest sister to Jordan Martin. She had married a former police detective, before he was killed in the line of duty. After she had buried her late husband she applied for a position with the Secret Service and after two years she was now an agent. When Jordan had learned of this he used what he knew of her past to put her into the situation she was in now and that was giving Jordan any information she could on Malcolm Daniels and his little group. It was also Margaret who was actually paying the bills to take Malcolm out.

Margaret had spent a week with Malcolm's Uncle when Marcus Daniels first started his company, and had given Margaret a promise that when things were going and the company was making money he would give her twenty percent of the stocks, but that never happened. The company did take off and make it big, but Margaret wanted more, so she paid to have Marcus killed, not realizing that in doing so she would not get anything. Once she had found out the truth she set in motion the events that had gotten to the point where Malcolm was almost certain to die.

By coming in to work early Margaret was able to forge a fake arrest warrant and a bolo for the kid's father and grandfather, not knowing that she had just signed her own ticket to jail.

Ian had received the same text sent by Margaret, but was still looking into David Bronson as the prime suspect, not realizing that everything he had just read was faked. Looking at Donnie, Ian frowned and then place a call through to Tony. After hearing what Tony had to say, Ian hung up and then placed a call through to Real to see how the grandfather was doing. Learning that the operation had gone smoothly and that the grandfather was now in intensive care Ian relaxed even more.

Overnight the storm had blown through, but everyone in the school knew that they were just sitting in the eye of the hurricane and that more was still to come. The police chief along with a few other officers took the time to go out and see what the damage was and see if there was anyone who hadn't made it to the school or to some place safe. The chief had also sent a few officers over to the court house, as he knew that there were going to be a lot of cases coming up soon and he wanted everything in top condition.

Judge Spencer was sitting in his chambers, using the break in the storm to catch up on some of his paper work when the Attorney General knocked and entered the office. "Mr. Chatham, what brings you to my office so early in the morning?"

"I would say just a visit, but it isn't. I know there are a lot of trials coming up and I want you to be on the bench for one of them at least." Chatham stated.

"Oh, but I am a youth Judge not adult, though I have done a few adult ones, which case do you have in mind?" Spencer asked.

"I was hoping you would take on the Daniels' case."

"Sir if I took that I would have to recuse myself. I was on the bench for the Malcolm Daniels' trial and for me that would be a conflict."

"I see, do you have someone else in mind who can take her case?"

"Well it is a federal one right, so yes I do, but it means making a few phone calls."

"Do it, oh and whoever you get, they will get the Eric Richardson case also, since he was the governor."

"Sweet Jesus sir, you don't play hard ball do you?" Spencer said with a laugh. "Let me make the call and I will let your office know as soon as I hear back."

"Okay, that works for me. By the way how are your nephew and Malcolm getting along?"

"Great sir, I think Malcolm is the best thing that ever happened to Patrick, it has brought him out of his shell somewhat."

"Then when you talk to them pass my best wishes to them both." Chatham sated as he rose and left the office.

After Chatham had left his office judge Spencer swore as he picked up the phone and called Dylan Master's office. Not getting an answer he then call Masters at his home. "Hello Masters residence?" A little boy's voice rang through the phone.

"Hello Zachary, is your daddy home?" Spencer asked.

"Uh huh, you want him?"

"Yes please, you can tell him it is Judge Spencer calling."

"Okies. Daddy it Judge pencer for you." Zachary yelled.

"Thank you Zach, now off you go and play." Master said with a laugh. "Judge Spencer, to what do I owe this call too?"

"I need some information, and was hoping you could help me. It seems like Mr. Chatham needs a good judge for the Daniels and Richardson cases, I had to recuse myself, but I told him that I would find someone to fill in for me." Spencer stated.

"Well, since they are both high profile cases, I think I know just the person, but he is in Washington." Master answered.

"You're talking about Graham? I heard he is very busy."

"I know, but I think I can get him, but I have to go through the President's office."

"Well if we can get him them all the better, even for David Richardson's case."

"Aren't the Richardson's being tried together?"

"No, they both have asked for separate trials, this way if one gets off then, the other has someone on the outside looking after things."

"I see, but don't they know that the state has seized all property and bank accounts?"

"They have been so informed, but I think they have plans we don't know about."

"Doesn't matter they will be going away for a long time. I just wish I knew who was paying all the money to hurt that boy."

"Don't we all, but that may come out in trial."

Having spoken with Masters, Judge Spencer closed up his office and went home. For Dylan it was a totally different matter. The call from Spencer had made his time with his family a bit shorter, but Dylan also knew that these trials were important, not just to ease the troubles for the Daniels family, but for the state as well.

Sitting in his home office Dylan was just about to pick up the phone again when his son Zachary came running in and jumped on to his lap. Giggling the little boy showed his dad Ironman figurine and how he could bend his arms and make his eyes flash. Moments like these were very special to Dylan and he wanted to make sure his children had all the time he could give them, which right now wasn't all that much, but he did his best. Looking at his son he smiled and picked up the phone. "Zach I have to make a call, so if you're quiet you can stay. This is a very important call." Dylan told his son.

"Okay daddy, I be quiet, but can I stay on your knee?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way munchkin."

Dylan's call hadn't gone the way he had hoped, Tyrone Jackson had listened to Dylan, then told him he would call someone, who would then call him back, the call back might take a while, but Dylan had to be patient. Tyrone had also informed Dylan that there was another witness, but for now he had to remain unnamed for his protection.

Two hours later as Dylan and his family were sitting eating a lite lunch the phone rang, and Zachary bounce out of his chair and ran to grab it before his dad could. "Hi who is this?" Zach chirped happily into the mouth piece

"Good afternoon, this is Special Agent Rich Mason with the Secret Service. Now young man do you think I could speak with your dad?" Ace answered.

"Uh huh, but how you know my dad?" Zachary asked.

"I don't know him personally, but I do need to speak with him."

"Okies, here he is. Bye Mr. Mason."

"Bye young man."

"Hello Dylan Masters here, what can I do for you Mr. Mason?" Dylan asked.

"Mr. Masters, I was just called and asked if I knew anyone one who could take a bench for your upcoming Trials."

"I see, so the Secret Service in now involved?"

"We have been for a long time sir, but that isn't what you need to know. I think we can get you a Judge for your trials, but I have to talk with the President and with the U.S Attorney General. When do your trials start?"

"Well, I didn't think we would go that high up, but it might be good for us. As for when the trials start, well that depends on Mary."


"Yes Hurricane Mary, she hasn't finished with us yet, we are just in the center right now, and it could be a few more days before she blows herself out."

"Fine, then I will call you back in a couple of days, in the mean time I will talk with the President and get you your Judge."

"Thank you Mr. Mason."

"No, I thank you, and keep that boy safe sir."


At the White House, Ace had made his call to Dylan then walked into the dining room where he joined Ben and Bennie for lunch. "Senor Ace, you have let your lunch go cold." Gloria said with a frown.

"Sorry Gloria, but I do have to work."

"No matter when it is lunch you come eat."

"Oh boy you are in for it now." Bennie giggled.

"Hush, little one. Now senor Ace I will get you more, but this is not going to happen again." Gloria said with a smile, since she knew it would happen over and over.

"Thank you Gloria, Ben is there a chance we can have a quick chat after lunch?" Ace asked as he waited for his meal.

"Sure I can give you time. Can I know what it is about?" Ben asked.

"Some trials that are coming up, seems one of the Judges had to recuse himself and that has left the bench short."

"Oh, do you have someone in mind to fill that spot?"

"I do, I was thinking Adam, but he would need to have a special appointment and that has to come from you."

"I see, so you want me to appoint Adam for how long?"

"Just until the Richardson and Daniels cases are settled."

"Well I can do that. When do they start?"

"Soon as the Hurricane blows over."

"Okay, then why don't you call Adam to the residence and I can make it official."

"I'll call his office, after lunch, I don't want Gloria any madder at me." Ace said with a laugh.

"Dad, when you go to Naples, can I come with you, I would like to see the guys again?" Bennie asked.

"I figured you would want that, so I did include you in the planning."

"Yeah, sweet, you're the best dad."

After lunch Ace headed over to the west wing where the office was and was sitting behind his desk. The number of files he had scattered over it made the desk look messy, but for him he could tell you exactly where any certain case was. Ace was about to pick up his phone to call Adam when Carl knocked and walked in. "Ace, you know that text you had me trace?" Carl Asked.

"What about it? Ace responded with a bit of confusion, having forgotten all about it.

"Well I trace it back to agent Osbourne's phone then from there back to our office here." Carl explained.

"Do you know which phone or person it was?"

"That's just it, it was one of the old ones, and it was the one you had."

"OH, what about the criminal check did you run that?"

"Yes sir I did, and there are no Richard Daniel Carson or Richard Carson Daniels listed or even have warrants out for them, so someone is pulling a fast one on us, and it has to be from this office."

"Okay, look deeper into it if you can, meanwhile I will let Tony and his group know that Richard Daniels is in the clear."

"Okay boss."

"Oh tell Dusty I need to speak with him for a minute sometime today, no rush."

"Will do."

Once Carl had left the office Ace proceed to call Adam's office and invite him over to the residence for dinner with him and the President. Then he called Tony's cell and was surprised that he got the voice mail. Leaving a quick message, Ace hung up and went back upstairs and joined Bennie in the family room.

Next: Chapter 24

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