Lives Changed

By Michael King

Published on Apr 5, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The people do not exist except in my mind. This work is copyrighted and I ask that you do not copy, post or electronically download without my express permission. If you are too young to be in here or it is illegal in your state then please leave, as I do not wish anything bad to happen to you. A special thank you to Miguel for all his help in some of the work we did together.

Note: I know that we all enjoy these pages and wish for them to be here for a long time. We, the writers, take pride in being able to give you all a few minutes of pleasure. So please think of the time spent putting these pages up and donate just a bit to Nifty so we can keep going.

Note: The characters Special Agent Rich Mason, Ben Jacobs and Bennie Jacobs are from his story The President's Son and are used with the express permission of the author, Miguel Sanchez.

For more of what I have written e-mail me at Or check under prolific writers


The trip to the hospital was quick as the driver sped through traffic with lights and siren going. Pulling into the emergency doorway the driver hit the brakes and jumped out of the car hollering at some nurses standing there to grab a gurney as he had a gunshot victim.

He had just gotten himself settled when his boss came storming in. Seeing the driver he walked over. "Would you care to tell me just what the hell happened out there?" He yelled.

"First off I wish I could, all I know is that the woman we were sent to pick up was the target. Would you care to tell me who knew she was coming in?" The driver yelled right back. "Besides, whoever that woman was, she tried to take a shot at me also."

"Well there were very few who knew. The director of the justice department who contacted us, the vice president, and the head of his team. Not even the President himself knew she was coming to Washington, so all I know is that it could be only three people, unless you told someone."

"Not bloody likely, why would I set myself up to be shot. That leaves the three you mentioned and I doubt that either the director or the VP would tell anyone, so now that just leaves the head of the VP'S team."

"I can believe that Austin Sinclair would do that to the VP they have been together for a long time."

"Maybe, but we all know that everyone sometimes has their price."

"I can't believe that you're thinking he is dirty."

"Then who else knew?"

The boss was about to answer when the doctor came out. His smock covered in bloody and his face looking exhausted. Walking over to where the marshals were seated he looked first at the driver, then at his boss before he said anything. "Gentlemen, the woman will be fine. Right now she is in this intensive care and will be for quite a while."

"How many people on that floor?" The driver asked.

"At any given time I would say fifteen."

"How many nurses per shift will be watching the woman?" The boss asked.

"We have four per shift that will be watching her, then there will be three doctors, myself being the lead."

"I would like that floor sealed, the staff that are here right now can stay and work in pairs for the next little while."

"Do you know what you're saying? The administrator will not approve that."

"Well she better, or do we get the marshals to do the work for you?"

"Damn, who is this woman?"

"She is the ex of the VP, now she is some big movie director's wife. So no one of importance."

"Then we really don't have too seal that floor."

"Actually you do, this isn't an option, the VP will be coming to visit and that floor has to be sealed." The boss stated before continuing. "Now we can do it with the administrator, or I can call the director of justice."

"Fine I will inform the admin staff and then I will let the nurses on that floor know that they are on duty until further notice. I will remain as the only doctor to look after that woman, but you sure know how to screw things up."

"Until the VP has come and talked with her that has to be, and doctor I am truly sorry about this. I will also have a fee marshals standing as security, so please have a list of who is all on that floor for me as soon as possible."

"Very well sir, tell me you don't plan on having a guard outside her room also?"

"I am afraid so, hopefully not for long."

Walking away the poor doctor was shaking his head and mumbling to himself. When the doctor had left the two marshals the driver looked at his boss. "I'm going up, I have a feeling this isn't going to be the only attempt on her. I would like to know what this is all about. I mean why shoot a woman that is innocent of anything that we know of."

"Well you go up, I'll go back to the office and run her name, maybe something will break for us."

"Good luck, maybe I can get a minute with the VP when he shows up and ask him."

"He was the one that ordered us to pick her up, so he has to know something. I hope he tells you."

Bennie Jacobs had called Jamie back within thirty minutes letting him know that Ben had said that it was a great idea and that they could make it into a barbeque for everyone. Jamie liked that idea and told Bennie as much. "It is too bad we can get Malcolm and his family to join us, but I know that they had their elections today, so he is probably busy."

"I can phone him and see how they are doing, I know that both families need a break and a chance to relax, besides Malcolm has court coming up this week, so travel is not for him."

"I guess so."

"Look you'll get a chance to see them soon, just don't worry, besides I am betting that they want to see you also. Remember you still have school to finish and so do they."

"I know, and that is going to be hard, I mean it has been a year and a half."

"You will be fine, just don't think of the time that has been lost, I bet you will pass with flying marks."

"Ha, you're funny, I was barely passing before this all started."

"Well now you have something to go for. I promise you that the day you graduate, I'll be in the audience for you."

"That's if I graduate."

"You will, and you will be right beside Malcolm and Patrick."


While Jamie and Bennie were talking Matt had gotten his security team together. Giving Sinclair the night off Matt had the rest get the cars ready and then headed over to the hospital where Susan was being looked after. There wasn't much to the team without Sinclair and a few others, but six men were enough and the limo was a bit crowded.

The intensive care unit was hauntingly quiet, the four marshals were milling around when the elevator door opened and the VP and his team exited. Seeing the marshals the VP just smiled and made his way to where they were standing. "Lady, gentlemen, I want to thank you for what you are doing. Please make sure that no one comes in to the room while I am talk in with Ms. Bradley."

"Sir, my name is Dixon, I was her driver, I was wondering if you could tell me why we were targeted?" Dixon asked.

"I wish I could, but until I speak with me. Bradley I am like you somewhat in the dark here. I do have a hunch, but that never put bread on the table, so let's wait and see.

Walking into Susan's room, Matt was surprised to see the condition she was in. Her face was pale and her eyes had sunk a bit, but when she saw Matt she smiled a bit and used her fingers to wave him over.

Standing beside her bed, Matt leant over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Susan, I am sorry this happened to you, I had no intention of you getting hurt when I ordered you to Washington here."

Looking Matt she had him lean closer. "It isn't your fault. I knew that sooner or later things would catch up to us. Did they get the shooter?" Susan asked before continuing. "Matt listen, this whole thing goes back to when we all were still in high school."

"What do you mean?"

"Me getting shot, the death of Senator Martin and all the others."

"Susan, I am not here for that, I want to know about your son, the one you had with Tony March and?"

"Why do you want to know about Jamie?"

"Because I don't believe he died like you said."

"He didn't. When I divorced Tony, I didn't feel that he could raise the boy, I didn't want to be saddled with the kid either, so with help from a lot of old friends, some who were well placed in the government, I put Jamie up for adoption."

"Who adopted him?"

"A teacher in Naples, A Dorothy Marshall."

"Where can I find her?"

"You can't she died about seven years ago, you could try look for her husband."

"I will have my security guy look into it."

"I wouldn't, one of them is part of Martin's group. Don't ask me which one, I am not going to do all your work for you."

"All I am interested is in Jamie, but now you have given me a lot more to look into. Susan, I hope you all the best, I doubt you can be charged with anything, but when you are released from here I would advise you to go back home and forget everything. One last question, who is MMJ?"

"Softly laughing, Susan looked at Matt, do you job."

Leaving Susan to get well, Matt stormed out of the hospital and instead of going home he went to his office. Once there he called Jamie and told him he would be home later and that he should be in bed when he got there.

Jamie was happy to hear from Matt, and was equally happy that Matt was treating him like he was his son and not just a burden.

When Matt finally made it back home it was two in the morning and he was mad, tired and totally at a loss as to how to proceed with what he had found out. Having a restless night Matt woke to the sound of Seth his cook and Jamie talking in the kitchen

The two it seemed were having a good time as laughter would echo down the hall every so often. After showering a dressing in jeans and a casual shirt, Matt walked into the kitchen for his first cup of coffee. "Morning sir." Jamie said with a grin.

"Morning to you. Seth any coffee left or has this imp here drank it all?" Matt asked with a chuckle.

"I'll get you a cup pops." Jamie laughed.

"Seth, I don't know what you put in his food, but whatever it is don't stop. The sound of laughter coming from him is a joy to hear."

"That it is Sir. How was your night?"

"Busy. Jamie what time are we expected at the White House?"

"About one, Bennie said that he was having Jake and Carl over also, so I guess there are going to be a lot of oldies around to keep you company." Jamie laughed and danced out of the way of Matt's hand.

While the marshal was speeding through traffic Margaret had made her escape from the airport and was sitting at home watching the news and drinking a glass of wine. Matt on the other hand was pacing back and forth in his home office. Sinclair had come in and told him about the shooting and that is was Susan his ex. "Who the hell knew she was coming in beside the marshals, you, me and the director of the justice department?" Matt screamed.

"We are looking into that sir, whoever the shooter is, had to know exactly when she was going to land and where."

"I want to see the director now, and I want to go see Susan tonight. I don't care what kind of hassle this causes, just do it."

"Yes sir and Matt I am sorry this happened." Sinclair said as he left.

Jamie who was staying with the Vice President was sitting in the living room watching the Simpsons when he saw Austin walk over to the phone. Without meaning to Jamie eavesdropped on his phone call. "You dumb bitch, the woman is still alive." Sinclair whispered.

"What, I could have sworn I hit her right in the chest." Margaret snapped back.

"Well she is in surgery right now, Matt wants to go see her tonight."

"Stall him if you can I will go over there and end this. I am sure I can pass for a nurse."

"Do whatever you have to, but get her dead."

Hanging up, Sinclair called the director of the justice department and told him that the Vice President wanted to see him right away at his home. With his calls done Sinclair walked back into Matt's office and told him that Susan was in surgery and would be for a few more hours. "Matt I think it would be best to wait until the morning to go see her."

"No, I want to go tonight and that is final."

"Yes sir. Matt she will be alright." Sinclair lied.

As soon as Sinclair had left Matt's office and was outside, Jamie walked over and gently knocked on the door. "Sir may I come in?" Jamie asked.

"Yes Jamie come in, what's on your mind."

"Sir, I think you should have someone watching this Susan woman, I have a feeling that someone will try and get to her again." Jamie said in one breath.

"Jamie, what are you saying?"

"Well umm Sir, I kinda overheard Mr. Sinclair, saying that she was still alive, then he said to get her dead.

"Jamie, I have known Austin for a lot of years and you're standing there telling me he was involved in this?" Matt asked.

"Yes sir."

"But he is the head of my security, heck he was there when I married Susan."

"I didn't know that sir, but I am telling you just what I heard."

"Okay Jamie, I am not mad at you, though listening in on other peoples phone calls can get you into trouble. I will check this out, but I want you to promise me that you won't say anything about this."

"Sir I am not crazy, but you have my word."

"That is good enough for me son, now why not go grab a snack, I think Seth left some cake and cookies in the kitchen."

"Thank you sir."

"Jamie, when we are home here, do you think you could call me Matt."

"Oh I don't know, Matt sounds so formal." Jamie laughed. As he turned to go."

"I'll formal you." Matt said as he grabbed Jamie and started to tickle him.

Laughing Jamie got away and smiling turned around and gave Matt a hug. 'Thanks I needed that."

"It is good to hear you laugh Jamie, I know that is has been a while, but you will be doing more soon I hope."

Leaving Matt to work out things Jamie went into the kitchen and found the cake and cookies that Seth had left. Taking a few cookies and a glass of milk Jamie sat at the table and ate them. He had just finished and was putting his dishes away when he phone chirped.


"Jamie, it's Bennie, I was wondering how you were doing and thought that maybe we could get together this weekend for dinner. You know that we are leaving for Florida on Monday right?" Bennie said.

"So soon, darn I wanted to be there with everyone, but I guess that won't happen now. As for this weekend I will have to ask Matt."

"I can hold, I need an answer before I talk to Ace and dad."

"Okay. Hang on." Walking over Jamie knocked once more on Matt's door. Poking his head in Jamie saw Matt sitting there with a lost look on his face. "Matt, Bennie has asked if I could come over this weekend for dinner, is that alright?" Jamie asked.

"Oh yes, sure. I think that is a great idea." Matt answered.

"Thanks. Bennie did you hear?"

"Yes I did, I will talk to Ace and dad now and call you back, and maybe we can get Matt over to keep the oldies busy for a while."

"Okay, call me back when you know."

Naples 1:00 pm

It was just after lunch and everyone was seated back in the courtroom, Walkerton looked over at the Richardson brothers. "Have you two made a decision?" Walkerton asked.

"Yes, we have decided that despite everything you have said we are not going to plead guilty. We will take our chances with the judge." Eric stated. "Then you are both a pair of fools."

Masters stood and continued reading from the confession of Brady Martin. The reading only took 45 minutes, it would have been over sooner but Walkerton kept interrupting. With no more witnesses Dylan rested his case and sat back down. Looking at the clock Adam saw that it was only a quarter after two so turning to Walkerton he stared at the man for a minute. "Mr. Walkerton, please start your defense." Adam ordered.

For the rest of the afternoon Walkerton spoke, he called no witnesses and by 4 o'clock he rested his defense. Throughout his hour and 45 minutes tirade, Walkerton tried to tear apart everything that the DA had stated, he tried to prove that the testimonies of Tyrone Jackson and Jamie Marshall were lies and that the deathbed confession of Brady Martin was nothing but a hoax. At 4 o'clock judge Graham adjourned the case until 9 o'clock the next morning and he would hear closing arguments at that time. Leaving the bench Adam went back to his chambers in sat behind his desk thinking that he was a fool for taking out the bench.

As quickly as he could Dylan packed up his papers and headed back to his office. He had just sat down behind his desk when Sgt Johnson walked in. Seeing the look on his face and the papers in his hand, Dylan knew this wasn't something good. Inviting Sam into his office Dylan close the door. "Sgt. Johnson what is this about?" Dylan asked.

"Sir, it is in regards to Eric Robertson, one of the men you're prosecuting right now." Sam answered.

"Oh." Was Dylan's only response.

"Yes Sir, I, I mean we in the police department want to have him further charged with two counts of attempted murder, and two counts of conspiracy to commit murder. These charges stem from telephone conversations that the jail recorded." Sam said with a clear calm voice.

"Who did he conspire to murder?"

"Secret Service agent Ian Stillwater's and the young man he was protecting Jamie Marshall."

"Well the FBI arrested the bailiff yesterday, have you spoken with him?"

"Who the FBI or the bailiff?" Sam asked.

"Neither, I don't know how the FBI got involved, but I do know that the judge received a call from the Secret Service just before the bailiff's arrest, so I am assuming that they are involved in this also."

"The Secret Service has been involved in this for the past 14 months, ever since young Malcolm Daniels went to Washington."

"I didn't know that, as for the charges against Eric Richardson they can be laid in the morning just before court starts. Do you want to be the one to tell him, or do you want my office to?"

"In all honesty Sir I would love to tell him." Sam said with a laugh.

After Sam had left his office Dylan quickly put his things away and headed home to his little boy. As Dylan was driving home, Malcolm and Patrick had both sat down in the backyard and talked working out the problems they had with the letters and Jordan Martin had been sending. Having worked things out, the two boys hugged each other, before Malcolm told Patrick that he wanted to go to the courthouse in the morning to hear the end of the Richardson case. Patrick looked at Malcolm kind of surprised before saying that he would have to talk with Tony and Donnie before he could do anything. It didn't take long for Malcolm to convince the two as to why he wanted to be at the courthouse, Patrick also said he wanted to the pair that there wasn't enough security personnel for both to go unless they got in Naples police involved. Malcolm just laughed and said to call them as he poured two glasses of orange. Handing one to Patrick, Malcolm shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the kitchen.

The next morning when Malcolm and Patrick walked into the courthouse with state trooper, Naples police and the secret service surrounding them, everyone just stopped and stared. Malcolm ignored most of them, but a few that knew the two boys came over to say hello and ask how they were holding up. With twelve people in an elevator things were tight, and with the two boys stuck in the middle they felt squished, it was a good thing that they were only going up two floors. Once the doors opened Lt. Walters had the two boys stay in the elevator while she and her men checked out the courtroom and the floor. Seeing that everything was good Lt. Walters then took the boys to judge Graham's courtroom, where they took up the first bench behind the DA's table.

Dylan had been sitting going over his summation when he saw the group come in. Dylan had never met Malcolm, but he had heard a lot about the young man, not just through the news, but from his son and his friends. They all agreed that Malcolm was a "rad" dude. Getting up Dylan walked over to where Tony was sitting, knowing somehow that he was in charge. "Excuse me sir, but is there a chance I might meet the two boys. I have heard a lot about them and would be honored to shake their hands." Dylan asked.

"I think that can be arranged. Tony said as waved Malcolm and Patrick over. "Guys this is Dylan Master, he is the DA that is prosecuting the Richardson brothers." Tony said as a way of introduction.

"Hello." The two said together.

"It is nice to finally meet you two, my son and his friends think you two are heroes."

"We're nothing special sir." Malcolm said.

"Quite the contrary Mr. Daniels, you two are special, or else these people wouldn't be with you and then there is the fact of the strike, they wouldn't follow you if you weren't."

Malcolm was about to make a comment when the bailiff stood. "All rise, the honorable judge Adam Graham presiding."

"Be seated." Adam said with a grin as he saw Malcolm and his little group. "Good morning gentlemen, I do hope that you are both ready to proceed this morning." Adam asked.

"Yes sir, however, before we proceed a Sgt. Johnson of the Naples police wishes to attend to a matter with the defendant Eric Robertson." Dylan stated.

"Is this Sgt. Johnson available, Mr. Masters?" Adam inquired.

"Yes sir, he is waiting in the foyer."

"Very well, bailiff bring him in."

Sam was pacing nervously, his body tense, Sam was like a caged animal ready to spring, so when the bailiff called his name it was no wonder that Sam jumped a bit. Walking through the doors am walked right up to the front before he said anything, then it was to Adam first. "I apologize your honor for delaying your hearing, but I felt that this would be the best time for me to attend to some matters."

"Sgt. Johnson, please deal with what you need to quickly as time is short." Adam stated.

"Yes sir." Turning Sam smiled at the two boys before looking right at Eric Robertson. Eric Robertson, I am here to charge you with two counts of conspiracy to commit murder, and two counts of attempted murder." Sam announced and then hand Eric a set of papers.

Malcolm couldn't help but smile when Sam said what he did. Now Malcolm knew that the Robertson brothers were going to jail for a long time. Malcolm also knew that he would be back next week to put his mother away.

Having left the court room Sam relaxed a bit though. He had been assigned to walk the hallways with a few other officers by Captain Harris as a way of keeping the two boys safe.

When Sam had left the room Dylan stood and was about to speak, but Walkerton beat him to it. "Your honor this is outrageous, my clients cannot be charged with something they are not involved with."

"Mr. Walkerton," Dylan started. "I would not think that the police would lay these charges if the person was not involved, nor would they do so if they did not have the evidence to back up the said charges."

"Mr. Masters I hope that you have seen this evidence?" Adam asked from his bench.

"I have read some of it your honor, but not all as yet, I have also not had the time to listen to the tapes that Sgt. Johnson dropped off to me last night."

"You will not be trying this case here today will you?"

"No sir, I will need at least a month to get ready, and I think that Judge Frost can handle it."

"Good, now can we proceed with the case before us? I do believe that we are doing summations."

The rest of the morning was spent with both Dylan and Walkerton trying to convince Adam. When it was time for lunch both had finished, and Adam was tired from sitting all morning. "Gentlemen, I adjourn this case until one o'clock at which time if either of you have something to say that will be the time to do it." Adam stated.

At lunch Dylan was joined by Tyrone Jackson and Tony Marchand. "Dylan, you already know Tony here and he asked that I bring him to you, it seems like he has a request for you." Tyrone said in whisper.

"I see, Mr. Marchand what can Info for you?" Dylan asked.

"Well Sir..." Tony started only to be interrupted.

"It is Dylan, Mr. Marchand."

"Okay, but only if you call me Tony. Now as for the request it really come from Malcolm, he wants to ask the brother's one question."

"Do you know what he wants to ask?"

"Yes I do and no I don't want to spoil the surprise, so can you ask the judge if this is possible?"

"I can ask, whether he will allow it, is another matter."

"That is all either Malcolm or I can ask, now enjoy your lunch." Tony said has both he and Tyrone left his table.

The afternoon heat was building, but inside the courthouse there was a chill in the air. Walkerton was pacing the hallway is Dylan sat quietly at his table. The Naples police and Secret Service were all standing around the chairs that Malcolm and Patrick sat on, both boys sipping a soda and nervously bouncing their legs.

The doors to the court had just been opened when both Sam's and Tony's phone rang, both men looked at each other frowning as they answered their phones. They were looking at each other as they listened to a woman's voiced that it be muffled. "Gentlemen, in exactly 20 minutes courthouse is about to be rocked, I will not tell you which room this will happen in, just that it will. Could anyone try and leave the building the bombs will be set off." Without letting the men in reply the woman hung up.

Turning to Sam, Tony called to keep the boys safe as he ran off. His first stop was the Sheriff's counter, without thinking Tony glared at the man behind and ordered him to seal the building. "Where is the safest place around this building?" Tony asked the Sheriff.

"Sir this whole building is safe. Why do you ask?" The Sheriff responded.

"First thing seal the building, then get everyone together on the main floor. After that it every Sheriff, bailiff and police officer going through the courthouse, we have just received a bomb threat."

With everyone together on the first floor, the search started. Each room, holding cell, washroom and judges chamber were gone through and yet nothing was found. All the judges were pissed at the delay, especially Adam. At 3 o'clock the courtrooms were open again, the judges only allowing the people who worked the rooms in.

In Judge Graham's court, Walkerton, Masters, and the defendants were together. Tony had slipped in and had asked Dylan in the two boys could be led in, since part of the case involved them. Dylan in turn asked Adam and after thinking it over for a minute agreed but stipulated that the boys and only to security personnel would be allowed.

Sitting in the front benches both Patrick and Malcolm waited. Patrick could feel the tension radiating off Malcolm. Patrick new that this was something Malcolm had been hoping for, to Malcolm this was the start of the end. Months of half, stress and worry would be over within an hour. The two boys were so lost in thought, that when Judge Graham spoke both boys jumped. Looking at each other the two boys giggle and blushed. "Gentlemen do either of you have anything else to add before I pronounce sentencing." Adam asked.

"No Sir." Both men stated together.

"Then, when David and Eric Richardson please stand." Adam ordered.

Malcolm watched as the two men stood, both had spurts on their faces thinking that this judge was going to be a piece of cake for them. "Gentlemen. I have been serving the people of this country for over 30 years, during that time I have heard a lot of things. You both were elected to your positions on the assumption that you could be trusted, I guess the people were wrong. You both used your offices for your own pleasure, you stole from the people who trusted you, your both derelict in your duties. What I can't understand is why you decided that you could go after the young. David Richardson you decided not only to ignore the people but you also chose to ignore the students that came to your office with complaints. You chose to ignore a judge's ruling, that in itself is classified as disobeying a lawful order, thus you are an accomplice in assault causing bodily harm, sexual assaults, and brutality. It is therefore the judgment of this court that you serve no less than 15 years in prison. You will also have a further 10 years of probation. You are not to leave the state of Florida, you are forbidden to have any contact with your brother Eric Richardson, you are further ordered not to seek any employment in the state government and you are to stay away from any and all schools.

"Eric Richardson, there are not many words I can say that would describe but I think of you. You held the highest office for the state. During that time you use your office for your own glory. You stole not only from the federal government, but from the people also. On those charges I find you guilty and sentence you to 10 years in prison. On the charges of conspiracy to commit murder I find you guilty and if I could I would give you the sentence of extenuating circumstances, (death penalty) however I cannot do that so therefore I am sentencing you to know less than 20 years to be served consecutively. For the murder of Marcus Daniels I to find you guilty. I do not know why you or anyone else involved with your conspiracy would try or even think to try to steal that which a person has worked hard to build. You have conspired to murder Malcolm Daniels not once but three times, therefore I am giving you the sentence of extenuating circumstances. I am further ordering that all property, monies, stocks and bonds be seized and sold. That money then will be turned over to the state of Florida school board. This order also affects you Mr. David Richardson." Adam stated while trying to hold back his temper.

For Malcolm and Patrick hearing the sentence given to both men was like a weight lifted off their shoulders. Malcolm was so joyous that he almost shouted out. Patrick just sat back and cried. Both boys watched as the Sheriff's came in and took the Richardson brothers to jail. Once they were gone Malcolm and Patrick stood and thanked Dylan and left the courthouse. Tony and Donnie had dropped Patrick off at home before taking Malcolm back to his brothers.

With Malcolm in the house with Morrison and Real the two men just sat and stared out the windows. Grabbing his phone Tony called Ace and filled him in on what had happened. "Tony that is the best news I have heard coming out of Florida in a long time. I will inform the President about this. Tony you and your men have done an outstanding job and you have my congratulations and my respect." Ace said his voice filled with pride.

"Ace, there is something else I have to tell you, I'm flying up to Washington on Monday. I have to meet with the vice president and Jamie Marshall." Tony stated.

"Is there something I should know about?"

"Not at this time."

Upstairs Aaron and Zeke were playing on Zeke's computer as Malcolm sat in his room. He had opened a new page in Word and was just staring at the screen. Getting up he walked down the hallway, stopping at the boy's room and asking them if they wanted a glass of juice, and if so then they should pause their game and come into the kitchen.

Saturday morning Malcolm was sleeping peacefully when he heard Zeke yelling in his ear. "Morning bro."

"Oh god Zeke, what time is it." Malcolm asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Umm... I think it is 6 o'clock." Zeke giggled.

"Then squirt, we have lots of time, crawl in here besides Aaron and try to sleep some more.

"But I am not tired."

"That is okay, then we can just cuddle, but I am not getting up at six in the morning until school starts again."

"Okay, I like your cuddles. Malcolm, have Washington and staying with the vice president."

"Why couldn't have stayed here with us, we have lots of room?"

"That we do guy, but this was something he wasn't given a choice on, even the President said he had to stay in Washington for a while."

"Oh, but I miss him, he's like you, kewl."

"He has changed a lot over the few months buddy, I just hope he keeps this going.

"So what's for breakfast bro, I am getting hungry?"

Malcolm was about to answer when Aaron's head popped up. "I gotta pee." He said as he jumped off the bed.

Laughing Malcolm sat up and sent Zeke off to get dressed since neither of the little guys were going to let him sleep anymore. Breakfast was cereal and toast, something quick and easy.

The breakfast table was covered with plates and bowls and when Malcolm saw Tony and Donnie walk in he just smiled. "Morning pops and Donnie. Malcolm giggled.

"Who you calling pops, brat." Tony said with a grin.

"You, I think you're the old one here."

"I'll old you, where is your vest?"

"Same place as my suit, in my closet."

"Well why aren't you wearing it, you know the boss has said all the time."

"I know, but why wear it when I am going to shower. I'll put it on after. Later can you take us to the mall and park, I think we all need a time to relax and be teens again. I am sure that Zeke and Aaron would like it also."

"I think we can do that, but talk with your dad first, I know he wanted to go to the hospital too see your grandfather, so maybe after that."

"Okay, or he could go with Lt. Watkins and meet us there."

"Well you go have your shower and I will talk with your dad and Casey, are you thinking of having the Jacobs, family join you?"

"I was, but I think they may want time to themselves, they just spent four months with us, but I will phone and see, but only after I shower."

"Then go get it done, I am sure that your brothers will be getting up soon and you know how they love to use all the hot water."

"Good point, can you start another pot of coffee, I am sure dad would like one, and you guys seemed to have finished the pot." Malcolm laughed.

"Brat." Tony hollered as Malcolm ran to his shower.

Showered, dressed and with his vest on as promised, Malcolm woke his brothers and headed back to the kitchen. Richard gotten up and had made breakfast for everyone. Malcolm walked in and saying morning to his dad walked over and gave Tony a hug. "I don't care what anyone says, you are now part of this family, you are now Uncle Tony."

Caught off guard Tony just stood there as Malcolm went and helped his dad finish breakfast. They had just gotten the plates on the table when Aaron ran in and gave everyone a hug. "Morning Malcolm, what are we doing today?" He asked.

"Well turkey, I asked Uncle Tony to take us to the mall and then the park, how would like that?" Malcolm answered as he hugged his little brother.

"Goodie, what are we doing at the Mall?"

"Well Patrick's birthday is coming up and I want to get him something special, maybe you can help me."

"Uh huh, can I buy him something too?"

"I think that would be nice, maybe Zeke can find something I also."

"Are we gonna have a party for him?"

"Yes, I already talked to Maggie and she said that Michael will do up a dinner for us all."

"That gonna be a lot of people."

"Yes it is, but we will have a lot of fun. Now why don't you finished breakfast and call Patrick. Ask him if he and his family want to join us at the park, maybe we can make it a barbeque."

"Can we take the soccer ball?" Zeke asked around a mouthful of sausage.

"That is a good idea. Tony can we make it a barbeque at the park?"

"You're not asking much are you, you do realize that there will be others there, we can't close the park just for you."

"I wouldn't want to close the park, besides there could be other kids there that want to play soccer or just hang."

"It just makes it harder to protect you and your family, but we will do our best. Let me talk to Lt. Watkins, maybe she can join us."

"Okay, I like her, maybe you two can date." Malcolm said as he ran from the kitchen.

"I don't know where he gets his wits from, but he is sure fast with them." Donnie said with a laugh.

"Can't be from you." Tony laughed.

Tony was just finishing his coffee when his phone buzzed. "March and here, what can I do for you?"

"Tony, this is the Vice President, are you sitting Down?" Matt asked.

"Yes sir I am, what can I do for you?"

"Tony, I have been looking into some things, and one of the things I have found out is that your son is still alive."

Lots more to come:

Comments welcome e-mail me at

Have most of next chapter for lil bros ready, will be up soon. I am also involved in the rewriting of they ran away, watch for revised additions coming for you.

Next: Chapter 27

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