Lives Changed

By Michael King

Published on Oct 9, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The people do not exist except in my mind. This work is copyrighted and I ask that you do not copy, post or electronically download without my express permission. If you are too young to be in here or it is illegal in your state then please leave, as I do not wish anything bad to happen to you.

Lives Changed -10-C

It was early the next morning as Michael was out in the garage using the bars to stand that Tony and Patrick showed up. Ian was in the kitchen just finishing his third coffee when the two walked in and joined him. The three were sitting quietly chatting when they heard Malcolm scream for Ian's help. Rushing into the garage they saw Malcolm laying between the bars where he had slipped. Patrick who was in the lead ran over and knelt beside Malcolm. "What happened Malcolm?"

"I tried to get my feet to move and my hands slipped, do you think you could help me back into my chair?" Malcolm asked.

"I don't know, I think it looks good for you to be down there." Patrick laughed as he slipped his hands under Malcolm. "Damn bro you're getting heavy. Ian, Tony can one of you give me a hand here please?"

Back in his chair Malcolm just smiled and pushed back a bit. "Thanks guys and Patrick I thank you too."

Going into the kitchen Malcolm poured himself a juice and set it on the table. "Tony, I think I have to talk to Dr. Lei."

"May I ask why?" Tony asked.

"Sure you can ask, the answer is simple, I took a step before my hands slipped."

"Get real." Patrick shouted.

"I am real, I doubt that I will be walking fully for a while yet, but one step is great and it has been two months"

"Okay Malcolm, I will stop at the hospital on our way home and see if he is there. There is one thing you have to promise me though?" Tony stated.

"What is that?"

"You don't do any more until you have seen him, I am sure that we can get you in and out without people seeing you."

"Well I hope it is like in a day or two, I have things I need to do."

"I know, Ian was telling me earlier, are you sure you need to go to Morgantown?"

"Yes I am sure, so the sooner the better, after that it is to Washington, I will be calling Ben to let him know when I will be there."

"Damn you're getting pushy, but I hope you know what you're doing."

"Not likely, I mean I never know what I am doing, I guess that is why I get hurt all the time."

"Brat, I know better. Now Patrick I know you want to stay, but I don't think I should make two trips to this house in one day. I don't think that is safe, we want to keep Malcolm hidden at least for a bit longer."

"What the hell Tony." Malcolm snapped. "What are you saying?"

"I am saying that since you asked for your Uncle's partner things have started to come together, we finally know who it is that is funding these attempts on you and Patrick. We also know that since you left the hospital there have been no more phone calls threatening Patrick or those close to you."

"Why didn't you say that sooner, damn it now I really have to get this done."

Malcolm being true to his word didn't do any more exercises until he had heard back from Tony. Early the next morning with the help of Ian, Malcolm was taken back to the hospital. The two made their way inside through the loading area then they went to the fourth floor where Dr. Lei was waiting for them. "Well young man, I hope that you are happy, you gave everyone here a scare when you disappeared. If it wasn't for Mr. Marchand informing me that you were okay I would have thought otherwise. Now, I understand that you have been pushing yourself and that you managed to take a step the other day." Dr. Lei admonished.

"Yes sir, I did. That is why I wanted to see you, I am hoping you could tell me if what I did has caused me more damage or that I am going to walk soon." Malcolm asked.

"Well I can tell you both those, but that will be after we do some x-rays and a CT scan. So let's get you ready. I do hope you are prepared to spend most of the day here."

"Yes sir I am, I hope that you haven't let everyone know I am here, I don't want more hassles."

"Don't worry there, only my staff know."

"Great then let's get started."

Dr. Lei wasn't kidding when he said it would be most of the day for Malcolm and as Malcolm was entering the hospital, Patrick walked into his school. This morning he had a smile on his face and was looking for the boy that spoke to Malcolm months ago at the mall. Walking into the Cafeteria Patrick saw him sitting with a group of his friends. Walking over he stopped and took a look at the people sitting there. "Marius is there a chance we can talk?" Patrick asked.

"Get out of here fag." One boy snarled.

"You know dude, I don't think so, in fact I wasn't even talking to you so butt out." Patrick said in a calm voice.

"Dude chill." Marius said. "Yes Patrick we can talk."

"You know this fag?" The boy asked.

"Everyone in this school knows Patrick and what he and his friend did for us all. So I would watch what you say." Another student stated.

"How can you be friends with a fa??"

"Dude you were told to watch what you say." Ryan said as he walked up. "Patrick is a friend, and if anything was to happen to him I would hate to be the one that did it."

"Come on Patrick, let's go talk." Marius said as he stood. "As for you dude, as far as I care, you are no longer welcome at this table."

"Fine you can all go screw yourselves." The boy said as he stormed off.

"Thanks guys, but I don't think he meant it, and before you ask, let's just say it is a gut feeling I have, something Malcolm taught me."

"Great, well umm Patrick have you heard anything on where Malcolm is?" Ryan asked. "Kurt and Sally have been asking also."

"Look guys if I knew where he was I would tell you." Patrick lied.

"Okay but if you do hear from him promise to let us know?"

"I will, I know everyone likes him." Patrick laughed, "But I don't know why."

Leaving the group Patrick and Marius walked outside and onto the football field. "Okay Patrick what's up?" Marius asked.

"Look, I couldn't say anything in there and I thank you for not saying anything either. I spoke with Malcolm on Sunday and he asked me to talk to you." Patrick stated as he gazed around.

"What did he want I mean it isn't like we were close friends." Marius asked.

"I know that, but I am guessing he is trusting you which is hard for him after everything that has happened."

"I bet, so he needs some help?"

"Yeah, he wanted to know if you had any old clothing, something that he wouldn't normally wear, and don't ask because I don't know what he wants with them."

"Oh, well I can check, if I do I'll bring them to school tomorrow, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good, I'll text him tonight and let him know."

"Why not wait until tomorrow that way you will know for sure, if I don't then I think Ryan or Kurt may have something."

"True, but that would mean letting them know Malcolm is okay."

"If they are his true friends like you are, then they won't say anything."

"You're right. But that isn't a chance he wants to take."

"Okay I'll do what I can, see you tomorrow."

"Thanks Marius.

The rest of Patrick's day went quickly and soon he was back at the Daniels' home with Zeke and Aaron. All three boys were playing on the computer until dinner. After they had all eaten Patrick did his homework, and then went to sleep.

Malcolm was also sleeping and for the first time wasn't worried. Dr. Lei had told him earlier that the bruising was gone and that he had a great chance off walking again, but he wasn't to push himself.

While the boys were sleeping Margaret Jacobson was sitting in her apartment worried that her world was about to come crashing down on her. She had heard through her office that the President had ordered all the directors to a meeting that was to be held on short notice and that could mean over the Christmas holidays. There were even rumors that Malcolm Daniels was going to be there and spread release would be going out soon to either confirm or deny it. "Why couldn't the bastard just die?" Margaret thought to herself. Margaret wasn't the only one worried, the CIA director along with Marcus Daniels' partner were thinking the same thing. For Dr. Skylovski though it could mean life in prison if he was ever found out. Skylovski had paid out close to a hundred million of his boss's money for the box that Marcus had designed, only problem was that Marcus was smart and made it so no one could copy or download his plans, then the box disappeared along with the small body belt. Skylovski knew that if he didn't get either of them he was dead. The CIA director wasn't so worried. Though he wanted the box for personal reasons the most being the billions he would make from selling it. He had a couple buyers ready and waiting, mostly foreign governments. Hearing of this upcoming meeting though gave the director a few moments pause, but nothing to scare him.

It was seven in the morning when Malcolm woke to someone ringing the doorbell. Working his way into a pair of jeans and T-shirt he got himself settled into his wheelchair and was going to the front and he heard Ian talking to someone in the kitchen. " if everything works out the President says he will call this meeting as soon as he hears from Malcolm." Tony said as he looked up and saw Malcolm entering the kitchen.

"Dang Tony can't you let anyone sleep." Malcolm said with a half grin.

"No brat, besides it was time you got your lazy butt up." Tony laughed. "Beside you are the one that wanted things done."

"I know I did, but it isn't even eight yet."

"Is he always this cranky in the morning Ian?" Tony asked laughing even more.

"This is one of his good days." Ian stated.

It was just after lunch and Malcolm was sitting behind his computer looking at some of his stories that he was working on when Ian knocked and entered. "Malcolm, I have to go out for a while, will you be okay here on your own?"

"Yes, I am just going to do a bit of writing, then maybe lay down for a bit."

"That sounds like a good idea, just don't overdo it, and remember what Dr. Lei told you."

"Like I can, he threatened to have me back in the hospital if I pushed too hard."

"Okay then I'll see you in a few hours."

"Bring some pizza back with you, I think there is fifty bucks on the counter."

"Don't worry about it I'll pay for it this time." Ian stated as he left.

The drive to Lost Angels Park took Ian a good forty minutes and had just got to the statue when Real and Sinclair showed up. The two men gazed around looking to see if they were alone. Seeing Ian standing there they joined him. "Well Ian what is the word. When is Daniels going to Washington?" Sinclair asked

"Next week, we fly out Wednesday."

"How is he flying?" Real asked.

"He's flying on a marshal's airplane the marshals are even giving him more security."

"That is fine, I'll let my friend know. Thanks for the information." Sinclair said with a smile.

After the two had left him, Ian pulled out his phone and called Tony. "Marchand here I am sorry I can't take your call, but please leave a message and I will get right back to you." Tony's voice mail sounded.

"Tony, it is Ian, we have them call me back or meet me at Malcolm's as soon as you can." Ian stated.

Having done what he could Malcolm decided to see what flights were available for the following Monday. The problem being that he needed a domestic flight and one that he could get on with his wheelchair and crutches. Having made a few calls Malcolm finally got one that would leave Naples To at one heading to Miami then to Pennsylvania. He would get into Morgantown around six that night which was fine by him. After booking his flight and hotel room Malcolm went and laid down on the couch. The TV was on low as Malcolm snoozed. The sound of the front door opening snapped Malcolm wide awake, he knew that Ian was supposed to be back soon, but it was Tony that he saw standing there. "Hey Uncle, what brings you here?" Malcolm asked as he tried to stretch.

"I got a call from Ian to meet here. Do you know anything about it?"

"No, but I wonder if it had anything to do with the pictures I found."

"What picture?"

"The one with Danvers, Martin, and that group, I could name most of them, but two faces I couldn't"

"Where is this picture, may I see it?"

"Sure it is on my desk, I was going to fax it to Ace and see what he could do, but we if you know who they are it would save time."

"I'll have a look. Oh and Malcolm the next time you leave the front door unlocked I will box your ears.

"I thought Ian had locked it when he left, so I didn't check. I am sorry. Can you help me into my chair, my legs are killing me."

"I am sure they are the way you were scrunched up there."

"Yeah well this couch isn't meant for sleeping on."

"Well you could shrink a bit." Tony laughed as he picked Malcolm up. "Is there any coffee made?"

"Don't think so, but you can start a pot while I use the bathroom."

As Malcolm went to the main floor bathroom Tony grabbed the picture from the office and then went to start a pot of coffee. He was staring at the picture as he went to grab the pot. In the bathroom Malcolm could hear Tony cursing and wondered what it was about. Finishing what he was doing and washing his hands Malcolm went to join Tony, only to see Tony come racing past him and into Malcolm's office. Slamming the door Tony grabbed the phone that was on the desk and called Ace in Washington.

"Mason here what is up Tony?" Ace asked as he answered his phone.

"Ace we have a big problem." Tony stated.

"Oh, is Malcolm in some kind of trouble?"

"He could be if this meeting he wants goes ahead."

"You had better explain buddy."

"Well I don't know how Malcolm or for that matter Marcus got a picture of everyone, I mean Senator Martin, Collin Danvers and the rest but Malcolm has it now and there are three people in it that work for us."

"Can you give me their names and I will run a check on them."

"Austin Sinclair and Caelan Real."

"Sinclair is head of the Vice Presidents security, are you certain about this?"

"Ace I am looking at the picture as we speak. In Fact why don't I fax it to you and you can see for yourself."

"Do that, but I will still start looking into the problem."

"Thanks Ace, you do know that Malcolm is flying out there sometime next week?"

"Yes Ben informed me, I have also talked with the DC police and they have agreed to put some plain clothed officers into the crowd."

"That is great I will let Malcolm know that."

"Do that and tell him we all say hello and hope that he is doing well."

"I will pass that on and I will see you next week

Malcolm stayed in the kitchen having poured himself a fresh coffee and was at the Table when Tony came back in. Standing at the counter Tony got himself a coffee before turning and looking at Malcolm. "Feeling better now?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes a bit, Ace and the others wish you well. Now tell me how did you get that picture?" Tony asked.

"It was on Uncle's computer. I don't know when it was taken, but it had to be a long time ago."

"Couldn't have been that long ago. When we finish I want to have a look at your computers, and Malcolm this isn't up for arguments."

"Like I am going to argue with you, Tony right now you are the only one I can trust I know that says a lot about how I feel for Patrick, but look at it from my side."

"Thank you for your trust and I think I can understand, you have had so much happen that you don't know where to turn."

"That's about it. Come on let's get you hooked up." Malcolm said with a laugh as he rolled towards the office.

Looking out the window, Malcolm was surprised to see someone walking up the driveway. The closer the figure got the better he could see that it was Jordan Martin." Uh Tony we have a problem."

"What is it Malcolm?"

"Martin just walked up. How did he know I was here?"

"I don't know let me call the police, maybe we can finally get him arrested."

"I hope he isn't the one sending me all those letters, you know the ones that got Patrick upset."

"I don't know." Tony stated as he called the Naples Police. Talking to Sam Johnson, Tony was assured that he would be right over.

As Tony and Malcolm were waiting they both heard the lid to the mail box clatter and then they watched Martin walk away. Sam Showed up ten minutes later having just missed Martin. "Sam He dropped something into the mail box, do you have an evidence bag with you?" Tony asked as soon as Sam was in the house.

"I do it is in the trunk, I can get it. Hello Mr. Daniels I am glad to see you in better shape than the last time I saw you."

"I don't remember ever seeing you." Malcolm stated

"It was just before you passed out after being shot. I was the one at your side along with the young Jacobs boy."

"Oh, then you must be the one that laughed when I said it hurt."

"Yes I was."

The rest of the afternoon was shot, Ian had come home and filled Tony in on the meeting with Sinclair and Real. Confirming with Tony that the two were part of the group after Malcolm. Most of Saturday and Sunday Malcolm spent time in the little office, putting the papers together and hiding them in his back pack.

Malcolm had been in the back yard a few times and knew that the back gate was always locked and alarmed, but the gate at the side was open. After dinner Sunday night and once everything had been cleaned and putt away, Malcolm went to his room and packed his bag, he wasn't taking much except the files a few change of clothes and his crutches. With everything ready Malcolm hung the bag from the handles on his chair then climbed into bed. He knew that in the morning it would be difficult to avoid Ian, but he had to, maybe he could send him on an errand that would take a while, or he could just take Ian with him.

Malcolm's alarm went off at six startling him awake. Using his crutches Malcolm did his bathroom duties and then dressed. Stuffing his crutches into the holder on the back of his wheelchair he went into the kitchen and started the coffee. It had just finished brewing when Ian came in and still half asleep poured himself a cup before even noticing Malcolm. "Morning, you're up early?"

"Yeah I couldn't sleep anymore." Malcolm lied.

"Oh well let me have my coffee then I will make breakfast."

"Sure, I know it is early but do you think you could take me to the bank this morning, then the airport, oh you better pack a bag because you're coming with me. Tony isn't to know that we have gone."

"Malcolm what is it with you, you have to trust someone, and Tony has been in your corner from day one."

"I know, but with the visit from Martin on Friday, I think it is best right now that it is just you and me. I am sorry if that offends him, but I hope he understands."

"I think he would if you just explained it to him."

"I will once we get to where we are going."

"That will be fine, but do I get a chance to know also?"

"No. right now it is best I keep that to myself."

"Okay. I don't agree, but it is your life that is being harassed."

"Yes it is and I know all but one player, I hope that we can end this all by Monday, Tuesday at the latest."

"It would be good. Now how do you plan on getting out of this house without being seen?"

"Well, there is the car in the garage, we could put the chair in the trunk and I could hide on the back seat."

"That would work. I am sure that no one is watching the house, but I can't promise that."

"No nor can I, that is why we need to figure out how to get me out of here. I know that the bank doesn't open until eight, so if we could be there for say eight thirty, we might be able to get an earlier flight."

"Well let's worry about that after breakfast and a shower, for both of us. Will you need help with your bag?"

"Just the big one, I can leave my back pack hanging off my chair."

"How are the airlines going to handle your chair and crutches?"

"They said it wouldn't be a problem, I can keep my crutches with us, they did tell me that they would store the chair in the back somewhere I guess and then give it to me when we landed."

"That is good, now have you thought about security, I am sure they will give you hassles with the chair, crutches and box?"

"Damn I never thought about that, maybe you could talk to someone at the airports when we get there, I know that we have a few hours before the flight leaves Miami."

"I will do what I can, though I may have to give up your name."

"Well if we have to then I guess that is okay, by then it will be too late for anyone to stop us."

It was eight AM when Ian got Malcolm's wheelchair into the trunk of the car, and with his crutches laying on the floor Malcolm stretched out across the back seat. Once Ian had gotten them away from the house and knew that no one was following he told Malcolm that it was okay for him to sit up. The drive took Ian a while as it was rush hour and traffic was backed up.

Getting to the mall where Malcolm's bank was located, Ian parked as close as he could, then with Malcolm in his wheelchair the two made their way inside. Putting Malcolm in the customer's seating area. Ian went to the front desk, showing his badge he ask for the manager. The look on the ladies face showed shock then surprise as she gazed over towards where Malcolm was seated. "One minute sir, I will get him out here right away." The receptionist stated as she grabbed her phone. "Sir, there is a Secret Service agent here to see you, and sir I think you should come quickly." She almost begged.

The manager was a short man, he bright red hair seemed to shine when he came out. Seeing Ian standing there waiting for him he smiled, when he saw that Malcolm was with him he froze. "Mr. Daniels everyone said you had died." He stammered.

"Not yet, and I hope not for a long time sir. Is there a place we can talk privately?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes we can go to my office."

"No sir. I don't feel that would be safe for Mr. Daniels." Ian interrupted.

"I see, maybe if I knew what this was about."

"A safe deposit box." Malcolm whispered. "I need to get into it as quickly as I can and I don't want people to know I was here."

"Oh then come I will get the key and your card. Do you have your key?"

"No I don't, it is at home safe I hope, isn't there a way we can get this open without the extra key?"

"Yes, we always have a second key, besides the one that the bank needs."

"Then can we get this over with, I don't like being out here."

"I can understand that come, follow me please."

The three left the sitting area and went behind the counter and down a small hallway. "Mr. Daniels we don't have an elevator how do you plan on using the stairs."

"Going down won't be a problem, coming up might be, but I can only hope that my friend here will help."

"Not likely brat, you have to suffer." Ian laughed. "Sir getting him down and up won't be a problem."

"Very well."

Leaving the wheelchair upstairs and out of the way Malcolm and the two men went down into the basement and over to the vault. "I hope you have a chair sir, I still need to rest am not that strong yet, but getting there."

"There is on in the room over there." The manager pointed out.

"Thank you, Ian can you make sure that the box is brought unopen."

"Mr. Daniels, I take affront to that statement."

"Sir I am sorry, but I don't mean to say you are not honest, it is just that trust right now is something I have very little of."

"I see and I accept your apologies and I hope you can accept mine. I should have understood it from your point of view."

"Let's just forget I said that and work together on this, oh as Ian and I are dealing with this box, can you get me a couple thousand from my account please?"

"Sure, two or three thousand, which would you like?"

"Make it three please."

Once Malcolm had the box and the manager had left to get Malcolm his money. Ian looked at his charge. "Why do you need more money, I thought you had lots of free standing cash."

"I do, but it was a way to get him doing something other than standing here watching. Plus gives me a chance to move the things in here to my second back."

"Damn you're a conniving bugger aren't you?"

"I try not to be, but lately what do you expect."

"Nothing, you're still a brat."

"Yeah and I like you too."

They had just left the bank and were driving to the airport when Malcolm's phone rang. Seeing that it was Ace, Malcolm answered it. "Hello Ace, how's things in Washington." Malcolm asked.

"They were great until I found out that some kid booked a flight from Naples to Morgantown then on to Washington." Ace answered.

"Crap that means others know also."

"Yes they do, look go to the airport like you are planning but instead of going to the ticket counter go to the security, they will take you to your flight. Malcolm this is a must, you are not to get on any other flight than the one I have for you and Ian."

"Okay, but please tell me who found out about this?"

"Your name has been flagged, and Jr. Carl found it."

"Who the hell flagged me?"

"The Director of the CIA we are thinking, the President is going to be asking about that this morning."

"I want to know Ace, but I think between us we should change destinations, maybe let people think that I am going to New Haven, Connecticut, but in fact we will go as I planned."

"Okay I can do that, I will tell the President right now and he can let it slip to Langston."

"Good, that might give me a chance to end this whole thing."

"Good luck Malcolm, and remember do what I said."

"I will and Thanks Ace, I know I have been a pain and a lot of trouble."

"Kid you are neither, you were just caught up in something you didn't even know about until it was too late."

"If you say so, say hi to everyone there and tell Jr. I going to kick his butt." Malcolm said with a laugh.

"I will and again good luck."

"Oh Ace what about my family?"

"They will be here, Tony and Marsten are getting them from school right now, they will be flying out this afternoon. They do not know that you will be here that was Ben's idea not mine."

"Good, I will be glad to see them all."

"I bet and I know they will be excited to see you also."

"Okay, I am gone, we are getting close to the airport."

"Have a safe flight."

Airports are always crowded and noisy and when Malcolm and Ian arrived it was no different. With Ian pushing Malcolm's wheelchair the two went over to the security desk and waited for the lady to finish her call. When she was done she looked up and saw the two standing there. "Yes how may I help you gentlemen?" She asked with a forced smile.

"My name is Ian Stillwaters I would like to speak with your supervisor please. I was told he would be expecting us." Ian answered.

"Just a moment please sir."

"I think she likes you Ian." Malcolm laughed.

Ian was about to respond when the supervisor showed up. "Mr. Stillwaters if you would follow me please." He stated.

Pushing Malcolm again the pair followed the security officer through a side door and down a sloping ramp. "Your flight is ready for you. I must say I was surprised when the Secret Service called me this morning and told me to do this, but then who am I to argue. Mr. Daniels please have a safe journey and best of luck to you."

"Thank you sir, and I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

Malcolm's flight was in an old twin engine Beech Craft, the seats were worn out and the noise was deafening. With the help of the pilot and Ian Malcolm was seated and his chair and crutches stowed away. The throaty roar of the engines drowned out anything that Ian and Malcolm could say and so they just closed their eyes and tried to sleep. Malcolm felt the airplane start to move and knew that soon he would be in the air and on his way to the end of the road.


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Next: Chapter 33

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