Loving Nick

By Jason Clarke

Published on Aug 23, 1999


This story involves members of the bands Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please bear with me. Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Loving Nick - Part 1

"Where the hell is Nick? It's nine-thirty already!!" Howie yelled.

"Calm down," Brian replied calmly, "he probably just overslept a little."

"Yeah, what's new," Howie said with sarcasm, "he just does that every single day!"

"Hey, it's no big deal. We don't have to leave for the interview until ten thirty anyways," Brian lightly punched Howie's arm. "Relax, Howie, you're too tense."

"Damn," Nick thought to himself as he got into the elevator, "I'm late again. The guys are gonna kill me."

The ride down to the second floor where the rest of the Backstreet Boys were having their breakfast meeting seemed to take forever. Finally, the elevator door opened and Nick walked quickly towards the room.

As Nick headed down the hall, a hotel employee walked by and smiled warmly at Nick. "Good morning, Mr. Carter."

"Good morning, and how are you this morning?" Nick responded, his natural charm clearly evident.

"Very well, Mr. Carter," the woman answered. As Nick smiled and continued on his way, he could see her mouth the words "thank you for everything."

Nick finally reached the room where the rest of the guys were and was about to enter when he heard a lot of loud talking.

"Dammit, Brian, I've just about had enough of him. Why do we all have to put up with him anyways?" Nick immediately recognized Howie's voice. "Who could they be talking about?" Nick thought to himself.

"What is your problem anyways, Howie," Nick could hear Brian respond. "You've been like this the last little while." Brian sounded annoyed.

"Guys, let's just drop this, okay. This whole conversation is silly," AJ responded.

"No, I'm sick and tired of keeping it all inside," Howie continued. Nick could tell that Howie was really pissed off. "Why do we all have to pretend as if nothing is wrong? I'm sick of having to always accommodate him. It hasn't been days or weeks or even months...it's been years already!"

"Look, Howie, you may feel this way but don't feel that you are speaking for all of us," Brian interrupted. "I don't see what your problem is!!!"

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" AJ questioned.

"My problem is that I don't think Nick will ever grow up!!!" Howie hollered.

Nick could feel a knot in his stomach. His knees went weak and he slowly fell on his knees. He could not believe what he was hearing.

"His ego is as big as the earth and he thinks that he is the centre of the universe," Howie continued, "you know, if he wants so much attention, he should go solo, not sing with the Backstreet Boys."

Nick wanted to run away, to get away from all this. Not in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine hearing the things that he was hearing now....not from his own Backstreet brothers. "No wonder Howie seemed kind of distant lately," Nick suddenly recalled. Despite his urge to leave, Nick didn't move from his position. It seemed that he was expecting more revelations from the guys in the room.

"You're going way to far, Howie," Brian was yelling by now. "Where are you getting all this? Is it Nick's fault that he is getting all this attention??"

"Brian, you make Nick sounds like he is this perfect angel who can never do any wrong. Well, you better wake up from you little dream," Howie says bitterly. "Nick's a spoiled brat and a pain in the ass. He doesn't care the shit about any of us, you know."

"Shut up, Howie," Brian screamed, "I'm not going to take anymore of this." You're being totally unfair to Nick. I don't want to hear another word.

Tears were flowing uncontrollably down Nick's face. His world seemed to be crashing down on him.

"Ok, enough is enough," Kevin spoke for the first time. "Nick's young, and we need to give him time. He's trying, and we all know that."

"Yeah, too bad he'll always be this immature," Howie muttered.

"I said ENOUGH!" Kevin said with more force. "I don't want to hear a word about his when Nick gets here."

Nick wanted to go back to his room, where he would feel safe. But he knew that it was almost time for the interview. He got up on his feet, dried his tears, and tried his best to look his normal happy self. He took a deep breath and slowly pushed the door open. "Morning guys," Nick said, trying ever so hard to act as if nothing had happened.

"About time," he heard Howie mutter. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught Kevin give Howie a sharp look.

"I'm so sorry for being late," Nick continued, "I forgot to set my alarm clock last night."

"Don't worry about it," AJ replied. "Here, you better get some breakfast before the interview." AJ handed a plate over to Nick.

"It's okay, AJ. I'm not hungry." Brian and AJ looked at each other in surprise. "Anyways, we should get going for the interview. You guys ready?"

"Uh, yeah....just let me go to my room to get a few things," Brian managed to say.

"Cool, I'll wait for you guys in the lobby" With that, Nick walked out of the room and headed towards the lobby, all the while feeling the tears swelling in his eyes again. He walked faster, fearing that the other guys would catch him crying.

"Something's wrong," Brian said in a serious tone.

"I agree," AJ replied.

"What do you mean," asked Kevin.

"The first thing Nick did this morning was apologize for being late. He NEVER apologizes so quickly," Brian began.

"And he refused breakfast," continued AJ. "When was the last time Nick wasn't hungry in the morning?"

Kevin nodded. "I did find that kinda strange."

"And to top it all off, Nick tells us to get ready for the interview??? Anyone see a role reversal here?" Brian asked.

"Look, I think we're all reading a little too much into everything. Maybe he's just not hungry for once. Don't worry about it, cuz," Kevin said reassuringly.

"Maybe you're right," Brian said half-heartedly, even though deep down he wasn't convinced.

...to be continued....

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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