Loving Nick

By Jason Clarke

Published on Sep 9, 1999


Sorry that this segment took so long...but school has started and I've been swamped with work. So it will take a bit longer for each segment to be completed now. Hope you guys understand.


This story involves members of the bands Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please bear with me. Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Loving Nick - Part 9

Nick and Lance immediately separately, both were shocked and embarrassed at being caught by JC.

After a moment of silence, Nick finally answered, "JC, can you call the rest of the guys in here? I think I need to tell you guys about something."

JC just nodded, still trying to react from the shock and left the room.

Nick turned to Lance. "I think it's time that we told them."

"I agree," Lance answered. He held Nick's hand tightly as he was extremely nervous about the guys' reactions to their revelations. "I'm nervous, Nick, but I'm not scared since I know you'll be with me all the way."

Nick smiled at Lance, "You bet I will, Lance. We'll get through this together."

Within minutes everyone was in Nick's room. They were all relieved that Nick was finally awake but were puzzled as to why Nick gathered all of them together. JC, still in shock at what he saw, did not reveal anything to the other guys.

"Guys," Nick began, "there's something that I think all of you deserve to know. But I hope you guys won't overreact to what I'm about to tell you."

"You can tell us anything, Nick," Brian began, "we'll support you all the way."

Nick smiled at Brian. "Well, I guess all of you already know that I'm gay. Over the last few days, Lance and I have developed a very special relationship. The fact is that I love Lance and I believe he feels the same way about me."

No one said a word, so Nick continued. "I know this may come as a shock to you guys but I really hope that you won't be angry at us. We should have told you earlier but up to now, I wasn't really sure of my own feelings. I really hope that you will accept us for who we are, but I won't blame you guys if you find it too difficult to accept."

Finally, Joey asked quietly, "And how do you feel about all this, Lance?"

Lance looked at everyone and said firmly, "I love Nick. He is everything that I've dreamed of and I will continue to love him no matter what happens in the days ahead."

"Well, that's all we need to hear," Kevin announced. "As long as both of you are happy, then that's all that matters. We'll all support you."

Everyone else nodded in agreement. Both Lance and Nick breathed a sigh of relief. They really didn't know what to expect and things turned out quite well. After a few more minutes of talking, everyone left the room so that Lance and Nick could spend some quiet time together.

Lance snuggled up close to Nick and neither of them talked. They both enjoyed the presence of each other. Nick lighted brushed Lance's hair and finally he broke the silence, "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now."

Lance smiled and blushed a bit. "No, actually, that guy would be me. I'm the luckiest guy on earth, 'cause I have the man of my dreams beside me this minute."

Nick laughed lightly. "Sometimes I keep asking myself if I'm just dreaming or if this is reality. Everything just seems so perfect."

"I know what you mean, Nick. I still can't believe it myself. I keep telling myself that I don't have to secretly fantasize about you anymore."

Nick pulled Lance into a hug. "I love you so much, Lansten."

Lance giggled a little. He loved it when Nick called him Lansten. "I love you too, Nick."

The next few days came and went quickly. The group travelled to Ottawa where they performed one concert. Nick was still not fully recovered so he refrained from any of the dancing. For most of the concert, he either sat on a stool or stood and walked around the stage a bit while he sang.

After the concert, there were a few off days in the schedule. Everyone took the opportunity to see the sites and visit different attractions.

Nick and Lance spent the afternoon in the city's shopping district. They had both come to realize that they shared the hobby of shopping and just buying things. Of course, they had to keep reminding themselves to refrain from showing acts of affection in public.

As they were coming out of the shopping centre with bagloads of clothes, they suddenly heard a screaming. Nick and Lance saw a car swerving out of control and heading towards the crowd of shoppers. Everyone was running for cover and there was chaos everywhere.

Nick and Lance could see a young child amidst the confusion. He appeared to have lost his mother and he was just standing in the middle of the road as the swerving car came closer. Without thinking, Nick ran towards the child and pulled him out of harm's way just as the car hit a fire hydrant with a loud bang.

Lance immediately ran towards Nick to see if he was hurt. As he pushed through the crowd, he saw Nick hugging the crying child, trying to calm him down. Lance's heart melted as he saw Nick comforting the young child.

"Are you okay, Nick?" Lance finally asked as he reached Nick's side.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Nick answered, "but that was too close."

"You scared the hell out of me, Nick."

"Saw-wee" Nick answered, putting on his best angelic face.

Lance burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, how can anyone be angry when you put on that cute face?"

Nick laughed at Lance's response. He then turned his attention to the kid. "So, where is you mommy?"

"I don't know. I lost her," the boy answered, obviously very scared.

"Don't you worry, we'll find her for you, okay?"

As they were about to start looking for the boy's mother, Lance pointed out that the boy's knees were scraped and were bleeding a bit.

Nick lifted the boy and sat him on his shoulder so that the boy wouldn't have to walk. With that, the three of them set out to look for the mother. Lance tried his best to navigate through the crowd with the many bags that he was holding.

After about fifteen minutes, the boy finally yelled out, "I see her, I see her."

Nick followed the boy's instructions and finally they saw the boy's mother. She was a total wreck, trying to look for her lost boy. She was stopping and asking everyone if they had seen her little boy. By now, she was already in tears.

"Mommy, mommy," the boy yelled out.

The woman looked in the direction of the voice and her face lit up as she saw her little boy calling out to her on Nick's shoulders.

The woman ran towards the three guys and Nick lowered the boy to the ground.

"Oh, Matthew, where have you been? Mommy's been looking all over for you!!"

"Sorry, mommy, but I got lost and I almost got hit by this crazy car."

The face of the boy's mother turned ghostly white as she heard this revelation.

"But this guy saved me and then they helped me to look for you," the boy continued, pointing at Nick and Lance.

"Oh thank you so much," the woman said gratefully. "I don't know how to thank you for what you've done for me."

"You're very welcome," Nick answered. "It was no trouble at all. By the way, I'm Nick and this is my friend Lance. It's a pleasure meeting you."

The woman was clearly impressed by Nick's charm. After a few seconds, it suddenly dawned on her who Nick and Lance were.

"Oh my god, you're...you're...Nick Carter and Lance Bass, the singers!!!"

Nick and Lance smiled and blushed a bit. "Yes, that's us."

"My little boy was saved by two superstars," she finally said, laughing a bit. "Wow, what can I say? Thank you so much, both of you."

"You're very welcome," Nick answered.

Before going their separate ways, Nick gave Matthew a great big hug. The boy had gotten to like Nick a lot and was sad to leave him. As Nick and Lance began to make their way back to the hotel, they could suddenly hear a girl's voice yelling.

"Nick, wait!!"

Nick and Lance turned around and saw a girl running towards them. The girl ran up to Nick, threw her arms around him and kissed him.

Lance just stared in shock, not knowing what was going on.

"Nick, I've been looking all over for you. I've been thinking about you ever since that night we spent together in Montreal. I followed you guys here just to see you again and maybe we could..."

Nick pushed the girl off of him. "What are you talking about?"

Lance could feel anger rising inside of him but he tried to keep controlled.

"Oh Nick, you're so naughty. You even left you watch and sunglasses at my place after you left in such a hurry that night."

Lance heard enough by this point. He turned and ran back to the hotel, leaving Nick and the girl in the street. He didn't want to hear anymore but for him, he had already heard too much.

Nick saw Lance running away and tried to stop him but the girl wouldn't let Nick go.

As Lance continued to run, tears were streaming down his eyes...

...to be continued....

Who the hell is this girl????? Now what's gonna happen to Nick and Lance???

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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