Loving Nick

By Jason Clarke

Published on Aug 25, 1999


This story involves members of the bands Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please bear with me. Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Loving Nick - Part 2

Nick walked towards the lobby to wait for the other guys to get ready. He felt a mixture of emotions inside. He felt deeply hurt about the things that he heard and anger that they said it all behind his back. At the same time, however, he blamed himself for not being the mature Nick that all the guys seemed to want. He also felt happy that Brian stood up for him despite what the others said.

Nick felt so lonely and helpless. He so desperately wanted someone to hold him and tell him that everything's gonna be alright. He wished that someone could be Brian, but he knew that Brian would never love him the way that Nick loved Brian. After all, Brian already had Leigh Ann.

Nick's mind wasn't on the interview at all. Even though he tried so hard to concentrate, all he could hear was Howie's accusations replaying in his head. His thoughts were interrupted by the interviewer.

"So, Nick, what is the secret behind how the Backstreet Boys seem to get along with each other so well. I mean, you guys practically live together half the year, how do you guys cope?"

Nick was taken aback by the question. What was he supposed to say?

"Well, uh, I guess the secret lies with being honest with each other. We try to accommodate each other as best as we can and we make sure that our lines of communications are always open." Nick hated lying, and he was never very good at it. Somehow, this time, Nick managed to lie pretty well.

After what seemed like eternity, the interview was finally over.

"So we have the rest of the day off, what do you guys want to do?" AJ asked excitedly.

"Why don't we get in some of the sites? I mean, it's our first time in Montreal and we haven't been to any of the attractions yet," Brian suggested.

"Sounds good," Kevin responded.

"And then we can go clubbing tonight," Howie added. "I hear that the clubs here are awesome."

"Nick, what do you think?" Kevin asked after noticing that Nick had not said a word.

"I'm just gonna go back to the hotel and try to get some sleep. I didn't sleep too well last night," Nick answered flatly.

"But Nick, the hotel's at the other end of town," AJ replied.

"It's okay, I'll call a cab," Nick answered as he gathered his things.

"Are you okay, Nicky?" Brian asked, obviously very concerned.

Nick knew that if he stayed in the room much longer, he'll start crying again. "I'm fine, Brian. Thanks for asking. You guys have fun, okay?" With that, Nick turned and walked out of the room.

"Okay, something's definitely wrong here," Brian stated after Nick left the room. "This is not the same Nicky that has been on tour with us the last few years."

"You're right," Kevin agreed. "But I don't think it's anything serious. Maybe he's just tired from not getting enough rest. He'll be fine after a good night's sleep."

"I hope so," Brian said softly.

Nick just sat on his bed looking out the window in his hotel room. His mind was wandering and a lot of things were going through his mind.

"What should I do now?" Nick asked himself. "It's obvious that I don't belong in the group anymore. What's the point of staying when no one wants me around?"

Nick could feel tears swelling in his eyes again. He just wished he could say all of these things to someone instead of having to keep it all inside. He felt so lonely and empty.

After a while, Nick picked up the phone.

"Hello?" answered a woman's voice.

"Hi Mom, it's Nick."

"Nick, how have things been? How is the tour going?" Jane Carter was clearly excited to hear from her son.

"Mom...," Nick whispered.

"Is something wrong, Nick? You sound like you've been crying." Jane knew her sons well and could tell right away that something was bothering Nick.

"Nothing's wrong Mom, don't worry. I just miss you a lot, that's all," Nick replied as tears were streaming down his face.

"I miss you a lot too, Nick. You take care of yourself, okay. Make sure you eat well and get as much rest as possible."

"I will Mom," Nick answered. "I guess I better get going now. I love you, Mom."

"Bye Nick. I love you too," Jane replied.

Nick hung up the phone and felt more and more tears streaming down his face. He was losing control of his emotions. Nick buried his face in his pillow and sobbed uncontrollably. He hadn't cried like this in years, but tonight, it seemed like even all the tears in the world would not ease the pain that he was feeling.

Brian knocked on the door. "Nicky, you still awake?" He listened carefully and heard Nick's sobs coming from the room. "Open up, Nicky. It's me."

There was no response from Nick. Brian turned the doorknob and realized that it was unlocked. He quietly walked inside. The room was dark except for the dim light by Nick's bed. As he walked closer to the bed, he was shocked to find Nick sobbing uncontrollably on the bed.

Brian walked up close to Nick and placed his hands on Nick's shoulder. Nick just continued sobbing. "What's wrong, Nicky?" Brian asked with concern. He gently pulled Nick close to him and laid Nick's head on his shoulders. Nick didn't answer but just kept on crying.

Brian just let Nick cry as much as he wanted and he gently stroked Nick's soft blond hair. After a while, Nick's sobbing stopped. Nick just looked at Brian in the eyes and was about to thank him for being there when suddenly Brian leaned forward and kissed Nick on the lips. Nick was absolutely shocked at what was happening that he couldn't react. But Brian didn't stop. He kept on kissing Nick and the kissing was getting more passionate by the minute.

Finally, Nick relaxed and returned Brian's kisses. Within minutes they had stripped each other naked and were making passionate love on Nick's bed. After a while, Brian laid on top of Nick and whispered, "Feel better, Nicky?" He kissed Nick's neck softly as he waited for Nick's answer.

"This is amazing, Brian," Nick answered. "I love you so much, Brian."

Brian just smiled and resumed kissing Nick all over his smooth muscular body.

Nick moaned in pleasure and smiled as he thought to himself that he has finally found his true love.

Nick woke up to find the naked Brian sleeping soundly beside him. He still couldn't believe what had happened the night before. As he gently got off the bed, Brian reached out and pulled Nick close to him. They embraced in a long, passionate kiss.

"Good morning, Nicky," Brian said seductively.

"Morning, Brian," Nick said, kissing Brian on his lips. "You better get dressed, we have to meet in Kevin's room for breakfast in 15 minutes. We're having breakfast with N'SYNC to discuss the next part of our tour, remember?"

"Oh alright," Brian groaned. He quickly got dressed and soon he was ready to go. As they left Nick's room, Nick whispered to Brian, "I have to go downstairs to get a few things. I'll meet you in Kevin's room, okay?"

"Okay, Nicky. Just don't take too long," Brian winked at Nick.

Nick giggled and said, "I'll try to be back as quickly as possible." Nick give Brian a quick kiss and headed for the elevators.

Half way through the elevator ride, Nick realized that he left his wallet in his room. He pushed the button for the 16th floor and laughed at his own absent-mindedness. As the elevator door opened, he got his keys ready. He could hear lots of talking in Kevin's room.

"So I was right," Howie exclaimed, "that's why he was so upset the last few days."

"Okay, Mr. Genius," AJ said, "so maybe you were right this time."

Justin from N'SYNC added, "Wow, I still can't believe that this is true. I mean, who would've thought that Nick, of all people, would be gay!!"

Nick froze in his tracks as he heard those words. He suddenly felt very dizzy and his knees felt weak.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have believed it if you had told me this earlier," Chris added. "This is just so shocking."

"So how did it feel, Brian? Did you enjoy last night?" Joey asked with curiosity.

"Well, I guess so...," Brian muttered. "He is very attractive, you know."

Nick could feel that anger rising in him.

"So I guess we shouldn't let Leigh Ann know about this," JC suggested.

Nick was shocked beyond belief at what he was hearing. "How could this be happening to me?" he asked himself. He felt totally betrayed and used. He couldn't believe that his closest friends would do this to him.

Nick quietly opened the door. Everyone seemed to stop talking at once. Brian walks up to Nick and hugs him. "Nicky, I'm so glad you're back, I've missed you so much already!"

...to be continued....

How should Nick react? What would happen to the Backstreet Boys in light of these new developments?

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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