Lucky in Montana

By shakes

Published on Dec 12, 2002


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"What the fuck are you doing? Get out of here, kid! Now!" He grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and tossed me towards the window. He sighed as he looked down at the body that lay out by his feet and ran a hand through his thick dark hair-slowly shaking his head. I stood in shock, trying to fix my clothes and his eyes dug through me once more.

"Goddam it, Lucky! The water! Get the fuck outta here! Get on your horse and meet me at the water!"

My heart raced as I heard the pounding of feet fast approaching the room. The thrill and the danger--the things I loved most in this life got the better of me. I flashed him a grin before I winked at him. He scowled as I pried open the dusky window and quickly slipped out into the darkening sky.

I made it past the county limits and raced out to the water like he told me. Minutes felt like hours as I tried to cover my tracks as best I could, and in the process keep my heart from exploding inside of my chest. I made my way not far from the bank behind a grove of dense bushes and cautiously waited. My mind began to race. What the fuck did I get myself into this time?

He warned me about girls like Mary-Anne, but the smell and warmth of her soft skin got the better of my happy heart. I knew he didn't trust her-from the first day we arrived at Silveridge and she took a likin' to me. A couple of weeks later-with my pants around my ankles and her in my bed is when her husband comes busting in with his rifle. It's a good thing I sleep with a gun. It wasn't my fault dammit-how was I supposed to know she was married?

Time continued to drag on and I started getting nervous. He told me to head out, but I left him standing there with a dead man, and the gun that shot him down. He was good-I never met anybody that was as good as he when it came to a gun, but I knew it'd take more than a fast draw to get him this far with a whole town trying to stop him. Christ, where was he?

More time passed and the sun had gone down past the rolls of green pasture on the horizon. I stared into the dark eyes of Kabaya and willed him to ready himself for a swift ride back to town to search for my friend.

"This is nuts..." I muttered to myself as I grabbed the leads and planted my foot in the stirrups of the saddle-ready to mount my horse. I stopped dead in my tracks as the sound of hooves approached from the distance. I quickly let go of the horse, and removed my foot and held still as the sound got closer and closer.

I hid behind Kabaya as the dark figure rode towards me behind the dense brush and dismounted. I held everything still; holding my breath as the figure left his horse and slowly made his way to Kabaya. I watched his hand as it eased up to his gun belt, withdrawing his pistol.


I let out a sigh of relief and peeked my head from around my horse to see the familiar emerald green eyes of my friend as he made his way to the safety of our hiding spot. He noticed my movement, and gently eased Kabaya backwards as those sparkling eyes began to narrow and smolder. I grinned at him-happy of our narrow escape, but he did not share in my celebration.

"You fuckin' moron!" was the last thing I heard before the butt end of his gun made contact with the side of my head, and I crumpled to the ground in a peaceful slumber.

"Uhhnnnggg..." I woke up as the sun was beginning to rise, and painfully turned my head to survey my surroundings.

"He awakes." His voice was without expression as were his eyes when I slowly sat up to look at him. My head pounded, and I brought my hand up timidly to rub the side of my head that I vaguely remembered being attacked by his gun. As I brought my hand down, I noticed small traces of blood on my fingers. My mood began a slow simmer.

"What the fuck you hafta go and hit me like that for?" I demanded, but he just sat there with his tin of coffee and looked at me blankly.

"I didn't realize people with no brains could feel pain."

"Very fuckin' funny, 'Tanna. Get me a coffee."

"Get it your fuckin' self." He abruptly stood up, dumped what was left of his coffee onto the ground, and headed towards his horse.

I sighed. Man, could he ever be a grump. I mean, what was the big deal anyway? We got away and it didn't seem as though anybody was in a rush to look for us. If they were, they sure didn't head out in this direction. But that's Montana for you-a goddamned old man. Not really, but you'd never know it by the way he was acting. The guy had absolutely no sense of adventure.

I've been taggin' along with Montana for a couple of years now. As you can tell, our friendship exists on a very fine line-it has since the beginning. Our first meeting he beat the tar out of me after he chased me down for stealing his horse. What can I say? I've always been in trouble from the day I was born into this world. The day I turned 14 my dad kicked me out. I guess he was sick of putting up with me and the trouble I had no problem finding.

I was 16 when I started up with Montana. I guess after he kicked the crap outta me he decided I wasn't too bad of a human being-just a little mischievous, or adventurous. Yes, I did like an adventure much to the dismay of Montana. He was older, tougher, cooler, and a lot smarter than I was, and for the most part it was him draggin' my ass out of these adventures. I'd always pay for the sacrifice later-usually with him kickin' my ass-but for some reason he never told me to take a hike. In the back of my mind, I always wondered when that day would finally come.

I dragged my sore body from where Montana had made a bed for us, and headed towards the water. On the way to my morning bath, I passed Montana as he was searching his gear and winked playfully at him. I laughed out into the blue sky as I heard him scowling and swearing at me. That's my Montana-a grumpy, ornery old son of a bitch. I continued laughing and mocking him as I stripped and dived into the cool blue water of the lake.

The water felt great on my body as I splashed around like a little kid. The morning sun was beginning to warm and took a bit of the chilliness away from the cool lake. The ache in my head subsided, and the smooth way the water was caressing my body as I glided through it was giving me a sizable boner. My thoughts naturally graced back to Mary-Anne and her upturned ass the night before. For the record, I did try to resist and send her on her way, but she said she wasn't taking "no" for an answer. By God, she didn't either. Not seconds after she shoved her way through my hotel room door she tossed her knickers on the floor, bent over and showed me her world. The next thing I knew, some huge man busts the door down and wants to kill me. I had no choice.

I've been on the run practically my whole life, but now the stakes were higher. They hang guys for shit like this. I would be okay as long as I stuck by Montana-he'd protect me. Or would he? Wait a second, where is he anyways?

I couldn't see Montana on the bank as I swam back to shore. His horse was gone. A sudden panic took over me, and so did my imagination. He left me! Oh, my God that son of a bitch left me alone to fend for myself! My heart pounded in my ears as I tried to contemplate what I was going to do next. I walked further out to the clearing but there was no sign of him. Surprisingly, the ground began to blur and I felt hot tears of fear and frustration fall from my eyes. I sat down on the ground, naked as a jaybird and buried my head in my hands.

"What the fuck is your problem?" A familiar snarl barked at me from behind. I whipped my head around to see that it was indeed the familiar snarl of my best friend, Montana. He stood along side his horse and gazed at me with a puzzled expression. His emerald eyes sparkled as he reached up and ran a hand through his thick black hair. God, he was a beauty. The thought startled me out of my daze, as did my relief.

"You bastard, I thought you left me!"

Montana slowly made his way over to me, and slowly sat down beside me. I felt his gaze drift as his eyes moved down to inspect me-lingering over my softening dick, and then to my confusion-pierced through my soul as they stopped to look me in the eye.

"Do you think I would ever leave you, Lucky?" I barely heard him ask the question, as feelings I tried to put a name to surfaced in my mind and heart.

"I...I dunno. I dunno. If I fuck up real bad one day...who knows? You might just pack up and take off." My feelings were becoming muddled and chaotic. I was scared with the prospect of being discarded again. I was relieved that Montana didn't discard me. I was terrified at the fact that those emerald eyes were making my stomach do flips, and making my groin tingle. What the fuck was happening to me? He must have hit me on the head harder than I first figured.

"I won't ever leave you, Lucky." Montana stated quietly as something quite similar to a grin covered his face.

"Why, 'Tanna? Why don't you just tell me to fuck off? God knows I probably deserve it. Look at the shit I got us in."

"Y-y-y-y-u-u-u-p..." He drawled out and almost looked as though he was smiling. Almost, except for the fact that Montana never smiles.

"So why then?" I was crying.

"I like you, Lucky. You're a good shit. You keep me young." He chuckled slightly and then suddenly, I found myself laughing.

"Alright, cowboy. Put some clothes on." Montana softly ran his hand in my brown hair and stared into my eyes again. His amazingly tender gesture made my throat dry, and my heart suddenly felt like it stopped beating. I stared at his face as if I was seeing him for the very first time...

"Lucky? Are you okay?" Montana continued to play with my hair while I remained dazed and completely confused. "Lucky?"


"I'm not leaving without you, so hurry and get some clothes on."

"Thanks, 'Tanna." I whispered. Montana's hand slid down from my head, to the back of my neck, to my back where he rubbed me gently before patting it.

"Go on." He urged. Suddenly conscious of my state of nakedness, I shyly got to my feet and toddled off to the bank where I left my clothes. I carefully dressed-feeling the two emerald eyes burn through me the whole time. I was in a state of shock and confusion--hoping it was the result of the blast across the head I had gotten earlier. The alternative was nagging at the back of my mind, and I pushed it as far down into the shadows as I could. I told myself I was just happy that Montana hadn't left me. For the meantime, it worked.

Next: Chapter 2

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