Lucky in Montana

By shakes

Published on May 9, 2004


This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. The story is one from a time long, long, ago in a land far, far, away. Any resemblance to your experience, or those living or dead from those experiences is purely unintentional and completely coincidental. This is meant as fiction. All feedback is appreciated. Drop a line to: or check out all of my work at and leave a message. I will get back to you ASAP.

It was night before Montana let us stop. I didn't think we were getting far-every step our horses took put us both in agony. Montana's shoulder had stopped bleeding for the most part, but his arm would be out of service for a while. He couldn't even shrug his shoulder. As for me, I was sure I'd never be able to walk again. My teeth and fists were clenched, and my eyes were tearing before we stopped to call it a night. I knew that Montana needed me though. I swallowed it down and dismounted my horse. I slowly moved over to Montana and helped him off of his.

The two of us worked together to take the saddle off of his horse. Our usual hides and blankets were left where I woke in the morning, so we needed something to lean up against. There was one blanket tucked in with my gear. Other than that, we only had our heavy jackets that we used during the snow. Earlier I had dug out an extra pair of pants-a heavier weave than I would normally wear this time of the season, but it was all I had besides underwear. Montana lent me one of his shirts. It was too big, but I wasn't complaining.

I helped Montana settle and lean up against the saddle. That left me to go hunt for firewood. There wasn't enough light to search for food. We were both weak and both hungry, but it would have to wait until sunrise. The fire wasn't much to brag about, but it was enough to take the chill from our bones. I helped Montana out of his clothes, and get settled under the blanket. I was about to scout for more firewood when Montana stopped me.

"Lucky, for God's sake come lay down and rest!"

I looked at Montana and shook my head. "We need more wood."

"We don't need more wood. You built a good fire. It'll keep us the night. Now, get over here. You can barely stand up Lucky, and you're scaring the shit outta me!"

Something in Montana's voice made me look at him. His face looked tired in the light of the fire, and was shadowed with concern for me. I looked back at the fire and decided it would have to do. I was completely drained-my feet barely able to take me over to lie by Montana. I didn't have the energy to loosen or remove my clothes. I simply eased my way to Montana's left side as he held that side of the blanket open for me. My muscles seized, nearly knocking me unconscious from the pain. The shock of it made me gasp.

"Lucky..." Montana's voice was soothing as he gently wrapped his left arm around my shoulders.

"I wish I had my boots," I said absently-trying in vain not to think about the pain, or the events that lead me to the shape I was in. I avoided Montana's gaze. I knew he wanted to talk about it, but I just couldn't face it.

"Are your feet okay?" Montana's arm held me tighter.

"Yeah..." I wanted to say something, but words were eluding me as fatigue was setting in.

I felt Montana's body relax beside me as he let out a big sigh. He leaned back against the saddle and pulled on me to come with him. There wasn't a lot of room for the both of us to use the saddle. We shifted to find a better position for probably five minutes before Montana got tired of it and pulled me in so my head was resting on his chest. His left arm surrounded me. The sound of his heart beating, and the gentle rise and fall of his chest from breathing made me feel safe.

"I hope I don't wake up..." I mumbled into Montana's chest.

"Shhh..." Montana began gently rubbing my back. I'm not sure if it was because I meant it, or because of my total exhaustion that the tears started, and I cried myself to sleep on Montana's chest.

It was warm when I began to stir from my exhaustive sleep. I opened my eyes and didn't recognize anything around me. I could feel warm and gentle breath bathe my neck and felt a sudden peace wash over me. I realized that Montana and I must have changed our position sometime during the night. Where I began earlier with my head resting upon his chest, I was now facing away from him-his arm underneath my head like a pillow.

I slowly turned my body around--careful not to disturb Montana as he slept. He didn't wake from my movement, but his good arm encircled me closer as I faced him. His body was hot to the touch as he pulled me closer to him. I realized his hair was wet with perspiration, and his face was flush and moist with sweat. I became alarmed and bolted upright. Montana didn't budge.

" 'Tanna..." I whispered as I ran my hand through his soaked hair. His scalp burned my hand. He was burning with fever. My initial reaction was to panic.

"Oh, God 'Tanna!" I cried as I kissed his forehead. He stirred slightly as my lips traveled from his forehead, down to the bridge of his nose until finally resting upon his slightly parted lips. As my lips pressed against his a bit harder, his lips gradually began pressing back.

"Lucky..." he said weakly as I pulled back to look at him. His eyes opened a little, but the sparkle in his emerald eyes was missing, and his eyelids looked heavy.

" 'Tanna, you're burning with fever." Montana chuckled as if I just told him a joke. I realized the fever was worse than I first figured.

I freed myself from his embrace and pushed him so that he was lying on his back. He gave a slight 'oomph' from the force, but didn't fight to sit up. I quickly untied the sling from around his neck and carefully removed his shirt. The bandages had soaked up a lot of blood-changing the color of the bandages completely to crimson. Luckily there didn't seem to be much fresh blood. The bandages were only slightly damp.

I carefully peeled off the saturated cloth from both the front and back of Montana's wounded shoulder. Montana didn't even seem to notice. His wounds seemed clean enough, but I remembered how I found him laying in the dirt the day before, and figured his shoulder was anything but clean.

I pulled myself up to go search for water so that I could clean his shoulder. Kabaya and Montana's horse were calmly feeding on grass and weeds by some trees a few yards away as I surveyed the land for any clues of a water source. I then began my hike.

After what felt like an hour of aimless walking, I stumbled upon a small pond. It wasn't something I would want to drink from, but it was clean enough to wash up in. I slowly eased the shirt I was wearing off of my body and then proceeded to soak it in the cool water. It felt good to get my hands wet and I realized I hadn't been able to wash since the night before last. I remembered hot breath on my neck and the sound of laughter, and suddenly felt an urge to empty my stomach.

I sat in a daze with my hands in the pond, trying to get a hold of my emotions. It took some time before I felt my stomach settle. I slowly stood up and slipped out of my pants and underwear and slowly made my way into the pond to wash the remains of what had happened away. The water was almost too cold, but I didn't care. I took a breath and sunk my head under; half-wishing I would drown. I scrubbed my hair with my fingers and slowly came up to surface. I felt a bit better-the cold water was helping me out of my daze.

I waded out of the pond and slipped back into my underwear and pants-soaking the material in the process. I gave the shirt another soak and headed back where I came from. I realized the pond wasn't too far from where we had stopped, and made a mental note to myself to take the horses there once I had cleaned Montana's shoulder. They would need a good drink after the long ride we had during the night.

When I reached Montana, he was sound asleep where I left him. I draped the soaking shirt over the saddle as much as I could without disturbing Montana in the process. I realized then that I needed something stronger to help clean the wounds. I turned to the horses and began searching through what was left of our gear. There wasn't much that we were carrying--a pan to cook with, a bit of money, our canteens that were empty. As I dug through Montana's gear, I came across a bottle of amber liquid. I took the cork off the top and took a whiff. As I figured, the bottle was full of whiskey. It was a prayer being answered.

" 'Tanna!" I called out to get his attention as I rushed as much as I could over to where he lay with the bottle of whiskey. He remained still.

"Montana! Wake up 'Tanna, please." I pleaded. Slowly his eyes opened, but weren't focused on anything.

" 'Tanna, I need you to take a drink." I commanded. God only knew how much he'd hurt after what I was about to do.

Montana nodded slowly, and I brought the bottle to his lips. Supporting his head as much as I could, I helped Montana to take a healthy drink from the bottle. He hissed softly as the liquid burned it's way down his throat, and closed his eyes again. His skin was still hot and moist from the fever, and I knew there was no other choice.

" 'Tanna, I'm sorry. This is gonna hurt. I'm sorry." I blubbered before I began pouring whiskey on to his wound. Montana jolted up and howled in pain. The sound made my heart leap into my throat-I'd never seen him in so much pain before. He looked at me bewildered, not understanding why I was causing him so much agony. I couldn't help my eyes from getting wet, and eventually let my emotions get the better of me.

"What the fuck are you doing to me?" Montana hollered at me while his own eyes were stinging with tears.

"I'm sorry, 'Tanna. I had to! I have to clean your shoulder, 'Tanna. You're getting sick with fever!" I pleaded and was close to sobbing.

Montana blinked and tried to focus on me. He blinked again and nodded, and then muttered, "Gimme that fuckin' bottle."

Montana tried to grab the bottle away from me, but I maintained a steady hand over the bottom as he brought the bottle to his lips with his good limb and took a generous gulp or two of the whiskey. When he handed me the bottle, he slowly closed his eyes and lay back down. I brought the bottle to my own lips, and cringed as I took a healthy gulp for myself.

Montana braced himself, and I held my breath as I poured the rest of the whiskey onto his wounded shoulder. This time, he was ready for the pain, and although his jaw was clenched, and he winced in agony, he didn't make a sound. I threw the empty bottle into the trees across from us, and gently ran my hand through Montana's hair.

"Ahhh, Lucky. How did we end up in a place like this?" Montana sighed. I opened my mouth to answer, and then realized the question didn't need an answer. Montana wasn't even focused on me-he seemed completely out of it, so I decided not to answer his question. I sat quietly, running my fingers through his tangled hair.

"Mmm..." Montana let out a soft moan. "It feels so good when you touch me."

I felt my face get flush as my heart slammed in my chest. Montana was so vulnerable as he lay there, and I had never wanted him more. My hand slowly left his hair and very gently cupped his face. The stubble on his face felt soft, yet still coarse as my palm glided back and forth. Montana's eyes were suddenly very focussed on me. My thumb absently brushed against his lips, and he slowly parted them-gently sucking my thumb into the soft, moist confines. I looked into those pools of emerald, and felt overwhelmed with hunger and need. "Kiss me, Lucky." Montana's voice was hoarse and raw with his own need. I didn't wait for him to urge me on. I held his face gently as I touched my lips softly to his. Montana slowly parted them and I gently let my tongue enter his mouth.

He met me, and our tongues softly stroked and tickled one another until both Montana and me were struggling for breath. Montana let go of the kiss first, but I couldn't. He tasted so good to me I gently nibbled on his bottom lip before slowly running my tongue along it.

I looked at Montana briefly and saw the fire in his eyes. Heat spread through my body like wildfire as I began licking Montana's cheek and chin. I didn't know what was coming over me, but I knew I didn't want to stop it. I alternated between kissing and touching his masculine face with my tongue. He brought his good arm up slowly and began stroking my neck and back in encouragement. My mouth wandered to his neck and collarbone, and I got lost in his scent and flavor.

Montana squeezed the back of my neck as I gently kissed, sucked, and nibbled on his. I could hear his breathing get harder and I knew he needed me as much as I needed him. I softly moaned in his ear.

"Oh God, Lucky!" Montana whimpered and turned his head enough to kiss my ear. "Kiss me, Lucky."

I turned my head to meet his lips but Montana only let me touch my lips to his briefly before slowly shaking his head.

"I want you to kiss me like you did when you found me yesterday."

I looked at him carefully as I racked my brain, trying to remember exactly how I kissed him. It didn't truly dawn on me until Montana brought my hand to his lips before placing it on the hard mound that was growing between his legs. He bit his bottom lip as my hand instinctively rubbed and squeezed his organ through the weave of his pants.

He whimpered again as my mouth conquered his and my hands clumsily worked on the buttons to his pants. I felt out of control with a need to consume him. I ached inside wanting for us to become one. When the buttons to his pants were completely undone, I forcefully tugged his pants down past his hips and stared in pure lust at his engorged maleness. It was hard and leaking, and in the back of my mind I wondered how he ever fit it inside of me. I could feel the heat from it as I slowly lowered my face to his groin, and did something I never thought I would ever do.

I kissed the base of his penis where it pulled away from his sack and began laying flat against his taught belly. I kissed my way up his shaft, and felt a slippery fluid cover my lips as I reached the head. His hand was buried tightly in my hair--his breath was coming out raspy and jagged. I looked up at him as I licked the clear fluid from my lips and he bolted upright and slammed his mouth onto mine. He was at my command as I pushed him back down against the saddle and found my target once more.

One hand caressed his balls and another held his steely rod as my mouth traveled up and down his cock-covering it with wet kisses. The salty fluid continued to seep from the tip of his penis faster than I could lick it up. My brain completely over-ridded with passion, I opened my mouth over the thick head of his cock and slowly slid it in my mouth as far as I could before gagging.

Montana's breathing was erratic and hard. His hand held my hair painfully hard as his head thrashed back and forth from side to side. He called my name repeatedly as my lips slowly slid up and down his thick, hard pole. My hand wandered from his balls his ass. As my fingers brushed over his hole, Montana gasped and my mouth was flooded with his seed.

The initial shot scared me and I pulled off of his cock fast enough to get hit on the neck and shoulders with the remainder of his release. His eyes were wild as he searched mine. He watched as I savored, and then swallowed his juice, and the reality was becoming obvious to me. There wasn't anything that I wouldn't do for him.

Next: Chapter 8

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