Lucky in Montana

By shakes

Published on Sep 30, 2003


This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. The story is one from a time long, long, ago in a land far, far, away. Any resemblance to your experience, or those living or dead from those experiences is purely unintentional and completely coincidental. This is meant as fiction. All feedback is appreciated. Drop a line to: and I guarantee that I will get back to you ASAP.

It was mid-afternoon before Montana gave in enough to let us slow down for a while. I shouldn't sound bitter, I suppose--he's not a mind reader, but I couldn't take anymore. The pain had to have been clear from the expression on my face, as well as the strange way I failed to keep my breathing pattern normal. It wasn't just my ass that hurt either--it was me. Period. Being rejected by Montana hurt especially since I didn't start it in the first place. Who am I kidding? It hurt because I loved him. It hurt because for the first time in my life I wanted to be with somebody, and knew without a doubt who that somebody was-and he said it was a mistake. How can something that feels so right be a mistake?

I eased my way off of Kabaya's back and stretched as much as my body would let me. The temperature was starting to pick up, and made me feel even more uncomfortable. The remnants of Montana and I's morning encounter seemed to coat my body. In a way it made me feel closer to him and in another way it made me feel like running and jumping into the nearest body of water. My ass didn't feel right. It ached like hell and constantly felt sticky and wet. Riding Kabaya all morning did nothing to ease the awkwardness of it. Walking was not much of an improvement.

It was another travel that was wrapped in silence. This time it didn't bug me--I had no idea what to say to Montana, and it was clear by the way he avoided even turning in my direction, that he had no idea what to say to me either. I guess we were still in shock over the morning, or maybe just scared. This sort of thing just doesn't happen-a guy falling in love with his best friend, I mean. At least it's never happened to any guy I've talked to along the way.

"Water," Montana broke into my thoughts as he gestured to the distance ahead of him, and took off in a steady pace. I watched the direction he was taking, but continued with my slow agonizing walk, thinking how funny it was that the sound of his voice made my heart skip a beat.

"I've got it bad, Kabaya." I gave Kabaya a gentle slap on his flank. "What the fuck am I gonna do?"

Kabaya offered no answer. He merely nudged his muzzle towards me, and walked with me as we followed the dust Montana was leaving behind him. It was a fair walk to make it to the stream. I half had myself talked into jumping on Kabaya to quicken the trip, but walking was to say the least, less painful.

The water sparkled at me when I finally reached Montana some twenty minutes later. He stood on the bank while his horse generously drank from the clear water. Montana stood there staring blankly out at the stream. He had a peaceful look on his face and was none short of handsome. I was a few yards away to the side, but I could see his emerald eyes sparkling with more life than the stream he was staring at. I wanted him so much. My ass was aching, but it wanted him too. It wanted him buried inside, up to the hilt. My stomach lurched, and my heart was pounding in my ears. My throat was tight, and I was finding it difficult to breathe. I felt like I was under some other power when I began to strip my clothes off and slowly made my way into the water.

The water was flowing against my legs just above the knees when I noticed things getting blurry beneath me. I felt the hot springs squirting from my eyes, and I could've kicked myself then and there--hopefully drowning in the process. When did I become such a fucking suck?

"Ughhh..." I groaned as I brought my fists to my eyes and wiped my tears away in disgust. What the fuck was wrong with me? I stood out in the water knee deep, and decided to just stare out to the water like Montana. Maybe some of the peacefulness he appeared to be experiencing, would somehow wash over me too. I felt like two freight trains on a collision course from nowhere. I was in love, and it hurt like hell.

I walked around in the water for awhile not being able to face in Montana's direction. It hurt too much to look at him. It hurt too much to know after everything we did, that he felt it was a mistake. I couldn't understand how he could look at me--his eyes digging right through me, and him not feel the same things that I was feeling. My ass throbbed again, and I began to understand the feeling more as longing to be filled again and not just the aftershock of being fucked.


The sound of Montana's voice behind me made me jump and almost slip into the quiet stream. When I whipped around and saw Montana standing before me as naked as I was, I wasn't sure whether to run for shore and get as far away from him as possible, or jump into his arms and beg him for a repeat performance of the morning. I could feel the warmth emanating off of his body--it was so close to mine. The water around us seemed to warm, and I only wanted to melt into him but I was confused. He felt what happened between us was a mistake. Why was he standing so close to me, and naked at that?

I could almost hear Montana swallow as our eyes bore into each other. His eyes seemed to be looking for something from me, but I wasn't sure what they were looking for. There was maybe a foot of water between us, but it felt as though his body was covering mine. It could have been as long as an hour of our staring contest, and it was clear neither of us would win. My eyes couldn't help but linger downwards to Montana's cock, and I grinned when I saw it twitch from the attention. I didn't even have time to look back in his eyes when he had me crushed to him--his mouth clamping down on my own.

I guess I could have fought him off, and maybe I should have just to spite him for the morning. He hurt me in a way I've never hurt before. A voice inside me was telling me to be a man--don't let him off so quickly; make him beg a little but I had no will power left. I wanted him too bad. His skin was hot and moist against mine--his once flaccid cock was now hard and heated, and pressing against my own. He filled my senses completely, to the point where they were overloading--his skin salty on my tongue, his scent lingering in my nostrils and his body hard and powerful against my own.

I could barely choke out his name; his arms were squeezing the daylights out of me, and his mouth only left mine for brief seconds while he chewed on my ear or my neck. I was barely standing on my own two feet--the only thing holding me up was Montana's powerful embrace. He pawed at me and kissed me, slowly leading the both of us to shore. I was drunk from him--his lips and hands taking me to a place I would never want to leave. I was like a rag doll--knowing inside he could do with me, whatever he damned well pleased and that was just fine with me.

He laid me down on the bank of grass beside the stream and covered my body with his own. He didn't say anything; he just looked down at me--a peculiar sparkle in his eyes and a small little smile on his lips while he ran his hands softly on my face and in my hair. I could feel that enormous organ of his trapped between his body and mine, and foolishly wondered how it ever fit into me. But it did. I smiled at Montana and he brushed feathery kisses onto my cheek and ear.

"I'm sorry," he whispered while his mouth was still on my ear. "I'm sorry about today. I didn't mean it, Lucky. I didn't mean any of it."

I wrapped my arms around him tighter in response. He looked into my eyes again, and I nodded--letting him know that I forgave him. Letting him know that it was all right. It was clear to me then that I loved Montana more than anything. It was easy to swallow my pride and forgive him--it was easier than the alternative, especially in our extremely arousing position.

Montana bent his head down and kissed me. It was a simple kiss--only our lips touching. He lifted his head again and mouthed the words "I love you", and I wanted to explode. As if reading my mind, I felt him rub and caress my thighs and ass--pushing up on my legs, bringing my knees closer to my chest. I wasn't experienced in the ways of man to man sex, but I realized what he was doing and helped him. I wanted--no, I needed him inside of me again. My world was on fire, and he was the only one that could save me.

There was pain. There was a lot of pain as he breached me, but there was also glory. I cried out uncontrollably as his immense manhood penetrated my already raw backside. I could feel the need in him as his hands clutched at my legs possessively. His cock massaged my insides as it traveled in and out of me with each thrust of his powerful hips. The pain disappeared, and all that was left was love.

Our eyes were locked on each other as I felt my heart flutter like it had wings. My body was tingling so badly that I noticed my toes curling. His member continued to brush on that one spot that made me moan for more. I gripped at him tighter, wanting him deeper inside of me, wanting him closer. We made love on the bank for what felt like forever, but it still wasn't long enough. He was building me and stroking my fire. I couldn't hold on anymore.

" 'Tanna..." was all I managed to get out before my own member sprayed it's essence between our sweat-soaked bodies.

Montana's eyes widened at my body's reaction to his ministrations. They then closed as he rested his head against my own. He thrust into me one last time--long and deep before his own body gave out and spilled forth his seed into me. We lay there--a heap of flesh on the grass of the bank. Our hearts beating in time with one another, trying to catch our breath. There was nothing on the earth except the two of us and all that we were feeling.

I felt him slip from me, but I never loosened my grip. My legs were trembling from the strain of the event, and I felt Montana rubbing them before he lifted his head to look at me worriedly. He kissed me on my forehead tenderly before he played with my hair. I tried to control my legs, but I couldn't--they were exhausted like the rest of my body.

"You okay, baby?" Montana asked full of concern. His concern was making me want him all over again.

I nodded and opened my mouth to tell him yes. "I love you, 'Tanna," is what came out. He looked at me intently as he continued to play with my hair. I half expected him to change his mind again, get up and walk away like he did in the morning but he didn't. He remained on top of me--resting his head in one hand as the other searched my hair.

"A colt, Lucky. Since day one. You're like a wild colt that nobody could tame. You make me wanna tame you, Lucky. Maybe I never will, but I'll die trying."

His words made my heart leap to my throat as well as make my cock twitch. There was something about the idea of Montana trying to break me in like an ornery pony that was strongly appealing, but as far as I was concerned I was his for life. I was head over heels. I grinned at him crazily for what he said. He laughed lightly as I brushed my hand down his back, to his ass and gave a playful pinch.

Montana sighed as he rolled off of me. "We better think about moving again."

"Mmmm..." I mumbled lazily as my hand followed his movements and unconsciously started stroking his cock.

Montana took my hand gently and brought it up to his lips. "You keep doing that, baby and we'll be here for days on this grass not getting anywhere except inside of each other."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked quietly as my eyes studied every line and muscle of his body.

"Besides the fact that that posse's gonna show up sooner or later and hang your ass from the tallest tree--nothin'."

"You think they'll find us, Montana?"

"Not if we clear out of here, and fast, Lucky."

"I'm a mess. Lemme go clean up."

"Hurry, baby" was all he said as he got up and headed towards his clothing that he left by his horse before he waded into the stream. I watched the graceful way his body moved as he walked--the long lines of his back and how they narrowed into his waist, his long legs, and his ass--round and firm. Oh my, did he have a nice ass!

I sat up and looked at the mess I was in. I jumped up and ran towards the stream and splashed as I ran in. I could hear Montana laugh at me as I playfully whipped around the water--diving and swimming around, washing the sweat and stickiness from my body. I thought about how Montana compared me to that of a young colt, and couldn't help but smile. I was happy and nothing could ruin that for me.

"Okay, Lucky!" Montana hollered out to me from the shore. He was motioning me to come back so that we could get going. I could see him smiling at me, and couldn't help but smile back at him as I frolicked towards the shore. As I neared him, his eyes gazed over me hungrily, and for whatever reason I felt myself blush. The last two steps out of the water I skipped, and leaped into Montana's arms.

"Lucky," Montana was laughing. "You're getting me all wet." He tried to sound mad, but I knew that he wasn't.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, snuggling in closer to him, feeling the warmth from his clothed body. He smiled as he looked down at me and wrapped me in his arms. He bent down slightly to brush his lips against my own when I felt his whole body stiffen. I looked up into his eyes and froze as I saw the horror in them. I was about to ask him what was wrong when I heard the click of the hammer of a gun, and noticed the barrel pointing at the side of Montana's head.

Next: Chapter 5

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