Lucky in Montana

By shakes

Published on May 3, 2007


This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. The story is one from a time long, long, ago in a land far, far, away. Any resemblance to your experience or those living or dead from those experiences is purely unintentional and completely coincidental. This is meant as fiction. All feedback is appreciated. Drop a line to: or check out all of my work at and leave a message. I will get back to you ASAP.

It was getting late when we finally got home from town. Dodge was silent the whole ride home and I was thankful for that silence. For one, I was embarrassed over passing out. I figured about everyone in town thought I was a jackass or a freak or something. Secondly, I was still trying to figure out in my head what the hell was going on.

I took a good bump on the head from keeling over like I did. Still, Dodge didn't say anything after he and Mr. Balcolm loaded me up into the wagon. Like I said, it was a quiet ride home. Occasionally I felt a worried glance directed at me, but that seemed to be the worst of it. I needed time to grasp what happened. Deep down I was sure that I was going crazy and seeing things.

"I'll settle the horses for the night." I mumbled and jumped out of the back of the wagon as Dodge pulled it in front of the barn.

"Don't worry about it, son. It's been a long day. Why don't you turn in?"

I shook my head at him in reply. "S'alright. I need the time to myself. It's late. Go on to bed, I got this covered."

I started taking the bridles off of the two fillies that were used to pull the wagon when I felt Dodge's hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to face the old man, but I knew he was waiting expectantly. I glanced at his face over my shoulder and felt him turn me around.

"Lucky, what's going on?"

I shook my head wordlessly as I tried to avoid his eyes. The old man was too smart for that.

"Look at me." He commanded as he lifted my chin with his hand.

I looked timidly at him, still embarrassed by what happened in town, but as I looked into his blue eyes I realized just how worried he was. I didn't need to feel embarrassed around Dodge. He was family.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say.

"What for son? You scared me half to death droppin' to the ground like you did. What the hell happened?"

"I dunno," I shrugged as Dodge dropped his hand from my face and took a small step back to look me over. "I feel like I'm goin' crazy or somethin'. Seein' things...I dunno...I hit my head maybe somethin's wrong with it now."

Dodge chuckled at me as he pulled me in and gave me a quick, but reassuring hug. When he let me go, he brought his hand up to my face again before ruffling my hair with it.

"Well, you certainly have a way with the animals. That wolf sure has taken a likin' to you, boy. What the hell was up with that guy's horse?"

My heart seemed to stop with Dodge's words. I wasn't going crazy and I wasn't seeing things. I looked at him and could feel my face drain. I thought I was gonna hit the ground again.

"Lucky?" Dodge's arms were around me, supporting me as I struggled to stay on my legs. "Dammit, son. Are you gonna be alright?"

"What guy? What guy, Dodge?" I asked desperately. My throat felt dry and swollen. I was choking the words out.

"I don't know. He called the horse back and they disappeared. What's going on with you?"

"Where'd they go? What'd he look like? Dodge, what guy?"

"Lucky," Dodge held me to him. "Son, you need to lie down. I think you hit your head harder than I first thought. Come on now, don't worry about the horses. I'll get them settled in. You need some rest."

He led me into the house and helped me to bed, taking my boots and socks off for me, while I took off my jacket and shirt. My heart was still racing. I still felt like I was going crazy. I felt like I couldn't breathe; like some weight was sitting on my chest refusing to let me take a much needed breath.

"What guy, Dodge?" I asked desperately as I slid in under the covers half clothed, my pants still on.

"I don't know, Lucky. I didn't get a good look at him. Get some sleep now, son."

"Who was he? Where'd he go?" I tried again.

Dodge shushed me as he pushed my hair back away from my face and shook his head. "I don't know, boy. He called after the horse when you hit the ground. I looked up and they were both gone. Please, Lucky get some sleep. I mean it."

"Where'd he go?" I murmured to myself as my eyes felt heavy and finally closed. I felt Dodge move away from me and heard him leave the house as he went to go tend to the horses outside.

I bolted upright in a cold sweat and gasped for breath as my body shook uncontrollably. I could feel my hair was drenched as I ran my fingers in it as I tried to get a hold of my breathing. It had been a few years since I'd woken up like this; not since I had first come to stay with Dodge. It'd been years since I'd felt this alone and this terrified.

I clumsily got out of bed and had to reach out for the wall in front of me to steady myself. I was a wreck, and almost thought to go wake Dodge up for the sake of his company at the very least, but then thought better of it. I gave the old guy enough to worry about today; this would send him over the edge. I made my way to the sliver of moonlight by the front door and reached for the door knob.

The dirt felt cool beneath my feet as I turned to quietly shut the door behind me. There was a light breeze over my moistened skin, but it wasn't what gave me chills as I turned. There was a faint light visible from within the barn. I knew it was unlikely that Dodge would be that careless and leave one of the lanterns burning throughout the night. My feet cautiously took me to the door of the barn; slowly, I opened it.

I could see him at the end of the barn, his long neck stretched over the stall, nudging the midnight stallion. He puffed at him and purred the way only Kabaya could seem to do. The black horse nudged back, the two of them seeming to rub each other's faces against the other in acknowledgement; maybe reminiscing better days when they were free and together. They were like best friends seeing each other after a long pass of time. I wondered what they were thinking and feeling as I quietly padded towards my old pal.

"Hey, boy." I whispered so not to spook him, but he seemed to know where I was even before I reached him.

"I knew it was you, boy. I knew it." I whispered and felt hot liquid trickle down my face.

Kabaya turned his head from his friend, looking at me. He nodded his head up and down before his muzzle nudged my shoulder. I laughed and cried at the same time as I brought my hand up to stroke his neck. Kabaya found my hair; tousled and unkempt from another restless night, and started chewing on it.

"Eeck, gross Kabaya," I giggled as I playfully pushed his nose away.

He pushed his face into mine and for emotions I seemed to have no control over, I kissed the beast on the nose. Kabaya purred in return.

"You're a good boy," I praised him as I stroked his neck. "Good boy."

It was then that I felt him behind me. I felt the heat from him before his hand found my chest; stroking the muscles there. I felt the moist warmth of his breath before I heard him whisper in my ear.

"He's missed you. He hasn't been the same without you."

My head sunk into my chest; my eyes clamped shut tightly as I sobbed. My body felt heavy and I wanted to sink into the earth below, but two of the most powerful arms in the world wrapped around me and held me up.

"Shhh..." he whispered softly into my ear before kissing it. "Lucky..."

Years of pain, loneliness, and yearning overcame me and emotions seemed so out of control. I didn't have to turn around; I could feel it was him, but I was afraid to open my eyes to realize it was just another dream. One of the countless dreams I'd dreamed of him; my lover.

"Lucky..." he whispered again as he turned me around to face him. "Lucky, for God's sake, please look at me."

"I can't!" I sobbed desperately, covering my eyes with my hands and cried all the more. He brought me into the safety of his arms and held me silently while he stroked and kissed my hair; allowing me to get my bearings.

"I miss your eyes. You have the most amazing grey eyes and I miss them. And I miss that stupid grin of yours too, right before you get yourself into a heap of trouble. Look at me, Lucky." His voice was soft but commanding.

"If I open my eyes, the dream will be over and I'll be alone again wishing you were here with me."

"Lucky..." his voice showed a little frustration as he grabbed my hands and brought them to his chest.

I could feel his heart pounding through his clothing. My breath hitched as I felt something soft and warm brush up against my lips. My eyes sprang open and there they were; eyes greener than the hills of Ireland.

"There they are," he grinned as our mouths parted. "I missed those grey eyes of yours."

I couldn't say anything, and I wasn't sure what to do. I was waiting for my usual wake up call from the old man, telling me to get my lazy ass out of bed and help him with the farm, but it didn't come. The dream wasn't ending. The dream was real.

"`Tanna?" I was bewildered as I rubbed my eyes.

Montana smiled one of his rare genuine smiles as he wrapped his arms around me tightly; one hand holding my head to his shoulder while the other just squeezed me harder. I could feel his kisses on my hair, the way the skin on his neck burned my face. I could still feel the beat of his heart as it mysteriously matched the beating of my own heart. This was happening.

"What am I gonna do with you, huh?" Montana chuckled. "Sell you to the gypsies?"

I rubbed my face into his shirt and sniffed in reply. "You probably wouldn't get that much."

"Let me look at you," Montana held me away by my shoulders as his eyes inspected me from head to toe.

I could feel his gaze linger with a burning hunger and it made my face feel hot and I knew I was red. He grinned knowingly at me, and nodded his head ever-so-slightly in what seemed like approval.

"You've grown a bit," he smiled as he brought me back into his arms.

"Not much, but the farm takes some work." I explained.

"Mmmm..." he sighed in acknowledgement as he rested his cheek on the top of my head. He was still the taller of us.

"I thought...I thought you were dead." I choked out as my eyes welled up again.

Montana let go of me and stood back away from me. Immediately I wanted to run into the warmth of his arms, but all I could do was just look at him. The years looked like they might have taken their toll on him as well. His hair was a little longer, wispy and messy looking and he had a couple of day's growth of beard. Not at all like Montana; he was always clean cut and well shaven. His eyes were warm, but carried the hard look of someone who rode with danger as his daily companion and had learned to outwit it at whatever cost.

"How many fuckin' times to I have to tell you before you get it through your goddam head?"

Montana's tone changed and he almost looked threatening as he took a sudden step towards me. I was taken aback by his voice and by his anger that I just gaped at him. Suddenly, as quickly as it had hardened, his face softened again and his eyes sparkled as he grinned.

"I'm never gonna leave you."

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