Lucky in Montana

By shakes

Published on Aug 29, 2003


This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. The story is one from a time long, long, ago in a land far, far, away. Any resemblance to your experience, or those living or dead from those experiences is purely unintentional and completely coincidental-and if so, please call me and hook me up-haha, only kidding ;) people actually read this top part? If so let's do an experiment-write me and let me know if you read this :)

All feedback is appreciated. Drop a line to: and I guarantee that I will get back to you ASAP.

I opened my eyes to the morning, groggy and sticky with the rising temperature and humidity of the woods. I lay there uncomfortably on my back--my body stiff from the unnatural position I seemed to get myself into during a troubled sleep. I could feel the tightness from my long underwear--the top portion pulling and knotted up underneath me from Montana removing so that I would keep from shivering throughout the night. Montana lay on his side--almost leaning over me--oblivious in his sleep.

I pulled the covers off of me--needing the fresh morning air to cool the stickiness from my skin. When I tried to roll over to get up and off of the blankets and hide underneath me, I noticed a very heavy weight holding me down by my hip. When I looked down, I saw Montana's hand--clutching my hip possessively. My heart leaped in my throat and began to pound so loud, I was sure it would shake the trees. My face felt flushed. I needed out of that bed. Something was very wrong with me. I wasn't supposed to feel this way-not about Montana.

I could feel Montana's warm breath on my cheek and shoulder--soft breaths of a man in the midst of a generous sleep. I knew he couldn't possibly be aware of our rather arousing position. If he knew he'd push me away--call me names and start swearing at me. Carefully so as not to wake him, I inched my hand down slowly to his in an effort to remove it.

I studied his face carefully as I tried not to disturb him. His long eyelashes shadowed his cheekbones; his black hair fell in wisps to frame his face; morning stubble had surfaced and made him even more handsome than the day before. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, trying to control my thoughts as my hand slid down and gently wrapped around Montana's wrist. When I opened my eyes again, there were two pools of emerald green staring back at me. I wanted to die.

There was nothing said as we lay there-our eyes locked. I considered bolting up and running as far away from Montana as possible. I considered blubbering out some ridiculous excuse for something I wasn't responsible for in the first place--it was his hand--I didn't put it there. I thought about cracking a joke, and make it seem like nothing was going on. My mind was racing when I noticed something else besides his hand pressed into my hip. Something stronger.

I released his wrist and laid--my body straight as a board. His eyes burned right through me, and I didn't have the voice to speak a word. I lay there wide-eyed and fearful of his next move--his next sentence. His next move arrived, and it wasn't the beating and cussing that I was psyching myself up for.

Slowly, very delicately he slid his hand from my hip while never taking his eyes off of mine. I could feel his hand reaching for something--reaching for something inside of me. The yearning in his eyes told me what he wanted before I felt his hand rubbing and caressing my cock and balls through the thin material of my underwear. I felt a rush of panic swallow me-I didn't know what was happening and it terrified me. Then the realization hit that I did know what was happening. What scared me even more was the fact that I wanted it--I welcomed it. Montana reached into my underwear and I felt his hand touch my maleness without any barrier between his skin and mine.

" 'Tanna..." I choked out before his mouth clamped down on mine, and was seeking out my very own breath. I struggled against him-reeling from what was taking place. I opened my mouth slightly-maybe to protest-maybe to urge him on-when his tongue pushed past my lips and tasted me greedily. His hand left my cock and shoved itself into my hair--pulling my head back hard--Montana's kiss becoming deeper and stronger. I wanted to cry--I wanted to scream--I wanted to laugh and dance. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him on top of me instead--my own tongue gaining enough courage to seek his mouth out.

Our bodies writhed together in rhythm as Montana conquered my mouth with his own. His kiss was so powerful, I was afraid of passing out--I wasn't getting enough air. When Montana finally released his liplock on me--we were both gasping for air. My head was reeling--my heart was pounding.

Montana's hand relaxed its grip on my hair, and soon was petting my head gently as his eyes searched mine. He had the same look in his eyes as he did the day before-telling me I was beautiful--telling me I could have anyone I wanted. His eyes were full of lust-his face so flushed--so handsome. I made the decision then, that I was through with Mary-Anne, and all of the women I thought made me happy along the way. I wanted Montana. By the look in Montana's eyes, I was fairly certain that he wanted me as well.

I wanted to say something--to tell him something, but the words escaped me. The moment was too big; too intense to define in words. My mouth opened, but Montana shushed me with his hand as he brought his lips to my jaw, and began to kiss his way down my neck to my collarbone. His hand raked my skin on it's way down to my aching member--stroking and caressing me there. His mouth covered one of my nipples--my body almost jumping a foot off of the ground as he gently chewed and teased it to an unbelievable stiffness. I could feel him fumbling with my long underwear--pushing what left I was wearing, down over my hips. I could feel his half-naked body against me and thought I would burst. I let my hands drift down the damp and heated skin of his back, and let them sneak past his own thin cotton covering--resting on the two muscular mounds of his buttocks. When I squeezed, and pushed him firmly down onto me, Montana's mouth let go of my tender nub, and he let out a primal groan.

There was no time to contemplate the meaning of what we were doing. Montana was off of me in a flash--dumping the blankets that kept us warm throughout the night off of his own body. He frantically pulled at the rest of my underclothes, and threw them aside. His own were hanging down below his hips--offering me a view of his enormous manhood as it pointed up to the sky. If I had considered more carefully what his actions would have been, I would have been a bit more frightened by the size of him.

His breath was coming out in gasps as he hastily stood up over me and yanked his long underwear completely off. He kneeled back down and shoved me onto my stomach quite forcefully. I opened my mouth to tell him to lighten up a bit, but it was too late. In what seemed like one fluid movement, he was over me pulling up on my hips--as my ass rose and I was carrying my weight on my knees, he sunk his entire cock into my bowels. I couldn't think--I couldn't breathe.

He held himself--not moving in the slightest way as I thought I was going to die from the pain. I thought about crawling away--removing him from my insides, but I couldn't move a muscle--every fiber of me was clenched in what seemed like a white-knuckled grip. My head started feeling light, and I started to see stars when I felt Montana press his belly and chest to my back--leaning over me gently. His breath was warm in my ear.

"Breathe, Lucky." He commanded as his strong hands began to stroke my sides. His hands were warm like his breath. I couldn't see the ground below me for the stars. My head slumped forward, and my arms gave out. I lay face down with my ass in the air. I could hear Montana's voice.

"Breathe, Lucky." He commanded again. One of his hands tangled itself into my hair, and tugged my head to one side. Like a summons--my lungs kicked in and I gulped in air as fast as I could. The stars slowly began to disappear and I started to see the bundle of hide and blankets below me. My insides felt like they were being ripped out.

" 'Tanna..." I let out a strangled cry, and considered screaming until I felt his hand leave my hair--stroking and caressing my shoulders and back while the other one held me firmly by the hip.

"Shhh...just breathe, baby." Montana whispered as he started a sort of rocking motion. I listened to him as he chanted for me to keep breathing, and as my breathing became more regular, I could feel Montana gently moving in and out of me--never fully leaving my body. The overwhelming sensation of pain had decreased to a dull ache. It was easier to breathe--easier to think. Before I knew it, the dull ache was subsiding, and a new feeling was slowly presenting itself. I grunted, as the new feeling was becoming stronger.

As Montana's member stroked and pushed across that wonderful spot on the inside of me, I leaned up on my elbows--slowly starting to push my body backwards to meet his movements. It didn't seem long before I couldn't fill myself enough with him. Each time his enormity scraped over that itch--my eyes closed in growing pleasure. Montana seemed to sense this--soon his gentle stroking ceased on my back and shoulders, and crept to the front of me. He rubbed and pinched my one nipple playfully before his hand delved between my legs--my engorged cock began sliding in and out of his hand.

"Ohhh...Lucky. You feel so good."

I wanted to let Montana know how good he felt to me too, but when I opened my mouth I could only moan and cry out like the cheap women I used to take up with me to my own bed not so very long before. Nothing I had ever experienced before had felt so good. Even though Montana was buried deep inside of me--I couldn't get close enough to him. I started to push my ass harder into him with each of his thrusts inward. It didn't take Montana long to figure it out. He started driving himself harder--picking up the pace--intensifying his need and mine.

"Ohhh...fuck, baby." Montana hissed in my ear before I could feel his teeth start to nibble on my shoulder. Again, I tried to say something to let him know how incredible I was feeling but I only was able to moan out loud. My body slowly began to tingle--starting at my feet and moving up slowly. When the tingle reached my balls, my stomach lurched, and my cock sprayed my seed beneath me onto our makeshift bed. Montana finally let go of my softening flesh--and then held me firmly with both hands on my hips.

He groaned and began to pummel into me harder. I was coming down from my own high when I felt his last thrust, and his weight covered the back of me--pushing me flat onto my stomach. His face was nuzzled to the back of my neck and shoulder. Nothing was said--I felt and heard him try to control his breathing--his body plastered to my own. Eventually he shifted his weight, and I felt his cock slip from me--leaving me feeling empty and alone.

He rolled off of me, and the feeling of emptiness increased to an almost unbearable level. I felt the morning breeze blow gently on my back--making me very aware of the wetness that existed between my ass as well as on my legs. The sensation combined with all of my thoughts and emotions for Montana came rushing over me. My body began to shake uncontrollably.

"Shit..." I heard him whisper.

"What?" I mumbled through chattering teeth.

"Shit, I...Lucky, are you okay?" I felt his hand rub my shoulder. I didn't want him to stop. He felt so good. I wanted to have him inside of me again and to keep him there forever.

"What?" I was vibrating.

"I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry."

"What...what are you saying?" I slowly pushed myself up to a sitting position so that I could see Montana. It took every ounce of strength that I could muster up. I gasped when I realized how sore I was. I clenched my teeth and waited for the discomfort to pass. When I opened my eyes--Montana was staring at me with an indescribable expression on his face. He shook his head slowly at me.

"What, 'Tanna?"

"I don't know what I did. I'm sorry..." He got to his feet and searched the clothesline he had made the night before, and frantically grabbed his garments. I stared at him--confused about what I was hearing. Was he sorry for what we did? Was he sorry that he was with me? I felt the heated rush of tears surfacing, and I willed myself to hold them back. The distance he knowingly was putting between us was contributing to my feeling of confusion and emptiness. I racked myself trying to hold back my emotions.

"You're sorry..." I repeated unknowingly out loud.

Montana pulled his pants on in a hurry, and tossed my own clothes beside me after he struggled to slide his feet in his boots. I wrapped my arms around myself in order to find warmth, but there was none. The only place I would ever feel warm again was in his arms. I sat dumbfounded as I watched him put on the rest of his clothes.

It was a while before I finally decided to fumble through the pile of clothes that Montana had tossed to me. I slowly moved to put them on and every muscle in my body seemed to protest against any sort of movement, but I managed to pull my shirt on-like Montana, not bothering to step into my long underwear. I cringed with every motion-my ass felt like it was on fire. I looked up to find Montana watching me worriedly. I could feel my tears begin to make their surface again.

"'re bleeding, Lucky." Montana pointed at me. I looked down between my legs and saw no sign that I was bleeding, however I remembered the wetness I felt as the wind blew over me just moments ago. I reached behind me and gently touched my hand to my bottom, and then brought my hand back in front of me. There were faint traces of crimson, but nothing I felt that needed to be alarmed about. I looked back at Montana.

"I didn't mean...I didn't want to hurt you."

"I'm okay." I whispered.

Montana nodded and sank down in front of me--helping me do up the buttons on my shirt. As soon as his fingers grazed against mine, I stopped moving and simply stared at him. His concentration was solely on buttoning up my shirt--he didn't notice my eyes pleading with his until he was finished. His green eyes were fixed on me. He swallowed hard before our mouths found each other again.

I felt a sudden rush of warmth as Montana crushed me to him--burying his hands in my hair. I clung to him desperately--my whole being felt raw with shock and need, but it wouldn't last. Montana's body stiffened up, and he roughly tore away from me. I was dazed as I watched him stand up and coldly walk away. I was too stunned to really say anything-his actions were like a blow to the chest.

"We need to get moving. It won't take long for a posse to track us here."

" 'Tanna..." I tried, but he cut me off short with words I would dread.

"What happened was a mistake, Lucky. I'm sorry."

Next: Chapter 4

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