Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Feb 17, 2002


After losses to UNO and SCSU, I didn't feel like putting out much in the way of writing, but after this previous weekend of sweeping Findlay at home, I found a renewed sense of writing. Don't you hate roller coaster seasons? I know I do, and this is the first time we have had one this bad. Part 10, I have been working on for quite a while now, and have been working on 11 since I finished it. I put a lot of effort into 10, I hope you enjoy. Once 11 hits, that's when mystery and new arrivals come into place.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 10 - Northwest Conquest

We awoke in each other's arms after a night of passionate love making. I could remember everything as it was last night.

Laying on top of me, James proceeded to kiss me and caress my clothed body. Slowly we moved to the edge of the bed until he was standing and I was sitting right infront of him. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the carpet. I merely gazed up at him seductively. He next reached down at me and ripped my shirt off me. I was a little shocked when he didn't stop but continued quickly and declothed me the rest of the way. "What about you?" I asked. "What about me?" He slyly responded by getting rid of the rest of his clothes. In doing so he jumped on me, moving me back into the center of the bed. "Ug." I got out as his full weight was on top of me. I managed to look up into his eyes and smile. Taking my hands, I once again moved them to his lower back and eased into every single crevase they could find. James' hands found my back and tried very hard to meld us into one. His tight hold on me felt good as his arms were fully in use of their muscle as they continually contracted and expanded around my body. I didn't notice it at first but I found that he had himself between my legs. I didn't notice for my mind was concentrating on his contracting arms around me. This was the first time that I noticed that his arms and body was beautifully toned. Not muscular like gym rats, but pleasing to the eyes. Gently he gave me a deep kiss as he pressed against me. His pressure of entering me made me whimper a little. I continued to whimper as a few tears escaped my eyes. James noticed and wiped them from my face. I smiled at him and continued to kiss him. As James continued to enter me we started to slowly rock back and forth. It would have been more enjoyable had it not been for the bed squeaking and the bed knocking against the wall. Hopefully the hotel did not rent out the room next to us. James was now completely inside and had complete control of me. He stopped rocking and just looked at me for a few seconds as if contemplating what to do next. He picked me up, surprisingly with ease. It must have been adrenelyne. He carried me over to the wall which we shared with the next room over. He started pounding into me as my legs were wrapped around his back. "What brought this about?" I gasped out. "I just wanted to get into a new position." He grunted out. James' strength was amazing, more than I thought he could handle, but he managed. The pounding became harder as my back continued to crash against the wall. If we were not careful, I thought we really were going to crash into the other room. Somehow even if that happened, I felt that James would still be going at it. James had started to slow down and began taking me back to the bed. "I want to finish this in a more romantic way." James said. He eased us back down on the bed, and while still in me opened the side nightstand and pulled out a white rose. He brought it to my nose and I inhaled deeply. Just the smell put a grin on my face, which incited him to continue inside me. I now noticed that beads of sweat had already formed on his body and his body temperature had risen a bit. James was starting to dig deeper into me and I was starting to feel it more. I was agonizing underneath him and I didn't care who was listening, as I'm sure James' was feeling the same as he was giving out loud gutterial sounds which sounded like a lion's continuous roaring. Finally, James groaned so loud that I thought he was trying to bring the dead back to life. On my end I just gave out a screech like a buzzard after a corpse. Our pulsations had died down and James was laying on top of me deeply breathing and holding on to me. "I never want you to leave me. You're too good for me." James rasped out. "As long as you never leave me, I'll be with you forever." I said placing my arm around his back in a long and loving hug.

Now that I think about it, I'm really glad that Terry and Chris spent alot of time away from the room, for they would have gotten an eyeful. Now everyone was back in their places. Terry was holding onto Chris from behind, happily content that I could see. As was I stroking James' back and making him slightly moan. I gently reached down and lifted his chin and leaned in and gave him a small kiss. He was awake, but we just didn't want to move.

"Come on James, we have to go to breakfast." I said.

"Alright." James said moving incredibly slowly towards the bathroom.

Now I needed to wake up the other two, which really broke my heart to do, but breakfast was mandatory.

"Terry?" I said getting closer.

No response.

"Terry?" I said a little louder hopefully getting some response.

"Yeah what is it?" He responded barely.


He didn't respond, but like a robot got up and headed towards the bathroom. Not even bothering to wake up Chris. Terry soon began pounding on the bathroom door.

"Let me in, I have to get ready!"

Terry's pounding woke up Chris as he started groaning from his bed.

"Its breakfast time, you coming?" I asked him.

"Why don't we order in? Its what we usually do." He responded rolling over and looking at me.

"Well it may be what you usually do, but we go out for breakfast."

I turned around to see the bathroom door was closed and Terry was not on the outside.

"There better not be any funny business going on in there." I said towards the door.

Immediately the door opened and out stepped James and in quickly went Chris.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep." He responded, "But I see you're not."

"Hold on." I said quickly putting on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. "Ready."

"When's the bus leave to go to breakfast?"

"Five minutes."

"Guys we'll be waiting for you on the bus." James said to the bathroom.

It is hard to believe that this is my second game coaching the team alone.

The guys came into the locker room all ready for the game and trainers and managers and everyone else associated with the team nearby.

"Guys what do you say in finishing this series today in a sweep. No self doubt, no fears. Unlike North Dakota, we will take this series. Let's give the sea-wolves a wild ride on the Central Michigan Steed Express. For we're not going to lie down for them are we?"

"No!" Came the resounding answer from everyone.

"Its time to hit the ice flying and we have sixty minutes to beat Alaska-Anchorage into a pulp and make them an example of what will happen to everyone else. Now let's get out there and make things happen."

Davis got up, "Guys its still the beginning of the season and we don't need to collect losses or ties, wins are we want and what we need. Now let's go!"

The team flowed out of the locker room and hit the ice. I was right behind them with James, Justin, Pink, and Dean in tow. Chris was right behind our bench. They were all about to the see the usual spectacle of what was the second night. Usually a harder game to win. As the five of us hit the bench with one of our trainers in the corner, we were ready and the horn sounded. Start game.

The announcer calmly read over the stats of the night's game, not really excited. "The final score: Central Michigan University 7, University of Alaska-Anchorage 2. Shots on goal: CMU 52, Alaska-Anchorage 15. Good night folks."

After hearing the ending of the announcer, I shook Alaska-Anchorage's head coach's hand. "Great series coach, I look forward to seeing you in the future." He merely nodded and walked off.

I entered the locker room to see my guys taking off their gear with James and Justin packing up our gear. Chris was talking to Terry and Pink was off talking to Davis.

I didn't say anything, but just looked at them. Soon they began to quiet down and look back at me. I paced the room for a while pretending to collect my thoughts. My cell phone rang unexpectedly.

I answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey Jace. Game over?" I recognized the voice belonging to my cousin Pete.

"Yeah it just ended."

"How was it?" We won 7-2."

"So why do you sound like you're angry?"

"I'm not. I just have them in front of me waiting for me to speak to them."

"Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm joining you up there when you face Harvard. I have business with another congressman up there, so we're going to go to the game after we finish."

"Sounds great. I have to let you go for I have to scream to them a little." I noticed after I said that, James' ears perked up and eyes got wide. Little did he know what I had planned.

I hung up and proceeded to look at them again.

"I know all of you seem pretty pleased with yourselves," I drew in a deep breath as if I was about to scream, "but I think you did a great job, you should be pleased. You demolished them. Let's get dressed and catch a flight back to Michigan."

I walked back out the room to find more statistics when Pink pulled me aside.

"So what was that about?" She asked. "I thought you were going to start screaming at them."

"I made it look like I was, but I didn't need to. They did everything I asked them to and we came up with a big win."

She just looked at me for a minute. "You're something special you know that?"

"I like to think so." I said. "Now go get ready to go."

She headed off and left me alone. I looked over at a nearby table and grabbed a list of scores. My brow furrowed as I looked at the scores in front of me. Especially two that stuck out in particular. Our conference rivals St. Cloud won 4-1 over Mankato in St. Cloud, while my cousin Pete's team, Alabama-Huntsville defeated Findlay 11-2 down in Huntsville. We would meet later, but I know I'm still going to keep an eye on both teams.

"Its only two wins." I said talking to myself, I'm sure we will have battles which will be tougher.

Little did I know how broad the word 'battles' would be.

We finally arrived back at my house on Sunday afternoon, 5pm to be exact. We then spent the next ten hours getting back our energy sleeping.

I woke up the next morning, tired, but feeling up to normal tired standards. I put on some clothing and headed out to the mailbox, curious on what had come since I was away.

Returning with several envelopes, I sat down at the kitchen table. The first two letters were bills, the next one was a reminder from Zelda. Her birthday was coming up in a few days. And it was not like I had forgotten, but it certainly was overshadowed. It was two days from now, so I could go out tommorrow and shop. The last was a letter from Christina Teller. Christina Teller. I hadn't heard that name in many years. She was one of my friends that I always hung around with. Her and several others. We were a tightly formed group.

Hey Jace,

Sorry for sending this via snail mail, my laptop is in the shop getting overhauled. But by the time you get this, I shall have it so you can send me a reply that way. I just wanted to get a quick message to tell you what has happened in the past few days. Two days ago, Venus Von Trapp escaped from Washington State Women's Penetentiary. She is currently on the loose, but as you know not very dangerous. Her mission is the same as it has always been, but I received a letter from her the same day she escaped. In it she said that this time she would not be caught. Now you know most people would take this as an empty threat, but you and I both know that she is extremely smart. Jace if you see her, take care of her. Remember that sometimes she is careless, but she wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose.

Chrissy T

P.S. I don't know her whereabouts, but I would think she is coming your way.

That's all for Part 10. Write with your thoughts....

Next: Chapter 11

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