Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Nov 1, 2001


Welcome Part 5 awaits to be read. I'm having fun this season, with a record of 5-1 I wish we were on the polls, ah well. Enjoy.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 5 - T3: Teammates Talking on Tuesday

I awoke Tuesday morning to find myself laying on something soft. The last thing I remember is that I was laying on the floor like a puddle of water, just there with no conscience being. There was no light in the room at all, although small streams of light came in through the holes in the window shade, but still not enough to see anything. I didn't even want to get up. It felt comfortable just laying down in what I determined to be a bed, it wasn't as hard as mine. Slowly I raised myself up and found the edge. I just sat there for a few minutes trying to take in my surroundings. I still had no clue where I was. From outside the room I heard my cell phone ringing. Someone must have taken it off of my jeans while they were putting me somewhere. It rang three times before it stopped. I thought maybe that whoever was on the other end had hung up, but the deep voice that I heard say...


...proved me wrong. I listened to the conversation while sitting on the bed. Although, one sided, I can still make out part of what the subject was about, me.

"This is Lance...he's're who of what...yeah right...well I'll tell Jace who called although I don't believe you are telling the truth." James said and the conversation ceased.

The door opened and light flooded into the bedroom.

"Oh good morning, I didn't know you were awake already." James said as he sat on the bed fully clothed in a casual style.

"Yeah, I woke up minutes before my cell phone rang. Unfortunately it was too dark to find my way out of this room."

"I hope you don't mind that I answered your phone for you. I thought maybe it was important."

"No, I don't mind. Who was it?"

"It was someone named Pete Taylor. He claimed to be a Congressman from Alabama. I don't think you know him so I kind of hung up on him. Plus why would you know someone that far away?"

I could not stop myself from smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" James asked.

"Because you just hung up on my cousin." I said.

"Your cousin. You lie. You have no cousin in Alabama."

"Yes, I do. He wasn't born there, but has been raised there since he was three years old. It's the only home he's known. He's one of my closest family members for more than one reason."

"Oh, I feel bad now. He probably thinks I am a rotten person."

"He probably doesn't even know who you are."

"I told him my name."

"Anything else?"


"Then he does not know who you are. Now help me out of my bed and to my cell phone."

James helped me get up and for the first time that morning I noticed that I was only wearing my jeans and shirt. My shoes and socks were who knows where. Once in the common area I could see that the time read 8:30.

"I guess I slept in a little."

"I wanted to wake you up when I woke, but Chris told me not to."

"Really when did you get up?"


"Ok and where did you sleep, for I assume I was sleeping in your room?"

"I slept on the couch."

"You didn't." I looked at James in the eyes to find out he was serious. "Why?"

"I figured you needed your sleep more than me."

"I don't believe that, now hand over my phone."

He tossed it at me and I started dialing the long distance numbers. Waiting for someone to pick up I wondered where everyone else was.

A voice interrupted my thought process.

"Hello this is the office of Congressman Taylor, Secretary Johannsen speaking. What may I help you with?"

"Hello J.J."

"Oh hi Jace!" Janice said with an exuberant screech into the phone. "I haven't heard from you in so long. How have you been?"

"Extremely busy. You would not believe how much work is in trying to put together a good hockey team."

"As much as trying to clean a congressman's office?"

"I suppose. Do you know if Pete is in?"

"Yeah, let me dial him up."

The phone was transferred and my cousin immediately picked up.

"Hello Congressman Taylor."

"Don't you congressman me!"

"Jace. I just called and an incredibly rude person answered the phone."

"Yes I know Pete. I'm sorry, I was separated from the phone." I gave a look at James. "My boyfriend answered the phone for me trying to be nice and didn't realize that I was related to greatness."

"Oh please Jace, you know that I would switch places with you in an instant, instead of being here with paperwork."

"You know that you love your job, don't lie to me."

"You're right. I would be worksick. So are you going to tell me about your boyfriend."

"Well just a little. He's shorter than me, has a crisis about his hair color, is very prominent in his work, and he seems to be a very caring and polite individual."

"Sounds like your type, rare and precious."

"Yeah, I just hope he stays with me."

"You can only hope."

"So Pete why did you call this morning?"

"I want you to spend your Christmas break with me and my boyfriend."

"Well I am free...wait a minute what's this with you and a boyfriend?"

"We just met several months ago, right when I was smack in the middle of my term. There he was walking around greeting people. He was such a darling that I immediately asked him and his friends out to be my guests at a local establishment for them to offer me their opinions."

"You are so wicked."

"I know. And that's when we started talking and a week later we hooked up and have been together ever since."

"Unfortunately our relationship hasn't gone on that long. Only a few days, but I think it will last."

"So are you going to answer my question? I cannot talk all day I have some work to do."

"Sorry. Sure I'll come down."

"Great. Oh I have to go, photo opportunity with constituents from my district. Bye Jace."

"Bye Pete."

I looked towards James again and he was situated in the armchair watching the news.

"How did everything go?" He said not looking up.

"Everything went fine."

James seemed upset by what he had done earlier to my cousin.

"If you are still upset, don't be. He has had a lot worse done to him by his own people he represents."



"Prove it."

"Alright." I tried to think of something light to make him laugh and not too serious. "I remember when he was running for his current congressional position. He called up several people to try and get out to vote for him. When they answered, most of the people hung up on him thinking it was a prank call. That is called discouragement."

"That's called embarrassing."

"Yeah, but eventually he won them over and won a seat in Congress."

"Now I don't feel so bad anymore."

"So what are you going to do today?" I asked James while holstering my cell phone.

"I don't know. And since no one else is here, I cannot ask them. Don't you have classes?"

"My classes are basically tests. I call them free courses, you learn the stuff and you come whenever you want within the semester to take the exams."

"So when are your next exams you think?"

"Probably next week sometime."

"Ah when we will be gone." James said and sighed.

"I'm not going to be here either remember? I hit the road. Are you going to anyplace exciting?"

"Just Boston. I've haven't really been around the city to appreciate it. JC has and he says he likes it, although I don't see anything interesting."

"We can talk about this later can't we?"

"I suppose so. you feel like eating anything?" James asked.

"I usually don't eat anything."

"Would you mind if I ate."

"Go ahead."

James got up from where we were sitting on the couch and got something out of the minifridge, while I stretched and looked out of the main window.

"You know James I never quite understand how beautiful this campus is set up, until I come up to one of these rooms every once in a while. It's a reminder I guess."

I heard the door open and shut behind me. I turned to see Chris and Terry coming into the suite.

"Hi Chris, hi Terry." I said simply. I wasn't sure on what footing I was with Terry at this point.

"Hi Jace. Terry would you mind sitting on the couch for a second, I need to talk to Scoop about something."

"Sure." He said softly.

I thought that was interesting, that his quiet disposition had returned.

Chris dragged James into one of the other bedrooms and slammed the door shut behind him. I turned my attention back to Terry.

"So what brings you up here so early?" I inquired.

Terry looked up at me and said without emotion, "Chris picked me up and wanted to go out but had to come here to get something. And why are you here this early."

"Actually, I never left. I've been here the whole night. I watched the Miss United States Pagaent with the rest of the guys."

"Oh really, who won?"

Now we were just maintaining a simply inquiry conversation that was not going anywhere.

"Miss Alabama."

"From what I saw last night when I was flipping through the channels, I would have put my money on Montana."

"You always did have bad taste in females." I said coldly.

"Gee I wonder why. It couldn't be that I have the same exact problem as you do when it comes to females."

"And what might that be." I torted out harshly.

"We're not interested in them." He said curtly.

"Oh, I didn't think about that."

"I know, I think you left your brain on the ice." Terry said smugly.

Chris and James came out.

"Come on Jace, we are going out with Chris and Terry." He said grabbing a light jacket off of the stand.

"What?" Both Terry and I said at the same time.

"Yeah, we are taking you out. Is there a problem with that?" Chris said looking at Terry more than me.

"No, no problem at all." Terry said quickly.

Terry gave in pretty quick, but it would take more than a quick look to get me to move. James noticed that I was not moving and came over and sat down on the couch in front of where I was standing.

"Don't you want to come out with Chris, Terry, and me." James said looking up at me right in my eyes.

"Well I would like to go out with you, but..."

"Sorry Jace this is a one for all and all for one package deal."

I said nothing.

"Maybe you need a little encouragement." James said as he stood up and started to run a finger of his along my neck and up to my lips where he lingered there for a while causing me to close my eyes expecting a kiss. But he grabbed my hand.

"Won't you please come with me?" He pleadingly asked.

I could never say no to someone that asked ever so politely.

"Ack, alright I'll come."

Within minutes we were out the door and on our way.

Once we were on the groundfloor I just had to ask.

"Where are we going?"

"Out." James replied.

"Thank you, that really helps."

I looked out the double doors of the hotel and saw that there was a limo waiting out front.

"Please tell me we are not travelling in that thing?" I asked.

"Yep." Chris simply said.

We got out of the hotel and got into the limo.

"Now comes the fun part." James said.

"Oh really." I replied giving him a syrupy smile.

"Yeah." He replied with the same style voice. "Because I get to do this to you."

From behind his back he took out a blindfold, I looked at it not knowing what to think.

"You're kidding? Right?" I asked.

"Nope." Came his reply.

"Neither am I." Chris said as he got another from his pocket.

I would have given anything for a camera at that moment to take Terry's picture. The look on his face was priceless. I managed to keep my composure though.

"Not me as well. You never said anything like this earlier." Terry said.

"That's because it was on a need to know basis, and I felt you didn't need to know until now." Chris said grinning.

Terry and I just sat there while James and Chris tied on blindfolds.

"I cannot see anything at all." I said whipping my head back and forth.

"Good." James said.

I tried reaching out with my hands to feel what was around me in the limo, but James took my hands and put them in his lap, to keep them occupied I guess. The limo started driving and we were off to who knows where.

"What is the reason behind this?" I asked.

"Do you have to ask so many questions?" Chris said a little frustrated. "If it was going to be this difficult in kidnapping you, I would never had did it."

I could hear Terry give a slight laugh.

"That's one of the reasons why I like him." James said while playing with my hair. "He's inquisitive."

"And cute." I said with a smile shining through underneath the blindfold.

"Quiet you." James commented putting his hand over my mouth.

"See I told you we should have brought gags." Chris said.

"I don't do the bound and gag thing. Sorry Chris." Terry said before he was quickly cut off and all I heard was a muffled talking.

The limo drove for a while, hardly any turns, smooth road, then gravel roads. Eventually it came to a stop. The four of us got out and Terry and my blindfolds were removed.

I looked around, seriously unamused. We were in the middle of a densely dead wooded area with no signs of life around us. I knew from the gravel road that we had strayed a couple miles away from the nearest main road.

"Ok so you have blinded us to bring us out here. Are we supposed to enjoy the view?" I asked.

Terry just had a dumbfounded look on his face.

"We brought you out here so you can settle the problem that the both of you have." Chris said.

"And what problem would that be?" I questioned.

"Don't play dumb Jace." James said. "Me and Chris are going to stay in the locked limo until you two have come to a peaceful agreement."

James and Chris then got into the limo and I heard the latch locks snap into place.

I looked at Terry.

"Do you feel like taking a short walk?" I asked.

"I guess."

We started our stroll down the gravel path, leaving the limo behind us. Gradually we began talking.

"I don't understand what made us so angry after that practice?" I asked.

"I believe that you thought our practice was not hard enough."

"Ah, that was it. At the time I was just having some fun, but I didn't think you would take it that seriously."

"I did. It is the beginning of the season."

"Yes, and we have our first games this weekend. Everyone on this team has to be primed up against North Dakota."

He said nothing at that as we continued to walk.

"I want to apologize if it came off a little harsh about the way you guys were practicing. I know you are working hard, and its easy to get angry at me when I'm not actually out on the ice sweating my guts out as well."

"But I also know that you are putting together plays for desperate situations."

"Maybe we are all just putting too much pressure on each other in trying to get ready?"

"I don't know."

"What do you say in coming over tonight and we'll watch a movie and just relax."

"I guess that would be ok."

"And I'll tell you what, I'm not going to put any pressure on you or the rest of the team for the rest of the practices. I'm just going to call out the drills and say nothing until game day. What do you say?"

"That sounds good."

I learned at that moment that you cannot force a team to keep trying harder when in fact you are destroying their morale in the process.

"Let's make our way back to the limo. I have a feeling that there are two guys that need a little payback." I told Terry.

His quiet nature came back, but I could tell that he was thinking.

"I was thinking." He said.

"About what?"

"The payback."

"And you thought of something that quick?"

"Actually I have been thinking of doing it anyway."

"What is it?"

"Why don't we put them on the ice?"

"We don't even know if they can skate."

"I know." He said slyly.

"We'll talk about this later when we're alone." I said when we reached the limo.

I tried to open it but found it locked.

"Come on guys open up." I said while pounding on the black glass window.

"Not until you fix your problem." Chris' voice reasonated from within.

"But we fixed our problem." Terry said on the other side.

"Prove it." Lance said.

"How are we supposed to do that?" I asked.

"I don't know." Lance commented. "But we're waiting."

I went on a tirade of beating on the window and screaming at them, while they started breaking down and laughing on the inside. The two in the limo must have lost track of Terry for the next thing I saw him doing was climing into the front seat next to the driver. I guess they forgot to lock the front door when they locked the back two. Terry soon unlocked all the doors and I found myself opening up the back door to two very surprised boyfriends. Their laughing had stopped and they started to sit upright, while I sat down and Terry made his way to the back.

The evening in had come faster than expected. As usual my mind was still on the opening pair of games with North Dakota. One of the pinnacles by which college hockey was judged. Tommorrow they were coming into town and I had to greet their coach and assistant coach. It was sure to be a great series. It was really no surprise that I did not hear the door when Terry knocked the first time. The second time however, I was there to open it. He stood there waiting for me acting like he had been waiting for an hour or so.

"Get in here." I mocked him.

He came inside. "So what movies did you get?"

"Movies? I only remember saying movie."

"Well we will just see. After all the first movie could be awful."

Terry plopped himself down on the couch and extended himself to relax. I really didn't know what movie to pop in, so I went with the old stand by 'The Patriot.' As I put it in, I went back to the other couch and sat down with my back against the armrest. The movie was good from start to finish. I didn't expect anything else from Mel Gibson. To me he was just a good actor that was not stuck up like the Tom Cruises and Andy Kauffmans out there. Heath Ledger also looked to be a good up and coming young star, but only if he was cast in the right parts. As the movie ended with a lot of killing, blood, and family reunification, I turned to Terry.

"Are you nervous about this Friday and Saturday?" I asked showing no emotion.

"Yes. Are you?" He said matching my same emotion.

"Absolutely. I'm probably not going to be eating anything all day Friday or Saturday."

More throughout the evening we talked about where we wanted to end up, but the depth of the schedule would probably not favor us.

"What do you think the rest of the guys are thinking about as we head into this series?" I asked Terry as I turned my eyes away from the credits and towards him.

Looking at him I could not help but give a small smile. His eyes were closed and he was slightly snoring, more like the purring of a cat.

I answered my own question, "Sleep, eh? Sounds good to me."

I locked the doors and turned off all the lights, while I watched him turn over in his sleep. I quickly headed into my room, stripped, and hopped into my bed. For a few minutes I argued with myself whether or not to study a small amount of Chemistry. I finally opened the book and studied two pages worth, my weakest areas. Afterwards I quickly tossed the book aside and turned off my nightstand lamp and pulled the blankets over shoulders and grooved my head into the pillow.

Next: Chapter 6

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