Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on May 21, 2002


Hello everyone, expect the writings to become quicker, hopefully. I'm as eager to see the rest of this story as you are, but my mind can only do a little at a time. However, once its on a roll, I can go ahead and write for the entire night. Let's get cracking shall we? Enjoy Chapter 12 of Music Shatters Ice.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 12 - Dilemma in Duluth

I awoke Monday morning to hear someone at the foot of my bed.

"You know some aspire to greatness and they fail. Others succeed in reaching their star. Sometimes the purpose in people's life is not to succeed but to help and see to it that others succeed. Jace, you and me are an interesting breed. Both of us are destined to succeed, but in our own ways." Venus said sitting down near Jace's feet.

I yawned and answered back, "Can't you just wait until I'm awake like everyone else?"

"Now where would all the fun in that be?" She said leaning down until she was laying down next to me with her black and crimson cloak covering me.

I peeled it off of me and got up into sitting position.

"So have you found anyone? I know I haven't." She inquired of him.

"Nope still single."

"Aw had I been in a prison of equality, I could have fixed you up with some guys."

"I don't need you to fix me up with anyone." He said and flopped back down on the bed.

"I see, then you have found someone."

"No I haven't."

"Then why is your fridge stocked full?"

"What do you mean?" Jace asked as he got up and went to the kitchen.

I reached the kitchen and opened the fridge door to reveal food stocked completely to the doors limits.

"Amazing," was the only thing that I could get out.

"So you didn't know that this was here?" She asked.


"If you didn't put it here, and you were gone, who put it there?"

"Hmmmm...let me call someone."


I went back into the bedroom and grabbed my phone. I then returned to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

The ringing finally stopped and a voice answered groggily.


"Hello, this is Venrawl Pulse Services, we would like to know..." I was interrupted upon hearing the dialtone.

Venus just looked at me and laughed, "Still practicing your fake phone calls I see."


I dialed again and waited for the pick up.

The same person answered.

"This is your wake up call, now get this phone to my boyfriend immediately!" I said rather loudly into the phone.

"Ok, Jace no need to wake the dead." Joey said into the phone.

"Ah finally the bear awakens."

I listen as I, the phone, travelled to James. I could tell it was not a good wake up call from him either as I heard.

"Ow!" Come from James.

"Your boyfriend wants to talk to you." Joey said.

"Oh alright. Hello?" Said a sleepy James.

"Hi James. I have a question to ask you."


"Were you the one that stocked my refridgerator full?"

"Yeah, it looked like you were running out."

"Thanks, I was wondering about it."

Venus was getting impatient. "Give me that phone." She said as she snatched it out of my hand.

"Hello? Who is this?" Venus said into the phone.

"Hello? Jace are you there?" His voice echoed from the phone.

"I'm sorry but Jace has been pushed aside for a more entertaining speaker. Now I ask who is this?"

"This is James his boyfriend." I could barely hear James said.

"Well James this is the multitalented, wonderous, Venus Von Trappe." She laughed and gave the phone back to me.

I listened to the other end of the line, but all I heard was emptyness, no dialtone, just like the phone had been dropped though.

"James?" I questioned. "Are you there? Pick up the phone."

Another voice answered the phone, "Hello." I quickly recognized the voice belonging to Justin.

"Hey Justin, where James?"

"He ran screaming into the bathroom."

"Ok why?"

"I don't know. He was I guess listening to you on the phone then he dropped it and ran to the bathroom. What actually did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. Someone else was on it."

"Whatever was said upset him."

"Justin, take me to James. I want to speak with him."

"Ok I'll try."

I heard Justin take me through their place of staying and eventually he pounded on what I assumed was the bathroom door.

"Open up Lance, Jace wants to talk with you."

I heard a click and immediately was back on the phone with James.

"Hello, Jace you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"I thought she had gotten to you."

"In fact she has. She's sitting right here in at my kitchen table."

"She's not dangerous is she?" Asked a weary James.

"Not to me, I've known her for quite a while. To me she's a harmless little kitty."

"Ah ok, so you are safe then?"

"Yes I'm safe."

"So who's your next series against? From what I hear it looks like Minnesota-Duluth. What are they like?"

"What can I say about them? They are one of the teams that have two faces, at times they can be really bad, other times. Other times they can be quite a surprise."

"If I remember correctly, that is your last weekend as playing the role of head coach."

"Yeah the weekend after, with Army, is when I'll let Coach take the reigns again."

"Do you think that he will be happy of how you have handled the team?"

"Sure why not?"

"Just asking. But...oh I wanted to tell you of a new book I found. I'm on chapter three so far and its pretty good."

"What's it called?"

"A Grey Sky is nothing but Rain."

"Interesting title. What's it about?"

"Its a more philosophical book. I'm not sure you'll like it."

"Oh really? What makes you think so?"

"I was just guessing that you wouldn't be interested in reading intellectual stuff."

"Well, if that's the way you think. Hmmmmm...Gee I think I need to hang up the phone, I don't seem to remember where I put my roster for this weekend. You know how mentally deficient I am." I said and hanging up the phone on James and tossed it on the table.

"That didn't sound like a good way to end a phone call." Venus said interested.

"It was the way to end that one. Come on Venus."

"Where are we going?" She asked while I pulled her out the door.

"We, are going to the mall."


"You are going to give me a makeover. One of your classical makeovers."

"You have got to be kidding? You? Why? Why on Earth would you want to undergo one of my treatments?"

"Let's just say everyone deserves a shock once in a while."

"Does this have anything to do with your conversation with your boyfriend?"

"I expect the full treatment."

When Jace said that Venus knew that he was serious. "Sure Jace, the full treatment." She said and closed the door behind her.

Back in the dining room, Jace's cell phone was continously ringing.

Opening the door Jace and Venus walked into his house.

"How long do you have until practice?" Venus asked closing the door behind them.

"I have a few minutes."

"Do you think I did a good enough job?"

"I think you did a fantastic job." I said, grabbing my phone and taking a can of soda from the fridge. "Now I'm ready to go. How would you like to be my escort going to practice today."

An evil gleam formed in Venus' eyes.

"I would just love to."

"Think I'll get a good reaction?"

"I think you'll lead the team with a new vitality."

After the quick stopover at my house we came upon the arena. We arrived five minutes after the official start time.

We walked into the skate lobby. From where we were at we could see the guys already on the ice, stretching and talking. Quickly we entered the main part of the arena and all talking ceased. All the eyes in the arena were on the us. Venus there in her tight and free flowing black and crimson cloak holding onto my arm. I was wearing a black suit, deep red undershirt, black dress shoes, and my black hair had been tinted a deep yet bright red.

Venus and myself looked back at the guys.

"Maybe you ought to break the ice?" I whispered to Venus.

"Sure thing." She said as she started to walk off.

I watched as she stepped onto the bench and then onto the ice. I knew that she could control any crowd. I stepped onto the bench and watched.

Venus cleared her throat and began, "Ladies, I know that you have never seen me before as I have never seen any of you. However, don't let that get into your heads that I am a pushover. I, infact, will probably be one of the most interesting women that you will ever meet. I will be with you on your trip to Duluth and you will sweep them. I have compelete faith in you as well as some knowledge."

I had no idea that she would be joining them. Truthfully, she shocked me, but I managed to keep my facial surprise hidden.

"Why in the hell should we listen to you?" Reinwist, a junior goaltender said.

"Why?" Venus questioned him back, "I am a guest, and you should always respond to your guest in kind."

Reinwist sneered at her. She merely looked at him in disgust.

"I thought we could all play nice, but with an attitude such as this, I see that this is not possible." From behind her back, Venus pulled out a whip and cracked the ice with it.

"I am Venus Von Trappe, manipulative artist extraordinare."

And yet Reinwist still answered back, "So why are you here for?"

"I am here for motivation as well as providing good taste." She said cracking her whip again.

I couldn't help myself and laughed out loud. "Taste, I'm not sure you call it taste. Let's just call it experimental. Now put the whip away, I think you scared the guys enough."

"Alright, I was just having a little fun."

"Yeah, well I know what your whole lotta fun is."

"But Jace, you've helped me out in the past."

"I know."

"So why can't I repay the favor."

"What do you know about hockey?"

"Not much, but as you know I have my ways to keep the body in shape."

"Ok then via your training, I expect two wins this weekend."

"I guarantee that you'll get it."

I turned towards the guys. "Everyone listen up, for the next three days Venus here will handle the training with Dean here of course. That's including today. I will be busy drawing up plays in my office so if you need anything come in." I walked off the ice without looking behind me. I knew if anyone could whip them into shape more than I could it would be her.

"Hello Mr. Taylor, I'm Phil Van Dam of the Duluth News-Tribune. May we have a few comments about your new dress style." The reporter said coming up.

I looked around at the cameras taking photos of me.

"You're sure to make the front page of the sports section." Said one of the cameramen.

I merely nodded and looked at the reporter, "Sure, I will answer your questions, but be quick. I have a game to deal with."

"Sure Mr. Taylor. Your dress style has to be one of the most..." He paused to think of the right word, "bizarre of the NCAA."

"Bizarre? No, I believe if you are leading a successful team why not look successful yourself. Its not good to look like a drab everytime the audience sees you. I want to make a lasting impression."

"Will this be the first time that you have looked like this at a game?"

"Yes and it may be the beginning the of the end for the other teams. Because its hard not to be intimidated by someone that looks like me."

"So instead of dressing for success, success is dressing you?"


"Well have a good day, Mr. Taylor."

After a sweep of the home team, Minnesota-Duluth, Dean and myself were talking outside the visitor's locker room.

"So what did you think?" Dean asked me.

"What do you mean? The games or the people?"


"Well," I thought, "the games went pretty well especially since they were under the health administration of Venus."

"Quite surprising."

"The people though. They just couldn't stop staring. I mean, maybe I stuck out a little."

"A little?" Dean snickered and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright maybe I was obvious, but they'll learn to take me seriously and not look at me and the team as an easy victory just because I care to dress and look like this."

"No I don't believe they do. Especially not after tonight."

I looked at him and smiled, "Four more points added though."

"Yes, we can't complain about that."

"Just think though, next week we are back at home. In our home arena. Against an easy non-conference opponent army."

"I suggest we don't take any opponent lightly."

"Dean, don't you think I know that. With my attitude of smashing your opponent into the ground. No, no stopping. Come on we better get going, there's still plenty of fun to be had." I said dragging him into the locker room.

Somewhere in New York City...

James was reading his book when Chris burst into his room.

"Good grief man, what's wrong with you!" James said startled at the sudden intrusion.

"I just wanted to show you something." Chris said quickly trying to get the words to come out as fast as possible.

"It better be important."

"It is. Its about Jace."

"What about him?" James asked more inquisitive now that the subject had peaked his interest.

From behind his back, Chris opened up a newspaper and showed James the picture of Jace.

"What do you think?" Chris asked pointing out all the changed details.

"Oh my god. Is that Jace?"

That's all for part 12.

Next: Chapter 13

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