Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Apr 5, 2002


Hello everyone, well its back to writing now that the season is over. But it didn't end the way I wanted it to. A loss in the conference finals via illegal goal is never the way to lose. But I'm still proud of the effort we put forth. Next year the first ever autobid is ours. Well here's the much awaited for Chapter 11 of Music Shatters Ice. Sorry for the delay.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 11 - Back to the Ivy League

Setting the letter aside, I couldn't believe it. Venus was free...I pondered for several minutes thinking about what should be done. I had not seen that James had woken up, stepped over the chair, sat down, and wrapped his arms around me.

"G'morning." He snuggled into my ear. He quickly stopped snuggling against me as he noticed that I was a bit tense. "What's wrong Jace?"

I said nothing but my tenseness continued.

James looked around and saw the letter, he began scanning through it. "I'm guessing that this is what's causing you to be this way?" He asked as I just sat there.

"Yes." I responded.

"Why don't we talk about this later then. But in the meantime why don't we go out?" James asked almost pleading.

"Sure, but what's open at 9am?" I stopped. I had thought what I wanted to do. "A head coach must look good, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So let's go shopping."

James' ears perked up and he immediately headed back to the bedroom. "Come on. Let's get changed." Was the echoing voice from the bedroom.

I headed in the direction, but was stopped by a head peeking out of the guest bedroom.

"Where 'yall headed?" Chris stated looking bleary eyed and eager to get back to sleep.

"Aww, you know, just shopping." I said matter of factly and headed into the bedroom. In doing so I heard their door slam shut and Chris loudly trying to wake up Terry.

"Terr, wake up..." Was all I heard before his voice died down.

Quickly I went to my dresser and put on my white khakis, white sneakers, white t-shirt, white coderoy button-up, and my short white overcoat over it. James had put on black jeans, a disgusting orange tank-top then put on a black jean jacket. I was so going to have to teach him how to dress. Oh and did I mention that he was wearing red sneakers. Serious fashion problem, but I was not going to deal with that just now.

The four of us consisting of me, James, Chris, and Terry, entered the Baltic Mall. Pink and Justin, wanted to call a few people. I didn't push who.

"So where do you want to go first?" James asked the group first.

"I want to go to the dollar store." Chris said.

I voiced my opinion, "I'm going to head to the Bombay Company. They have something I want."

"Ok then I guess we'll meet up later." James said to Chris and Terry.

We parted with Chris dragging Terry and James walking by my side.

"What is it that you want?" James asked.

"You're so curious, I love it." I said smiling.

The Bombay Company was just around the corner from where we entered, but I noticed that the usual small crowds that occupied this time of the week was no where around.

"C'est la vie." I said outloud.

"What?" James asked confused why I would say something out of no where.

"I was just thinking why there are so few people here today. Normally there are more people than this, not including the mall walkers."

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not really." I said, but I knew that it did bother me.

We continued and entered the store. I found what I was looking for immediately.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked looking at the two canes I held in my hand. Well, one was a cane the other was a riding crop.

"I've been looking for these for a long time." I said holding the true cane up to the light and swinging around the riding crop forcing the slicing air sound.

The cane glimmered with the light that bounced off the diamond top of it, while the bottom had the light's reflection off of the varnished oak. The riding crop was all black and semi-stiff with a small oval end to it, with a leathery strap that went around the wrist.

James held the diamond tipped cane in his hand, "Very nice, I bet its zirconium."

"James can you take these canes and find out how much they cost?"

"Sure but I tell you, it'll probably be only thirty bucks." James said as he walked up to the counter to where an older male employee was standing.

I merely watched from a distance, but listened in nonetheless.

"May I help you sir." The man formally said.

"Yes, I would like to know how much both of these cost." James commented while handing them to the employee.

The man took the objects and passed its tagged barcode on the register.

"The diamond tipped cane is four hundred and eighty-four dollars, while this riding crop is one hundred and sixty dollars." He said and handed them back.

"You're kidding, why so expensive for something so cheaply made."

"Sir the leather riding crop was made in Germany then imported. The cost is merely the labor put into it."

"And the cane?" James asked.

"The cane has been imported from two different places. The diamond part is from South Africa, while the wooden oak part came from Russia."

"Ok, now I understand. But what about the price? Isn't the price a little low on the cane. I mean a real diamond that large, an inch and a half in diameter and another inch and a half in height."

"You're quite right sir. Originally, the price was set at one thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars." The salesperson said quoting from a book that he had just picked up.

By now James had given up, "Ok so can you pay now that we can leave?"

"Sure thing." I grabbed my wallet and paid what was left of the bill.

The salesperson wrapped my stuff in one plastic bag and one paper bag and handed it over. "There you go, please come again." He said.

"With this good inventory, I'll probably be back within a few weeks." I said.

James merely turned and looked at me, amazed that I could shop so expensively.

"What?" I asked his stare. "It's not like I shop here everyday."

We soon exited the store and headed for the food court. It was everything a food court could be: full of fattening McDonalds, the pizza place, the Chick-fil-a, the Italian food, the Arby's, and of course the Chinese food. I could never understand why every mall had a Chinese restaurant, yet hardly any people ever bought their food. Maybe its just a tradition to see and smell it.

I couldn't help myself, I went over to the Chick-fil-a and ordered three Chick-fil-a fried chicken sandwiches and with plenty of mayo. Eight packets of it to be precise. I smeared a generous helping on each and layed them out before me, like a predator choosing his first catch. James came and sat down beside me revealing his food.

"What is that?" I asked pointing at the oddity before me.

"I couldn't decide between Chinese food or Italian food."

"So what's this?"

"A mixture."

"A mixture of what? Please tell me that you did not find a blender and use it."

"No, I just had one of those pita bread sandwiches with cole slaw. Then I went over to the Chinese food place and got some Chow Mein. Somehow it just sort of mixed together while I was walking here."

"Are you sure you didn't shake it together?" I said looking at the mess before me.

"Nah its good."

"You are so going to be sick."

"Trust me, I'll be fine." He said, and I wanted to believe him, but just couldn't.

Terry and Chris found us a few minutes later after we had finished eating.

"So did you guys find anything?" I asked.

"Nah, nothing in particular." They both replied.

Time had flown by and Chris and James had left to deal with suits, isn't that always the case it seems. Pink after the trip, had an incredible idea for a concept video, so she left quick to make sure that she could work with her ideas and immediately put them to use in the studio. This left me with the team to contend with.

I just watched in complete anger at this end of Non-Conference game at Harvard University. I was angry at my players, but moreso at Harvard's coach as well as the officiating. In front of me, my team left the ice and passed by me. I stayed on the bench and continued to watch Harvard's fans celebrating and their coach grinning.

From behind my bench, I could hear a voice screaming, "Go to Hell refs! You missed alot of calls. Next time maybe you should call the game before dropping the puck! You're right the game is pretty much a waste of time! Open your eyes next time!" I didn't really want to look behind me to see who it was, whether it be a local or someone just out to watch a game, but my curiosity had me by the throat. Turning I noticed the black and crimson free flowing clothing. Venus Von Trapp. She merely looked at me for a split second and winked.

I left the bench and headed to the locker room.

Once inside I wasted no time and began speaking. I was glad that it was just me and Dean here, Chris and James would not have like to have heard what I said.

"We are definately going to practice tomorrow morning. And Dean and myself will stay up part of the night making new plays. Yes I know a goal with thirty seconds left in the game to win it is heartbreaking, but you have to remember how it was done. The net was off its moorings and the ref called it legal. Two to one, Harvard, unbelievable. Tomorrow, we take the fight to them. I encourage all of you to get to sleep early. We are going to have a huge day tomorrow, for we will not have this crap out there like we had today! Now get changed, I'll meet you on the bus."

From the time I left the locker room I huffed my way to the bus. I had to think about this.

It was the third period and Harvard was up 3-1.

"It's begun." I called out to the team.

Dean flipped over a page on his clipboard and took out a red pen. "Let the blood flow." I heard him whisper.

"Terry!" I shouted out at him on the ice. "Number sixteen, the defenseman nearest you."

Terry slashed his stick down on the ice in understanding. He immediately took his position and attacked.

"Dean, penalty kill with Terry in the box. Analyze." I said while Terry did his job on the ice.

Terry waited for the right time, a few seconds. When close enough to the defenseman and the puck got near them. Terry attacked the puck and bowled over the Harvard man giving him a quick and lethal slash to the knee at the same time. The ref immediately called a penalty and escorted Terry to the box. The Harvard d-man was taken off the ice.

"Dean, answer."

"One-three umbrella."

"One-Three!" I shouted to the guys on the ice. They quickly followed suit and defended the goal from the oncoming attack.

Two shorthanded goals and a powerplay goal later made the weekend series a split as well as gave Harvard a few injuries.

I stepped out of the visitor's locker room to be met by my cousin.

"Hey Peter."

"Great game. Sometimes its by any means necessary. A 4-3 come from behind victory."

"Yeah, well that was payback for last night's game."

"How did your friend like the game?"

"She hoped for a Harvard victory, but was brutally disappointed."

"I see."

"Do you have some free time in which we can talk?"

"Yes we can talk right now." I said as I headed him off in a direction of privacy.

We had been in a conversation for ten minutes when we decided to talk more deeply. We were in a secluded area, away from the fans, other coaches, and players.

"So are you going to tell me anything that's going on?" I asked Peter.

"About what?" He said innocently.

"You know perfectly well. About your boyfriend."

"But I already found out about your boyfriend."

"How did you do that?"

"I have my ways."

"Tell me."

"Ok I had you watched so to speak. When you came back from Alaska, I had someone waiting at the airport."

"No, not..."

"My secretary. Do you really think I would trust anyone else?"

"Well not really."

"So how is Lance doing?"

"James is doing fine."

"Well I'm not sure if he would have liked a few of your choice words."

"As long as he's not here, he wouldn't care. So why are you distracting me from your boyfriend? You have to tell me who he is."

"Ok, it does seem a little unfair, doesn't it?"

"A little?"

"Ok, I have for several months dating..."

Before Peter could finish his statement, his phone went off.

"Hello." He said answering it.

The voice talked for a while, Peter merely rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few hours." He said and hung up on the caller.

"So what was that about?"

"Other members of the finance committee. They are completely incompetent and cannot do anything without me. According to Congressman Williams of Oklahoma whom I was just speaking with, they want to pass a recent revised amendment through. So I have to get back and rescue the group."

"So what about me? Don't I get the answer to my question."

Peter smiled back at me.



"Not yet. Listen Jace I need to get back to my jet. I will let you see him during Chistmas. You're still coming right?"

"Yes, we will."

"Then we shall all have fun then." Peter said smiling.

"Christmas in Huntsville, Alabama. Without snow?"

"Yes without snow, but yet it has a type of beauty which you can't see elsewhere."

"Ok I trust you."

"Then I shall see you at that time." He said gripping me in a hug and letting go.

"At that time." I repeated.

I watched him head out of the arena as the team finally started gathering around.

"I will find out who it is." I mumbled under my breath.

That's all for part 11.

Next: Chapter 12

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