Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Aug 25, 2003


Hey everyone, here's the next installment. ALL feedback is welcome.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 17 - The Call for Help


Waking up Monday morning was something different. I knew this was my last week to be out of action and I already had started planning my comeback since yesterday.

I got up out of bed and headed towards the living room. Laying on the couch I turned on the TV. I went in and out of sleep. The last few Z's I had to get. Sleeping had been much more difficult than it had been.

Once eleven o'clock had rolled around I had answered a few phone calls, eaten a fruit breakfast and opened a few windows in the kitchen and breakfast area to get fresh air into the house. James was still sleeping and I had no idea when he'd get up. If he was anything like me, I know sleeping alone was probably disagreeing with him.

I grabbed my phone off the kitchen room table, dialed a number and then hung up. A few seconds later my phone rang.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Jace, you called." Venus said.

"Of course, I was worried." I replied.

"Well there's nothing for you to worry about. I'm not that far away from you."

"Where are you?" I asked, expecting her to be near Detroit.

"I'm here at the University of Northern Michigan."

"Northern Michigan? Why the hell are you up there?"

"You know me and how I love to travel."

"Sure I do."

"So what's the real reason you called Jace?"

"I just wanted to see where you were first of all. Second, I wanted you to do me a favor."

"Oh what's that?" I could hear her voice drip with anticipation.

"I want you to pick me up some jewelry for James."

"That's fine by me. What do you want me to pick up?"

"I was thinking perhaps a broad bracelet to wear on special occassions."

"A giant bracelet. C'mon Jace."

"Ok how about a nice small bracelet?"

"What stones you want in it Jace?"

"Topaz, Ruby, and Turquoise."

"Any pattern you want it set like?"

"Yes. I want the pattern to be Turquoise on top and bottom of like a banner. Then I want the Topaz on the left and then the Ruby on the right. Either that or have them alternating."

"Sounds great when do you want it by?"

"If you can, next Wednesday?"

"It seems as this is a Christmas present."

"It is."

"He should enjoy it." She said as I heard something moving about in my house.

"Venus I have to let you go, I think James is waking up."

"Ok talk to you later."

"Later." I hung up and began looking about for a bit to see movement.

James, a few seconds later, came out of the guest bedroom not looking too well. I went over to him and looked him over. He was red in the face and looked a little sick. Feeling his forehead, I noticed that he had a fever.

Of course James being the master of the obvious, "I don't feel that well." He stated pretty much crashing into my arms.

"Come on babe." I said as I led him back to the guest bedroom.

I put him back in bed and then opened the blinds in the room to let the light in. I then proceeded to do all the medical work. I grabbed the thermometer out of the bathroom and took his temperature.

"One hundred and one, point eight." I said looking at him.

"What?" was all he said and tried to get out of bed.

"Oh no you're staying here in bed. I'll get you anything you need." I said and took the thermometer away.

I stayed with him the entire day helping him out with anything that he needed. After he spewed up the orange juice over the comforter, I figured out that his stomach was weak and was probably infected with a virus. Time for all the light foods and sleep.


Tuesday took forever to come, I think mainly because of me tending to Lance all day and him not able to take care of himself. I was just glad he was able to sleep the entire night without interruption. The morning had passed without any problems. James had even managed to keep down the scrambled eggs I made for a late breakfast. I didn't trust bringing him orange juice just yet, so I brought him small amounts of water. When it looked alright I brought him a little more. For his lunch I tested the waters a little more. I made him a plain rye bread sandwich with just ham and bread with a couple orange slices. He complained about some stomach pains but nothing came up, so I was happy. James had gone back to sleep for an afternoon nap while I was in the living room trying to get hold of my cousin.

"Hello?" I asked calling my cousin's congressional office.

"Hello, this is..." I heard a high pitched man's voice.

"Would you please put me through to the congressman, this is his cousin Jace."

"I'm sorry but the Congressman is in a meeting right now if you would leave your name and message I'm sure that the Congressman will happily oblige to get back to you."

I was starting to feel like I was being called a fool for claiming to be a cousin of Pete's.

"Is the secretary there, I'm sure she can help me?"

"I'm sorry but she's also in the meeting. If you would like to leave a message."

"No I don't want to leave a message that will never be delivered." I knew his type before.

"Then I'm sorry but I cannot help you. Please hold to be transferred to the visitor's center of the Capitol."

I hung up the phone immediately. I was a bit furious, but wasn't going to let it show. I had a guy that I needed to take care of.


Wednesday was an interesting day, I received a call on James' cell phone from Chris and he told me what happened to him in the afternoon. So when James woke up from his afternoon nap, I told him what had happened. I sat on the bed next to him and held onto his hand.

"Do you know that Chris called a little bit ago? It seems that he and Terry had a bit of an argument."

"What happened?" James asked.

"Chris was in the stands watching Terry while practice was going on. Well sometime during one of the drills, Terry made a mistake. Anyway after practice ends Chris comes and joins Terry down by the bench. Eventually they started walking and talking towards the locker room with the rest of the team. Entering the locker room Chris made a snide remark about Terry's mistake. Terry then wanted to see Chris get his ass off the stands and see if he could do any better. This led to an argument and by that time the locker room was almost full of the entire team and their argument was just beginning. Some of the other players couldn't help but to overhear the conversation and start whispering to each other. Chris said they soon noticed that the focus of the room was on them and continued to argue out in the skate lobby where he was flailing his arms about and Terry was half dressed. At that time they were shouting at each other and soon Terry stormed back to the locker room. While Chris said he left the arena."

James managed a brief smile when I finished telling the story.

"That's Chris, melodramatic." He said.

"Do you think I should do anything? Or say anything to either Chris or Terry?" I asked.

"No, I'll take care of it. I'll talk to Chris in a little bit." Just bring me my phone and leave it on the nightstand.

"Ok, I mean it was a petty argument I don't want to see them end a relationship over this."

"You have such a warm heart." James said squeezing my hand.

"Thanks." I said. "Just don't let the cat out of the bag. I'm a coach after all."

He just gave a smile.

I let him be and went into the kitchen to start dinner. While cooking, I heard sound coming from the guest room. I assumed he was talking to Chris. If it was I hoped they could get everything straightened out.

In the kitchen I finished making bland pancakes, no syrup or butter. Just something made with eggs, milk and batter. James' stomach seemed to be taking to the bland foods, but my body felt like it was starting to crash on me. Either I wasn't getting enough meat, protein, or something. I just started to feel bad. But it didn't really bother me that much so I just pushed it off to the side of my mind and continued finishing up everything.

Once done I brought a tray of food and drink into the guest bedroom for James. He was on his side looking at the direction opposite of me, so I had no idea if he was asleep or not. I put the tray down on the desk and went over to him. His eyes were closed and his arms were underneath the pillow. He was lying on the bedspread looking like trying to get cool. I started to wonder about his fever. I ruffled his hair a bit and watching it spring a little. He came around fairly quickly.

"So what happened? Is the problem solved?" I asked.

"What problem? Oh Chris and Terry? Not really."

"What do you mean not really?" I asked wanting to know more.

"I mean that Chris is upset about something which doesn't make sense."

"About what?"

"I don't know." James said. "I don't even know what he was going on about myself. He just went on and on and on. Soon enough all I heard was blahhhhhh. But I did make him promise that he would talk with Terry soon and try to work things out."

"At least that's something."

"I hope so." James said and turned back over.

"Oh no not yet. I've got dinner right here."

"What is it?"

"Pancakes, plain."

"Plain? As in nothing?"

"Nothing added." I said. His eyes drooped but I believe he understood it was for the best.


Once out of the shower I decided to call up Zelda and see what she was up to.

It didn't ring at all, just that irritating buzzing sound. Unfortunately getting a busy signal is not something I liked. Twenty minutes later I called again to the same fate. An hour later I was completely dry and still irritated with the buzzing in my ear. All I could think of was that she must have had that phone glued to her.

It was two hours after lunch that I finally got through to her while I was on the back porch. I was a bit irate, but tried to hold it in.

"Hey Zelda, you know I've tried calling for who knows how long."

"Well Jace I've been a little busy talking to Justin."

"Does it take that long?"

"Yeah we had several arguments."

Figures it would be something like that. I didn't even ask what it was about before she continued and actually told me.

"I told him I wanted to see him more so we could get to know each other better. He told me he was busy and can't see me."

"So what about it. He's busy, he has his own job you know."

"Yes, but you think he could take some time off."

I knew where this conversation was going and I didn't really want to get involved in starting an argument where I would possibly end up yelling at her.

"Zelda listen to yourself. You're asking him to take time off for a job when he isn't even your boyfriend. Wake up Zelda, he's just a friend. Why don't you ask him when the next time he has free time if you two can go somewhere to have fun? Just don't demand something when you don't have something to offer him in return."

She didn't say much.

"I'll talk to you later Jace."

"Alright. Later Zelda."

I hung up. She was probably angry, but moreso at herself than at me. She sounded like she had fallen for him and needed someone to take it out on. But I was not going to let that person be me. I know her better than that.

Heading back into the living room, I turned on the tv to see an ice hockey program already in progress.

"Even though he has been injured it is time for him to move on and get his ass back into the game." I heard one of the commentators say about me from the program I was watching.

"This week in WCHA. What do they know." I said outloud, listening to more of what they had to say.

"This assistant coach of the Central Michigan Steeds is sucking all the attention. He's been the star of this team for too long. Playing the role of the injured baby does not suit him." The man said.

The woman then matched his words, "I just think he's scared. His team is about to take a big plunge in the standings. They're six wins, one loss, and two ties to date in conference. Expect it to level out to six and six soon enough. He's making them an embarassment."

"What about non-conference games?" The man asked her.

"Upcoming non-conference games are Maine, Air Force, Mercyhurst, Nebraska-Omaha, and Alabama-Huntsville. They should easily be able to sweep Air Force and Mercyhurst. They will take a pounding from Maine, and they should be so lucky as to pull off two wins against Nebraska-Omaha and Alabama-Huntsville. In those two series I see them picking up a win and a tie. They're just not good enough to pull it off."

"If they're not going to win in conference then, who in the WCHA is going to take the regular season title and the post conference title?"

"Right now, its the classic match up its going to be Colorado College and Denver mixing it up again. North Dakota could surprise everyone, but I see them taking third." She said irritatingly.

"Central Michigan what place do you see them by the end of the regular season?"

"I see them finishing above Michigan Tech and below Minnesota. With Minnesota being in a rebuilding year, they should be fifth and Central Michigan sixth."

When they started talking about how Denver's defense was again top in the nation, I turned the tv off.

I was wondering what was going on. Was I the laughing stock of hockey right now? I mean I'm fairly young, but being taken out by a player and then letting all the injuries heal. Was the rest of the ice hockey world laughing that I'd been gone for too long? Next week I would come back so maybe they'd shut up then. Next week, I will be fully healed and then I'll ride rough shot over the entire league. I just have to watch the next two games with Wisconsin coming to town as I sit from the sidelines unable to do anything. I hated playing the waiting game.

That evening I received a call from Coach Roberts.

"Hello Coach what can I do for you?"

"The players are having a little trouble with your plays."

"How so?"

"They refuse to practice them."

"Why?" I asked wondering why this and why now.

"They said since you haven't been here, there's not really a reason to trust or listen to what you or your paperwork has to say."

"And what do you have to say about all this?" I asked him while starting to fume.

"Well I can't sit them all during the games, so I just have to come up with plays on the spur, and some basic practice drill." He said sighing.

"Coach if we just go the basic drills, we'll be the ones drilled into the ground."

"There's nothing much I can do about it. But I know once you get back you're going to be the one to set them straight again."

I knew Coach was right. He couldn't afford to scream at them anymore. He quit screaming several years ago, afraid of getting heart attacks. I had to agree with him, so he put the screaming role in the place of the assistant coach to do.

"Yes, coach I know I'll have to get it into their heads of what to do next week." I groaned. "Thanks for telling me coach, looks like you better start planning out some plays."

"I know. And those guys can tell the difference between yours and mine so I have to do them from scratch. Well, I'll talk to you next week unless something comes up Jace. Bye."

"Bye Coach." I hung up the phone. "Ungrateful kids." I said and slumped in the chair I was sitting in.

Soon afterwards I went to my bedroom where James was laying or sleeping uncomfortably. I couldn't tell. After closer inspection I noticed that he was sleeping, just not a happy sleep. This stomach virus of his was really taking its toll.


Friday morning approached rather quickly and like the rest of the week, either everyone was busy or had something important that they had to take care of. I was beginning to feel like it was a waste of time completely to call Zelda, Justin, Terry, Chris, or Pete. But I could understand each their problems. James was just getting over his stomach virus, so I'd see if he'd feel up to coming to the game tonight. Lord knows he was growing roots in the guest bedroom and the bathroom. But I took care of him and brought him everything he needed like a good boyfriend should. I guess we'd see if he'd feel up for it.

James and myself were sitting on the top of the mezzanine without sitting on the hanging sound system. I found it difficult to concentrate on anything even before the game started. James tried to calm me, by talking about other things. About what I have no idea. All I heard was his voice. I saw coach on the bench scribbling stuff on his legal pad. In fact the bench looked empty without me there. More room. An absence as it were. I soon heard the horn sound as the first period was underway.

At the end of the third period the final buzzer sounded, and I was not exactly happy. We lost 4-2. We could have won, but there was always a Wisconsin player there to bat the puck out of the zone, or cover it up. Shots on goal were close. It even looked like a close game. But from where I was sitting as a coach, I noticed alot of mistakes by my players. James was soon tugging at my side.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"Can we leave now? Its over." He said pointing down at the ice.

"Yeah let's take off." I responded heading towards skate lobby exit.


So here we were. Night two. We were sitting in the same spot watching everything that was happening below. The game hadn't even started yet and already Coach Roberts was looking like he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

The game began as the horn sounded and already coach was standing on the bench screaming for the guys to do what he wanted. I'm not sure if they were listening to him, but I know either way it was turning into a disaster. Forty seconds in and already a Wisconsin goal.

"Should I close my eyes for this one?" I asked James.

"Probably. I looks like they're not paying attention."

"It looks like they're not listening to each other. Each trying to be the hero." I said a little disgusted.

There were times when the guys pulled it together for a few seconds at a time and then played like a team. They caught up by two goals, by then they fell apart again.

I looked at the scoreboard. 5-3 Wisconsin victory. I stayed seated and watched the rest of the crowd go out with a whimper. After they left, I headed down the stairs of the mezzanine towards the locker room.

Upon reaching the ground level near the locker room, I already saw the players quickly leaving. I wondered if Coach had chewed them out, or had just told them that he wasn't going to speak to them. I entered the locker room to see a few players left in various stages undress. Steam was still coming out of the shower room area, and I could see Dean talking to someone in there. I bypassed the shower crew and went to my office where coach was most likely. I motioned to James to go busy himself why I go talk.

When I got there and closed the door behind me Coach Roberts immediately started talking.

"Two god damn losses!" He said slamming his fist down on the desk. "I feel like I'm losing my grasp on the team as a whole."

"Well what ideas do you have to change the way things are going?"

"Longer practices? Perhaps more routine practices? Tighter curfew? I really don't know anymore."

"Neither do I Coach, if what you said is true. That they won't listen to me anymore."

"I tell you what this week with you coming off of the sidelines, we're going to put them to the limit or they're going to die trying to get their stuff together." He said sternly.

"Yes coach I understand." I said. I knew completely that it was going to be difficult to pull them together as a unit again.

Coach grabbed his briefcase, threw it on the table, opened it, tossed some paperwork in, then slammed it shut.

"Jace, I'll talk to you again on Monday during practice. I'll be here early so we can discuss what we are going to do on ice."

"Yes coach." I said as he stood up and headed towards the door.

He opened it giving one last glance to remember if he had anything and then he stepped out closing the door strongly behind him.

"Come on James we're leaving." I said sticking my head back into the locker room. Everything was quiet back there, except for what I could make out that dean was putting in a CD into the stereo for him to listen to while he cleaned up a bit.

James came quickly and we took off back home.

Arriving back home with James, the house seemed dark and dying. No lights, no life. Over and over in my mind the words 'two losses' raced. We had opportunities, but never capitalized.

"If only I was on the bench, I maybe could have seen something. I hate being on the sidelines helpless." I said with clenched fists in the dark living room.

James came and lit one of the lamps to its lowest level only causing a small dim atmosphere.

"Please Jace, its over. They're recorded, concentrate on the future. Its over." He said trying to comfort me. He came over and gave me a reassuring hug. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired. I'll be waiting for you, just don't stay out of bed too long." He finished and headed into the bedroom closing the door to keep out the dim light.

He was right, it was late 12.30 to be exact and everyone needed rest. But my brain was active and not ready to admit defeat. Never defeat... I turned off the light and went outside on my back porch. It was a little cold out but I could bear it.

I sat down on a folding chair looking at the stars and moon above. Looking down with its pure white glowing gaze. Craters evidently rough on its surface, taking the pain of many hits and many people able to look up and see it in the public view. But still it shines brightly no matter how many hits it takes. Standing up, I walked a few paces in the back yard, just walking and trying to free my mind.

The wind began to blow gently against me, bringing another round of cold air. I looked again once more to the moon for inspiration.

"How can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I've become so numb without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home

Wake me up inside Wake me up inside Call my name and save me from the dark Bid my blood to run Before I come undone Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without You can't just leave me Breathe into me and make me real Bring me to life

Wake me up inside Wake me up inside Call my name and save me from the dark Bid my blood to run Before I come undone Save me from the nothing I've become

Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time I can't believe I couldn't see kept in the dark but you were there in front of me I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems got to open my eyes to everything without a thought without a voice without a soul don't let me die here there must be something more bring me to life

Wake me up inside Wake me up inside call my name and save me from the dark bid my blood to run before I come undone save me from the nothing I've become

I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside"

I finished my plea to the moon and the stars and I slowly sat down on the cold hard grass. The cold whipped through me as if my bones were starting to freeze. I shivered a little but tried to hold firm. I wasn't going to be afraid of a little cold, it was only twenty-three degrees out. With a quick flap, I felt a blanket wrap around me and then arms begin to pick me up.

"Come on Jace, its time to go inside. You've been out here too long and I'm worried. You may have almost fully healed yourself, but no need to get ill." He said and pointed me in the direction of the house while he held onto my back.

Heading back into the dark house, he guided me around the furniture and into the bedroom. He opened the bed's blankets, removed the one I had been wrapped in and then helped me get into bed. He then threw my blanket on the bed covering me further. He then closed the door, but instead of coming to bed, he headed over to the window and closed it.

"No need in letting any other noises or singing coming in, you need some sleep." He said and came back to bed sliding in behind me. He draped his arm around me and said goodnight as he put his head on my weary shoulder. I guess he could feel some tension left in me as he mumbled a little bit more. "Don't worry baby, I promise things will get better."

Sure I had slept for a few hours, but I still woke up not feeling very well. It was still dark outside. I looked at the clock it was three-seventeen in the morning. I had to get up. I got out of bed as silently as I could. I slid on some jeans and a shirt and shoes. I felt my nightstand for my wallet and shoved it in my pocket. I crept out of the room and went to the kitchen table. From there I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. I started the car quickly and put it into gear. I headed down the road to Phil's diner. Nothing's better than to get a drink to make you feel better about, well everything.

Into the bar I went. Everyone here was the late crowd. Those that wanted to be left alone or to hear the piano in the corner. It was your usual early morning creatures of the night. I pulled myself on a stool and saw that Nate was working the night shift.

"Hello Nate, still working the late shift." I said smiling when I saw him.

"Yeah serving all customers including yourself. Haven't seen you in a while. Must be something for you to come around at night again."

"You know me all too well Nate."

"It seems I've known you for the longest time and I know when you have problems. And I know its the only time when I see you, is when you have problems. So what's your poison for tonight."

"How about the 'tender's special?"

"Ok, try some Italian Vodka." He said pouring me a shot.

"Blech, its disgusting."

"I never said it was good."

"I'll get used to it. Give me a pint."

"Coming up." Nate said pouring me a frosted mug full of Italian Vodka.

He put it infront of me and watched as my face wretched around the awful taste.

"So what brings you back to my doorstep?"

I put down the mug and began to talk.

"It seems like everything is falling around me. Everything is being razed to the ground."

"I heard about the Wisconsin games." Nate said interrupting.

"That, Nate, is only the tip of the iceberg. Those two losses were the icing on the...well the final straw. It seems like all my friends are busy, their relationships are falling apart, or I can't even reach them. The world doesn't take me seriously anymore. And not even those who know me best want to listen to me anymore."

"Hmmmm..." Was all that Nate could say.

"What?" I said finishing off the pint in one large drowning.

"Another?" He said, I only nodded. "I was thinking that you keep talking about others. Yeah I know those others mean alot to you. But what happened to the Jace I know and love. You know the one. The one where if he gets too much happening all at once he could care less and just throws it all away and starts everything from scratch. The one that doesn't really give a damn about everyone else."

"He got himself into a relationship and is now thoroughly whipped." I said taking another big drink.

"Jace Taylor? Whipped? Oh hell no." He said giving a brief but hearty chuckle. "Jace Taylor isn't whipped. Jace Taylor does the whipping and speaks his mind."

"Yeah he used to." I said eyeing and swirling the remains of the pint that I had started drinking.

"Jace why don't you get rid of your relationship for this week, and then try to get everything back on track."

"But what will he say about that?" I wondered.

"Just tell him that you have some stuff that you want to do on your own."

"He'll just say that he'll stay out of the way."

"Ok, then lie to him."

"We are going on vacation for our week off, so I could convince him to go and get ready. I mean he could get whatever he needs from his own personal collection of stuff."

"Good, use it."


"Jace," Nate sighed or groaned, I couldn't tell which. "You're in a tailspin, and you need to get out right now."

"I suppose so."

"Damn right. Now get yourself home, before you really plaster yourself."

"I'm not that bad."

"Oh yeah, sure. But if you want to turn around it has to start here. Now get." Nate said as I drifted off the stool and headed towards home.

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