Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Jan 24, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexual ity of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Note: Hey, people, this is my first submission to the Nifty Archives. I hope you all like it... This story will contain a relationship between a fictional character, and one of the members of N Sync. I would love to get some input, so e-mail me!! Tell me if you like it! Tell me what you would like to see in it!! E-mail me at This first chapter is pretty long, but it sets the stage for the rest of the chapters. And I wanted to get all of this out of the way, so that we could meet the celebrities. You won't see N Sync in this chapter, but at least one of them will be in the next chapter. Oh yeah. I am not the sort of fan who memorizes tour schedules or anything, or some of the nitpicky stuff, so if my information is slightly wrong, so be it. If I've made any big errors, though, please tell me. The beginning of the story, and perhaps more, will occur in St. Louis, which is the main character's and myhometown. So at least that stuff will be correct. Finally. I am a big fan of the type of story where there is a lot more than just sex and the like. So don't expect hot steamy sex each chapter. I want this to be more of a relationship story, with sex thrown in it as well.

You'll Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

Chapter 1

Life was good. Well, as good as life can be at 7:00 in the morning.

"Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!" said the alarm clock as it woke Ryan up from a pleasant slumber. 'Grr,' he thought. 'I hate mornings..' He hit the snooze button, and buried his head in his pillow. But unfortunately, Ryan had another wake-up call coming, one that he couldn't ignore.

"Ryan, honey, you'd better get up, or you'll be late to class!!" his mother said cheerfully.

"I'll be up in a minute, Mom!" Ryan shouted. He then looked at the alarm clock. 7:40. "Shit!" He quickly popped into the shower, and then put on his clothes. He had to be in class in 20 minutes and was running late. Again. He just couldn't get the hangof this waking up early thing. And he had to drive through the busy streets of St. Louis to get there. Ryan didnt bother with breakfast, since he was running late, and ran to my car. He broke the speed limit as he drove to the local community college. But he was still ten minutes late to French class. Ryan ran to the class, andthen calmly opened the door, and walked in. The teacher didn't say anything, as he walked to his seat.

"So glad you could join us, Mr. Holden. You are aware that this class starts at 8:00, not 8:10 or 8:15. And I'm sure you also realize that your grade gets lowered each time you come into this class late?"

"Yes, Monsieur Swaty, I know. It won't happen again," Ryan said apologetically.

"It had better not. You are a bright student, Mr. Holden. You could have an A in this class if you would only applyyourself, and do your homework. And arrive here on time, I might add. Alright. Where were we, class?"

Well, this day was starting off just swell. And the fun didn't stop there. Ryan had failed to finish a set of math problems that his calculus teacher assigned, and was given an incomplete score. And finally, to top things off, he forgot to clip a newspaper article out of the paper for Current Events, and was dressed down by the strict professor.

Ryan was normally a good student, but he had a lot on his mind. He had known he was gay for quite some time, but he hadn't come out to anybody yet. He had figured that it was need to know business, and at that particular point, they didnt need to know. Besides, what good would it do? But there was one exception. Greg. Just thinking about him gave Ryan shivers down his back. Possibly his best, and only friend. And Ryan had a crush on him. Actually, it felt like more than that. And Greg sure was giving off mixed signals, signals that were picked up by Ryan's gaydar, and stored away for future use. Possibly today. Ryan had lost sleep all week over this. And he had decided to come out to Greg. Hopefully, Greg would reply likewise, and everything would be great. Even Greg telling him that he wasn't gay, but was ok with Ryan's being gay. Ryan had asked Greg over after class to talk about this.

Ryan was still thinking about this as he pulled up in the driveway. He locked his car andwent in the house, to be greeted by his mom.

"Hi, Ryan, how was class today?" Mom asked. Ryan answered with a grunt. "That good, huh? Ya know, I was talking to Mrs. Malone the other day, and she said Amanda would be glad to go out with you."

"Mom, I don't want to go out on a date with Amanda, and I definitely don't want you playing matchmaker with me. I can find my own dates," He said firmly. Yeah.. Like Greg, or somebody like that. But no way that he was going to tell his mother that. Just then, a car pulled up into the driveway.

"Hey, Mom, I'll talk to ya later. Greg's here."

"Ok, honey. Is he staying for dinner?"

"I don't know..." I hope so, he thought to himself... Ryan opened the door, and let Greg in. "Hey, Greg, how ya doin'? Thanx coming over."

"Well, I was curious as to what you wanted to talk about," replied Greg. You sounded so mysterious over the phone last night."

"Ok, let's go in my room, and I'll tell ya." Ryan led him to his room, and closed the door behind Greg. Greg sat down on the bed, and Ryan sat on a chair facing him. "Well, Greg, this is something that's been on my mind for quite a while now, and I've been wanting to tell you. But I hadn't got around to it. But I decided that now was the time."

"Alright," said Greg. "Did you, like, kill somebody, or something like that?"

"Nah!!" Ryan said, laughing. "But it is serious. We are friends, right? No matter what?"

"Of course, Ryan," replied Greg. "We'll always be friends." 'What is he leading up to,' Greg thought.

"Greg, I've got to tell you something about myself. Greg, I'm, I'm.."

"You're what? You can tell me"

"I'm..I'm gay."

"WHAT?!!" Greg jumped up. "YOU SICK, PERVERTED FAG!!! How could you keep this from me? Why didn't you let me know that my so-called best friend was QUEER?!"

"Greg...please...listen to me.." Ryan said softly, trying to hold back tears and failing miserably.

"Why should I listen to a cock-sucking fag?! So this is why you always want to get together, eh? To jump in my pants?! I'm leaving, and I don't plan on ever talking to you again!!" Greg stormed out of the room.

Ryan hadn't moved from his seat the whole time, and as Greg left the room, Ryan started sobbing hard. After about an hour, he finally stirred. He got up, and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He finally trudged into the living room, where his mother was. She didn't say anything to him, but he was too occupied to even notice. Finally, she spoke.

"Is there something you've been neglecting to tell me, Ryan?" she said in a cold tone.

"Ummm, I don't think so, Mom," Ryan said, not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Actually, there is, and you know it, Ryan Andrew Holden. I overheard your conversation. At least, what Greg said. Is it true? Are you gay?"

Ryan put his face in his hands. He definitely did not want to deal with this right now. "Yeah, mom, it's true," he said softly.

His mother came up to him, and raised his head up. "You look at me when you say that, Ryan Andrew Holden. Are you gay?"

"Yes, mother, I am. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but I wasn't sure how you'd react."

"Well, you're finding out now. Get out. Now. Pack a bag, and leave. And don't ever plan on coming back. I had a son, named Ryan, once. He had a promising future. Now all I see in front of me is a sick person who is going to die alone, and go to Hell for going against God's teachings. Get out."

The tears Ryan had managed to suppress came back in full force. Sobbing, he ran to his room, and tossed some clothes in a little overnight bag. He got out his life savings, a measly $400. Grabbing his keys and wallet, he headed out the door, with no intention of ever coming back.

He drove around for a while, and finally came to a decision. He had a good job at Wal-mart, and working full-time, he could perhaps afford a cheap apartment. He had illusions abouthis other relatives being sympathetic to his plight, since they often disparaged gays.

Unfortunately, this plan failed before Ryan had even started implementing it. As Ryan knew, Greg worked at the same Wal-mart. (In fact, Ryan had gotten Greg the job out of friendship) And Greg had started working before Ryan had gotten there. Greg wasted no time telling the other employees of Ryan's nonstandard sexual orientation. This immediately made him the target of many nasty jokes, and many disgusted looks. Though Ryan had expected no less. In a community of rednecks, being gay was the worsething possible. Finally, Ryan couldn't take any more of it. He threw down his Wal-mart vest, and walked out of the building.

He drove around for a while with no destination in mind, until the car ran out of gas. But that didn't stop him. He simply left the car there, and started walking. He finally reached a MetroLink stop. Giving his feet a break, he rode the Metrolink for a while, and got off at the Savvis Center stop. He then continued walking. In his wanderings, he passed the Adam's Mark Hotel. Outside of the hotel, was a small army of teenaged girls, screaming and yelling and waving posters. But Ryan didn't even give it a second thought. He continued walking, and turned onto a one-way street. There were cars lining both sides of the street, presumably the vehicles of the crazy teenagers outside of the hotel, or at least their mother's. Absently noting that his feet were killing him, Ryan spotted a coffee shop across the street. In his distracted state, he didn't follow the advice that everybody has said at one time or another. He didn't look before crossing the street. He was halfway across the street, before realizing there was an SUV barrelling down the street, right for him. Ryan simply stood there, watching the SUV, and thinking to himself that this could be the best way to escape these problems...

That's all for now... Tell me what you think about it!!

Next: Chapter 2

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