Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Feb 4, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Notes: Well, sorry for the delay, folks. This chapter was completed already, and my computer lost it. I started retyping it, and the computer lost it again. Needless to say, I believe I will now kill my computer. I've been a bit busy, entertaining guests, so here it is, in all of its retyped form. If you have any comments or suggestions, e-mail me at I was curious as to how many people read this story. If you do, just drop me a line. You don't even have to write a message. Just send an e-mail, with the title of the story in the subject header, and that'll be enough. I'm just curious as to how many people read this.

I would like to thank everybody who has supported me through the series so far. As long as I get some positive feedback, I'll continue to post on Nifty. I want to thank Charlie for his support from the beginning, and Ryan for his humor and support. I want to thank all of my loyal readers out there, all of whom despise cliffhangers, it seems. Finally, I want to thank my fellow Nifty authors, for their words of kindness and support. Thanx to you all!!

Here are some good stories: Jamie's Romance (a great Justin story) Millenium Love (a Brian Littrell story) My Surprise Romance (a Lance story) Lance in Shining Armour (umm, a Lance story?) Lance's Story (a Lance/JC story and a spinoff of Jamie's Romance) Twist of Fate (a Lance story) Nick and Ashley (a Nick Carter/Ashley from O-Town story by ND) and many more!! But I can't remember the names of them...I'll put them down as I remember them...

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Previously on Never Guess...

"Come on, It'll be ok. Trust me, James," said Ryan, taking Lance's hand. He led Lance right to the window, and they looked out of it, Ryan's hand still in Lance's.

"Wow! From this point, St. Louis looks so beautiful!!" breathed Lance.

"You should see how it looks from an area in Belleville," said Ryan, still looking out the window. "You can see the Arch and the rest of the buildings, and it looks so picture-perfect."

Lance turned to Ryan. The word perfect made Lance automatically think of Ryan. Ryan just looked right back at him. Lance, almost without thinking, leaned forward towards Ryan. Ryan leaned towards Lance. Their lips touched...

Chapter 9

"Hey, guys, look over here!!" yelled Justin, while looking out the window. Immediately Lance and Ryan turned their heads towards Justin. Ryan walked over to Justin, avoiding looking at Lance.

JC shook his head. He had seen the whole incident. Now, because of Justin's unknowing interference, the situation had changed. Ryan most likely believed that he was the one who had tried to kiss Lance, and now he thought that Lance hated him for it. But JC had watched them, and knew that it was Lance who had made the first move. And Lance... Lance had most likely lost his nerve, and wouldn't make a move for quite some time. JC sighed.

"What's the matter, Josh? What are you thinking about?" asked Joey.

"Nothing, Joe. Nothing." said JC, giving Joey a forced smile.

"Right," said Joey, clearly not buying it, but letting it go for now.

"Hey, guys, why don't we head over to the stadium now?" asked Chris. "After all, we don't want to be late for the opening pitch."

"That sounds like a good idea," said Joey. "Is everybody ready to go now?"

The five members of N Sync and Ryan nodded their heads.

"Thanks for suggesting this Ryan, and for making me come up here," said Justin. "This was really cool."

"No problem, Justin. I had fun too," said Ryan, though he avoided looking at Lance, for fear that Lance would hate him because Ryan had tried to kiss Lance.

The six guys rode the Tram back down to the ground level. They then headed back to Laclede's Landing. Joey bought their Metrolink tickets, and they headed to Busch Stadium.

As they were walking towards the ticket sellers, Chris, Joey, and Justin noticed the fact that Ryan was avoiding Lance, but didn't know why. JC noticed it too, but merely sighed. Lance was silently kicking himself for allowing himself to do that. Not that he didn't want to kiss Ryan, it was just that that was the worst place he could have picked. Not to mention the fact that his pulling back probably made Ryan think that Lance hated him for Ryan trying to kiss him. Though it was nothing of the sort. Ryan's thoughts were a jumble. He had fallen head over heels in love with Lance, and obviously Lance didn't feel the same way, as Ryan had figured would happened. And now, Lance probably hated him for trying to kiss Lance.

They got up to the ticket booth. JC went up and paid for six seats and got the tickets.

"Hey, where are our seats? The bleachers?" asked Chris.

"Nope. The nosebleed section. We're at the very top of the stadium," answered JC.

"Why'd ya do that, Josh? We won't be able to see the game from there, hardly!!" whined Chris.

"Well, this way we probably won't be recognized, now, will we?" said JC.

"Fine, Fine...anyway, let's find our seats! The game's about to begin!"

"Wow, that was an exciting game," said Joey sarcastically as the six guys left the stadium.

"Hey, I never said that the Cardinals were good. I just suggested going to the ball game," said Ryan.

"I know, Ryan, I was just kidding. I know I had fun," said Joey.

"Yeah, and we got to know you a bit better," said Justin. "Who cares that the Cardinals lost 0-8 to the Brewers."

"Thanks, Justin." Then, Ryan stopped, lost in thought.

"What's the matter, Ryan?" asked JC.

"I keep thinking that I'm forgetting something. Something from last night that I wasn't thinking about at the time. Something important, I know it..."

"Come to think of it, Ryan, how did you end up in downtown St. Louis?" asked Justin.

"I rode the Metrolink... I got off near the Savvis Center.." said Ryan, still trying to wrack his brain.

"How did you get to that Metrolink stop, though? I mean, you live in the outer 'burbs, right? I didn't think there were any Metrolink stops there..."

"OH, SHIT!!!" yelled Ryan. He covered his face with his hands.

"What, Ryan? What is it?" asked Lance, concerned.

"My car!!!"

"What about it?! Calm down, Ryan!! Take a deep breath, and tell us," said Lance.

Ryan took a deep breath. "Ok. When I walked off my job at Wal-mart, I drove around until I ran about out of gas. I parked in a Metrolink lot, and hopped on the Metrolink. I have no idea where my car is, and it has all of my stuff that I took from home!! Not to mention the fact that its all I really have left."

"Ok, don't panic. Do you remember which Metrolink stop you left your car at?" asked JC.

"I was in a daze! I just remember walking and walking..." said Ryan.

"Check your wallet, Ryan," said Lance. "When I buy a ticket and then use it, I usually put the stub in my wallet. It's almost a habit for me to do so. If you did that too, maybe the ticket will say where your bought it from, and thus which stop your car is at."

Ryan fished his wallet out of his pocket, and opened it.

"Yes!! Here it is!!" Ryan handed the ticket to Lance. Lance glanced at the ticket.

"It says here that you left the Wellston Metrolink stop."

By then, the guys had reached the Metrolink station.

"Let's see here," said Lance, consulting a map of the Metrolink system. "According to this map, we go Westbound, and get off at the seventh stop. That should be where Ryan's car is. The Adam's Mark is East one stop, so you can either walk back, or ride there."

"Don't you mean 'we', Scoop?" questioned Justin.

"No, I'm going with Ryan," said Lance.

"You don't have to, Lance," said Ryan, still believing that Lance hated him.

"I insist. Besides, you don't know how to get to the Adam's Mark from the Metrolink stop, and you won't be able to get past security without one of us along or something like that. Hey, guys, we'll meet you back here. I'll call you on my cell phone when we get to Ryan's car."

"Alright," said JC. "You'd better make sure that you watch Scoop, Ryan. Cause we can't afford to lose our bass singer."

"Well, I sing bass," said Ryan. "And I know all of your songs."

"Hey!!" said Lance. "Anyway, we need to go now, Ryan, before we miss the Metrolink. See you all later!!"

He and Lance bought tickets, and then boarded the westbound Metro. The other four members of N Sync looked at each other, and then Justin looked at the map.

"It looks like it's not too far away, guys," said Justin.

"But some of us are old men," said Chris. "Besides, it doesn't cost a lot to ride the Metrolink."

The four of them bought tickets, and got on the eastbound Metro.

"Ok, what's up with Ryan and Lance," said Joey. "You know something, JC, so spill it out."

"What do you mean, Joey?" JC tried to stall.

"Up in the arch, you were looking at Ryan and Scoop, and you had a worried expression on your face," answered Joey.

"I.. I can't tell you right now, Joe," said JC. "I would tell you if it was just me, but it involves Ryan and Lance. You'll have to get it out of them."

"Alright," said Joey.

"Hey, guys, why don't we order some ice cream when we get to the hotel?" asked Justin.

Chris, Joey, and JC all groaned.

"Didn't you get enough to eat at the ballpark, Curly?" asked Chris.

"Nope!! I'm still going strong!!" said Justin.

What's happening with Lance and Ryan? RAFO!! (Read And Find Out)

That's all for now! Tell me what you think!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 10

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