Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Mar 4, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Notes: Well, this chapter was gonna be a long one...well, a long one for me, anyway. However, I realized once I started writing it that it was too long, for my tastes. And that it would take me quite some time to finish it, since my weekend's already been booked up So, I'm sendin' it in now, and the rest will follow. Once again, if you have any comments or suggestions, or if you just want to say hey, e-mail me at I should mention that the nickname Ryan will give Lance in this chapter is one of my own devising, that derives from Lance's name. I've never been big on calling people terms of endearment. It just feels weird. Now, that doesn't mean that I mind being called them, I just don't like using them myself. Oh yeah, if a member of BSB or NSync are checking this story out, that'd be kewl if they'd let me know. But what are the chances of that? hehe

I would like to thank all of you who have sent me e-mails, and gave me positive comments. I appreciate that sooo much. Also, I've gotta thank the usual crowd: Ryan, my great friend and editor, thanx dude!! Chris, what can I say? I don't think anybody could make me blush as much as you do!! I thank you very much. Also I've got to thank Mark, author of Blind Date, for his nice comments, and Jeremy, who's sent me an e-mail for every chapter, even though we chat frequently anyway!! Thanx to Josh as well. Finally, I've got to thank JC (not the NSync guy) for helping me out with the fashion. Thus, I dub thee, Mr. Fashion Dude. Hehe.

The Squall Thrawn Book Club (much better than Oprah's) Jamie's Romance (a great Justin story) Millenium Love (a Brian Littrell story) My Surprise Romance (a Lance story) My New Life (a Lance story) Lance in Shining Armour (umm, a Lance story?) Lance's Story (a Lance/JC story and a spinoff of Jamie's Romance) Twist of Fate (a Lance story) Blind Date (a Lance story) Nick and Ashley (a Nick Carter/Ashley from O-Town story by ND) Music Shatters Ice (primarily a Lance story) and many more!! But I can't remember the names of them...I'll put them down as I remember them...

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Previously on Never Guess...

Lance stood up and walked to Johnny. He whispered something in Johnny's ear for a bit. Johnny smiled.

"I think I can help you there, Lance," said Johnny, still grinning. He stood up. "I'll let you know what I come up with. I'll talk to you two later. I've got a meeting right now. Bye, for now." Johnny left the room, already dialing on his cell phone.

"What was that all about, James?" asked Ryan.

"I'll tell ya later, Ry," said Lance. "For now, let's join the others. I've got to talk to them about something."

"Can we stay in here for just a minute or two? I believe we got interrupted earlier by our cell phones and the weather. Why don't we continue where we left off?" said Ryan with a sly smile.

Lance started grinning. "Ya know, that's a great idea. Why don't we do that?"

Lance sat back down next to Ryan.

"Now, where were we?"

Chapter 15

"I bet you ten bucks that Johnny's giving Ryan that harsh little speech he has that he used to try to scare Kelly away," said Joey.

"No bet!" said Chris. "Of course he's givin' Ryan that speech. I hope he passes. I think Ryan's exactly what Lance needs."

"You're right, Chris," replied Joey. "I haven't seen Scoop so happy in a long time. So, Josh, was this what you were refusing to talk about earlier?"

"Yeah. This morning, I figured it out," said JC. "After what Lance talked about last night, and this morning. It was the way he talked about Ryan. So I took the plunge and asked Scoop if he loved Ryan."

"Wow. What would you have done if you were wrong?" asked Chris.

"I don't know, because Scoop didn't deny it, but he just told me he didn't know," replied JC. "I let him go at that, but told him we would accept him no matter what."

"Good going, Josh," said Chris. "From the way things turned out, that seems to have been the best thing you could have said."

"Well, I was worried a bit later. I caught sight of the two almost kissing up in the Arch. Justin called out just before they kissed, and they quickly turned away I could tell Ryan was hurt, and he probably thought Lance hated him for that. I'm curious as to how they managed to work that one out."

"Well, they managed to work it out, and that's all that matters," said Chris.

Meanwhile, Justin was standing by the window, not listening to the others but instead looking out at the city. 'Why did Ryan have to fall in love with Lance instead of me? I just wasn't fast enough,' thought Justin. Justin had known he was gay for quite some time. He had asked Ryan those questions merely to see how he could approach Ryan, and telling Ryan he might be gay had been the first step in his plan to get Ryan to fall in love with him. The kiss hadn't been in the plan, but it had popped in Justin's mind when Ryan started mentioning kisses and fireworks. Justin had figured his kiss would be enough to turn Ryan's head, and sure enough, it did. But not in the way Justin had expected. Justin sighed. 'We would have made such a good looking couple.' Justin had still entertained hopes that he could still woo Ryan away from Lance. That is, until he saw the looks on Ryan's and Lance's faces when they looked at each other. 'They were meant for each other. But is there anybody for me?'

"Hey, Justin, what's on your mind?" asked JC.

"Huh? What'd you say?" asked Justin.

"I said, what's on your mind? You've been staring out the window for the last ten minutes."

"Oh, nothing, Josh. Just thinking," said Justin absently.

"Riight," said JC, not convinced that it was nothing. "Why don't you see if Johnny's done with those two guys? We need to figure out what we're doing tonight."

"Alright, Josh," said Justin, moving away from the windows. "I'll be right back."

"Here, Justin," said Chris, digging into his pocket. "Here's the key, so you don't have to break down the door."

Justin took the key from Chris, and left the room, heading down the hall. As he walked towards Chris's room, where Lance and Ryan were, he noticed Johnny entering the elevator, talking on his cell phone. Justin got to Chris's room, and unlocked the door. He took two steps into the room, and stopped abruptly.

Justin saw Lance and Ryan, making out on the couch. Lance was laying on the couch, Ryan on top of him. From what Justin could see, they weren't doing anything besides making out. Part of Justin wanted to immediately leave, totally embarrassed, yet part of him wanted to see this. Then Justin noticed something that had eluded him before. Ryan's and Lance's shirts were laying on the floor, by the couch. Justin decided to leave the two of them alone, but found his feet wouldn't move, as he eyed Ryan's shirtless body.

Just then, Ryan noticed Justin out of the corner of his eye. He immediately stopped kissing, and looked over at Justin, Justin's mouth open. Lance, his eyes still closed, started protesting.

"James, baby, we've got an audience," said Ryan, giggling slightly.

Lance's eyes shot open, and saw Justin standing there. He tried to get up, his face bright red, but Ryan was still on top of him, and he couldn't move.

"Umm, Ry, would you mind moving so I can make myself look presentable?" said Lance.

"Well, I think you look just fine, but it's your call," said Ryan. He gave Lance one last peck on the cheek, and got up. He picked up his and Lance's shirts, and tossed Lance's to him. He noticed Justin looking at him. He grinned.

"See something you like?" said Ryan jokingly. He put on his shirt. "So, what's on your mind, Just?"

"Wha..What?" asked Justin, his face beet red. He couldn't get that sight out of his head. 'Man, he is soo beautiful..'

"I'm sure you had a reason for coming here," said Ryan. "Do you remember what it was?"

"Oh, yeah," said Justin. "I'm supposed to get the two of you so that we can figure out what we're doing tonight."

"Ok," said Lance, standing next to Ryan. "We've got something to do tonight, but we should be back by 9 or so."

"What are you doing? If you don't mind my asking," added Justin hastily.

"It's a secret," said Lance. "I haven't even told Ry yet."

'Ry..' thought Justin. 'He's even got a cute nickname for him now.' "That's cool," said Justin aloud. "Well, the rest of the guys are in Joey's room. I'm sure we can come up with something to do after whatever you're doing is over."

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, Justin," said Ryan. "I'd like to hang out with the rest of you guys too. And you of course, Jaim."


"Yup. I figured I needed to give you a nickname too. And, just so you know, I'm spelling it J-A-I-M instead of J-A-M-E like you probably thought. It's cuter that way."

Lance blushed.

"Obviously you like it, 'cause your face is almost as red as Justin's was a minute ago," said Ryan, grinning.

Justin started blushing again. Mentioning that had brought back the memory of Ryan shirtless that Justin had just seen.

"Well, let's go over to Joey's room," said Ryan. "We need to figure things out as soon as possible, so that we have plenty of time to get ready to whatever it is that Jaim's doin' for me." Ryan put one arm around Lance's shoulder, and put his other arm around Justin. The three of them made their way to Joey's room thusly. Lance knocked on Joey's door, and JC opened it.

"Hey, you three," said JC, smiling. "Is there a conspiracy going on between the three of you?"

"What do you mean by that, Josh?" asked Justin.

"Well, first Ryan and Lance take their sweet time finding Ryan's car, then you and Ryan were in your room for a while before our meeting, and now the three of you sure weren't rushing to get over here."

"You caught us, Josh," said Ryan, laughing. "We're plotting against you old fogies!"

"Hey!" yelled Chris. Justin, Lance, and Ryan laughed.

"So, what's on for tonight?" asked Ryan. "Jaim and I have somewhere to go tonight, I don't know what, but Lance says we should be back by 9 or so."

"Why don't we get a movie?" suggested Joey. "Ya know, eat popcorn, watch the movie, that sort of thing."

"That's a great idea, Joey, but what movie?" asked Chris.

"How about Cruel Intentions?" said Ryan. "It's a great movie, with good acting and a good plot."

"That sounds like a great idea," said Justin. "I've always wanted to see that movie, but I never got the chance."

"Then it's settled," said Josh. "We'll find the movie one way or another. If the hotel doesn't have it, we'll rent it from somewhere."

Just then, Lance's cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, and a sly grin crept over his face as he looked at Ryan. He walked over to the other side of the room. "Hey, Johnny. Really? Thanks!! I really appreciate it!! 7 o'clock it is. Got it. Thanks, Johnny. Bye."

Ryan grinned at Lance. "Setting up our mystery, are we, Mr. Bass?"

"Yes, we are, Mr. Holden," said Lance, smiling.

"Is it what one would call a date?" asked Ryan.

"I guess one would put it that way," said Lance, grinning. Then he looked at his watch. "Holy cow!! We've got less than an hour to get ready!! Come on, Ryan!!" He grabbed Ryan by the arm and started pulling him towards the door.

"Oh, I see how this is," joked Ryan. "We've been going out for less than a day, and you're already getting abusive." The other guys laughed.

"Hey, Scoop, I've got an idea," said Justin. Lance turned to Justin. "Well, since this is a first date, Ryan can use my room to get ready, and you could pick him up, like on a normal first date."

"That's a great idea, Just," said Ryan. "I guess I just need to borrow some clothes from Lance."

Justin, Lance, and Ryan all left the room, to get ready for Lance's and Ryan's big night.

Justin heard a knock on his door. He opened it, to find Lance bringing over Ryan's clothes.

"He's in the shower," said Justin, answering Lance's unspoken question. "Now, shoo, shoo!! You wouldn't want to keep your date waiting, now, would you?"

"Haha," said Lance. "I really appreciate all you've done, Justin."

"No problem, Scoop," said Justin. "Ryan's a great guy, and you two make a cute couple. Need to keep the happiness going!" Justin laughed. But it was a bit forced. 'It's not fair, that they have each other. Who do I have?'

"Well, I've got to get ready. I'll see you later, Curly." With that, Lance left, heading over to his room. Justin watched him leave, his spirits dropping. He was jealous of Lance, of his relationship with Ryan.

Then, the bathroom door opened, and Ryan came out, with just a towel around his waist. Justin's mouth opened, amazed at the sight. He had gotten only a somewhat brief glance last time. His eyes drank in Ryan's lean body. His chest, hairless except for the trail from his navel down. His dime-sized nipples. His muscled arms and legs. Even Ryan's slightly olive complexion added to his sexiness. Then, Justin picked up, at the edge of his conscious, somebody saying something to him. Then he realized that it was Ryan.

"Wha.. What did you say?" asked Justin.

"I was going to ask you if I could borrow a pair of your boxers," said Ryan. "James didn't bring over another pair, I just checked the clothes he brought over. And we're about the same size, waist-wise, that is.."

"Sure!" said Justin quickly. Then he blushed at his eagerness. Ryan just laughed. Justin quickly went over to his dresser, and pulled out a pair of boxers. He handed them to Ryan. "Here you go."

"Thanx, lil bro," said Ryan. He turned around and put on the boxers, with the towel still around his waist to preserve his modesty. However, the towel slipped just before he got the boxers on, and Justin got a quick view of Ryan's behind.

'Even his butt is sexy,' thought Justin. Ryan got on the rest of his clothing, with Justin discretely watching the whole time.

"How do I look?" asked Ryan.

Justin looked him over. Ryan was wearing a thin navy v-neck sweater, and khaki pants. His black hair was spiked up, as usual. Justin swallowed.

"You look... You look good enough to make me want to jump you," said Justin in a joking tone. Ryan laughed, not picking up on the fact that Justin had really meant what he said.

Just then, they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," said Justin. He opened the door. At the door stood Lance, dressed up just as nicely as Ryan. He was wearing dark grey slacks, and a tight button-down white shirt. The top two buttons of the shirt were undone, showing off the top of his chest.

"Excuse me, is Ryan Holden here?" asked Lance with a grin. Ryan came to the door at that moment.

"Hi, James," said Ryan, suddenly nervous.

"Are you ready?" asked Lance. His voice was calm, but inside, he was just as nervous.

"Yes, I'm ready."

The two of them stepped out of Justin's room, and walked towards the elevator, holding hands. They got into the elevator, and Lance pushed the button to go down to the parking garage.

"You look great, Lance," said Ryan.

"Well, I'm liking the view here, too," said Lance.

"So, where are we going?" asked Ryan. "Or is that still a secret?"

"You'll find out," said Lance, grinning. Just then, the door opened. They stepped out of the elevator, and Lance led Ryan over to the black limo.

"We're taking a limo?" asked Ryan, stunned.

"Well, that rented SUV isn't very romantic, and besides, we'd have to leave our car in valet parking anyway. This is easier."

Randy, Lance's bodyguard, opened the door for them, smiling at them.

"Ryan, this is my bodyguard, Randy. Randy, this is my boyfriend, Ryan," said Lance, introducing them to each other.

"Glad to meet you, Ryan," said Randy. His smile didn't waver for a second. The couple got into the limo, and Randy closed the door, and got into the seat next to the driver.

"Wow," said Ryan. "I'd never imagined that I'd be riding in a limo. Or having you as a boyfriend." Ryan smiled.

"When I see you smile, it makes it all worth it," said Lance. "Last night, I.."

Ryan put his finger up to Lance's lips. "Shh. Let's not talk about that right now. Let's just enjoy the moment."

Ryan leaned over towards Lance, and their lips met in a passionate kiss, whilst the limo took them to places as yet unknown to Ryan.

That's all for now!! Will Justin find true love? Or will he try to steal Ryan away from Lance?! hehe.. RAFO!! The next chapter will cover the rest of the night, in other words the stuff that this chapter was supposed to cover... Tell me what you think of this chapter!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 16

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