Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Mar 18, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Notes: Well, I'm back!! Sorry for how long these last few chapters have been taking, but I've been extremely busy, and I've been encountering a bit of writer's block. Also, in this edition of Author's Notes, I'm going to clear up one or two items that have come up. I've recently reread the whole story from Chapter 1 to 16, and I've noticed a few discrepancies. Ryan's mother is the one that makes the decision to kick him out of the house, and she figures prominently in the story in her unyielding way. However, once or twice Ryan uses the term parents. This was due to a change in the storyline. The official line now is that Ryan lives with his mother only, and has for some time now. As for this mysterious father of his... RAFO!! Next, is the issue of Ryan's magically appearing friends. He states that Greg was really his only friend. Then, Mike and Chris appear, in later chapters. Basically, Greg was his only true friend, and the others had somewhat lost contact with him. So there. In this chapter, I address a very real and very serious issue for those of us of homosexual orientation. And I've also added and will later be adding a few Monty Python references. What a contrast. There is a time to laugh, just as there is a time to cry. And we need both. As for those worrying about Justin and whether he'll be alone, rest assured that I have the situation well under control. If you have any comments or suggestions, or if you're a member of a famous pop group, e-mail me at

I'm getting a bit tired of writing new personalized thanx here each time. The people that I thank already know how much I appreciate them, so I'm gonna cut down on the size of this part. Thanx to Ryan, my editor, and Chris for you know what. Thanx to David, JC, Mark, Jeremy, and Josh. (How's that for short?)

The Squall Thrawn Book Club (much better than Oprah's) Jamie's Romance (a great Justin story) Millenium Love (a Brian Littrell story) My Surprise Romance (a Lance story) My New Life (a Lance story) Lance in Shining Armour (umm, a Lance story?) Lance's Story (a Lance/JC story and a spinoff of Jamie's Romance) Twist of Fate (a Lance story) Blind Date (a Lance story) Nick and Ashley (a Nick Carter/Ashley from O-Town story by ND) Music Shatters Ice (primarily a Lance story) and many more!! But I can't remember the names of them...I'll put them down as I remember them...

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Previously on Never Guess...

The couple got into the limo, and Randy closed the door, and got into the seat next to the driver.

"Wow," said Ryan. "I'd never imagined that I'd be riding in a limo. Or having you as a boyfriend." Ryan smiled.

"When I see you smile, it makes it all worth it," said Lance. "Last night, I.."

Ryan put his finger up to Lance's lips. "Shh. Let's not talk about that right now. Let's just enjoy the moment."

Ryan leaned over towards Lance, and their lips met in a passionate kiss, while the limo took them to places as yet unknown to Ryan.

Chapter 16

The limo stopped in front of a tall, circular building. Randy opened the back door of the limo, and Ryan and Lance stepped out. Randy closed the door of the limo and the driver drove away.

"Where are we, James?" asked Ryan.

"This is the Regal Riverfront Hotel," said Lance. "At the top of the hotel, is an elegant restaurant."

Ryan blushed. "You didn't have to do this, James. Really, you didn't."

"But I wanted to," replied Lance. "Why don't we head on up? It's 6:45 right now, and our reservation's at 7:00."

"Alright," said Ryan. The couple, followed by Randy, made their way into the hotel, and to the elevator. Lance pushed the button, and after a short wait, the elevator doors opened."

"After you, sir," said Lance, allowing Ryan to enter the elevator first.

"Thank you kindly," said Ryan with a grin on his face at Lance's gentlemanly ways. Lance followed him into the elevator, followed by Randy. The door closed, as the elevator started rising towards the top floor. Lance and Ryan didn't say anything, since they felt a bit awkward because of Randy's presence. The elevator reached its destination, and the doors opened. The sound of soft piano playing was immediately audible, along with the sound of conversation. Lance walked up to the maitre'd.

"Excuse me, sir, I believe we have reservations for two at 7:00," said Lance.

"And your names?" asked the maitre'd.

"I believe the reservation is under Johnny Wright."

"Yes, here it is. Hold on, one moment, sir," said the maitre'd. He pressed a button on his desk. Soon, a man in a black suit came up to them.

"Welcome to the Top of the Riverfront restaurant. I am the owner of this establishment. I have talked to Mr. Wright, and I can assure you that your privacy will be guaranteed. We have selected for you a table in the shadows and somewhat out of the way, so that you may converse freely without having to worry about others. There is also a smaller table nearby that your bodyguard will be able to use."

"Thank you very much," replied Lance. "I hope we didn't mess up your reservations or customers at all."

"Don't worry about that," said the owner. "We usually keep a table or two open in case we have a celebrity or the like come in. Such as yourself and your guest. Shall I show you to your table now?"

"Yes, please," said Lance with a smile. "Thank you." He and Ryan followed the owner to a table. It was just as the owner had said. It was nice and secluded, so that he and Ryan wouldn't have to worry much about the public seeing them.

"This is beautiful, James. Thank you for taking me here," said Ryan, looking out the window. He could see the Arch, and the Riverfront from here, along with the area around them. And he noticed that they were slowly revolving around the central area, so that every portion of the surrounding area would be visible eventually.

"Thank Johnny for pulling strings so that we could eat here at all," said Lance, smiling. "We still can't make any public displays of affection here. But at least we can talk about whatever we want without worrying about others listening in."

Just then, a server came up to their table.

"Welcome to the Top of the Riverfront. My name is Jeremy, and I'll be your server this evening." He took two menus from his tray, and put one in front of each boy. "Shall I give you a few moments to look at the menu?"

"Yes, please," said Lance. "But we would like two glasses of water."

"Very good, sir," replied Jeremy the waiter. He walked away from the table, leaving Lance and Ryan to decide on their dinner.

"What do you suggest, James?" asked Ryan. "I've never been to a real fancy restaurant like this before."

"Well, I was thinking about ordering coq au vin," said Lance, looking through the menu. "That's.."

"Rooster, yeah, I know," said Ryan. "I've had four years of French. I still remember some of it."

"That's cool," said Lance, impressed at Ryan's knowledge. "Yeah, I'll get that. It's really delicious."

"I'll follow your lead on that, and order that as well," said Ryan. "I trust your judgement on that. What are you ordering to drink?"

"I was going to ask the waiter which wine goes best with coq au vin," said Lance with a smile on his face.

"James, I.." Ryan started saying before Lance put his finger on Ryan's lips.

"Ryan, I know you don't want me to make a fuss over you. But can we just have this one romantic dinner with all the trappings? Please?" Lance looked at Ryan with a pleading look.

"James, it's not that I don't like you making a fuss over me. I actually enjoy it. But... whenever you do, it reminds me that I won't be able to do the same for you," said Ryan. "I'm not a big pop superstar with several million dollars. I've got maybe a couple hundred to my name. And most of that will be gone once I've decided on a place to stay." Ryan started softly crying, low enough that only Lance could tell that he was. "I love you so much.. But it seems like I'm just freeloading off of you.. The clothes you let me use, all the things you guys have bought me, this dinner... Relationships are supposed to be between two equals. But I'm not holding up my end of the bargain... I.." Ryan's voice cracked.

"Ryan, you're right that relationships are between two equals." Ryan's face fell. Then Lance held his hand up. "But, do you think that relationships are only based on money? Only business relationships are. Our relationship is based on love. Not who has more money or such nonsense. I would love you if you lived in a cardboard box, or if you were a huge movie mogul. I love you for who you are, Ryan Holden. And nothing will make me change that."

Ryan started crying slightly again. "How do you manage to do that so well, James? You always know how to cheer me up, to clear my doubts, or just make me so happy I could burst. How could I have been so lucky to have somebody like you in my life, James?"

Lance didn't say anything, but gently wiped Ryan's face with his napkin. Ryan smiled at him, briefly placing his hand on Lance's before Lance put his napkin back.

"Gosh, I hope the waiter didn't hear us or see me crying," said Ryan suddenly. "I don't want to get you into trouble from Johnny, or a newspaper catching you."

"Nah, he's over there," said Lance, pointing. "Speaking of the waiter, are we ready to order?"

"Yes, I'm having the same thing as you, and you were going to order wine," said Ryan. "But remember this, James, I'm gonna pay for the next meal. Even if it turns out to be McDonald's or something."

Lance laughed as he nodded his head at Ryan's words.

Just then, the waiter came back with their glasses of water. "Are sirs ready to order now?" asked Jeremy the waiter.

"Yes, we will both be having Le coq au vin. Which wine is recommended for it?"

"Let's see," said Jeremy. He pulled out a wine list from his pocket and consulted it. "The vintage best suited for Le coq au vin would be a 1998 Ristow Quinta de Pedras Cabernet Sauvignon."

"Excellent," said Lance. "We would like a bottle of that as well."

"Very good, sir. Two Le coq au vin and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from the Ristow vineyards. Would sirs be interested in any appetizers?"

"No, thank you, Jeremy," said Lance, after a glance at Ryan shaking his his head.

"Very well. I shall be back soon with sirs' food." Jeremy nodded, and turned and headed towards the kitchen.

"I hear the food is rather good here," said Lance. He gestured at the windows. "And the view is spectacular!"

"Yeah!" replied Ryan. "St. Louis is beautiful from up here!!" Just then his stomach rumbled. "Oh, my stomach's telling me it's past time to eat. I hope we don't have to wait long..."

"Oh, I'm so full," said Ryan, holding his stomach. "I shouldn't have eaten that dessert."

"Boy, Ryan, how do you stay so thin, eating as much as you did?" asked Lance with a smile on his face.

"I guess I inherited it from my father or something, because my mother was always on some diet or another. Not that she was fat or anything..." Ryan looked down briefly, then raised his head back up. "I'm not going to think negative thoughts anymore tonight. But anyway, I used to be on the swim team in high school. I didn't join the swim team when I started college, but I still go about three times a week to the pool."

"Well, you look great," said Lance. Ryan blushed.

Then Ryan leaned forward. "You know, James, I'm having urges to push this table out of the way and kiss you so hard that you'll be seeing stars."

"Well, in that case," said Lance, now blushing as well, "I believe that on that note, we ought to head on out. By the time we get back to the hotel and get changed, it'll be time to join the guys for movietime. We can just leave. Johnny worked it out with the manager already, so that Jive is paying for this meal."

On that note, Ryan and Lance stood up, as did Randy from the nearby table. They headed to the elevator, with Randy briefly saying something to the manager who wished them a pleasant evening. The three of them rode the elevator to the ground floor, making small talk. The limo was waiting for them in the front, as the result of Randy having the manager of the restaurant call down for it. Once in the privacy of the limo, Lance asked Ryan a question about something that had been bothering him.

"Hey, Ry?"

"Yeah, James?"

"I've been meaning to ask you something. It's a bit personal, so you don't have to answer," Lance added hastily.

"James, nothing is too personal for me to share with you," said Ryan.

"At dinner, you mentioned something about you supposing that you inherited the genes that keep you slim no matter how much you eat from your father. But you didn't seem sure. And you always mentioned your mother ousting you from your house, but you never mentioned your father. And.." Lance trailed off, not sure if he should continue.

"And what? I don't really mind answering the question. It's kinda painful, but you have a right to know the answer," said Ryan.

"Well, last night, you were mumbling in your sleep. Then you started yelling. That was when I put my arms around you. And you seemed to calm down. But before I did, you yelled 'Why doesn't somebody help me?' Then you called out to your mom and dad. Then you asked why they didn't love you anymore. I was wondering how it all fit in."

"Yeah. I have that nightmare every so often," said Ryan, sighing. "I suppose I should start at the beginning. I never really knew my dad. He left me and my mom when I was about four or so. I hardly remember what he looks like anymore. Mom tossed out all the pictures she had of him. She did say once or twice that I was the spitting image of my dad. I got most of my features from him, because my mom has blonde hair and fair skin. The only physical feature my mom and I share is height. But anyway. I always wanted to meet my dad, find out why he left us. But mom never talked about him at all. But my mother was always there for me, so I got along ok." Ryan swallowed, then continued.

"My first year at college, I was at another local university. I attended a few GLBT meetings. I suppose I wasn't too careful about my safety on the way out, because after the second meeting I attended, a few guys came up behind me and pushed into an alcove nearby. They, they then started to punch and kick me." Ryan grimaced and held his chest almost as if protecting it from the memory of that incident. "They were also yelling, from what I could hear, a few anti-gay epithets. I guess a few other students came a bit too close, because they turned and fled. Those students passed by without seeing me, and I was too stunned to yell out to them. When I could gather my wits, I was in too much pain to get up and walk away. So I started calling out to students, to my parents, to anybody. But nobody came!"

Ryan started crying. "I called out to my mom, my dad. I was in so much pain. I know now that my parents weren't anywhere around there. But at the time, I just wanted one of them to swoop down and help me. Eventually, a couple of students found me after I had passed out from the pain. I woke up in the hospital with my mother by my side. When everybody asked what happened, I just told them it was an attempted mugging and that I didn't recognize the people and couldn't recall what they looked like. That way my secret was safe. Nobody would know that those guys beat me up because I was gay. Chris looked at me a bit strangely when I told him about the 'attempted mugging.' Mike even came up with his boyfriend Brandon to visit me. Mike somehow managed it so that my mother never met Brandon, so that my mother wouldn't know that Mike, a close friend, was gay. That might make her suspect that I was. I tried telling Mike that it was a mugging. He never confronted me with the truth, but I knew that he realized exactly what had happened."

Lance wiped away a tear of his own. "I'm.. I'm so sorry I had to bring this up. You've been through so much pain, and I have to make you relive it all."

Ryan managed a small smile, however brief it may have been. "It's not your fault at all, Jaim. I would told you about it anyway. You're the first person I've been completely honest with, and I would have told you. I usually gloss it over and change the story to make it fit what I claimed, but I wouldn't have felt right not telling you everything. And besides, it helped make me part of what I am. Admittedly, it kept me in the closet for a good time longer.. Until last night. And, it caused me to switch colleges. I feel safer at the one I'm at now, since nobody there knows I'm gay. And I did gain a few new friends, who helped me around school while I was recovering. I had a few bruised ribs, two black eyes, a split lip, and a broken arm from when they pulled me into the alcove. I managed to protect the family jewels with my hands before they could kick me there. So instead they broke two of my fingers kicking there. But I'm hale and hearty now. I still have nightmares about it thought, every once in a while. This last one was even worse.." Ryan choked, then managed to continue. "This time, I saw who was hurting me. The man hurting me in my nightmare was Greg."

"So that was why you expected me to hit you or something when we first met.." said Lance, the puzzle pieces starting to fit together.

"And the reason why I didn't stick around at Wal-mart after a few of them were taunting me and giving me evil looks. I was afraid.. I was afraid that they would finish the job that those guys at college started or something." Ryan looked down.

Lance quickly moved over next to Ryan. He had been sitting right across from him so that they could converse easily. But now he just held Ryan. Ryan laid in Lance's arms, feeling very safe and secure. Lance's touch was like the sunshine coming in through the storm clouds. At his touch, all of his fears and insecurities melted away.

"You're amazing, do you know that?" said Lance to Ryan, still holding him tightly.

"What do you mean, James?"

"You've been through so much pain and suffering. And yet you can still keep a bright smile on your face and really mean it. You haven't let those setbacks slow you down."

"Then why did I step out in front of your SUV?" asked Ryan.

"So that we could meet, silly," said Lance. "All of us feel overwhelmed at times. But you bounced back. What's important is that you learn from your experiences and move on." Just then, the limo stopped. "Looks like we're back at the hotel. Let's get changed and meet up with the guys. And with them, we can just be ourselves."

"That's good. I always felt guilty when I was forced to lie to my friends to protect myself and them from the truth."

The limo door was opened by Randy. Ryan and Lance got out, and headed back to the elevator followed by Randy. The three of them made their way to the floor where NSync had their rooms. Randy waved bye to the couple and walked over to where Lonnie was standing. Lance and Ryan went to Lance's room, where they quickly got changed into shorts and t-shirts. They then headed over to Chris's room where the others were. Justin opened the door.

"Hey, you two!! Right on time!!" said Justin grinning. He moved to let the two of them through. "Hey, shortie!" he said to Ryan.

"Hey, mophead," returned Ryan, a big smile on his face.

"Porcupine!" returned Justin, making fun of Ryan's spiked hair.

"Oh yeah? I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberry! Now stop that, or I shall be forced to taunt you a second time!"

At that, Ryan and Justin both laughed hysterically whilst the rest of the guys just looked at them in confusion.

"Haven't you guys seen 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'?" asked Ryan, still laughing. "That's one of the parts from it."

"We'll take your word for it," said JC, shaking his head at the two of them.

"Let's start the movie!! I want some popcorn!" yelled Joey. The others laughed at him. The six guys got settled in the various chairs and couches in Chris's room Chris and Joey sat on one couch, with a bowl of popcorn in between them. In the other couch, Lance and Ryan sat close together. Justin and JC sat in comfortable chairs, Justin's chair somewhat facing the couch that Lance and Ryan were on, while JC's chair was in between the two couches. Justin turned on the tv, and then the DVD player. Chris hit the light switch, and they watched the movie silently, as the events of the day were catching up with all of them.

JC stretched, as the ending credits rolled. He looked around at the others. Chris and Joey were still watching the movies, but both of them were glassy-eyed and looked ready to drop. Justin was sleeping like a baby in his chair. Then he looked at the couple. Lance was lying on the couch, with his back against one of the sides. Ryan was laying in Lance's arms, sleeping peacefully. Lance was also sleeping, his arms around Ryan not allowing him to move. Not that it appeared as if Ryan had any intention of leaving. JC gently shook Justin awake. The curly-haired singer gradually grew alert enough to notice his surroundings. JC happened to be watching Justin's face as he took notice of Ryan and Lance. Justin's face was one of loss, and yet one of determination. JC frowned. He had no idea what was going through Justin's head, but he intended to find out. He turned back to look at Lance and Ryan. With Lance's alabaster skin, Ryan's slight olive complexion seemed to totally contrast Lance's. And yet, they looked right together. With that in mind, JC reluctantly awoke the sleeping couple.

Ryan woke up, feeling very safe in secure in Lance's arms. Lance was still lightly sleeping, which Ryan quickly remedied with a kiss on Lance's lips. Lance smiled, opened his eyes, and kissed Ryan back. They started to get more passionate, using their tongues. Then JC cleared his throat. They stopped, looking up at JC.

"Hey, guys, could you get a room and do this without a bunch of straight guys watching?" asked JC, but with a grin. Lance just smiled, and allowed Ryan to get up. The two of them made a beeline to the door, waving goodnight to the others. JC, Joey, and Justin were all heading towards the door when Lance and Ryan made it out the door.

They made their way to Lance's room, where they quickly undressed, clad only in their boxers. They got into bed and quickly fell asleep, Lance's arms once again around Ryan as they drifted off into peaceful slumber.

A member of NSync tossed and turned in his bed. No matter what, he couldn't get Ryan out of his head. He ran his fingers through his curly hair. 'I love you, Ryan,' thought Justin. 'I'll find a way to win you away from Lance.'

Wow. This is not only longest chapter so far, but most likely the most profound one. I wrote the section of Ryan's beating after watching a show based on a true story of a Wyoming student who wasn't as lucky as Ryan was, and died. I dedicate this chapter in memory of Matthew Shepard, that Wyoming college student. I had no plans originally to include this section into the story. But the words just flowed out. And it fits with the story rather well, almost as if this was supposed to be in there. This is a very serious topic, and I have kept it that way in this story. We can all hope that one day nobody will be persecuted because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any others. Thank you.

If you have any comment, suggestions, e-mail me!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 17

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