Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Feb 22, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Notes: Wow!! I was shocked, amazed, and delighted at the amount of e-mail I received telling me to continue the story. Your e-mails will keep me going for a while, and as long as it doesn't stop as bad as it did before my plea, I'll continue with no whining!! I do feel the need to tell everybody two things: (1)Yes, I do have somebody in mind already to hook Justin with, and I did before writing that chapter, and (2) No, I'm not hooking Joey up with Lonnie the bodyguard, nor am I hooking up any of the guys with a bodyguard. My sarcasm seems to have been a bit subtle for a few people, as I got a few responses begging me not to hook them up. That having been said, any comments or suggestions can be sent to me at Just because I'm not begging doesn't mean you don't have to send e-mail, ya know. I'll be writing faster this time because I'm still esctatic from the e-mail I received last time.

I want to thank all of you who e-mailed me to tell me what they thought of the story!! It was you people that have helped me decide to continue to post Never Guess on Nifty. That having been said, I have to thank the usual people without whom this story would not have been possible. Ryan, my confidant and editor, thanx for everything!!! Chris, honey, thanx for putting up with me and making me feel so special!! And of course, making me blush an awful lot.. Mark, the author of Blind Date, who I can ask the craziest and obscure questions!! Jeremy, thanks again for the constant support you've given!! Thanx again to all of you!! Luv ya lots!!

The Squall Thrawn Book Club (much better than Oprah's) Jamie's Romance (a great Justin story) Millenium Love (a Brian Littrell story) My Surprise Romance (a Lance story) My New Life (a Lance story) Lance in Shining Armour (umm, a Lance story?) Lance's Story (a Lance/JC story and a spinoff of Jamie's Romance) Twist of Fate (a Lance story) Blind Date (a Lance story) Nick and Ashley (a Nick Carter/Ashley from O-Town story by ND) and many more!! But I can't remember the names of them...I'll put them down as I remember them...

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Previously on Never Guess...

But then, an evil grin appeared on Chris's face. "However, I do seem to remember a certain person making references to a certain other boyband earlier today. He escaped punishment earlier. But now we must carry out his punishment."

"So what are you going to do, Chris," asked Ryan with an impish grin. He didn't notice Lance backing away from him.

"This!!" At Chris's shout, Joey and JC both threw pillows at him. Ryan turned to Lance, only to be hit by another pillow.

"Ahh!! Help, anybody,"yelled Ryan, grinning ear to ear. Justin and Lance joined Ryan in trying to defend against JC, Joey, and Chris. It soon turned into a big wrestling match, with the occasional pillow throwing. Eventually, they stopped, worn out from their exertions. Ryan laid there in the arms of Lance with a big smile on his face. In the space of a day, he had gained a boyfriend and four "brothers." He could not have imagined a more perfect day. And the day hadn't ended yet.

Chapter 14

Just then, they heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?!" yelled Chris.

"It's me, Johnny," called the person at the door. "I'm here to give you the revised schedule for tomorrow."

"Alright, come on in, Johnny," yelled Chris.

The door opened, and Johnny Wright, their manager, came in. He chuckled at the sight of the six guys laying there with pillow strewn about the floor. They slowly got up off the floor, and made themselves comfortable on th couches, knowing that Johnny would probably have a lot to say. Ryan sat next to Lance, who clasped Ryan's hand in his. Ryan looked at Lance, who smiled reassuringly. Ryan smiled back at Lance. Johnny sat down in a chair, facing the guys. He put his briefcase down on the table in front of the chair.

"Hey, guys. Enjoying your break in glorious St. Louis?" Johnny said jokingly. Then, he noticed Ryan and Lance sitting on the couch holding hands. "Is there something you two want to tell me? Or should I guess?"

"Johnny," said Lance, "I want you to meet Ryan Holden, my boyfriend.

Johnny blinked. "Wow. You sure didn't waste any time on that explanation. That's probably the simplest and bluntest answer I've heard in quite some time. I think afterwards the two of you and I should have a talk. But anyway, the reason I came here today, was to inform you of tomorrow's revised itinerary. Here's copy for all of you, though I doubt any of you but Lance will be reading this." Johnny opened his briefcase pulled out a copy of the schedule for each member of NSync and passed them out. "As you can see, you've got a radio interview to do at 10 am, a signing at a local music store at 11:30. You get some time for lunch before the sound check at 2:30. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the second radio interview you were going to do was been cancelled, so you get a little bit of free time until you have to get ready for the Meet and Greet at 6:30. You know the drill from there. If you're planning on going clubbing afterwards, make sure you bring your bodyguards with you. No sneaking out by yourself. Any questions?" Johnny looked at the five members of NSync. "No? Alright, I need to talk to Lance and Ryan now."

The other four NSyncers got up and left the room, Joey mumbling something about going to his room. Johnny turned to Lance and Ryan.

"Alright. How long has this been going on, and how careful have you been?" asked Johnny.

"Well, Johnny," said Lance. "I asked Ryan to be my boyfriend about two hours ago, and we've been pretty careful."

"Two hours," repeated Johnny. "How long have you two known each other?"

"Since last night," said Lance.

"Since..last night," said Johnny, shaking his head. "Somehow, I know I don't want to hear this story. Tell me, Ryan, what are you trying to pull here? How much do you expect to get from this relationship?"

"Sir, I'd never.."

"Ryan, I wasn't born yesterday," interrupted Johnny. "I've seen this before. You're probably using this so-called relationship to get ahead in the business or something. Make a name for yourself. Well, I'll tell you right now, it's not going to work."

"Sir, I'd never hurt James.." said Ryan, his eyes starting to tear up.

"James, is it? You are quick. Well, I'm nipping this in the bud."

"Johnny, stop it," exclaimed Lance angrily. "Ryan has had a rough time recently, and.."

"Lance, please, let me defend myself," said Ryan, his voice firm. "Sir, Mr. Wright sir, I would never hurt James. I would rather die than hurt James. Last night, I was wandering the streets, thinking about what would become of my life. My best friend, my mother, and my co-workers had declared their hatred of me. My mother disowned me and kicked me out of the house. And it wasn't anything that I did. It was for the simple fact that I'm gay. It wasn't a choice I made, it was just how I am. I didn't know what to do. When James came driving down the street, I didn't look where I was going and walked right in his path. And I just stood there, waiting for my problems to end. But James stopped. And he showed me compassion. He took me in, a complete stranger, and listened to me and told me it would be alright." Ryan started crying. Lance put his arm around Ryan. "I don't know what I'd do without James. When I met him, I didn't recognize him as Lance Bass the singer. To me, he was James Bass, a person who cared about me."

Johnny nodded. "I'm sorry I had to put you through that Ryan, but I had to see how you would react to my challenge. You have to remember that I have to have the best interests of these guys at heart."

"So it was a test of Ryan?" asked Lance angrily.

"Basically, yes. You know how people have tried to take advantage of you guys for their own benefit. I have to protect the five of you from that sort of thing."

"I understand why you did that,even if it did hurt," said Ryan.

"Like I said, I'm sorry I put you through that. But you passed, if that helps any. Good luck you two. But," and Johnny waved a finger," but, there have to be some rules here. Ryan here needs to sign a nondisclosure agreement, and we have to make some rules about PDA's. Basically, no PDA's. What you do in private is your own business, but there should be no such things out in public."

The two boys nodded.

"Thanks for being supportive, Johnny," said Lance. "We promise not to do anything rash. And I need to talk to you for a second, too."

Lance stood up and walked to Johnny. He whispered something in Johnny's ear for a bit. Johnny smiled.

"I think I can help you there, Lance," said Johnny, still grinning. He stood up. "I'll let you know what I come up with. I'll talk to you two later. I've got a meeting right now. Bye, for now." Johnny left the room, already dialing on his cell phone.

"What was that all about, James?" asked Ryan.

"I'll tell ya later, Ry," said Lance. "For now, let's join the others. I've got to talk to them about something."

"Can we stay in here for just a minute or two? I believe we got interrupted earlier by our cell phones and the weather. Why don't we continue where we left off?" said Ryan with a sly smile.

Lance started grinning. "Ya know, that's a great idea. Why don't we do that?"

Lance sat back down next to Ryan.

"Now, where were we?"

That's all for now!!! This is a transitional chapter, and sets the stage for the next one, in which we find out what Lance is planning. Stay tuned for the next installment!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 15

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