Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Nov 2, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is a work of total fiction and it is strictly intended for adult readership only. If you are under age or it's illegal for you to read this where you live, then please stop reading now. This story contains sex between consenting male adults with themes that include Incest, Domination, Water Sports and Mild Scat.

This is my first attempt at writing so please, bear with me. Apologies about my spelling and grammar but hopefully it's not too bad and won't spoil my short tale. Many thanks for reading and your comments and suggestions would be gratefully accepted. Hope you enjoy it!

NOT MY FATHERS SON Part 1 by RimBoyRim

I lay on his large double bed, my boxers tucked bellow my balls, slowly wanking my 17 year old uncut cock. Nervous and nearly naked, I gently rubbed his dirty white briefs all over my face, the used briefs that had contained his cock, balls and ass.

Having turned them inside out, I inhaled deeply. A heady mix of piss, sweat and musk filled my nostrils. He'd been wearing these for a whole day, maybe he'd even slept in them. I knew he sometimes slept in his briefs. I began to tongue the stale piss stained front, tangy stains deposited by his unshaken cock. Excited, my licking quickly turned into sucking... sucking on the cotton pouch, savouring every deposited ounce of his manly intoxicating taste.

My tongue and mouth worked eagerly along the inside, intuitively heading to the rear of his briefs, to where his muscle butt and asshole had been. To where, my tongued longed to be. I was obsessed with him, with his bulging muscular body and his sculpted masculine ass. I'd do fucking anything to worship him and his perfect ass. I'd do anything to get my nose, mouth and tongue near that ass. He was a man's man, with a real man's ass!

Having gone into his bedroom, I'd found his used briefs in his laundry basket. When I'd nervously looked inside them, my bravery was more than well rewarded. There were not only piss stains, but also, deep rich skid marks.

And now my tongue was heading straight towards those delicious shit marks, his shit marks. My hand automatically increased the rhythm and pressure on my throbbing dick as my tongue neared its destination. Holding the fabric close to my face, looking at those beautiful shit stains, I started to lick, first using just the tip of my tongue. Licking from top to bottom, my tongue traced the length of the shit stained cotton. A short curly hair was trapped in the shit, suck there. A hair from his asshole. It had been there when he took a dump, it had been covered in his shit. How lucky it had been to grow and live in his asshole. I teased it with my tongue, repeatedly flicking my tongue lightly over it. My licking increased, to the point where, I was virtually lapping at the brown fabric, the fabric that had rubbed up and down his moist deep ass crack and against his hairy dirty shithole.

I couldn't hold off any longer and using two fingers, I pushed the fabric deep into my mouth. The shit coated fabric was warped tight around my fingers and I desperately began to suck. Rubbing it around the inside of my mouth, I hungrily sucked at his shit. I felt the hair come loose, delighted, I managed to swallow it. I wanted to, needed to, taste it all. This was his shit, left over from careless ass wiping, his careless ass wiping.

He had produced this bitter tasting delicacy. This was the leftover unwanted waste from his body, waste from the food that had fuelled his glorious body. He had chewed, swallowed and digested it and finally, having moved right through his body, he had pushed it out of his shithole. I closed my eyes and lost myself. Furiously wanking, sucking... I was lost deep in thought... thoughts of him, his body and that perfect muscle ass.

Suddenly, I was aware, very aware of a sound. The sound of a clink, like ice clinking in a glass.

' Having a good time? '' I heard him say. 'Enjoying yourself there? `'. Startled, I opened my eyes, and there he stood, the man who filled my mind. The subject of all my lust filled fantasies...My God, My Creator, My Father...!!

He had come home from work early and was leaning against the doorway, watching. Having already taken off his jacket, his shirt was unbuttoned at the top and his tie hung loosely around his neck. He had a cigar in one hand, his usual glass of whiskey and ice in the other.

'Please don't let me stop you, do continue, seems that you're quite enjoying yourself 'he laughed, condescendingly. I panicked and stated to move, trying to pull myself together. Embarrassed, I felt my face flush bright red.

`'No you don't ... don't fucking move '' he shouted. A sneer spread across his face, a look I knew well. Just how much had he seen? I didn't know, but I knew my father and ripples of fear spread through my body. I began to shake.

Taking a large swig of his whiskey and then, cigar in mouth, he stood upright and slowly began to move towards the bed. Quickly, I tried to hide his briefs, without him noticing.

`' As I told you already cunt, don't move . . . don't move one fucking inch or I'll beat the shit out of you'' he snapped. Now I was frightened, really frightened, rightly so.

As if in slow motion, I watch him come closer. A towering 6ft 3inchs tall... 6ft 3inchs of pure man. Short dark hair tops a square jawed, extremely handsome, 44 year old face. His eyes are a cold piercing blue. His clothes refuse to hide the powerful body beneath. His white shirt perfectly outlines his massive 46inch chest, his nipples push out against the light material. His huge arms and shoulder appear to almost stretch the material to breaking point. As he moves, his grey trousers are pulled tight over his muscle thighs, fighting to contain his solid tree trunk legs underneath. His mouth watering crotch proudly bulges out, moving from side to side, straining to be released.

He is a god, a god to be worshiped and he knows it! He is fully aware of the impact his physical presence has on a room full of people and glories in it. Every man wants to be him and every woman wants him. Powerful and successful, he knows precisely just how good looking he is. His well worked body is admired and envied, emitting an air of pure alpha male and sexual tension. He was built for sex, built to fuck and his rightful arrogance and self confidence only add fuel to the fire.

When he's out, maybe at the club or a bar, he enjoys playing with women, teasing them...leading them on. He takes it for granted that women will openly demonstrate their desperation and their willingness to submit and serve. For years he's dominated, humiliated and used women, something that appears to provide him with endless pleasure. To him they have one purpose and one purpose only serve and fulfil his every sexual need. Listening to women trying to flatter their way into his pants, highly amuses him. He knows how turned on they become, just being close to him. Then he'll tell them that he's getting bored and to shut the fuck up.

'You'll' fucking do anything, won't you, just to get a taste of my cock bitch?'' he asks, quite matter of fact. 'So go on then bitch, for starters, tell me how badly you want taste my cock''. Waiting for a shocked response, sometimes he'll squeeze her nipples hard through her blouse to help stimulate an answer, not really caring who can see.

`'I don't like repeating myself bitch, but I know how badly you fucking want to taste my cock, so beg bitch beg, look me in the straight in the eye and beg to taste my cock. Tell me how much you want to taste my cock and convince me just why the fucking hell I should let a slut like you taste my thick 9inch pussy stretcher? So, let's hear it cunt, impress me and I might just consider it!'' he smirks.

Women would degrade themselves and almost get on their knees and queue in front of him and beg. If he wasn't happy with their performance he'd simply tell them to fuck off. He'd laugh at how many `' cunts with moist pussies'' he left in his wake.

If he did decide that one was worthy, he'd bring her home and fuck her ruthlessly. He fucks hard and nasty...slapping, hitting and barking orders at what he calls 'his lucky cum dump cunts '. He is merciless if they don't perform to his required standard.

I heard him tell one of his numerous conquests, who didn't quite perform to his required standard...'' that he wouldn't fucking ever give her the pleasure of having him piss on her again, let alone fuck her''. She was sobbing and begging for forgiveness as he dragged her towards the front door, then he physically kicked her out and down the steps. He caught me watching from up stairs and having never been shy about sharing his sexual exploits since I'd hit puberty, he tells me ...

'' Stupid fucking cunt threw up after I pissed in her mouth, ungrateful fucking whore!'' and he walks off. I sprung an instant boner in my boxers. The thought of my father pissing in some lucky bitches mouth was too much. I nearly shot my load there and then, envious, wishing that it was me... me getting to drink his golden piss. I wouldn't be sick, I'd gratefully drink all my Daddy's piss right down.

Even before my mother's death, he'd screwed whoever, whenever he wanted. He didn't love my mother, it was, to him nothing but a business arrangement. It provided a means to secure his wealth and produce an heir, nothing more, nothing less. My mother did love him but she quickly became afraid of his violent and cruel, almost sadistic, nature.

With a low tolerance for those, he believes, to be his inferiors...weak, smaller, less successfully men prove a natural target for his domineering personality. His mean bullying streak knows no ends. He takes immense pleasure and satisfaction from mentally, verbally, and sometimes physically abusing ' those cock sucking faggots''. As he says 'there's nothing like a good old fashioned dose of public degradation or humiliation to keep those fucking filthy faggots in their place!'' All lesser mortals have one true vocation, he believes, to realise and accept their place in society and to serve him!

Now, having put down his drink and cigar, he's stranding right in front of me, looking down with disgust and contempt. Quickly he grabs my hair with one hand, pulling my slim under developed body to the side of the bed. My head is at his waist level and my eyes are drawn to his trouser covered crotch and the monster cock barely concealed beneath. Then, still holding me by my hair, he suddenly back hands me hard across my face with his other hand, I didn't even see it coming. I bite my lip, drawing blood, crying out in pain.

'That's for fucking moving when I told you not to and there's plenty more where that came from, so if I was you, I'd do as I'm told , understand, you pathetic piece of shit ? '. Still in shock, I nod my head in agreement. ' Answer me boy, you fucking understand? '

`'Yes, I understand'' but not happy with my answer...Whack!! ...another back hander, even harder this time, across the other side of my face. It hurt like hell!

'Show some respect to your superior boy, yes what?''. I knew what he needed to hear ' Yes Sir ' I reply. 'That's better cunt, now obviously boy you were fucking knocking one out but there's something else going on here boy, now tell me exactly what you've been doing to get so excited and show me what you were so stupidly trying to hide,' he chuckles evilly.

My mouth's gone dry, I can't talk, tears stream down my face. Still holding my hair, he pulls my face up to meet his. Bending down he brings his face close to mine, only inches apart.

Looking me straight in the eye he says `'Well, I'm waiting boy, tell me exactly what you were doing, you snivelling fucking wimp, or are you too frightened ? Or has the cat got your tongue? From what I saw earlier, I think your tongue's in perfect working order, isn't it cunt?''.

Moving his other hand, he grabs my throat, squeezing, he pushes me back onto the bed. In one swift move he's on top of me, pinning me down. With one knee beside me, his other knee is in the centre of my hairless bare chest. He's pushing down hard, it really hurts and feels as if he's going to crack my ribs. I can see his leg muscles flex through the tightly pulled material as he moves himself into a comfortable position over me. He's had a hard day and I can smell it. He raises his arms above his head and stretches. I look up, he's an Adonis, he takes a deep breath and half smiling, releases a long slow groan.

`'Well, I asked you a fucking question you cunt, just what exactly were you doing? I can hardly breathe with the weight of his massive body on my chest. I try to talk but my heart is pounding in my chest and the words just won't come out. He moves slightly to reach the whiskey and the cigar resting on the bedside table. Looking down at me, intensely, he drains the whiskey from the glass and puts the cigar in his mouth and stares. He slowly raises his hand, signalling what's coming, looks for the reaction on my face and he smiles, bringing his hand sharply down and hard across my face. It stings and now the tears really start to flow.

Then he puts one hand on the wall behind my head to he steady himself. He moves his leg from my chest and puts it on top of my other arm. Both his legs are now painfully keeping me in locked in position. As he returns the glass and cigar to the table, he leans right down and blows the smoke right in my face. I cough and splutter as the heavy fumes fill my lungs.

`'Shut the fuck up, you pathetic little cunt, stop bloody annoying me. So you won't talk, well then let's see if these will explain precisely what you were doing!''

He quickly reaches down and grabs his screwed up briefs from my hand. I wasn't sure if he'd been able to make out what I'd been licking and sucking on while he watched me jerk off. Looking at me, he slowly un-wraps the briefs.

`'These are my fucking briefs, my dirty fucking briefs by the looks of it and they feel damp boy. Have you've been fucking licking and sucking on my dirty briefs, like some little nasty fucking faggot, is that what you are, a nasty fucking faggot? So...sucking on your Daddies used fucking briefs turns you on boy''. I can see the anger rise in his face. I'm too afraid to answer and just lay there mute.

As he begins to turn them inside out, I think that my heart will explode in my chest. He looks at the inside and shakes his head in disbelief. Holding his briefs in one hand, he returns his other hand to my neck. He squeezes hard again, limiting my air supply. Gasping for air, he releases his grip slightly. I feel light headed and dizzy.

`' Right faggot, you just concentrate on trying to breath and if I want an answer, I'll let you talk but I think that this doesn't require too much fucking explaining, does it?''. He then returned the pressure to my neck.

`'Yep, sure looks like you've been knocking one out while you fucking sucked on my dirty briefs alright, you dirty little homo. I'm not fucking happy''. His fist rams into the side of my chest spending pain shooting throughout my body. Then he starts to closely inspect the inside of his briefs, suddenly he bursts out laughing.

' I always thought you were a dirty faggot but it seems from these'' he says, 'that you're a really fucking filthy faggot... not only do you like sucking on your Daddy's piss stains but fuck, look here, it fucking seems that you really get off sucking on my shit stains, you sick fuck. You've nearly sucked my fucking shit right out of these'' he grins. `'Is that what you like faggot, tasting your Daddy's shit, sucking on your Daddies shit? I knew faggots were supposed to be good little brown noses but this is even better. A faggot who likes to taste a real mans shit, his Daddy's shit! Getting off on tasting my shit. Bet you fucking love the taste of my shit on that faggot tongue of yours! You perverted fucking shit licking pig''. Another lightening quick Whack!! I yelp and he just continues to laugh...

' So I've got a shit licker for a son'' he says calmly. But then his face now grows serious. 'You're a sneaky fucking faggot! You think you can come in here, get my fucking dirty briefs and suck on my shit stains whenever you want, I don't think that's right boy, do you? He sneers down at me, becoming more agitated. Another hard back hander...

' That's for being so stupid cunt! It's a fucking privilege for a worthless faggot like you to get to taste my shit!!'' he barks. 'If I fucking decide to ever allow you to get that pathetic shit sucking mouth anywhere near my skid marks again you'll fucking work and beg for the honour, work and beg hard cunt, you understand? He releases some preasure on my throat signalling that I was to answer.

`'Yes Sir I understand'' Instinct told me that he wanted to hear more and I wanted to keep him happy.

`'I understand Sir, it's a privilege for a faggot like me to be allowed to taste your shit Sir and yes Sir... I'll beg and work hard for that honour, I'd do anything Sir, anything to be allowed to taste your shit again Sir!'' I squirmed.

`'Now that's what I like to hear boy, good little Daddy's boy. And if I allow you that privilege faggot you'll do a better fucking job than you've done on these. You'll suck every bit of my shit out of my briefs, every fucking bit. You'll show me just how fucking grateful you are to get the taste of my shit on your tongue. You'll show me what a good fucking shit licker you are and that you fucking live to taste my shit.'' Now he's beginning to appear even more aggressive.

`'My shit must taste really fucking good to a faggot so, as with all good things in life, it needs to be paid for! That's only fucking fair, isn't it boy? Now you'll need to pay the price faggot for your stupidity. Otherwise we'll have every fucking faggot coming here, thinking they can just fucking suck on my skid marks and get to taste my shit. Now we can't have that boy, can we? Faggots need to earn the right to taste my shit. And a fucking faggot also needs to know his place, doesn't he?'' He's now shouting even louder.

He grabs my throat and squeezes hard as an evil smile spreads across his face. He looks down at me menacingly.

'I think I might just get to enjoy this and have some fun with you faggot, wouldn't that be good. And you know how much I like to have fun'' he says, laughing hard. 'So yes, lets have some fun then''. Suddenly he draws his breath and spits forcefully in my face. His aim is precise, it lands right on my mouth, clinging to both my lips.

`'Well then faggot, what are you waiting for? Get that little shit loving faggot tongue of yours busy and lick my fucking spit off your lips cunt!''. I quickly stick my tongue out and run it all around the outside of my mouth. It tastes so good. It's his spit, from his mouth. I can't help but get fucking excited. My cocks rock hard.

`'Manners boy, where are your fucking manners? I didn't raise you to be an ungrateful little cunt, did I? So let's hear it boy!'' he shouts.

`'Thank you Sir'' I mumbled, not thinking...Whack!!

`' Now you can do better than that faggot, thank you for fucking what Sir? And nice and loud this time, unless you want another slap cunt''

`'Thank you for spitting in my face, allowing me to lick it up and taste it Sir, thank you Sir!''

'That's more like it boy'' he tussles my hair, like I'm some sort of pet. He knows that I'm excited, he looks back over his shoulder at my cock. He sniffs deeply and slightly screws up his nose. ' Well faggot, seems from that deformed little excuse for a cock, that you quite enjoyed that and now my fucking nose feels all bunged up. I might just decide to give that faggot mouth of yours a real treat later. But first faggot, we've got some business to attend to, don't we?'' and he begins to unbuckle his leather belt.

' Yep, I think we're going to have some fucking fun alright boy! he smiles. 'When life gives you fucking lemons, you make fucking lemonade and, it seems that I've been given me a shit licking faggot for a son, so I suppose I'll just have to make the best of it!'' he laughs.

He starts to squeeze my chest hard between those big solid legs. Its like be caught in a huge human vice. I'm helpless, frightened and in pain. He's in total control.

' Power, it's all about the fucking power, you need to understand that faggot!'' He starts to increase the pressure on my chest. ' feel that power cunt'' and he slowly pulls his leather belt free of his trousers...

To be continued...I'll let you decide...?

Should I continue? I'll let you decide. All comments and suggestions will be gratefully accepted.

Next: Chapter 2

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