Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Jun 17, 2015



If it is illegal for you to read stories of this nature where you live, then STOP READING NOW.

This story is intended for a STRICTLY ADULT READERSHIP. If you are under the legal age required then also, STOP READING NOW.

Additionally: This fictional story contains themes of sex between consenting males, domination, humiliation and mild scat. If these themes offend you then, STOP READING NOW.

As always...sorry that this chapter has taken so long. Once again, to those that have kindly taken the time to email me, many thanks! It's always great to receive your comments, thoughts and suggestions!

Hope you like the new chapter...I have still got some ideas for the current characters and some new ones to introduce. If you like the story or you have any ideas, please feel free to contact's always encouraging hearing from you guys!

And just to let you know...Daddy is still doing the talking!



Not my Fathers Son...Part 11

When my fucking useless bitch wife passed, there had been concerns about my parenting skill. How could a busy single father possibly instil the correct guidance and training to his offspring to lead to a purposeful fulfilled life?

As I sat there, sipping on my whiskey, enjoying my cigar, it crawled across the floor. It just looked fucking pathetic, a piece of queer scum crawling to its Master, begging to lick my straight superior shithole clean.

Well, I thought to myself, this is one faggot... that will lead a purposeful fulfilled life... serving as my fucking personal asswipe!

Moving forward on the chair, I threw my big powerful legs over the arms of the chair. Then I shuffled forward. My muscular butt now hung over the seat, perfectly exposing my stinking hole to the filthy fucking homo. To increase its desperation and add to my amusement, I began to rub my moist ass crack. All the time, I looked it straight in the face, smirking... never losing eye contact.

I didn't want to be fucking mean, not by half! I smirked... so I began to concentrate on just fingering my butthole. The look on its queer face was fucking priceless. It sent it into fucking overdrive. It was in agony...pure fucking agony, watching my finger stroke my humming asshole. I enjoyed playing with the stupid little cunt and every fucking moment of the pitiful homo's misery gave me pleasure. As I see it...

I am a GOD and it is there to serve and amuse me.

That is simply the way the fucking world works.

When it was close enough, I brought my sweaty shit flavoured fingers towards to its pig nose.

`'Sniff, faggot, fucking sniff'' I ordered, pushing my fingers right under its flaring nostrils. It did as commanded. Breathing in deeply, I knew that the aroma of my unwashed manhole was now filling its fucking nose and teenage lungs.

`'Daddy's ass smells good, doesn't it boy?'' I asked, not really requiring a response, as I knew it was in pig heaven again.

`'Oh yes Daddy, yes it smells really, really good'' it obediently replied, between sniffs.

'Fucking needs cleaning, doesn't it faggot?'' I snarled. 'Needs fucking deep cleaning'' I chuckled. Before it could reply, I continued. `' And as I all ready told you, I'm going to fucking train you how to clean a real mans shithole properly, cunt''.

Grabbing it by the hair, pulling its face towards to my waiting crack, I continued.

`'But first faggot, I want to feel that fucking pig nose of yours right on my ripe ring piece. I want to feel you just fucking sniff my hole, boy'' I commanded. With my hands on the back of the little homos head, I pushed it right into my stinking ass.

The second its nose made contact, it began sniffing and I sighed with satisfaction. I always enjoyed the feeling of having a faggots fucking nose pushed against my bunghole.

'That's it cunt, that's it ' I repeated. ' Fucking smell your Daddy's dirty asshole'' I ordered. 'Good faggot, breath that fucking smell in''. Its fag face was jammed deep between my rock hard butt cheeks. Its breathing was muffled but with its nose shoved into my hole, I could feel the little pig inhale...and it felt fucking good!

`' Smell your Daddy's fucking shit and sweat, cunt'' I barked, increasing the pressure on the back of its head. It began to struggle but I easily kept it in place. What the fuck did I care. If the little faggot couldn't breath, it was tough shit. Determined, I kept its fucking face in position for a few minutes more. Then, content, I released it.

Its ugly fucking face was flushed. It gasped for air and I just looked down at it, smiling righteously. I allowed the low life animal a few moments to regain its breath. Then it was time to resume its training.

'So, faggot, you could smell the fucking shit and sweat on my asshole''. It knew its place and remained quite. ' Now you're going to fucking clean my shithole and crack with that pig tongue of yours. I had a good fucking dump this morning and I didn't bother fucking wiping too well'' I stated bluntly. `' And it should be nice and fucking sweaty too. I had a good game of squash with Grant this afternoon'' I grinned, before continuing.

'And I didn't grab a shower at the club, just as fucking well'' I continued. 'So, now cunt, you are going to save me the bother and you are going to lick and suck up every fucking trace of shit and drop of sweat out of my ass, just the way I like it fucking done!''.


'Right, faggot'' I began. ' First, I want you to fucking lick the sides of my ass crack clean, just the sides, cunt. I don't want to feel your fucking faggot tongue touch my shithole. Do you understand, boy''. The menacing tone of my voice let the discussing homo know that I meant, fucking business.

`' Yes Master, I understand'' it dutifully answered.

'Good boy. Now, I want nice long licks. I want you to lick every single fucking butt hair surrounding my hole. Shit and sweat cling to hairs boy'' I smiled. ' So once you've fucking licked them I then want you to suck each hair to make fucking sure that you've got every grain of shit and drop of sweat off them''.

The stupid cunt began to move its head forward so I backhanded it again. It yelped, loudly.

`'Where the fuck are your manners and gratitude, faggot'' I shouted angrily.

`'Sorry Sir'' it sobbed. It had learned and it knew what I was waiting for.

`'Thank you, Sir, thank you for training me how to be an excellent ass cleaner. I smiled, it was beginning to show real fucking potential. I said one word.


Its inner pig was beginning to surface. It stuck its tongue out and displayed it to me as it moved its face back between my sweaty glutes. Slowly, it began to lap. Nice fucking doglike licks, the type I like. I felt its tongue work reverently along the side of my butt trench. Relaxed, I sat back. I was going to allow this faggot to do its fucking job. It felt right, sitting there, cigar and drink in hand, while a grateful faggot licked up my fucking shit and sweat. Lying against my stomach, my cock was beginning to harden, responding quietly to the faggots efforts.

As it worked its fucking tongue on my butt, I thought about my squash partner, Grant. Originally, one of my brother's army buddies, through the year's we had remained firm friends. Now, living in the same city we regularly met up to hit the town and round up some dumb cunts or for a game of squash.

Grant had maintained his fitness. He was in as good a shape as I was. I always liked his no bullshit attitude. He took no fucking prisoners and could be one mean motherfucker. If he were to walk in and see this scene, my little pussy boy licking my fucking stinking hole clean, I wondered, what would he think? One thing I fucking knew for sure was that Grant hated faggots as much as I did. Then my mind snapped back to the job in hand.

`'That's it faggot, that's good...are you getting all that shit and sweat?

Not wanting to remove its fucking face from my butt, it nodded.

`'It's tasty in there, isn't it cunt?''

Again, it just nodded. I decided that I would ignore it not answering me properly, just this once. I knew that the fucking stupid homo was in a state of ecstasy, getting to lick up its Daddy's bodily waste.

`'Ok, cunt, its now time to start sucking on those butt hairs. You'd better be fucking gentle, faggot. Don't get any caught between your fucking faggot teeth'' I growled.

It didn't waste any time in getting to fucking work. Opening its mouth, I felt it gently grip some of my curly black ass hairs between its pig lips. Tenderly, it began to fucking suck up any sweat and shit remnants. It worked its way slowly up and down the inside of my fucking steaming trench, ensuring that it hovered up every tasty morsel. After several enjoyable minutes, I was satisfied that it should have done a decent fucking job so I pushed its head away. Upset, it groaned.

Grabbing a fistful of hair, I pulled its head back, hard.

`'Stick your fucking tongue out, faggot'' I commanded, harshly. I wanted to see just how successfully the little cunt had preformed its first task. Leaning forward, I inspected its tongue. Sure enough, I could clearly see nice fucking smears of my shit staining its queer tongue. There were also some small flecks of white. The filthy faggot had also managed to suck up any stray fucking toilet paper that had been stuck to my ass hairs. This dumb cunt had all the signs of becoming a fucking professional ass cleaner!

Pulling my legs back further, I repositioned myself. My grimy asshole was now right in front of the fucking queers face. It couldn't help but lick its pig lips at the prospect of what was coming.

Content that it was doing its job satisfactorily, I continued.

`' Now cunt, its time to fucking start cleaning up my shithole so listen carefully boy. I'm going to tell you how I like my fucking hole licked and you fucking better do it right, cunt! I shouted, keeping it in its fucking place.

`'First, I want you to lick all around the fucking outside of my ring very, very slowly... then gradually, work your pig tongue towards my hole. When you reach my shithole, before you start to tongue it out, you are to kiss it...and fucking kiss it as it should be fucking kissed by a faggot. I want my asshole shown the fucking devotion it deserves. Was that clear enough for you, faggot, you fucking understand?''.

`'Yes Master, I understand'' it humbly answered.

Again, putting my hands on the back of its head, I brought its willing head back to my ass. Then a shiver went through my ripped body as its fucking tongue flicked at the outer edge. As instructed, it begun to tenderly circle my shithole, with its tongue.

Always wanting to be a perfect fucking parent, I believe in giving credit where credits due so I gave it some loving words of encouragement.

`'That's a good fucking faggot, lick my shithole just like that. Get my fucking hole nice and clean... I want it fucking shit free, faggot'' and I laughed. It was now nearing its desired target but just before it pouted its lips, planting an adoring kiss right on my fucking ring piece.

'Good boy'' I groaned. ' Now kiss it again, cunt'' I ordered. The pigs lips were instantly back on my shithole. This time it kissed it with even more fucking vigour. Kissing it passionately, as only a filthy homo can do. It kept kissing, apparently waiting for my next command.

`'You just fucking love Daddy's butthole, don't you boy. Now, I want you to fucking eat my ass, faggot. It's time to show your Master how much you really love his fucking hole''.

It went fucking wild...licking, kissing, slurping, eating my butthole. I kept the pressure up on the back of its head. Again, I relaxed...lost in the fucking sensation. My cock was hard, leaking precum. Grabbing it, I began a nice leisurely wank. After a few moments I noticed that although the cunts mouth was right on my asshole, the stupid little cunt wasn't sucking. Nothing much beats a good ass suck while you wank. So displeased, I slapped the black of its head, hard.

'Get your mouth right around my fucking shithole, faggot, and suck'' I roared. 'Suck on your Daddy's asshole, boy, and suck hard! And while your fucking sucking I want to feel you trying to fucking shove your pig tongue into my hole''.

It did as ordered and the sensation shot through my body again. Nothing gets me going like a good fucking ass suck and my cock jerked. Back on track, I resumed my unhurried hand job. I could feel the miserable cunt desperately trying to get its tongue up into my shit chute. It didn't know that no way was this going to fucking happen. Not, until I relaxed my asshole. Something I wasn't prepared to fucking do, just yet! Let the fucking faggot just try, I thought, so I shouted.

`'Come on cunt, get that tongue into Daddy's shit chute, now, faggot'' and I slapped its head again. As its tongue pushed harder, I increased the rhythm on my monster tool. I could tell that it had pointed the tip of its tongue in a fucking frantic attempt to gain entry. This fucking faggot was no wanted to get its tongue deep inside my shithole. I loved the feeling of its sheer desperation, so for some time, I allowed it to continue. Then I decided to put the poor cunt out of its misery. Once again, I pulled its head out of my butt.

Its face was even pinker than before and now was also dripping with saliva. I looked down, sneering.

Holding it by the hair again, I told it what I expected.

`'You fucking loved licking the shit off the outside of my asshole but inside my hole also needs fucking cleaning out and you want to do it, don't you boy?

`'Yes Master'' it said, nodding its stupid head enthusiastically. Then I continued...

`' But I need to relax my fucking ring piece so that you can get your pig tongue into my tight hole''. Moving my index finger down, I circled my hole.

`'Look at my shithole, faggot'' I commanded. Obediently, it lowered its eyes and stared at my ring piece.

'So you'd love Daddy to fucking relax this tight hole, wouldn't you, faggot'' I said, continuing to lightly stroke the hole. 'You'd fucking do anything to be allowed to clean out the inside this'' and I patted my shithole. `'You'd do anything to get your pig tongue inside your Masters Shit chute, wouldn't you, boy?'' I growled with disdain.

' Yes Master, I beg you. Please Master please...I'll do anything. I beg you, please let me clean out your shit chute with my pig tongue'' it implored, tears almost filling its eyes. 'Please let me put my fag tongue inside your asshole''.

`' What fucking makes you think that you deserve to be fucking allowed to do that, cunt? You fucking think that you're worthy, faggot? I demanded.

`'Please Master, I'll doing whatever you say...anything you say Master. Please, Please Master, allow me the privilege of cleaning out any shit from inside your asshole, Master''. Tears of despair were now running down its desolate homo face. I know that I'm not worthy but PLEASE MASTER, PLEASE'' it pleaded.

Its inner shit pig was now totally on display and I couldn't help but smile with pleasure.

'Typical fucking faggot'' I sneered. ' You want to tongue out any fucking little scraps of shit that are trapped inside my hole. Filthy shit hunger little faggot. You want to feed on your Daddy's fucking butt crap but I'm not sure that you deserve that fucking privilege, you useless cunt, but '' I paused for a few seconds.

The look of fucking despair on its ugly face just made me fucking laugh. Then I continued. ''but what fucking type of father would I be if I did train my own little faggot how to clean out a real mans shithole properly'' I smiled.

`' And after all, a faggot needs fucking guidance about its function in life.

'Okay then'' I said, callously. ' I want to feel that pig tongue again, boy. I want you to show Daddy just how hungry for his shit, you are. And... don't forget to suck''.

With it face back in position, the sick homo went straight back to work on my asshole. Its mouth covered my butthole and while it sucked, its tongue began to re-probe the centre of my tight fucking ring piece.

' Harder cunt, push harder. Show Daddy how much you want to get your tongue right up in there'' I ordered. ' Or I'll fucking change my mind''.

The little piece of lowlife scum was, obviously frightened by my fucking comment. Its tongue seemed re-energised as it squirmed and wriggled outside my fucking asshole, feverously seeking admittance. I wanted the little pig to understand that you have to work hard for what you want.

Again, my great fucking parenting skills were on show.

Sipping on my whiskey, cigar in hand, I ignored the whimpering faggot and let it fucking fight for access for some time. Once I was happy, I relaxed my sphincter muscle but only a little. As tip of its tongue gained access to my shit tunnel, it groaned with fucking total delight. Taking my time, I gradually let its tongue inside little by little.

`' Now that I've allowed you to get your tongue up inside my shithole, I expect it to be thoroughly fucking cleaned out, boy'' I ordered. It worked its pig tongue even deeper and started its exploration.

`'You had better get every ounce of shit out of my hole'' I hollered. Then, momentarily, my mind wandered back to college and the first time a faggot cleaned out my shit chute for me.

In my dorm room, sitting on that faggots face for the first time, my teenage cock and brain felt like they were going to fucking explode. I had become accustomed to the pleasures of an intensive fucking ass lick but this...this was something fucking new!

I had relaxed my hole and the filthy faggot now had its tongue buried right inside my turd tunnel. I could feel it wriggle its pig tongue around the inside of my shithole and I fucking loved the sensation! It swabbed forcefully at the lining of my shit chute. I decided that I'd give the poor cunt a helping hand so I grabbed my ass checks again and pulling them further apart, I settled back down onto the cunts face. Its fucking mouth was now clamped, tight around my fucking hole. Its tongue continued with fucking purposeful persistence. I was left in no fucking doubt about what it truly fucking wanted... The filthy faggot was trying to tongue out any shit residue from my jock asshole.

'Digging for something back there, boy?'' I asked, looking back over my shoulder. With its face covered by my muscle ass, it was unable to fucking answer, so, I just continued. ' Digging for fucking buried treasure, faggot?'' I demanded. This time it groaned and I felt it nod its stupid head, up and down under my bubble butt.

'You're fucking digging for some fucking nuggets of gold, aren't you, boy?''. Again, it nodded. 'You're fucking digging for jock shit gold, that's what you want, isn't it cunt. You fucking want some of my fucking jock shit gold in your fucking pig mouth. You fucking want to eat my shit, you fucking dirty homo'' I snarled.

Within the next twenty four hours, I was to lean that was precisely what my fucking jock shit was to this dumb was pure JOCK SHIT GOLD...and gold doesn't come cheap!!


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