Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Jul 9, 2014


DISCLAMIER: This story is intended for a strictly adult readership. If you are under age or it is illegal for you to read stories of this nature, where you live, then STOP READING NOW!

This story contains themes that include, incest, humiliation and domination, so, if you are offended by this subject matter, please stop reading now.

DONATIONS: Nifty, is entirely funded from the generous donations of its readership. So, I would sincerely ask that you..PLEASE DONATE AND SHOW NIFTY YOUR SUPPORT!

Here is chapter 6 of my story. There are a few twists, one being, the father is now doing the talking...

I have a few ideas for some more chapters, so, if you like the recently added chapters and you would like me to continue, please let me know... Also, if you have any comments or suggestions, I would gratefully, welcome them! I do hope that you enjoy it...F

Not My Fathers Son...Part 6

It felt fucking good, having the dirty pigs face... buried right in my muscle ass. With my hands on the back of the little cunts head, I pushed its face into my well-defined butt as hard as I fucking could and believe me... I've got fucking powerful arms. If, I had pushed its pathetic little head right up inside my fucking shithole, I know that the disgusting little piece of shit would have died happy! . This was what the filthy homo had fucking longed for and had understandably, fucking fantasized about. . Just because, I had produced this piece of human fucking scum, didn't mean that I had any false sense of affection towards it. If anything, it was quite the fucking opposite.

The fact that I had fathered this miserable puny fag was a fucking huge embarrassment and it fucking angered me, intensely.

You see, a faggot, is the lowest fucking form of human life and it needs to be fucking dealt with in the appropriate manner. It requires regularly reminding of its rightful place and of its true fucking purpose in life. It needs daily training, ensuring its fucking complete and total submission. It need's to fucking comprehend, why, it is fucking alive and breathing.

It was born to fucking serve...serve, superior alpha males, real men. Fucking real men like me. It exists to be fucking used and abused. Its only fucking purpose in life is to supply and delivery whatever fucking amusement and sexual gratification, we see fit. It is there... to fucking please, pleasure and perform. It's fucking physical well-being, needs or wants are completely inconsequential. Faggots are just a fucking nasty `'fact of life'' and I had no intention of dealing this particular faggot, any differently.

Now, I had pushed this particular dirty little shit lickers face into my deep butt crack, as far as possible. I could hear the little cunt desperately fight for air. I felt like fucking smothering this little cunt with my ass.

That's fucking good, I thought to myself. I had positioned it just right. I could feel its fucking pig nose, exactly where I wanted it, right on my fucking stinking butthole. It had been a fucking long hard sweaty day at work and I'd had a good satisfying shit at lunchtime and, per usual, I had not bothered to wipe too fucking well.

I continued to hold its fucking face firmly in place. It soon had the desired effect. The filthy cunt began to struggle, gasping for air.

I wanted every fucking breath that filled its faggot lungs to come from my dirty shithole. When I did permit it to breath, it did exactly what I took sharp deep breaths, filling its pathetic pig lungs with my shit loaded ass air. Perfect, predictable, little pig!!

Satisfied with its performance, so far, I grabbed its fucking head by the hair and I pulled it back. It instantly began coughing and spluttering.

'So, cunt, you fucking liked that, didn't fucking dirty pig'' I shouted. ''You fucking loved having your fucking faggot face buried in your Daddy's muscle butt. I know that the smell of my fucking sweaty shitty asshole got that piggy tongue twitching, didn't it, boy''. I wasn't fucking asking a question. I knew that it was in fucking pig heaven. '

`'The fucking smell must have made that toilet mouth really water, boy'' I barked. For this fucking fag, this was just the beginning, I decided. This prized cunt had royally fucked me off and it was fucking going to pay the price.

Over the years, I had gained a lot of fucking experience of how to deal with shit loving fucking faggots, especially in college.

When you go to college you are, suppose to learn, and learn I did. However, what I fucking specialized in, well ...I don't fucking think that it somehow featured on the college curriculum. I didn't waste my time though...I fucking gained a lot of knowledge and understanding. Additionally, I educated several fucking toilet paper tongued faggots, on their correct fucking station in life.

To everybody, but especially lowlife faggots, I am a fucking GOD and fucking rightly so. My face and body defy description and I fucking know it. However, it is my attitude that fucking really counts. I know that I am a fucking GOD, therefore I am a GOD and I expect to be treated and worshipped as one.

Knowing that you are an infinitely superior male is one thing, knowing what to fucking do with it and how to fucking use it appropriately, is quite another.

When I hit puberty, I really began to understand, what life was fucking really all about.

At a relatively young age, I knew that people in general, wanted to fucking please me. And, when my body started to develop, I immediately noticed the fucking effect that it had on others and I fucking loved it.

Feeling my natural superiority increase, I thought that it would be fucking interesting and only fair to give mother fucking nature a helping hand. So, I started hitting the gym hard, whenever I fucking could.

It was unbelievable just how fucking quickly my body developed. In no fucking time, my arms and legs fucking bulged with muscle and my upper body was well fucking ripped.

My public adoration fucking speedily grew. However, I noticed that that the real fucking crowd pleasers where my fucking full packet and pert butt. Now, I fucking knew that cunts liked a well displayed package but being fucking young and innocent, I hadn't quite grasped how fucking important a guys ass is. However, I soon realized the truth. Cunts love a guy with a fucking bubble butt, although the bitches can be fucking slow to admit it.

Not that I fucking needed it, I already had an amazing ass, but I thought, what the hell and I started doing hundreds of squats. In just a matter of weeks, two fucking globes of solid steel filled the rear of my tight fucking jeans, and I fucking loved it!

At school, I frequently felt eyes on my butt and I had often sauntered past a fucking group of my fans, only to turn my head and catch the cheap sluts stare at my fucking ass, as I walked off.

I was also well aware that to get full interactive audience participation, you simply needed to stimulate their fucking interest and then leave the cunts, wanting more. With my body, that did not exactly take much fucking effort.

I was never really that bothered about what I fucking wore. Whatever I wore, I looked fucking hot. If I did pay particular attention to something, then it was my fucking jeans. I always wanted to ensured that those cunts would have fucking plenty to feed their fucking eyes on. I could have fucking worn any old jeans and my crotch and butt would always look incredible but my faded Levi's were my fucking favourite. I had to almost fucking fight to get my beefy legs, thighs, crotch and especially, my butt, into them.

Wearing my Levi's, I fucking regularly checked myself out in the mirror, not that I needed to. I was fucking smoking...every-fucking inch of me. My fucking crotch, at only fucking 14, would put a grown fucking man to shame. Turning sideways, I would also admire how my fucking ass looked. My jeans were extremely tight and my ass filled out every fucking inch of my Levi's, perfectly. You could clearly see the outline of my fucking jockeys underneath and I fucking liked that fact. What the fuck ...I used to think. I might as well give those poor cunts, something to really stimulate their fucking teenage imagination.

Something else that I swiftly learned, from my large stash of porn videos, was that I preferred the fucking sleazier side of sex, even at that tender fucking age. Skilfully sourced, I had built up quite a collection of porn, from mild to well...lets say, the more fucking interesting.

I fucking loved beating off while watching porn. The fucking normal, run of the fucking mill mild stuff, was just fucking boring. The rougher and nastier it was, the more it fucking turned me on. Dirty bitches, being worked over hard, quickly got my fucking blood flowing to all the right places. The fucking meaner and sleazier it was, the more stimulating and arousing I found it.

In one of my favourite fucking videos, there was one particular scene, which always ensured an instant fucking throbbing erection. I can still fucking remember it vividly...

Some pitiful black whore, following a brutal face fucking, where the bitch looked as if she might fucking choke at any minute, obediently got on her knees behind a white college stud and when commanded, dutifully began kissing his fucking ass.

I had fucking seen, even then, more than my fucking fair share of rough face fucks but the fucking ass kissing...Now that fucking really fascinated me. I repeatedly watched that cunt kiss his fucking white muscle ass. I tried to imagine how it must feel to have your fucking ass kissed. I decided that it must feel fucking incredible. The fucking expression on the studs face said it all...Now that was power, pure fucking power, I decided.

Now, I was having my fucking cock regularly serviced by a group of willing bitches at school but because of its fucking preppy pretentions the fucking best that I could get was an amateurish fucking blowjob. In comparison to my video collection, those fucking prim and proper cunts were virtually useless. The fucking up tight bitches would not even lick my fucking sweaty balls after fucking football practice. I was fucking frustrated, to say the fucking least.

But...all that fucking changed, the summer I turned 15.

It was your fucking typical long hot Georgia summer and my best buddy, Lucas, was in hospital. The dumb fuck had broken his right leg badly and was going to be in laid up in hospital for a several weeks. Although, both our families were well fucking minted, my mom suggested that I go see Lucas's mom and see, if there was anything, I could do to help.

Widowed, several years before, Mrs Hamilton and Lucas lived alone. Their staff lived out. Not fucking impressed, but being the good son I agreed to go see Mrs Hamilton. I suppose that I didn't really fucking mind too much, Lucas's mom was one good looking fucking cunt, with a penchant for wearing revealing fucking clothes. A fact, that fucking embarrassed poor Lucas, frequently.

It was fucking hot, so early next morning I headed to the Hamilton's. Unintentionally, I was wear my fucking tightest Levi cut off, a white T-shirt and my flip-flops. I bounded athletically up their back steps and into the porch of their fuck-off white house. Per usual, without knocking, I let myself in through the back door. Mrs Hamilton was in the kitchen. Still in her nightwear, she turned around, startled.

`' Sorry Mrs Hamilton, I didn't mean to frighten you'' I apologised.

`'Don't worry Tommy'' she replied...''It's me, I'm not sleeping too well, it's the heat''

`' Yes, it sure is mighty hot'' I relied. But... not as fucking hot as you, I thought. She was wearing a flimsy nightdress. It was fucking virtually see through. Low cut, I could see the cleavage of her fucking ample rack. I tried not to stare but her fucking nipples were almost visible through the material. Then, I heard her ask.

`'Can I get you something to drink Tommy''

Pulling my eyes away, I answered `'Thank you, ice tea, would be great''

`'One ice tea, coming right up and I think I will join you '' and she headed to the fridge.

As she walked, I watched her move from behind. She sure was one nice piece of pussy. Her ass was nice, tight and fucking pert. Not bad at all for a fucking bitch, of her age, I thought.

She turned around to bring back our drinks when her eyes unexpectedly focused right in on my fucking crotch.

The bitch had given me a fucking semi- hard on and I hadn't even realised it. I didn't fucking know what to do, until I fucking realised that the bitches eyes had lingered on my fucking packet for just a second or two too long. The fucking cunt was actually checking me out. I couldn't fucking believe it. Lucas's fucking mom, checking out my fucking packet and she fucking liked what she saw. I can instinctively recognise a fucking cock hungry look, when I see it.

Aware, that her gaze had lasted too long and flustered, she spoke.

`' Why don't we go to the breakfast bar and sit down to have our drinks, Tommy'' she suggested.

`'That sounds good, Mrs Hamilton'' I responded.

Sitting at the bar, I fucking decide that this was too good an opportunity to pass up but I wanted to double check before making any wrong moves.

We sat down at the bar on the high swizzle stools. If the fucking bitch wanted something to fucking look at, who was I too depriver her, I thought smugly to myself. I felt a fucking smile spread across my boyish face. I spun my stool around so that we were sitting facing each other. While looking directly at the cunt, I pretended to make myself more comfortable. Pushing my butt back, I propped my feet up on the footrest and slowly spread my bare tree truck like legs.

`' So, Mrs Hamilton, as Lucas is in hospital, I was just wondering if there was anything that I do for you''. I could not help, but smirk.

The fucking cunt was trying to look anywhere but at me or at my fucking crotch. I thought that I'd really push it and while waiting for her response, I began to rub my hands up and down my fucking powerful thighs. All the time, I kept my gaze focused directly on the bitch.

I wanted the cunt's hungry focus back on my fucking crotch again. I wanted to see the starving bitch's reaction, when I fucking gave the bitch something to really fucking feast her eyes on.

So, shifting forward in the seat a little, I spread my legs even fucking wider. Without looking, I fucking knew that my denim covered cock and balls, were fucking deliciously displayed.

Then, feeling absolutely no sympathy for the fucking deplorable cunt, sitting in front of me, I began to softly massaging my fucking thighs!

`' I've been for a run this morning and I think that I've got a bit of muscle cramp'' I said, looking her directly in the eyes.

`' Do you think that I've got cramp, Mrs Hamilton'' I asked.

'Look here, Mrs Hamilton ' and I gestured at the bitch to look down.

`'It feels tight, just here, Mrs Hamilton'' and I softly patted the inside of my thigh with my hand, signalling the cunt, where I wanted her to look

Lowering her eyes, she openly starred at my thighs and the cunt began to blush. Unwillingly, she returned her gaze to my swelling fucking basket. Then, the cunts face turned a bright shade of pink, as she blatantly starred at my fucking expanding equipment.

That was fucking child's play, I thought to myself as the cunt starred, transfixed. Fucking job done, I thought. I looked the bitch right in her fucking eyes and just sniggered. I knew it, the cunt, was hooked.

On my way into the house, I'd noticed that the Hamilton's back lawn had been recently moan. So, jumping up out of the stool and finishing my drink, I told the slut that I'd be back in the morning to cut the grass. She said, nothing. We both fucking knew, precisely, what I was coming back for and I walked out the door, not bothering to hid my obvious fucking hard-on.

The next morning, I was up fucking bright and early. I showered and dressed, putting the same fucking shorts back on. As, I headed out the door, I shouted to my mom that I was going to cut Mrs Hamilton's grass and she commented on what a kind boy I was. If, she only fucking knew!

I had all fucking night to think about this one and I had decided that it was time to fucking improve, my fucking sexual technique. I had seen the fucking cock starved look on Mrs Hamilton's face and I intended taking fucking full advantage of it. Time to have some fucking fun with the bitch, I thought.

When I got there, I didn't go into the house. I knew where, the lawn mower was kept. Getting it out, I started the noisy fucking thing up.

The temperature had already started to, fucking soar, as I began to cut the nonexistent grass. I put on a fucking good performance, pushing the fucking thing back and forth. I discreetly watched the house for a sign of the fucking cunt but no luck. I left it a few minutes and scanned the back of the house again. There she was, the bitch was watching me from her bedroom window and I fucking intended to give the old cunt, plenty to look at.

I began to really fucking push that thing, flexing every fucking muscle I had. I went back and forth, back and fucking forth until my body gleamed with sweat. My T-shirt was sticking to me so I decided to give the bitch a real treat and I slowly started to take it off. I raised my arms above my head, exposing my fucking rock solid 6 pack, well toned chest and shoulders. When I got my T shirt off, I used it to wipe some of the fucking sweat off my body. With measured deliberate movements, I mopped up the sweat off my chest, arms and legs. Finally, I used it to clean my fucking dripping pits. Then, I casually threw it to the side. Let the fucking bitch have the full fucking show, I thought.

Acting as if I hadn't fucking seen the cunt, I went and stood right in the middle of her lawn. Perspiring from fucking head to toe, I began to stretch. Reaching high above my head, I repeatedly moved my arms up and down, flexing my fucking arm muscles as I went. This caused the fucking white waistband of my jockeys to ride above the top of my cut offs. Bet, the cunt likes that, I thought, smiling to myself. Then, lowering my arms, I fucking spread my legs a little. I repetitively tensed up and relaxed my thighs, sometimes bending sideways as I did it. Finally, I pull my arms above my head again and to ensure that the watching bitches panties were truly wet I began to gyrate my hips in a small circular motion. Fucking job done, I thought.

Looking directly up at the window, I simply acknowledged her presence with a nod of my head. No fucking wave or smile for the bitch today and I sauntered off towards the house. Again, I just left myself in and went straight to the kitchen. I fucking knew the cunt wouldn't be able to resist and sure enough, right on queue, she arrived. Still in her nightwear, she was wearing a slightly different one to yesterdays, but with the same fucking revealing style.

'Morning Tommy'' she gushed. 'You must be thirty, it's just so hot again this morning''

`' Ice tea will do fine'' I said flatly, without thanking her.

She went and got the drinks again as I repeated yesterday's assessment. She was one nice piece of fucking ass, alright. She returned with the drinks and I could tell that she was getting all fucking hot and bothered. I wasn't going to make it easy for the slut so I just stood there. She brought my drink to me and I fucking said nothing.

Standing there, wear nothing but my fucking tight cut offs and flip-flops, I knew precisely how amazing my fucking superbly defined 15 year old body, looked. I knew that the fucking cunt couldn't resist much longer and I was fucking right. I felt her eyes on every fucking inch of my body, the bitch just couldn't fucking help herself. Let the fucking bitch just drink it in, I thought, so I continued just standing there, basking in her obvious admiration of my glistening well-built body.

Finishing my drink, I put the glass down and silently gestured her to come over. The cunt walked uneasily towards me. The bitch apprehensively moved in close and unable to resist any longer, she put her hands around my body and tilted her fucking face upwards...waiting to be fucking tenderly kissed.

Not on my fucking agenda, cunt, I thought, so, I gently pushed her backwards. I didn't want to frighten the fucking cunt, well not just yet anyway and I smiled.

Looking her right in the eyes, I put my hands on her fucking shoulders and pushed the slut down onto her fucking knees. She started to move closer again, bringing her hands towards my fucking swelling crotch. Again, I pushed her away and looking down, I slowly shook my head.

She gazed up at me like a fucking hurt animal and holding her stare, I placed my hand on the top of her head. Bringing my other hand down, I grabbed my fucking cock through my Levi's, right in front of the cunts face. Smiling down suggestively at the poor cunt, I rubbed my expanding tool, hard. The bitch would fucking wait, I decided, so for several fucking enjoyable minutes I massaged my dick through my faded Levi's. I was thoroughly getting off on teasing this poor fucking cunt.

When, I was good and fucking ready, I removed my hand from her head and I undid the buttons on my fly. Returning, my left hand to the top of her fucking head, I slipping my right hand through my fly. Keeping her face in place, I grabbed my fucking cock and fished it out. Tucking my jockeys under my fucking balls, I also pulled them free of my Levi's.

There, I stood. My exposed cock and balls hanging out of my fucking tight cut off's... with a pathetic kneeling cunt in front me.

Still holding the fucking bitches hear back, I started slowly wanking my fucking cock, inch's away from the cunt mouth. I worked my sweaty pole. Long slow strokes, the head of my cock, almost fucking touching the cunts lips. I wanted to look, directly into the fucking cunts eyes, while I wanked.

`' Fucking look at me'' I said.

She immediately looked up. I just stood there and continued with my long slow fucking strokes. There was an all-consuming look of desperation in the little sluts face. She was fucking desperate...desperate for my fucking dick and I fucking loved it.

I peeled my fucking foreskin back, exposing my moist fucking bulbous cockhead. The poor cunt left out a low whimpering squeal of fucking delight. I brought her head forward, until my fucking cock head, touched her cherry lips. I brushed the fucking tip of my cock along her lips and then I stopped. Fully aware that the cunt had a submissive streak, with my fucking cock centred on her lips, I starred down and confidently said just two fucking word.

`'Suck, bitch'' and the slut compliantly opened her willing mouth and I fucking gradually slid my cock in. Oh, that felt fucking good, my cock, inside the fucking cunts warm appreciative mouth.

I decided that I needed to relax a little, so keeping the cunts mouth firmly on my cock, I moved backwards, resting my fucking butt on a side cabinet. The fucking cunt worked on my cock, like a pro. From my somewhat limited experience though, I fucking knew that I liked some tongue action during a fucking blowjob. Without saying a fucking word, I slipped my middle finger into the cunts mouth beneath my cock.

`' Fucking look at me, cunt'' I ordered. The cunt looked up, immediately meeting my gaze. Staring back, I repeatedly tapped the sluts tongue with my finger, authoritatively. The dumb cunt look confused, but soon managed to fucking work out what I wanted and her tongue sprung into action.

Satisfied and holding her head between my hands, I leisurely began to fuck the bitches' mouth. I steadily started to build my rhythm, ploughing deeper into the cunts mouth with each fucking thrust. The fucking bitch gratefully relaxed her fucking throat muscles. Fuck, this cunt knew her stuff.

`' Harder, suck harder, bitch'' I commanded. My demeaning verbal encouragement appeared to have a positive fucking effect. As I faced fucked the cunt, she began to fucking deep throat my cock. She fucking nearly got all the fucking way down to my fucking pubes...she was one fucking greedy expert.

`' That's it, cunt, take my fucking cock, you dirty bitch'' and I increased my ferocious cock attack on the little cunts mouth. I fucking rammed it home, right to the back of her fucking throat. She fucking began to gag but I just fucking ignored it and continued with my throat assault.

`' Fucking choke on my big dick, cunt'' I barked. The more I fucking verbal humiliated the cunt, the more excited she became and the fucking harder the bitch worked. The cunt knew her fucking place and I liked that. She sure was one fucking cock famished cunt. The fucking blowjob was fucking amazing but I was ready to get down to some fucking action now.

Pulling my dick out of the cunts mouth, I pushed her away. I walked off and as expected, the stupid slut followed. I lead the cunt upstairs.

Without going into too much fucking detail, let's say that I fucked the cunt mercilessly, like an old hand. Who says that kids can't fucking learn anything from sitting in front of the TV, I thought.

I fucked her hard and rough from every fucking conceivable position and angle. The cunt just could not get enough of my thick cock. I fucking called her, every fucking nasty name, I could think of. I slapped the cunts ass hard several times, and the fucking bitch just moaned, even harder. The bitch loved it.

Determined, not to waste anymore of my fucking precious baby gravy, and about to fucking cum, I decided that I wanted to fucking shoot my creamy load into the cunts mouth. Quickly withdrawing my fucking power tool from the cunts clit, I shoved it straight into her mouth, and just in the fucking nick of time!

Her mouth was fucking filled by shot after shot of my fucking. I wanted the bitch to swallow my fucking ball juice right down and to combat any possible hesitation, I held the both the cunts mouth and nose closed, another fucking thing that I'd learned from sitting, cock out, in front of the TV. Then I told her to fucking ''Swallow'' and swallow the cunt did!

Spent and temporarily satisfied, I threw myself onto the cum whores bed. Propping my self up in the centre of her bed, I lay back, hands behind my back. I was fucking drenched in sweat again. The bitch was still kneeling on the fucking floor, where I had left her, still recovering from the severity of the fucking that I had just administered. However, I hadn't quite finished, yet.

`' Mrs Hamilton, before I fucking head home to my mom, I think that you should at least clean my fucking cock and balls up'' I said, using a mocking patronising kid like voice.

`' So get the fuck up here and lick my fucking sweaty cock and balls clean now, cunt'' I barked.

In an instant, the obedient cunt, was up on the fucking bed and before I knew it, the slut was slurping on my fucking dick again. As I forcibly pulled her fucking mouth off my cock, she groaned in disappointment.

`' I fucking said lick my fucking cock and balls clean, cunt, not suck, so get that tongue busy, bitch''.

I relaxed back, contentedly, hands still behind my head, while the bitch got to work with her fucking tongue. When, I was completely fucking satisfied that the bitch had thoroughly licked my cock clean, I pushed her head down between my legs.

`'Now, my balls cunt, lick my fucking balls clean and make sure that you get every fucking drop of sweat, bitch'' and again, she willing obeyed.

As I lay there, enjoying having the cunts tongue work on my fucking balls, my mind wandered to my favourite porn scene and that fucking dutiful ass kissing black whore.

I instantly felt my fucking cock begin to harden and I smiled to myself. Looking down between my fucking muscle legs, I knew that I had found my very own ''dutiful whore''. There, she was, right between my fucking legs, currently, busy licking my sweaty balls clean. I smiled to myself. The thought alone, had rapidly sent my fucking cock back into a virtually full mast position. I knew what I fucking wanted, so, I pulled the fucking cunts face from between my legs and I swiftly flipped over on to my stomach. This was going to be fucking good.

The sluts face was still, perfectly placed, between my chunky legs. Angling my body a little, I confidently presented my fucking bubble butt to the cunts face. I heard her fucking mumble something so I put a single finger across the cunts lips to silence the cunt. I put my hand on the back of her head, guiding the cunts face to my waiting ass. Then, I said the six fucking words that I'd longed to say.

`' Now, fucking kiss my ass, bitch'' I ordered. I felt her hesistate, so, with my head on the back of her fucking head, I brought the cunts face right to my butt. Then, I felt the bitches lips gently kiss my fucking muscle asscheek but then she suddenly stopped.

`' Keep fucking kissing my ass, bitch, I fucking want you to kiss every fucking inch of my butt cheeks, bitch, so get to it'' I snapped.

Obediently, the bitch began to do, as instructed. But, I wasn't overly fucking impressed. The cunt obviously needed a little subtle inspiration and training. She, needed to learn, how to fully appreciate the sheer might of the fucking ass that she was luckily, getting to fucking kiss. With a deserved sense of righteous arrogance, I arched my back and raised my butt, slightly. Then, I tensed my fucking epic gluts.

I heard her fucking moan and gasp, in utter adoration. Soon, I had the fucking subservient little bitch, kissing my muscle butt, like the fucking dutiful whore that she was!

I simply lay as the slut tenderly covered my solid ass in kisses. Fuck, this felt fucking good. I loved the fucking feel of the cunts mouth on my ass. After several minutes of ass kissing, I instinctively knew that I fucking wanted more and I knew precisely what it was!

It wasn't up for fucking discussion or anything, so, I grabbed the cunts head hard on either side and moved her fucking face persuasively towards my fucking ass crack.

Positioning her face above my fucking crack, I steadily pushed the cunts face in. Initially, she resisted and fucking struggled. I liked feeling her struggle. It fucking turned me on. However, I persisted. I fucking held the bitches head determinedly. I was going to get what I fucking wanted, and this cunt was fucking going to give it to me. She gradually relented and feeling the cunts neck finally relax, I pushed the bitches face deeper. I wanted her fucking face buried right between the globes of my fucking muscular butt. Holding the cunts face in place, I could feel her mouth hovering just above my fucking shithole.

'Kiss my fucking shithole, cunt'' I commanded and I forced her face down with all my strength. ' Fucking kiss it, bitch'' I barked loudly. Then I felt it...the cunts mouth on my shithole. However, the bitch only gave my asshole a fleeting fucking peck. I wasn't fucking happy or satisfied.

'Now, Mrs Hamilton, that was not quite good enough'' I said, using my kid like voice again. Then I continued. ' Fucking kiss my shithole properly, bitch'' I growled.

`' Get your fucking mouth down on my hole and let me feel you give it a nice big fucking juicy kiss, cunt, or you will fucking regret it'' I threatened aggressively.

That did the fucking trick. The cunt put her lips right on my shitter and gave it a big fucking wet kiss.

`'Fuck, that's it bitch...keep fucking kissing my jock shithole, cunt, and put some fucking effort into it'' I commanded.

The cunt kissed my fucking asshole and with each fucking kiss, the cunts lips lingered longer.

`' That's it bitch, you are fucking getting the swing of it, now keep it up, cunt, you're doing well'' I shouted.

The fucking bitch was really fucking getting into this, dirty cunt, I thought. Each time she fucking kissed my shithole, I could feel the cunt give in further to her fucking darkest hidden desires...and it was my job to fucking help the slut. Keeping my hand firmly on the cunts head, she fucking succumbed to her inner needs, gradually realising that she fucking yearned to kiss my asshole. I could feel it as each fucking kiss became longer and more passionate. I was in fucking heaven. However, I wasn't completely comfortable or content with this position. I wanted to watch the fucking cunt, while she kissed my butthole.

Assertively, I pushed her away and I promptly turned over again. Repositioning myself, I again, propped myself up comfortable on the cunts bed. Putting my hands, back behind my head once more, I pulled my knees up, slightly. Glaring down at the useless cunt, lying before me, I smiled.

`' Did I say that you could fucking stop, cunt, now get your pretty lips back on my shitter, bitch, get kissing and fucking look at me while you do it'' I snapped.

Starring the bitch, right in the eye, watching the fucking cunt make out with my shitter, was fucking mind blowing. Having a cunt kiss, the fucking hole that I push my fucking shit out of, was a fucking total power trip. That cunt has one fucking nice feeling mouth, I thought, but I knew that the cunt was fucking capable of more...

I removed her fucking face from between my legs and looking her straight in the eye, I said, in a loud self-assured whisper.

'That's enough kissing for now, cunt. You've got a good mouth, bitch'' then I bluntly continued. 'But now, I think it is fucking time to see how good that fucking tongue of yours is, cunt. Now, lets get that fucking tongue back to work, bitch'' I grinned condescending.

`' Lick my asshole, cunt'' and I chuckled. The cunt pushed her face into my waiting ass. I widen my fucking legs, allowing the cunt better fucking access. I'm just so fucking thoughtful, I amusingly, though to myself.

The instant the cunts obedient tongue made contact with my fucking shitter, I felt a rush of sheer pleasure pulse through my entire fucking body. Fuck, it felt so incredible. I rammed the fucking sluts face deeper into my ass trench. I never fucking knew that my hole was this fucking sensitive or that a bitches tongue was fucking capable of delivering such fucking pleasure. The cunt had one fucking talented tongue and she was lost, right in my fucking ass, feverishly licking.

' Slowly, cunt'' I instruct. ' Lick my shithole, slowly, bitch. I want to feel nice long slow licks''. She eagerly obeyed, her tongue doing, as ordered.

'That's it, bitch, fucking perfect'' and I continued. 'You fucking love licking my teenage butthole, don't you cunt?''

' Oh, yes Tommy'' she gasped from between my fucking legs. ' I love licking your asshole, Tommy''

`'Thats fucking good bitch because you're going to be licking it fucking regularly, cunt, and its fucking Thomas bitch'' I shouted, grinding the cunts face into my ass.

`' Lick all around my shithole, cunt, lick all fucking around it'' I barked.

.With my hands behind my head, I was fucking savouring every minute of Mrs Hamilton's attentive tongue . The bitch was licking my asshole like a fucking lovesick puppy and it felt fucking awesome. Having a cunt lick your fucking butthole was, I naively believed then, the fucking ultimate act of submission but in my world then, fucking faggots simply, did not exist.

I did know that from then on though, that if any bitch wanted a second helping of my fucking killer dick, then she would first have to give my fucking asshole some serious tongue loving.

As I lay there, new thoughts entered my fucking mind. Thoughts, that I'd never had before. Looking back now, it was the true me, beginning to fucking surface.

I was fucking thoroughly enjoying the cunts tongue work on my shitter, don't fucking get me wrong, it was fucking amazing. But, I just couldn't fucking help but think that it seemed such a fucking shame to waste Mrs Hamilton's fucking diligent tongue bath on my, already, clean shithole.

I decided that having that fucking shower this morning had been a total mistake and a fucking complete waste of my time. I grinned, that was one fucking mistake that I would not be making again, I decided!

I had a lot to fucking learn, I realised. However, it wasn't until I went to college and some brainless homo was stupid enough to make a pass at me, that I fucking truly hit my full stride.

Fucking a bitch and fucking with a bitch is all very good and but faggots, well, I rapidly discovered that those filthy little cunts are in a fucking league of their fucking own.

The fucking depths that a fucking faggot would sink to for a quick taste of my sweaty superior straight male cock or my ripe asshole, was simply bottomless.

I swiftly learned in college, practising on my stupid cunt of a roommate, how far a true fag would sink. Constantly, fine-tuning my techniques, I realized that there is no fucking limit to a homo's total lack of pride or self worth. Once broken and accepting of their new position, its compliance was fucking absolute.

I demanded its total submission and its recognition of me as its master. I was to be fucking worshipped and obeyed and I took immense fucking pleasure in brining the faggot to new un-thought of lows of utter humiliation and degradation. Sometime though, it unfortunately, did require some subtle encouragement from my hand, fist, belt or boot.

When I got to college, I fucking knew that I was going to have a good time. Lets face it, I'd had a fucking good time, while I was still in high school. But that's another fucking story for another fucking day. Now, I need to get back to the little fucking faggot on his knees, behind me...

To be continued...? I'll let you guys decide...

Next: Chapter 7

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