Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Jan 2, 2014


DISCLAIMER. This story is totally fictional and it intended for strictly adult readership only. If you are under age or it is illegal for you to read this where you live, then stop reading now. This story contains themes about sexual activity between consenting male adults. It themes include... elements of Domination, Bondage, Incest and mild watersports and scat. Please only continue if you do not find this type of material offensive!

To all the guys, who so kindly took the time to responded, so positively to the first part of my story, a BIG THANK YOU! I'm REALLY glad that you enjoyed it! I do realise that my story may not be to everyone's taste and have a limited following. I have the next part nearly done and I'll be posting it very soon. I'm not 100% sure about continuing with this tale but if you do like it and want me to then please let me know, it might be just the encouragement I need. All comments and suggestions gratefully accepted.

Not my Fathers Son ....Part 2 ....By RimBoyRim

He stared down at me, arrogantly.

'' Bet you'd fucking like that, you little faggot, wouldn't you. You'd like to have some fucking fun with your Daddy!

See the thing is, cunt, I think I'm going to find it more fucking enjoyable than you are '' he bluntly stated.

Holding the belt doubled over, a sneer spread across his handsome face, and he began slapping his thigh with the belt.

'' In fact, I think I'm going to find this a lot more fucking enjoyable than you will faggot'' and he spat on me. '' Dirty fucking little homo''

In one swift move, he flipped me over. I was on my stomach and he had me pinned down again. His knee was now pushing down into the centre of my back. I heard him undo his tie. The next thing I knew, he had pulled my hands behind my back. He was tying them together.

''That's better, now just one more thing'' and he slipped his belt around my neck. Looping it through the buckle, he pulled it tight. The belt was cutting into my neck, I fought to breath. He laughed and pulled it tighter. He had my head pulled right back, my back arched upwards. I thought he was going to strangle me, just then, he released some tension. I gasped for air.

Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he pulled me roughly off the bed. I crashed head first onto the floor, hitting my face. I yelped in pain. Standing over me, he smiled, as he kicked me hard in the ribs.

'' Shut the fuck up, I already told you cunt. Only speak when you're spoken to faggot'' and he kicked me hard again. ''Understand?''

''Yes Sir, I understand'' I said, doubled up from the impact of his booted foot.

Then, holding the end of the belt, he dragged me across the floor to the centre of the room.

'' Up on your fucking knees, boy'' he barked.

I found it difficult to get on my knees and loosing patience, he pulled me upright with the belt.

''Stupid fucking useless piece of shit, aren't you faggot, what are you?'' he shouted.

'' I'm a stupid fucking useless piece of shit Sir'' I replied, trembling.

'' Good, at least the faggot knows what it is, I like that'' he proclaimed.

He'd never lost his distinctive southern drawl. The accent made women melt. '' Oh, Thomas, I could listen to you all night'' they'd flirt. Now, all I could hear was contempt and distain. In my short life, I'd never been this afraid or, judging my rock hard oozing cock, this turned on!

Kneeling in front of him, I looked up and another lightening back hander.

''Eyes down faggot, in my presence, you keep your fucking eyes down''. I bowed my head in total submission.

He let go of the belt and began slowly walking around me. He resembled some old time plantation owner, surveying his latest purchase. I watched his black boots, as he moved around me. They left an imprint on the thick carpet. He always wore black ankle boots to the office. Then he caught the belt again and gave it a quick upward tug, my head jerked sharply. Then he release it again.

'' Now, don't you look better like that boy?'' His southern drawl seemed, now, even more pronounced. Pointing, at the belt around my neck, he continued. ''You look like a fucking dog. And that's what you are, aren't you boy, you're a fucking dog?'' Still shaken and staring down, I humbly answered...

'' Yes Sir, I'm a fucking dog''

'' And do you know why you're a fucking dog? '' he demanded.

Confused and terrified, I quickly relied...

'' No Sir, I don't know why I'm a fucking dog ''.

He backhanded me again, this time across the side of my head.

'' Well then stupid, let me tell you. Let me tell you precisely, why you're a fucking dog. You see'' he paused....''dogs like piss and they like to sniff assholes, lick assholes and taste shit and that's what you like faggot, isn't it. You dream about fucking sniffing, licking and getting to taste a real mans piss and shit, my piss and shit, don't you cunt. So then, what does that make you, boy? It makes you a fucking dog, doesn't it?

''Yes Sir, It makes me a fucking dog'' I answered.

He just continued walking around me. I continued to watch his boots.

''An ass sniff, piss drinking, fucking animal...that's what you are, fucking toilet mouth!! And that's what you live for faggot, isn't it?'' he chuckled '' You fucking live to drink piss and to smell, lick and taste shit. And you got to do what every filthy faggots dreams of, you got to taste my fucking piss and shit, your Daddy's fucking piss and shit''. Then he stopped, caught the belt and pulled my face up closer. This time my heads angled and I have not option but to look at him. He's looking straight in my eyes again. How could someone so handsome be so cruel.

'' You fucking loved getting to taste my piss and shit, dirty fucking perverted homo, YOU LOVED TASTING YOUR DADDY'S PISS AND SHIT!!'' and he spat in my face.

''The thing is, you filthy cunt, you didn't have fucking permission to suck on my skid marks, did you? He pulled the belt, even more. '' You didn't have permission to taste my piss and shit, taste your Masters piss and shit, did you? No, you fucking didn't. So now, as I've said, its time to pay the fucking price! With that, he turned, and pulled me down to his side.

''Heel cunt, heel, show Daddy what a good fucking obedient dog you are''. I immediately moved in beside his leg.

''Good dog. Now, that's where a fucking dog really belongs, on its knees, by my side'' he grinned. ''So you're a fucking dog, so what does that make me, cunt?

''It makes you my Master...Master'' ...I obediently replied.

'' Good fucking dog '' and holding the belt, he began to walk and pull me along towards the opposite wall.

His Master bedroom was enormous so it would take a few seconds to reach the other side of the room. It was difficult for me to keep up.

''Come on you fucking faggot, move it, and keep your fucking eyes down'' and he yanked the belt.

Since this nightmare discovery had begun, I hadn't even managed a glimpse of his beautiful muscle ass. I'd never been this close to his ass before. I was kneeling, shuffling along and it was almost beside my face. I'd tried to feast my eyes on his eatable ass, whenever or wherever possible. At home, out and about, it didn't matter where. All I wanted to do was look at his tasty butt and dream. Now, his muscle ass was right there. It was so close. I wanted to look at his butt up close. I was slightly behind him and the temptation proved too much.

Without moving my head, I raised my eyes slowly. First I saw his solid, football player's legs, leading tantalizingly upwards. The trouser fabric became tighter as it moved upwards...upwards towards his butt. I continued to carefully raise my eyes. Just a little more, and then I saw it.

There it was....

There was his beautiful amazing ass, perfectly enclosed in tight suit trousers. No matter what he wore, his powerful ass always filled them out magnificently.

I focused in on his ass. I couldn't help it, transfixed, I stared. The join along the crack of his trousers fabric, seemed to exaggerate the unbelievable contours of his ass even more. The fabric was so tight that, as he moved, I could see the outline of his briefs clearly. I could see where they came down across the solid globes of his butt and then disappeared between his mammoth legs. Oh, to be those briefs on his ass. I couldn't help but wondered if those briefs were also shit stained. Had he wiped properly after his daily dump or were they rubbing up against his dirty shithole?

Judging by the condition of his other briefs, I doubted that he ever bothered taking too much care while wiping, why should he? Without even realising, I licked my lips. I fucking wanted to worship his ass so badly. That was what, I believed, hoped and dreamed, I was put on earth to do. I was there to worship my father's muscle butt and his shithole, plain and simple. Then suddenly, he stopped.

''You're not fucking looking at my ass, are you cunt? You'd fucking better not be!!''. My eyes shot downwards, quickly refocusing on the carpet. I hastily replied

'' No Master, I'm not looking at your ass, I promise Master, honestly, I'm not looking at your ass''.

He tugged the belt again, saying '' Good faggot, because if you were looking at my ass without permission, you'd be in for an even worse trashing!''. Then he continued walking.

When he reached the wardrobe, he stopped, opened the door and searched around the inside. After some time, he pulled out a wide black leather belt. I looked at it in horror.

''So, time for some fun cunt''. Then he effortlessly dragged me back across the bedroom floor like a rag doll. The belt had really begun to dig into my neck but I didn't speak. I knew that he wouldn't give a fuck.

He forcefully pushed me towards the bed. He got hold of my hands and raised them behind my back. Pain shot up my arms into my shoulders. Then he positioned me, knees on the floor, my body bend over the end of the bed.

''Perfect, that's fucking perfect '' he said. '' Now I'd like to say that this is going to hurt you more than it's going tot hurts me'' he said mercilessly '' but I think I'm going to fucking enjoy this''. Then he pulled my boxers down over my ass.'' What a disgusting fucking pussy boy ass, no muscle at all, pathetic, but let's see if we can at least give it some colour'' he chuckled.

There I lay, bent over my father's bed, my hands tied behind my back. I was bruised and still bleeding. My ass was exposed and I was shaking. I felt him move away. Then I saw him, out of the corner of my eye. The black belt dangled from his hand. He was retrieving his cigar from the ashtray and relighting it. He looked at me, smiled, and began to undo his cuffs and roll his shirt sleeves up. There was evil in his eyes. Strolling back, he took up his position, standing beside me.

'' You see, faggots are like dogs, need to be given a fucking good whipping'' he pronounced. '' It lets them know...well...exactly, who the fucking boss is. You know, down south, we were always partial to a good whipping'' he said jovially. ''Nothing compares to a good whipping my Pa used to say... well.... maybe that's not quite true'' he laughed ''So now boy, get your fucking arms up, high up, out of my fucking way'' he instructed.

''Yes Master'' I whimpered, raising my arms. It was painful and very difficult but I had to obey. I was too frightened of the consequences. I was terrified of disappointing him. However, not content with my efforts, he grabbed my hands. He ruthlessly pulled them higher. The effect was unbearable. My face was now pushed even further down into the bed. I instinctively raised my ass to try and ease the pressure.

''Now that's a good fucking faggot. Raising your ass for Daddy to whip'' I could almost hear him smile, as he said it! ''Hope you enjoy a good fucking ass whipping boy, because when I'm fucking finished, you'll be in not doubt about who your fucking Master is!''

I could see the smoke he exhaled from his cigar rise towards the ceiling in front of me. Then, suddenly, I heard the swish of the belt. It hit my ass cheeks with a huge crack. The edge of the belt dug deep into my skin, the pain was intense. My body tensed up in shock. I screamed out.

'' That's it, you dirty faggot, scream your fucking head off. Make me enjoy it even more!'' he shouted, as his belt repeatedly flew through the air. '' Scream you filthy cunt, scream like the fucking pussy you are, that's what you fucking get for sucking on my piss stains and tasting my shit without permission cunt, dirty filthy faggot'' and so began his relentless ass whipping. I lost count of how many times his belt lashed across my ass. It became so unbearable that I didn't think I could take much more. I thought I was going to pass out. Then, as quickly as he'd started, he stopped. . I don't know how but I sensed that he had moved behind me and was access the damage to my ass.

'' Fuck me, I've nearly built a fucking sweat up'' he complained sarcastically. ''But what a nice fucking rosy ass you've got now. I think that should help clarify the situation for you cunt'' he stated. '' I think, you've got a clear fucking idea about you're rightful place now faggot?'' he said. It was more statement than question.

I could hardly talk but, I knew, I needed to answer. Somehow, I managed a '' Yes Master, this faggot knows its rightful place''. I felt his hand pat my head. ''That's a good little cunt but I don't want to be looking are your fucking scrawny ass all evening faggot '' and with that, he pulled my boxers up. Then he pushed me off the bed.

'' Now, I've just got to see exactly just how obedient you are, shit licker'' and he caught the tip of my ear. I was lying in a mess on the floor, but applying pressure, he brought me to my knees. While I raised my head as quickly as I could, trying to upright myself, my eyes made contact with his crotch.

His, thick lusted after cock, appeared to be semi erect in his trousers. He truly had enjoyed beating and whipping the crap out of me. It was turning him on. I knew that inflicting pain and humiliation was his thing, but I'd never thought I'd be at the receiving end of it! My mind spun with fear. What else did he have planned? Now kneeling before my Master, and as if reading my mind, he spoke.

''Hope that I'm not being too hard on you faggot'' he grinned

'' Your fucking trainings just beginning and I hope you can fucking take it, asswipe. Otherwise life here could become very fucking difficult for you!! he emphasised.

''We both know how much that faggot tongue of yours loves the taste of my piss and shit but, I think faggot, that first we need to see exactly just how obedient that tongue and mouth are. And we need to see what else you like the taste of cunt! Do a good job boy, a really good job, keep Daddy happy and I might just consider allowing you to show me what a good little toilet mouth you have cunt'' and with that he began dragging me towards the bedroom door.

''Now we're going to my study faggot, so I can really get to grips with training a little shit licking homo like you''. And he walked off, pulling me behind.

To be continued....???? You decide ..!

All comments and thoughts gratefully appreciated!!

Next: Chapter 3

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