Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Mar 2, 2015


DISCLAIMER- If it is illegal for you to read stories of this nature where you live, then stop reading NOW...

Additionally, this story is intended for a strictly, adult readership. If you are bellow the legal age required, stop reading NOW.

This story is a work of fiction and contains themes that include sex between males, incest, domination and mild scat. If these themes offend you then, stop reading NOW.


GUYS...Apologies for it taking so long to get this chapter to you!

To those who have kindly taken the time to contact me, my sincere thanks. It's always great to hear from you and gives me the encouragement to keep the story going.

If you like, the story or you have any ideas or comments or if you would like me to continue my little tale, please feel free to contact me. All emails, are gratefully, received.

I still have a few thoughts for new chapters and in this one, we're back in Daddy's study and the son is telling the story again.

I do hope that you like it and that it was worth the wait? Let me know...



My body continued to ache. I was battered and bruised, kneeling, gripped between my fathers colossal muscle legs. Pulled tight, his pant fabric showed every flexing leg muscle and sinew to perfection, leaving nothing to my imagination.

He was a fucking God and he deserved my total and complete devotion. I was nothing, nothing to him but a fucking piece human trash.

He had positioned my mouth so his beautiful flaccid cock hung in the perfect position to fill my thirsty faggot mouth. I waited, mouth open wide, his cock dangling just above my mouth. I desperately wanted to drink my father's glorious piss. I had dreamed, fantasised about doing it for so long and now it was about to happen.

He stood above me, his arms raised, relaxed behind his head, his damp hairy armpits superbly displayed. He was a divine specimen of pure straight male perfection. Seconds seemed to last forever.

My eyes focused on his bulbous cockhead noticing that he hadn't appeared to have washed his cock for what looked liked several days.

Having pulled his foreskin back, he had revealed a delicious cheesy feast for a cock hungry queer like me. Quickly, I realised that not only was my Texan Daddy lax with his ass wiping regime but he also wasn't too bothered about cleaning his fucking pussy stretching tool properly.

Then, suddenly, it started.

His powerful chest expanded and with a satisfied groan, he allowed his fucking piss to flow. It gradually began to fill my useless faggot mouth. A trickle, at first, the flow increased rapidly. My father, my pure alpha male father was fucking pissing in my mouth. I was in a pig heaven, again. It tasted acidic but fucking awesome. However, as his piss began to fill my filthy homo mouth, I became nervous. He had told me not to spill a fucking drop and not to swallow. I didn't want to displease him.

His leather belt still hung from my neck and kneeling there just in my underwear, hands tied, I was frightened, again.

As quickly as it started it stopped. He just abruptly cut his fucking urine flow just as it was about to overflow my piggy mouth. He had done this before and it was obvious that he'd had lots of fucking practise. Lowering his giant like arms, he smiled down, looking me directly in the eye.

' Fuck, that feels better faggot'' he smiled. ' And a dirty queer with a fucking mouthful of my steaming piss, now that is what I fucking like to see. Only one thing fills a faggot's mouth better!'' he chuckled, evilly.

`' Now let me make that taste even better for you, lets give it some extra kick'' he said sarcastically and he leaned forward. With his head bend down, he positioned his nose directly above my open mouth. Next, he closed one nostril with a finger and then cleared his nose and throat into my open mouth.

`' There you go, you piece of faggot scum, bet that fucking tastes better now so fucking guzzle it down, you low life piece of shit'' and he leaned back, quickly grabbing his whiskey glass. With my neck extended back, it wasn't easy.

'Fucking get it down cunt, swallow it. I've got a fucking full load of Daddy piss to get down that little fucking homo throat of yours and I ain't going to wait all night ' he barked, in his pounced southern drawl.

`'And don't fucking spill a drop or you'll be fucking licking it up, cunt'' he continued.

I did my upmost to please my Father, my Master. It was difficult but taking small gulps worked and I somehow managed to drink it all.

`'Good cunt, now what do you fucking say'' was his response to my success.

`'Thank you Master for pissing in my mouth and allowing to swallow it and thank you for your snot'' I obediently replied.

`' Now, I fucking know you want more fucking Daddy piss, you want to drink my piss, don't you boy'' he barked.'' So fucking beg your Daddy for the rest of his God piss, faggot. That was just a fucking taster, cunt'' he laughed.

On my knees, contorted like an animal, I pleaded.

`'Please Daddy, Please Master piss in my mouth. Please allow me the honour of drinking your piss, Daddy'' I implored.

After several minutes of begging, he was satisfied. My longing and unreserved subservient attitude did the trick. Right from his magnificent cock, controlled mouthful after mouthful of his salty golden urine filled my waiting toilet hole.

That cock, the cock that produced me was now filling my faggot mouth with an endless stream of urine.

Finally, having emptied his bladder, he instructed me to use my tongue and lick the last remaining piss drops from my fucking Masters piss slit. As he said this, he knowingly, peeled back his foreskin further. Looking down, he mockingly gasped.

`'Fuck, look at my fucking filthy cock, cunt. Those three bitches from last night didn't do a very good job. I fucking told them to get me cleaned up but it fucking looks like they weren't too fucking thorough. I told them that I wanted my cock, balls and shithole licked fucking clean and look at this'' he said, motioning me to look at the grey cheese circling his gorgeous cockhead.

`'Fucking lazy cunts'' he shouted.

' Son, when your little faggot tongue is finished licking my piss hole out, do your fucking old Dad a favour and clean the fucking gunk from last night off my cock head'' he smiled, sarcastically. 'Might be a fucking bit of pussy juice mixed in but I'm sure you'll cope, faggot pig `' he laughed.

`' Now get that fucking queer tongue going'' he ordered.

Gently, I began licking. My tongue worked slowly along the ridge of his cockhead, scooping up every morsel of his day old discharge into my mouth. The pungent smell did little to damage the wonderful taste.

He looked down, grinning. `' That's it cunt, what a good fucking Daddy's boy you are. That tastes yummy to you, you little faggot, doesn't it?'' he asked, in a mockingly tender tone.

`'Oh, yes Daddy, it tastes delicious'' I answered, never stopping.

`'Then make sure you fucking get it all, faggot. You want to please your Master, don't you?'' he barked.

`'Yes, Master, I so want to please you'' I groaned.

`' That's a good fucking dog, licking Daddy's cock clean. Daddy has lots for you to fucking lick clean, faggot'' and he patted my head.

As he sipped on his refilled whiskey, I lovingly lapped every ounce of his slimy spunk up. This was a pure alpha male delicacy not to be fucking wasted and I was determined to get it all in my mouth. He just stood there, watching, barking orders. When I had finally finished, he patted my head again.

' Good faggot'' he said condescendingly. ' Now, fucking stick out your tongue, cunt. Show Daddy your little homo tongue''.

I did as commanded and stuck my tongue out as far as possible.

' Ah, the little shit licker's tongue is white instead of fucking brown'' he laughed. 'Now, don't fucking worry cunt, we'll soon get that little piggy tongue of yours back to its proper colour but not just yet. First, you have a couple of other fucking jobs to do. You'll start by making fucking sure that my cockhead is good and clean so open your faggot mouth, boy. I want you to fucking suck my cock, faggot. Just the head, remember, boy. You're not getting the fucking privilege of having your Daddy's pussy pleaser fuck your mouth just yet, cunt'' he growled.

I did as instructed and he lowered his cockhead into my mouth.

`'Now, suck boy and be fucking gentle'' he added. Trapped between my father's powerful legs, I dutifully began to suckle on his beautiful mushroom head.

'Ah, that feels fucking nice, asswipe'' he moaned. ' Keep going, boy and fucking look up at me, cunt. I like looking in a fucking dirty homo's eyes while he fucking services me'' he commanded and I did as I was told.

Looking up into his steely eyes, I suckled on his cock like a true little piglet but I couldn't resist. I needed his whole cock in my mouth. Pushing my head up in a frantic attempt, I tried to take more of my fathers amazing fucking tool into my mouth.

A swift hard blow across my face sent me flying backwards. I landed on my back, feet away.

' Fucking stupid cunt'' he roared. ' I clearly fucking told you, just my cockhead, faggot'' and he walked over to me. His perfect tool and nuts, swung in front of his pants. With a look of total distain, he put his booted foot across my neck and slowly pushed down on my narrow throat.

`' Now, listen faggot and listen fucking good. I won't tell you again. You fucking do just as you're fucking told cunt or Daddy's going to give you a good fucking whipping. A whipping like you can't even imagine, boy''. As he spoke, he continually increased the pressure on my neck. He said nothing else, he just looked right in my eyes. Then suddenly, he pushed down hard. I couldn't breath, I though he was going to kill he. I started to pass out and just as I was about to lose consciousness, he removed his boot.

`'Now you fucking understand, don't you, you filthy little homo?'' he barked.

`' Yes Master, yes Daddy, yes Sir, I totally understand'' I spluttered, barely able to talk.

`'Glad that we got that fucking sorted'' and he bent down, picked up the end of his belt and dragged me by the neck back across the room to his armchair. Dropping the belt, he threw himself back into his chair. As he made himself comfortable, he grabbed the TV remote. While changing to another sports channel and increasing the volume again, he kicked his boots off. He looked over at me, lying on the floor.

`'Well, faggot, these fucking socks aren't going to fucking take themselves off so get the fuck over here and get them off!!'' he snapped. I turned over and began to crawl towards him on my stomach.

'Hurry the fuck up, cunt'' he shouted. ' I'm really beginning to fucking lose my patients with you faggot'' he continued. Still shaken from earlier, I increased my efforts. Arriving at his feet, I knew better than to ask. Moving my head forward, I grabbed the tip of his black sock between my teeth. Initially, I struggled but I was determined not to piss him off any further. He just sat there, watching and commenting on the programme while drinking his whisky. After a few minutes struggling, I had successfully completed my task and my fathers big bare feet now lay in front of my face. I heard him relight his cigar before he leant forward, looking down at me.

`'Ok, cunt, now fucking sniff Daddy's feet like a good little dog'' he growled. I slid forward and took big long sniffs of my Masters feet. The odour quickly stimulated my pig senses. Although it wasn't over powering, it was still evening and he hadn't had a shower since morning and I was hooked.

'I knew that you'd fucking like that, dirty homo'' he chuckled. 'You love the fucking smell of my tired sweaty feet, what a lowlife piece of scum you are, boy. I know that you fucking want to kiss and lick my fucking feet but I don't think that I'll allow you the honour of doing that'' and he took another large swig of his drink.

`' Think that I should allow such a fucking badly behaved faggot to worship my feet, what do you think boy?'' he asked in a demanding tone.

`' Oh please Daddy, I'll be a really good obedient faggot for you Sir. I truly do know my place, please, please Master'' I begged.'' Please allow me to worship your magnificent feet Daddy''.

He said nothing. Instead, he lifted his right foot up and testing me, he teasingly wriggled his manly toes right in front of my mouth.

`'No, I don't thinking that I'll give you that fucking pleasure, cunt'' and he kept right on wriggling his toes. They were now virtually touching my lips.

`'You'll really need to fucking convince me that you're going to be an obedient, grateful faggot and so far you're not doing a good fucking job of it, boy'' and he laughed.

At this point, I had long gone passed caring. I told him that I knew that it was a fucking honour for any faggot to lick the sweat and days grime off his alpha male feet. I told him that I knew that I was nothing but scum but that I implored him to please allow me to show him that a good faggot I could be and that he wouldn't regret it. Then, I promised on my mother grave. He seemed to take this seriously and then, placing his foot back on the floor, he said...

`' Ok faggot, you can kiss my fucking foot but if you fuck up again that's it cunt and all you'll have to look forward to it that severe fucking whipping, be warned, cunt''.

`'Thank you Daddy, thank you Master'' I whimpered, bowing my head to his feet. I began attentively kissing the top of his right foot. Instantly, I could taste his delicious sweat on my lips. Certain areas of his foot had small tuffs of hair, trapping even more flavour so my lips lingered longer there. Content with my performance, he pulled his foot away and ordered my to start on the other one. I showed his other foot the same, if not more, adoration. Now, less nervous, I settled down, willingly displaying my all-consuming devotion to my father.

' That's more fucking like it, boy and as a fucking reward'' he sneered ' why don't you now get those big fucking boats of mine cleaned up. It's time to get that pig tongue of yours back to work. Start by licking my sole clean, you fucking pathetic homo'' and he leant back in his chair again, presenting his huge sole to my face. Delighted to have pleased him, I went straight to work. I licked the sole of his foot from top to bottom. Long slow licks, ensuring that I covered every inch of his masculine foot with my saliva.

`' Now the fucking top, homo'' he ordered and he put his foot back on the floor. I didn't hesitate and my tongue resumed its dedicated task. Face down, licking my father's foot clean, I sensed that he had moved forward and was now watching me.

`' Now my toes, faggot. Lick my fucking toes clean and make fucking sure that you get right fucking in between them. There might be some fucking toe jam stuck in there that needs cleaning out'' he sniggered.

I did as he wished and now my tongue concentrated just on his toes. Little black hairs covered the centre sections and I paid particular attention to them. Then, I began to push my tongue between them and he was right, there was a fucking substantial amount of trapped dirt. It was older than a day or two but that didn't perturb me. The smell was intense but undaunted, I continued. Some talented tongue work meant that I was soon getting the additional treat of swallowing down my fathers toe jam. I felt him move forward again and then I heard his masterful voice.

`'That's it, you filthy fucking shit licker, eat my fucking toe jam. Look at fucking love it, you really are a worthless piece of crap. Now, just to fucking make sure that you've fucking got it all, I want you to suck on my toes''.

Instantly, I began doing as told but he kicked my face away.

`'Not like that, you stupid pig, I want all my fucking toes in your faggot mouth together, so boy, get that fucking toilet mouth opened wide'' and he burst out laughing. Before I knew it, he was again holding my head between his hands and begun to push his massive foot between my teenage lips. I rapidly opened my mouth as wide as possible. Fuck, it hurt but uninterested in my pain, he continued to force his foot into my mouth.

'Come on, cunt, open fucking up. I said I wanted my foot in your fucking faggot mouth and I get what I fucking want'' he shouted. ' Open your fucking mouth, boy''.

I thought he was going to split my mouth open, the pain was excruciating but he persisted. Finally, pure force prevailed and all of his toes slipped into my mouth.

`'There you go, I knew that your pig mouth could do it. Now, I WANT to feel some suction, cunt, you know what to do!!'' he commanded. As best as I physically could I began sucking on his toes.

`'That's it, faggot, that's good, now I WANT to feel some tongue''.

With half of his gigantic foot buried in my mouth, it didn't prove easy. However, with some skilful manoeuvring, I was successfully able to run my tongue around his toes. He moaned with pleasure.

' Ah, that sure feels good'' he groaned. ' Few things can beat having my fucking foot deep in some fucking toe sucking faggots mouth. Don't stop boy, you're making your fucking Daddy happy and I know that you want to keep me happy''.

I remained between my fathers legs with his foot in my mouth. I diligently did all I could to keep him happy before he eased his foot out of my gaping mouth. My jaw pained and it took me a few seconds to regain my composure. This angered him and I felt a shape kick to my face.

`' What the fuck, homo. What are you fuck are you waiting for, a fucking invitation. I've got two fucking feet, faggot. Now, snap to it boy, get my fucking other foot licked clean'' and he pushed my face down.

I don't know how long it took but I repeated the entire process again, right down to the toe sucking. Thankfully, when I had finished he pushed me to one side and he got up and went to get another drink. It only took seconds but it gave me an opportunity to try to relax my jaw. I was kneeling by the side of his chair when he returned. Sitting back down, he replaced his muscled arms behind his head. Looking at me, he smiled.

`'Right, faggot, now its time to sort my fucking pits out, boy. I can fucking smell them and it ain't nice'' and he grinned ...''real nice for a pig though''. Grabbing the belt again, he pulled me to the side of his chair.

`' And that's why you're fucking here, isn't it cunt. You're fucking here to give your Daddy's sweaty pits a good old fashioned tongue bath so kneel up boy. Get that faggot face up here and get your Masters pits licked out'' and he pulled the belt up sharply.

He had extremely hairy armpits. I could see that the thick black hairs were moist.

' Come on then cunt, stop fucking looking and start fucking licking'' he chuckled. 'Lots of fucking pig treats for you in those pits so get that fucking ugly homo face right in there and remember, I want to hear big piggy sniffs, faggot''.

Following his orders, I immediately shoved my face right into my father's pungent armpit. Damp hairs tickled my nose and face. I breathed in deeply. Fuck, this was wonderful. He was still holding the belt and pulling on it, he ensured that my face was right where he wanted it. My tongue went straight into overdrive. I lapped at the hairs like an animal. The taste of my Fathers sweat was sheer fucking heaven. My face was lost in my fathers stinking pit. I couldn't get enough. Lapping ferociously, my mouth quickly went dry. Realising this, my father turned his head towards mine and simply said...

' Open, cunt''. I opened my mouth and he spat in it. 'There you go, faggot, now get that fucking face back in there and he pulled roughly on the belt again, forcing my face right into his armpit.

'That's it cunt, that's it boy, lick that fucking pit, faggot. Lick your Daddy's sweat out of that pit. You fucking love my stink, don't you faggot?'' he demanded. With my tongue still busy, I speedily answered. ' Yes, Daddy, I fucking love your stink'' I answered hurriedly, my tongue instantly returning to its rampage.

`' Come on fucker, breath it in, suck on those hairs...fucking suck them faggot...make fucking sure you get every fucking drop of my fucking God sweat sucked up cunt'' and with his hand now on the back of my head, he began to move my head around, grinding it into his pit.

`'Fucking pig'' he growled and with that he pulled me around the back of the chair to his other unwashed pit.

`'Open, faggot'' and he spat in my mouth. This was my signal to get back to doing my job. In a split second, my face was back were it belonged. I was again cleaning my Daddy's, my Father's, my Master's sweat up with my tongue. I was in a virtual trace, when, unexpectedly, he pushed me away.

`' Stay dog, fucking stay'' he commanded. Then, he walked off into the gym. I was fucking confused but a few moments later, he returned, carrying a gym bench and some workout ropes. He put it down a few feet away from the TV. Then opening a cupboard, he rummaged inside before pulling out some plain covered DVD's. He placed one in the player and seconds later, the TV screen changed to two studs brutally spit roasting some lucky bitch.

`'Fucking get over here faggot, fucking crawl to your Master like the lowlife piece of faggot scum that you are ''his tone was harsh. Not moving quick enough for him, he walked over and kicked me hard in the side. I yelped in pain again.

'Come on faggot, move it, crawl to the fucking bench. Now'' he paused, looking down at me arrogantly. 'Now, we're going to fucking see if we can get that pathetic pig tongue to the colour it should be''. We both knew what he was fucking talking about.

When I reached the bench, he bend down, grabbed me and in one single effortless movement, I was lying on my back on the bench. Picking the ropes up, he had me tied down securely. He used one on my neck and head, the other, he used on my slim body. I was now tied securely to the bench.

Then he walked off confidently and refilled his whiskey. I turned my eyes to watch. It was impossible not to look at his outstanding ass at every opportunity. My mouth watered, it was fucking astounding and I knew that I was about to get to know it a lot more fucking intimately. The thought of my father fucking turning my homo tongue brown was almost too much to take and nervous tension rushed through my body. All the time, I could hear the screams and moans echoing from the TV.

He walked back and begun to leisurely circle me, sipping his drink. Fuck, he was magnificent. Wearing just his tight suit pants, his ripped upper body exposed, he was nothing less than a God. The manner of his deliberate slow stride let me fucking know that he was fully aware of that fact. He occasionally looked down at me, smirking arrogantly. He was allowing me to drink in his pure undiluted alpha male superiority. I was getting even more worked up and he gloried in his rightful power. Then, when he had completed several circuits, he spoke in a calm authoritative voice.

'Now cunt, we both fucking know precisely what you are and what you were fucking born to do. You are a lowlife faggot and I am a fucking God. You are nothing and you are here to serve and do whatever I fucking command. But,'' he paused, intentionally before continuing. ' But above all you are nothing but a fucking ass licking homo. The reason you exist, the reason you were fucking put in the world is to lick the assholes of superior men, men like men ... if we decide to give you that fucking honour'' he chuckled.

As he spoke, he continued to walk around me.

' To be more precise, you are a fucking shithole cleaning faggot. Your fucking pig tongue was put in that nasty mouth of yours to lick the shit and sweat from my asshole, if I decide that you're fucking worthy, that is'' he snarled. 'And, if I do, it needs to be fucking done properly, cunt'' he snapped, sadistically, before continuing.

`'You are going to fucking learn how to worship a real man's ass and shithole.. my ass and shithole correctly. I am going to fucking teach you and you WILL do it properly or there will be fucking serious consequences. You understand boy?'' he barked.

`'Yes Master, yes Sir, yes Father'', I whimpered, vigorously nodding my head.

`'Ok cunt. Now, there'll be not more pathetic kneeling behind me faggot so the first thing that I'm going to fucking do is to sit right on your fucking homo face. You see, faggots have faces so that real men have somewhere to fucking sit, he said, grinning.

`'So, now I'm going to sit on your faggot face and watch some fucking decent porn'' and he sipped on his whiskey again.

` And, it fucking goes without saying that having me sit on your ugly face is a privilege reserved for the chosen few so you WILL show the appropriate gratitude'' he added, coldly.

`' Oh, yes Father, yes Master, I will'' I blurted out quickly.

`' Good faggot'' was all he said as he moved to the end of the bench. In a single motion, he was standing across me. Facing away from me, he planted his tree trunk legs firmly either side of the bench. Looking up all I could see was the fucking fantastic curved outline of his powerful ass as it moved down towards my face. As he lowered his magnificent rear further, the fabric of his pants pulled to ripping point again, clearly outlining his underwear and the deep trench of his beautiful muscle butt.

As my Masters mammoth muscle butt came close to my face, I could again smell the odour of his ripe shithole. I shook with anticipation. I didn't have to wait long. He bent his knees and his powerful ass was on my fucking face. He moved his feet around a little, getting himself comfortable and when he had found his idea position he just relaxed and sat right down onto my face. I thought he was going to crush my fucking head with the pressure of his whole body resting on my head. My face was buried... buried right between my father's enormous glutes. I could hardly breathe. My nose was wedged deep, pushed hard against his pant fabric. What little air I could get came from within his butt crack. It was a fucking heady mix of sweat and shit.

Then, suddenly, showing no fucking mercy, he began to grind his ass on my face as hard as he possibly could. All the time, he was shouting at the TV screen. `' That's it, guys, fuck that dirty bitch, fuck her hard''. He was really getting off on this. He continued grinding his beefy butt back and forth, back and forth...sliding the entire length of his ass crack over my trapped face. He moaned with approval. Then, he began to shout and I knew he was directing it at me.

' Now, that's what it's all fucking about'' and he continued to grind. ' Fuck, that feels good. That's where your fucking face belongs faggot, underneath your fucking Daddy's ass, pushed right up into my fucking stinking butt'' he said, righteously.

' I fucking love sitting on, some pathetic faggots face, watching some stupid cunt get fucked at both ends'' he chuckled. 'And, I fucking know, that you're one happy little homo''. I groaned in sheer ecstasy.

He stopped grinding and then pushed his mighty ass down again. I heard him grunt and then it fucking happened. He let a fucking fart rip. My nose, was perfectly, situated. It blasted through the fabric filling my nostrils. The spicy smell was less overwhelming than I expected. I had no fucking choice but to breathe it in, not that I wanted one.

' There you go, cunt. That was a real fucking faggot treat for you'' he laughed. 'You fucking faggots really get off on having a real fucking man sitting and farting on your disgusting faces, so fucking low. Dirty ass eating, fart sniffing fucking homos'' he snarled. Then he continued...

`'Your filthy little homo friends would have paid good fucking money to have had their stupid face down there for that. So, you piece of lowlife scum, show some fucking appreciation'' he barked.

I felt him push his hand between his legs. His finger edged towards my mouth and then pushing it against the fabric, he said...

'Right, you piece of useless shit, kiss fucking right there'' and he tapped his finger. ''That's my fucking shithole, so fucking kiss just there cunt, show some fucking gratitude boy'' he commanded. ' And let me fucking feel it''.

He kept his finger in place as I began to kiss the fabric that covered my Fathers alpha male shithole. I was kissing the fabric and the tip of his finger but he pulled it away.

`'Keep kissing, cunt'' and I did as ordered. Then after a minute or two, he continued.

'' Now that you know precisely where my asshole is pig, I want to feel some fucking mouth and tongue action, boy. Show your fucking Daddy just how badly you want to worship his butthole. Fucking convince me, why I should be fucking bothered to take my pants and polo's off, boy''. No sooner had he said the words than my mouth was back on the fabric. I kissed, licked and sucked. I wanted to prove to him than I was a worthy faggot. I tried to fucking push my tongue through the thin material. So fucking little yet so much separated my mouth and tongue from their place of worship. My Father spoke occasionally as I did my fucking upmost to convince him to remove his suit pants.

' That's it cunt, yes that's it. Let me feel more fucking tongue, boy'' he ordered. He had begun to grind his ass again and I was at fucking fever pitch beneath it. ' Good, cunt, that's better. Now, eat boy, let me fucking feel you trying to fucking eat right through my fucking pants, pig'' he commanded and I was fucking more than willing to oblige. Precisely for how long this went on, I don't know but it went on for quite some time. Then, suddenly, he just swung his leg over the bench and it was over.

He walked off to refill his drink again and as he did, I watched him. A large dark damp area was visible on the ass of his pants. My saliva now filled every fibre of the fabric covering my Masters asshole. Returning, he put his drink down on the side of the bench. Glaring down at me, he didn't look to convinced. I was nervous that I hadn't done enough. Then he spoke...

`'That was ok, faggot, but I've had much fucking better. I still haven't decided if I'll allow you to fucking get your dirty homo mouth and tongue on my shitter, boy'' his tone was unsympathetic. I was fucking devastated and about to start begging again, when he told me to shut the fuck up, cunt.

`'So faggot, I've decided that maybe you are just a fucking pup and pups require serious fucking training'' he chuckled. Then, he began to undo his pants. He stared at me as he did it, looking for a response. Watching him caused my breathing to increase and my face flushed.

`'Poor, dirty little pig is fucking really desperate to worship his Daddy's asshole. As any fucking faggot pup would be''. Feeding on my desperation, he just smirked. Still staring at me, he unhurriedly slid his pants down his thick solid legs. Taking them off, he threw them over the back of the chair. He stood there now just wearing his Polo Y-fronts. He was fucking breathtaking. He just laughed aloud at my adulation. Picking up his drink, he walked over to me and spat in my face.

`'Dirty fucking shit licker'' was all he said before he started walking around me again. Every worked out muscle in his superb body was now on display.

His underwear was tight, really tight. Their contents fucking ensured that. He had put his cock and balls back into them when he'd removed his pants. His semi hard cock and nuts pushed out against the sweaty, piss stained front. At the rear, they clung to his mountainous butt cheeks. He put on fresh underwear every morning, however, the valley between was clearly shit stained.

As he paced, showing off his unbelievable body, he looked like a fucking triumphant Roman Gladiator fresh from an arena kill, surveying his next victim. Hot, sweaty, all-powerful, all conquering. He was fucking everything. I was fucking nothing.

Then, suddenly, a vicious slap across my face quickly brought me back to my current reality.

`' Right cunt, now I've decided that I'm going to fucking sit on your ugly face again. This time boy, I want to fucking feel a lot more fucking effort or it's my fucking belt across your ass'' and before I knew it he had planted his underwear clad butt back on my face.

`'Let me fucking feel it cunt. Let me feel what that faggot tongue and mouth were born to do'' he barked. Eat my fucking ass, boy. Eat your Daddy's fucking ass'' and the ass grinding began again. I went into a fucking kissing and licking frenzy, my mouth working on the already damp cotton.

`'That's better, faggot, that's more like it. Now, fucking suck on that shit stained fabric, cunt. You fucking love doing that, don't filthy faggot pig'' he was enjoying this, I could tell from the tone in his voice. I could only groan in response.

`'Fucking such my shit right through the fabric and into your toilet mouth, pig'' he commanded. I willing did what he wanted. Pushing my mouth deeper, I began to suck. I could clearly taste the sweat that had gathered on his asshole and with renewed effort, the taste of my Fathers shit started to fill my fucking mouth.

`'Keep fucking sucking, you dirty homo. Fucking suck my underwear clean, suck harder cunt'' and reaching behind his back, he punched me in my ribs. I was now numb to pain and I hardly flinched so, not content, he punched me again, mercilessly. This time though, it hit home and I cried out in pain. However, my scream, was quickly muffled when he pushed his ass down onto my face.

`' I said, fucking suck harder, faggot, such my shit up, now do it'' he barked. I succeeded in getting some of the stained cotton into my mouth, the piece that had rubbed directly over my Daddy's asshole. With every fucking ounce of effort that I could muster, I sucked. Feeling, his dirty shithole twitch slightly beneath the now wet fabric, sent me straight to pig paradise.

`'Better, faggot. Much better, that's it cunt, don't fucking stop. Suck your Daddy's skid marks clean. Good faggot pup'' he praised my performance and I was so delighted.

Without saying anything, he stood up, quickly removed his Polo's and turning them inside out, he put them back on.

`'Now, that's better, pig boy'' and he sat back down on my face again. This time there was not trying to suck his shit through the fabric. His skid marks were now pressing directly on my mouth.

`'Right, now I want every trace of my shit sucked out of those. Do that and I just might let you lick my asshole clean boy and I fucking know just how fucking badly you want to do that, you little shit eater'' and he chuckled, loudly.

I felt him pick up his drink again as he relaxed back, easing his beautiful ass back into place. As he sipped, watching the porn again, my mouth and tongue laboured relentlessly, trying to remove the remaining brown streaks.

For at least thirty minutes, I worked, without stopping. He commented on what was happening on the screen. Every now and then, he'd bark an order at me. His voice lacked any compassion. He appeared to be very content, sitting on his sons faggot face, drinking and watching hardcore porn. I could feel him work his cock while I diligently licked and sucked his manly shit stains out of his underwear.

When the porn finished, he stood up.

`'Time to fucking see how you've done, faggot'' and he took his underwear off. Turning them around, he inspected the ass of his y-fronts.

' Ok, faggot, these are not fucking clean. Not clean and definitely not fucking good enough, cunt'' he shouted angrily, holding them above my face. 'Fucking look here, pig boy, is that fucking shit I see?'' he asked maliciously. ' You're going to have to do fucking better than that. You dirty little homos are normally fucking excellent at shit cleaning'' he stated, bluntly. 'But, you boy, you've got a lot to fucking learn and learn you fucking will boy, I'm going to fucking train you to be an excellent shit cleaning fucking homo'' he said callously.

With that, he moved around and sat on my chest facing me. My father was naked sitting on my chest about to fucking train me how to be his shit-cleaning boy.

`' Ok, cunt. Look here, this isn't fucking clean'' and he pointed at the residue of his skid mark. This isn't good enough at all, faggot'' he repeated and he back handed me, almost brining tears to my eyes again.

`' Now cunt, lets get these fucking spotless'' he barked. He folded his underwear, exposing the now faded shit stains. He brought them right to my mouth and said one word.

'Lick'' he commanded. I stuck my tongue out and not to chance pissing him off again, I ran my tongue the length of the stain. 'Again'' he snarled `'and don't dare fucking stop until I tell you, boy''. I did, as, I was told.

`'Slowly, do it fucking slowly. I really want to see your filthy fucking pig tongue licking my shit up, faggot'' and a conceited smile crossed his gorgeous face. He looked over his shoulder and burst out laughing.

`'You really are one fucking low motherfucker. You are a fucking proper little shit hungry pup. You're pathetic excuse for a boy cock is rock fucking hard from licking my shit up'' and he back handed me. He was getting angry again.

`' Long, slow fucking licks, piggy, I already fucking told you. Get them fucking good and wet with that pig tongue'' he instructed, harshly. After several minutes, he decided to wrap the soaking cotton around his fingers and he shoved them into my mouth.

`'Right, they should be fucking wet enough now so fucking suck, cunt and let me fucking feel it'' and he pushed his fingers further into my toilet mouth. For the second time in a matter of hours, I had my Fathers shit stained underwear shoved in my mouth. I sucked eagerly and he just watched. Resting on my chest, his once soft cock was beginning to harden. He was clearly fucking enjoying having me clean with soiled underwear with my mouth. Occasionally, he removed his fingers and inspected the fabric. Still not content, he'd reposition the fabric and reinserted it. If he thought my mouth was becoming dry, he would spit on the fabric and grin before putting it back into my mouth.

Pulling his y-fronts from my mouth after one particularly intense suck section, he smiled. He appeared to be satisfied that I'd done all fucking humanly possible to remove the stains.

' Ok, faggot, not too fucking bad. However, there's a lot of fucking room for improvement'' and he threw them on the floor. Then he got a seriously mean expression on his face. 'What the fuck am I saying. From now on there'll be no fucking skid marks as my shithole is going to be fucking kept nice and fucking clean and that little homo tongue of yours boy is going to be doing the fucking cleaning''.

`'And that's just for fucking starters'' he sneered.

Abruptly, he got up and untied me from the bench. He lifted the bench up, sending me crashing to the hard wooden floor bellow. I landed on my side. He walked off to refill this drink. As he moved, his incredible naked ass muscles moved enticingly up and down, almost defying gravity. Returning to his chair, he once again took up his position, like a fucking king on a throne.

Staring over at me menacingly, he barked his next order.

'I told you already cunt, a fucking dog should always be at its Masters fucking feet. Now, crawl over here faggot and be fucking quick about it. I'm fucking tired and I had decided to leave the next stage of your fucking training until the morning but as you're doing so fucking well'' he laughed ' I've decided to continue it now. So, crawl cunt. Crawl to your fucking God, your Father and as you crawl fucking beg me to train you how to worship my dirty shithole properly''.

Moving forward in the chair, he threw he gigantic legs over each arm, displaying his hairy butt, perfectly. As I crawled, he watched, lacking any true feeling. The only expression on his handsome face was one of sheer delight. Delight at my total debasement. With every move, I begged him to train me. Having relit his cigar, he just shouted at me, smoke rising above his head.

'Fucking louder, faggot, I can't hear you. Speak up, you useless piece of lowlife shit. Beg cunt, he roared''. 'Fucking beg''.

While he shouted, he sipped on his whiskey and smoked. Then putting his drink down he moved his down and began to rub three fingers slowly up and down his ass crack, lingering briefly over his hairy shithole.

`'Come on cunt, fucking beg Daddy to train you how to worship this shithole correctly, faggot'' he smiled.

`'Your Daddy has fucking trained a lot of fucking lowlife faggot scum. I've trained them how to show a superior fucking alpha males shithole the devotion that it deserves from dirty fucking homos . Dirty fucking homos, just like you boy and it fucking looks like you're next on my fucking list, cunt''. As he shouted at me, he kept rubbing his asshole teasingly. I was nearly by his feet now and as I got closer, he raised his hand and smelled his fingers.

`'Daddy's fucking butthole sure needs fucking cleaning, faggot boy. Perfect time to fucking start your training, cunt. Faggots need to fucking lean their place'' he stated in a hateful tone. Moving his fingers towards my nose, he said four short words.

'Sniff, faggot, fucking sniff '...


Next: Chapter 11

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