Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Dec 24, 2014


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 11

We went into the master bedroom as we had Rachel's crib there. Sarah was up and looking at Rachel sleeping. She smiled at us when we came in and we all looked in the crib. She was so amazing. This tiny little human being that Sarah and I created. She is part of me, I helped make a little human being! The magnitude and importance of that responsibility was finally starting to hit me. How much is this going to change our lives? Holy crap! When she's older, we can't walk around naked anymore! The things I think about....

I shook my head and came back to the present. Micah and Sarah started laughing at me. I smiled and said, "You guys know I go off to la la land every once in a while. Leave me alone," I said jokingly.

They both put their arms around me and kissed me. "Want to share your la la?" Micah asked grinning.

I chuckled. I told them what I had been thinking and they agreed that walking around with clothes on was going to be a big adjustment.

"You two are in a mood tonight," I said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Sarah said. "It's just good to see you so proud, glowing and happy. We owe everything we have to you and we are happy when you're happy."

"Everyone keeps saying they owe all they have to me. I just did what I wanted. I wanted to be friends with you guys, I wanted to do my job well, I wanted to have a child, I want, I want, I want. Yet everyone says I'm so giving. It's all kind of confusing."

Sarah kissed me on the cheek and said, "Trey, you are so giving. A lot of what you want is giving to others. Just because you wanted to be friends with us doesn't work unless we wanted to be friends with you, too. You and Micah are an amazing team on projects. That's why we are where we are. You work with people and get results. And you wanted a child and look." We looked in the crib and Rachel was stretching. Just watching her move was an emotional moment.

I looked at Micah. He said, "You need to listen to Sarah. She's a smart lady. And look at what we did for all the people in this unit, on post, and in the surrounding civilian communities. Tens of thousands of people are benefiting from what we have done. If you feel selfish for that, then no one is going to stop you from feeling that way. Because of the work we did, a lot of people are very happy."

"You guys are right. It just doesn't seem fair that I can have everything I want and be so happy."

Micah grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed. Sarah had picked up Rachel and was feeding her. Micah and I undressed and he started kissing me on the neck. He nibbled and licked and then worked his way down to my nipples. He pushed me onto the bed and continued working my orbs. He had a knee between my legs, pushing against my balls. His cock and balls were resting on my right leg mid thigh. As he moved, I could feel his precum on my leg. I was pretty hard by now and he took a hand and started stroking me. He adjusted his position and now he took his hand that was stroking me and pressed my cock against his leg. He then took his slightly cupped hand and started moving it up and down my shaft. The feeling was incredible. The friction of his leg keeping my skin on that side of my shaft from moving and his hand running the skin up and down my shaft had me going crazy. I was moaning and put my hands on Micah's head. I pushed his head into my chest hard. He bit on my nipple and then flicked the rock hard end with his tongue. I soaked his hand in precum excretion. He was pressing his hand hard against his leg, trapping my cock between them. I could feel the heat from the friction even with the precum. The heat was more than I could stand and I started shooting my load. The first three hit Micah in the lower abdomen and then dripped down on me. The next several just arced out of my head and onto my stomach.

Micah released my nipple that was now sending searing pain signals to my brain. It was a pain that I loved. And it subsided too quickly. Micah was licking my load off of me. I looked at him and he stared into my eyes as he licked and swallowed. When he was done, he moved up and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and locked my ankles on his lower back.

"I love you, Micah. You're the world to me. You, Sarah, Rachel, the group, you're all my world. And there's something about you that I will never forget."

"What's that?"

"The first time I met you and you helped me walk after my party. The look in your eyes was that of the most caring, concerned person on earth. My heart melted and you molded it back as yours."

He smiled and kissed me.

Sarah had fed, changed, and put Rachel to bed. She climbed into bed with us and we fell asleep.

Aaron, Daryl, and Parker were lying in bed, with Daryl in the middle, talking. They were wondering if Rachel would change the group, or even break the group up.

"I don't think that Trey and Sarah would let that happen," Daryl said. "They're too good of people and we all have a love that is undying. I know their child is closer to them than we are, but they have thought about this a long time and I think they want Rachel, and Micah's child, to grow up in the group. That's the plan. But if we are really worried about it, we should just ask them."

"You're right Daryl," said Aaron. "We're laying here speculating the worst case scenario when it'll never happen."

Parker got up on one elbow and leaned over and kissed Daryl. "Thanks guys. I was nervous that maybe things would change. But now I'm sure that my imagination is just running wild."

Aaron got up on an elbow, leaned in and kissed Parker. "Everything will be fine. Plus, the last couple months sleeping with Micah was awesome. We should do that more." He gave Parker a wink that Daryl couldn't see and they started kissing again. There was Daryl, lying there in between them and just watching. He started to sit up to join them and they both put a hand on a shoulder and pushed him back down. Daryl got a hurt look on his face and then changed his demeanor and started laughing. Aaron and Parker stopped kissing and looked at him. Daryl was still laughing.

"What's up with you?" Aaron asked.

"You guys are trying to make me jealous and it just struck me funny. Like you guys are worth a little sex," Daryl said laughing.

"Why you ..." Parker said and jumped on Daryl. Aaron was holding Daryl's hands above his head and Parker started kissing Daryl's neck and tickling his sides at the same time. Parker had his legs outside Daryls and Daryl couldn't move. He was wiggling as much as he could, trying to get away.

"Okay, okay, I give!" Daryl squeaked out.

Parker stopped tickling him and just started kissing him. Parker could feel the sweat on Daryl's lips. He licked the salty sweat and continued to kiss him. He probed his mouth with his tongue. He slid his arms up and grabbed Daryl's wrists and pulled them back down, holding them next to Daryl's head. Daryl was loving this soft bondage type feeling. Aaron had moved around and was lubing up both Daryl and Parker. Parker forced his legs in between Daryls. Aaron grabbed Daryl's legs and pulled them up so that his hole was exposed. He had been pounded by Parker so many times that he was used to the body splitting feeling that he got every time he was entered, plus he looked forward to it. Tonight, Parker got in without much trouble as Daryl was aroused to a state of total want. When Parker was comfortable in Daryl, Aaron held Daryl's ankles on Parker's back and then while standing on his feet, he lowered down into Parker. Daryl was moaning from the intense pleasure he was feeling. He had grown to love being manhandled by Parker's huge cock. The one thing he hated was the emptiness when he pulled out after orgasm. But the time that he pounded in him, he still got the dizzy feeling from the intense orgasm that always came with it.

Daryl was nearly screaming into Parker's mouth. Parker was pounding him with more vigor than usual due to the horseplay that Daryl pulled earlier. Aaron was taking full strokes into and out of Parker, giving Parker even that much more motivation.

Daryl let out a loud growl and Parker felt any opening between them filling with warm liquid. He felt the pumping against his stomach, the growing of that little bit when the load is shot out. He must have felt Daryl work his pumping action thirty times, he didn't count them. But the thought of getting Daryl that high made him lose it and he flooded Daryl's insides with his load. He slammed Daryl down into the mattress, trying to get each shot of his load just that little bit further than the last. When he finished, the pounding Aaron was giving him escalated as the sensory nerves kicked in after orgasm. He was really feeling every vein on Aaron's cock and the head leaving his ring and then slamming back through it had him wanting to pump in Daryl even more. So he did! Daryl looked at him like he'd had enough, but as Parker moved in him, he closed his eyes and moaned in sexually dominated bliss.

Aaron slammed hard into Parker and squirt after quirt shot out of his shaft into its prized location deep in Parker. Parker moaned his pleasure as he felt the warm feeling of Aaron's liquid. It was one of his favorite feelings, the warmth of someone shooting their love into him.

Parker looked at Daryl and his eyes were full of tears. Parker said, "Daryl, I'll stop." And he started to pull out.

"No! Keep fucking me! Make love to me! Fuck me! Do anything but don't get out of me!" Daryl wailed.

Parker had never seen Daryl in this mental state, but obeyed his wish and kept pounding into him. With Aaron out of him, he was hard and slowly recharging. He pounded Daryl for another ten minutes before he shot his second load into him. He stopped, still deep in Daryl, and looked at his face. He saw that there were two wet spots on the pillow next to his head where the tears had run down his face.

"Daryl," Parker said softly. "You okay?"

Daryl opened his eyes and smiled weakly. "Yeah, I think so."

Parker did slowly pull out of Daryl and he winced when he exited.

They were all lying next to each other and Parker asked, "Daryl, what was that all about? I mean, it was as hot as we've ever been, but is there something else going on?"

"No," Daryl replied. "I just needed a really good pounding. I was just in a pounding, crying mood."

"Well, I loved the pounding part that's for sure, but I've never seen you act like that before. It was kind of scary."

"I'm good, buddy. And the lovemaking was fucking fantabulous!"

They all kissed and then went to sleep. Parker was having a hard time understanding what just happened. Were things really okay?

It was a couple weeks later, and the families had all departed at different times. Sarah's Mom had stayed the longest. I really fell in love with her as she was the sweetest lady I had ever met. And cook! She would show all six of us how she made all of our favorite dishes. She was positive, always willing to help anyone, and loved her granddaughter! I don't know if there was a prouder grandma anywhere. Maybe because Sarah was her only child and her only chance at grandchildren. And what a miracle because she was married to a gay guy!

I was able to have a nice talk with her one day and she told me that even though our arrangement was different, she was so happy that Sarah had found true love. She told me she loved both Micah and me. She just came out and told me that both Micah and I are two of the best men she had ever met. She was so happy and didn't worry about Sarah at all. It was wonderful that Sarah loved two amazing men and that she couldn't be happier to have two sons-in-law. Maybe not legally, she said, but I can think what I want! She said, "Trey, I certainly never expected a situation like this." Then she laughed, "But I like it!"

It was May and with Sarah on maternity leave, the five of us went to work in one car. We were going to formation one morning and Aaron asked, "Hey Micah, you're a medic, right?"


"But you work in the IT section. How'd that end up happening?"

"Well, one day I was in the HQ to see Top about what all he wanted for medical support when we went to the rifle qualification range. SSG Watkins was in the office and they were having an issue with one of the computers. I overheard the conversation and thought I knew the problem. I went and asked if I could help. They were stumped, so I took a look and fixed the problem in two minutes. I am a computer nut and no one really knew because I'm pretty much all self-taught. Anyway, SSG Watkins asked if I could come look at a couple things at his office and I've been there ever since. They put in for me to get the analyst MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) which normally you have to test for or have a degree, but they said I had already proven my worth."

"Thanks, I always wondered. Now I know! Kind of lucky how things all work out, isn't it?"

"Sure is!" we all said together.

At the end of formation, Top wanted to see Micah and me in his office. This didn't even make me nervous anymore and I always had to smile when I thought about the time when Micah got promoted the first time. I looked like a fish out of water in front of the formation. It was hilarious to me now.

We got to HQ and went into Top's office.

"How's our Sarah and Rachel doing?" Top asked.

"Great Top. Here are a few pictures from last night."

"That's great. They look good. And thank you in advance for inviting our families out to the house for dinner this Saturday. I know the CO and his family are looking forward to it, too. Okay guys," Top started, "Good news and bad news."

Micah and I looked at each other and said together, "Bad news first."

"The Department of the Army came down with their decision and said that you can't be in the Army and work on Government contracts, too."

"The good news?" we asked together.

"The Government is going to offer you a contract, open ended, to do the work that we have been talking about. Extremely lucrative from what they are saying."

Micah and I looked at each other. "Micah, you want to tell him?"

"Top, we already have our decision. Please tell the government thank you, but no thank you. We love our jobs here in the unit and we love everything about our lives right now. We know that we owe everything we have to the government projects they have given us, but we decided that if we had to make a choice, we'd stay."

"Uh, guys, I'm speechless. Do you know how much money you're turning down?"

I said, "I'd guess twenty million a year total. But it doesn't matter Top. We worked hard and did two projects for them accurately and ahead of schedule. We love the unit, we love doing projects for them, but we also told them what we believe is the best way for us to do this work. We talked about it and decided that if they made us choose between the two, they were going to lose."

"Guys, that is the most amazing thing I have ever heard. You do know that almost no one has the type of integrity and moral values you have anymore."

"Top, we're happy. If we start working for them, then we lose a lot of control over our lives. How many people can say that the Army gives them more freedom than a multi-million dollar job? We love it here. We love working for you and the CO, we love the unit, we love our jobs. The six of us are making plenty of money, so is more money worth being miserable? And I would think that they would completely expect this answer from us, it's one of the reasons they brought the second project to us."

"Geez. I really should have expected this response from you guys. "Well, I guess I'll let them know. Oh, one other thing. I was just kidding, they said you could stay just as you are and work on their projects! Gotcha!!"

Micah and I looked at each other and smiled. "Top, I think that we owe you one now!" I exclaimed laughing.

We all laughed and then Top told us that the government would be coming in to give us the details on the next project at the end of the week. He did say that if we were successful, we were looking at a lot more than the last project as far as compensation.

"Holy crap," I said. "This is insane. No wonder the government doesn't have any money!"

"You guys have earned every penny. With every project you are saving the government money, millions of dollars. The Locator job is already in the black on the resources that you freed up from that, the drone project is hard to put a financial number on because that involves saving lives, too. But every user of the drone database is raving about how much it is making battlefield decisions and planning easier and better. Top Field Commanders are getting feedback to the Pentagon saying that this will turn the tide on the war on terrorism."

"Wow," I said. "We're helping with the war, Micah."

He looked at me and smiled. Then said, "You're right Top. It just seems like so much money to us."

"Don't under estimate how worthwhile you guys are to your country right now. One of your projects helped uncover a mole that was passing information on to other governments. There is a chance that you'll have to testify on that deal, but I haven't heard anything yet. That's it guys. Have a good day at work and I'll stay in touch."

When we got home, Sarah had fixed a roast, potatoes, steamed vegetables, apple pie and ice cream for dessert. Just like her Mom!

"Wow, that was awesome Sarah," Parker said, pushing away from the table. Too bad you're spoken for. Twice."

We laughed.

"Thank you Parker. It was my pleasure. I thought I should practice before Saturday."

"Well, you can practice on me anytime."

Sarah giggled, "Parker, you're a sweetie."

Sarah was feeding Rachel and we were all at the table. Daryl started, "I kind of feel stupid even bringing this up, but I was thinking that with Rachel here now that you guys may want to move on to the next phase of your plan and just the four of you live together and raise her."

"What?" I asked. "Where did that come from? Is someone feeling insecure?" I asked that question in the same voice I'd talk to Rachel in, being funny.

"Well, I know that's what you want to do and just figured you wanted Aaron, Parker, and me out of the way."

"Not on your life!" I said. "I'll admit that we did have that as our plan for the future, but we didn't know that our group was going to be this close. I guess I thought the trip to Arizona, Montana, and Nebraska was a signal that we were all together until death do us part."

"Gee Trey, that is really great. I mean, I love all of you guys and I think that we are really good together," Daryl said.

"We are, this is the first fight we've had," I said smiling.

Everyone laughed.

"Seriously, I know I want us all to be together. This whole government thing. Micah and I won't take anymore projects if it threatens the unity of the six of us. Seven of us, I mean! How can I keep forgetting about our baby girl?"

We chuckled.

"But since you kind of brought the subject up, Micah and I talked the other day about maybe adding onto the house. What if we put some bedrooms above the garage and take the two extra bays in the garage and make bedroom and bathroom there? Upstairs now we use two plus the nursery, that just leaves one. I guess it depends on how many times we think we'll use them. Holidays and when Sarah and Micah have their baby for sure. It'd be fun for all the families to come in the summer for a couple weeks or something."

"Or we could look for another house," Aaron suggested.

"You don't like it here?" asked Sarah. I had went and gotten Rachel from her because she was sleeping. I was getting better and thinking that I wouldn't break her somehow!

"I love it here," said Aaron. "I was just throwing out ideas. I mean they make bigger houses. But the idea of adding on here is a good one. I was just making conversation and seeing how everyone else felt."

"I'll put Rachel to bed, come back down and help clean up the table, and then I think we need to all get together, if you know what I mean!"

When I got back, the table was cleaned up and the dishwasher running. The pots and pans that didn't fit in the dishwasher, had Daryl and Aaron washing and Micah and Parker drying! I doubled over laughing and they were all laughing too. "We know!" Micah exclaimed. "Sex motivates us!"

We all headed up to the bedroom and stripped. I know this sounds crazy, but we all agreed that we felt more comfortable wearing clothes since Rachel was born. Weird, but we all felt the same way! Aaron went to Parker and had him lay at the foot end of the bed. He started working on his giant meat. I went to Daryl and started on his cock. There was something I liked about sucking on Daryl. Sarah put Micah at the head of the bed and started sucking on him.

Aaron had Parker all the way down his throat and had him moaning in just a couple minutes. Daryl was working up into my mouth as hard as he could, arching off the bed. Well, I wasn't going to have that and decided to give him the squeal like a pig treatment. I got a bunch of saliva in my mouth and slurped all around his cock. Then I took a huge deep breath and swallowed him all the way to the base of his hard cock. I just kept pushing until I was pushing him into the bed. Then I just held him there and worked my throat muscles as hard as I had ever worked them on anyone. I wanted Daryl to know that I didn't want him or anyone of the others going anywhere. Daryl was moaning and then it happened. His voice started to go up. As I held my breath and worked his shaft, he started screaming and squealing in a high pitch. "Oh Trey! Oh god Trey!" The others had stopped and were watching Daryl and looking at me with him buried as deep as I could get him. I finally had to come up for air, took a huge breath and then slammed his cock down my throat again. Daryl sucked in a huge breath and the screamed, "Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!" I felt his cock swell and start pulsating. Then I felt his cum running down into my stomach. I waited until he was done pumping and moved up off him, letting his cock slide up out of my throat.

When the others saw his cock exit my mouth, they started clapping. Daryl opened his eyes and looked at them. He said, "What's that for?"

They were all smiling and Micah said, "Do you remember what you were screaming or how you were screaming?"

"No, I wasn't screaming. All I know is that I'm dizzy right now. I don't think I've ever felt like that."

I moved up and got on Daryl, looking him eye to eye and my rock hard shaft being bent back between his legs. I kissed him and asked, "You still think I want you to leave us?"

Everyone laughed.

"Not if that's going to happen," he said. "Why were you all clapping?"

"Remember how Greg sounded at the party here when Trey blew him at the end of the party?" Parker asked.

"Yeah. Don't tell me I sounded like that!"

"Even better!" They exclaimed.

"Trey," Daryl said looking at me. "I can't believe how you do that. I felt like I was in another world. I would have done anything you asked me to do. You took total control of my mind. It's scary, kind of."

"Well, at least you are in good hands when I do it." And in my best Dracula voice, "I just want to suck your penis."

Everyone laughed again.

Sarah went back to sucking on Micah and Aaron on Parker. Daryl and I kissed and just chatted a little bit. He wanted me to so teach him how I was doing that. "You can come get a lesson any time."

We watched Sarah suck Micah, taking him deep and sucking hard. Watching them made me love them even more. Micah started to tighten up and I saw Sarah swallowing. She was one of a kind when it came to women. She could hang with us in about anything we did. She'd play tackle football with us, she'd put a strap on dildo on and pound anyone of our asses, then go shower and put any actress to shame on the red carpet in a dress.

Parker was moaning and then Aaron was swallowing as hard as he could to keep up. Parker was shooting a big load down Aaron's throat and he was taking every drop. They relaxed when Parker got done unloading and Aaron let his cock slide from his mouth. Then Sarah and Aaron both moved up and were laying on Micah and Parker like I was on Daryl. Micah looked at me and Aaron and said, "You both need your turn. What about you, Sarah?"

"I'm good, but if you need another orifice, I'm here for you all!"

Daryl said, "I'm ready for my first lesson. Roll over, big boy."

Micah said, "I'm ready for you, Aaron. Get over here, big boy!"

I laughed. One of the best things about our group is how much fun we have when we are together in bed, not just sex, but the joking around, too.

Daryl took my half hard meat into his mouth. He took a deep breath and got me down his throat. I started to grow immediately and I felt him start to struggle a little bit. "Relax, just relax." He pulled up and took a big gulp of air. He went back down, relaxing and sliding all the way to base of my cock. "That's fantastic, Daryl. Now, just try and work your throat muscles up and down, or maybe trying to squeeze is the thought that will work for you."

I could feel his throat muscles trying to work my cock. "Daryl, that's awesome!"

He came up for air. "I think I can do this," he said."

"I know you can Daryl, you already were," I replied smiling. "Now, I'm just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy."

Aaron was getting a good workout from Micah. Micah was listening to what I had told Daryl and trying the same technique. He came up, took a deep breath and then went down on Aaron all the way. He started grinding his throat muscles as hard as he could against Aaron's now raging hard shaft. Aaron was near squealing when he let out a yell and then starting shooting load after load down Micah's throat. Micah finished swallowing and pulled up. He went and kissed Aaron. "Micah, that was so freaking incredible."

Daryl had me near the point of losing control. He came up, took a huge breath and went down as hard on me as I did on him earlier. Man, I loved this kid and his tenacity! Daryl worked the sides of my shaft and it felt so amazing. I started moaning loudly and then my body tightened. I let out a yell and started shooting one of the largest loads I had ever shot in my life down Daryl's throat. After about ten of the hardest pumps my body had ever forced me through, Daryl slid my cock up out of his throat and smacked his lips when I was clear.

"Holy crap, Daryl," I panted. "You're never going anywhere. That, no disrespect to anyone else in this room, was the most amazing performance on my male appendage that I have ever had. Thank you."

Daryl looked like he had just saved the world. He was beaming and as happy as could be. Seeing him so happy made me happy. "Damn Daryl, now I have an idea how that feels. I was woozy after that orgasm. I am so impressed that you learned how to do that on your first try. The only bad part was that I was looking forward to many, many practice sessions!"

We all laughed and hugged and kissed all around. "We should have a bed big enough for all six of us to sleep in. Why didn't someone think of that before?" I said out loud.

"Oh, we'd never get any sleep then," Parker said.

On Friday, the MIB guys showed up and they gave us our next project. It was to rebuild the inventory system for the DoD. Holy crap! Just make it all fun and games why don't you! Well, they did give us two years to do this project. We felt we'd need all of it, too. But we took the project and we were confident that we could do it. Estimates were that if we were successful, we would save the Pentagon seventy to one hundred million dollars a year. They said they would pay us ten percent of what we saved for ten years. There was no way we were going to let anyone down. We could potentially make one hundred million dollars the next ten years!

Saturday for the dinner with the CO and Top and their families ,Sarah made the same thing she made earlier in the week. We all helped, but only did what she requested. It went like clockwork. She was a pro in the kitchen.

Things were under control and she went and was reading to Rachel. I whispered in her ear that we'd be in the guys' bedroom if she needed us. She smiled a wry smile. "Come join us." I said.

"No, I'm good. I don't want to get too involved and let dinner burn."

"Good thinking." I kissed her and rounded up the guys. We were naked in a second and I started on Aaron. When Micah and I joined these guys, we seldom touched each other as we were able to do that in our bed. I took Aaron down my throat and I thought how easy it was. I thought back to when we rented the motel room and we were together for the first time. That kind of motivated me and the feelings I had for him flooded back into my memory. All six of us loved the others equally, but Aaron was special to me in a different way than the others. I loved Parker for his laid back attitude and his Matt Damon looks. I loved Daryl because he had such an amazing attitude and body. He took on any challenges and wouldn't take no for an answer when it came to succeeding. And he had the most beautiful cock and balls I have ever seen. His cock was perfect in size and shape, everything in perfect proportion. His balls were just above average in size, but they were perfect for his cock and his body. I just loved him for him.

I came back to reality and Aaron was moaning and seemed to be feeling in the mood. I took him down my throat and held him there, not very long, because he felt like he was getting close. I stopped and moved up, taking his legs up in the air as I went. Someone reached between my legs, lubed my head and shaft, then Aaron's hole. I slid up to his entrance and pushed in. I hit the tight spot and waited. Aaron winced a little then looked at me. He didn't have to do anything else and I pushed a little harder. I looked into his eyes as I pushed past his tight spot and slid all the way in until I couldn't go any further. I waited there a few seconds and then slid all the way out and headed right back in. He popped up off the bed when I forced his ring open this time, but it must not have hurt as he just tried to move into me. I immediately went into long powerful strokes. Daryl had moved up and dropped those gorgeous balls right into Aaron's mouth. As I slid in and out of Aaron now, all I heard was a gurgled grunting. Daryl and I leaned in and kissed. Kissing Daryl intensified my thrusting into and out of Aaron. Micah and Parker joined us, Micah sucked Aaron's cock in and Parker took Daryl's cock in his mouth.

I had one of those moods coming on where I could go all day without cumming. I abused Aaron's hole for nearly thirty minutes. He had cum once in Micah's mouth and once in Daryls. Daryl was on his knees stroking his shaft right above Aaron's face. I saw him tense up and shoot ropes of cum onto Aaron's face, plastering most of it. Micah took his turn on Aaron and unloaded as much as Daryl did. Parker started shooting on Aaron's face and filled both eye sockets. We just had our own little bukkake party! I saw that Aaron was really getting close to being in pain, so I pulled out and joined the loads on his face. Daryl was pushing a lot of the cum into Aaron's mouth and then the little shit would steal a little for himself! We left an ample amount of cum on Aaron's face and told him to lie still why we sat there and talked.

"Why can't I go clean up?" Aaron asked.

"Because you are our air freshener right now. The smell of our love for you is in the air and on your face. You don't want to wash our love away, do you?"

"Well, yeah I kinda do!"

We laughed and told him he was a big boy and could do what he wanted. He got up and went and cleaned himself up.

Top and the CO and their families came out later that afternoon. Top and his wife only had one son that was a freshman in the college nearby, but came to see who these famous people his Dad talked about all the time. The CO and his wife had two children, a boy 14 and a girl 12. The evening was a lot of fun. Top and the CO said they never get invited to soldiers homes, so this was a real treat for them. We liked having them because they were funny and entertaining. They get away from the office and loosen up and relax.

We got into May and had added the four bedrooms and two baths above the garage. We enclosed part of the patio and made it a three season patio. We had hide a beds and fold out couches so that when all of our families were here, they were all comfortable. We took the extra spaces in the garage and converted them onto a bedroom and bath, too. We could move Rachel into our bedroom when everyone was here and we felt we had the ultimate "party for the holidays and vacation" home. Families came in June and we all had a ton of fun with them. They all spoiled Rachel to death. She was making sounds, taking in her surroundings with the look of wonder in her eyes, and playing with a million toys. She has six families buying her things!

We had a good grasp on the inventory systems for the Pentagon. It was fairly complex, but it was more just a lot of busy work building the platforms once we figured out our design. We tentatively thought we could be done six months early if nothing major got in our way.

The holidays came and Rachel was crawling. She, for all intensive purposes, had six parents ogling over her every need. All the guys had changed diapers, bathed her, and fed her breast milk that Sarah had left when she was at work. They all loved little Rachel and she was such a joy. As the New Year came, we just kept doing our jobs and working on the project. We'd have our sex sessions, sometimes all of us and sometimes just two of us. If I were on the outside looking at us, I might think we were weird or perverted. But to us, we all loved each other. We cared for each other and we made sure everyone had what they wanted and needed. We were over a year and a half into our group and we had never had an argument or fight. That told us that conventional wisdom about relationships was a bunch of crap.

One night in January, Sarah, Micah and I headed up to bed. I had gone up earlier and stripped the bed down to the fitted sheet and put a few towels on the bed. I warmed some body oil in hot water in the sink. When we all got upstairs, Micah and Sarah looked at each other with quizzical looks on their faces. That was their queue to look at me. I had a wry smile on my face. I went to the sink and got the oil. I came back and they were still standing there. I started undressing and when I got done, I looked at them and said, "Well? Have you two completely gotten old and lost your wild side?"

They started undressing. When Sarah was naked, I took her into the bathroom and I helped her clean out. She looked at me and smiled. "You are such a romantic." You don't get that often after helping someone with a colon cleansing!

When we were done and back in the bedroom, I looked at Sarah, put my arms around her and said, "Thank you. Thank you for being a wonderful wife, mother, and friend. My life is complete because of you and your love for me." She smiled and kissed me. I guided her to the bed and had her lay down on her stomach. I went to Micah and kissed him. "Micah, thank you for your love for me, your friendship, your work with me, and being my sounding board. You're the reason I breathe every day. You are the solid rock foundation in my life." We kissed again and I led him to the bed. I opened the oil bottle and started on Sarah's neck and shoulders. Micah did what I had done about twenty months ago and took one of Sarah's feet and started sucking her toes. We spent nearly and hour massaging her. Near the end of the hour, I had worked three fingers into her and thought that she was ready. I kissed Micah, oiled his chest, which got me really horny, and had him lay down next to Sarah. He was as engorged as I had ever seen him. Sarah lifted up and got over on top of Micah. As she lowered herself down on him, she guided him inside. I was hard as a rock just thinking of the implications of what this night could mean. I know they both knew too, when they willingly went along with me. Micah and Sarah both let out sighs of pleasure. It was the first time Micah and Sarah had been together this way. I continued to rub Sarah and after a few minutes of her grinding on him, got up behind her and set my cock at her back hole. I pressed a little harder and held my position. I backed off to where I was just pressed against her entrance. I poured some oil and watched it run down onto my dick. I pressed in again and she gave in little more. I heard Micah telling her he loved her and to relax. "My cock is bigger than his, so this shouldn't hurt as much," he whispered loud enough for me to hear.

We burst out laughing and I gave a little push when Sarah wasn't expecting it and popped right in! She yelped a little and was wincing in Micah's face. I started moving back and forth with slow, smooth strokes. She started to push back into me which meant that she was liking the feeling. It was a different feeling that the guys, mainly tighter at the entrance. I was moving longer and faster and dribbled some more oil in her crack. I was now to the point of either sliding out past her ring and back or not. I wasn't sure that she could handle it. Then I thought she'd let me know if she couldn't. Never me to stop halfway! A couple strokes later I slipped out of her ring and back in. By the time she had sucked in a breath of shock, I had done it again.

"Yee-ou-za!" she exclaimed. "But don't you dare stop! Fuck, that feels good!"

I was now at maximum stroke. I was even completely leaving her hole and slamming back into her. With the oil on Micah's chest, she would slide away from me and then she'd move back, Mica's cock going back deep into her. As she slid back at me on the next power thrust into her, we'd make a loud slapping noise when the front of my thighs collided with her. I couldn't hold off any longer and moaned pretty loudly. Then I hit into her and started unloading my seed. I pumped and pumped. When I was dry, I pulled out and laid down next to them. I leaned in and kissed them both.

Then I watched. I watched as Sarah got Micah to switch positions and he started nice long strokes with his 7 1/2 inch cock. They kissed and they made love. It was so beautiful watching the two people I love most make love to each other. Micah picked up his pace and Sarah was moving, matching his strokes. Then he looked at her, his eyes fluttered a couple times and he stopped, buried deep in her. I could see his ass cheeks squeezing his load into her. Sarah shook as she orgasmed. He kissed her and then slowly moved off of her, laying on the other side of her so she was in the middle. We laid there for a few minutes and then put the bed together. Sarah said, "That was so incredible. I love both of you so much. It is amazing how you make me feel. I want to do that so much more."

"Sarah, you do the same for us," Micah said. We curled up together and went to sleep.

The next morning, I was staying home from work to take care of Rachel. Top let us take turns staying home. Micah and I had a secure internet connection put in approved by the Pentagon so that when we were home, we could work on the project. The one at the office if he wasn't busy, spent his time on Instant Messaging with the one at home. We were really excited as what we had learned from the old inventory system and the one we were building, this was going to make a huge improvement.

Every few days we would make love to Sarah. I never entered her so that we'd know for sure if she got pregnant that it was Micah's. One night, I was on all fours and Sarah laid on my back, back-to-back. It got to be a contest on who could come up with a new position. One night, Sarah said, "Trey, remember when Micah and I watched you make love to me in Billings?"

I smiled and that night I held Sarah's head in my lap and we watched Micah enter her. We watched him make love to her in the most incredibly romantic, most beautiful way possible. It moved me so much that I came in Sarah's hair and didn't even realize I did it until we were getting up. I was so engrossed in Micah and how he was treating Sarah, I didn't even feel it.

A month later we were all at the table and she said that we needed to get a bed for Rachel because we were going to need the crib. It took a minute to sink in, but Micah was in shock. We all jumped up and down and hugged all around. Rachel looked at us like we were all crazy and then she laughed. That made us all laugh. A couple weeks later, we had Rachel's birthday party. She was up and walking all over the place. It was an adjustment that we had to keep an eye on her constantly.

Then summer and the families came in for at least part of their vacations. They loved the changes to the house. The first night at supper with all the families there, Micah stood up and announced that Sarah was expecting their child in November. Everyone was so excited and happy! DeeDee couldn't contain herself. She hugged and kissed both Sarah and Micah.

Micah and I were having a lot of good luck on the project and all our testing had been going perfectly. Any glitches that we encountered were minor and fixed. We had even bumped up our completion date another two months. We were sure we would be done in October.

The Fourth of July was approaching and all the families had left. On July first at the supper table, I said that I had a surprise. I told everyone that I had rented the cabin at Tuttle Bay. It wasn't more than a mile from the house, but I said I thought it would be fun to go back where it all really started for us. Everyone was excited and said that it was a great idea. Aaron said that he had called about three months ago, but it was already reserved.

We loaded everything up for our cabin weekend in one of the cars and Parker said he'd drive as the rest of us wanted to walk. Parker drove down to the cabin and ran back and walked the last half mile with us. Rachel walked with Sarah and me holding her hands. Uncle Aaron carried her when she got tired. All the guys were going to be uncles except me, of course. We'd all be uncles and Micah would be called Dad when his child was here. When the kids asked, we'd tell them about our arrangement without a lot of details.

The cabin seemed familiar yet different. The same lady that was at the office two years ago, recognized us and was happy to see us. We told her we had a house only a mile away, but had come back for the weekend for sentimental reasons. She was so nice to us and that night brought by a gift basket for Rachel.

The cabin seemed to me like it was an old friend yet that friend had changed in the last couple of years, too. We put our things in the bedrooms that we had stayed in before. I was the last to go back out into the main room and a flood of memories came over me. This is where so much of my life changed, right in this room. I became a gay man at twenty five years old in this room. I became a gay man by making love to a woman in this room. I mean I had always been gay, but I struggled with it for so many years. Was I kidding myself? I never had thoughts of having sex with a woman unless it was Sarah. I had sex with her to make her happy, I only enjoyed it because I loved her. Sex with any other woman was never going to happen, it made me visibly shudder. But what's the difference between where you stick your penis, whether it is a female hole or a male hole? I had my head in my hands sitting on the bed because I had just given myself a headache. Then I felt a hand on my knee. I looked up and it was my little girl and she wanted me to pick her up. I smiled at her and picked her up and hugged her. My sweet, beautiful little baby girl. I was a gay father and I was happy! How could I have gone through life without this precious little gift?

I carried her into the main room and we had brought a few folding chairs so we had plenty of places to sit. Rachel had fallen asleep in my arms and we sat and talked about some of the times that we remembered in the cabin. We laughed at the things we said and did. We agreed that that night was going to be a lot of fun.

We did a lot of the things that we had done before, we all cooked together and cleaned up together. We went down to the lake and swam. We sunned on the beach. Micah and Rachel built a sand castle and watching them interact melted my heart. Micah was going to be a wonderful Dad. Rachel loved spending time with all six of us and I came to the realization that six parents so to speak would be as natural to her as two to me. As sunset approached, we had moved back to the deck and watched the sun fall into the lake. Darkness soon took over and we went inside.

We played some card games and had taken turns showering and cleaning out. When we were all done, I asked if we wanted to do something different. We took six cards, two through seven. Two, three, and four would be in one room and five, six, and seven in the other. We had been in a lot of combinations over the two years, but never picked like this! The two rooms after the draw were Aaron, Parker, and Sarah in one room and Micah, Daryl, and me in the other. We all went to the bedrooms. Aaron showed Sarah how he took Parker down his throat. She tried, but couldn't even get the head in past her lips, he was just too big. Sarah had only given oral to the guys and because of the pregnancy issues, had never had intercourse with any of the guys but Micah and me. She sat in amazement watching Aaron deep throat Parker's massive cock. When he had Parker in an excited state, he let Parker go and they switched positions. Sarah had never really done anything with Parker, but he laid down on the bed and she got on top of him and worked him into her. They used extra lube and it took some patience, but he was finally buried deep in her. She was going crazy between the pain and the pleasure. Aaron lubed up her ass and after some finger work, got his cock buried deep in her ass. They just laid there, both buried completely in her, all three soaking in the feelings. As Aaron started to stroke, he helped Sarah move up and down on Parker. "Jesus, now I know why you guys scream about being split in half! Parker, you are amazing!"

Aaron laughed and said, "Sarah, we love it and will never get tired of being split apart and then put back together afterward."

They were moving pretty good by now and then nearly simultaneously Parker and Aaron gave her their loads, depositing deep inside her. They all relaxed and were talking about the new feelings that they all had just experienced.

Micah was laying on his back and Daryl was in a sixty nine position with him. I got behind Daryl and started licking his hole. I could tell by his gyrations that he was loving every second of it. While licking around his hole and flicking my tongue as far into him as possible, I had a hold of his balls and would gently twist, knead, bounce, and squeeze. He was moaning so much that Micah could feel the vibrations of his moans. They were both getting close, so I pulled them apart and Daryl laid on his back, I took Daryl's spot, and Micah started working on my hole. That felt awesome, but I reached around and guided one of his hands to my balls. He grabbed me and then I squeezed his hand and he knew that meant that I wanted him to be rough with me. These guys had me turned on! Micah had my hole pretty wet, but he was twisting my balls three hundred sixty degrees and then would give them a little tap, nearly sending my through the roof! I had taken both of my hands and reached under Daryl's legs. I took my fingers and went right up between his balls, separating them so that I had one in each hand. I rubbed them with my thumbs and Daryl went ballistic! He was moaning and gobbling on my cock. He took me down his throat, pulling me down into him. Micah entered my hole and we were now in high gear. Daryl was able to get an arm and hand into position where he grabbed Micah's balls. He had another idea. He let go and put his hand on Micah's ass, pulling him into me and indicating that he wanted him to stop there. He then took the bottom my scrotum and the bottom of Micahs and held them together between his finger and thumb. He started moving them back and forth and Micah knew that meant for him to start pounding me again. I can't explain the explosion of feelings I had shooting out of my sack. My balls were sliding back and forth horizontally in my scrotum, the feeling was nothing I had ever come close to feeling before. It wasn't thirty seconds and I started shooting shot after shot into Daryl. His throat was working overtime taking all of my load. My excitement sent him over the edge and he was filling my mouth with his warm, nectar flavored liquid. Micah slammed into me and I felt his shaft throb against my insides. Then the warmth of his cum filling me. I will never get tired of that feeling. We laid down and I could hear them breathing as hard as I was.

"I will never get tired of making love with you guys," Daryl panted. "That was pretty unbridled and wild, wasn't it?"

I replied still short of breath, "That was the best I've felt in a long time. I think being with you two gets me as excited as I can get. Daryl, I'm not sure what you were doing, but that was freaking insane. I have never felt that before. You have to promise me to do that again."

"My pleasure, Stud!"

"Trey, when you get horny, I love giving you what you want," said Micah. "Not many guys like abusing their bodies like you do. That always sends me over the edge."

"I'm getting horny for another party," I said. "But Daryl, you have to do whatever it was you did to my balls again. Fuck, that was crazy."

Micah said, "I'll call Top and see if anyone is coming in. We haven't had a party in a long time. Trey, you are a sex-aholic!"

"Am I that bad?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Daryl, "But I'm not complaining at all. You have taken me to places that I didn't know existed in mental and emotional feelings. And physical! I'm a much happier person knowing what you have taught me, Trey. I just grabbed the bottom of your sack and Micahs. Then I held them together in my fingers and he moved back and forth."

"Daryl, you are truly one of the sweetest people I know and I love you so much because you are as genuine as anyone. I wish I could tell you how you have enriched my life and the things that I have gained from knowing you. That was the best lovemaking session we've had in a long time, maybe ever! But other than that, you are a great person that I do love being around."

"Gee, should I be jealous?" Micah asked.

We all laughed, then kissed and then curled up with Daryl at my back and Micah behind him. Daryl reached over me and took my cock in his hand and then let out a big sigh, his warm breath warming my neck. I smiled and that was last thing I remembered.

I got up, did my business and then took care of Rachel. She is the best little girl. She was awake when I looked in on her and she was just laying there, waiting for someone to come take care of her. She smiled when she saw me and I smiled at her. She reached up for me to pick her up, kicking her legs in excitement. I lifted her up and gave her a kiss and hug. I took care of her needs and then started to feed her. I was feeding her and talking to her when Sarah came in and sat down next to us. We kissed and she said that she wanted a picture of us. She set her phone camera timer and the three of us took a picture. A moment that I was happy to have frozen in time.

I gave Rachel to Sarah and I started breakfast. As everyone filtered out of the bedrooms, I asked, "Everyone have a good night?"

"One of the best!" Parker said. Everyone else agreed.

The day was spent playing in the lake, grilling, and working on our tans. Micah and I were sitting in chairs under a shade tree just off the beach in the grass. We talked about his baby and how excited we were that both of us were going to be dads. We talked about the project and how close we were getting to completion. For the first time since we started on this project, we talked about the money. We were looking at ten million immediately after the Pentagon approved the new program and then seven to ten million a year for the next nine years. Micah was within a few months of his enlistment being up. He said that he thought he would get out and then do freelance programming for businesses in the area. Or maybe be an EMT. We talked about starting our own business doing what we are doing for the government for regular businesses. We knew that we would have enough money that we could work the jobs that we wanted. We guessed the government would probably offer us more projects, too.

"Do you think we should talk to Top before you decide or have you made your decision?" I asked Micah.

"I think with my baby coming, I will get out. That way I can spend as much time with him or her as possible."

"Works for me, Micah. We really have gotten to the point where we can make the decisions in our lives that we want to make. Not a lot of people ever get to that point and at our age, we're pretty fortunate."

"We are at that. And we really do owe Top a lot. He's the one that really put the MIB in touch with us."

"We should try and find out something he really wants and make it happen for him."

"That would be awesome! And fun for us, too!" Micah mused excitedly.


I turned and there was Rachel! She called me Dadda!"

I picked her up hugging her with tears in my eyes. This little girl was the world to me and for her to start talking was the next step in growing with her and watching her learn and develop. I released our hug and held her hands as she was standing on my legs. I bounced my legs and she was happy bouncing up and down.

Sarah came over and I told her that Rachel had called me Dadda. She said that she had been close to saying words the last few days, but that was the first word that she had said. Rachel indicated she wanted Sarah to pick her up so Sarah took her back over to the beach. I looked at Micah and he had a tear in his eye.

"You okay," I asked.

"Yeah,. That was awesome," he said. "It was so amazing to witness her calling you Dadda. I'm so glad that Sarah is in our lives."

I looked at him and said smiling, "I think you and I need to go to the cabin. I'll go tell Sarah."

I went down and told Sarah that Micah and I were heading up to the cabin. When we got there, we took a quick shower and cleaned up. We then went to the bedroom and closed the door in case the group came back with Rachel before we were done.

We were naked from our shower and as we stood next to the bed, we moved together and kissed. We were already hard as we couldn't remember the last time that we were alone together like this. I had Micah lay down on his stomach and I took the oil and started giving him a massage. He was moaning his pleasure as I worked the tight muscles that I found in his back. I worked down to his ass cheeks and massaged them, more for my benefit than his! He would push up into my hands as I worked the inside of his cheeks near his hole. I grabbed a couple towels and had him turn over. The look in his eyes told me that he loved me more than he had ever loved me in his life. I rubbed his chest with oil and would rub over his nipples. I don't know if it excited him or me more, but I had moved to where I was straddling his waist, my cock sticking straight out over his stomach. My precum was formed a line from my slit to his stomach, the extra precum just running down the strand that provided the route of least resistance. I leaned down and kissed Micah and then said, "You do things to me and make me feel things that no one else can. I want you to know that you are the most important person in my life."

He raised his torso up into me, but I moved down and raised his arm so that I had access to his armpit. "You know how much I love your armpits."

Micah moaned his approval and anticipation.

I started kissing his right pec and then moved into his armpit after I had raised his arm above his head. He was moaning and moving, trying to get as much stimulation as possible. I licked in the deepest part of his armpit, then wishing I had got to him before we showered. I still got part of his boyish scent and was moaning myself. I loved Micah's armpits, they were exquisite. I licked his hint of hair in his pit, working it into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it, twisting it into one large strand. The tension on the outside strands of hair were enough to make Micah beg for more stimulation. His body was all mine, I could do what I wanted with him. I decided to let him have a piece of me and moved into a sixty-nine position. Micah reached up and pulled my hips down into him, forcing my cock into his mouth. He sucked on me with a fury that I had never seen out of Micah. I worked his cock furiously, hoping to get him to climax before he got me there. I moved out of the sixty-nine position, spun around and lifted Micah's ankles onto my shoulders. I moved into position and when the head of my cock hit his hole, I felt a slickness I didn't expect to feel. I think that his ass was anticipating entry and over the last couple years, our bodies adjusted to being entered. When we got excited now, our holes prepped themselves with a secretion for entry. The human body is truly an amazing thing! The head of my cock disappeared inside Micah and hit his ring. I backed up, hesitated, then pushed forward again. I looked at Micah and the look on his face was to take him whether it hurt him or not. Maybe that is the thing that I love about my Micah more than anything else, that I can read his ming through his eyes. I pressed into him and then pushed through his ring, sliding all the way to where I bottomed out. He didn't do anything but suck in a large breath. I started stroking in and out, taking full, long strokes. Micah was now moaning as loud as I had heard him in a long time. He kept trying to offer his bottom to me even though I was already violating him.

I was getting really close to cumming and I pounded for all I was worth into Micah. As I felt my balls start to tense up, Micah let out a moan and I saw a white rope sail from his groin onto his face. Another one landed on his chin and down onto his chest. Just then I slammed into Micah and unloaded as big a load as I have had in a long time. I pumped and pumped my load deep into my love, my lover. He moaned and I could feel him squeezing my cock with his sphincter. I lowered his legs and then laid down on him, kissing him and exploring his mouth. I could feel him digging his fingernails into my back, sending me into another level of excitement. We kissed and kissed, working back into another sexual frenzy when we heard the door to the cabin open. We looked at each other and smiled. We jumped up and put our swim trunks on. Just as we did, Rachel came running into the room, "Dadda!" I picked her up and spun around, "Rachel!"

She laughed as I spun her around. Just then Sarah came into the room and with a smile on her face said, "Was that close?"

"Yep," I said. "But all is good."

"Rachel, give uncle Micah a kiss," I said.

Rachel reached out and Micah took her and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. I smiled as much as a proud father could smile.

We grilled T-Bones, Ribeyes, and BBQ chicken breasts for supper. We put baked potatoes in the oven and steamed vegetables on the stove. It was a delicious supper and everyone congratulated everyone else on the dinner. Dishes were done and we sat and played a game of cards. I played with Rachel and skipped the card game until she was ready for bed. When Rachel was in bed, we started playing cards again.

Parker suggested, "Are we doing the same as last night or should we make tonight's game worth bedrooms?"

I replied, "I love how you all want to make everything a competition where everyone wins!"

We decided to play strip poker where the first three naked got one bedroom and the other three got the other. Micah and I only had trunks on, the other guys had trunks and tees on, and Sarah had her bikini on. So Micah and I were basically giving up one loss to everyone else, but with our egos, (ha!) we said it was an even game! Well, that didn't last long, I lost the first hand, so I sat there naked. It was a little uncomfortable as we had been wearing clothes the last sixteen months or so. But it wasn't that bad! Parker lost the next hand and I laughed, he took his trunks off and left his tee on! Sarah lost and she took her bottom off! She was starting to show a little bulge where Micah's baby was growing inside her, but she was still beautiful. Parker lost again, so he and I were out. He flipped his tee onto the couch and looking at me said, "Come get it, big boy!"

I went over to Parker and took his cock in my mouth. I stretched my mouth as wide as I could and pushed him down my throat, my lips getting tickled by his trimmed pubic hairs. I lifted up off and then started the onslaught of my throat, pounding Parker's cock as far down my throat as I could with every push. After about five minutes, I felt Parker start to tense up so I let up and took a break. I looked at him and asked if he was okay. He looked at me and laughed. I told him I wanted his first load deep in my ass. His eyes got big and wide as it had been at least six months since Parker had pummeled my ass. I had a love/hate relationship with his cock. He was so big that he hurt my ass bad going in, but then after that initial intense pain, the pleasure was as much as a body can absorb. I think the phrase 'No pain, no gain' had to have been started by the first guy that took a ten inch thick dick up his ass!

Aaron lost the next hand. So Sarah, Aaron, and Micah could only lose once, Daryl twice. Aaron lost the next hand, so he joined Parker and me for the evening.

We went to our respective bedrooms. We got into a triangle with Aaron sucking on me, Parker sucking on Aaron, and I got Parker. Aaron was working my cock over really hard, taking me down his throat and then using his throat muscles to really try and put me over the edge. I was doing the same thing to Parker, which made him attack Aaron's cock with a renewed passion. I felt Parker getting close, so I moved off him. I was able to get Aaron to release me and with Parker laying on his side, I bent his upper leg and straddled his lower leg. With the lube of Aaron's saliva, I slid into Parker and started long, slow strokes, burying my cock as far as I could, then sliding out to completely leaving Parker. I would then slide back in past his ring and bury myself to the hilt again. Parker was panting and moaning, begging for me to pound his ass harder. I obliged. I was moving in and out of Parker with reckless abandon, moving him an inch on the bed every time I hit bottom. I felt myself getting close, so I slowed down and didn't reenter him on one of my exits. Aaron and Parker had me lay on my back. Aaron moved up to where each of his knees were on each side of my head, pushing on my shoulders. Parker handed him my ankles so that it pulled my ass up off the bed. He also put his balls in my mouth. I started sucking and licking them the best I could. I was able to spit one out of my mouth, which gave me the chance to really lick and twirl my tongue around the other one. Parker had lubed his python and also my hole. He was pressing hard against my opening and I wasn't going to refuse him. He pushed and he pushed harder. I could feel the incredible hugeness of his member. The pain was increasing by the second, so I put all my focus on the task of Aaron's balls. I had my mouth half full of saliva, bathing Aaron's testicles in the warmth of my mouth. I was getting good at switching them back and forth, giving each one the attention that they deserved. I felt his precum running down onto my chest between my nipples. I saw a flash of light in my eyes and then felt Parker slam into my buttocks. Holy crap, that hurt! Aaron was lucky I didn't bite through his scrotum! Parker started moving back and forth and the pain started to subside. I felt like I was being split in half by a logsplitter. The feeling of my sphincter being stretched beyond its comfort zone was starting to go from pain to super erotic arousal. Every time that Parker rammed into me, Aaron's knees acted like posts, making my insides absorb the energy of each slam into me. My eyes were watering, partially from the intensity of Parker and partially because of Aaron's balls blocking a lot of my airflow. I felt Parker's cock become more rigid and then heard him moaning and then a loud grunt. Parker slammed into me so hard I spit out the testicle in my mouth. Aaron shot his load all over me, the first shot hit Parker's front and my cock. As he wound down, he trailed a line of cum all the way up my stomach and chest. I started to shoot and hit Aaron in the stomach, then the second load hit me right in the face. The rest of my load trailed down my chest and stomach. I felt the heat from Parker's load deep inside me. I'm convinced the intense friction that Parker's huge cock generates rubbing against my insides, heats his cum to a higher temperature. I felt Parker pump and pump and pump his seed deep in me.

We untangled and I laid there trying to get my wits back about me. I was dizzy from one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever had. Aaron looked at me and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, it's just going to take a few minutes. You guys worked me over really good. And I mean good!"

We chuckled and then went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, my stomach and chest covered in dried cum. I ran my hand over the roughness of the dried fluids from Micah and me. It made me smile at the fun we had and the intense sexual heights that they took me to.

As our holiday weekend at the cabin came to an end, we packed everything up and headed back to the house. We sent a thank you note to the lady at the Tuttle Bay office for the gift basket she gave Rachel.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I think I'm going to write another couple chapters and end this story. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 12

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