Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Nov 25, 2014


If you're still reading, I'm glad to have you with me. I really am enjoying writing this as a lot of my fantasies are being played out in this story.

I want to thank for giving me this opportunity to share my story, soon to be stories, for your enjoyment. My goal in this story was to get through the bukkake party, but so many people have sent me emails asking for me to continue the story, that I feel humbled and thankful to have those requests.

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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 4

The devious smiles on Aarons and Sarahs faces finally piqued my curiosity.

"Okay guys, what's the deal?" I asked looking at them.

They looked at each other like they were deciding whether to come clean and tell us what they were up to or not.

Aaron started, "Trey, should we have this conversation in private? It is about you and me."

I looked at both couches and then at Micah and said, "I know that I have only known you guys a few hours, but you are my friends and the center of my life for as long as I'll be here. I think I know what you're going to say and I have no qualms with us discussing it here."

Parker interjected, "I really would like to stay and will if you want me to, but I've been up about thirty hours and need to get some rest."

Aaron said, "Let's all meet down here at 1200 and we'll go out to the reservoir. We can talk this out then. I think we're all tired now."

"Sounds good," I said.

Parker and Daryl left hand in hand and seemingly very happy together.

Aaron said, "Before we go, Trey, I want to ask you if it is alright with you if I go to Sarahs room with her tonight. Her roommate is on leave and we have some things we want to talk through."

I said smiling, "I thought so! Sure, I don't mind, but I don't think that I should be alone for the night in case something might happen to my body. I'm still not feeling like running a marathon."

Micah piped up, "I can stay with you. I'm the unit medic and I was going to suggest I spend the night in your room just for that reason."

I wanted to tell him that if we're in the same room, the only thing I want is to be naked and have sex with him, but I was actually able to control myself for once!

Aaron and Sarah smiled and said, "Great!"

I tried to get up, but needed both Micah and Aaron to help me. I said, "Can I talk to you real quick, Sarah? Privately."

She looked at me quizzically and said, "Sure, but we have no secrets here."

"This is just something that I need to ask you first, everyone else will more than likely learn soon enough," I replied.

Micah and Aaron grabbed the cooler and said they were taking it up to our room. They said I earned it!

When they left the room, I looked at Sarah and said, "Tonight, I was as emotionally torn as I have ever been and more than I thought I could ever be. I am pretty sure I am gay and I really think that I am meant to be with Micah. We knew at first sight that we were very special to each other. However I ---"

Sarah interrupted, "However, you like me, too."

"Yes, almost as much as you like me, I think," I said smiling. "And that brings up what I want to ask you. It's very personal and I hope that you will consider what I have to propose to you and let me know your answer in a few days."

She said, "What is it that has you so upset?"

I said, "This is very difficult for me to say, but I wanted to talk to you because I really think that you are the person that can help me work through this turmoil that I'm dealing with." You probably already figured it out, but I'm a virgin and ---"

"A virgin? After tonight?" Sarah smiled.

"I know, sounds kind of funny, so much sex I can hardly walk, but I have never been with a girl intimately."

"Oh," she said. Then she cocked her head and probed, "What are you trying to say and why are you telling me?"

"Sarah, I'm gay, I know I am after meeting Micah. He is everything I have ever wanted, I just know he is. The problem is I have intense feelings for you and I would appreciate it if you would consider taking my virginity. I believe that I need to give it to someone that I care about and know will appreciate what I am giving to her. I think that it will emotionally and mentally get me through the conflicts in my mind and then I'll be able to move forward. I don't want to make it sound clinical-like because I want it to be a special moment, but I would be honored if you would consider my request."

She looked at me and said, "Wow Trey, I'm speechless. I would be honored and am flattered that you would even ask me. My first thought and opinion is that it really could help you get through your conflicts that you're dealing with. Even tonight, it showed that you cared about everyone that you were having sex with, not just having sex, if you know what I mean. You seem to me to be the type of person that wants a companion or a mate to make love to instead of just having sex. Trey, no offense, but you are way too good looking to be a virgin at 25, why have you not found someone sooner?"

"You kind of just answered your own question. I surely could have found someone had I wanted to, but I never found anyone that I felt would care or appreciate what it meant to me like I think you will. I know you were pretty flirty with me at the HQ and that was a lot of fun even though I was a little intimidated, but there is something very, very special about you, Sarah Ellis. I even thought about you a few times throughout the evening before you molested me during the party. Then I was thinking about you a lot, along with my doggie."

"Ha ... what? Um, thank you, Trey, I think. We will just have to find the right time and place to make it special. I'm guessing you haven't had a chance to talk to Micah about this, how do you think he'll feel about it?"

"I'm sure that once I explain to him that it will let me put that conflict that I am dealing with to rest and then just focus on him, he will be excited for me ... and for us."

And with that Sarah moved in and hugged me then gave me a kiss. She went over and gathered our clothes. "Do you think I'm strong enough to help you to your room or do we need Micah and Aaron?"

"You're enough. You have given me the strength to get upstairs with a little help."

I put my hand on Sarahs shoulder and felt like I was doing really well in getting up the stairs. Ha! The first night in the billets and I'm heading up the stairs naked next to a naked girl after having sexed 74 people, including my First Sergeant and Commanding Officer. Probably safe to say that that would not have been in my top one hundred scenarios for my first night in my new home for the next couple of years.

"Trey, I can't believe how you let everyone ravage you like they did. You let everyone do whatever they wanted and never once blinked or hesitated. I can't begin to tell you the admiration I have for you just in that regard alone. You are a person that if I can call a friend, I'm the lucky one."

I looked at Sarah and wished that I had known her all my life.

As we were heading up the stairs, she said, "I had never sucked on a guy anywhere close to as long as I sucked on you tonight. I was very impressed you never complained once. And I worked you over pretty good."

"Oh, I wanted to, you were brutal at times, but I wasn't going to let anyone think that you were getting the best of me," I said smiling.

She looked at me and said, "Micah will take great care of you, he's the best medic on post. And I want to tell you why I am saying yes to your request."

We stopped on the steps and she said, "You have some amazing qualities and any girl would be lucky to be your first. You have high standards and you're different in that your virginity means something to you. For you to ask me, it's an honor and I will cherish that moment for the rest of my life. It's a very rare quality in a man, even a gay one. I really like you a lot and honestly, was hoping that after Aaron and I talked that it ... that maybe ... well, you and me..."

"Oh Sarah. If I really felt that I was straight, and even feeling that I'm not, you are very special to me. Please take this as a complement, but you are part of the reason that I am having such a struggle with who I am. I really am attracted to you and like you a lot. You are the first and probably only girl to ever do what you did to me tonight. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I had feelings for you the moment I saw you and I want us to be friends no matter how our lives or relationships work out in the future. And thank you for what you said about cherishing the moment. It confirms to me that I made the right decision in asking you."

I continued, "I really thought Aaron was the man for me, but the last week and especially tonight have really thrown my fragile sexual mental state into a tailspin. I think Micah will right the ship for me. I don't know if I can adequately describe how he perfectly matches up with the image of my perfect soul mate. I swear he looks, sounds, and acts just like the person I have always dreamed about."

"God Trey, why couldn't we have met sooner and under different circumstances? I have never had feelings for someone like I have for you. It's hard to describe, I am physically and mentally attracted to you and I have never felt that way for anyone before. I understand that we will never be a couple, it just isn't in the cards, but would you be okay with me coming to you when I need to talk to someone? I just trust you so much and I know that you are someone that I can rely on to be there for me and someone I can confide in."

"Sarah, absolutely. I'd love to be here for you any time you need someone. I knew we had a special connection and that we were going to be special to each other, I just didn't know exactly what direction that our relationship was going to take us. And the same deal goes for me coming to you when I need someone to talk to and help me put things in perspective?"

She smiled and said, "Trey, I wouldn't want it any other way. I'll always be here for you."

We smiled at each other and kind of gave each other an affirmative nod and started up the steps again. We got to the top and turned the corner and there were Aaron and Micah heading toward us.

Aaron gave me a kiss and said, "You're in great hands tonight. And thank you for understanding about Sarah and me."

"Aaron, we're good, buddy. Love you."

"Love you, too."

We said our love yous as friends, not lovers. Aaron and I were changing our relationship and we both knew it.

With that, Micah took my arm to give me stability while Aaron and Sarah headed down the hall the other direction. As Micah and I headed down the hall, I told him I should try and get rid of some of the load in my ass. We went into the latrine and he helped me sit down. Normally, I would have been self conscious and closed the door, but Micah was right there and I wanted him with me. I felt like we had been together since birth. I thought that I loved Aaron, but that was just an attraction to someone that had shown an interest in me. I will always love him, but already in a completely different way than I did 24 hours ago. My feelings for Micah were real. I knew that, I don't really know how I knew it, but my feelings were completely different. I knew deep down in my heart that this incredibly beautiful man in front of me was the man I was meant to be with. I just knew!

I was able to relieve myself of a lot of cum out of my large intestine and colon. I felt much better, but I knew it was not going to help my muscles that had gone through complete and total failure.

Micah helped me up, took paper and wiped me. I was so grateful to have him with me. I wasn't shy or embarrassed at all with him doing this for me. Maybe because wiping my hole wasn't any different than him seeing me when he made love to me. And to digress for a minute, Micah was the only man at the party that made love to me. I felt even the other five of six gay guys that were there didn't make love to me. That was fine with me and knowing Micah as I think I do, totally expected.

"Please tell me you don't see any prolapse back there, Micah," I said. (Prolapse in this case means the intestines coming out your anus. It happens to farm animals, most generally cattle. Education on Nifty!)

"No, you're good there. It is really red, raw, and wrinkly, though."

"Oh man, that's cold. I'm in such bad shape you are wiping my ass for me and you're cracking jokes the whole time! You are so amazing!"

We laughed and Micah said we were done. I was impressed that for as sore as I was, he got the job done with minimal discomfort. Maybe making me laugh was part of the plan. If it was, it worked. God, I love this man!

We made it to the room and I sat down on my bed after Micah had pulled the blanket and sheet down. He said, "I'll sleep in Aarons bed."

I smiled, "Ha! No you won't, you'll sleep next to me where we both know you belong. Nice try feigning chivalry, though."

He laughed and came over and had me lay down on my stomach. He pulled some deep heating ointment out of a bag he went and got from his room after he and Aaron brought the cooler up to our room. He rubbed my calves, ass, hamstrings, back, and neck. The warmth of the ointment and the mental image of the prince rubbing it in made it feel even that much better. He had brought a towel over and helped me turn over and lay on the towel. Micah rubbed my chest being careful to avoid my nipples as I told him how sore they were after the girls got done with me. He rubbed my shoulders and soothed my stomach and legs. He put another towel on top of me to help keep the heat close to my body. He went and turned the light off, but the streetlight provided enough light where we could see each others eyes and face when he laid down next to me.

"Thank you for taking care of me. Do you do that for all the bukkake boys?"

"I offer, but none have ever taken me up on it."

"They don't know what they are missing, you are very talented in making aches and pains disappear." I kissed Micah and he responded with a passion that is reserved for people in a special place with each other. I had only learned this mans name an hour ago and I knew that somehow, we needed to be together forever.

Micah broke our kiss gently and said, "Trey, I can't explain what or how I feel right now. I have this adrenaline running through me because we just met, yet I feel like I've known you all my life. I want you and need you in my life."

"I feel exactly the same way, Micah. I love everything about you. I can't wait to learn about you and to see how much matches what I have in my dreams about you. I think it'll be a lot. I can't believe how much you resemble the person that I created in my mind that would be my perfect partner, it's really crazy."

He smiled, "Me too. You are exactly the person that I created in my mind for myself. You were so amazing tonight. I watched how you performed and how you treated every single person. It was like no other bukkake party I have been to here at the unit. There were a couple times that I wanted to jump in and take your place to give you a break... no, I really just wanted to take you out of that room and have you all for myself. If I hadn't loved you when I first saw you, I'd have fallen for you watching you treat people the way you do."

"Micah, you are amazing. The party tonight was awesome, but it was a little more than I imagined it would be. I tried to prepare myself and did a pretty good job doing that, however there were just so many people that it almost became work instead of pleasure. I think fifteen or twenty guys is a good number. I wanted everyone to have a great time I made a sacrifice to do that. I think it may pay dividends down the road with Top and the CO. Did you notice that I gave you a little extra special treatment?"

"No, I didn't notice that. How?"

"When I first saw you, I was shocked and thought I was seeing things. Seriously, you look and act just like the person in my dreams. I thought I was dreaming. I gave you as much as I could when I was sucking you. I wanted you to feel so good that you would want to at least talk to me afterward. Then when I found out that you asked to cum in me, I was in heaven and it gave me the strength to keep going."

"Oh Trey. But I know, my party was almost a year ago and I was pretty beat up afterward, too."

With that, we kissed again and I felt Micahs beautiful cock beginning to spring to life. He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to get aroused."

"Don't ever be sorry for that," I said smiling. "I might not be able to do too much tonight, but for the rest of our lives, I will never get tired of you being aroused."

He looked at me as he completely processed what I had just said. "Trey, I feel the same way. I have just assumed since I met you that we are going to be together for the rest of our lives. I know that I want to be with you forever."

"I can't believe we found each other. We're soulmates that found one another."

Micah smiled and attacked my mouth with renewed vigor. I was sore over every inch of my body and my lips and jaw were no exception. But even though I was aware of it, it didn't matter and it seemed so much less sore with Micah next to me. We kissed and kissed and I couldn't help myself and reached down and took his cock in my hand. Micahs cock was about 7 inches long and average girth and cut. Perfect for sliding down my throat for years to come! He was hard now and I stroked his cock as I kissed him and felt a wetness when I got to the end of his shaft. I slowed my stroking by getting to the head and swirling a finger around spreading his pre cum along his shaft and anywhere else I felt like putting it. I gathered a decent amount of his clear juice on my finger and brought it up to our lips. We parted enough to let my finger between us and we kissed and licked my finger. Micah did the same thing and as my finger was cleaned, his finger was there for us to kiss, lick, and enjoy. Something about this made my cock start to stir. If I got an erection now, I would positively know that Micah is the life partner for me. How many orgasms had I just gone through and the way that my body had been sexually destroyed, how could I even think about getting excited and how could I do what we were already doing? Wasn't I sexually spent?

But there I was, I was getting hard. My cock as it was growing touched Micahs thigh and he opened his eyes and looked at me. I had my eyes closed too, but I felt that I was being looked at. I opened my eyes and saw Micah in total disbelief that I was aroused. He smiled while never taking his lips off mine and we continued to shuttle his pre cum to our mouths. This revelation was great because it nearly doubled Micahs pre cum output. The more we did this, the more excited we were getting. I was to the point where I had to have Micah in my mouth. I pulled away from our kissing and pulled on him to let him know that I wanted him in my mouth.

He hesitated and said, "No, I can't."

I said, "Yes, you can. Please, I need to suck you."

I saw the look in Micahs eyes and if love was a physical thing, the look that he gave me was it.

He moved up and I sucked his cock into my mouth. I was in heaven. My mind picture of Micahs body, the mental image along with the physical feeling of his cock in my mouth was like a runner getting his second wind. I felt no soreness and no pain anywhere in my body. I was overcome with elation and a happiness that I didn't think was possible. I sucked on Micah and was working to get him down my throat, but he was holding back, hesitant to give in because he didn't want to hurt me.

I released his cock and said, "Micah, I want this and I want you. Please treat this time like last night never happened and we're completely fresh."

He looked at me and said, "Are you sure? I just don't want you to hurt any more than you already do."

"All my pain went away as soon as you entered my mouth. Please trust me that if I can't or don't want to do this, I'll stop."

"That felt like a deja vu moment, Trey, like we've experienced this before. It was kind of weird."

"Micah, I think we're going to have a lot of those. Did you see a spanking in your near future?"

"What?" He heard me but said what for confirmation and giving himself time to process the information.

"A spanking. If I don't get your beautiful cock all the way down my throat immediately, I'll tan your gorgeous fanny!"

He smiled at me and I knew that if I was really going to spank him and he smiled at me like that, I couldn't do it. He just makes me melt.

He pushed his cock forward and I took it into my mouth and was working him pretty good with my tongue. I built up a decent supply of saliva and was bathing his cock in the warm fluid. He was moaning and saying how good it felt. I sucked and opened my throat and his head slipped down my throat. I slid him back up and then took a deep breath and pulled him into me and down my throat. Micah moaned more and I could tell that he had not really felt the effects earlier in the evening. It's amazing how your environment and your surroundings can make the same experience feel entirely different.

It had been about a minute that I had my nose pressed against Micahs torso, working my throat muscles against his amazing manhood. I backed off and took a few breaths and then started running his cock from the tip at my lips to the base as deep into my mouth as I could get it. Micah was beyond himself and screamed, "I'm cumming!"

I felt the warmth of his honey coating my mouth. I worked hard to keep all of his juice in my mouth. For his third load, it was impressive and I just kept thinking about how many years of enjoyment that he is going to bring to me. I sucked and licked the best I could as his cock left my mouth. I pulled on his arm and he laid back down like we had been earlier and I shared his cum with him as we kissed. We moved it back and forth as we kissed and swirled our tongues around the fluid. After a few minutes, we split the prize and swallowed.

Micah moved in close to me and put his arms around me. "I never thought that I could ever experience lovemaking like that. You take me to a level where I lose control and it feels so good that I get dizzy."

"I am so happy right now, Micah. I just wanted to show you how deep and strong my love for you is. I think you know what I mean because don't you feel like you've known me for your whole life? I've loved you since I was 12, yet I've physically only known you a couple hours."

"I know," Micah said. "I feel so fortunate and so lucky that I found you. You are exactly the man I have dreamed about for years."

Micah had gone soft but I was still poking into his groin. He must have just realized what he was feeling pressing into his crotch and moved down and took my cock into his mouth. Oh, it felt so good. His warm, soft mouth was very soothing to my cock. I could tell that he was being very careful with me and was alert for any signs of discomfort. I knew this because I started to moan and he dropped my cock out of his mouth like a hot potato.

"Micah, my love for you is the best painkiller known to man. Can you treat me normal, please?"

"Yes, but I just never want to hurt you in any way."

"So my bondage fantasies are out the window?"

Micah burst out laughing. "Trey, I can't wait to get you tied up. You are so funny and make me laugh."

I reached down and guided his head back down onto my hardness. I smiled as I felt his love for me transfer from his mouth to my manhood. I was still in partial denial that I had found the man I had yearned for and loved for so long. He was the sweetest, most considerate man I had ever met. I loved every single thing about him.

Micah was very good at working me with his mouth. He gagged a couple times trying to swallow my cock, but after a few tries he accomplished it and it felt so good. I started to tense my butt muscles and then relax them to get some up and down motion to coincide with his stroking. The muscles didn't give me much, so I stopped and just let him take care of me. I could feel that I was getting close and, me being the one with weird thoughts at weird times, wondered how long it takes a prostate to generate enough ejaculate to transfer sperm to it's destination if you were pumped dry. Geez, I need to work on staying in the moment a little better.

Micah evidently sensed I was getting close and gave me as much as he could in his up and down and sucking. It worked and I felt my cum enter Micahs mouth. He sucked and licked my head and shaft until he had it all. He moved up and shared my juice with me just as I had done with his earlier. It wasn't a very big load, but I knew what my freshly made cum tasted like and, even though I didn't think it could compare to Micahs, it was pretty tasty.

We laid there another couple minutes kissing, finally splitting my cum and our saliva mixture and swallowing it. We held each other close and I couldn't get the perfectness of everything about the man next to me out of my mind. His body, his gestures, his voice, his smile, his demeanor, it was all perfect. I know no one is perfect, but Micah was going to have to prove he wasn't to me. After a few minutes, we kissed one last time and drifted off to sleep.

Aaron and Sarah never did put clothes on that night, either, but Aaron had told the truth when he said that they wanted to talk. During the party, they discovered that they had a lot in common and that Aaron had been wrong about Sarah and her motive for making him come during his bukkake party. Aaron was having mixed emotions and really felt bad for thinking that Sarah had worked him over during his bukkake party because she was a mean spirited bitch. He found out from talking with her that she did what she did because she liked him and didn't want to let his cock go. She just wanted him so bad that she lost control and just kept sucking on him wanting all of his seed that she could get.

"Aaron, I'm really sorry about what I did to you at your party. I just got lost in my desire to taste your cum. You are so hot that I became obsessed with getting my mouth on that delicious cock of yours and when I did, I became insatiable for it. I hope you can forgive me. I was so selfish."

"Sarah, I'll be honest that I was pretty mad at you for a long time. But I know how sexy I am and how no one, men or women, can control themselves around me."

"You turd! And I thought you were a nice guy, too!" Sarah said slapping Aaron on the shoulder.

Aaron and Sarah laughed and hugged. As they pulled away, Aaron kissed Sarah and she responded with a kiss of her own. They released and looked at each other.

"Aaron, what's going to happen? I like what Trey said that we all seem to like each other and I think we will all be great friends even though we don't know much about each other yet. We really seem to have a lot of chemistry between us."

"I don't know, Sarah. But I think that we will get a few of our questions answered at the lake today. Did you see Trey and Micah and how they looked at each other? If that wasn't love at first sight, I don't know what is."

"I know, Aaron. Trey told me that they feel as if they've known each other their whole lives. I have to admit, they look really good together."

Aaron replied, "I thought Trey and I were in love, but we were just looking for some attention from someone and found each other. We have a special bond, but I don't see us being together now, especially with Micah in the picture. And don't get me wrong, I am so happy for both of them. I've never witnessed two people meeting and knowing that they are meant to be with each other like what I saw with those two tonight."

Sarah replied, "I know, it was amazing. Trey is having some issues with his sexuality, though. He asked me if I would consider making love with him and taking his virginity from him. He thinks it will help him resolve some of the feelings and thoughts that he is going through."

"Wow, I didn't know he was having that much conflict. Are you going to do it?"

"I told him that I would. He is such an amazing person and I just want to help him any way I can. Plus I have to admit I have feelings for him. And the way he asked me was so romantic and so heartfelt. I truly would be honored to be his first, and probably only, female partner. It would be a bond between us that no one could ever take away from us. If I can never have him, I can do this for him and have his friendship for the rest of our lives."

"Sarah, I wish I could say I am surprised that you have feelings for him, but I understand completely. Are you in love with him?"

Aaron, I think I am. I have never had the feelings for anyone like I do Trey. How can I be in love with someone I met less than 24 hours ago? and someone that I can never have a life with?"

Sarah, I support you and I'm supportive of anything that helps him get to where he needs to be. He's a special person and I just want him to be happy. I think a lot of his issues stem from where he grew up. He's from a small town and being gay wasn't acceptable. Then he gets here and he has been having sex nearly 24/7. He meets me, then you, then Micah and I can understand how he is a little scrambled upstairs. That's a lot to process in a short period of time."

Sarah sighed, "I just want him to be happy. I love him in a way I have never felt for anyone else before. Did I say that already? We talked and we know that we'll just be best friends, that we'll never be in a relationship. I can deal with that as long as he is happy."

With that, Aaron and Sarah drifted off to sleep. Sarah slept but had a very restless night.

I opened my eyes and there was Micah looking at me with that heart melting smile on his face. I smiled at him and said, "Good morning, how long have you been awake?"

"Good morning. Probably fifteen minutes or so. How do you feel?"

"Micah, I feel pretty good. I can tell that I'll be sore for a couple days, but I don't feel too bad really. I'm sure that your massage last night was a big factor in me feeling better now."

I looked at Micah and just couldn't believe what I saw. Micah has blond hair and beautiful blue eyes that when you look into them sparkle with a zest for life and the opportunities that lay ahead. His skin was smooth and flawless. What did I do to be this fortunate that the love of my life was right here and loved me, too?

"Trey, do you mind if I give your body a quick check up just to make sure there aren't any obvious issues after last night?"

"No, that's probably a good idea."

Micah gave me a fairly thorough go over, checking my reflexes, testing joints, and looking at my anus and genitals.

"Trey, you're anus and cock are really red. Are you experiencing any pain?"

"A little, but nothing that I can't handle. I've had headaches ten times worse than what I'm experiencing now."

"Okay. But I want to put a salve on both areas to help with any irritation. If anything changes, you need to let me know immediately. And it'd probably be best if you didn't go in the lake today. Let's shower and then get that done."

"You're the doc," I said. I had never felt more secure and safe in my entire life. "I love how you just take charge. You're gorgeous and smart. I couldn't be more happy than I am right now. I love you with all my heart, Micah."

Micah looked at me and smiled. "I love you so much, Trey."

I got my legs over the side of the bed and got up on my own. "Trey, that is awesome! I had a scenerio in my mind where you might have been bedridden today. You are one hundred percent stud."

"I guess growing up on the farm doing a lot of hard work toughened me up a little bit. Plus just out of Basic and AIT I'm sure helped, too."

I stood up and walked a little gingerly, but got my shower things and we headed to the showers. I asked Micah what time it was. "It has to be around 1030 right now. What do you say we shower and then head over to the chow hall and grab a bite before we meet everyone?"

"Sounds like a plan."

At the dining facility, we saw a few of the soldiers in the unit and smiles and head nods were all that were acknowledged. I know I had nothing to be ashamed of, but I felt a sense of guilt or embarrassment about the previous night. I hoped that those feelings would pass.

We sat way away from everyone else at my request. I wanted to tell Micah about what I had asked Sarah and get his reaction.

"Micah, I want to tell you what I talked to Sarah about last night."

"Are you sure Trey? You don't have to tell me if it was private between the two of you."

"No, I need to tell you and need to know if you think I'm wrong in my reasoning. I asked Sarah if she would make love to me and take my virginity. I love you with my heart and soul, but I have a conflict there that you can't take care of for me. It is bothering me a lot. I think it is because where I grew up, boys were with girls and girls were with boys, period. Obviously, I wasn't comfortable with that and now, I just need to put that part of my sexuality into my past. If Sarah helped me with that, would you be upset?"

"Trey, if we're going to spend our lives together, what does it matter? Is it really bothering you that much?"

"Micah, it's tearing me apart inside. I know that I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. That is the only thing I am certain of. The problem that I have is that there is this lingering feeling that to satisfy my existence up to when I got here to Ft Manly, I should give my heterosexual virginity to someone that cares for me, respects me, and that will cherish what I have given her. Sarah told me that she thought it would help me get past these feelings that I'm having and that you and I can move forward without me having this lingering mental baggage."

"Gosh Trey, you need to take care of this. I want you to be happy. I don't want to say no and you go through life wondering and blaming me for having those feelings. I want us to have as clean a mental frame of mind as possible. What do you think brought all this on?"

"Honestly, I was a complete virgin only a couple days ago. Aaron was the first for me. Had I known that you existed, I would have saved myself for you. I wish you could have been my first, maybe I could deal with this better. I sincerely believe that if Sarah does this for me, then I can put that whole heterosexual lifestyle to rest and focus completely on you."

"Can I watch?"

"What? You sicko! ... Okay." I was smiling when I replied. Then I started to ponder what Micah had said. "Were you serious asking that?"

"Honestly, I don't know. At first I was kidding, but then as I think about it, maybe it isn't a bad idea for me to be there with you and for you."

"I know. I'm thinking that having you there would make it where I could put complete closure on that part of my life and we could move forward."

"Trey, here is something that could really be a devisive issue and it brings us together and bonds us more as a couple. I just want you to be happy and I know that if this is important to you, then it's important to me. I know we can get you through this and move on."

"Micah, I realize now I should have talked to you first, but I wasn't in complete control of my mental faculties after the party last night. I truly am lucky to be in love with you."

"Trey, I'm the lucky one."

I smiled at Micah and finished up my plate. Micah finished up and we left the dining facility and walked back to the billets. Getting out and walking along with getting some food in me, made me feel pretty good. I was still walking pretty gingerly, but I felt good.

"Trey, why did you ask Sarah and not someone else?"

"I do have feelings for her. She is so amazingly beautiful. But more than that, she will value and cherish my first time. I never have found a girl that would give me the respect that I would give her about virginity. It means a lot to me. Aaron and I thought we loved each other and we quickly realized we just needed someone. I love Aaron, but not like I did yesterday. I don't love anyone now like I did before I met you. You have my heart and my total love. I just need to get this behind me. But it has to mean something. Sarah can provide those things to help me get through this. I guess when I asked and she truly felt honored, I knew that she was the one that I needed to share this experience with."

"Trey, whatever you need or want me to do, I'm all in and will do it."

"Thank you, Micah. Just another reason why I love you unconditionally."

We went up to the room and grabbed the cooler from last night. I felt good enough that Micah and I were able to carry it down and out front of the billets. Soon all six of us were in front of the billets and Parker and Aaron offered to drive. Aaron and Sarah brought supplies that we could have a regular picnic at the lake later in the day.

We loaded everything up and off we went.

Next: Chapter 5

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