Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Dec 13, 2014


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 9

Monday, Trey and Micah accompanied Sarah to the Troop Medical Clinic. The Doctor gave her a slip to go see her obgyn. We went to the Drs. office and an hour later she was called in. Trey and Micah both got up to go with her.

The Doctor was a little surprised that she came in with two young men.

They explained that Trey was the father and Micah is a medic friend they asked to be there so if they had questions later, he would be better versed in what the situation is. They didn't think that it was worth the time to explain the real relationship between them.

The doctor gave Sarah a clean bill of health and told her that she could do all normal activities. She did say that the piercing should be removed before the pregnancy gets too far along. She also said that it is technically against Army Regulations. They all looked surprised and Sarah asked why.

"In case you are captured and tortured, they can't use it to torture you," the Doctor told them. They were all shocked.

They set up her next appointment and went back to the billets. They had rented a small RV, gotten it packed and headed to Phoenix. As they were heading off post, Micah told Aaron, Parker, and Daryl what they had found out about their piercings. They agreed that as much as they liked them, they all should remove them. They would all remove them at their first stop.

The plan was to stay a few days in Phoenix and meet Micahs family, drive to Billings and meet Sarahs family for a few days, then stop in Nebraska to meet Treys family for a few days. Daryl started out driving and the others were discussing just what all they were going to tell the families. After a few hours of discussing it, the decision was to tell the families everything. Let the families decide whether they were going to disown them or accept them and the choices that they have made. They will say that Trey and Micah are in a long term relationship, they both love Sarah and that the three of them agreed that they wanted children together. They also felt that they should know Sarah is pregnant with Treys child. They would find out soon enough anyway. It sounded so simple and reasonable to them. Would others see it that way?

Micahs Mom and two sisters were at the house when the RV pulled up. After the hugs, introductions and more hugs, they all went inside. The talk was on what the Army was like, what Micah does, and all the other questions that a family has when they have not seen a son and sibling for over a year.

They talked about the special project that Trey and Micah implemented that was going to save millions of dollars for the government. Micahs family beamed at the pride they had in him for doing so well.

There was a question from Micahs older sister if he was seeing anyone. He said, "I am, I'm seeing Trey."

There was a silent pause and then his sisters started laughing. Micah sat and waited for them to calm down and then said, "It's true. Trey and I are in love and we intend to spend the rest of our lives together."

Mrs. Donnelly and the girls sat in stunned silence. Finally Micahs youngest sister Rebecca said, "Cool, that's pretty cool, because he's cute!"

Mrs. Donnelly, or Jackie, said, "Micah, I need to speak to you privately, please." It was very difficult to determine the tone of her voice and just what she was feeling.

"Mom, these are my best friends and we share everything. If you feel comfortable saying something to me, you can say it to all of us."

"No, you and I need to speak privately. Please at least grant me that request as your mother."

Micah looked at everyone and said, "We'll be right back. Please make yourselves at home."

They left the room and went out on the back patio, closing the door behind them.

"Micah, when did you realize you were gay?" his Mom asked.

"A long time ago Mom. When I met Trey, he is exactly who I have been dreaming of as a perfect partner for me. You know I didn't pick to be like this, it's who I am. I love who I am, I love you, I love my sisters, and I love Trey. He brings the best out in me, Mom."

"Micah, it's not a big surprise to me. You're my son and I'm not obtuse to your behavior as you grew up. I'm not mad, I'm not disappointed. I wanted to hear you tell me so that I could tell for sure if you were being honest with yourself or not. You are, you truly love Trey. I'm very happy for you, I really am."

"Mom, there's one more thing that you need to know. There's a twist in the relationships that Trey, Sarah, and I have. Sarah is expecting and Trey is the father. In a couple years, Sarah and I are going to have a child together and the three of us are going to raise our children together."

"Excuse me? I could have sworn I heard that your boyfriend has a girl pregnant and that you will get her pregnant and then the three of you are going to raise the kids."

"That is exactly what we are going to do, Mom. I know that it takes some thinking through, but both Trey and I love Sarah. She also loves both of us. For us, this is a solution that makes all three of us happy. We didn't see how we could be happy any other way. Mom, I'm telling you this because I respect you. I love you and I know you are one of the smartest people I know. I also know that you want me to be happy. This makes me happy. I am gay, but I get to be a father and a Dad, and you get a grandchild."

"Micah, I do love you and I've known you were gay since you were in middle school. This is a lot to throw at me at one time. My primary goal in life is to raise three human beings that are good, decent people. I will support you in whatever decisions you make. I love you."

"Oh Mom, thank you so much. I know it's a lot to spring on you all at once, but we really are happy."

"I don't know if we should spring the rest on your sisters, do you?"

"I think Rebecca will think it's cool, I don't know about Jen. I think they should know now or they may be resentful when they do find out. I want to be up front and honest with them, too."

"Ok, it's your decision. You're a man now. And we're the first stop on this cross country fact revealing trip of yours?"

"Yes Ma'am. I hope they all go this well. I love you so much." He hugged his Mom.

When they went in, Jackie hugged Trey and said, "I'm very happy for you and you had better take good care of my son."

"I will, Mrs. Donnelly. I'm honored that Micah loves me. You have done a great job raising three very wonderful children."

She thanked him and then went to Sarah and hugged her. "I'm very happy for you and I want you to take very good care of my son, too."

Everyone else was speechless. Micahs sisters were confused and the rest of the group were wondering what happened.

"Micah looked at his sisters and said, "I have something else to tell you. On the way here from Kansas we decided to tell you everything. I want you to know now because I love you guys and if I didn't tell you now and you found out later, you might be mad at me for not treating you as mature enough to understand the situation. I think you are, so I'm trusting in your reasoning and our love as a family. You might be mad at me now when I tell you, but I hope you understand. If you don't or you have any questions, please ask. I'll answer every one of them truthfully."

Micah told his sisters that he loved Trey, that they both loved Sarah, and that Sarah loved them. He told them about the pregnancy and that it is Treys.

They sat there amazed and then Rebecca got up and hugged everyone. Even Parker, Daryl, and Aaron, telling them that she was happy for everyone. She said she couldn't wait to be an aunt.

Jen was more reserved. She said that she hoped that it worked out and hugged her brother.

The next couple days were spent sightseeing and getting to know everyone better.

When the group was ready to head to Billings, Jackie, Jen, and Rebecca were all very supportive of Micah, Trey, and Sarah. Rebecca asked Sarah if the baby she was going to have with Trey would call her aunt, also. Sarah smiled and said, "Absolutely! He or she will need good aunts." Rebecca hugged Sarah and said she was excited to see her again soon.

Trey hugged Jackie and said, "You raised three tremendous children. Micah is the most wonderful person I have ever met. I am truly the luckiest man in the world and truly blessed. I love you all for supporting us, but more importantly for supporting Micah. I'm proud of you all. It is so easy to see now why Micah is such a wonderful person, he grew up with wonderful people. I'm anxious to come back and see you all soon."

Jackie said to everyone, "When you first got here and told us your situation, it was difficult to understand. But after these few days, all five of you that are my son's friends, and lovers, are truly good people. I will not worry about Micah as much knowing he has you as friends. Thank you for coming to see us and I know it took a lot of courage to make this trip. I'm impressed."

The rest of the hugs were administered and the RV headed up the road.

Trey was driving, Sarah in the passenger seat and Micah in a chair between them.

"Your family is so nice," Sarah said to Micah. "I love them all. I think Rebecca is anxious for the baby to get her!"

Micah laughed, "That she is. I was scared when we told them and Mom wanted to go talk to me privately, but she just wanted to make sure I really loved you guys.

She can tell just by either my voice or looking at me if I truly believe what I am saying. When she saw I really do love you both and am committed to our future, she was all on board."

Micah, Sarah, and Trey were so happy that Micahs whole family understood and supported them. As his family got to know everyone in the group, they understood the love they had for one another. Micahs Mom said it best when she said that what the six of them had was a very special bond that comes along maybe once in a lifetime.

"Micah, I love your whole family. They are awesome people," I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

In the mean time, Aaron, Daryl, and Parker went to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. As they were heading back to the bedroom, Daryl said, "If the bed's a rockin, don't come a knockin!" We all laughed so hard at that. If you have ever laid in a bed that is moving, it is always rockin.

It had been five days since anyone had had sex. They were naked instantly and playing with each other. Three cocks were instantly rock hard. Aaron started on Parker and got him down his throat with a little coaxing. Daryl was working on Parkers nipples, giving one a good thrashing with teeth and sucking, and his fingers on the other nipple. When he thought Parker had had enough nipple play, he flipped around and Parker sucked his cock in like a vacuum. Daryl was in position to grab Aarons cock and take him in his mouth. They had barely reached the Phoenix city limits when all three exploded with the largest loads they'd had for weeks. They all took in every drop and then licked their softening prizes clean.

After two big days of driving, they arrived in Billings. Sarahs Mom and Dad greeted them as they exited the RV, Sarahs Dad picking her up and swinging her around. When he put her down, she introduced everyone to her Mom, DeeDee, and her Dad, Kyle. They hugged and shook hands and went in the house. Nearly all the same questions that Micahs family asked, DeeDee and Kyle asked. They laughed about it as they hadn't thought about answering the same questions at every home.

DeeDee looked at Sarah and asked, "Are you feeling okay, you look different to me somehow. Is everything okay?"

Sarah looked at her parents and said, "There is a reason for our visit other than just vacation. First, we have decided to meet everyone's families.

The six of us hang around together because we are best friends and we have a very special bond between us. Mom, Dad, I have some things to tell you that may be difficult for you to understand at first. Please. please, keep in mind that I love both of you dearly and the things that have happened are solely the results of my decisions."

With that Sarah started out by saying, "All my friends sitting here are gay. Trey and Micah are in love and are planning on spending the rest of their lives together.

I met them and I fell in love with both of them, knowing that they loved each other.

Besides loving each other, they also fell in love with me. We talked a long time and from those conversations, both Micah and Trey, even though they are gay, want children. I also want children, so I am going to have a child with both Trey and Micah and the three of us are going to raise them together. About a month ago, Trey was going through a very difficult time and we became involved, with Micahs approval. From that, I just found out a few days ago that I am pregnant.

Despite the precautions we took, I'm going to have Treys baby and all three of us are extremely excited."

"Get the hell out of my house!" bellowed Kyle Ellis standing and pointing at the door. "I don't know what kind of bullshit you told my daughter, but you need to get out now! How dare you get my daughter pregnant and then come here with a story like that! Get out!"

DeeDee looked at them and said, "Please do as he says and come back in the morning.

Things will be fine then. Oh Sarah, I'm so happy for you! And I'm going to be a Grandma! I'll see you in the morning, all of you come back. Trust me."

With that we left the Ellis house. Sarah was crying, the rest of us sad that she was put through that by her father.

We got in the RV and headed to a campground about ten miles away. We got a site and got organized. We were all sitting there trying to comfort Sarah.

Aaron, Daryl, and Parker said they were heading over to the swimming pool unless they were needed. It was more of a get out of the way and give us privacy exit than anything.

They left and I looked at Sarah, "We don't know your parents, did they act the way that you anticipated?"

"Fortunately, my Dad took it better than I kind of thought he would. If my Mom says she'll have things fixed in the morning, they'll be fixed. She was happy for us and she'll get my Dad to see it that way, too. I'm just sorry you had to see him act like that."

"Sarah, it'll be fine. I am sure of it. And I think when we get to Nebraska, my family will be happy for us when they see what awesome people you are and how happy you make me."

"I hope so. I was hoping they would react like Micahs family, but no such luck.

We'll see in the morning, I guess."

She looked at us and said, "I want to lay down. You guys can go play with the other guys if you want."

"Sarah," Trey said, "I do love you as much as someone can love another person.

Tomorrow, no matter what happens, I'm going to ask your father for his permission to marry you. Our baby needs two parents married when he or she is born.

Micah and I discussed it, and unless someone can give the three of us a reason that we haven't thought of not to proceed, then while we're here, we thought it is the best thing to do."

"Oh Trey. I think my Dad will have calmed down a lot and this might help him ease his worries some. Thank you. I'm honored that you would make this sacrifice for our child."

"It's not a sacrifice, it's an honor to marry you. I love you and Micah loves you.

He loves both of us enough and trusts us enough that he believes this is the right thing to do. If your Dad gives his blessing, we can go to a justice of the peace tomorrow afternoon and get married. We don't have to tell them and if we want a church wedding, we can do that in a couple months where my family can be there, too."

"I don't think a traditional wedding would be appropriate. There isn't a lot that is traditional about our situation. Thank you, both of you."

I said, "We can talk about that later, but I thought it might help bring our families together and unite behind us. And I understand that if you marry Micah in a couple years, maybe you're right. We definitely are not traditional!"

Micah said, "Sarah, I'd love to watch Trey make love to you. I was wondering if you would lay your head on my lap and we'd watch him make love to you."

She led us back to the bedroom and we fulfilled Micahs request. It was the most sensuous, romantic time that we had ever experienced. We really did make a great threesome all the way around.

The next morning we drove to the Ellis house. We had called and let them know that we were on our way. We nervously knocked on the door and Mr. Ellis opened it. "Come in kids," he said stoically.

We entered and all sat down. Mr. Ellis started, "I apologize for my behavior yesterday. Sarah is the only child we have and is very precious to us. I, more than DeeDee, envisioned a normal adult life for her, marrying a nice man and having a normal adult life. DeeDee and I talked ... well she talked and I listened, last night and she got me to see that Micah and Trey are two very nice young men.

This was something that the three of you obviously discussed and agreed upon. I don't necessarily agree with it, but if Sarah is happy, safe, and well taken care of, I can't ask much more for her than that."

I stood up and shook Mr. Ellis' hand. "Thank you, Sir. The five of us are very protective of Sarah. As you know, Trey and I love her more than life itself. I want you to know that this isn't a relationship situation that we planned. We would much rather go to everyone's family and the visit be where the news about us was all, I guess I'll use the word normal. But it isn't. Sarah is the most incredible person I have ever met. She has enriched my life so much, and I'm not talking about our child. She has an amazing ability to look into someone's soul and pull out the best in that person. I owe Sarah so much and my life is much better for knowing her and being her friend."

"Trey, I can't say that I understand how this is going to work. You are gay and yet you want to be a father. That doesn't make sense to me."

"Sir, I don't know if I can explain it. I can tell you the things that have happened to me and how Trey and Sarah have affected my life, but it may not help you understand. I will tell you this, Sir. I will answer any and all questions you have as honestly as I can. If I don't know the answer, I will not make something up because that is what I think you want to hear."

"Well, if you don't mind, start at the beginning and I'll stop you if I need clarification on something. Fair?"

"No Dad, it's not fair for you to do that. Trey doesn't need to explain himself to you."

"Sarah, you're right. He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do.

But I'm starting to gain respect for him because he is willing to help me understand the mess, sorry, situation you all are in."

"Trey, you don't have to do this," Sarah looked at me and said.

"Sarah, I know. But your Dad has moved a long way from his position yesterday to try and understand us. I respect him greatly for that and I think that he deserves for us to try and explain why and how we got to our decisions.

If he sees that what we have done is based on our love for each other and a process to being happy with a viable solution, he may support us as we continue. I would like to tell both your Mom and Dad my story as I'm responsible for a lot that has happened. Their impression of me is probably not a good one right now and I believe that with more information, they'll understand everything. I just think we should do all we can to help them understand."

"Trey, you're right. I'm just nervous about all this."

"I'll resist at my parents' house, ok?" I said smiling. "There's nothing to be nervous about. If you want to go for a walk, I'm sure one of the guys would go with you," I suggested.

"No, if you're going to do this, I can at least be here to support you."

She got up and sat down next to me and held my hand.

I explained the things that were important to me and that I felt were some of the events that got me to where I was. Mr. Ellis only stopped me once to ask if I liked boys or girls. I told him that I only loved two people in my life, Micah and his daughter in the sense that we were talking love. I am gay, but that Sarah is so amazing, that I fell in love with her. Her compassion, intelligence, her giving nature to help people, they were values that are important to me and I fell in love with her. Micah and I spend most of our time together and we started spending our time with her. He saw that same things in her that I saw and also fell in love with her. When the idea came up that the three of us become a family with children, we all felt it was the perfect solution for all of us to be happy.

When I finished, he asked me two more questions. "Trey, this is a very personal question and probably none of my business, but if you are gay and in love with Micah, and he is your primary physical focus, where does Sarah fit in down the road after the kids?"

"Mr. Ellis, Micah and I both love Sarah. Sarah loves us. I refuse to call it polygamy due to the fact that all three of us are doing this for love, not for religious beliefs or societal pressure to have more than one spouse for mass procreation. Our relationship is purely the love we have for each other.

I do not consider myself bisexual as if it weren't for Sarah, I would not have a female interest in my life nor be looking. Your daughter is just so amazing that I fell in love with her. I love being with Sarah, she shows me a side of love and lovemaking that I never knew existed. The time that I spend with Sarah is different. It's hard to explain the feelings, but I do not want to lose those times where I have those feelings with Sarah. I don't mean to be blunt, Sir. To add to that, and I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, your daughter is a very, very special young lady. Somehow she makes me feel things that no one else has ever made me feel. I hope that helps answer your question."

"And finally, you mentioned marriage or marriages in this whole process.

Do you have any ideas on that?"

"Yes Sir. I'd like to speak to you privately about that if it is alright with you."

"Now you have something to hide?"

"No Sir. But there are things that could be said that would cause undo pain or hard feelings if the conversation were to go less than anticipated."

"Trey, there is something about you that makes me believe that everything you told me is true and is what you feel in your heart. I do believe that both of you love Sarah. I believe she loves both of you. My only concern is that when you two get your children, Sarah will be left out cold."

"Sir, I can guarantee that Micah and I will never abandon Sarah. She and Micah are everything to me. They both fill my heart. I would never let her go, unless that is what she wants. I want Sarah to be happy. If she would be happy without me, then I would abide by her wish and let her go. Her wellness is of utmost importance to me. Her happiness is my primary concern. Micah and I, even though we love each other, have promised that Sarah will always be taken care of first and foremost. It's how we were raised. We just ended up gay, too. That is why I want to ask your permission to marry her. We may have a strange situation that we're in, but we believe that one of us needs to be married to your daughter. Micah and I discussed this on several occasions. Sarah has done things for me that no one else could. She has made me see life in a different way. The special bonds that Sarah and I share can never be taken away from us, no matter what happens in the future. Those bonds will never be broken. I do love your daughter Sir and I would be honored to have your blessing in taking her hand in marriage."

"I thought we were going to do that in private."

"We were Sir, but I couldn't wait any longer, I was going to burst if I didn't get it out."

Sarah squeezed my hand.

DeeDee jumped up and ran around and hugged me. Then she hugged Sarah.

"I'm the happiest lady on earth!"

Mr. Ellis smiled and waited for the commotion to subside. "Trey, you are a man of character. Not many men your age could or would come and talk to me and sell in case like you have today. I respect you for your honesty, for coming here to talk to us, that goes for all of you, and for understanding that you have a unique situation. I know you didn't ask to be in this situation, neither did Micah or Sarah, but you all are working hard to do what is right, to try and be happy, and to do what is right by Sarah. To do what is traditionally right may not be what should be done in this case. I should be happy that Sarah is getting two wonderful men to look after her and be in her life. Welcome to the family, young man. Or should I say men."

I stood up and shook his hand. DeeDee hugged me as tight as Micah had hugged me the other night at the cabin! Everyone stood up and shook hands and hugged.

Micah shook Kyles hand and told him he is a man of tremendous character and a real man to let us come back today and speak with him. "Mr. Ellis, you are a strong man with compassion. Those are hard qualities to find together in a person anymore. I am very honored to know you."

DeeDee asked Sarah if she wanted a big wedding. "Mom, I don't think so.

We have an unusual situation and a big traditional wedding doesn't seem proper.

I think that we may get married by the justice of the peace and then have a reception for family and immediate friends. I'll leave it up to you on what you think is best."

"When are you due?" DeeDee asked Sarah excitedly.

"They gave me a due date of April 3."

We did go to the justice of the peace later that day and get married.

Kyle and DeeDee were there and were very happy. We did decide to have a reception in a couple months. We spent another couple days with the Ellis' because they were very nice to us after that first full day. Sarah's dog Buttons loved having so many people to play with and she said she would probably take him with her after the reception because we were looking at housing and would have a place for him.

We left on Wednesday and got to Nebraska on Thursday about noon. With enough drivers, we drove and slept in shifts from Billings. When we started our trip, two weeks sounded like a long time. Now we were on a bit of a time crunch.

My family met us as we pulled into the driveway. Aaron laughed and said, "There are really 23 people that live around here?"

"22 with Trey gone," Parker joked.

We climbed out of the RV and after my hugs, I introduced everyone. The same questions were asked and the same conversations until we got to the reason for our visit.

"Mom, Dad, Melanie, Rusty," I started, "It's good to have a chance to visit.

We have been on quite a trip so far and it has been good, better than we had really expected. The main reason we are here is that the six of us are as close as six people can be. We do everything together. We decided that we all wanted to meet everyone else's families. We have met Micahs and Sarahs families and now we're here. Our next vacation we are going to Parker, Daryl, and Aarons hometowns to meet their families."

Son, you have something to tell us, what is it?" my Dad asked.

"Dad, you're right. What I want to tell you is not easy. But I hope that you give me the respect that I am giving you by coming here and being honest with you. We decided that when we started this trip, we were going to be totally honest and answer every question truthfully. We want to explain our situation and help you understand us and the decisions we are making.

First, I am gay. I've known since I was in the 7th grade. Micah and I met and he is my lover and partner."

"What are you talking about?" my Dad asked. "No son of mine is going to be gay."

"Dad, it's not a choice. I was born this way. There is something different about my chromosomes that make me gay. It's the way life is."

"No, please God no. Why are you telling us now?" my Mom sobbed.

"Let me tell you how I got to this point and then finish with what the plans are for the future." I told them about my struggles living in that house and the environment of the small town. I told them I tried my best to be straight, but I found out I just wasn't. How Micah was my long time perfect partner and then meeting and falling in love with Sarah. How the three of us discovered we were each in love with the other two. I finished with how Sarah was helping me through a very difficult time and one thing led to another and that the result was we were going to have a child together.

"Sarah is pregnant with your child?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Mom. You're going to be a Grandma. She's also my wife. We got married yesterday in Montana with her folks present."

"WHAT?!?!?" Mom screamed.

"And you guys will be an aunt and uncle," I continued looking at my sister and brother without getting involved in the emotions that my Mom and Dad were. I looked at Dad and he was sitting in stunned amazement. I went on and told them about how the three of us are going to live the rest of our lives, together with two children.

"Trey, if you have anything in this house, take it now. You have fifteen minutes to be off my property and don't come back," Dad hissed between clenched teeth.

Sarah spoke up, "Mr. Hardy, Trey is the most kind, considerate, loving, decent, wonderful man I have ever met. He was troubled growing up in learning who he was and now has finally been able to be himself. If you give him a chance, give us a chance, you'll see that you have a son you can be very proud of."

"This is your fault, you, you, you whore!" he screamed.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hardy," Sarah never raised her voice or showed any response to my Dad's insult. "You have a wonderful son that is responsible, intelligent, caring, loving, and amazing in every way. You should be extremely proud of him. He's here because he loves you and wants you to understand what is going on in his life. He's here because he cares for you."

"Thank you, Sarah. Dad, apologize to Sarah right now," I looked at him with a firm determination in my eyes. "I mean it, Dad. Apologize. We're here acting like civilized people trying to tell you what is going on and you're going off screaming and calling people names. Apologize now. I will not leave until you apologize."

"Trey, I can't," he said. "You have discredited this family and we'll be the laughing stock of the entire county. You can waltz in here with your grandiose plans to be a father and suck dicks while you're at it and then leave while we're stuck here to take the ridicule. Don't you see that?"

"No, what I see is a father that doesn't care for his family enough to stand up to a few shallow people and defend his own blood. I see a man that isn't anywhere close to the man I thought he was, a man that is letting his family fall apart because he cares more about what people think than his family. That's what I see."

He lunged at me and I quickly sidestepped him, grabbed his arm and pinned it behind him. "Don't act like a five year old," I said. "Go in the kitchen and when you can act like an adult, come back out and apologize to my wife."

I let go of his arm and he turned around and stared at me. I must have looked intimidating, because he stormed into the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm sorry. That wasn't how you were supposed to find out. I had really hoped that this would have been an experience that we could work through and come to a mutual understanding. And also that people would be happy for us."

"Trey," my Mom started, "I, I don't know what to say. You left a few months ago and now you're here an entirely different person. I had no idea that you were having those kinds of issues. I knew that something wasn't right in your life, but I just thought you were bored living here. I had no idea that you, that you,"

"Liked guys," I said.

"Yes, I can't even say it. But you're married? And going to be a father? This is too much to take in at one time."

"If we could break it to you in bits and pieces, we would. We can't. I'm sorry."

Aaron left and had went into the kitchen. Daryl followed him. Maybe to make sure my Dad didn't come back with a weapon, I don't know, but I was proud of them for having my back, just in case.

"Mom, I know. Like I said earlier, the precautions that we took weren't enough. We had planned on this happening in a few years. Now we are dealing with it today. It would be nice if we could discuss this, but if Dad isn't willing to be civil to my best friends, and if he is going to call people names, then maybe he's right. We'll leave and you'll never hear from me again.

You'll never know your grandchild, you'll never know the things that I have accomplished, the things that I did that would have made you proud as a family."

"You sit right there, young man," my Mom said getting up pointing a finger at me. I may have hit a nerve ... just a guess, though! She went into the kitchen and Rusty looked at me and said, "How did you learn to do that?"

"What?" I replied.

"With Dad. He didn't have a chance."

"Rusty, I don't know for sure. I was just defending myself. I wasn't going to hurt him or anything."

Melanie said, "Trey, you love and married Sarah, but love Micah too? And Sarah loves and married you, but loves Micah too? And you got her pregnant?"

"Yes, that's the basics. It's much more complicated than that, but if you just wanted facts, that would be accurate."

"Holy shit, that's a lot going on," she muttered. "But if you're happy, I'm with you, Trey."

"Me too," said Rusty.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot. I love you, both."

Just then Mom and Dad came out of the kitchen. Aaron and Daryl had come out immediately after Mom had went in.

I stood up in case my Dad was going to try anything. "Sarah, I'm very sorry for calling you a name and losing my temper. If Trey loves you, then you are a wonderful young lady. It was completely immature and uncalled for. I should have been half the man Trey has been and conducted myself in a professional manner and at least acted like an adult. And Trey, I am sorry.

Everything you said was accurate. I should be the head of this family, but you acted like it earlier. Please forgive me."

"Forgiven," I said and we hugged. "I know it is a lot of news and a lot of things you were either not expecting or didn't want to hear. For years, I wanted to tell you guys who I was, but I didn't have the courage to be a man and face tonight. The Army and my friends have helped me become who I am. I am proud of who I am. My First Sergeant wishes he had a whole company of soldiers like me. He entrusted Micah and me to a project that will save the tax payers millions of dollars. We didn't let him down, we didn't let our families down, we didn't let our fellow soldiers down, and we didn't let our Country down. Sarah helped me through a very difficult time and she got pregnant. Now I will not let her down. I love her, I love Micah, and I will love our baby. I will take care of my family, Micah will take care of his. It just so happens they overlap. I wish I could tell you that things will be different, they will not. The three of us love each other and we are going to spend our lives together."

My Mom got up and hugged me. "Trey, I'm proud of you. You didn't ask for a lot of this, but you are taking responsibility and you are standing up for what is right. I'm a very proud Mom." She released me and looked at Sarah. "You are truly a very beautiful young woman. I am proud to have you as a daughter-in-law. Welcome to our family, not too normal, but we really don't bite!"

After that, Dad and I got a long really well. He said that he didn't care what other people thought. As my family got to know everyone, it suddenly dawned on them that sexual preference wasn't that important, it was character and values that made people who they were. Melanie and Rusty both told me they liked my friends. Rusty said that Sarah was really hot. He's a junior in high school, so I let him slide on that one. He said that Micah was really good looking for a boy, too. I let him slide on that one, too! I did have a chance to talk to my brother alone on one of the afternoons and asked him how he felt. He seemed uncomfortable to talk about it and then I explained to him that if he had any doubts or questions about anything, to ask me. I'm the last person that would pass judgment on him. He said that he had a girlfriend and a few times had thought about guys, but wasn't obsessed with them or anything. It was more just a curiosity thing. I told him that he was completely normal and said that the thing that really helped me make up my mind was the person I envisioned in my mind that I saw myself spending the rest of my life with. I told him Micah was exactly who I envisioned. He said that his vision is a girl. I told him I never had a girl in my dreams as a person I was going to spend my life with. "Does that help you understand yourself?"

"Yeah, it does. Sometimes it scared me if I thought about touching a guy and if I was gay thinking that. Thanks Trey," he said. "We never really talked about serious stuff before."

"That was my fault, Rusty. I was so wrapped up in the turmoils I had going on that I never thought that we should talk. I hope I'm making up for it now."

"You are, this helped me a lot. Especially after the last couple of days.

You are a great brother and I'm proud to be your little brother."

"Thanks Rusty, you're going to be a good man and a good husband to a wonderful woman someday."

Saturday night we went into town and went to the local pubs, all three of them.

Sarah and I drank water and tea and the rest of the guys had a beer at each place. The last place we stopped was where the youngest crowd congregated. At the other bars, we got a few looks, but no one said anything to us. I think my sister had told a friend about Micah, Sarah, and me and just like the roses incident, wildfire ensued. We were sitting at a table and a couple of young guys walked by and one said, "Fags."

I looked at my friends and said, "See, I knew that the immaturity of this place was still here. They just don't know any better."

One of them stopped and said, "What'd you say, faggot?"

"I said you are immature."

"Why you son-of-a-bitch ..." and came after me. I had stood up and as he took a swing, I ducked his fist and caught him in the adams apple with the edge of my hand. Not hard, but hard enough to collapse his windpipe. He went to the floor gasping for air and I sat back down. Everyone was looking at us and I yelled, "HE'LL BE OKAY IN FIVE MINUTES IF HE GROWS UP."

Everyone laughed and a couple of his buddies came over and helped him up.

Parker said, "Geez Trey, I'll never mess with you!"

We laughed and then I got up and went over to the table that his friends had taken him to. I said to him, "I know that you were trying to be some kind of hometown hero or something by picking on the gay guy. But I'll let you in on a little secret. We're no different than straight guys other than our sexual preference. I'm not sure why you felt it important to try and harass us other than you thought we were an easy target. I don't know what concern that it is of yours if I like guys or girls. I, just like you, find certain people attractive and others I don't. As you are supposedly a straight guy, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"What?" he whispered holding his throat.

"Do you find every girl attractive?"


"Do you think every gay guy finds every guy attractive, or that a gay guy wants to go to bed with every guy?"

"I don't know."

"The answer is no. Gay guys have preferences, too. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then why would you bother us? Do you think that we want to be with you or that we pose a threat to you?"

"You're different. You don't belong here."

"Sure I do. I graduated from high school here. This is where I grew up.

Oh, be careful, I think it's the water that causes it." I smiled.

They looked at me and I started to get up. I turned back toward him and said, "Oh, if I hear that you picked on any of my family, I'll come back and you will wish that you hadn't. There won't be enough people in this town to save you. I can bring 10,000 pissed off soldiers here when they find out someone hurt a family member of one of their own. Now, be a man and give me your word that I don't have to do that. And in a minute, come over to our table and apologize like a man. Or we'll assume you aren't a man. Have a nice evening."

In a minute the kid came over and I moved in and indicated for him to sit by me. He hesitated and then sat down. "Hey, I just want to say I'm sorry for acting like a jerk earlier. I guess I really didn't think through what I was doing."

"Apology accepted," we all said. "Thank you for coming over," I followed up with and as he was standing up, "Have a good night."

He nodded and he and his friends left.

A couple guys about his age came over and asked if they could join us. We made room and they pulled a couple chairs up to the table.

"Name's Nick, he's Ryan."

"Nice to meet you guys." We went around and introduced ourselves and then they said, "That was Trent that you humbled. He acts like the king bully in town, but that wasn't much of a fight."

"We're weren't looking for trouble," I said. "We just came into town to have a drink. I hope you see a change in Trents attitude from now on."

They laughed and said that they overheard what I said to him. "You grew up here?" Nick asked.

"Yes, last name is Hardy."

"You related to Melanie and Rusty?"

"They're my younger sister and brother."

"We'll make sure no one picks on them."

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Here's my cell number, please call me if you find out anyone bothers them." I handed them both business cards I had made a while back for fun.

"Could you really get 10,000 soldiers to storm this town?"

I laughed and said, "No, but I could get a 1000 without much trouble.

And they'd be the most pissed because they'd be the oned that care the most to come help."

"No shit?"

"No shit," I said. "And most just want to use their training and kill something. Most of them aren't as nice about beating someone up as I am."

We all laughed and just then a round of drinks showed up at the table.

"Where'd that come from?" Micah asked.

I looked at the bartender and he smiled and waved. "I think the house bought us a round. Excuse me," I said. I got up and went to the bar. The bar was probably half full as it was still early evening. I introduced myself to the bartender and then took another look, "Bill?"

"How you doing, Trey?"

"Damn dude, how you been?" I graduated with Bill seven years ago.

"Great. Hey, thanks for not wrecking the place earlier."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"No no no, thank you. Trent is always in here and doesn't usually cause enough trouble to get kicked out, but I get a couple complaints every time he comes in. I own the place now."

"Sweet! And again, I wasn't trying to start anything."

"Trey, I have asked Trent when he comes in here to behave himself. I can't really afford to 86 anyone out of the bar, but he has been a pain.

But tonight when he left, he apologized to me for causing trouble and said that he was going to be a better person. I don't know what you said to him, but I thank you."

"I hope he lives up to it. I did plant a bug in his ear that if he messed with my family, they'd never find his body."

Bill laughed, "Well, you did good by me. Great to see you again. I have to get back to work. See you around."

"Thanks Bill, great to see you. And nice place!"

I rejoined my friends and we finished upi about 30 minutes later and got up to leave. "Nick, Ryan, it was a pleasure to meet you guys."

"We enjoyed meeting you. Come back anytime. And thank you for your service to our country!"

I liked Nick and Ryan.

The time came on Sunday morning to leave and we loaded up and headed for Kansas. I called Top when we got to post and said we would see him at formation. He said that he had done some work for us and had some information that should be helpful with Micah, Sarah and me. I told him that when we were with Sarahs parents, she and I got married. He congratulated me and then said that the plan he thought was best had marriage in the equation. I asked him how the Locator was working out.

"Oh Trey, you won't believe it. The DA is falling all over themselves that this work was done in three weeks. They can't get over it. They said that the 1 August date was just a dream date, but when it was met with a system that is working perfectly, they want to meet you guys. I'll tell you the rest when I see you."

We hung up and I said, "Wow."

Everyone asked what was it? "The locator job is a huge success." I told them the rest of the conversation.

Top is on cloud 9. I gave everyone a high five.

We turned the RV in and when we got to the billets, Sarah laid down next to me in my bed. We had clothes on and Micah was on his bed with clothes on. We had slid our beds together a long time ago, so it was like a queen bed. I said, "Good night, Mrs. Hardy." She smiled and said, "Good night, Mr. Hardy."

We kissed and then I leaned over and said, Good night, Mr. Donnelly and kissed him. "Good night Mr. Hardy, Mrs. Hardy." Sarah and Micah kissed and I felt so happy with our arrangement. We fell asleep and I dreamed about Sarah holding our baby in her arms, wrapped in a blanket.

Parker, Daryl, and Aaron weren't as tired. Parker got in front of Daryl and pulled his shirt over his head. Daryl had a big smile on his face when he popped out from under the shirt. He did the same to Aaron. They both got down in front of Parker and started working on his cock and balls. Each had a ball in hand and they licked up and down the length of his quickly growing cock.

Parker had a hand on each of their heads and felt them sliding up and down his shaft. He thought back to how they both worked so hard to make sex and lovemaking for him special. That start started the precum and he wanted to grab their cocks. He moved over and laid down on the bed with his legs hanging over the edge at the knees. Aaron and Daryl got up in a 69 position with him.

Parker would move back and forth taking each into his mouth and sucking the nectar that they were leaking. It wasn't long and Aaron reached for the lube.

"Parker, I can't wait for you any longer." He and Daryl got on their hands and knees on the bed. Parker poured lube at the top of both cracks and started massaging it down to their holes. He slid two fingers in each anxious manhole. They both wiggled and squealed with delight. Parker decided to make Aaron wait a few minutes longer and he got in behind Daryl. He pressed the head of his massive cock up against his hole and pushed harder. Daryl was as anxious as Aaron was and pushed back and acted like he was pooping.

Parker felt the opening and pushed in. Daryl yelped and was begging for him to pull out. Parker started to pull out and Daryl said, "No! Don't listen to me!" Aaron and Parker started laughing and then Daryl did too. "You know how it hurts so good, Aaron."

"I know," he said still laughing.

Parker was thrusting nice long strokes into and out of Daryl and Daryl was moving with his strokes. "Parker, I will never get tired of you fucking me."

Parker picked up the pace with the voice of approval. After a couple minutes, He was starting to feel that pre orgasm feeling and slowly slid out of Daryl with a loud popping sound. Daryl was wired and slid under Aaron and took him all the way in the first suck. He started moving his head up and down and the mattress provided him some spring effect on the way back up. Parker had been pressing against Aarons hole and then gave just a little more pressure. He felt Aaron relax and took the opportunity and slid past his resistance ring. Aaron yelped and then started moving back and forth on the post that had impaled his ass. As he moved, Daryl would be buried to the finely trimmed pubes when Parker was nearly out of him. On the reverse, Daryl was almost out and Parker was banging his balls against Aarons area between his scrotum and hole. Aaron moaned continuously how wonderful the feeling was. He had taken Aaron in his mouth and the vibrations of his moaning sent Daryl splashing loads of cum into Aarons mouth. Aaron gulped it all down and then he felt his own load shooting into Daryls mouth. As Daryl was gulping down Aarons load, he pushed his half hard cock up at Aaron. Aaron took him in again and was gentler, but wanted Daryl to know he was there. Parker was pounding pretty hard and then slammed deep into Aaron. His load whitewashed Aaron's insides. Aaron felt the warmth of the liquid and pushed back against Parker. When Parker backed out of Aarons hole, Daryl moved back and Parker helped lift his head to Aarons hole. Aaron pushed just a little and Parkers cum started exiting his hole. Daryl was right there like a thirsty dog, not missing a drop.

When they were done, they all kissed and then laid down and fell asleep.

A couple hours later, Aarons phone rang. It was Trey asking if they wanted to go to supper. They did, so they dressed and met downstairs. After chow, they did laundry and socialized in the billets with the other unit members. The marriage news spread fast and everyone wanted to know how it was going to work, since they knew Micah and Trey were gay. Everyone in the billets gave them their one hundred percent support. They were also congratulating Trey and Micah for the Locator job because it made not just them look good, but reflected well on the unit and even the post.

Monday morning after PT and at the regular formation, The Captain called Micah and Trey in front of the formation. Both were given ARCOMS, Army Commendation medals. The Captain told the unit that because of SGT Donnelly and SPC Hardys work, the entire unit was in for ARCOMS. The unit exploded in cheers. When it calmed down, he said that there was a rumor going around that the DA was looking at giving them a couple more projects, one that was classified.

The days and weeks went by. Trey and Micah went to BNCOC and graduated.

The worst part of that is that they were away from their friends and Sarah for a month. They were promoted to SSG and SGT respectively. Top was trying to figure out how to get Trey promoted to SSG with no time in grade and no time in service. He thought that he might be able to get the Post Commander to approve the necessary waivers. He had continued to pay them E7 pay, under the table if you will. After formation, the three of them went in for their meeting with Top on how he thought they should proceed.

"First of all, congratulations. On the baby, the marriage, and the Locator job. The praise that we are receiving post wide from that project is tenfold what anyone imagined. The whole post knows your names and what you have done for all of us. Army Headquarters is looking at us as a unit to come to with major projects and we have two coming soon. And you two need to be here after formation tomorrow, the DA guys will be here and want to meet you. As far as the outstanding job you did, that does two things for us. One, they leave us alone and two, they don't PCS people in or out. They don't want to change the chemistry we have going. The only negative of that is that we won't be having any parties."

"I'm thinking we should have one Saturday. I'll see if I can round up a few friends," I said.

"Ok, we'll announce it tomorrow morning. Thanks Trey. Now for the real important stuff. We submitted your housing and food allowance with a start date of the wedding day. Sarah, the unit paid for the meals you ate at the dining facility. We don't need trouble for a few dollars. The Cpt and I want to tell you one more thing before we get into your situation.

You may want to tell him the basics." He picked up the phone and the CO walked in. We stood up at attention and he came over and just hugged each of us.

"I can't begin to tell you how much you have done for us. Really, I don't think you have any idea. If these next two projects go through and are as successful, you will have made Top and I very happy men. Trey and Micah, this project you'll be in charge, but you'll have a team working with you.

But success means Top and I will be able to dictate exactly where we want our careers to go. That doesn't happen often, and we have the two of you to thank for that. And your group, I hear. But Top said you had something he thought you wanted to tell me before I share some more news with you."

"Sir, I do not know for certain how much you know about our situation. In a nutshell, there are six of us that are really tight in the unit, the three here, Simmons, Parnell, and Mills. That is the group you just referred to.

The three of us here are all in love. Micah and I fell in love and spending time with SPC Ellis, we fell in love with her. The three of us want to spend our lives together. Sarah, if I may, helped me through a very difficult time and in the course of that, she is pregnant with our child. In a few years, she and Micah want to have a child. The three of us are going to raise the children. It is what we want, we just were going to wait another couple years, but it didn't work that way. We decided that Sarah and I would marry and we did that the first part of August."

"Well that is quite a summer," the Cpt said. "Congratulations on all of it.

The three of you are smart enough to know what you want, so I see nothing wrong with what you are doing. As you know, just don't brag about it to the Army. It's your lives and I know you will all be wonderful parents."

Thank you, Sir," we all said together.

"Well, that may make my news very timely. The soldiers on post, and even some of the businesses in the surrounding communities, wanted to show their gratitude for the massive push that the DA and DoD are making into this area. Ft Manly is suddenly the focus of two major new Army defense weapon projects, bringing millions of dollars into this area. So a few dollars have been collected in your behalf as a thank you. I know from talking with Top that you all have been spending time at the lake. I don't know if you noticed or not, but on the road to Tuttle Bay there is an area that has a few houses for sale. We purchased a house for you with some of those funds. Top knew that you would probably need room for six. The house has four bedrooms, four bath, and should be to your liking. It's also furnished. I think that you all have pretty much everything else organized. I hope our talk today helped."

I had lost the strength in my legs and fell into my chair. I put my head in my hands and was crying. I think all the things that had happened over the last few months finally caught up with me. Micah hugged Sarah, then Top, then the Cpt.

"How can we ever repay you? It's not completely paid for, is it?"

"You already have. With the Locator job and the Project you're going to start on soon. And yes, the house is all paid for. Here's a check made out to Trey for what was left over. He seems to kind of be the take charge guy and we know that any of you would share it, but Trey has just been a rock for us since he has been here. The unit has gravitated to him and respects him. Like I said, they do all of you."

I had composed myself and took the check. "I don't dare look at that now or I'll start crying again," I said. "Thank you. Thank both of you so much."

I hugged Micah and hugged Sarah. I hugged both the Cpt and Top. "You two have been the epitome of leaders. You both go above and beyond to get your soldiers everything they need and more. It truly is an honor to serve with you and for you."

"Trey, you showed again just a little while ago why we need you in this unit. With no hesitation, you volunteered to organize a party. You never think of yourself, it's always others first. Today, it's you first. It's you and your group today," Top concluded.

The Cpt spoke up, "We just ask that you invite us out to the house!"

"Let's have the party there!" Micah said.

Top said, "We'll announce it tomorrow in formation."

"We need three bukkake tables if you have them, Top," I said.

"We have two, I'll have them make us another one."

Top handed us the keys to the house. "Your housing allowance and food allowance amounts will be on your next check, back paid to the closing on the house, which was just a couple days after your marriage. Why don't you get a hold of the rest of your group and head out there. Take the rest of today off and hit the ground running tomorrow. You will know which house it is when you see it. I have two trucks and twenty guys loading your items out of the billets now. In fact, they'll be waiting for you. See you in the morning."

Top hugged Sarah and looked at her and said, "I'm so proud of you. You are the best office clerk I have ever had. You make my life so much easier because I know that things will get done and get done right. You have two amazing young men that love you very much. I am glad that we were able to do this for you."

"Top, I love working for you. You make my job so easy that I know exactly what you want and what you need, when you want and need them. You always treat me like an equal. You have never treated me like I don't mean anything to you other than a paperpusher. You make me feel important."

"Sarah, you are so important to how this unit runs. When you are out on maternity leave, what am I going to do?"

"I'll work from home or come in a day or two a week, Top. I'll do whatever you need done."

He chuckled and said, "I'm amazed at the dedication that you all have."

They hugged again and we were out the door.

We got to our cars and followed Micah out to the house, our new home. We had each called one of the others and they showed up at the same time we did.

Top was right, we headed down the road to the lake and there were signs along the road that said, "VIP soldiers this way." I laughed and for a moment thought how great life was again. I didn't even remember driving the last mile or so, but I was there, parking on the street as the trucks were in the driveway. The house was beautiful. It was huge and it was painted a really neat yellow with white trim. Front porch, second floor deck around two sides, two double car garage doors that I later found out the garage was deep enough to go two deep parking, so an eight car garage. We opened the front door and I grabbed Sarah under her arms and Micah grabbed her feet and we carried her over the threshold. We were laughing and then realized we had guys carrying our stuff in. I told them just to stack everything in the upstairs hallway. We really didn't have that much, living in the billets. We all hugged and were in awe of the house. It was spectacular inside.

The soldiers finished. We thanked them and I told them to give me the code word 'schlong' this weekend and I would have something for them. With the code word, I'd know that they had been here.

We toured the house. Everything was there, furniture, dishes, pots and pans, towels, everything we needed. When we were done, we looked at each other.

We just couldn't believe it.

"Trey and Micah, we owe this to you. You guys did all this. Your work ethic, dedication, attention to detail, your overall attitude, did all this for us,"

Aaron said. "And you let us be a part of your lives. Thank you for everything."

Parker and Daryl both said that they felt the same way.

Sarah said, "Trey, have you looked at the check yet?" She explained to the others what she was talking about.

"No, I'm afraid to."

"Is it in your pocket, I'll get it!" Daryl said.

I laughed and said, "It is. I guess I need to stop being a wishy wash and own up to the fact that they are crazy here. But Daryl, please take your time findong it."

Daryl fished around in my pockets trying to grab my cock in the process.

I loved Daryl and felt like he was a son to me, even though he was only a few years younger than I am. He pulled the check out and looked at it. "Ha! This is a fake check, right? I mean it can't be real."

Parker looked at it and said, "Holy crap! It's made out for $208,568.22."

"They buy us a house and give us almost $230,000 for doing our job. It almost seems too good to be true," I said shakily.

Thankfully we were in the living room and I was able to sit down. "I don't understand. We just did our jobs. Why so much?" There was a pause. "Guys, I don't mean to be secretive, but I need to speak to Micah and Sarah privately for a minute."

We went into the kitchen and I said, "Do you think we should just put this in the bank in case they want it back? I don't know what to do."

Micah said, "I don't know. I think most of it came from the surrounding businesses, knowing they'll get it back plus some because of all the new business that is coming to the area. I think this is money that we should split between the six of us and then do something for the unit."

"Okay," I relented. "I like giving it to our friends and doing something for the unit. What do you say we split it thirty thousand a piece and give Aaron forty? Oh, the code word thing I will give each of those guys a hundred dollars, but I can take that out of my account. It seems like so little, now, a hundred dollars. What do you think, Sarah?"

"I don't think I have a say or opinion in this. This is your money."

I put my arms around her waist, "No, it's our money, the three of us.

We're a three person team now. I want to hear what you think."

"Okay, I like sharing it. We are making plenty of money between the six of us. Our only expenses are food and utilities until the baby gets here, but we're finacially sound. I say share."

Micah added, "Take the code money out of the unit cut. I like the 30k thing.

Giving Aaron 40k as his family needs it more I don't think the others will mind. Plus he kind of started this whole thing by showing interest in Trey when he first got here. That leaves enough for the moving tip and a good unit party."

"So we're in agreement?" We all shook our heads. "Let's go tell them."

Micah, Sarah and I stood in front of our friends. They looked at me and said, "You should tell them."

"I will until I start crying, then you finish," I said smiling. "I don't even know where to start. Our group here is the most important thing that I have in my life. Do you realize that in all the time we have been together, not one cross word has been said? The closest we got to a fight was the day Sarah and I got married and she defended me to her father. We truly are six people made to spend as much time together as we can. Micah and I decided that none of this would have been possible without each of you. I won't go into why each of you is important to us and an integral part of the group. If I have to do that, get out."

We laughed. "Ok, here's what we talked about. We were discussing what to do with the money. I have another conversation for later, but we decided to split this money six ways with you. Five of us will get thirty thousand each and one is going to get forty. Aaron, we're going to give him forty because his family has been struggling. The code word thing I was going to give each of those guys that come up to me at the party $100. If they all do, that's two thousand. That leaves sisteen thousand. How much does it cost to throw a unit party?"

Everyone stood up and hugged us. Daryl said that he was going to put some of the money into two college funds for our kids. I grabbed him and hugged him so tight he said he couldn't breathe.

Aaron took the floor, "A few months ago, before I saw Trey walk into the reception company, I was lonely, sad, struggling to help my family, and really confused as to where I was going. I was wondering when things were going to get better. Now, I have five of the best people in the world as my best friends. You do nothing but give of yourselves. You give and give.

You give me emotional love, physical love, friendship, support, and a reason to get up every morning. I love you all so much."

We all gathered around Aaron and told him how important he was to all of us.

"When was the last time we all had fun together?" I asked.

"Too long," everyone said. It was just after ten in the morning and we headed up the stairs. Each bedroom had a king bed in it and they still had tons of room in them. We went in the master and all stripped. I knelt in front of Daryl and took him in my mouth. I couldn't ever remember sucking on Daryl, but he tasted good and the precum was starting already. Micah was sucking on Parker and Aaron and Sarah were kissing and playing with each other. I walked on my knees forward, moving Daryl back to the bed. He sat down and I stood up, never releasing his cock. I took a hand and pushed him down to where he was laying on the bed with his feet almost on the floor. I moved around and swung a leg over his head and lowered my cock in his mouth. Daryl was very accomplished in the dick sucking department. I was pleasantly surprised as he took me down his throat and worked my cock like a pro.

The thought that I'd never kick him out of bed ran through my mind.

I lifted off his dick and said, "Oh, I need two more bukkake boys to share the load with me Saturday. First two that cum are it."

The guys laughed and kept on working.

Sarah asked, "Do you want Aaron as one of them? I can nut him in about two minutes."

I almost spit Daryls cock right out of my mouth! The way she said it made it sound so easy and businesslike. I loved it! "Absolutely!" I exclaimed.

They went from kissing to her pushing him down on the bed and then going down on him with a vengeance. True to her word at just about two minutes, Aaron started arching his back and I could see Sarah taking his load. He looked at her and said, "Trey taught you how to do that, didn't he?" She just smiled. She went up and gave him back part of his load that she hadn't swallowed. She laid on the bed next to Aaron and I could see him thinking about whether he wanted to do more with her or not.

Micah and Parker were in a 69 position and Micah was working as hard as he could. I was torn, did I want Parker to beat me up at the party? No, I can have him about anytime I want in our group. Let me go make him cum and he can table next to me at the party. I moved up and whispered in Daryls ear, "I definitely want more of this later, but Parker is going to be desert at the party."

He laughed and reached over and grabbed Micah by the cock as soon as I moved him enough that he wasn't in Parkers mouth anymore. Micah backed up and took my spot. Parker just smiled and said, "Bring it on, big boy."

I laughed and in one mouthful, took him to the base. My throat was screaming! Ouch, that hurt. I wonder if you can hurt your throat taking something like Parker down your throat. There I go, thinking crap again while having sex. I put it out of my mind and was flying up and down his cock. I could feel him working my cock, but I could let him do that to me for hours. Ever since Sarah pierced me, I had total control over my orgasms. I decided it was time to make this interesting. I took a deep breath and went down on Parker all the way again. I worked my throat muscles on the side of his shaft. He moaned and tried to pull out of my throat. I was on top, so I just chased him down into the mattress.

This had the reverse affect for Parker and I felt him start to pump the muscles in this cock. I pulled up and he started shooting, filling my mouth. Just then I heard Micah moan and knew that Daryl and I were on the outside looking in. I finished cleaning up Parker and swallowed his whole load. I moved up and kissed him. I smiled at him and said, "See you bent over next to me Saturday."

"Damn Trey, that's not fair what you do. But man it feels good!"

I laughed and said, "Parker, when you grow up and become a man, I'll show you how to do that."

We all laughed and Parker said he'd get me next time.

I moved over and worked my way between Daryls legs and started on his balls. He didn't have big balls, they were actually perfect for getting both in your mouth at the same time. Bad for him as I was pretty horny and motivated. I licked the bottom of his sack and then sucked some of the skin into my mouth. I backed out and said, "We need to rearrange here. I had Micah get on his back, Daryl in a 69 position with him and then I got behind Daryl. I had access to his sack and his manhole. I hadn't thought of that, I was focused on his balls. I started there and in this position, they had loosened up and were hanging very nicely. I put my hand around them and pulled them gently back and up, then I sucked them both into my wide open mouth. He almost jumped a foot, but I had closed around them enough, they were trapped. I pushed my tongue into them, forcing them to relocate and to readjust. Then I'd make them do it again, and again. I didn't even get to tantalize his pucker as he started pumping into Micah like a fire hose. Micah can take a lot of cum, but I saw some ooze out the side of his mouth.

After we had calmed down, Daryl said, "Trey, no one has ever done that to me, that sent me into outer space. Micah reaped the benefits of a load I can't believe I shot."

Micah said, "That was as big a load I've ever worked."

Micah said, "Your turn, Trey." I moved up and laid next to Sarah. I put an arm behind her and brought her close to me. The touch of her skin was so nice. Micah started sucking on my cock, Parker grabbed one leg, Aaron the other and spread them wide apart, my one leg laying right on Sarahs stomach. All I could think about was I was only a few inches from my child. Daryl pulled me back to reality when he sucked my balls into his mouth like I had done to him. He started pushing my balls all around in his mouth. The feeling was incredible. I told Sarah that what Daryl was doing felt great. Between Micah taking me all the way down his throat and Daryl bathing my balls, I started shooting into Micahs throat. He pulled up and just had the tip of my cock at his lips, washing every taste bud on his tongue with my juice. I looked at Daryl, he had let go of my balls and I saw him smiling at me.

We settled down and I brought up the meeting with the DA tomorrow morning. "If everything is as great as it appears, they're going to test us this time. It'll be a project that will have a couple real wrinkles in it."

"Why do you think that?" Aaron asked.

"Because it'll be a test. If we pass this, then they'll probably bring us on to really do some work for them. They know we are dependable and trustworthy. Hell, they probably know we're gay, too. But this will look like one thing and there will be a couple hidden tricks that they'll want to see if we find and correct. I don't know this for a fact, just call it a hunch. I have another weird feeling that there is something else going on here. I can't put my finger on it yet. I mean, unless everyone here is truly just great people, why not just make us do our job and we get paid our regular pay. A paid for house, over a quarter of a million dallars, it just doesn't, no pun intended, all add up."

Daryl had gotten up and left the room. He came back and said, "Has anyone been in the garage? There are six SUVs in the garage. Where am I going to park my car?" He kept talking, not waiting for an answer, "Come check this out!" We all got up and followed him into one of the other bedrooms and out on the upper deck. We could see the lake between the large trees that were turning Fall colors. The lake was only about a haundred yards away and we had our own private beach. It was secluded and so peaceful. We were all taken aback by the incredible beauty of the view.

I have one more chapter to this story and then I am putting it to bed for a bit. I have other storylines I am dying to get to. If you are reading this, then you have been on this journey with me and I sincerely thank you. Aric

Next: Chapter 10

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