Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Jan 10, 2015


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 13

I left the room with Daryl and Top following me. "Who is that?" Top asked?

"It's, it's, it's, jesus I can't even say it," I stammered.

Daryl said, "It's Micah's sister, Top. But the last time we saw her she had long brown hair and ... and clothes. I didn't recognize her either."

Even in the state of shock I was in I laughed at what Daryl said.

Top asked, "Do you want me to do anything?"

I answered him, "No Top. I think this is something that Micah and I need to handle with his Mom. Thank you, though."

"I will start getting people out of here. I think the party was about over anyway."

"Thanks Top. And I'm really sorry about this," I said.

"Don't worry about it, Trey. If you need anything, call me."

Top left the room and I looked at Daryl. "Geez Trey. This is messed up. I didn't recognize her at all."

"Me either Daryl, obviously. I feel ten times violated. How in the world did she get here and why would she do something like this? Oh my God, Daryl. I made Micah's sister orgasm. I don't know what to do, I feel sick."

"It'll be okay, we'll get through this."

"No, it won't be okay. I made Micah's sister orgasm!"

We went out into the other room and Micah had Jenny covered in a blanket. We only had four people that wanted to spend the night, but Parker and Aaron had talked with them and said that due to a small family emergency, they'd take everyone and their vehicles home for them. Daryl helped and they were out the door.

I had gone and put jeans and a tee shirt on. Micah had put his shorts on, but left and came back with jeans and a tee on, too.

It was just Micah, Jen and me in the room. We sat down in front of her and Micah, I could tell, was ready to come unglued. So I started.

"Jen, first of all, what are you doing here and does your Mom know you're here?"

"Geez Trey, I'm twenty six years old. I think I have a right to be somewhere if I want."

"Like hell you do!" screamed Micah. "You do not have the right to come to my home, in disguise during a private party, and trick people into having sex with you. Normal people don't do that."

"Really Micah? You're going to talk about being normal? You are living with five other people, having sex with them, got another man's wife pregnant, and have orgy parties with all your Army buddies. Now tell me about normal!"

Sarah showed up. She had gone upstairs as the parties were a little more than she even wanted to watch being eight and a half months along. The screaming had brought her down stairs. "Oh my God, Jen is that you?"

"Hi Sarah. Yes, it's me. These guys are all of a sudden acting all high and mighty about something."

Micah jumped up and I knew he was going to start screaming at Jen again. I stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Sarah, please stay here with Jen for a minute. And could you please help her get her clothes on? We'll be right back."

Micah and I went into the other room. Micah said, "How did you not know it was my sister? Holy shit Trey, you ate out my sister right in front of me."

"Micah, we're both upset and in shock right now, but you need to get a hold of yourself. You know that I would never touch your sister. That is so disgusting on so many levels that I am having a lot of trouble dealing with it right now. But we need to be the calm ones and we need to have the level heads. Let's call your Mom and see what she says."

"You're a sick bastard, Trey. How could you do this to me?"

I looked at Micah and knew that he was just off the deep end right now. I wanted to say things like, "Really, you stood there and watched me do that to your sister knowing it was her? Who's the sick bastard now?" Or, "Yeah Micah, I knew it was her. I loved every second of giving your sister her first orgasm and eating her hot sexy pussy right in front of you. One of the biggest sexual turnons in my life." But I didn't. I said, "Micah, please take a deep breath and please, please, try to regain your composure." It wasn't nearly as satisfying as the other two comments would have made me feel, but I knew that we were both trying to deal with a very delicate situation.

We called Micah's Mom (Jackie) and she said that Jen was at a friends for the weekend. When we told her she was here, she nearly flipped out herself. She said she and Rebecca were on the next flight here and we'd see them in the morning.

"Micah, listen to me. We need to handle this in a way so that the CO, Top, and the Army do not get in trouble for this. We are at a very critical juncture where we need to do and say the correct things."

Micah just sat there, staring at something that wasn't. Finally, he looked at me and said, "Trey, I don't know what to do. How could you do this to me?"

"Micah dammit, snap out of it! I didn't do anything too intentionally hurt anyone. I didn't know it was Jen until you did. Do you hear me? I am hurt, confused, and in shock, too. But we have responsibilities to our loved ones and to the Army. Now grow the hell up now and help me figure out the best way to handle this!" My voice rising with each word.

He just looked at me with a blank stare, so I slapped his face! He jumped up and said, "What in the hell did you do that for?"

"Are you here now Micah?" I asked. "You've been somewhere else for the last ten minutes."

"Trey, please tell me that Jen isn't out in the other room."

"I wish I could, Micah. I wish I could. But do you remember anything I said to you since we came in here?"

"Yeah, I think so. We need to just go talk to her."

"Let's bring her in here, away from that atmosphere. Maybe she will see where she went wrong in coming here unannounced."

We went out in the other room and Sarah was sitting in a chair holding her head. I ran over to her. "Sarah, are you okay?"

"No, I think I need to go to the hospital."

"I'm calling the ambulance." I dialed 911 and had a rescue unit on the way. I asked Sarah if there was anything I could do for her. Micah was there too, we each had a hold of one of her hands. She said, "No, but something's wrong. I don't feel right."

I turned and saw that Jen still didn't have any clothes on. I went and picked her clothes up off the floor near the bar, walked over, grabbed her arm pulling her up out of the chair and into the next room all in one motion. "Jen, put your goddamn clothes on now and be ready to go to the hospital with us."

"What if I don't want to?"

I took a step and was an inch from her face. "I don't give a damn what you want! I could have you arrested for trespassing, so for the next foreseeable future, you had better do exactly as I say when I say it. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir," she said with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Now, get dressed and be back in the other room in two minutes."

God I hated when people took the attitude that she was taking. Like she was all cute and smug and right when she didn't have a leg to stand on.

I got back to Sarah just as the doorbell rang. It was the paramedics and I led them to where Sarah was. They did some checks and then said to have her doctor meet us at the hospital. Micah went with Sarah in the ambulance, I called Sarah's doctor and just as I got off the phone, Parker, Daryl, and Aaron were returning from taking the last of the guests home. I told them to follow us to the hospital. Jen and I got in my SUV and we were probably five minutes behind the ambulance.

"You know," I said, "Right or wrong, if something happens to the baby, Micah is going to blame you for it."

"But it isn't my fault," she said.

"What are you doing here, Jen? Your Mom thinks you are at a friend's house for the weekend. Are you into drugs or something? The Jen I thought I knew would never do something like this."

"Trey, ever since the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Why do you think I went out with Rusty, it was to feel closer to you. I finally thought that if I came here and talked to you, maybe you would understand. When I saw all the cars, I walked around the house and saw what was going on, I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like the perfect time for me to have a few minutes with you. And they were the best minutes of my life. No one has ever come close to making me feel like you did. Certainly not Rusty, you need to teach him a few things."

I let off the accelerator as I felt my blood pressure rise. My first instinct was to slam on the brakes, get out and spank some sense into this girl. But at the last second I remembered my advice to Micah and I took it.

"Jen, I'm sorry but you have some terrible visions of grandeur that I cannot fulfill. I love Micah, Sarah, Aaron, Parker, and Daryl. I look at you like a sister. I could never have the feelings that you want me to have for you. I'm not being mean, I'm just trying to tell you how I feel. I am so happy with my life. Well at least before tonight. But you need to understand that there can never be an us."

Jen was crying and I almost felt sorry for her. I did in a way for how pathetic she was acting, but I was still mad as hell for what she had done.

We were at the hospital now and went in through the emergency room doors. I looked around and Micah was in the sitting area. We went over to him.

"It's not good, Trey. They don't know what happened yet." Then he looked at Jen. "Jen, I can't stand to even look at you right now. Trey, please get her out of here."

I gave him a hug and said I'd take care of it. Have one of the guys come to the next waiting room down the hall. I took Jen down the hall to the next waiting room and we sat down. It was just a minute and Daryl came into the room. I was hoping it would be Daryl as I felt he had the best temperament to handle Jen. "Sit right here and don't move," I told her.

I took Daryl out into the hallway. I told him the basics of everything that had happened and needed him to take Jen back to the house. "Do not let her out of your sight," I told him, "Not even to go to the bathroom. We can't take the chance of her doing something stupid to herself."

We went back to where Jen was. "Jen," I started, "Daryl is going to take you back to the house. I have told him that you are not to be out of his sight even if you need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh bullshit," she said, "I don't need to take this from a bunch of gay, orgy-loving pieces of shit."

I pulled my phone out and called the local police department. When I was waiting for them to answer, I said to Daryl, "Doesn't look like you need to watch her tonight, she'll be in jail."

"Yes Officer Banfield, my name is Trey Hardy. I want to report a trespasser that was on my property this evening."

"Hang up, please," Jen pleaded, "I'll do everything you say, I promise."

I just glared at her and walked away. I explained to Officer Banfield the situation and his advice was that she was better off not getting arrested if at all possible. He said, "Are you the guy that has done so much for our communities the last year or two?"

"I don't know about that, Officer Banfield, but I appreciate everything you do and the sacrifice you make to our community."

He told me he had the overnight shift and if we needed him, to just call back and he'd help us put the fear of God in her. I thanked him and went back into the room.

"Jen, I swear if Daryl calls me and says that you didn't do everything he tells you to do to the letter, I will call and have the police arrest you. I do not know what in the hell has happened to you the last few months since summer, but you are not the Jen that I know." I reached out and took her hand to help her up. "Look me in the eye and give me your word that you will listen to everything that Daryl tells you to do. This can be your first step to making things right again. Because I swear I will put you in jail."

"I promise, Trey. If you promise to love me, I'll do anything you say."

At this point, I knew Jen was mentally unstable. "Jen, I will love you if you listen to Daryl tonight and be a good girl."

She smiled and hugged me.

"We'll see you as soon as possible," I said to Daryl.

"We brought Parker's ride, should I get his keys?"

"No, take mine." Jen started walking and I handed him the keys to my vehicle. I whispered to Daryl. "On the other hand, take Parker with you. She is not stable right now, I don't know what's wrong." He handed my keys back to me and they left.

I went back to where Micah was and he was as white as a ghost. I helped him up and told the nurse we would be in the next waiting room as it was empty. Aaron came with of course, and we sat down.

"Did they say anything?" I asked Micah.

"No, but it sounds like the baby is okay. They made it sound like it was Sarah that was having troubles."

It was like a sledgehammer hit me in the stomach. I was worried about the baby this whole time and hadn't thought for a second that Sarah would be in trouble.

I called DeeDee and talked with her. She said they had tickets to arrive the next weekend. I told her that I would buy them tickets for as soon as they could get here.

"You're scaring me Trey," she said.

"I'm scared DeeDee," I said back, "Something feels very wrong to me."

We hung up with the understanding I would call if we heard anything. It had been about an hour and we had called all the families. Not long after getting off the last phone call, a doctor walked into the waiting room.

"Who's the husband and father?" the doctor asked.

Micah and I both raised our hands. As the doctor got a puzzled look on his face, I said, "I'm the husband and he's the father. Long story," I said.

He looked at us and said, "Obviously, you both care for Mrs. Ellis a lot. First, congratulations, you are the father of a baby girl."

We smiled and Micah, Aaron, and I hugged.

"There is a problem, however," the doctor continued. "Mrs. Ellis was hemorrhaging pretty badly when she got here. We think she had an aneurysm burst somewhere in or near her brain. She has lost a lot of blood and we are doing everything that we can to get the bleeding stopped. I will have more to tell you in another hour or so, but that's all I can tell you now."

"Where's the baby?" I asked.

"In the nursery. Go to the nurse's station and get ID bracelets. They'll let you hold your girl."

"One other thing, Doctor," I asked. "If the bleeding doesn't stop soon, that's really, really bad, isn't it?"

"We're doing all we can, son."

I hated it when they wouldn't give me a straight answer to my question. Especially when it was a dumbass question I already knew the answer to.

"I'll stay here for now if you guys want to go see the baby," I said to Micah and Aaron.

I sat there in the dim light, all alone. I tried to not think the worst and tried to think positive, happy thoughts. I thought about Sarah, Rachel, Madison (the baby's name if it was a girl), and the other five of us playing in the yard in the leaves between the house and lake on a warm fall day. I thought about the smile on Sarah's face as she watched her two children playing together, watching them grow and learn, and just becoming the good people that we so wanted them to become.

The vision popped out of my head when the doctor came in and said that Sarah wanted to see Micah and me. I followed him, explaining that Micah was at the nursery.

We went into an ICU room and there was Sarah, tubes and machines every- where. I took her hand, lightly placing it in mine. She opened her eyes and ever so slightly smiled. I told her that her Mom and Dad would be here soon to see her and Madison. "Do you know you had a baby girl?" I asked.

She squeezed my hand lightly and then said in a soft voice, "I love you and Micah so much. Tell my Mom and Dad I love them, too. Rachel and Madison." I saw a tear come into her eye and run down her face. "I love you, Trey."

"I love you too Sarah," I said starting to cry, "You're going to be fine."

Just then the beeping that was in the background went to a solid tone. People came flying into the room and told me to leave. I just backed into the corner and watched as they tried to save Sarah. They did everything they possibly could to save her, but after several minutes they pronounced her dead. I just fell in a heap on the floor.

I came to with a cold washcloth on my forehead out in the waiting room. There was a nurse and the doctor there. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'll never be okay," I said starting to cry again. Just then Micah and Aaron came into the room. They came over to me and asked what happened. I tried, I really did try to tell them what happened, but I couldn't. Then I just screamed, "SHE'S DEAD! SARAH'S GONE!"

The next few hours are blurry for me. I remember hugging Micah and we cried and cried. I remember the guys coming back to the hospital with Jen. I remember grabbing her arm and setting her down in a chair in a waiting room and telling her to stay in that chair until we got back. If she wasn't, I would hunt her down and kill her. I wasn't really thinking clearly. The five of us went in and saw Sarah. I think we all said something, but we mainly just cried. I kissed Sarah on the forehead and told her how much I loved her. All the guys followed suit.

We went back out to the waiting room and Jen hadn't moved a muscle. It was the first thing she had done that hadn't pissed me off in a long time. The five of us sat at the other end of the waiting room and whispered what we were going to do, should we stay here for Madison or go to the house. I told them I didn't feel right leaving. I had told them I didn't want Sarah taken anywhere until her parents got here. Daryl, Aaron, and Parker said they would take Jen back to the house and wait for Jackie and Rebecca there. I called DeeDee's phone and left her a message to come straight to the hospital.

When it was just Micah and me, I asked him about Madison. "She's beautiful," he said.

"I told Sarah that she had a girl," I said, "She knew. Do you think we could name her Madison Sarah?"

"That is perfect," he said.

We just sat there, numb. I have no idea how long we sat there, neither of us moving, neither of us saying a word. Then we heard someone come into the room. It was Top and the CO. The guys had called them. We hugged and they sat down. We told them what we knew and they said that anything we needed, they would provide. They were both in pretty bad shape, too. Sarah meant the world to them, too. We thanked them and they left. There was a window in the waiting room and it was starting to get light.

"What are we going to do, Micah? Rachel and Madison need their Mom."

"There are five of us, our families, and then everyone in the unit that will help. And Alicia. We'll get through this."

"You're right," I said, "I need to be strong for everyone else. I need to show everyone that Sarah was our world, but that we have to carry on and be strong for our children. And for Sarah. She'd be mad if she saw me acting like this."

It was just then that DeeDee and Kyle came into the waiting room. "How's Sarah?" DeeDee asked. I hugged DeeDee and also hugged Kyle.

"I have some terrible news. Sarah had an aneurysm that burst. They couldn't stop the bleeding. She's gone. She passed about five hours ago."

DeeDee slumped in the chair, sobbing uncontrollably. We were all gathered around her.

"She did give us a gift of a baby girl last night," I said. "Madison is doing fine. I also had them keep Sarah here until you got here if you want to see her."

They did and we all went and saw her. I tried to imagine what it would be like if I lost Rachel and I couldn't. The pain of losing a child was just too much to even imagine. We left Kyle and DeeDee with Sarah and went back into the waiting room.

When Kyle and DeeDee came into the waiting room I asked, "What type of arrangements do you want? Do you want Sarah back in Montana?"

Kyle said, "As her husband, these are all your decisions, Trey."

"My goal is for you two to be as comfortable as possible with what is decided. I don't want this to be my decision, but a decision that we all think that Sarah would be happy with. I have an idea," I said. "What if Sarah stays here and I either build or buy you a house here and you come help us raise Rachel and Madison? I don't know your exact situation in Billings or your ties there, but I want to let you know you can come here and be completely taken care of. I think that Sarah would love to have us together. She also told me to tell you that she loved both of you very much. She said she loved Micah and me, Mom and Dad, Rachel and Madison," I paused, "and then she was gone."

Alicia was devastated and in shock when she heard about Sarah when she brought Rachel home. She changed her plane ticket to Georgia until after the funeral as she had planned on leaving that Sunday afternoon.

Madison was a perfectly healthy baby and we brought her home a couple days later. Rachel kept saying Momma and expecting her to show up. I tried to tell her that Momma had to go be with Jesus, but it would be a few years before she could grasp any of what had happened. We tried to keep her busy and she was excited that there was a baby in the house.

Sarah was buried in a cemetery near the house with full military honors. Over five thousand people were at the funeral. Every unit on post sent soldiers and there were business owners from every town around Ft Manly. I was so humbled. I wondered how long it would be before I got used to her not being here. I knew I would never get used to her being gone, but I also knew as time went by, I would be able to deal with it better. I hoped.

During the reception at the house after the funeral, DeeDee and Kyle came up to me and asked if I would introduce them to Sarah's bosses. "Of course, they'd love to meet you, too."

"Sir, First Sergeant," I started, "This is DeeDee and Kyle Ellis, Sarah's Mom and Dad. DeeDee and Kyle, this is Gary Blane and Jim Thomas, our Company Commander and First Sergeant."

Kyle shook hands and DeeDee hugged both of them. "Thank you both so much. Every time I talked with Sarah, she told me how much she loved her job and loved the two men she worked for. She said that you treated her as someone that was valued and important. She truly felt that you respected her, the work that she did, and took her opinions and thoughts seriously. She also said how funny you both are."

"Mrs. and Mr. Ellis, we are so sorry for your loss," the CO started. Know that we are grieving the loss of your daughter just as if she were our daughter. She meant so much to us and to our unit. She truly was the best of the best at keeping a unit running. She made us look so good with perfect reports, on time, and she never once made a mistake the entire time she was here. A truly amazing woman, outstanding soldier, wonderful wife, mother, and friend."

I was overwhelmed and had to go sit down.

Jackie and Micah took Jen to a psychiatrist, but he couldn't find anything mentally wrong with her that would make her go from a normal, smart girl to a girl that did what she did. He suggested drugs, but they ran a full test for every drug that could possibly have caused what happened. Every test came back negative. They had an MRI done on her skull and found a small tumor that was pressing on a part of her brain. They were able to operate and it was benign. As she recovered, she apologized to me and I apologized to her for how I talked to her and treated her. I told her any other night of my life and I would have been there to make sure she was okay. And that I should have been there for her, anyway. She told me that she really did think that she loved Rusty, but if I could show him a few pointers, she'd appreciate it! "You know I find you a little creepy," she said smiling. I was so glad that she was on the mend!

I took Sarah's life insurance from the Army, two hundred fifty thousand dollars and created the Sarah Ellis Golf Scholarship at Kansas State University. I matched it and I created two scholarships, one for each golf team. I asked that they go to a female and male golfer that needed assistance at the university. I also wanted them to let me know who received the scholarship every year and I would come meet them and tell them about Sarah. We would then play a round of golf in Sarah's memory. Sarah and I had played golf a few times and we had so much fun. Some of my fondest memories of Sarah were our golf rounds, laughing and teasing each other along with the competition.

We had Thanksgiving with all the families. That afternoon, Daryl had everyone gather around the TV and we watched a video he had put together of us and a lot of the times we had with Sarah. I didn't even know it, but the first time when we had come out to the lake and told each other a little about ourselves, Daryl had recorded that on his phone. It made me so happy that we had some videos of Sarah. He had also got some of our golf on tape and we laughed at how much fun we were having. When it was over, he handed a disc to everyone. It was one of the most moving, kind, generous things that anyone did after Sarah had passed.

Micah and I got up and explained why we paid their mortgages off. All the families said that paying off their mortgages was more than we should have done, but we were able to convince them that it was what we wanted to do. We told them how the first project we did is saving the Army money and exposed a traitor. We told them about the Drone program and how it was saving money and thousands of lives. I also added that it was Sarah one night that gave me the answer to a problem I was having with that database. I told them I had called the General and they were calling it the Sarah Ellis project in her honor. Then I told them about the Inventory project and it was saving the Pentagon hundreds of millions of dollars and that they paid us very well for it. We were just saying thank you to them for being supportive of us. Sarah had been so excited that we were doing this for all the families.

Everyone came up and hugged us. They said that they were so proud of us.

A week later, Jackie and Rebecca went back to Phoenix as Jen was released from the hospital and was recuperating at our house. Jackie was seriously considering moving to Kansas.

My family went back to Nebraska, they were not happy that we had paid their mortgage without discussing it with them first. Then I told them that Micah and I were never going to have to worry about money. I know they love me, they just can't show it very well. Rusty spent all his time at the hospital with Jen. Melanie had caught the eye of Daryl's younger brother Tad. I was hoping that they would get together.

Aaron's Mom kissed and hugged Micah and me until we were covered in lipstick! She did want to sell the house and move into a better neighborhood and we said that we'd take care of anything she needed. She was going to put her house on the market as soon as she got back to Charleston.

Parker's parents took Micah and me into the den one night. They told us that when he first told them he was gay, they were so disappointed. But as they have gotten to know us, they see how happy Parker is and how much he has grown as a person, they realized that he is in a good place with good people. Their main goal is that their children are happy and Parker is very happy. They hugged us and they told us that paying the mortgage off was going to let them do a lot of things for their family and children.

Daryl's parents also took us into the den one day. They thanked us not only for the mortgage, but they also wanted to know what we had done to make Daryl blossom as a person and what we did to give him the confidence he displayed now. We told them that we just let him be him. We gave him opportunities to prove himself and we let him know that we loved him for who he is. They thanked us for everything we have done for him and they were proud of all of us. I told them that I loved Daryl so much. I told them how I loved his never give up attitude and how giving he is. An example was the video. I had no idea that he had put that together, yet it meant so much to all of us. He had photoshopped Sarah, Rachel, and Madison into a picture with the five of us standing behind them for the picture on the cd. I also let them know how much he motivates me. "He's a very amazing young man that I am richer for knowing and lucky to have in my life," I said. They were very proud parents when they left that week.

DeeDee and Kyle sat down with all of us one night after all the other families had gone back to their homes. Kyle started the conversation. "I'm a proud man and don't take kindly to handouts. The generosity that you all have shown over the years made it much easier to not kick your fannies all the way back to the bank to get your money back on the mortgage. I also will never forget the courage and composure that you showed that first time we met in Billings. But we want to say that we have decided to move here. We always thought that there would be more time to spend with Sarah, our grandchildren, and our sons-in-law, but life has a way of changing plans. If the offer still stands that we move here, we will."

I got up and hugged them both. "It's not Christmas yet, but this is the best present ever!" I exclaimed. "Rachel and Madison are going to love having Grandma and Grandpa here. The rest of us are, too! Guys, you won't have to put up with my cooking all the time now!" DeeDee gave me an extra hug.

Micah and I had been staying in the master bedroom with Madison's crib. We had formula in a dorm refrigerator and a microwave so that it was easier to feed her in the night. This night, all the guys came in before we went to bed. We sat and talked about how different it was without Sarah, that they loved her too, but they didn't really realize how much until now. Micah said that there were a lot of nights that she would say how happy she was and how she loved all of us. She loved all of us in a little different way, but she loved all of us. They got up to leave and Daryl stopped at the door. "Can I sleep with you guys tonight?"

"Sure, but you have to take your turn feeding Madison," Micah teased.

He hopped into bed next to me and I put my arms under both their necks and moved to where my hands rested on their chests. Micah finally said, "None of us have done anything since Sarah died."

"I know," I said, "I don't know if I'm ready yet. It's been a month, but I feel guilty in a way if I do."

"It's part of the grieving process," said Daryl, "We all know in our hearts that she would expect us to continue as we had before and she'd whip us in shape if we didn't."

We chuckled thinking about how she would always get us to see what we needed to do and should be doing. Sarah really was the leader of our group when it came to being the smart, rational one. She also had a knack of getting us back on track when we were not where we needed to be.

I pulled my arms out from under the guys and grabbed their cocks. They were instantly hard. I stroked them both and they both grabbed me, one my cock and the other my balls. We were like this for a couple minutes and then they both got up and spun around where I could still stroke them, but they were both sucking and licking my cock and balls. It felt so amazing! I was moaning in pleasure from the feelings of two tongues on me with my balls being worked. I could tell that was Daryl from the angle, but also we both loved sucking balls and especially each others'! I had taken the precum from both guys and was working four fingers into both asses. I had a vision of both hands buried to the wrists in my guys. I asked them for the lube and I liberally got both of them ready. I told them what I was going to do and both of them wiggled their asses like happy puppy dogs! I worked my hands in to the widest part at the thumb joint. I worked my hands back and forth in both holes and soon had both of them moaning and pushing back into my hands. I gave my right hand a little shove and it got sucked into Daryl's hole as the largest part of my hand cleared his ring. He gasped and then I could feel him squeezing my wrist with his muscles, testing and getting accustomed to this new invasion. I gave my left hand a push and it did the same thing in Micah's hole, being sucked in as it got by his ring. He gave out a yelp and then I could feel how he was sucking on my cock that he was happy. I slowly started moving my fingers, exploring their new environment. Both guys were going crazy as I had found both prostates. Micah was deepthroating my cock as he had never done before, it felt so good. Daryl had both my balls in his mouth and it felt like he was trying to suck them down his throat! Man, that was an awesome feeling!

"Aaahhhh!" I let out as I started pushing shot after shot of the biggest load I'd had in years! My explosion made me involuntarily push my hands deeper into my boys, making them both start coating my stomach with their loads as they pointed their shafts at me. I pulled my hands out of their asses with similtaneous pops and I grabbed their shafts and pumped the remainder of their loads out of them onto me.

We laid back down next to each other after Micah had grabbed a towel for me to wipe my hands. They cleaned up my stomach with their tongues, not missing a drop. As we laid there, I finally said, "That was pretty intense, gentlemen."

They both grunted their approval. I had my arms under both of their heads and they both turned into me, laying their heads on my chest, me with my hands on their shoulders.

I woke once, feeding and changing Madison. I think Micah did once, too. The next morning, I was crawling over Daryl thinking that Micah needed the sleep and Daryl grabbed my cock, stopping me instantly. I looked into his eyes and he whispered, "Thank you for last night, I needed to be with somebody. I was going crazy, not for me, but for us. I want us to try and get back to as normal as we can as soon as we can. Doing what we did, I hope helps."

"You're right, Daryl," I whispered back, "As more time goes by, it'll get better, but it'll never be normal. Now, I need to go to the bathroom or else and I'll be back."

I returned and both of them were awake. I got between them again and I felt ropes being slid over my wrists. I looked at them and they both had wry smiles on their faces. They pulled my hands up and towards the bedposts, half quartering me. They did the same with my ankles and I was now at their complete mercy. They both kissed me and then started working on my pecs. They licked up and near my neck and then down and into my armpits. It was like a double lightning strike! I could already feel the precum running down my shaft that was sticking straight up in the air. They were relentless on their work under my arms. I knew now why they had tied me up a lot tighter than we normally do when we play, it was because they knew I was going to be sent into orbit and wiggle uncontrollably. Micah was rubbing my precum all over my chest and stomach. Daryl was rolling my balls like he had a couple dice in his hand. Just when I didn't know how I could be sent to a higher state of arousal, they both took their tongues and worked right up the middle of my armpits as hard as they could! Ten seconds of that and I shot my first rope high in the air and it landed right on my face! The second landed in the middle of my chest, the next on my stomach, then just above the base of my cock, and finally it just ran out of my slit and down my shaft. They eased up and Daryl took my cock and started cleaning it up and Micah licked my face, chest, and stomach.

When they were done, they untied me and Micah said, "I was told once that that was a fantasy of yours. We just never got around to it."

I had tears in my eyes. I just had two of the most incredible sexual experiences of my life, both sending me to the point of total exhaustion. And with the two people that I loved most. I had told Sarah my armpit fantasy and she must have told Micah. For Micah and Daryl to do that for me, it was really special.

One morning in mid December, Top asked to see the four of us in his office after formation. Micah was on leave taking care of Madison for two more days, then he had twenty two days and would be out of the Army. Top said that he had some bad news. Parker and Aaron were coming down on orders for a twelve month tour in Korea. He said he talked with Department of the Army Headquarters to get it changed, but they were adament that they go. They needed the best personnel in the field to fix a lot of problems they were having in Korea with personnel records.. And they needed them as soon as possible. They were leaving just after Christmas.

We stood there in stunned silence. We'd had two and a half years of near perfection in our lives and in the last forty five days, enough heartache for a lifetime. At least we felt that way. Top told us to go home and try and think of all the positives that will be happening to us in another year. The four of them would be out of the Army if they chose and I could get out anytime I wanted.

We went home and Micah knew immediately that something was wrong. We told him and he was heartbroken, too. We spent the day trying to figure out the best way that we could handle this. The positives were that they would be together and we'd have internet video that we could see them as often as we wanted. We also said it was only a year. And we told them that they would get to come home for a month and we'd come see them for a month. By the time we were done, we weren't happy, but it wasn't the end of the world. We were soldiers and we had an obligation to the Army and the Country.

That night, we pulled out and set up one of the bukkake tables. We called Greg and asked him if he wanted to come over. He did and the six of us had our own party. We couldn't decide who got to be the bukkake boy, so we got the cards out taking six cards, Ace through six. Whoever drew the Ace would be the boy. Daryl ended up being the boy. We would all have our turn on the table, but no cumming until Daryl was on the table. We strapped Parker onto the table since he drew the six and and I dropped my balls into his mouth. Aaron lubed up and slid into his ass. Parker was working my balls over, giving them quite a tongue lashing. Aaron was pounding into Parker and I knew that Parker was loving it from the way he was working my balls. Greg and Micah were stroking each other and Daryl had started on Parker's cock. Aaron was getting really worked up, so he backed out and Greg jumped right in. Parker gave out a moan as Greg hit his hole with a vengence. Daryl moved off his cock and replaced my balls in Parker's mouth with his cock. Parker was pretty excited, so we stayed off his cock. After a few more minutes, he indicated he needed up or he was going to cum if we didn't.

I had drawn the five and Daryl got in my mouth with a smile on his face and Micah started in my ass. Greg got on my cock and it felt great. Micah was giving me nice, slow long strokes. I was working Daryl's perfect cock down my throat. Greg hadn't forgot what I had taught him and he was giving me a lot of pleasure sucking on my cock. It was about five minutes of this and I needed up.

Micah was next and I started stroking his ass just like he had mine. Greg was being deep throated and Aaron was taking Micah down his throat. We were all pretty excited at this point and I wasn't sure that I could last much longer. I pulled out and Parker lined up behind Micah. He pushed his huge cock into Micah and Micah tried to lift off the table, but he didn't have much freedom to move. Greg was twisting Micah's nipples with both hands and Micah was ready to explode. Parker pulled clear out and Greg did too. We got Micah up and it was Greg's turn.

Aaron slipped into his ass and I was in his mouth. Daryl was working his cock, taking him all the way down. He got worked up pretty quickly and I had Parker lube up. Aaron pulled out of his ass and I looked at Greg. You need to relax as much as possible. I pulled out of his mouth and told him to take a deep breath, relax completely as you let it out. As he did, Parker hit into his ass hard and fast. When he hit his ring, it was like hitting a wall, but he hit it hard enough the wall gave way and he went plowing on into Greg's ass. Greg let out a scream and I shoved my cock in his mouth. "Don't wake the kids!" I told him laughing.

He was nearly knawing on my cock, the tears in his eyes told me he wasn't exactly ready for Parker. But, after thirty seconds or so, I nodded at Parker and he started moving back and forth. I looked at Greg's face and I saw the desire on it. He was loving being filled by a monster cock now! The pain was still there, but the pleasure had overtaken and he had now become another convert that would beg for Parker's cock in his ass. But it wasn't long and he indicated he needed up or he was going to shoot.

Daryl crawled on the table and laid down on his back. Micah and I attached his ankles. We strapped his wrists to the legs of the table. He laid his head back and opened his mouth, letting me slide all the way in on the first try. I started slowly stroking his mouth and I felt his throat accept me every deep stroke. Greg was wound up and started shooting his load on my cock and Daryl's face. My cock acted like a rod pushing cum down Daryl's throat. He was hungrily swallowing it all. Greg had a really huge load and it all made it down Daryl's throat. Aaron was pounding Daryl's ass. Parker was on his cock. Micah was jerking himself violently and started shooting all over my groin and Daryl's face. The cum on me ran down onto my scrotum and would transfer to Daryl's forehead. The slickness was more than I could handle and I pulled out and started shooting on Daryl's face. I loved giving him my cum as much as he loved getting it. When Daryl had finished cleaning me up, Aaron and Parker were stroking themselves on each side of Daryl's face. I was holding Daryl's head as Aaron and Parker started pouring shot after shot onto his face. By the time they got done, his entire face was covered. Some of the cum was pooling in my palms, running down the sides of his face. He looked good enough to eat!

I ran my hands up the sides of his head and guided all the juice into his mouth. As we finished up, we all felt extremely tired and satisfied. Greg took a shower and headed back to his home. We'd had his envelope in the safe for awhile and he and his wife were going to counseling. He said that is wasn't going well, she was fixated on money. But he was trying to extend it out as long as he could so that the money wouldn't show up on the bank statements during the divorce.

Over the next two weeks, we took turns sleeping with Aaron and Parker. On one of my nights with them as Parker was pounding my hole, I went out into daydreamland and wondered how tight my hole was going to get without Parker keeping it stretched. Then I thought maybe getting a huge dildo until he got back. Just then Parker slammed into my ass and I snapped back into the present. I guess I'd discuss it with the guys and decide later.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I will have the next chapter out in the next week or so.

Next: Chapter 14

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