Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Nov 29, 2014


The response to this story has been incredible. I am truly humbled. A huge kudos out to for giving me this opportunity to share my story, soon to be stories, for your enjoyment. My goal in this story was to get through the bukkake party, but so many people have sent me emails asking for me to continue the story, that I feel humbled and thankful to have those requests.

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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 5

We rounded a curve and turned down into a beautiful area next to the lake. There were picnic tables, grill pits, sand volleyball, a nice beach and swimming area.

There wasn't a thing missing that you needed for an afternoon at the lake. We parked and carried our supplies over to a part of the park that didn't have many people around. It was a beautiful June Saturday in Kansas, a light breeze with the temperature in the low 80s. We spread two blankets down in the grass next to each other, grabbed beverages, and sat down. We all had swim trunks on, the guys all had speedos on and Sarah was in an orange and green bikini that looked like it was painted on. I had to wonder what she thought hanging out with five decent looking guys in speedos. I don't know how Parker got the Python in a pair of speedos, I know I was staring at him thinking about last night. Snapping back to reality. So, I was wondering about Sarah hanging out with us, so I asked her.

"You guys treat me like a regular person. All the females are either intimidated or jealous of me, I guess because of my looks. Maybe my brains, though! Are you guys okay letting me hang out with you?"

I suggested, "I love having you in our group that we've started. I don't know how much we tried to become friends, but it seemed to just kind of happen. I guess I took advantage yesterday a little bit and handpicked you all, except Daryl. And you are an excellent selection into the group, too."

"I like what we have started here. I think that you are all really good people and I'm excited for us to hang out together." Changing the subject, Parker then asked, "How are you feeling, Trey?"

"Pretty good considering," I answered. "Micah rubbed some deep heating ointment into my body last night and it really helped. I should be 100% by Tuesday. I'm planning on making PT (Physical Training) Monday morning."

"We usually don't talk much about the parties, but that was amazing and by far the best one we've ever had. Everyone had a great time, even the totally straight married guys. I know that it will be the standard that all the parties will be measured against," Daryl said.

"How many parties have you been to?" I asked.

"We average at least one a month and I've been here a year and a half.

I've missed two in that time. So probably about twenty-eight or so."

"This past week has been about a 180 from what I had imagined it would be for me," I mused. "It's been so crazy. I hate to be all negative, but how long is someone usually here before they get orders for somewhere else?"

Daryl answered, "You should be within six months of your four year active enlistment before you get orders. Unless you get orders for Korea, we rotate there for a year and then back sometimes. Just depends on the needs of the Army at the time. But plan on lots of parties here! And Trey, you will probably never leave the way the Cpt and Top enjoyed themselves last night. You'll be running this unit before long!"

I laughed, "Okay, so do you think it would be fun to each take a turn and tell everyone a little about ourselves?"

Everyone shook their head yes as we all wanted to learn more about the group of friends we were starting.

I looked at Sarah and said, "Ladies first?"

Sarah smiled and started, "I grew up in Billings, Montana, and am an only child.

I graduated high school and went to a two year community college and got my Associates degree in Business Accounting. I worked for a year for a dentist office but was bored silly and decided to join the Army. I'm a Administrative Specialist and work for Top and the Cpt in the HQ Office. Oh, my Mom and Dad are still in Billings and taking care of my Bichon Frise, Buttons. I miss him terribly! And my parents, too!"

We laughed and all agreed we missed home a little. Sarah said, "Aaron, your turn."

Before he started I said, "A Bichon Frise is a dog similar to a Maltese, just a little bigger. They're smart and a joy to be around. I think bichon frise is French for curly lap dog, if my memory doesn't escape me. I saw some of you wondering what type of dog a Bichon is, so I hope you don't mind I interjected."

Sarah shook her head no that she didn't mind and seemed to be beaming that I knew about the breed of dog she had.

Aaron started, "I grew up near Charleston, South Carolina, and after high school went to college for a year and knew that I wasn't ready for it. I worked at a few places and about four years ago, joined the Army. My job is doing Personnel Records, making sure that your files contain all the information that they are supposed to. I've been down at Reception for about a year and am glad to be back up at the unit. As far as family, my Dad was killed in an automobile accident when I was 13. I have an older sister and also a younger sister. Mom works hard and I send some money home out of each check to help her out. Your turn Parker."

"I grew up near Madison, Wisconsin and am the middle kid of three boys.

My Dad owns a body and paint shop and Mom is a 6th grade teacher. They were not happy when I told them I was joining the Army as I think Dad had hoped I'd take over his business someday. I think my younger brother will as he seems to have an interest in that sort of thing. I joined the Army for the adventure and to gain some structure in my life. I also work in Personnel Records and will probably be spending time with Aaron this week getting him back up to speed on his job. I'll be taking care of and fixing all his mistakes! Your turn Daryl."

We all laughed and Aaron said, "Watch it buddy, I outrank you!"

"I'm Daryl Simmons and I'm from Buffalo, New York. I have two older sisters, an older brother, and a younger brother. My Dad operates a tugboat guiding the barges into the docks so they can load and unload. My Mom is a pharmacist.

I joined the Army to go somewhere, anywhere warmer than Buffalo. I think Anchorage would have even been warmer, but the winter here last year wasn't bad at all. I work in the Finance Section, making sure that Uncle Sam gives you every penny you deserve. I sense we are saving Trey for last, so Micah, it's your turn."

I'm Micah Donnelly and I'm from Phoenix, Arizona. I have an older sister and also a younger sister. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 10 and I haven't seen or heard from him since. My Mom is a doctor so she was able to support us after he left. I joined the Army because I wanted the structure in my life and to get money for college. I didn't want my Mom to have to pay for my college.

My job is computer analyst and I help keep all the electronics up and running. And I found the love of my life yesterday in this man! Okay Trey, the stage is yours."

"I'm from a little town in Nebraska called Grady Center, population 23.

My Mom and Dad had me, then my sister, and then my brother. I graduated high school and did a bunch of odd jobs, working for some of the bigger farming operations in the area.

One day I was driving a tractor in the field and asked myself if this is what I wanted to do the rest of my life and where I wanted to do it. I went home that night and told my family that I was going to join the Army. They were a little surprised, but knew that I was really struggling with what I wanted to do with my life. I think that they may have also suspected that there was something else going on as I hardly ever dated and only went out with my friends occasionally.

I joined as a database administrator, so it sounds like Micah and I will be working in the same section, which could be bad because I love him more than life."

I got up and went to one of the coolers and got a pop. I asked if anyone else wanted anything and served all five their beverage choices. I didn't want to sit too long in any one period of time.

I sat back down and said, "That was fun. Now I suppose we should get more intimate with our conversation and I can tell you why I am such a mental sexual mess. I feel I owe you all an explanation, so I think I want to tell you all what I'm dealing with. Growing up in a small town and having issues with my sexuality, I felt I was gay, but couldn't express or explore those feelings because everyone would find out and then my life could have been in danger. The closest town where I went to high school had about 1500 people and word travels so fast. Just to give you an example if you grew up in a big city, this is how different it is.

My senior year the week before the Homecoming football game and dance, after school I stopped at the florist and had a dozen roses delivered to this girl with a note asking her to the dance. There were about 380 people in all four grades in our high school and the next morning as I was stepping off the bus there were three of my friends and they started singing Red Roses For A Blue Lady to me.

They found out somehow between 5pm and 8am that I had sent flowers to a girl. And what kind of flowers they were! But that's how fast information travels in a small town."

"Holy crap!" Daryl and Parker exclaimed.

Micah was sitting to my left with Sarah on my right and she whispered to me, "Trey, I'm so sorry, that had to be horrendous."

"Needless to say, I didn't even go to the dance and it was a year before she talked to me again. So I spent a few years trying to be a heterosexual and dated a few girls.

They were all nice and everything, but I never developed feelings for any of them.

Maybe there was a trust issue there, I'm not really sure. When I got here, I met Aaron and we bonded instantly. He was the first person I ever had sex with and we really thought we were in love. Then I met Sarah and I can't explain it, but she is the first girl that I did develop feelings for."

Sarah blushed but I could also see she was visibly upset over the things that I was sharing with them.

I reached over and took her hand and also took Micahs hand in my other, "It is pretty obvious why, she's the total package. Some people would label me as bisexual, but I truly think I'm gay. Then at the party I saw Micah. Micah is the person that I have had in my dreams since I was twelve. I mean, his looks, the sound of his voice, his mannerisms, everything. It is like he was cloned out of my dreams. I figured since the person of my dreams was a guy, I was gay, but I was supposed to date girls. After the party last night, I asked Sarah something very personal. I told her I am a virgin and asked her if she would help me with getting over that hurdle. I'm hoping that if I give my virginity to someone that I care about and cares for me, then I can give closure to my sex issues up until now and start my life with Micah. I want your opinions as I can't really go to an Army counselor with this and see if they think it's a good idea."

Micah said, "The crazy part of this is that Trey is the exact clone of the man of my dreams. The odds are staggering that this would happen. He's all I've thought about since I reached puberty and developed the perfect person for me. We talked about his idea of Sarah helping with this earlier today and I think that it is something that he should do if he believes it is right. I want him to do what he needs to do. I'll support him in any way I can."

Everyone was shaking their heads in the affirmative.

Parker said, "That had to be so hard growing up like that. I was lucky in that my best friend, who is straight, was supportive when I told him. He didn't freak out or anything. But to feel like you are all alone like that, damn."

"It has been a whirlwind these past few days. First Aaron and I meet and we think that we are partners for life. Then I meet Sarah and she stirs up feelings that I didn't think I could have for a girl, and then I meet Micah. I'm positive that Micah and I are going to spend the rest of our lives together. I know how crazy that sounds with it being less than 24 hours after meeting him, but I have really known him since I was twelve. So, what do you guys think? Honesty only, please."

Parker said, "Trey, I am here for you and anything you need, just ask. I think your plan of attack about this may work. Closure is good. But can I play devils advocate for a minute? Let's say that when you and Sarah do what you need to do, your feelings for each other grow. How would you deal with that?"

"Parker, I wondered that earlier too, when I was running all the different scenarios through my mind. I know that no matter how my feelings could change for Sarah, I love Micah with my total being. Sarah and I talked about it briefly last night and we agreed that in another life, we would have a life together, but not this one. We have decided that we want to be good friends and have just gotten a little farther along in the process than we have with you all. Maybe someday we'll be neighbors, she gets married and has kids and Micah and I are babysitters!"

Micah had let go of my hand and was resting his hand on my upper leg. His touch is so magical that having him touch me soothes and relaxes me to the point where I don't have a care in the world. It also was making my speedos fill up with my cock that was coming to life. I have zero control of that thing! Aaron added, "Last night, I wanted to say that as much as I love Trey and he loves me, the bond that he and Micah have is incredible. Just the way you guys look at each other tells me that what Trey and I thought we had was just a need for someone to show us some attention. I hope to find what you guys have someday.

I'm a little disappointed that Trey and I aren't together, but I am also really happy for both of you. I'd never stand in the way of true love like that."

Sarah finally spoke up, "Since we are basing our friendships and relationships on honesty, the truth is when I first saw Trey, I felt something that I have never felt for any other human being. He pulled me in and the attraction I have toward him is pretty strong. But we had a great talk last night and Aaron and I had a good talk last night, too. I love Trey and I know that we will not have a life together. But I want to be a part of his life and the best thing I can do for how I feel for him is to make sure he is as happy as he can be. And I think having you two as neighbors and babysitters is an awesome idea!"

"So you are going to have sex with him?" Daryl asked.

"Dang Daryl! That was a little blunt!" Sarah exclaimed. "No, when the time is right, we'll make love and get him back on track where he and Micah will have no obstacles in their relationship. I will give to him what he needs and take from him what he wants me to have. It has put a completely different light on the way I look at lovemaking and relationships. And I have him to thank for that. Micah is a very lucky young man and I am so jealous!"

Micah smiled and said, "Sarah, I'm going to share him with you once!"

I tried to sound offended, "Hey, I'm right here and I can hear you! You're talking about me like I'm a power tool in the garage or something."

We all laughed and the rest of the afternoon was lighthearted and filled with talks about Ft Manly, the unit and how it supports the fort, and what we thought we would be doing for the Fourth of July. We all thought that the six of us should do something together away from Manly.

It was about 1600 hours and I said to Micah, "Can you help me up? I have sat here too long and my leg muscles have locked up."

Micah helped me up and I put my arm over his shoulder. "I'm going to try and walk this off. Parker, this is all your fault!"

Parker laughed and said, "You're welcome. And you do have a very nice cock garage there."

"OH MY GOD," I said over my shoulder, "Did you really just say that?"

By then Micah and I were far enough along that Parker gave up the battle of trying to defend his statement. We were all laughing. As we walked, I asked Micah, "You seem a little tense, you okay?"

"I'm great, I'm with you. Maybe it's because I have been thinking about you and Sarah when you are together. I don't think I should be there. I think that if this was a normal first time, it would just be the two of you and that's how I think this should be."

"Micah, you are amazing. I honestly wish I could deal with these emotions and put them to rest. I'm wondering if I should just put this whole plan on hold for a while and let things settle down. Or should I see a civilian shrink and talk to them?"

"How do you think that waiting would affect our relationship and its progression? I think you should do it as soon as the time is right. I don't see where talking to a shrink will do any good. You'll still have your virginity and you'll still have the doubts, no rationalization of the way you feel will change that. If you are still having issues afterward, then we can talk about seeing someone. I really don't see where any damage can come be from this and there is a good chance that you can exercise the straight demons from your body.

I am all for it. You could have done this before we met, so I am really okay with you doing this. I think it's the right thing to do."

"Yeah, I think waiting is the worst thing to do. I just can't take a chance of losing you over any of this. If I wait, it'll just continue to fester and get worse. Maybe a shrink would have a solution that we haven't thought of yet."

We had walked a couple hundred yards away from the others and I was feeling much better. I told Micah, "I want to make love to you."

"Here and now? What if we get caught by someone?"

"What do you think the chances of that are?"

Just then a regular couple walked over the crest of the hill and down the path toward us. Micah looked and me and said, "Your sex drive right now is in over-sex-drive."

I smiled at him and said, "You're right, I can't stop thinking and wanting sex with you. I've had to wait 13 years and now you're here."

The couple walked by us and we exchanged hellos. Neither one took their eyes off our speedos that were straining at the seams trying to restrain our excitement for each other. We turned and started following them down the path to rejoin the group.

When we walked up to the others, Aaron smiled, "That was quick. We were betting there was going to be an outdoor sex act performed."

We just smiled and I said, "I wanted to, but a calmer head prevailed. If I would have had my way, we would have gotten caught!"

Everyone laughed. Aaron said, "We have everything pretty much packed up to head back to the billets. Any stops on the way back?"

"No, I can't think of any. But Aaron, do you think you could stay with Sarah again tonight?"

Sarah said, "That won't work, my roommate is to be back today."

Parker spoke up and said, "My roommate is on leave for another week. You could stay in my room."

I saw Daryl get a sad look on his face, I think he was hoping to spend the night with Parker tonight.

Aaron said, "Yeah, I can do that. What do you say we go to Top on Monday and see if we can't get room assignments changed around in the billets? We can talk to our current roommates and offer to move or move them if they agree."

I said, "Top told me that there wasn't any extra space in the billets."

Parker responded, "I think the departure report for this next week had about 6 people leaving from our unit. I can check on that Monday, though."

I was on cloud 9! Just the thought of living with Micah was making my cock so hard that my speedos were pulling away from my waist. I had a beach towel in my hand and draped it over my shoulder so it hung in front of me, not because I was embarrassed, but I didn't think my friends needed to see me all excited over a conversation.

Sarah looked at me and said, "Trey, you don't have anything that we all haven't seen. Literally!"

It was my turn to blush, but it was all fun. I'm glad I have people around me that feel comfortable teasing me like that.

We got back to the billets and put our stuff in our rooms. I walked down the hall with Micah to his room. His roommate was there and got up and shook my hand when Micah introduced us. "Larry, this is PFC Hardy, Trey Hardy. Trey, this is PFC Thacker, Larry Thacker."

"You're the new guy that the party was for last night?" he asked.

"That's me."

He said, "Thanks for a great evening, that was the best party we've ever had."

"Thanks, I'm lucky to be up and moving. Micah is a great medic and was even nice enough to stay in my room last night just in case I had any issues.

Even though I'm up and moving around, I'm still a little rough around the edges.

Micah has volunteered to stay with me again tonight just to make sure there aren't any setbacks."

"Works for me. He's a great roommate, but a night alone sometimes is nice, too."

With that, I shook Larrys hand again and said it was a pleasure to meet him.

Micah and I went back to my room. Aaron and Parker were there and Aaron was getting some of his things to take to Parkers room for the night.

Parker said, "Things have really changed and I think for the better in the unit.

I have met five new friends that I like and am excited to hang out with for all the time that we're here."

"It worked out as good as it possibly could have, I think," Aaron said.

"I'm excited, too. Thanks to Trey I'm back up here and starting back at my job again."

Soon Parker and Aaron left, asking if we wanted to hang out later. We both looked at them and said together, "We're going to be a little busy!"

They laughed and headed out the door.

Micah and I looked at each other and kissed immediately. I said, "I've wanted to do that all day!"

"Me too!" exclaimed Micah.

We shuffled over to my bed never breaking our kiss and laid down. We were so amped for each other, yet we could sense in each other that we wanted to remain controlled and savor every moment of this night. We pulled each others' tee shirts off and then started on the speedos. We were naked and realized that even though we hadn't done much all day, we had perspired in the heat of the sun at the lake, giving our bodies a light indication of our natural body odor. I broke our kiss and kissed his neck, nibbling and pulling some of his skin in my mouth with my lips. I was careful to not give him a hickey as we hadn't talked about it and to be honest, I didn't want him to have to deal with it. I don't know what anyone thought about the one that Aaron had given me, but it was still black and blue.

I did notice that the yellowing of the healing process was starting. Deep down, I wasn't proud of having it now. At the time, I was so horny and in love with Aaron, he could have given me a thousand all over my body. Now, I only Micah would be authorized to do that.

I had worked my way down to his nipples and as I worked one with my tongue, lips, and gently with my upper teeth, the other one was being lightly twisted and kneaded between my fingers. Micah was moaning and it made me determined to keep pushing him to an orgasm that was more intense than any he had ever had up to this point in his life. I moved my mouth off his nipple and over to his armpit. I touched his hand and guided his arm up over his head, giving me full access to his armpit. He had just a wisp of hair and it was damp with his sweat. I took a big deep breath, inhaling his man smell. I was in heaven, his natural body odor was intoxicating. He smelled so good, I couldn't imagine that anyones body odor could be an aphrodisiac to me, but my Micah was just continuing to be perfect. I started to kiss his armpit and licking the dampness from his hair. Micah was struggling to find even an ounce of composure at the moment. With my hand that had been working his nipple, I moved down his stomach and reached for his cock. He jumped a little when I touched the head of his penis with my finger. It was soaked and he was oozing a constant stream of precum. I put my hand around his shaft and it felt like a different cock than it did last night. It felt bigger than I expected it to feel. I pulled out of his armpit and looked and the head and shaft were purple. He was so turned on! It made me happy to know that he was so excited. I went back to his armpit and licked and kissed until it was so clean I couldn't smell any of him anymore. I kissed up to his mouth and he nearly swallowed me. He was moaning and moving just because he couldn't be still. I crawled on top of him and then kissed down to his other armpit. I didn't even have to urge his hand over his head as he already had given me cart blanche access to his armpit. I found I had a great angle to get my nose in his armpit and also kiss and lick part of it, too. This pit was a little wetter and smelled just as good. I did the same thing as with his right armpit and could feel a wetness from his precum between us. I was sure that I was adding to the slipperiness between us, but that was next on the list. I licked Micah's hair in his armpit and then took some in my lips and let it slide out of my mouth as I moved away from him. I did this twice and on the third time, Micah let out a shriek and felt a massive warm puddle form between our stomachs. He orgasmed by me just showing attention to his armpits! I moved off him and the amount of his load was amazing. We were covered up to our nipples and down to our waists. He didn't slow down and moved me to my back. The look of desire and lust in his beautiful dark blue eyes sent me to another level of love for this man. He licked my stomach and then started on my cock.

He was, for a lack of a better term, a controlled crazed man. He knew what he wanted and he was not going to be denied. I just rested my hands on his head, rubbing his head and feeling the texture of his hair. Even though it was short, it was like silk, thin strands and so soft. He had just cum and was still so horny for me.

He started to push me down his throat and he came up, took a deep breath and then buried his lips against the skin at the base of my aching shaft. It was about five seconds and he started to gag. He didn't pull up though, he kept trying to arrest the reflex. Then I could feel something else on my waist, his eyes were watering from the gag reflex. His determination was beyond what I would have ever expected someone to try and do for me. What other reason could he have for doing this than to try and please me? I tried to get him to move up, but he resisted my attempts to get him to give himself relief. It was that thought that made me start shooting my load down his throat. He started to swallow and the gag reflex stopped. Micah moved up and took the last couple spurts on his tongue to get a taste.

He licked and cleaned my cock up and moved up and kissed me. His chest was still coated with his jizz and after a while of kissing, if we moved just a little, we could feel we were kind of sticking together. I loved everything about this man. He is willing to choke to try and please me, how deep is his love for me? I didn't and would never doubt his love for me. And mine for him was as deep and strong.

"Micah, I can't believe how you put yourself through that to try and please me.

I would never expect someone to go to those lengths just for me. I can't believe that my love for you is growing by the minute. I wish I could find the words to express my love for you."

"Trey, you sent me over the edge by licking and kissing my armpits. It was the most intense orgasm I have ever experienced and you hardly touched my cock. I was just trying to show you my love for you. I came and it was just because you were exploring a part of my body no one had ever touched before. I was incredible and I loved it. Man, you turned me on."

"I love the shoulder, pec, armpit area and that was the first time I had ever had a chance to explore them on anyone. I loved it and am glad you liked it so much."

We kissed and I hugged him so tight. Micah tried to move off me and lay next to me, but as he moved, it felt like someone was pulling tape off our chests! We looked at each other and started laughing until we couldn't breathe! We got composed enough to decide we should try and just pull apart fast. Micah snapped back and we both squealed, "Ouch!"

I looked at Micah and said, "That kind of hurt, but I liked it, too.

There are a lot of things worse than being stuck to you."

He said, "Me too. It was a very pleasurable painful experience. We could always shuttle to the shower and I think the water would help separate us if it got too sticky. I love doing crazy stuff with you, you don't judge me and I love that."

We smiled at each other and fell asleep in each other's arms. Going to sleep with the smell of Micah's cum with every inhale was the best way ever to fall asleep.

Parker and Daryl were sitting on his bed and Aaron was sitting backwards on a chair as they chatted.

Parker stated, "Daryl, have you got orders to PCS (Permanent Change of Station)?"

"No, I haven't heard anything. Why?"

"Well, remember I said I was going to check the departure report Monday? I took a quick look at it yesterday and I think you might be on it. I'm not positive, but I think I remember a Daryl on the list, but don't remember the last name."

"Oh please no," Daryl almost whined. "I just find some people that I really like and want to spend time with, and I might be leaving? This sucks."

"I probably shouldn't have said anything, but you should have known four to six months ago. I'm sure it's someone else then. I didn't really know you then and so if it was you, it didn't really click who it was."

Aaron said, "The Army has a new PCS program that they are randomly testing where they only give people a week notification. Almost like a wartime deployment. I think it's wrong and I don't see how anyone would approve this program, but it is the Army."

Daryl got up and headed for the door. "Don't go," Parker said. Daryl had tears in his eyes and said that he should go.

"Come back here," Aaron said, almost demandingly. Daryl just stood there, looking like a defeated man with shoulders slumped.

Parker said, "I wish I wouldn't have said anything without positive proof. I will go down to the office and check tomorrow, on Sunday. I have a clearance to get into the safe and I will check the report. Now come back over here."

Parker and Aaron both got up and hugged Daryl. "What am I going to do? I don't want to go anywhere right now. I want to stay here with my friends."

Parker and Aaron were rubbing Daryl's back and Aaron said, "Let's not worry about it until we know for sure it really is you on the list."

Aaron leaned over and kissed Daryl on the temple. Parker leaned in and did the same thing on the other. They just kept their lips touching his temples for a minute or so and then Parker started small kisses around to his eye and then down to his mouth. Aaron had followed and met Aaron at Daryl's mouth. Daryl responded by moving his head up a little and started kissing back. Soon, they had a three- way tongue battle going on.

Clothes started flying and all three were naked. They were kissing and groping for anything within mouth or hands reach.

Aaron looked at Parker and said, "I am amazed at the size of your cock.

It is the biggest thing I've ever seen."

They all three stopped for a minute and looked at Parkers cock.

Parker looked at them and said, "It's not a lot of fun you think it would be having this big of a penis. People make fun of you, look at you like you're a freak in the showers, and it limits the types of sex you can have. I think it is part of the reason I'm gay. A few of the girls I tried to have sex with would not let me have intercourse with them because they were afraid of injury.

Last night, Trey tried to get me down his throat, but couldn't. And it wasn't for the lack of trying, he tried as hard as he could. But he did give me the best blowjob I ever had regardless and his ass was so nice. Even after all the guys that went before me, he still felt great. That was the first time even after all the unit parties we've had that I got in someone. And he wants to try again. I have a special place in my heart for him."

Aaron was looking at Parker and said, "What about me? Would you let me try and see what I can do?"

"Wow Aaron, I thought you were interested in Sarah."

"No, we didn't do anything last night but talk. We worked out some differences that we had from my party. We're good friends now. I thought you and Daryl were starting something."

Daryl and Parker looked at each other and Daryl said, "To be honest, I like Parker a lot, but I didn't think about being gay until last night. Even with all the parties before last night, I didn't see very many people having fun at them, it was more like a hazing or something. Last night opened my eyes to where my true sexuality has been hiding."

With that the three men got on the bed and Daryl started sucking on Aarons cock.

Aaron moaned his approval and adjusted to give Daryl as much access as he could.

Parker laid on his back and watched as Aaron started to work on getting as much of Parker in his mouth as possible. Aaron was able to get him to the back of his throat and just kept relaxing his throat, swallowing, and then making the "Ah"

feeling to open up his throat as far as he could. He stopped and said to Parker, "I don't think tonight I can get you down my throat, but if we keep trying, I think I can. I want to keep trying!"

Parker said, "Aaron, I really appreciate it, but I don't want you to feel obligated in any way to do this."

"I'm doing this for my pleasure, too! I want to do this."

"Do you have any lube?"

"Yes, in the top drawer of my dresser."

Aaron looked at Daryl and said, "I need to move for a minute, and then I was wondering if you could help me do something?"

Daryl broke contact and said, "Sure, whatever you need."

Aaron grabbed the lube and started to coat Parkers massive cock with it.

Parker was at full glory from the sucking and the sweet things that Aaron said to him.

Aaron reached around and lubed his ass and shoved three fingers in to help loosen himself up. Parker said, "Let me do that."

Aaron moved around and Parker took some more lube and worked three fingers into Aaron. When he felt Aaron was ready, he added the little finger on his hand and pushed a little deeper where he was in to where the base of the thumb touched Parkers hole. He worked his hand around and Aaron loved the feeling.

"I don't have any pain, yet. I'm so horny for you and want you inside me so bad."

Aaron pulled Daryl over to him and started kissing him and then urged Daryl down to his cock again. "Daryl, I'm going to need you to suck like you mean it here shortly," Aaron breathlessly said as the two men were getting him going.

Parker put some lube on his thumb and then moved his thumb into his palm to make his hand as round as possible. He started sliding his hand into Aaron and this time when he got to the base of his fingers, Aaron knew he was there. Aaron relaxed as much as he could and pushed back toward Parkers hand. Parker felt his hand start to slip deeper into Aarons hole and then Aaron gave a quick push back and Parker slipped into his wrist! Aaron let out a yelp and his body movements let the other two know he was in a level of serious discomfort. Yet he was begging for Parker to remove his hand.

Daryl was moving and sucking for all he was worth. Daryl and Aaron were in a 69 position with Aaron on his hands and knees spread wide apart. Daryl was wide-eyed watching the attack that Parker was inflicting on Aarons manhole. Even though Parker was being as gentle as he could be, it was still pretty violent.

"Holy smokes Aaron! That's incredible!" Parker exclaimed as he saw his hand disappear.

Daryl had stopped working Aarons meat and was just staring at a wrist and Aarons stretched manhole.

Aaron was unable to speak because the pain of the largest part of Parkers hand going past his ring knocked the wind out of him. He was gasping and Parker asked if he was alright.

Aaron nodded yes and looked at Daryl, "Don't stop, bitch!"

Daryl was surprised at the command, but promptly went back after the treat in front of him with renewed energy.

Parker asked, "What do we do now?"

Aaron had gotten enough wind back that he burst out laughing. "I don't know, I've never been in this situation before!"

Parker and Daryl were both laughing, too. Daryl never let go of Aarons cock though and was soon working the entire length, back and forth, sucking as hard as he could. The phrase "sucking a golf ball through a garden hose" went through his mind.

Parker said, "If it hurt going in, it'll hurt coming out because it's like a butt plug. But sense I'm in there..." he proceeded to start to move his hand around very slowly. His hand was completely surrounded by the wetness of the lube and the heat of Aarons insides.

Aaron moaned, "When you move your hand, it feels so good, like my entire insides are getting a massage."

Parker decided to try and lube up his wrist with more than just the lube that was on Aarons ass. He did so and then started to slowly rotate his arm. His goal was to find Aarons prostate and massage it. As Parker turned his arm, Aaron was in a mixture of emotions from some discomfort and pain to the highest of erotic pleasure. He never dreamed that he would ever have someone in his hole to his wrist. The thought and feeling were taking Aaron to places of pleasure he had never been before.

Parker got turned while moving his fingers and found his target. He started to run his finger up and down on Aarons G spot and Aaron was moaning and saying Parkers name over and over. Daryl was the recipient of a flood of precum that Aaron was releasing. Parker got Daryl to just hold his mouth open under Aarons cockhead. They watched as he pressed a little on Aarons prostate and then a glob of precum would drop into Daryl's mouth. Parker did this for about five minutes until Aaron begged for his cock. Parker had worked Aarons prostate to the point where he looked like he was cumming a solid stream, not just the strands of precum.

All three guys were in awe of what they were watching and the wonders of the male body.

"Parker, I want you in me, please fuck me with your beautiful big cock.

Parker relaxed his hand as much as possible and started to pull. Aaron started to tense up, but realized he had to relax. He put his mouth on Daryl's cock and started to suck with an intensity that made Daryl start to thrust up into Aarons movements.

Parker pulled. Aaron yelped around the mouthful he had when the large part of Parkers hand passed his sphincter.

Aarons whole body relaxed from the violator exiting. Aaron's body was soaked from sweat due to the pressure and stress he was putting his body through.

Aaron was completely committed to doing this as he had thought about nothing else sense he saw Parker fucking Trey the night before. Aaron wanted Parker and Parker was ready.

He slid up behind Aaron and pressed the head of his penis against Aarons opening.

He just kept pressing forward and both Daryl and Aaron were sucking madly. Daryl still had his eyes wide open watching the spectacle of Aaron being sex attacked like this. Parker could feel he was close to sliding past the tight ring in Aaron and then with a push that was maybe a little harder than he had planned, maybe due to his excitement, he was almost sucked into Aaron when the ring gave away to its attacker.

Aaron screamed into Daryls cock, not opening his mouth at all. Daryl had to close his eyes because Parkers balls settled in his eye sockets. Parker was about an inch from being all the way in his prize and could feel the head of his cock already touching where Aarons colon makes the sharp turn. He moved back and his balls slid up out of their resting slots and across Daryls forehead. He started forward and Aaron wasn't moving at all, he was trying to relax as much as he could so minimize the pain that he was still experiencing.

Parker slid in all the way this time and his balls found their resting spots in Daryls eye sockets again. Aaron moaned loudly this time as Parker had taken that inch that he had spared Aaron the first insertion. This time, Parker started a slow, methodical pumping of Aarons ass. The constant movement was actually less painful for Aaron and he slipped past the pain into the erotic bliss that every man feels when they are being loved by another man. He resumed his sucking of Daryls rock hard shaft as having Parkers balls slide back and forth across his forehead was a sensation that had really got him to another level of arousal.

Daryl started to tense and felt the eruption starting deep inside him. He shot four big bursts of his load and then another four smaller ones. Aaron was ready and took every drop down his throat. He started licking and cleaning Daryls cock and just then felt Parker pick up his pace. Parker was pounding Aaron harder than he had pounded Trey, however Trey had been pretty much immobilized by the bukkake table. Aaron was getting his fair share of abuse, that's for sure. He was taking it like a real trooper and Parker said, "I'm cumming!"

With that he slammed into Aaron and Aaron started to feel a warmth inside him that he knew was Parkers love juice. Parker unloaded the largest load of his life in Aaron and Aaron couldn't control himself any longer and Daryl was receiving shot after shot in his mouth. He swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. He got it all and licked Aaron clean. Parker had softened and slowly pulled out of Aaron. Some of his cum ran down and dripped off Aarons balls onto Daryls face. Daryl slid up, raising his head and started licking the fluid off Aarons balls and then right up to his hole. He licked him clean and then they untangled and lay sideways on the bed with their feet on the floor.

Finally Parker said, "Thank you guys, that was the most amazing time I have ever had and I will remember it forever."

Aaron and Daryl in unison said, "Me too."

Hope you have enjoyed this story to this point. I just moved into a house and I have a ton of work to do. I will try and get the next chapter out as soon as I can.

Thank you all! Aric

Next: Chapter 6

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