Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on May 22, 2010


Second Chance, Chapter 75


This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

My previous stories may be quickly accessed by searching for my name under the "Stories by Prolific Net Authors" heading which is found under the "Information for Readers" spot to the "D's" since they've changed the way things are alphabetized.

You may write to me at I'll do my best to answer promptly. Please put the title of this story in the "subject" line when you email.

For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Second Chance, Chapter 75

The New Years Eve party came off without a hitch. All of the guys who were invited showed up. As they had done for Eric's birthday party, they played games, ate pizza, and had a marvelous time.

The parents of all concerned were happy that their boys had a place to have fun, free of drugs or alcohol. It allowed some sets of parents to host or attend adult parties without feeling like they were neglecting their kids. Since the boys were staying over, there was no worry about their driving home when drunks might be on the street.

The guys all hugged when it was midnight. A few exchanged kisses, of course. Several kissed Dylan on the cheek as a way of teasing him. He took it good-naturedly and even kissed his brother on the lips in return.

They were well into a second game of Monopoly when Blake and Jay came in from serving at the country club. Both looked tired, but happy.

"Man, I made more in tips tonight than I made in a week of working that crummy job I got after my parents kicked me out!" Jay exclaimed.

"I did extremely well too," Blake commented. "We're working the brunch shift tomorrow also. That has the potential of being another bonanza. This'll give me a boost toward buying a newer set of wheels."

By 2:30 a.m., most of the guys had settled down in sleeping bags – some singly and others with their bags zipped together. Luc and Garret were among the latter. Now that they were out at school, they didn't worry about what anyone might think. Once undercover, they slipped off their undies so they could cuddle skin to skin.

There weren't as many straight guys as gay ones. Peter, Damian, Dylan, Brayden and Casey were outnumbered seven to five after Rob and Blake went upstairs, but that didn't seem to bother any of them. Perhaps Ms. Jones would do well to tape a follow-up story about the attitudes of Rob and Blake's friends and acquaintances. It would say a lot about the tolerance shown by the younger generation.

All of the young guys, except Blake and Jay, slept fairly late. Rob had gotten up early with Robbie, but was soon taking a nap with his son after Robbie had been fed.

It wasn't until the aroma of bacon frying filled the air, that the rest began to stir. Peter got up first and headed toward the powder room on the main floor, the bulge in his boxers leading the way.

Damian and Dylan were up next, followed by the rest who had camped out in the den. Most followed Eric's example of heading to the kitchen in underwear or sleep shorts. No one seemed self-conscious about being half-clad or sporting morning wood.

Ben and Scott were busy cooking eggs, bacon, and pancakes to fill up their hungry sons and guests. The boys did justice to their efforts by consuming a goodly amount of food and juice. They were all fairly quiet until their appetites had been appeased. Then they sat back and began to join in animated conversation about last night's games.

Although no one mentioned it, all were glad that Garret and Aaron seemed to be on good terms. It was also great to see that Brayden fit in well with the rest of the crowd despite being a newcomer to the group.

Around 11:30, the group began to break up. Peter, Damian, Dylan, Sam, Aaron, and Casey left at the same time, some riding together. Luc, Garret, and Brayden stayed on. Brayden had been invited to sketch for a while and the other two had plans for a bit of quality time if they could find the privacy. Rob sensed his brother's wants and needs and offered his and Blake's room.

Brayden blushed in his surprise when Eric nonchalantly stripped and sprawled face down, completely naked on the futon for Josh and him to draw. The pose was quite natural, with nothing erotic about it, but initially Brayden couldn't stop staring at the sensuous curves of Eric's bubble butt. He knew he didn't have the desire to have sex with another guy, but he could certainly appreciate a perfect ass – at least in the aesthetic sense. After a few minutes, he had settled down and was drawing without feeling uncomfortable about the subject matter.

"I think we should spend a few minutes doing blind contour and then move to modified contour," Josh suggested during their first break. "I find that blind contour helps my hand-eye coordination and gets me into my right brain."

"Yes sir, Mr. Gilbert," Brayden joked. "You sound just like him. I don't usually do that, but since you're a master, I'll take your advice."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lecture you on technique. I wasn't trying to push you," Josh responded.

"Push away! If that will help me make a break-through, I'm all for it."

When it was time for the next break, Eric got up to look at the sketches. He could see that Brayden's technique had improved since the first time he'd drawn at their house and told him so. Brayden was so pleased at Eric's remarks that he was oblivious to his nudity.

Josh also complimented Brayden on his work, which made the latter positively glow.

"Hello Ms. Jones," Rob said answering his mobile phone. "No, you didn't disturb me at all. I'm eager to hear about the feedback from our interview. ... Wow, that is exciting. I'm kind of surprised there were that many positive comments. ...

Okay, I'll give the guy a call. Do you think it's on the up and up? ... Yeah, that makes sense. Fine, let me have the number."

After he got off the phone, Rob consulted with Scott and Ben before punching in the number Tiffany had given him.

"Hello, this is Rob Larson-Brady. Is this Isaac? ... What can I do for you? ... I suppose that would be okay. We're not expecting Jay back until around 3:00. ... Sure, you can come before that. Are you familiar with the streets in St. Paul? ... Okay, here's the address..."

By the time Isaac Krueger rang the front doorbell, the guys had eaten a light lunch and were sitting in the living room awaiting his arrival. Luc and Garret were on the floor. Garret had been leaning against an easy chair with his arms around Luc whose back was against his chest, but moved over beside him on hearing the bell. The rest were seated on the sofa and chairs.

Rob answered the door and ushered Isaac into the room, making introductions.

"So, do you want to fill us in on the story of why you're here to see Jay? Ms. Jones said it was urgent. If you're an old friend, I'm sure he'll be excited to see a familiar face." Rob said.

"I don't know how much he's told you about getting kicked out of his house, but I'm the one who messed up. He and I have been soul-mates since we ended up in the same home-room in middle school. Since our names are Krueger and Krum, we were seated next to each other. I can still remember his warm smile when he introduced himself. I was the new kid on the block because we'd just moved into town and I didn't know anyone. He `adopted' me as his brother and I was accepted by everyone from then on.

We had a lot in common. My parents joined the church where his family were members. We vacationed together often. We loved the same music, played baseball together, and slept over at each other's house a lot. As we went through puberty, we discovered that we had feelings for each other that went deeper than just being buddies. Of course we had to hide that from our families and friends. After seeing the TV interview, I'm sure Rob knows what I'm talking about. If I'm making anyone else uncomfortable, I apologize."

"We all understand," Eric interrupted as he put an arm around Josh. "Everyone in this room has a husband or boyfriend, like Luc and Garret who are trying to be circumspect in front of company."

"Wow! Is that true?" Isaac exclaimed. "I've not been around gay couples before. This is great!

But to go on with my story, Jay and I'd been texting naughty suggestions to each other the last weeks of our senior year. We figured that once we reached 18, we could maybe put some of them into practice. I guess we sound awfully naïve and innocent and we are, or were, I suppose.

Anyway, my father suspected something and got into my text messages when I unintentionally left my phone on the kitchen table. He called Jay's father and both families went ballistic. Jay got kicked out because he wouldn't let them send him to this "Christian boot-camp" and I took the coward's way out and submitted. It was a nightmare, but I learned to play the game and had a miraculous `cure.' I'm a fairly good actor. I felt like a hypocrite, but you do a lot of things in order to survive."

Isaac's voice broke at that point and he couldn't go on. Rob, who was closest to him, gave him a big hug which seemed to help.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give you my life history. You all seem so kind that it sort of broke down the barriers..."

"This is a loving household," Rob assured him. "Eric and Josh convinced their dads to take me in when I was on the streets like Jay was. They kind of adopted me and my son. Luc's my brother by blood, but everyone else is related to me by love.

So tell me, how did you trace Jay to our house? I'm still mystified."

"It was the TV program about you and your husband. I knew I didn't dare watch it when my parents were around because they'd suspect that I wasn't really cured of my gayness. So, I recorded it secretly and watched it in my room late that night. When they showed clips from the dinner at the mission, I saw Jay standing beside you in a close-up. Even with his hair long and stringy looking, I knew it was him. When I got back to my dorm today, I called the station on the off chance that someone might help me get in touch with you and you might know where Jay was staying."

"That's good problem-solving!" Eric spoke up. "You could be a detective."

"Thanks. I've always enjoyed puzzles and riddles." Isaac smiled.

"The working men are home and we cleaned up on tips like last night!" Blake announced as he and Jay came in from the kitchen.

"Oh my God!" Jay exclaimed as he ran toward Isaac.

The two of them embraced with tears flowing freely.

"It's awesome to see you! How did you find me! Let me look at you," Jay babbled as he held Isaac at arm's length to study his face.

Isaac had to repeat his story about calling Channel 10. Blake and Jay were both interested in how this reunion had come about.

"Jay, I'm here to explain what happened and tell you how sorry I am that I ruined your life. When I'm done, I'll go away and stay away. I don't want to screw you up more."

"Please don't," Jay pleaded.

"How can you say that after I got careless and put you through Hell?"

"I'm okay now because this extended family has made room for one more. But what about you?"

Isaac repeated his story about being sent away over the summer to be "straightened out." He told a few more details about the use of electrical shock and other horrific techniques intended to change the nature of the guys who were at the mercy of the people in charge.

"So, don't you feel anything for me anymore?" Jay asked sadly.

"They couldn't cure me of you!" Isaac smiled slightly. "I faked a miraculous transformation – a veritable epiphany. You'd have thought I was Saul on the road to Damascus. I wailed and cried and laid my sins upon the altar to be washed away. I was the very model of a redeemed soul. I feel kind of guilty about faking it, but I had to save myself from the torture they were inflicting on me lest I break down and kill myself. I'm still paranoid. I feel like someone is following me sometimes."

"Oh my poor baby," Jay empathized. "I wish I could make you forget all of that."

"You'd be better off to forget me. My family has the means to hunt you down and make your life miserable if they think you're tainting their only son. It's really Grandpa's dough, but since he funded my `cure' you know where he stands."

"Hi, I'm Scott and this is Ben," Scott introduced his partner and him to Isaac as the men came into the living room. "We're the old guys in the house and we're laying out a spread of leftovers on the kitchen counter. Won't you join us?"

"It's great to meet you, but I shouldn't impose. I should go back to the dorm before it's too late."

"It's no imposition. In fact you're welcome to stay over if you like. The only problem is that we have only one guest room currently and that's now Jay's room, so you'd have to share a bed." Scott said trying not to grin.

"Please stay," Jay begged. "It would be like old times."

"If I do, I might not be able to keep my hands..."

Isaac blushed deeply because of where that sentence was headed before he stopped. Now he didn't know how to proceed without digging himself deeper into a hole.

"Why don't you two go into the den and close the door so you can discuss sleeping arrangements in private," Josh suggested thoughtfully.

"Uh, thanks," Isaac said blushing again.

He and Jay came back a few minutes later. Jay had his arm around Isaac's waist and both were grinning.

"Jay explained to me again that everyone here understands – including Ben and Scott. The fact that you're all gay hasn't really sunk in yet. My experience at the camp made me even more secretive about showing love and affection toward another male. Jay said he's had a hard time believing it too."

Isaac didn't continue because Jay covered his mouth with his own in a long, sensuous kiss. The other boys applauded when their lips separated.

"I can confirm that their shock treatments didn't cure me of my love for you!" Isaac grinned again gazing into Jay's eyes.

"We can tell that in a BIG way," Eric giggled as he stared pointedly at the bulge in Isaac's khakis.

"Now I AM embarrassed," Isaac exclaimed as he turned a darker shade of crimson.

To Jay, leftovers in his new home still tasted like manna from heaven after the sporadic and often inadequate meals he'd eaten in the past several months. In his head, he thanked God for his food and for the return of the guy he loved. It was more than he'd dared to hope for.

It was amusing watching Jay fake a yawn trying to come up an excuse to go to bed early. He knew it wasn't polite to eat and rush off to his room with Isaac, but he could think of little else in his desire to hold him.

Blake came to his rescue by talking about what a tiring night and day they'd had at the club. Jay figured out what he was doing and gave him a tiny grin when he thought no one else was looking. The other guys weren't so naïve that they missed it. They told Rob and Isaac that they'd better take their working men upstairs and put them to bed.

"We'll clean up," Josh insisted. "You guys go right to sleep, an NO fooling around!"

Of course everyone laughed at his improbable orders.

Luc and Garret soon headed to Garret's house. Ben and Scott went to the den to watch TV. Josh and Eric ascended the two flights to their apartment to sketch and write.

"I need a shower. I'm sure I don't smell that great – not as bad as I did about a week ago, but... Will you come with me?" Jay asked when they got to his room.

"I'd better not. You know where it could lead," Isaac replied.

"I do. I want it to, don't you?"

"Yeah, you know I do. I love you, but I feel kind of chicken."

"I'm not going to expect you to do anything you don't want to do. I love you too!"

The two young men headed for the bathroom and locked the door. They undressed slowly; almost afraid they were going to awaken to find it was all a dream. Once they were completely naked, they stood for a moment relishing the sight of each other's nude body. Isaac looked perfect to Jay and Jay looked awesome, though a bit thin.

Then Jay closed the gap between them and took Isaac into his arms. Isaac's immediate erection proved that his desire for Jay hadn't been diminished. They remained locked in their embrace for a couple of minutes, reveling in the warmth and vitality they felt. Every heartbeat echoed in their pulsing cocks.

They showered doing their best to keep their hands to themselves. It wasn't easy, but they managed not to blow their loads.

"Before we mess around, I want to commit to you," Isaac said softly as they dried off. "Maybe it sounds dumb, but I want us to be monogamous."

"Okay, that sounds great to me. How should we do it?"

"Can you depend on Eric and Josh?"


"Cool. Let's get dressed and go up and talk to them."

"Okay. Boxers will be fine. I'll get you a pair."

A few minutes later they were knocking on the attic door. Josh came down the steps to let them in, wearing sleep shorts.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"We'd like you to be our witnesses. We want to commit to each other before we, uh..." Isaac stammered.

"I understand. We can do something now and if you want, we can hook you up with the guys who helped plan our wedding in Iowa."

"I'd like that later," Jay said. "It might not be recognized in all states, but I still want to officially marry this guy."

"Come on up," Josh offered.

Eric was sitting on the futon in his "Egyptian" loincloth looking hotter than he realized. He pointed to the painting of Cain and Abel as a way of explanation to Isaac for his attire.

"I'm Cain," Jay bragged. Don't I look like a killer?"

"You both look like killer studs!" Isaac blurted out before he could stop himself."

"They sure do," Josh agreed. "I hope I do justice to their hot bods."

"Would you paint Jay and me sometime?" Isaac asked.

"Sure. I'm always interested in working with different models.

So what exactly do you want Eric and me to do for you tonight?" Josh continued.

"Could you draw up a contract of some kind for us to sign so we can promise ourselves to each other and be married in the sight of God?"

"Eric's the wordsmith; I'm sure he can come up with something in a flash."

"I'm on it," Eric smiled.

On his laptop, Eric pulled up the words he and Josh had exchanged, changed the names, edited the wording slightly, and saved it as another file. Then he ran off two copies for the guys to check over before they proceeded. The whole operation took about five minutes.

First, Josh asked them to bow their heads and he offered a prayer similar to the one Father Jerry had said for them. Then he asked the guys to repeat each sentence after he read it aloud.

Isaac and Jay recited their vows looking into each other's eyes and holding hands. Their faces showed both joy and sincerity. When they had finished, Eric asked them to kneel. Placing his hands on their heads, he made a solemn pronouncement, looking as dignified as he could in his homemade loincloth.

"We have witnessed your heart-felt intentions to live together faithfully in love in good times and difficult ones - forsaking all others until you are separated in death. It is my firm belief that you are now one flesh together, married in the sight of God."

The "newlyweds" stood to receive congratulations and hugs from Josh and Eric who signed both copies of their vows and sent them back to Jay's room to begin their honeymoon.

"That was beautiful! Those words couldn't have more meaning for me if I'd written them myself," Isaac said. "I want to have a ceremony with a license and everything when we can, but we're married right now as far as I'm concerned."

"Me too," Jay agreed. "The words were beautiful, but not as beautiful as you. You don't know how many times I've cried myself to sleep thinking I'd lost you."

"I'll bet I can match you tear for tear," Isaac whispered tenderly.

"Uh, since we're both virgins, how should we do this?" Jay blushed. "I guess we should have talked it over earlier. This isn't a real romantic way to start a honeymoon."

"I'm not ready to take you up my butt just yet, but I will someday." Isaac said. "I don't think you're ready for that either. I'd love do some of the naughty things we texted about like taking your hot dick in my mouth..."

"I'd love to do that to you too. It's called 69 when two guys do it at the same time. I want to drink your life fluids. Will you swallow mine?"

"Gladly! It will consummate our marriage - at least for me."

"Me too."

At that point, the two young men stopped their somewhat awkward negotiations, stripped each other of their boxers, and proceeded to make good on their offers.

For inexperienced guys, they learned very rapidly. There was little foreplay after their initial few minutes of making out. They didn't even suck on each other's nipples as they would learn to do later.

Jay turned around quickly and licked the area just below the head of Isaac's cock because he knew how sensitive he was there. Isaac copied his movements and added a few tricks of his own. Soon they were moaning in anticipation of the inevitable.

When the explosions came, they flooded each other's mouth with their pent up loads. Fortunately both pulled back slightly and neither choked on the deluge. After they'd swallowed most of it, they kissed deeply, sharing the residue.

"That was the most awesome thing I've ever felt!" Jay cried in joy. "I never knew it could be this good!"

"Oh yeah!" Isaac agreed. "I want to do it with you forever!"

The excitement of their first real sexual experience coupled with the fatigue for being up late on New Year's Eve, sent them both to dreamland almost as soon as their kissing stopped.

Half an hour later, they awakened and made love again. This time it was more leisurely with extended foreplay. Jay took the lead because he'd surfed the `net and was more aware of what guys liked to do. He spent quite a bit of time licking and sucking Isaac's balls and perineum bringing him near to orgasm without touching his dick.

At some point, Isaac's overloaded brain kicked in and reminded him to return the pleasure. He reluctantly asked Jay to stop so he could try those things too. Jay reacted in a similar fashion, producing a steady stream of precum. When he thought he could no longer take the stimulation without blowing his wad, he moved around to take Isaac's throbbing tool in his mouth. Mere moments later, both released their love offerings again.

Once more, the young men shared tears of happiness as they kissed and cuddled in the afterglow. This time sleep overtook them until early morning.

Author's notes: First the good news!!! Steve is home from the hospital and progressing well. I want to publicly thank Peter for keeping me updated on his dad's progress. Steve has recently emailed with thanks for all the thoughts and prayers that have been sent his way.

Thanks also to all who wrote since last posting: Peter, Rutabaga, Jim We, John McD, Walt S, Damon W, Bill K, Jim C, Brad J, Jasmin (re: Zeke), Tom A, Mark H, Paul R, Bill H, Steve!!!, Kumini (re: Angles)and Greg A.

As you can see, some are commenting on past stories they've recently discovered.


Next: Chapter 76: Second Chance 76

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