Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on Jun 3, 2010


Second Chance, Chapter 77


This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

My previous stories may be quickly accessed by searching for my name under the "Stories by Prolific Net Authors" heading which is found under the "Information for Readers" spot to the "D's" since they've changed the way things are alphabetized.

You may write to me at I'll do my best to answer promptly. Please put the title of this story in the "subject" line when you email.

For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Second Chance, Chapter 77

Isaac was to be discharged from the hospital about 11:00 and he was antsy to leave. The problem was that Jay and he were stuck there without transportation and he had nothing to wear home that wasn't soiled from the accident. He tried to call his grandfather and then the RA at his dorm, but couldn't get in touch with either.

Jay was looking up a number to call for a cab when the phone in Isaac's room rang. Scott was on the other end of the line. He said that he and Robbie would be over in about 20 minutes to pick the guys up. Isaac was relieved.

"The men in your new home are extremely considerate," he said to Jay after hanging up. "Scott even thought about me not having anything clean to put on, so he's bringing me one of Eric's running suits to wear. He has our lunch planned so I'm not supposed to eat here unless the doctor insists. He's got it all covered. That's awesome!"

"That's great! I'm happy I don't have to spend what little money I have on eating in the cafeteria again. Breakfast set me back several dollars, and I have to save for liability insurance."

"I can help you out. Gramps sounds like he's going to be really generous."

"Yeah, but that's your money, not mine. I don't want to be a kept man!"

"I plan to keep you forever either way. Lots of couples have times when one of them needs to support the other. I know you'd do the same for me."

They were interrupted by a nurse who wanted to get Isaac ready to leave. He explained that there was nothing they could do until Scott came with clean apparel because he wasn't going to put his torn, bloody clothes back on if he could possibly help it.

Scott showed up in less time than he'd estimated, and Jay helped Isaac dress. When the nurse returned, there was literally nothing for her to do but help him into a wheelchair to be taken to the pick-up point.

Robbie was uncharacteristically cranky on the drive home. He was cutting another tooth and had gotten up in the morning with a runny nose. Scott had awakened him early from his nap in order to come to the hospital, and now the little tyke was thoroughly out of sorts.

Isaac got settled in the shotgun seat and Jay sat in back. Once Robbie realized that Jay was going to be sitting beside him, he perked up. Jay got out "Armadillo Rap" from the book bag and read it to him. It had become Robbie's favorite, which pleased his other uncles to no end.

Jay happened to notice the author's and illustrator's names.

"Did Eric and Josh actually create this?"

"Indeed they did," Scott replied proudly. "They've sold a lot of copies because it came out in time for Christmas shopping."

"Wow! Isaac, look at it. Is this cool or what?"

Isaac didn't get the chance to peruse it for long because Robbie began to chant, "More, more, more" and Jay had to read it again.

After hearing it a second time, Robbie couldn't keep his eyes open and caught up on the sleep he'd missed earlier. It gave Jay an opportunity to ask Scott a few questions that were on his mind.

"I didn't get the chance to ask Rob how he got Robbie. The TV interview was a little vague, I thought."

"That was on purpose because Rob really doesn't want Robbie's other grandparents to fall in love with him and try to take him back. There are signed papers to prevent it from happening, but he's still careful. He had the boy in the natural way."

"You mean he...?"

"Yes, he did. The girl thought he was cute and lured him into bed. I understand she didn't believe in birth control. He had no idea she was pregnant until her parents tried to make him sign the boy over for adoption."

"How could anyone give up this little dude? He's about as perfect as a kid can be."

"He is, except when he's not feeling well, and don't forget that the `terrible two's' will be coming in a year or so. I'm sure he'll throw a few tantrums, but he has been a remarkably sweet child so far."

Since Isaac really wasn't up to going to classes after lunch, he was easily convinced to stay for dinner and overnight as well. He protested about not wanting to impose on their hospitality, but that was mainly for the sake of appearances. He really wanted to be there.

Jay undressed him and helped him shower off the "hospital aroma" which often seems to cling to patients. Then, clad in boxers, both of them climbed into Jay's bed for a nap. They cuddled, but didn't get amorous before sleep overtook them.

Isaac awakened wondering for a few seconds where he was, but then he saw Jay propped up on one arm gazing at him with a dreamy look on his face.

"Whatch ya thinkin'?" he asked.

"I'm thinking about how lucky I am to be in this bed with you. I had it rough on the streets, but at least I didn't get tortured."

"It wasn't so bad after I learned to play the game. I still have nightmares occasionally where someone fries off my dick with a cattle prod, but they've mostly gone away."

"That's awful! Didn't you get any counseling?"

"Are you kidding? My parents wouldn't pay for anything they didn't believe I needed to make me closer to God. I mean, to them, my pain and anxiety were God's punishment for my sins."

"Hey, that's over and done with. You have a new life with me. By the way, do you remember anything about last night?"

"Uh, you mean like when I was acting like a slut?" Isaac snickered.

"Well, you were a naughty, naughty boy!"

"I've never dared even think about acting like that, much less do it. I suppose I should feel guilty, but I don't. I do remember you liked it a lot!"

"I did, but I felt kind of guilty, like I was taking advantage of you."

"If you were, it's because I wanted it. Wanna take advantage of each other?"

"Like now?"



His son might tease him about being an old man, but Scott was not so far removed from his college days that he couldn't remember the amount of energy a guy expended having sex. In fact, he and Ben still had a healthy appetite after coupling and often raided the fridge after a late-night romp. He doubted that their "house guests" were playing tiddlywinks in bed, though their "tiddlies" were likely being exercised: therefore, he had a light snack ready for Jay and Isaac to tide them over until dinner. Isaac was trim and Jay was a little too thin. Neither of them was likely to have much reserve.

The young men were pleased by Scott's thoughtfulness and thanked him. He gave them a smile and a knowing look in response.

"You're an awesome parent," Jay said. "I wonder if Eric and Josh have any idea how fortunate they are to have you and Ben."

"Yes, they tell us every once in awhile – when they're not calling us `old guys' as they often do."

"I told them they're not allowed to do that." Jay grinned. "You're both in fine shape."

"Well thank you for the compliment. We do our best."

All of the other males in the household told Isaac how pleased they were to see him not seriously hurt and getting better. They made him feel right at home. He wished he were a permanent resident of this loving environment.

Dr. Evans had suggested using over-the-counter Advil PM at night to manage Isaac's pain instead of the prescription ones that had made him loopy. Since the new ones contained Benadryl, they would make him sleepy. Shortly after 9:00, he was fast asleep in Jay's arms.

Jay lay awake longer, still unable to get his head around all the changes that had happened in a little over a week. He reflected sadly on how he had become despondent enough to consider committing suicide. He had felt hopeless and extremely exhausted. The combination had nearly driven him to apply a permanent solution to a temporary problem. He vowed never to let anything bring him that low again. There were too many good things to live for if you had the patience to wait.

Isaac went back to classes the next day after Eric and Josh dropped him at his dorm on their way to swimming practice. He got his biggest welcome from the RA who had recommended Findley Hospital. The two of them discussed the excellent care that Dr. Evans provided.

Around noon, he called the Larson-Brady home to leave a message for Jay. He was going to ask Grandpa to put Jay on his calling plan and give him his own mobile phone so they could do texting and possibly sexting! He would really love to see a picture of Jay's junk to cheer up his day. The stitches in his scalp were bugging him. He could hardly wait until they came out.

Jay called him in the late afternoon and wanted him to come over at 5:00, but Isaac said he would eat at the dorm cafeteria and visit him after supper. He didn't feel right about sponging on Jay's new family all the time.

However, Jay convinced him to sleep over. He was certain that the guys wouldn't mind having him there for breakfast. And two could sleep as cheaply as one in the same bed!

Isaac was invited back for the weekend as well.

Luc and Garret paid Rob a short visit after dinner. Garret had a serious matter to discuss with his lover's bro. It had to do with their recent fight and Luc's reaction to his transgression.

"Did Luc tell you what he was thinking of doing because he felt so guilty?" Garret asked.

"Not exactly; were you going to run away, Luc?"

"Worse. I thought about killing myself." Luc said not looking as his bro.

"Oh man, I didn't know you really contemplated ending it. I know you said something about not wanting to live, but we all say that occasionally without really meaning it. I know there were times when I felt that way..."

"Yeah, and I'm the cause of that too. If I hadn't been a jealous shit-head, you'd never have been kicked out. It would have served me right to have carried through," Luc began to cry.

"As you know, I've long since forgiven you," Rob insisted as he hugged his brother gently. "Think of all the good things that came out of it. I have Blake and Robbie. If I hadn't ended up here, I wouldn't have met Blake, and you know our father never would have let me keep Robbie. Then there's the opportunity I've had to help with the mission, not to mention the benefits of having my new dads and bros. And you might not have hooked up with Garret had I not been here. God works in mysterious ways..."

"You always did clean up my messes and protect me and you're still doing it," Luc smiled wanly. "It's just one more reason I feel like such a shit!"

"I love you, Luc. Garret loves you. You have way more good qualities than bad ones. Promise me if you ever get down on yourself that you'll talk to Garret or me before even considering doing something rash."

"I will," Luc agreed.

"Swear it on Grandma Mancini's grave."

"I swear."

"You know she'll haunt you if you don't keep your promise!"

"Yeah, I know," Luc smiled.

"Do you think it would help for him to see a shrink?" Garret asked.

"Hey, don't talk about me like I'm not here!" Luc insisted.

"We've discussed it already. I want Rob's opinion before we talk to your mom. I love you, Luc. I don't want you feeling like going off the deep end every time we have a disagreement. Even if, God forbid, we went our separate ways someday, I wouldn't want you to do yourself in!"

"I think we should talk to Mom about it," Rob said. "We won't tell her why you felt guilty other than the old stuff about getting me kicked out. From what I gathered, she knows something happened between you and Garret. That's enough to justify spending a few bucks on getting you help. But you need to level with the psychiatrist about everything so he or she can help you put things into perspective."

"You called it right," Garret interjected. "Perspective is the key. I got momentarily bent out of shape, but I shouldn't have made a big deal over what he did with Aaron. It didn't diminish how I feel about Luc."

"But I'm so weak. You were out of town a few days and I got it on with another guy."

"You were honest with me when you knew it could mean the end of us. I call that being very strong." Garret insisted as he kissed Luc's cheek. "Rob could I ask you to be the go-between with your mom, or would it be better if I did it?"

"Why don't you both talk to her? Garret, if you bring it up, she'll know how much you care about Luc and she'll be ready to accept you as her son-in-law from that point on, if she hasn't already. It will show that you really value her son. She'll probably call me for a second opinion and that's when I'll put in a plug."

"Thanks Rob!" Garret said as he hugged him.

"Thanks!" Luc echoed as he kissed his brother's cheek in parting.

On Saturday, Eric and Josh had a swim meet in the afternoon. Their dads attended and Isaac went with them. Jay had to work, so he couldn't come to cheer them on, but Isaac figured he could do it after he got his class work caught up.

He was completely committed to Jay, but he couldn't help appraise the eye candy at the pool. The place was filled with lean, fit bodies in skimpy suits that didn't do a lot in the way of hiding their contents. Probably no gay male would have been able to keep from looking.

Everyone on the guys' team was in good form for the event. The team came out far ahead of the second-place contenders. Dylan was elated because he was approached by a couple of college scouts who were interested in having him commit to their schools for next year. They promised to send scholarship details to his home.

Eric, Josh, and Garret had similar offers. If they decided to continue swimming in college, they could get part of their expenses paid. There would be a number of decisions to make.

"We're planning on having you stay the weekend with us if you want," Ben said to Isaac on the way home. "We're going out for pizza tonight to celebrate the boys' win."

"I'll be happy to, but only if I may buy the pizza for everyone and treat you all to brunch tomorrow at the country club after church. Grandpa gave me a bunch of cash to spend on you. He says it's the least we can do after Scott got me from the hospital and all the meals you've fed me."

"Well, thank you very much!" Ben exclaimed. "We weren't looking to be repaid."

"I know, but I want to do it so you'll keep asking me back." Isaac chuckled. "I wish I could live near you and be part of your family."

"Hmm, that could happen by June if you're serious," Scott suggested. "The apartment over the garage will be empty after Zac and his wife graduate. We thought that Rob and Blake might want it, but we're not sure yet if they'll take it. Blake says it may take a little longer before he could live there again. It's where he and his first boyfriend lived before they broke up. It has mixed memories."

"Wow! I'll talk to Grandpa about renting it for Jay and me if they don't want it. Gramps has really changed his whole outlook on Jay and me after reading the stuff on the `net that Eric and Josh recommended. He was always more open minded than my father, but he's really changed now."

"Okay, if you think he'll be agreeable, we won't advertise it. But, Blake and Rob will have first dibs if they want it. If they do move into it, I don't see why you couldn't move into the rooms they're in now.

No matter who takes it, it'll probably need repainting and all, so it might be July 1st before anyone could move in."

"Jay and I could paint if we get it and you could let us in earlier. I'm actually good at it and he is too. We painted a bunch of the Sunday School rooms at church for our Eagle badges. We'll help even if Blake and Rob want it because it would get us settled earlier."

"That would be fine with us. You might get a little help from some of the other guys in the house too."

"I'll bet you guys are beat after the meet today," Jay said to Eric and Josh.

"Actually, we're kind of pumped," Josh said. "It takes awhile for the excitement to die down. What did you have in mind?"

"Isaac and I were wondering if you could start a painting of us together and if we could talk about some stuff..."

"I can't paint and talk at the same time because it breaks my concentration, but we could talk during breaks if that would work."

"That'd be cool," Isaac said.

"What do you have in mind for a setting? How would you like to be posed?"

"We were thinking of looking like we're together on a beach in the sun." Isaac responded.

"Nude beach?"

"Uh, no I'm not ready for that yet," he blushed.

"We could pose in those bikini briefs I got from the mission," Jay suggested.

"Eric and I have several spare Speedos if you want to borrow beach wear," Josh offered.

"That would be good," Isaac said. "We'd like to show off as much skin as we can without looking like we're being pornographic. I think Speedos would be best."

Eric went into the closet and returned with a bag half full of swimming suits. Isaac and Jay chose two in colors that coordinated and went into the bathroom to change.

While they were gone, Josh turned on the space heater, spread out a tan colored sheet to represent sand, and hung a flood lamp from the ceiling to cast shadows like midday sun. When the guys returned, he posed them.

"I get lost in my work and forget to give my models breaks sometimes. Please let me know when you're tired of holding the pose. It can be more work that it appears."

"That's for sure!" Jay agreed.

Josh began roughing in the composition and Eric turned on his laptop.

Eric loved to spend time writing while Josh was busy painting. He enjoyed their times of working side by side in silence. It allowed them to be together and yet to pursue their own strengths at the same time.

After nearly half an hour, Isaac said he needed to move. It was pretty comfortable lying beside Jay as if sunning on the beach, but he needed to stretch his legs.

While everyone was on break, they talked. Isaac got around to the subject he'd wanted to bring up.

"I know you're chronologically younger than we are, but you're a lot more mature in a number of ways. I'm not saying that you've grown up too fast; you're just more sophisticated than we are because we were so sheltered. I'm not saying this well. What I'm hoping is that you'll give us advice on how to, uh... make love without hurting each other." Isaac said as he turned a bright shade of crimson. "I hope I'm not offending you. We really don't know anyone else well enough to ask..."

"We're flattered that you want our advice," Eric said. "Ask whatever you like. In February, we're going to be helping with a seminar for teens who are curious about gay love. I'm not sure we'll get into the kind of details that you want, but who knows?"

"We had the same questions you have and were hesitant to talk to our dads about it, believe it or not." Josh added. "Fortunately we had two good buds to help us out. It turned out that our fathers had already anticipated our needs and had asked our buds to buy things for us because we're too young to get into the shops where they have them."

"We can get into adult shops. What do we need?" Jay asked.

"We can show you," Eric said as he went into the bedroom.

When he returned, he continued.

"We'd loan you these, but they're kind of personal, you know what I mean. We always slip condoms over them, but I think you'll want your own, unused ones. You know where they go!"

Eric and Josh talked about how long to use the smaller dildo before graduating to the larger one so as to stretch without tearing. They also recommended the lube applicator that their dads had purchased for them. They explained everything in a matter-of-fact, non-erotic manner, rather like discussing the merits of a new shop tool, but it was definitely having an effect on the two "students." When it came time to pose again, their bulges were definitely more pronounced.

Josh decided to capture the "pumped up" look in order to emphasize the fact that this was a portrait of two lovers. He could always blur the details later if the guys objected.

When they took their next break, Jay and Isaac got up to see how the painting was evolving. They seemed pleased with the progress.

"Do we really look that hot?" Jay asked looking at the details of their crotches.

"Yup. You're a couple of studs," Josh said. "Is there too much emphasis on your endowments?"

"Nope, I like it!" Isaac enthused.

Josh worked about another half hour before calling it quits for the night.

Before Jay and Isaac left, Eric went into the bedroom to retrieve something for them. He came back with a small plastic bag.

"What's this?" Jay asked.

"Just a little Care Package. There are two condoms and a partial tube of lube. I saw a couple of medium sized carrots in the fridge downstairs – in case you don't want to wait to start stretching."

"Thanks!" Jay blushed. "You guys are the best!"

Author's notes: Thanks to all who emailed since last posting: Paul L, Damon W, John McD, Dave J, Rutabaga, Bill K, Tim K, Jim C, Paul R, Steve, Ric, Chris B, Rad, Peter H, Paul F, Ricky S, Tim P, Lux, and Jim W.

Next: Chapter 78: Second Chance 78

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