Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on May 28, 2010



This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

My previous stories may be quickly accessed by searching for my name under the "Stories by Prolific Net Authors" heading which is found under the "Information for Readers" spot to the "D's" since they've changed the way things are alphabetized.

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For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Second Chance, Chapter 76

Almost everyone was up early the next day in order to go back to school or work. Jay didn't have to be anywhere until 10:30 when he would help set up for lunch, but he chose to get up with Isaac who needed to go back to classes at the university. Rob, Eric, and Josh were up because Rob had to feed Robbie and the other two were expected at swim practice.

There was a heavier than usual demand on the bathrooms, but everyone tried to take his turn according to when he needed to be out of the house. It all worked smoothly since Eric and Josh had a bathroom which they were willing to share when necessary and they would shower at school.

The guys ate breakfast in shifts as well. Jay came down to join Isaac even though he wasn't in a rush. Since reuniting, the young men couldn't get enough of each other's company. Their glowing faces left little doubt in anyone's mind that they had reached some kind of new plateau in their relationship.

By 8:30, the house was fairly quiet. Ben had just left for his office which meant that only Scott, Robbie, and Jay remained. Robbie seemed to miss his dads more than usual since they'd been together almost constantly for over a week. At first he clung to Scott and wouldn't let go, but was soon distracted by his new "Uncle" Jay who got down on the floor to play with him. Before the morning was over, he would be back in his old routine.

"I guess I'd better get dressed," Jay said to Scott as he climbed the stairs later. "Is there bus service to the country club? I forgot to ask."

"The nearest route's about a mile away - too far to walk in this cold weather. Let me know when you're ready and Robbie and I will take you."

"I can walk that far; I hate imposing."

"It's okay. Besides, you'll have a car of your own before long. As you know, Blake is going for a minivan or an SUV and he plans to pass his car down to you. It's basic transportation, but it beats walking."

"I don't know when I'll have enough money to buy it," Jay said.

"It sounded like he was going to give it to you. If not, I'm sure the price will be within your reach."

Rob was finished with classes in time to pick Jay up from his job on the way home, so Scott didn't have to awaken Robbie from his afternoon nap. It was a workable schedule and would have to do until Jay had transportation of his own.

Eric and Josh had swimming practice after school as usual. Coach David was thrilled to see that team morale was great. Garret and Aaron were acting like buddies again and all seemed to have resolved their earlier conflicts.

The coach liked coaching boys' teams because guys tended to forget their disagreement more quickly than girls. Girls were more apt to be petty and wear their differences like a badge, while guys would duke it out and move on – in most cases at least.

Garret and Sam were seen exchanging playful punches and generally horsing around like they had in the past. All seemed to be on an even keel for the moment.

When Josh and Eric got home at last, they were greeted by Jay who appeared to be on the verge of a panic attack. He couldn't seem to sit still.

"What's with you; got ants in your pants?" Josh kidded.

"I haven't heard from Isaac since he left this morning. He has your land-line number as well as Rob's mobile. He should have called by now! I hope something hasn't happened. I have this bad feeling. It seems like whenever I think my troubles are over, the other shoe drops."

"He may have run into extra work. Perhaps some teacher scheduled a late lab or whatever," Eric suggested.

"Even so, he would have left a message. He wouldn't ignore me. He's always been considerate. Something must be wrong!"

"We'll just have to be patient. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation," Josh insisted as he gave Jay a shoulder-squeeze.

The kitchen was filled with the delightful aroma of the pork roast Scott had just removed from the oven. It was soon carved and placed on the table with the rest of the food. The two swimmers could scarcely wait to replenish the calories they'd expended in the pool.

Everyone but Jay had a good appetite. The other guys noticed that he was picking at his food and did their best to keep his spirits up – distracting him by recounting events at school.

They had no more than cleaned up the kitchen when the house phone rang. Jay strained to hear what was being said on the other end as Eric answered.

"Hello, Eric Larson-Brady here. ... Dr. Evans it's great to hear from you. Yup, this is your favorite patient. I'm doing fine. My swimming's even back to normal. ... Yes, he's here. Okay. ... Oh man, is he okay? ... Sure, I'll put him on."

Eric handed the phone to Jay who was by now trembling.

"Hello," he said in an unsteady voice.

"Oh God, no! Is he gonna be okay? Can I see him? ... Yeah I'm sure someone will drive me there. Thanks."

Jay looked pale as a ghost as he handed the phone back to Eric.

"Isaac was hit by a car and he's in the hospital. Oh no, I don't remember which one he said it was!"

"Not a problem," Eric said. "It's Findley Hospital. I had my appendix out there last summer and we know the way by heart. Dr. Evans is great! I can guarantee Isaac's in good hands. Josh and I will take you to see him as soon as we get our coats."

Dr. Evans was waiting for the guys outside of Isaac's room. He was off duty and felt he needed to stay after checking on his newest patient, not only to see Eric again, but also to act as mediator in case Isaac's parents didn't calm down. He'd already had to caution them about not raising their voices and disturbing other patients as well as Isaac. He didn't want the young man's progress to be impeded by stress. His smile helped reassure Jay who was nearly crazy with worry.

"We got here as quickly as we could without getting picked up for speeding," Eric said as he bumped fists with the young doctor. "How is he?"

"He's doing well physically, but his parents are liable to mess up his head. He's a very lucky young man, just as you were. For ending up on the hood of a car and cracking its windshield, he should have more than bruised ribs and a slight concussion. I'm only keeping him overnight as a precaution."

"Can I see him now, please?" Jay pleaded.

"Of course! I think it'll help the atmosphere if we all go in together."

"What in God's name is this pervert doing in here?" Isaac's mother demanded the minute she saw Jay. "He's the cause of all our problems and I insist he be removed at once! Call security!"

Before she'd finished her second sentence, Jay was leaning over Isaac and Isaac was pulling his head down to kiss him on the lips. That infuriated her even more, of course.

"Your son seems to want the young man here and he's not limited to family only. He's almost 19, so he's an adult and you cannot make any demands about whom he has as a visitor." Dr. Evans reminded her quietly. "This isn't a matter for security."

"If Isaac doesn't tell him to leave, we'll cut off all his money. Since he's an adult, we don't have to support him." his mother said smugly. "We can throw him out without a cent."

"I'm going to sue the hospital!" Isaac's father threatened. "I want that boy out of here NOW! We have enough money to get you fired if you don't do as we say."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar?" Dr. Evans smiled. "Throwing a tantrum like a three-year-old won't help."

"This boy that you've allowed in here is a homosexual. He's leading our son down the path to Hell. We have rights. It's a sin to kiss another male like he's kissing our son. Surely you can see it's perverted!"

"Hmm, my partner doesn't seem to feel that way when I kiss him," Dr. Evans grinned. "Being gay isn't a crime. It isn't a sickness. And, it isn't a sin that's going to send anyone to Hell."

He was beginning to have fun baiting Isaac's parents because he knew he could get the better of them in a battle of wits.

"The young doctor has a point, Lowell," Isaac's grandfather spoke for the first time. "Isaac has a right to be who he is."

"You stay out of this, Edgar. You may own the company, and I may have to do whatever you say at work, but I'll be damned if I'll let you tell me how to raise my son!"

"If I were you, I'd treat the boss with more respect," Grandpa said calmly. "I guess you might as well get accustomed to being damned, because I AM going to tell you how to raise your son. I'm intervening because you and Molly lied to me about sending Isaac away last summer. I gave you the money under the false impression that he was attending a Christian camp because HE chose it in order to change. It was supposed to be a loving and holy atmosphere that would draw him closer to God. I had no clue what kind of place it really was until Isaac gave me some of the details a few minutes ago.

Isaac, please forgive me for my part in your ordeal. I'm not sure you can change. I'm not at all sure it's a sin to love another man and I feel really bad about financing your torment."

"It is a Christian camp and it HAD cured him until this pervert came back into his life! Besides, he'll lie to you just to get you one his side." Lowell insisted.

"Torturing the boy in a vain attempt to change his nature isn't Christian in any sense of the word! And I've never known Isaac to lie to me."

"I don't care what you think, Edgar! Now I'm going to give this doctor one more chance to remedy the situation before I call my lawyer."

"Don't worry, Dr. Evans," Edgar said. "The money Lowell is bragging about is mine, not his. In fact, given the state of the economy, I'm not as wealthy as I was a few years ago. Much as I hate to, I'm going to have to reduce staff at my company. It occurs to me that if I give a pink slip to a certain vice president, I can save the jobs of my lower echelon employees and still give Isaac the financial support he'll need."

"You can't do that! You need me to run the operation." Isaac's father insisted.

"At the risk of deflating your ego, you're not indispensible. I've kept you on mainly because you're married to my daughter and you're Isaac's father. Given how you've mistreated him, I no longer feel any obligation. To paraphrase Molly's statement, you're an adult and I don't have to support you."

Edgar Bassler then used his cell phone to call his security officer to have the codes changed to prevent Lowell Kruger from being able to access the company's computers.

"Please have someone pack up the personal things from his office and place them by the check-in desk at the front door. I do not want him going past that point in the building again. Thanks, Ralph; I know you'll see to it."

"You can find your own ride home old man," Lowell shouted as his parting shot. "I'm not going to haul your carcass around anymore."

"We can give you a lift," Eric offered as Lowell stomped out.

"That's most kind of you young man, but I'll have a car sent for me. Isaac, now that we have a chance to visit peacefully, would you please introduce your friends? I know Jay of course, but who are these other fine young men?"

Isaac's grandfather didn't spent a lot more time at the hospital, but he did stay long enough to assure Isaac that his college tuition and other expenses would continue to be met. He even hinted that he might help Jay out as well if the two of them planned to live together.

Eric and Josh gave Mr. Bassler links to the site where he could view Rob and Blake's recent TV interview, and also to several web-sites about homosexuality. They were impressed by his open-mindedness. Clearly he didn't hold the same beliefs as his daughter and son-in-law. He seemed to be an ally that Isaac could rely on.

"We'd better go and let Isaac get his rest," Eric said as the end of visiting hours approached. "I have a little homework to finish too."

"Can't I stay?" Jay pleaded. "I'm not in school yet and I'm not scheduled to work tomorrow."

"You're welcome to as far as I'm concerned," Dr. Evans replied. "I'm surprised that Josh didn't demand that I let you."

"Are you going to tease me forever about being pushy last summer?" Josh grinned.

"Yup! Just remember I wouldn't hassle you if I didn't like you. I may tease you, but I was well impressed that you guarded Eric like a watchdog to make sure he got proper treatment.

By the way, I'm really glad you pushed me into seeing your dad about getting papers signed to protect my partner and me. We're relieved that no one will be able to keep us from making medical decisions for each other in case of an emergency. So, have you and Eric done the same thing?"

"Yeah we have. We did that on top of getting married."

"Well, congratulations to both of you! Speaking of partners, I'd better book before I get in trouble at home. See you guys."

"Isaac, before we go, we want to know how you ended up here. I didn't get the details and with all the other distraction, I forgot to ask," Eric said.

"I'll give you the short version and tell you the rest later if you're still interested. You know how I felt like I was being followed? It turned out I was. My father had hired a private dick to keep tabs on where I went and who I saw. Anyway, he tried to blackmail me. He wanted me to be his sex toy in exchange for modifying his report. I said I wouldn't and I was going to tell on him. That's when he tried to force me into his van. I ran into the street to get away and stepped right in the path of a car. Thank God the driver wasn't going fast, so I didn't get hurt too badly."

"Why did they bring you to this hospital instead of the one by the university?" Josh questioned.

"The RA from my dorm witnessed the accident and stayed with me `til the ambulance came. He said his uncle was an emergency room doctor here and that this place was cleaner and would see me quicker than the other one in spite of the travel time. It's overloaded with charity cases, I guess. Besides, he said his uncle was an awesome doctor."

"That he is! Eric agreed.

Did you tell your parents about what the private detective tried to do to you; or wouldn't they listen?"

"I told them and they called me a liar. They said he was recommended by the so called camp and was a dedicated Christian. They accused me of making it all up to take the heat off of me."

"What about the police; did you tell them?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. They were sympathetic but said I needed hard evidence, and of course he was nowhere in sight when they arrived. He didn't even stay to see if I was dead or alive."

"Bastard!" Eric exclaimed. "The term `dick' is an appropriate sobriquet for him!"

Alone at last, Jay and Isaac spent several minutes in silence holding hands and smiling through tears of relief. At the moment, they felt exhausted as the effects of adrenalin wore off.

Jay was relieved that Isaac was safe and seemingly out from under his parents' control. Life looked far rosier than it had a scant two hours ago when he'd feared for Isaac's life.

Isaac felt better than he had in over a year - despite his aches and bruises. The painkillers he was on masked most of the symptoms, but left him awake, if a little buzzed.

"Crawl into bed with me, please," he implored Jay.

"What if someone catches us?"

"I'm not talking about sucking my dick," Isaac smiled, "although that's not a bad idea."

"You're turning into a very naughty boy," Jay giggled. "I hope I've had a hand in your transformation."

"Give me your hand and you can find out for yourself." Isaac grinned as he guided Jay's hand to his crotch.

"Hmm, you do have a big problem."

"Help me to the bathroom and you can give me a HAND with it," Isaac continued his innuendo.

"Do you feel good enough? Do we dare?"

"Yeah! What are they going to do, kick me out?"

Isaac felt a bit light-headed when he stood, but soon found his balance. Taking Jay's hand, he led his partner to the small ensuite facility.

Jay sat on the toilet seat while Isaac leaned against the sink with his hospital gown standing out pronouncedly in the front. Jay pulled the garment up, stopping momentarily to check out the bruises on his lover's torso. He began pleasuring Isaac by sucking his balls and then he kissed from there to the head of Isaac's pulsing tool.

Isaac moaned his approval.

"Lick right below my slit like you did last night," he begged.

Jay complied and was immediately rewarded with the taste of oozing precum. He lapped it up only to receive more in return.

Isaac was too horny to wait any longer. He put his hands on the back of Jay's head and thrust his swollen cock in and out as if copulating. His breath came in ragged gasps, and he came in torrents. He cried out in ecstasy.

There was a sharp rap on the bathroom door.

"Are you alright in there?" a nurse asked.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. You don't need to come in," Isaac answered in a squeaky voice.

"Okay, I'll respect your privacy, but pull on the chain if you need help. It'll activate a light at the nurses' station."

"That was close!" Jay whispered.

"Makes it kind of exciting!" Isaac grinned.

"You ARE a pervert!"

"I am! Now let me sit down and take care of you."

"I'm not sure if I can get it up after nearly getting caught." Jay said wiping his brow in an exaggerated manner.

"Just take it out and don't worry about getting it up. I'll see to that!"

They exchanged places after Jay had licked up the last of Isaac's sweet nectar. Isaac sucked in Jay's soft member all the way to his balls. He worked his tongue around it, enjoying the experience of feeling it swell in his mouth. Suddenly Jay no longer had an erectile problem. He pumped up so quickly that Isaac had to back off or choke. He let Jay's cock slip out of his mouth in order to tell Jay what he wanted.

"Fuck my mouth like I did yours, Stud."

"Those meds must be taking away all your inhibitions. You never talk like that!"

"Enjoy it while you can and fuck my fuckin' mouth!" Isaac giggled hysterically.

Jay was sure that Isaac wasn't in control of his brain or tongue and would be embarrassed later by what he was saying and doing at that moment, but he was too horny to turn the offer down. The thought of doing something this "perverted" made him feel exquisitely hot. After a few thrusting motions, he unloaded big-time. He was nearly as delirious with lust and joy as Isaac had been, but he at least had the presence of mind not to cry out.

When Isaac finished licking him clean, he zipped up and peeked out of the door to make sure the room empty. Quickly, he got Isaac back to bed and settled down in the chair beside him. Isaac fell asleep almost at once. Jay sat there for a few minutes reliving the experiences of the evening before drifting off too.

A nurse looked in later to see if Isaac needed anything. She left wondering where the other boy had come from, but her busy schedule didn't allow her the time to dwell on it.

Author's notes: "Thanks to the following who emailed since last posting: B, Rutabaga, Bill K, Bill H, Damon W, Tom A, Jim C, Jim W, Peter H, Paul F, Greg NJ, and Nick F. Steve is making a good recovery and again thanks all who were pulling for him. Peace, David.

Next: Chapter 77: Second Chance 77

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