Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on Aug 20, 2010


Second Chance, Chapter 87


This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

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For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Second Chance, Chapter 87

During the next couple of weeks, Reese and Cam got more settled in their new apartment in Lundy House. They didn't wait until after graduation to vacate their old place. It was easier to work on it ahead of time rather than to have the stress of trying to clean it right after they got their diplomas.

Getting an early start meant the place would be standing tall and the landlord would have to return their whole deposit. Beckett and D'Anthony volunteered to help with both the moving and cleaning. They were bonding so much with their housefathers that they were becoming like a couple of younger brothers. Blake leant them his minivan to haul most of their belongings.

Ben and Scott asked their sons to accompany them on a walk in a nearby park on a warm Sunday afternoon in May. It was their desire to spend quality time with the boys and also to bring up the subject of their graduation gifts.

"We've wracked our brains, but we can't think of an appropriate graduation gift for either of you. You have your vehicles and enough furniture. You don't need additional things for a dorm room since you're going to live at home. It seems cheesy to give you checks or gift cards."

"How much were you planning to spend?" Josh inquired.

"Well, about $1,000." Ben answered.

"Apiece or together?"


"Let me have a quick conference with Eric because I've already thought of something."

The two young men went a few paces away and put their heads together. Ben and Scott sat down on a park bench awaiting news of what scheme their sons would hatch up. They didn't have to wait long.

"How about doubling that figure?" Eric said with a mischievous look.

Ben and Scott looked at each other for a moment and then Ben answered for both.

"Uh, I guess we could since all the guys have more funds for tuition than we'd feared. What is this large outlay of cash going to buy us?"

"A return trip to the Boundary Waters for the four of us!" Josh exclaimed. "It would be the best present you could give us – the remembrance of our first meeting and your company as a bonus."

"That's the best idea I've heard." Ben grinned as he hugged his son and son-in-law."

"I concur!" Scott added as he got up to embrace the guys too. "I'm really flattered that you'd want to include us old guys."

"Well, duh, Dad. If you hadn't been there to `force me to have fun', my perfect world with the love of my life would never have happened. I don't even want to think of how it would have turned out if you'd have given in to my tantrum."

"You were kind of a brat." Scott teased.

"Not just kind of!" Eric countered. "I was really insufferable. I'm so glad you loved me enough not to let me go back to Illinois when I threw a fit about camping in the wilderness. Wow, what I would have missed!"

On Troy's third session with Dr. Goodlove, he was feeling apprehensive again. For whatever reason, his mother had asked to meet with the doctor and him for the first 20 minutes of his hour. Troy wasn't even sure how she found out about the sessions.

Justin was in the waiting room as usual when Scott and Robbie brought him. As they had the first day, they arrived about 15 minutes early. Scott knew that Troy treasured the time he spent with Justin. He was going to have to figure out some way for the two to have a sleepover.

When Anna Kepler came out of the doctor's office, Barbara Walton was entering the waiting room from the hall.

"Damn, that's my mother," Troy whispered.

Justin introduced the two, sparing Troy the burden. The women exchanged polite greetings in a rather stilted manner, each wary of the other. Then Barbara opened up with an out of place comment.

"Are you here for the same reason I am or is your son normal?"

(Dr. Goodlove came out of his office in time to witness the exchange and wondered where it would go.)

"Justin is a normal boy and from what I've seen of Troy, he seems to be too."

"So he hasn't admitted to you that he's a homosexual? You probably won't want your son to be influenced by him; best keep him at a distance."

"Justin told me that Troy is like him," Anna said. "I find your son to be a charming young man and he's welcome to associate with Justin whenever he wants. You know the boys have no control over how they were made. Being gay isn't a sickness or a sin."

"Humph, you must be one of those liberal, leftists!"

"That does appear to be the case," Anna smiled as she put an arm on the shoulders of both boys. "It has taken me some time to get used to being proud of my gay son, but I think I've just made a breakthrough. Thanks for helping me do it!"

"How did I make you change?" Barbara frowned.

"By showing me how I've sounded in the past. Last fall I might have said what you just did. I hope you'll make the progress I have."

"Humph!" Barbara exclaimed again as she stormed out of the office.

"I'm sorry Troy; I didn't mean to drive your mother away. I apologize to you too Shawn. I'm sure you had a difficult time getting her here in the first place."

"I didn't want Mom here in the first or second place!" Troy insisted.

"Even if Troy had wanted his mother here, I thought it was too early to involve her," Dr. Goodlove said. "It was her idea to come.

She wormed information out of the social worker about our counseling sessions. I suspect she wanted to preach to me about how I was leading people down the wrong path. We'll do quite well without her, so don't feel you did anything wrong."

"It's strange, but when she began to berate Troy for being gay, I honestly did see myself in a different light. I guess I've sounded almost as narrow-minded in the past, and I do want to ask Justin to forgive me."

"Mom, you've never been like that! I always knew you really loved me even when you didn't like things about me."

"If this keeps up, I'll have to release both of you," Shawn smiled. "Do you want to cancel next week's appointment?"

"No," Anna said. "I think we can use a few more sessions. I know Justin always feels better after talking with you. I suspect it has something to do with seeing Troy too," she grinned.

"Mo-o-o-m!" Justin said rolling his eyes.

"Uh, I like seeing you too," Troy whispered close to his ear.

Uncharacteristically, Justin turned several shades of red.

No new gay teens had come to Lundy House since Beckett and D'Anthony had, but that was about to change.

Two girls and a boy showed up early one afternoon seeking a place to stay. None of them looked ragged or dirty and Mr. Worthington wondered if it was some kind of "sting" operation by some right-wing group wanting to find grounds to thwart the program.

The girls said they'd been caught in bed together a week earlier and had been given an ultimatum by their parents to change or leave. It had come as a complete surprise to both because they'd always thought their parents knew they were closer than most girls their age.

The boy with them had allowed them to stay in his house until they could find a place to live. His mother went on a tirade about his doing it without her permission and had thrown him out too. He said it was a convenient excuse for her since she wanted her new boyfriend to move in and he was unwelcome baggage. He had heard about Lundy House at the LGBT club in his school and they were hoping they could stay for a while.

Herb introduced them to Reese who would interview them further and began to make arrangements to house them if their stories rang true. When Reese found out that the new trio hadn't eaten all day, he quickly escorted them to the dining room.

Beckett and D'Anthony were finishing up their lunch after having returned from their morning jobs. Reese gave them keys and enlisted them to set up a couple of the new beds which had recently arrived. Within an hour or so the rooms were ready.

The girls, Leigh and Tracey, were delighted that they would be able to room together, sharing a queen sized bed. They were thankful to have a safe place to stay while trying to reorganize their lives. Both already had jobs, but not ones that would pay enough to rent an apartment. Both were fairly certain they would be able to get their clothes and basic necessities from their parents' houses, but they didn't have transportation. Cam offered to drive them there. It would be a help to them and also give him a chance to see how their parents treated them.

Jesse was another matter. He seemed relieved to have a place to call home, but he appeared to be down in the dumps. His mother's final rejection affected him, though he claimed he didn't care. Beckett and D'Anthony tried to befriend him by inviting him to the pool for a swim.

"Do I look like I have a spare swimming suit on me?" he responded in a surly manner.

"Hey, chill dude," Beckett chided. "We came here with less than you have. At least you haven't been on the streets for months! Reese will find you something to wear."

"Sorry," Jesse apologized. "It's just that I have nobody. My mother never wanted me. I don't know who my father was. And I was always picked on in school. You have each other. I guess I'm jealous."

"We'll be your friends," D'Anthony promised. "There are a lot of good people staying in this place, young and old. Most of them will be friendly if you give them a chance and remove the chip from your shoulder. We kinda felt like you when we first came here, but this old guy named Sam didn't let us mope around. He told us we'd be on our feet in no time. He's really wise.

Cam and Reese will get you fixed up with a job if you don't have one already. You'll feel better if you don't shut us all out."

"Thanks," Jesse murmured. "I hope you're right."

"We are," D'Anthony promised. "Let's go find Reese and get you a suit so we can play in the pool."

Later, Leigh and Tracey found Jesse alone again down in the main lounge. The other guys had gone to bed early in order to have some quality time before going to sleep. Jesse was sitting in front of the TV, but not paying much attention to the program. He looked forlorn and they decided to do something about it.

"Why are you down here moping when you could be with the two most beautiful girls in the place?" Leigh asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, don't you want to cuddle with us?" Tracey continued the banter.

"Thanks, but no thanks. You wouldn't want me even if we were all straight and there wasn't another guy in the city."

"Not true!" Tracey insisted. "We might want children and you could be the donor to help us have them."

"Who'd want to perpetuate the genes of a loser like me?"

"I would," Leigh said.

"Me too," Tracey agreed.

"If I'm so desirable, how come my father left when I was born and my mother's always considered me like crap? She only kept me for the ADC payments. Now that I'm too old to be a source of income, I'm out."

"Baby, we're gonna have to work on your self-esteem." Leigh frowned. "You're a sweet guy and we love you. Come spend the night with us."

"Uh, you think Cam and Reese are gonna let us sleep in the same room?"

"Why not, we're obviously not going to have sex."

"I don't know if it's a good idea. I can't afford to get kicked out and you can't either. Maybe we should ask."

"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission," Tracey giggled.

"Well, okay, I guess. I sure don't want to be alone tonight."

Reese happened to get off the elevator on 7th floor just as Jesse was going into the girls' room. It wasn't bedtime yet, but he wondered what, if anything, he should do about it. He'd have to discuss it with Cam.

"Hey Sweet Man," Cam greeted him with a kiss. "You look worried. Is it something I did?"

"No, never," Reese smiled. "I can't think of anything that you could do to upset me unless it was to go off with someone else."

"What then?"

"I just saw Jesse going into the girls' room and I heard the door lock behind him. I'm not sure how to deal with this."

"Hmm, the rules say no drugs, alcohol, or firearms. I don't remember anything against fraternizing. We sorta expect couples to be, um, together. If he's really gay and they're really lesbian, I don't suppose they're gonna be in there screwing. Besides, if they were, it might not be our business."

"Yeah, I guess it would be more like a bunch of straights of either sex getting together to have a sleep-over. I suppose we can pretend I didn't see anything and maybe bring the subject up later. I guess being a parent isn't as easy as it looks!"

"I'm sure if I talk to Brooke about parenting she'll tell me raising you was no picnic," Cam grinned.

"You'd be right about that. How about we make an early evening of it and we can try to get one of us pregnant." Reese leered, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sounds like a plan to me!"

Troy had been doing well sleeping on the futon alone. His bad dreams seemed to be dissipating. They had been before seeing his mother in the waiting room. That night the horror returned. This time he was being raped by Burt Carpenter while his mother and father looked on. They jeered and taunted him about being a disgusting pansy. The pain and shame were too much. He yelled for them to stop. He awakened with Eric and Josh sitting on the edge on his bed in their boxers.

"Come on," Eric said gently. "It's time to sleep with us again."

Troy didn't say anything. He let them lead him to their bed and cuddle him between them. He felt so safe that he fell asleep almost immediately.

"His doctor needs to know about the nightmares returning," Josh whispered.

"Yeah, I'll discuss it with Dad in the morning."

Troy's dreams were of a different kind for the rest of the night. He and Justin were cuddling on a big blanket spread out on a warm beach. When he looked down, he saw that they were both naked. The next thing Troy knew, Justin was down between his legs licking his balls. Troy shuddered in anticipation of what would come next.

The scene shifted again and they were sucking each other's cock. Troy moaned around the hard piece of boy-flesh in his mouth as he shot the biggest load in his young life.

He awakened with a start. It was nearly time to get up. He'd better lie still so as not to wake the other two. Then he felt the cooling load of jizz in his shorts. He didn't know what he was going to do.

"You awake, Troy?" Josh whispered.


"You must have had a really hot dream."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." he began to sob.

"It's okay, Little Bro. We all do it sometimes unless we're getting off a lot. I wish all your dreams could be wet ones. Don't panic; we'll just change the bed a day early this week. You can be first in the shower."

"Thanks. Are you gonna tell Eric?"

"Of course! He'll be as happy as I am."

"Yeah I will," Eric said as he high-fived Troy.

"You guys are the coolest!" Troy giggled as he walked proudly toward the bathroom, his still erect dick leading the way.

"Don't you just love that kid?" Josh said when they were alone.

"He's special. I think we need to fix him up with a guy. Maybe we should invite that boy from the retreat over – Justin something or other. Dad says they're pretty good friends when they meet at Dr. Goodlove's office."

"Do you think that'd be okay with the good doctor, or would it complicate things?"

"I think it might do positive things, like chase away his nightmares and save us laundry." Eric snickered.

"Or make us more laundry," Josh teased. "By the way, do we have time for a little fun while he's in the shower? The smell of cum makes me horny."

"Name two things that don't make you horny," Eric challenged. "Uh, I think I just heard him turn off the water. Let's do each other in the shower."

During Troy's fourth session with Dr. Goodlove, he began by discussing his latest nightmare. After he was finished, Shawn suggested that they try dream therapy. He recommended that Troy daydream a scene before sleeping in which he turned the tables on his attacker. Magically, he would be able to thwart the man from carrying through.

"If you're dreaming and he comes after you, try to change the plot of the dream. It may take some practice and not everyone can do it, but if you can, it will help you a lot."

"I don't know. It was pretty bad. I guess I have to tell you everything as I remember it."

Troy then bared his soul completely for the first time since he'd talked to the police. He went into detail about the initial rape and the succeeding encounters with Burt Carpenter.

"My parents had convinced me that I had to obey everybody at the camp without question if I was going to get over being gay. I bought into it because I truly wanted to change. I didn't want to burn in Hell and that's what everyone told me was gonna happen. The people at the camp all seemed sincere, and I think most of them were. I was too naïve to know what was happening until it was too late.

Carpenter told me I had to learn to resist my lustful feelings. The only way to do that was to be tempted and not to give in. It made sense to me at the time. So I didn't resist when he tied my hands behind my back to prevent me from touching myself.

He showed me porn films on the TV in his office. I did pretty well about not getting hard when the scenes were of girls playing around or of a girl getting fucked. Oops, I mean a girl having intercourse with a guy."

"Don't worry about offending my sensibilities," Dr. Goodlove interrupted. "Just tell it like it is. Don't filter out anything."

"Okay. Carpenter praised me for resisting temptation by staying soft. He rubbed my shoulders and let his hand stray down my back to my butt. I didn't like having him paw at me, but still had a tough time not throwing a bone. I'm sure he noticed that I kind of chubbed up.

Then he put in a vid showing kids my age sucking, rimming, and fucking. I tried my best not to get hard. I really did!

He said that he could tell I liked boys. I guess it was becoming obvious. Then he bent me over the arm of the sofa, spread my cheeks and licked inside my butt crack. I closed my eyes and didn't think anymore - only felt. I have to admit it was hot. I lost control and shot down the upholstery and all over the floor. I was really ashamed because I'd failed the test. I thought he'd paddle me and send me back to my room, but he didn't.

He lubed up his big finger and rammed it up my butt. I cried out, but no one came to see what was going on. He told me to go ahead and scream because the people at the camp all knew it meant the gay demon was being cast out of me. No matter how loud I yelled, no one would come.

Before I knew what was happening, he forced his dick in me. It hurt because I tried to squeeze my muscles and close my hole. That just seemed to make him more insistent about continuing. Finally, I kinda passed out. When I came to, my butt was really sore. I was bleeding a little and I felt sick inside. He made me get dressed and told me he'd made a video of the whole thing and if I told anyone he'd show it to my parents and tell them how I begged him to fuck me. I felt so ashamed that I did what he said. That was my first mistake because he kept using me." Troy sobbed.

Dr. Goodlove gently held Troy's shoulders while the boy cried for several minutes. He waited for him to calm down before speaking again.

"Do you have any idea where he might have stashed the video, assuming he actually made one?"

"No, I told the police and they said they'd try to get a warrant to search his apartment, but they didn't seem too hopeful that it would be there."

"I wish we had some kind of evidence that would send that bastard to prison for the rest of his natural life! I've heard on the news that one of the young men helped with a sting operation about soliciting sex from him, but that won't cause them to lock him up and throw away the key. We need physical proof, like his sperm on your clothes or something..."

"Oh my God!" Troy exclaimed. "I think I have it. When I got back to my room that first time, my white briefs had blood and goo on them. I was afraid someone would find them and I'd be in trouble so I stuffed them into a torn place in my suitcase lining. My brother brought me that suitcase several days ago. I wonder if it's still there. I suppose it's too late to do any good."

"Not necessarily. If it has your blood and his DNA, it could be the clincher. We're going to get in touch with the police immediately so that they can deal with it. If it's there, I don't want the defense attorney to be able to say we planted it somehow. Do you have anyone at the police department you'd like me to contact?"

"Yeah, Sergeant Miller. He's a good guy."

Author's notes: Thanks to the faithful readers who responded this week. I will do my best to create a mailing list that doesn't include your email addy. It may have your name or the name you use. If that's NOT okay, please let me know so I can take your name off the list. Or, if you have a way for me to "blind mail" everyone and it's not too complicated, I can do that. I'm not a computer wiz.

This week's list includes: Edward D, Tony C, Jian, Rad, Ott H, Bill K, Stephen W, Mark (David) H, Jim W, Steve P, Paul R, Walt S, Rutabaga, Roger L, Daniel R, Jim C, Burch, Steve, Rob W, Mark B, Tom A, Nick F, Darrin T, Ray M, Paul F, and Carroll.

I sincerely hope I haven't excluded anyone's name!

It looks like "Second Chance" will end with chapter 90. I'm thinking of posting a short story under high school called "The Gift" and another short one under "adult friends" or whatever called "Brazil Affair" before I begin a new series.


Next: Chapter 88: Second Chance 88

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