Supernatural Heritage

By liampendrich

Published on Jan 19, 2014


Do not read this if you are not of legal age and or this illegal where you are at. This contains homosexual relationships and it will be treated as such. This is a Supernatural story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm the writer and I will write as I wish.

It starts off a little slow, but bear with me.

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Supernatural Heritage-1

It's dark, so very dark. I could feel the damp moisture and lack of air closing on my faster and faster. I felt wood in front of me. I began to hyperventilate at first, but calmed. Broken images flooded my head of my being violent. I punched the wood over and over again, trying to regain some of the violence.

I felt my knuckles bleed as the wood broke and dirt fell on my face. I had my eyes closed so that the dirt wouldn't hurt me. I began to dig up, pushing the dirt out of my way as I made a desperate attempt to live. When my hand finally made a breach I could feel the wet and cold air of the surface. The damp grass as I plunged my fingers into the ground to drag myself up.

I let out a gasp as soon as I was free and pulled myself out of the whole. I laid on the ground on my stomach until I had this strange feeling in my chest. I rolled over and noticed a beautiful red light glowing from within my chest. It traveled all over my body and swallowed me whole. I gasped at the feeling of warmth. Noticing the scare over where my heart is.

I laid there for a few minutes before I got up and slowly began walking down a dusty old road. It was dark, but I could see a familiar old bar in the distance. It was surrounded by cars, trucks, even a few semis. I heard a loud rumble as an black impala drove up the other road and parked in the dirt parking lot. Two guys exited the vehicle and entered the bar in a brooding style.

I sighed before pushing the door open and entering the bar, not sure what to expect. The music stopped and a familiar woman gasped, dropping bottles on the floor in surprise of seeing me. Everyone looked at me as I looked back. I didn't understand, what was going on? Why do I feel like something was wrong with me being here?

The familiar older woman stepped out from behind the bar with tears flooding her eyes.

"Everybody out of my bar!!" The woman yelled with shaky emotions. The two guys went behind her as if to give her support and comfort.

"Y-you can't be real. You're dead." The woman said bitterly with a clenched jaw.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said shaky and nervous. I was so confused, but I had to press on. I needed to know who these people were so I can figure out something to do.

"I'll kill you, son of a bitch!!" The woman yelled at me as she pulled a silver knife from behind the bar. It was like time slowed as she ran at me. It was...just instinct. I spun, grabbing her hand twisting it a little to cause her to drop the knife. I kicked it across the room and threw her off me.

This seemed to fire everyone up. I was surprised when the two guys charged me. I put my hands up in defense and watched in surprised as the red energy returned and projected out my hands. The two large guys were just as shocked as I was at what just happened. I looked at my chest to see the glowing red light that came from my...heart? The two guys got up from the floor with a huff.

"Cristo!" This weird looking guy with a mullet yelled. They looked and waited for something, but whatever it was didn't seem to happen.

"He's not possessed!" The mullet guy yelled.

"He can't be. No demon...or anything that I can think of for that matter." The shorter guy said in a sexy rough voice.

"What about a shape shifter?" The older woman asked grabbing my arms and pulling my skin a little too rough.

"Easy. I just came back from the dead. Last I need is my skin falling off like a leper." I said as she stared in surprise.

"You're real,"




"My baby!" She said hugging me tightly. Something about the way she hugged me, it felt right.

"Your baby?" A young blond girl asked crossing her arms.

"I-uh, yeah. This is you're baby brother. Your twin." The older woman said as she walked to the blond and sat her down next to her on a bench.

"What? Why didn't I know about him??" The blond asked confused and a bit bitter.

"Because a demon stole him after you both were born. We thought we would never find him. Then one day...we do. You were at college during the time. He was being used as a meat suit...I killed him and didn't see the point of anyone knowing. Now...I regret it all. Now, I have a second chance. With both my kids." She said with a sad smile.

"I can't believe you lied to me." The blond girl said removing her hands from her...or our mother.

"Jo, your mother had her reasons for doing what she did." The shorter guy said.

"Dean...just leave me alone!" Jo said storming out of the bar slamming the door.

"Jo!" Dean called about to chase after her, but was stopped by the older woman.

"Dean, let her be. Sam, I want you to research any possibilities of how he was brought back." The woman said the...Sam and Dean.

"Alright. Ellen, are you going to be okay?" Sam asked concerned.

"I'll be just fine." She said before turning to me.

"You. You need to take a shower, Ash will take you. Then meet me here when you're finished." Ellen, mom said.

"O-okay, thanks." I said as Ash led the way to the bathroom and gave me a towel and some clothes.

"Ellen's been through a lot. If you wind up being a monster or demon or whatever, you best believe that Sam, Dean, and I will kill you." Ash said pulling a knife to my neck.

"Be careful who you threaten. I don't take kindly to threats and insults." I said angrily and watched in surprised as my chest lit up again and the blade melted.

"Leave me alone, Ash." I said walking into the bathroom, slamming the door in Ash's face.

The feeling of the hot water hitting my skin felt so good. I sighed in bliss of the warmth that filled me. I grabbed the soap and rubbed it on my skin and lathered up my body. I noticed how lean I was, muscles hidden under baby fat. I washed my natural wavy vibrant scarlet red hair that reached my back. I supposedly been dead for a year or two.

I looked at the mirror and first noticed my perfect pearly white smile. My eyes are so beautiful...lime green. My lips were bigger plump and naturally reddish pink. My skin is creamy and lightly tanned. I was lean with soft skin almost baby like with a hint of muscle. I had the cutest little slope nose and this round scruptious trimmed bubblicious ass.

Then another thing struck me as odd. I didn't have any scars that I received in my other life. I had a huge scar on my stomach from being beaten in high school. Now I don't have any scars, my skin's perfect now. I don't know how I was brought back, but I have to remember to thank whoever did it.

A knock at the door distracted me from checking myself out. I grabbed the tight jeans and put them on them on quickly, and opened the door to see Sam.

"Sorry. I-uh, need to use the bathroom." Sam said nervously with a slight blush that snaked it's way onto his adorable face. Then I realized I was half naked, which caused me to blush. I quickly put on the white METALLICA shirt that was too big for my slender body.

"Sure. I finished changing. I'm sorry about projection thing. I don't know how to use my powers or whatever it is." I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Don't worry about it. I did provoke you." Sam said with a shy smile showing off his adorably sexy dimples.

"I'll just be going." I said awkwardly before leaving. Wow, smooth Zayne. What am I even thinking....he's as straight as an arrow.

I walked upstairs to bar, but stopped when I heard Ash talking about me.

"He's not normal. The red looks like it's coming from his heart. He tossed Sam and Dean at the wall without touching them. He even melted my favorite blade, Ellen." Ash said in a sort of shouting whisper.

"Be that as it may, he's my son. This may be my only chance to be his mother." Ellen said wiping the counter down.

"Ellen. I'm just trying to look out for you and Jo. We don't need any more surprises." Ash said taking a drink of his beer. I didn't see the point in hiding so I walked forward and sat down next to Jo who was eating some peanuts with Dean. She glanced at me, offering an uneasy but welcoming smile.

"Listen, peaches. I know it's a bit late for this...but I didn't catch your name." Ellen, er mom said with her country twang.

"Zayne Lockheart." I said remembering what I was called in my last life.

"Zayne," Ellen said with a smile. "A beautiful name."

"Thanks, Ellen..." "Now listen here, mister. I may not have been able to raise you, but you're still my baby. It's mom to you." Ellen said firmly handing me a beer.

"I don't drink." I said giving it to Sam who sat next to me, offering a shy smile.

"You came back from the can do whatever you want." Jo said offering an encouraging smile.

"Actually. I'm really hungry." I said to which Ash jumped up and grabbed a pistol.

"He's a zombie!" Ash yelled before Sam grabbed the pistol out of Ash's hand and pistol whipped Ash.

"Ash, I have never had a problem with you before. But, if you ever try to hurt Zayne again I will kill you." Sam said angrily pulling Ash off his feet and tossing him onto the pool table.

"Knock it off, all of you." Mom said as she separated Sam and Ash. Ash huffed annoyed walking away and into his room with a slam.

"I think it's about time we go." Dean said

"We got that ghost to put to rest." Dean said with an awkward smirk to us as he flashed a manilla folder and winked at Jo.

"Right, bye boys." Mom said with a small smile.

I watched them leave, this sad feeling filled my chest as Sam left. I don't even know him and I am already hooked. Mom put a hand on my shoulder and kissed my hair as she began to walk down stairs.

"Jo will show you where you'll be staying." Mom said as she walked away tiredly.

"Alright, come on." Jo said annoyed.

"What's with the folder Dean had?" I asked her curious about all this hunter stuff.

"Just my first case ever that I put together myself. Mom won't let me be a hunter, so Sam and Dean took it as a favor to my mother." Jo said with a huff, she led me to a small room with a bed and jumped in it.

"This is where you'll be sleeping. It was a guest room, now it's yours." She laid there watching the ceiling and I sat next to her.

"Oh, wow! I forgot what a bed felt's like a cloud." I said moaning as I rubbed the cushions. I kept having naughty thoughts about my making love to the motha'...and giving my pillow some good head. Lol. I heard Jo giggle at my dramatic actions.

"So what's a hunter?" I asked her trying to understand this all and what my part in this all was. If I died...why did someone bring me back? Who would do it? How did they do it? What is the red light in my chest?

"A hunter is a person who hunts the supernatural. Kills it. Ghosts, monsters, and demons. We come from a line of hunters. Our dad was one and so was mom...she gave up the life after dad died." Jo said with a sigh as she flicked her hair out of her face.

"Who's Sam and Dean?" I asked really curious about Sam, mostly. I had the hots for him and I've just met him.

"John Winchester's boys. John died a few weeks back, it's been hard on them. Truthfully I just met them about a week ago." Jo said rolling on to her stomach.

"So...I know you just woke up from the dead, not even 24 hours ago." Jo started kicking her legs back and forth.

"Yes?" I asked knowing it was going to get personal.

"Are you gay? I mean...the way you eyed Sam up." Jo said blushing.

"Yeah. I am...I'm not afraid to say it. I was open with my sexuality before my death and I'm not going to stop know." I said with a smirk but cringed when Jo let out an excited squeal.

"I always wanted a gay brother. So do you remember anything about your life, or being possessed?" Jo asked as she crawled onto my back and laid on me in a sisterly way.

"I remember being gay. I remember....I used to get picked on, and even got into fights for being gay. That's what surprised me when I woke scars. I remember being extremely violent towards people who hurt me. I remember when the demon possessed me...I was on a date. It snaked into me as I used the bathroom. Bad news for my date who came into the bathroom for nookie...I killed him. Or the demon did. While I screamed in my head but the thing just laughed and told me to shut up." I said yawning as I began to fall asleep.

"Goodnight little brother." Jo said as I felt her get off me and heard her close the door.

As I slept something I only remember ever happening occurred. I dreamt. My dream started off with me walking down a hall it was hot and dry, this odd smell filled the hall. It was dark and dimly lit. A finally reached a door on a stone wall that looked like it belonged in a crypt. When I turned the door knob and opened the door I was surprised as everything was different from the hall that I just walked through. It was a very well designed office, modern yet a slight...classical taste to it.

"Can I get you anything?" A familiar voice said from behind the chair.

"I-I'm alright. I just want to know where I'm at and how to get out." I said as I sat down on one of the chairs facing the desk.

"Get out?" The voice said as the person turned the chair revealing Sam who looked unbelievably sexy and dashing in his white tuxedo. He smiled at me with this warm look on his face.

"S-Sam? Where are we??" I asked confused at what was going on.

"Sam? Oh, that's right. You were resurrected by the big man himself. You don't remember being here." Sam said getting out of his chair and offering his hand to me.

I grabbed it and he helped me up chivalrously. He rubbed my face with his hand. I smiled at his look of love towards me. He kissed me deeply.

"I'm Lucifer, remember. Maybe not...being resurrected is a tough process. Most of the time things will be forgotten. It's okay, my love. You will remember in time." said. (Samifer?)

"Lucifer? As in the angel that God loved more than all?" I asked as Samifer smirked and kissed my forehead.

"Up until the birth of Man, yes." Samifer said.

"Until?" I asked not remembering anything.

"He gave all of us a simple request. Love mankind more than Him." Samifer said as he sat on the desk and patted for me to sit next to him.

"Something I couldn't do. I couldn't love any of you murderous filthy beasts." Samifer said with anger.

"Until you...I saw you. I had to have you. I fell inlove with your perfection...your flaws. You're so loving. Even through all your training you only fought to protect others and not yourself. You forgive even the most evil of deeds. You harbor no resentment against the bastards who beat you in your life. For something you couldn't control. I can't wait for the day that they finally come to my realm...I'll be sure to 'entertain' them." Samifer said kissing me again.

I watched as he tossed everything on the ground and grabbed my leg. I could feel myself blush as he wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed me deeply. His tongue wasted no time entering my mouth and started to battle with my own. This felt so familiar, it felt wrong though. It's like I wanted this and I've had IT before, but now that I know the real's just wrong.

"I can't do this. It's not right. " I said trying to push him off of me. He could see my attempt but just laughed at my attempt.

"But you have. We have. Several of times, my love. Despite whether it's right or not, it's for us to decide." Samifer said trailing kisses on my chest up to my neck and to my jaw.

"Lucifer, stop...." I said waking up from my very sexual dream.

"Lucifer? Who's Lucifer?" I heard my mom ask from where she sat beside me.

"Whoa!" I yelled freaked out falling off the other side of the bed.

"Relax, peaches. It's me." Ellen said helping me off the floor.

"Sorry. I just had this really freaked dream that Lucifer was making love to me. Or was trying to." I said with a huff.

"You're gay?" Ellen asked surprised.

"Yeah, so. I like the dick. Grow up." I said putting on some socks and steel toe boots and walking out of my room.

"Excuse me, mister. I may not have raised you, but I am still your mother. When were you planning on telling me that you were gay?" Ellen asked with her hands on her hips.

"Uh, never. I'm not ashamed of being gay. Besides it's not like I was going to string up a long list of drunken guys who I screw because of one beer too many." I said rather loudly just now noticing how busy Harvelle's Bar was right now.

I noticed all of the hunters and innocent civilains all over who were watching us awkwardly trying to pretend that they weren't, however we were rather loud in a quiet bar so that made any chance of them not being exposed to our fight an impossibility.

"Go back to your drinking." I said to the crowd annoyed at being aired out on accident.

"So why did you wake me up exactly?" I asked going behind the bar and sitting on the barstool to hide myself from all the people who were stealing glances at me. I'm not ashamed, but I get nervous whe people stare at me.

"Because I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go to Las Vegas and find your sister. She has taken it upon herself to try and show how independent she really is." Ellen said handing a hunter a beer.

It's funny how only innocent civilains are capable of buying the top shelf booze. Hunters aren't rich, but can come by some money...only to use it for gas, food, motels, women, and booze.

"Jo's gone? Wow. I-I'm not a hunter. I never hunted. I wouldn't know the first thing of tracking her down." I said nervously.

"I know, but Ash is and can help with that." Ellen said handing more beers out.

"How about you or Ash do that and I stay behind and maintain the bar." I said to Ellen which caused her to laugh.

"I wouldn't leave you with the bar. Not that I don't trust you, it's just that there are a lot of things that can happen and I can't protect you from them while I'm tracking down Jo." Ellen said wiping down the bar.

"I can defend myself. Being a gay boy has it's perks. My parents wanted me to be safe so they had me training from an early age in the most hardcore stuff that you'd probably never even heard of." I said to her seriously.

"Yeah," Ash said with a laugh, "Fairy Boy Jujitsu 101." "Shut your cake hole and back to work." Ellen said tossing a wet rag at Ash's face.

"Seriously? You know how to fight?" Ellen asked me.

"Yes. Taekwondo, Capoeira, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, and the most dangerous fighting style in the world, Krav Maga. I'm completely trained to kill. I can kill anyone with a twig." I said confidentially.

"You're kidding right?" Ellen asked rolling her eyes not believing me.

"No, really. I just forgot because of my memories being scrambled, but I DO remember fighting and all my studies." I said grabbing a beer and handing it to an annoying and drunk hunter.

"This ain't what I wanted faggot-boy!" The drunk hunter yelled to me as it all slowed down. I flipped over the bar and grabbed the bottle of beer mid air, holding the tip at his throat as he gasped in fear of what I might do.

"See what I mean?" I asked Ellen who looked bewildered and surprised as shit.

"I think you've had enough." I said to drunken hunter who just nodded terrified and ran out of the bar. Wow, he's a hunter? Wimp. "Wait a minute, He's drunk what does he care what he drinks?" I asked out loud.

"A regular beer after drinking the heavy stuff is like drinking coffee." His buddy said amused.

"Oh." I said surprised at the information.

"Okay. I'll try to find, Jo." I said to Ellen before walking to Ash's room and knocking on the door.

"Ash, despite what you may feel towards me. I need your help to find Jo." I said to Ash looked at me funny.

"Don't tell Ellen, but she's not in Las Vegas. She's actually with Sam and Dean in Philadelphia." Ash said with a sigh.

"Give me the address and I'll drag my older sister's ass back here and won't say anything to my mom." I said to him crossing my arms.

"Alright, here." He said digging into his drawer's secret compartment. Handing me a piece of paper.

"She's checking out this apartment. I won't tell her you're coming to keep them from trying to run. I'll even mark you up a ticket." Ash said as he started to type things into a weird looking laptop with wires all over it.

"Just go there and ask for a ticket for Ashwood. They won't ask questions. One more thing...I'll even make it look like you went to Las Vegas, but no accepting calls from anyone. It might be Ellen." Ash said worried.

"Ash, relax. I don't even have a phone." I said with my hands on my hips.

"Okay, let's get you to the airport." Ash said as he walked out of the room. I followed him to Ellen who was talking to some hunters who were playing pool.

"Alright, Ash is going to take me to the airport. I'll be back in a few days. I guess." I said to Ellen who sigh with worry.

"One more thing." Ellen said before running down the stairs. She came back with a denim jacket.

"This is for you. A gift...I scored it off a hunter one time during a poker game. It didn't fit me, so hopefully it'll fit you." Ellen said as she handed it to me and watched me put it on.

"Perfect fit." I said to her with a smile and a hug.

"I'll be okay, Mom. I'll bring her back." I said as I headed out the door with Ash and into his pickup truck.

"It's gonna be a few hours. Night before we get to the airport. Get some sleep." Ash said with a smile as I realized I slept through most of the day because it was getting dark already as we been on the road.

I'm coming to get you, Sam. Why am I only thinking about Sam? He's probably straight and was only being nice to me.

'I'm such a loser' Was all I thought on the drive to the airport, with "Loser" by Beck playing on the radio.

(Here's the first chapter. Author's note: Please realize I'm a very busy person, but love writing. I spend a few days trying to write this stuff and to make it acceptable. Please note that I try and am not the world's greatest author and I am not always sure what to write or how to write certain stuff. I'm doing my best for my first ever attempt to actually put something out for people to read. So bear with me. Anways thanks for reading and I love ya bunches for even clicking on the story. Even more if you read it twice cause you liked it. I won't always make chapters that you'll like because stuff happens and I may lose my muse once in awhile....and I'm ranting. Anyways, THANK YOU & BYE.)

Next: Chapter 2

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