Supernatural Heritage

By liampendrich

Published on Jan 22, 2014


Do not read this if you are not of legal age and or this illegal where you are at. This contains homosexual relationships and it will be treated as such. This is a Supernatural story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm the writer and I will write as I wish.

It starts off a little slow, but bear with me.

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Supernatural Heritage-2

"Why am I only here in my dreams?" I asked Samifer who sighed playing with my red hair.

"Because when you dream, you're capable of crossing into different realms of existence. Something, Dad cooked up. A way for everyone to stay connected with ones they loved. They think it's a dream, but in actuality they are there. If only for a moment." Samifer said sighing as he looked at the clock.

"One day we will be together again. You will remember, everything." Samifer said as I felt myself fade from existence.

I could feel myself being shaken on my shoulder. I jumped up with my hand jutting out and choking Ash.

"Easy! It's me." He yelled with his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry. You startled me. I just had the weirdest dream." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Care to share?" Ash asked me as I noticed the sign for the airport coming up. I could hear the planes as they took off and landed.

"Pigeons pooping everywhere. Couldn't find a place to sit." I said lying to him, but he's so gullible he believed me.

"Harsh, man." Ash said taking a puff of his cigarette. Even offering me some.

"No, thanks. I don't smoke." I said to him offering a kind smirk.

"You don't drink, you don't smoke...what do you do to take the edge off? Not drugs, I hope. That stuff will eat at your body." Ash said worried.

"No. Rough sex, actually." I said amused at the look of his face.

"Wait. Like BDSM? I did that before. Tough baggage." Ash said as we saw the lights of the airport in the distance of the dark of the night.

"No. I just really like a rough pounding. All I need is some lube and a nice long thick dick to pound my ass." I said laughing at how red Ash's face turned.

It took a few minutes for us to get to the terminal. Ash parked in the drop off zone and offered a friendly handshake before I headed inside. I watched as hundreds of people walked this way and that to get to there specific spots for their flights. They somewhat reminded me of ants. I smiled at a cute baby boy a man held that was crying. I made a few funny faces to him while I waited in line and the baby stopped crying.

"He stopped." The mom said turning around and noticing the baby giggling at me.

"You must be really good with kids. We can't seem to ever get him to stop crying." The mom said with a smile.

"It's no problem. I love babies. I think." I said kindly yet slightly confused.

"You think?" The dad asked curious.

"Oh. I have amnesia. I don't exactly have my likes and dislikes in order, but...I think I like babies. There so cute and squishy." I said kindly smiling at the baby moving my hair out of my face. The baby laughed at the face I made to him.

"Oh that's sad. I hope you get your memories back." The mom said as she took the baby and the dad got their tickets. I was grinning ear to ear when the lady let me touch the baby. I was smacking my lips together like a horse when they said they had to leave.

"Bye." We all said as they walked off into another direction. I watched from a distance as the baby fell asleep.

"Sir?" The lady asked curiously, like she had been calling me for a few seconds.

"Oh! Sorry. I need a ticket to Philadelphia. Courtesy of Ashwood." I said to which she nodded knowingly.

"Here you are. Free of charge." She said with a wink. I nodded as if I understood the connection between her and Ash was.

I didn't waste time getting on my plane. The flight was long. I got some sleep, but this time I didn't go to Samifer's office. Instead I dreamt of Jo. She was kidnapped by this old scary guy who had this weird obsession with blonds. When I finally woke up I began to worry about Jo.

Hoping to high heavens that she was okay. I was finally relieved when we landed and I was able to flag down a taxie cab.

"I need to get to this address. Courtesy of Ashwood." I said to him and he nodded with a smirk.

"What's Ashy boy got you doing here in Philadelphia? Big city. Little boy like you ought to be careful." The man said from the front seat as we began driving.

"I can take care of myself. I'm a Harvelle." I said to him with courage.

"No fooling? Just like the lil' blond girl. I told her the same thing. She told me to 'piss off'." The guy said with a smile.

"I like em' fiesty." He said after an hour and a half, we were passing by apartments.

"Good for you." I said when a worried feeling filled my stomach.

"What about you?" He asked me with a strange smile.

"I like mine cold, dead, and castrated." I said with a smirk at the look on his face as we stopped at the right apartment.

"Give em' hell, kid." The guy said chuckling as I got out of the car. Good thing he didn't ask for money, I didn't have any.

I walked into the apartment and asked landlord which apartment was just recently rented. He said he didn't remember...I grabbed an empty bottle on his TV and broke half of it on the door frame. He confessed before I even walked up to him.

"Was that so hard?" I asked him walking off to apartment 215.

When I got there the door was locked, but I jimmied the lock. I walked in and noticed that they set up shop, but it didn't look like they were even around. I noticed Sam's computer and this strange smell of a gas leak. I began to hear foot steps and I hid behind the couch. I know...rookie mistake, but I'm not use to doing this.

"Did one of you leave the door open?" I heard Jo ask someone.

"No. I made sure it was locked." Dean said walking around, obviously he's done this before.

"Yeah. That would be me. Sorry. " I said getting up and flipping onto the couch lazily.

"Zayne? Oh, God. Mom knows? Shit!" Jo said running walking around worried.

"Relax. It's just me. Mom doesn't know anything. She expects me to call her. Unfortunately...I don't know her number or have a phone." I said with a wink.

"Where's Sam?" I asked as them.

"City Hall trying to find records of this place." Jo said with a sigh of relief.

"This is just great. Not only do I have to watch one amateur, but two." Dean said annoyed.

"You don't have to watch me. I'm not going hunting. I'm just here to back up Jo." I said as I grabbed a pillow and pulling off my jacket to use as a blanket.

"No. You are hunting. If you're here then I need to watch after you. I'm the older sister." Jo said turning this around on me.

"Fine. I'll help out as much as I can." I said as Dean walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder and a finger pointing at my face.

"You stick with me. If I say jump, you jump. If I say come here, you follow. Got it?" Dean said with this sexy air of protectiveness and order.

"You got it, chiefy." I nodded with a small smile.

"Oh, God kill me now." Dean said with a sigh as he sat on the couch.

"Is there a place I can sleep?" I asked with a tired yawn realizing the couch is where Dean was sleeping.

"Yeah. Follow me." Jo said with a smirk as she guided me to a room. I was too tired to notice Sam's stuff. I took off my shoes, jacket, pants, and socks and jumped in the bed without a question. I was just sooo tired.

I noticed a picture by the mirror. It was kind of old and crumbled. It was an older guy sitting with hid two sons beside him. I figured it was their dad and them when they were younger. They had his beautiful eyes.

I don't know what time it was, but I felt someone wrap an arm around me as I slept. The person was so cold, that I leaned back against them to share my heat. They held me even tighter, but I began to smell this really weird humid smell. I turned towards them and opened my eyes sneaking a glance to see the man from my dream who kidnapped Jo. I screamed and kicked him off of me, but calmed down when Sam came running into the room and turning on the light. He held me as I hyperventilated into his chest at what I saw.

"It's alright. Everything's fine. What did you see?" Sam asked me as he rubbed my back.

"An old guy...grey and tattered clothes. He smelled like...chloroform." I said not letting go of Sam.

"I'm such a wimp." I said letting go of Sam and sitting back on the bed. "No, you're not. If a ghost molested me in my sleep, I'd scream too." Sam said with a smirk as he sat next to me.

"I don't know how you guys do this. I'd be scared out of my wits." I said to Sam. I realized he was only wearing a towel. A very small towel that didn't cover one of his muscular legs.

"Sam...I think you should go." I said to him.

"But what about the..." he started not noticing how uncomfortable I was. Not with him, mind you. But with myself, I was literally about to jump him.

"Sam, I'm gay and you're pretty much naked. Forget about the ghost. You'll have to fend ME off in a second." I said nervously to him.

His cheeks turned red when he realized all of this. He got up making sure to cover up properly.

"Right. Sorry. Wait for me to get out. That way nothing bad will happen." He said with kind smile. I nodded as he walked off not closing the door to make sure if anything happened he could hear me.

I spent a few minutes waiting for him, and when he came in clothed in boxer briefs and a white shirt I sighed in relief. In both the fact that the creepy guy wouldn't get me and that I wouldn't jump Sam. He closed the door and started pouring salt on the floor around the bed and the air ducked.

"He shouldn't be able to come in now that the salt is down. It's been used in purification for millennia, and ghosts can't cross it. So we're safe." Sam said laying down and pulling the sheets over him.

"Thank you, Sam. You've been nice to me." I said with a soft smile. He has...he's just a nice and caring person. He's just not interested in me. Why should he be?? He's most likely into Jo, or at least more than me...since she's a girl. Ergo, Vajaja. From this moment on I pledge to stay away from him like that.

I don't know what time I fell asleep, but I found myself disappointed. When I realized Sam wasn't there, I felt this...emptiness. This hole in my heart that desired to be filled...more than my other hole. Hint Hint. I got dressed and walked out into the living room to see Sam going through pictures. Jo was drinking coffee.

"Did I miss something?" I asked walking into the living room.

"Girl was killed last night. We need to hurry up before anymore people are killed." Jo said as she joined Sam with the pictures.

"Theresa Ellis. Apartment 2F. Her boyfried reported her missing around dawn." Dean said walking in with a serious face.

"And her apartment?" Jo asked curious of the crime scene.

"Cracks all over the plaster--walls, ceiling." Dean said with a sigh.

"There's ectoplasm too. Between that and that turf of hair."

"The sucker's coming through the walls. Zayne was attacked last night." Sam said causing the other two to freak out.

"Are you serious? Did he hurt you?" Jo asked angrily.

"No. More like molested me. Apparently he likes red headed boys too." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"But why is he haunting here?" Dean asked looking at us.

"The building's history is totally clean."

"Maybe we're looking in the wrong place. Look at the building next to it in this picture." Jo said showing them a picture.

"Bars." Sam and Dean said together.

"It was right next to a prison?" I asked trying to be a part of this. If I was here I might as well help.

"Damn right. They performed hangings in the field right there." Jo said pointing at the field in the picture.

"Let me call, Ash." She said dialing a number.

I looked through the pictues trying to understand the full situation. I gasped when I saw images flying through my head. It was the man killing blond girls back in the day.

"What's wrong? " Sam asked me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I think I had a vision. I saw the guy from last night, killing innocent girls back in the day. He's a real freak. He would starve them in these little compartments in the walls." I said grabbing a cup of water and downing it in seconds.

"I bet that's what he's doing with the rest of the girls." Dean said sharing a moment with Sam.

"What happened to your hand?"I asked Sam who was wearing a cast.

"Oh, demon tossed me at a brick wall." Sam said with huff reliving the incident in his head.

"Yeah, that's right. With pliers-" She threatened Ash closing her flip phone.

I zoned out most of what she said. It wasn't that interesting. It was an old prison with crazy convicts. What's to know really.

"157 names," Sam said as we looked at his laptop.

"Wait...Zayne you said he put them in compartments?" Sam asked me as I was looking out the window.

I nodded not turning away from the window.

"There's only one person I know who would do that. The first serial killer ever, well back when they finally knew what a serial killer was. Herman Webster Mudgett aka H.H. Holmes." Sam said looking at Dean. They were partners in this after all.

"You got to be kidding me." Dean said.

"H.H. Holmes himself. That's not a coincidence." Sam said seriously.

"Who was this guy?" Jo asked them.

"He confessed to 27 murders. But the death toll was over a hundred." Sam said to her.

"He used chloroform to knock out his victims. Which explains what that smell was last night. In his home they found human bones and locks of bloody blond hair." Dean said to us before turning to Jo.

"Boy, he sure knew how to pick them." I said facing them.

"We just find the bones, salt and burn them, right?" Jo asked.

"It won't be that easy. His body is buried in town. But it's encased in a couple tons of concrete." Sam said as a matter of factly.

"What? Why?" Jo asked curious as to why they gave him that kind of burial.

"Story goes that he didn't want anyone mutilating his corpse. 'Cause, you know, that's what he use to do." Dean said with a strange smile.

"You know something? We might have a bigger problem then that." Sam said looking in pictures.

"Holmes built a murder building in Chicago. Folks called it Murder Castle. The whole place was filled with a death factory. Trap doors, acid vats, quicklime pits. He built these secret chambers...inside the walls. He'd lock his victims in the chambers, some he'd suffocate others were starved for days." Sam said grossing me out.

"So Theresa could still be alive. She could be inside these walls." Jo said as they got up.

"We need sludge hammers and crowbars. We got to smash these walls. Anywhere thick enough to hide a girl." Dean said as we walked downstairs to Dean's impala and grabbed some flashlights and sludge hammers. I was handed an iron crowbar.

"Iron?" I asked thinking there had to be a reason they had a crowbar.

"Pure iron hurts ghosts." Sam said to me as we walked into the building.

"Split up. Jo and Dean, second floor. Zayne and I will work the first. Landlord is gone, visiting relatives in Florida. Let's get to work." Sam said as we split up.

I watched them run upstairs sort of excited.

"They seem excited." I pointed out.

"They love the job. And if Jo saves the girl then she'll feel good about her first case." Sam said as we walked down the hall.

I hit the wall by the stairs because it was large enough to hide a girl and was surprised when Sam told me to move out of the way and began wailing on the wall until a giant whole was made. I used the crowbar to rip it open, we finally had it big enough for us to walk into.

"Alright. Let's do this." Sam said going first. I followed him the entire way. I realized how much of a maze the building really was. It had halls inside the walls. I felt a shiver go down my spine, but kept on. If Sam could do it then so could I.

We got to a certain point where it just ended.

"We reach the end. We got nothing." Sam said to me and repeated the same into the phone and hung up.

"Alright. Let's get out of here." Sam said as we walked back the way we came looking for Dean and Jo.

Once we got upstairs I heard a scream and took off running. "Zayne!" Sam called dead on my tail. He ran into Dean, "I lost her. He took her." Dean said getting worried.

"What?" I began to freak out.

"Relax. Will get her back." Sam said to us.

"How?" I asked trying to understand his logic.

"Through the walls." Sam said as we got back to our room.

I was surprised when I heard rock music and then calmed down when Dean pulled out his phone.

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

"You lied to me. She's there." I heard my mom say to Dean angrily. He walked away from me nervously.

"Yeah, he's here too. He wanted to but doesn't have your number or a phone." Dean said covering for me. Honestly I didn't need it. I just came back from the dead 2 or 3 days ago...I'm allowed to be disorganized.

"She's gonna have to call you back. She's taking care of feminine business." Dean said trying to lie to my mother.

"Yeah, right! Where is she?" She asked angrily.

"I swear to you that I'm gonna get her back." Dean said sadly.

"Get her back? Back from what?" Mom asked with her voice breaking over the phone.

"The spirit we're hunting--it took her. She'll be okay. I promise." Dean swearing to her on his life.

"I'm taking the first plane out. I'll be there in a couple of hours." Mom said loudly over the phone.

"Dammit!" Dean said as she hung up on him.

"I just noticed something." Sam said to us.

"What?" I asked worried. I gasp receiving another vision this time of the location of an old sewer.

"This building has an old sewer system that has not been used in-"

"Let's go." Dean and I say together as we grab our stuff and get a metal detector.

"I'll find you guys in a bit." I yell running off not giving them a chance to say anything.

"There's the drain door!" I said to myself using the crowbar to lift it up and move it. I wasted no time climbing inside. I got to the bottom and crawled down the little tunnel. When it hit me at what I was doing I realized at how stupid I was to jump so quickly into the situation. I'm so lucky at how small I am compared to Sam and Dean. I got into the room to hear a screaming Jo and see the guy angrily shaking his hand inside into the wall.

"Hey!" I yell at him and swing at his face causing him to vanish as I hit him.

"Jo!" I say to her looking into the wall. "I'm gonna get you out." I say to her as I hear a gun shot and turn to see Sam and Dean running in.

As we get Jo out Dean has a worried look on his face.

"Let's get the other girl and get out." Jo says ready to leave this hellhole.

"We can't. Remember what you said about using you as bait? It's the only plan we have now." Dean said to an scared Jo.

"No! Use me. He seemed to have a little red headed boy flame going on. Let me do it...if it doesn't work...then use Jo." I said to them.

"No!" The all said at the same time surprising themselves.

"I've made up my mind. Go." I said sitting at a certain spot. They grimaced but began setting everything up. A salt trap...all over the room. He would not be able to escape.

I sat there waiting for him to come. The smell of rotten flesh was thick in the air. All I heard was water drip from the pipes. That's when I got this cold sensation run up my spine. That's when I heard his creepy wheezing.

"Now!" They all yelled as I rolled out of the way and they shot above him. Hitting the bags full of salt causing the room to be filled by it. He was trapped and had no place to go. H.H. Holmes's ghost began to freak out at realizng that he was trapped. I ran to the entrance and squeezed by Dean to get out of the circle. He suddenly began to scream loudly in fear and desperation.

"Scream all you want you dick! There is no way your stepping over that salt!!" Jo yelled at him on the other side of the grate.

"So...was the life as glamorous as you thought?" Sam asked Jo as we stood by the drain tunnel.

"It didn't happen like I expected. But that Theresa girl is going to live a long happy life because of this. It's worth it....isn't it?" Jo said putting an arm over my shoulder.

"Zayne," Sam said calling my attention.

"Don't you ever do that to me again. I was worried sick!" He said in a fatherly tone.

"Sorry. And no offense Sam. I already have a dad." I said annoyed of them treating me this way. I get I'm not an expert, but I'm alive.

"Hey what if someone finds the sewer? Or the rain washes the salt away?" Jo asked Sam as I realized Dean was missing.

"Both very fine points. Which is why we're waiting here." Sam said.

"For what?" Jo asked Sam as we heard a beeping.

"For that." Sam said with a smirk as Dean parked it and started pouring cement into the sewer.

"You ripped off a cement truck?" Jo asked Dean.

"I'll return it." Dean said smartly.

We returned back to the apartment where Ellen burst through the door angrily.

"Hey, Ellen." Dean said with a smile trying to defuse the situation.

"Don't talk. Everybody get your asses into the car." Ellen said as I helped Sam gather his stuff. We were out in a few minutes. I had to sit in the back with Sam and Dean, but there wasn't enough room so I sat in Sam's lap. With the bag blocking the way my arms were around his neck. I could smell his scent and his aftershave. His arms wrapped around my waist protectively, because of the lack of a seat belt.

I heard Sam gulp almost nervously. It must have been the vibrations because I could feel a very large erection that felt like it almost reached his knees. I could feel it press against my butt. He had his shy sexy dimpled smile on. I swear I would have kissed him if my mother wasn't here...angry and bitter.

" literally meant it when you said you were flying, huh?" Dean said trying to make conversation.

"How 'bout some music?" Dean asked her.

"You're a cold hearted..." Was all that we heard before Mom shut it off.

"Gonna be a long drive."

I'm not surprised. I fell asleep thinking about the hunky Sam Winchester who's erection I was sitting on. Woke up to the charming look alike who was inlove with me.

"There you are. I've been waiting for you." Samifer said with a warm smile as he pulled me into him.

"I can't do this. I'm friends with Sam, and this doesn't feel right. He's straight and I have to give him up." I said to him between breaths as he kissed me over and over again.

"But you don't even know Sam. I know you don't remember me, but you and I have a special love that we share." Samifer said with a frown as he stopped kissing me.

"I know that's what you keep saying, but I can't do it. My heart isn't in to this. I'm sorry. Maybe when my memory comes back, but until then...I can't do it." I said to a disappointed looking Samifer.

"I think it's best that you left." He said waving me off. I turned around and left the room without a good bye. When I walked out the scene changed to people screaming out in pain all hooked in this abyss. I stood on a mountain overlooking them all, each one crying out to me when they saw that I wasn't hooked.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you." I said brokenly with tears falling from my eyes.

This one man stood out to me more than the others. I don't know exactly how it happened but all of a sudden he was in front of me. He didn't even scream no matter the pain he was going through. I began to pull the hooks out of him and let him down. I helped him away from the edge and laid him down.

"Who are you?" I asked him trying to search what memories I remembered. Have I see his face before?

"John Winchester." He said between breaths, feeling the wounds at where the hooks once were. He let out breaths of relief and just laid there with his head in my lap.

"Who are you?" He asked me with his eyes closed.

"Zayne Lockheart Harvelle." I said rubbing his head trying to help him calm down. Then again no rest for the wicked, especially in hell.

"Harvelle?" He asked recognizing the name.

"I knew your dad. I'm was my fault that he was killed." John said said looking at me. I have to admit that I hesitated, but I didn't even know the guy that I can remember. Besides John being in hell is more than enough to repay his debt to my father.

"What's done is done. You more than enough repaid him." I said to him as I began to feel myself fading from where I was.

"I'm...I'm slipping out of here. I have to leave you here. Stay out of sight." I said to him as I felt myself completely slip away.

I woke up in my bed to some pretty hardcore screaming match between Jo and Ellen. I thought of going out to help defuse the situation, but could tell it would make things worse. I sighed at hearing what they were saying, pretty hear felt stuff.

"As long as you live under my roof, you will abide by my rules. One of which is NO HUNTING." Ellen yelled at Jo angrily.

"Fine!" Jo yelled and that's the last I heard from her and then the front door slamming. I sat there waiting for a few minutes but I couldn't hear anything. Thinking the coast was clear I walked out of my room to hear crying. I looked at the empty bar to see Ellen sitting on the floor crying with a bottle of jack in her hands. She wasn't even using a shot glass, drinking straight out the bottle.

"Mom? What's going on??" I asked sitting next to her.

"Just realizing how bad of a mother I am." She said with the sniffles. She wiped tears off her face and took another drink.

"What's happening with Jo?" I asked her as she blew her nose with a paper towel.

"She decided that she wants to be a hunter. I said not under my roof. She said, 'fine'." Ellen said as she took another drink.

"You want to leave too?" Ellen asked me looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I-I don't know. I mean...I want to find out who I am. It's not enough to know my name...because of being dead...I'm now a few years younger than Jo instead of a few minutes. I been thinking of going to find out who I am. It's been an interesting first week alive, but I'm not much of a hunter." I said to her as I sat on the bar.

"Finally someone with a proper head on their shoulders," Ellen said grabbing my face and kissing my forehead.

"Your father and I were born into the life. It's a war zone out there and they are all walking right into it. I'm glad you don't want to be a hunter. That kind of thinking will keep you alive." She handed me keys to a jeep.

"I had Ash look you up. He says you're apparently missing in New Orleans." Ellen said handing me a newspaper with my face and me, with my hair tied to the side and I was dressed in overalls painting a large mural.

"I'm an artist?" I asked out loud freaking out.

"And a damn good one. Apparently after you became possossed you started painting all these apocalyptic shit." Ellen said about to take a drink, but I grabbed the bottle and took a big drink. I coughed at the burning and tingling feeling of the liquor going down my throat.

"I live at a white little manor. Wow." I said surprised at how well off I lived. "The manor's gorgeous. It says no one has touched it since my disappearance. I guess that means I need to go home.

"I came a long way. New Orleans to Nebraska."

"You sure did, peaches. I have to watch the bar, me when you get situated. If you need anything and I mean me." She said hugging me.

"Yeah. I will. Bye, mom." I said before knocking on Ash's door.

"Ash, open up." I said as he opened the door stark naked. I blushed and covered my eyes when I saw his penis.

"You sure you're gay?" He asked me in his usual humor.

"100% sure. Can I have the address to my manor in New Orleans?" I asked as I felt a paper being placed in my hand.

"Thanks. I can't thank you enough." I said to him walking way, making sure to remove my hand to see.

I walked outside and got into the jeep and began to drive off into the sunset. It was going to take me days to get to New Orleans, but it might hold all the answers to who I truly am.

(This is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Until next time. :) )

Next: Chapter 3

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