Supernatural Heritage

By liampendrich

Published on Jan 30, 2014


Do not read this if you are not of legal age and or this illegal where you are at. This contains homosexual relationships and it will be treated as such. This is a Supernatural story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm the writer and I will write as I wish.

It starts off a little slow, but bear with me.

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Supernatural Heritage-5

It was blurry when I first opened my eyes. After a few seconds I realized I was in a hospital. A cast over my left arm and my stomach was bandaged up. It still felt sore from the Colt piercing my stomach. I remembered all of the factors that led up to this point.

We opened and closed the Devil's Gate, but not before releasing hundreds maybe even thousands of demons from the pits of hell. I sat up and began taking the plugs and what have you that were attached to me. I slowly stood up and got out of the bed. I glanced out of the door to find the white halls empty. I turned back to the room and looked out the window to see a whole city with cars parked everywhere, but no one was there. Was I dreaming?

Did the apocalypse happen and I was completely ignored? I walked of the room to find every room and hall empty and void of people, but their stuff were lefy behind. I found a nurse's station and began going through the files to see my name come up. I was supposedly in a coma for a few days since I first fell asleep after the Devil's Gate. I checked the date and it was exactly 3 days since that incident.

I was checked in by a David Hasselhoff? Dean. I walked to the elevator for it to come up slowly with a ding. This strange music was playing and I got in it. I began thinking something was wrong as I noticed the scorch marks on the elevator and jumped out as it dropped quickly and dangerously fast down with a crash sound. A roar was released from inside the tunnel. I got up from the floor and ran down the hall trying to find the stairs.

I noticed this crashing sound and a horned scaly demon monster with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes growled at me. It opened it's mouth and what looked like lava fell out of it's mouth as it released the same roar from the elevator shaft. I backed away in fear not knowing where to go when this blond girl came out of nowhere and grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room.

"I can use some help if we are to stay alive. Break the window." She said as she barricaded the door with the monster trying desperately to get in. With a wave of my hand I pulled the entire window out of the frame.

"Hold the window there, we need it for a ride." The girl said as she jumped out the window and on to the window using it as a board.

"Come on. I got you." She said holding out her hand as I grabbed out and climbed on.

"Take us up." She said holding on to me for balance.

"We need to get to the roof and kill that thing. It has our scent now and will follow us everywhere we go."

We finally reached the top of the hospital. True to her words the monster showed up a few minutes later as we ran to the side of the building. We turned and saw the thing revving to run at us. It's jaws salivating lava again. It lewdly licked it's chops and offered a growl at us.

"What is that thing?" I asked scared that we were going to die.

"Alpha Hell hound, they are way bigger than the regular hell hounds and 3x as meaner. They can't be killed so easily, but I know you can do it. I've seen you take on these before." The girl said worried.

I sighed and imagined a sword coming forming in my hands. It appeared with this smooth brown bone handle and dark blade with tribal etchings on it. The monster charged at us and I did the same back at it. I flipped over it and swung at it as I was upside down in the air. I landed on my feet like in those fake fighting movies where the air bends and the sky shakes and it's really just there to entertain.

I turned to the beast to see it's head fall off it's body. The body seemed to turn into ashes and flow away into the wind that just didn't seem to exist here.

"Good job. I suppose we have a few minutes to talk. Ask me anything." She said with a small smile.

"Where are we? Who are you? And why would a demon want to help me?" I asked quickly not sure what to say or ask.

"Limbo. Ruby. Because I'm a friend of your family...also I need your help to save and protect Sam Winchester." She said with the same smile plastered on her face.

"What do you want from me?" I asked thinking of Sam.

"That blade. I need it....but I can't take it out of limbo. It's pure energy from limbo. Basically what belongs here stays here. There is a smaller knife version that you have in your possession. You probably don't remember where, but I need it to save Sam." She said as she walked up to me and offered a friendly smile, but I could still see through it and see her demon face.

"Okay. I'll do it...I owe you that much. Why would I have this knife though?" I asked curious about my past with this demon.

"You made it. Modeled it after the Kurds' version, but with major differences. " She said guiding me to the door back in to hospital. I followed her down the stairs to the bottom floor. The good thing about limbo is that normal rules don't apply.

"We need to get to the streets. There is an invisible door in an alley. It's how I got in. We'll be returned to our bodies." Ruby said as we ran along the streets with more growls and roars and even hisses came from behind us.

"Let's go. It's the monsters that inhabit limbo." Ruby said as she pulled me down an alley. She began feeling the wall for the door.

"Hold them off. I need to find the door or we're screwed."

I lifted my hands and sent them all flying before projecting energy waves at them. In limbo, you don't get tired. Unfortunately neither do the monsters and they are faster and stronger here, because this is where they live. They all broke through and were about to get to us before Ruby grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the wall. I felt the energy surround me as I passed through the veil.

"Ah!" I yelled jumping up with a start. I realised where I was...Bobby's house. I got up from the bed and was suddenly hit by a wave of dizziness. I fell back on to the bed and curled up with the sheets over me. I felt Philipe jump in to the bed in his cat form.

What's wrong? Are you okay? You been asleep for days since that Devil's Gate incident.

"I'm back from limbo. I'm fine, but very dizzy and tired. Crossing the veil hits you hard. I have to find this Ruby chick she helped me out with escaping monsters." I said groggily.

(For those who might ask me or try to correct me. I know what I was saying about Limbo and no I wasn't confusing it with Purgatory.)

"I died for a few minutes and then came back. I just want to lay here, but need to help out this girl." I said as I felt Philipe turn into a human and remove the sheets and hugged me tightly.

"I'm just glad that you are awake and alive." Philipe said kissing me.

"What'd I do to deserve an angel?" I asked kissing him back.

"You gorgeous." He said with his hand on my cheek.

"Look who's talking." I said kissing him one last time, before getting off of his as he pouted in dissatisfaction. I know what he wanted, but not while we were at Bobby's place.

"Not here. It's Bobby's house. Last I need to find out is that everyone is waiting for me to wake up and hear us having sex." I said blushing.

"True. You are a screamer." Philipe said with a smirk slapping my ass as he opened the door for me and walked downstairs with me. Not thinking of how I got into these blue pajamas and white shirt.

I noticed no one was here. I walked to the front door, hearing a knock. I expected the Winchesters, but my eyes widened at seeing Ruby.

"Howdy, Zayny boy." Ruby said with a smirk.

"Thanks for saving me." I said not changing my face.

"What are old friends for?" She asked with a smirk.

"So...we are friends?" I asked curious to how I actually know her.

"Yes. Like I said...I'm a friend of the family. You don't remember me? I helped you focus using magic the first time." She said sitting down on the porch step.

Philipe came out in cat form and laid on the rocking chair outside. He kept his eyes open to be ready if this woman was lying to me.

"You probably had a different meat suit at the time. Besides the tank is running on half full. So what's this knife that you need?" I asked trying to get to the point to see where this was all going.

"Like I said back in Limbo. It's a spiritual knife that is traditionally used against spirits. created a version that is effective against demons, and hellhounds." She said with a smirk.

"How?" I asked curious of where I would get the stuff needed to make it.

"I brought the ingredients to you. Death metal...the metal used to make the hooks in hell. Bone of a direct disciple of Christ. Then you put a Kurd engraving in the blade." Ruby said remembering how I made the blade the first time.

"You can't make it again, it was a bitch amd a half to make it the first time. What you can do is perform a lovater spell. You're the only witch I know that has enough juice to find a weapon this powerful, even more so since you created it you have a tie to it." Ruby said with a sigh.

"You're going to need hemlock leaves, mistletoe, apple seeds, and the egg of a Rock Warbler." Ruby said with another sigh.

She walked into the house and grabbed a pot and a began boiling some water.

"Bless the water to make it potion worthy." Ruby said looking around the kitchen.

I chanted in latin to cause the potion to start to boil and brew. The liquid turned green at first and then blue. Ruby grabbed an apple from the fridge and cut it open and put two seeds in to the pot.

"I found the ingredients." I said pulling out exactly what we needed from my bag. How is it that I always pull out what I need? Must be one of it's enchantments.

I dropped the ingredients in the brew one at a time and dropped a large clear crystal, which turned pure black.

"This should help you find the blade. We're even. Despite what I have done in my past, I don't want any contact with any more demons. In fact I'm going in to the demon killing business." I said handing her the crystal.

"Say what you want...I'll be in touch." Ruby said with a smile as she walked out the door and disappeared to God only knows where.

"I don't think that's the last we'll see from her." Philipe said helping me put all of the stuff away.

"I'm afraid. Not of her, but what she is capable of. I know, I will see her again. I just get the idea that something is not right about her. She may be telling tje truth, but maybe she's pulling a William Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean. Using the truth to one way or another." I said crossing my arms over my chest. I felt Philipe put his arms around my waist.

I spent hours trying to understand what this feeling was that I had towards Ruby. Why I felt like I knew her. Like I did, but couldn't trust her. I wanted to know because it would help with keeping my guys safe. I had to make sure she wouldn't cause any trouble in the future...but how?

"So what do you want to do?" Philipe asked me kissing my neck. My tender spot...anytime someone kisses me makes me automatically moan.

"I can think of a few things, but not here. It's best if we make a move on. Maybe help Sam and Dean." I said with a sigh thinking back to the whole Devil's Gate incident and what happened before. Sam proclaimed his love for me and I still stand by what I said, but it scares me how fast I would leap into his arms if it wasn't for Philipe.

"Sam and Dean." Philipe said with a dissatisfied sigh.

"What's the matter?" I asked him not understanding why he was acting funny towards them.

"Like I don't know how he feels for you. Plus what you feel towards him. I'm in your head, remember? I'm sorry...just jealous." Philipe said sadly as if he was about to lose me.

"Hey," I said grabbing his face between my hands and held him tenderly.

"I love you. I'm not leaving." I said kissing him on the lips, only stopping when the phone went off. I noticed the sticky note by it. It was from Ellen.

"Went to spend some time with Jo. Take care." The note said in my mother's hand writing.

"Hello?" I asked curious about who would be calling Bobby.

"Zayne! It's Sam. We need some help to figure some things out in Oak Park, Illinois." Sam said worriedly.

"Okay. I'll be on my way." I said putting the phone down and grabbing my stuff and packing up the car with Philipe behind me.

"What's going on?" Philipe asked me as he climbed into the car. Annoyed that we couldn't just stay here and relax....or something.

"Sam called. Says they need help with some kind of problem. Something they never encountered and are hoping I might help somehow." I said causing Philipe to roll his eyes.

"What?" J asked not understanding why was he getting so annoyed and territorial against Sam and Dean.

"Whenever they call, you are there without a moment of hesitation. It's a war out there now that the Devil's Gate has been open and you are walking right into it!" Philipe said angrily.

"Hey. Relax...I'll be fine. I'm not going to die any time soon. Besides that...the demon told me something that the others don't know about." I said glancing at Philipe as we drove to Oak Park.

"Whatever." Philipe said turning into a black cat again and rolling into a ball to sleep, prompting he doesn't want to talk.

"Okay. I guess pleasant conversation is not happening."I said turning back to the road. We drove for about 10 hours until we finally reached Oak Park. It was dark when we got in and I immediately called Sam to see where they were.

"Hello?" Sam's voice asked calmly on the other side of the phone.

"I'm in Oak Park. Where are you guys at?" I asked him. I wrote down the address on a sticky note and hung up after telling him I'd be there soon.

It took a half hour, but I found this house in the woods. Discreet. It was a nice house from what I could see. It was large and spatious, but the only light that came from inside was by the window and it was from several candles. Hinting that they like most hunters didn't have jobs and didn't pay for electricity. When I got out I finally took notice of all the vines and tall grass that surrounded the house. Obviously they weren't home a lot so they didn't take care of the house.

I got out slowly pulling my bag close to me and shrinking it to a size of a mojo bag and carried it on my hip because my pockets were full with my keys and wallet and my Samsung Galaxy S4. (I know technically the phone doesn't exist yet because of when it was invented, but I love my phone so much I wanted to put it in there. Lol.)

Philipe surprised me and jumped out of the car and into my arms. I thought he was mad at me, but maybe not. Maybe he was mad at Sam? I carried him up the stairs and knocked on the door with Philipe in my arms. He hissed at the beautiful mocha skinned woman with luscious lips and a white pearly smile, she wore her black hair short and sexy. She didn't seem bothered by Philipe hissing at her.

"Welcome." She said with a British accent. Hot. If I was straight I would say she would be quite a catch.

"Hi." I said shaking her hand, surprised when she splashed me with holy water.

"Nice to meet you too." I said spitting the water out of my mouth. It may be holy water, but who knows how long it has been in the flask.

"Sorry. Precaution. Never can be too careful. Especially with the Devil's Gate having been opened." She said letting me inside.

"How did you know?"I asked curious as to how she knew about that.

"The concentration of so many demons at one space and in their true forms. They formed a black cloud over cities everywhere. Most thought it was a freak storm, but hunters...they all know the truth. Or at least the smart ones any way." She said with a small smirk.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." She said curious as to who I was.

"Tamara." She said with a smile.

"Zayne." I said shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet another friendly face." She said as she brought me into a room in the house that was lit by candles. I noticed Sam, Dean, and Bobby talking to some guy in a light brown leather coat. I wasn't surprised when Dean sneezed and Philipe jumped out of my hand and sat on the window cill.

"You brought him? Really?" Dean asked annoyed referring to Philipe. It's not that he has anything against Philipe....he just really hates animals and is allergic to cats.

"Wherever I go, He goes. Within reason." I said before the man in the light brown coat turned around and splashed my face with holy water.

"Really?" I asked annoyed that I got splashed.

"Sorry. Can't ever be too careful." The man said with a smirk.

"Actually you can. It's called being paranoid." I said with a smirk causing them to laugh.

"Isaac." He said shaking my hand.

"Zayne." I said before sitting down some place. I didn't want to reveal who I was just in case if theses people hate witches enough to kill me on sight.

"So what's going on?" I asked as they began to tell me what has been happening lately. It didn't seem as big of an emergency as Sam made it seem. Just signs of demonic activity. Dean sure as hell didn't care to hear about it a second time. I even heard him talking on his phone to some girl.

"Oh, yeah. I'd love to have an appletini some time with you." Dean said flirting with the girl over the phone just jumping through the hoops to make getting in bed with her quicker.

"That was Coroner's Tech." Dean said to us as he ended the call.

"Yeah and?" Sam asked trying to speed things along.

"Get this. That whole family, 'cause of death--dehydration and starvation." Dean said looking at everyone.

"That doesn't sound out of the ordinary. I mean besides the whole family dying because of it." J said not understanding what the problem was so far.

"It was in their house," Dean said to me.

"Besides signs of restraint, no violence, no struggle. They just sat down and never got up." Dean said finishing up.

"But there was a fully stocked kitchen just a few feet away." Bobby said not understanding why they would just sit there and let themselves die.

"What is this? A demon attack??" Sam asked none of us have ever heard of anything like this.

"If it is, it ain't like anything I every saw. And I've seen plenty." Bobby answered just as confused as the rest of us.

"What now? What should we do??" Dean asked trying to make a game plan.

"Uh. We aren't doing anything" Isaac said which surprised us except his wife.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked not following.

"Listen, you guys seem nice enough but...this ain't Scooby Doo. We don't play well with others." Isaac said explaining to us why they didn't want our help.

"Well, we'd cover a lot more ground with all of us working together." Sam said trying to reason with them.

"No offense, we're not teaming with the damn fools who let the Devil'sGate get opened in the first place." Isaac said in defiance.

"Offense taken." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"No offense?" Dean asked feeling just as miffed as I was.

"Isaac, like you've never made a mistake." Tamara said to her husband.

"Yeah, locked my keys in the car. Turned my laundry pink. Never brought on the end of the world, though." Isaac said smartly almost making us want to fight.

Dean chuckled sarcastically, "Alright that's enough."

"Guys, this isn't helping." Sam said breaking up the testosterone that was building between us all.

"Look. There are a couple hundred more demons out there now. We don't know where tbey are, when they'll strike. There ain't enough hunters in the world to handle something like this." Isaac said opening his big fat mouth again.

"You brought war down on us. All of us."

"Okay. That's quite enough testosterone in the room." Tamara and I said at the same time glancing at one another with a smirk before she pulled ber husband out of the room.

We all had to get some sleep as we figured we wouldn't get any work done tonight. I wanted to try something magic wise, but Sam told me not to as these two hunters were not fans of anything that wasn't 100%human and normal. I slept on a couch with Philipe on my stomach as we laid by the fire. I could feel a blanket being pulled on top of me, but was so tired from the drive to actually care. I just pet Philipe as I slept.

The next morning we got an urgent call from an informant who told us about a case that happened down town a few minutes ago. We got dressed and ready to go. I felt like dressing all in white today so I did. In a white shirt and hoodie and white jeans and shoes. I followed the boys downtown in my car with Bobby riding with me. He just asked me how I felt and told me that my mom didn't leave my side for a second, but once she heard that Jo was in some demon trouble she was gone faster than you could catch her.

"Pull up right at the corner." Bobby said motion to the corner with the crime scene tape around it. The police were already taking samples and collecting evidence.

"I'm going to get dressed. You and the boys round up in the store." Bobby said as I parked and got out of the car.

"You got it." I said as I motioned for Philipe to shift into human form. He followed me in to the store, past the crime scene of the poor girl who got her face smashed in for a pair of ugly green high heels.

"There's no evidence around here that suggests she was possessed." Sam said with a sigh.

"Maybe she was a wack job." Dean said chewing on something. He looked around at all the women who were looking around the store for clothes. Wow. You'd think that they would want to stay away from the crime scene, but they didn't seem to care one way or another.

"Let's check out the store tapes." I said trying to feel for any strange energies. Something that was left behind?

"Whatever it was, it was clean. Just walked in and did it's thing and left. Not even caring to touch anything. I tried getting a vision or something off of the door, but with it being wiped clean...I got nothing but you guys and a few women." I said with a sigh as I followed them into the back room to review the tapes.

We watched the tape right before the incident to see some regular joe walk in. Unfortunately for me...I couldn't see if he was a demon because I had to see the person with my two eyes to see the demon that lies inside their meat suit.

"Might be some guy, or might be our guy." Sam said with a bored sigh as he rested his head on fist. We watched as the guy just touched the girl and that was it. No black eyes, no flickering eyes, no black smoke jumping into her face.

"Nothing. Alright...let's get out of here and try to find a connection some where." Bobby said walking us out of the room acting like a MIB...just kidding.

"Something isn't right about this." Philipe said as he grabbed my hand and we began to walk down the street. Not realizing we were following Sam. I noticed a blond girl coming from across the street and follow Sam closely. I wanted to say it was Ruby, but unfortunately you can't jump to conclusions.

"Isn't that Ruby? " I asked Philipe who sniffed the air that she walked through and nodded.

"Why is she following Sam?" I asked mainly myself as we followed more closely despite an annoyed Philipe who could give two flying fucks about Sam and Ruby.

I watched them walk, but got distracted as Philipe pulled me towards him.

"Can we not worry about, Sam? I want to spend time with my boyfriend." Philipe said to me before I glanced at Ruby who was gone and Sam who was watching us. I felt Philipe grab my face and force me to look at him.

"Forget it. Go be with Sam." Philipe said annoyed walking away. It's so strange, he never seemed like the insanely jealous type.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked from behind me.

"Yeah. Just boyfriend stuff. Sorry that we bothered you." I said about to walk away, but Sam grabbed my arm.

"How long are you going to torture me?" Sam asked with a sad face.

"I don't-" I said, but was cut off by Sam kissing me. I was shocked, but I kissed him back. The warmth of his sweet lips and the smell of his intoxicating scent was too much for me.

"I'm sorry." He said as I broke apart from him.

"Yeah, me too. I shouldn't have kiss back. I shouldn't have come here. I should've just left. I already know something is going on. The yellow eyes called me his boss's bride. I'm afriad." I said looking at the ground not wanting to meet Sam's gaze.

"I-I should go get him. I'll meet you guys at the house." I said running after Philipe who was already inside the car and in cat form, not wanting to talk.

I sat in silence for hours as Philipe laid down on the couch. He didn't want to talk to me. He had it stuck in his head that I was inlove with Sam. I mean come on! Sam? Well okay, he's hot, sexy, amazing, honest, sweet, protective, caring, and loving, and....I am not inlove with Sam! I'm not. I'm inlove with Philipe. Aren't I? Yes. Am I inlove with him as much as Sam? Wait! I'm not....

I was surprised when the door burst open with everyone pulling the guy from the video inside the house and under a devil's trap that I didn't seem to notice. I thought the hunt went well until I realized how sad and pained Tamara was and I noticed that Isaac was missing. He must've not made it. I glanced at the guy to see his true face. He didn't seem worried, he knew something that I didn't know.

"I say we exorcize him and then keep our guard up. The rest of them may be coming for him." Sam said to an angry and broken Tamara.

"And I say we're going back-NOW!" Tamara yelled obviously wanting to go back after Isaac.

"Hold on a second." Sam said try to calm her down.

"I lefr my husband bloody on the floor!" Tamara said acting even more hysterocal. If others were coming for the guy then it would be suicide to try and go get Isaac's body.

"Zayne. I need you to put salt around the door and windows." Bobby said to me before returning back to the guys. I grabbed the salt and the white candles that Isaac and Tamara had to light their house and blessed them with a purity blessing before laying the salt on the windows and the doors. I melted rhe candles to add so to make it harder for the lines to be broken. Something my grimoire said to do. Apparently demons and some spirits were capable of making wind blow.

"Okay, I understand that. But we can't go back." Sam said to Tamara as they continued to argue.

"Fine then you stay," Tamara said grabbing supplies. "But I'm heading back to that bar."

"I'll go with her." Dean said guiding Tamara out before Sam stopped them.

"It's suicide, Dean." Sam yelled at Dean who was all ready to throw himself into the fight.

"So what? I'm dead already!" Dean yelled

"How are you gonna kill them?" Sam asked them with a serious face.

"You can't shoot them. You can't stab them." Sam said which made me think about Ruby. Did she ever find that knife?

"There not going to just wait in line to be exorcized."

"I don't care!!" Tamara yelled again.

"We don't even know how many of them there are!" Sam yelled back.

"Yeah, we do. There's seven." Bobby said looking in a book. Wait...he can't mean... "There's seven. Do you have any idea who we are up against?" Bobby asked nervously.

"No. Who?" Dean asked not really caring.

"The Seven Deadly Sins, live and in the flesh!"Bobby said worried.

"What's in the box?" Dean asked imitating Brad Pitt. The others just stared at him with blank stares.

"Brad Pitt. Se7en. No?"

Bobby tosses the book at Dean annoyed. Dean rolls his eyes before looking at the book. "What's this?" Dean asked Bobby.

"Binsfelds's Classification of Demons." Bobby answered.

"Jn 1589, Binsfeld I.D.'d the Seven Deadly Sins--not just as human vices, but actual devils."

"The family. They were touched by Sloth." Sam said figuring it out.

"The shopper-"

"That's envy's doing. The customer we got in the next room." Bobby said as we got more worried.

"You guys, I finished surrounding the area." I said lowly as they ignored me.

"Poor Isaac was touched with an awful lot of gluttony." Bobby said to Tamara as she turned back at them and yelled. I had heard it for so long that I basically blocked her out. I checked on Philipe to see him in the bathroom laying in the tub.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he glanced at me.

"I always go to the bathroom when I want some peace. When I need to think things over. I think we need to talk...there's some things you should know." Philipe said his mouth forming a tight line.

"Zayne!" I heard Sam call.

"Go to him. You always do." Philipe said laying back in the empty tub with his legs hanging out.

I ran down stairs to see everyone standing in silence. I walked up to Sam who was thinking something over.

"What's going on?" J asked curious as to why he called me downstairs.

"J want you by my side. The demon says that the demons are almost here. I don't want you to get hurt." Sam said seriously and passionately.

"I can defend myself, Sam."I said before he kissed me and pulled me into him.

"You know how to kill. I know how to survive." Sam said before I separated myself from him. It's not that I didn't want him...oh my God I wanted him so bad. However....I'm still with Philipe.

"I'll be by your side to the very end, but you have to realize...we can't be. Not how you want us to be. Not now." I said sadly. I wanted to cry as he nodded with this look of brokenness.

Air pushed passed me as I went through my mojo bag and pulled out my grimoire. I looked to see Tamara hand Dean his father'sjournal and walk away. I'm guessing she just exorcized the demon, but by the air pressure that just blew through....he didn't make it. We sat in silence as we prepared for a good fight. I was working on a light spell that was to cleanse the body of inner demons....maybe it would work on them since they are not only inner demons...but inner demons. Pun intended. It might not kill them, but maybe hurt them enough to get out of their hosts.

It was almost too quiet when the TV played with nothing on it, but static. We all looked at each other knowingly. It was time...they were here. Music began to play on this old radio. I looked out the window to hear Isaac calling for Tamara.

"Help me! Please!!" Isaac yelled.

"Why won't you let me in? You left me behind back their." Isaac said banging on the door. He won't be able to get in because of the salt as long as no one broke the salt and wax lines around the perimeter.

"How could you do that? You the lake in Michigan. Remember? We swore we would never leave each other."

"How did he know that?" Tamara asked with tears in her eyes.

"You're gonna leave me out here?" Isaac asked knocking on the door again.

"You just gonna let me die?! I guess that's what you do, dear!" Tamara kept sobbing as she held this stake made from holy wood tightly to her.

"When those things came to our house. Came for our let her die too."

"You son of a bitch!" Tamara yelled in grief and anger as she ripped the door open and broke the protection line. She charged at Isaac and tumbled down the front stairs. We ran upstairs as the seven deadly sins walked in the front door. Sam led me to a room with a devil's trap on the ceiling. He was hoping that they would be stupid enough to just walk in and not notice it.

I heard a man yell in pain with Bobby chanting the exorcism. The door burst open and knocked me down as three demons walked in. The leader wearing a suit had a malicious smile on his face.

"Here's Johnny!" He said in pure enjoyment of seeing us together trapped like rats. Sam pulled out a flask as the lead demon stopped the other two from walking any further. He looked up with a smile and with a wave of his hand together thw ceiling ripped through breaking the Devil's Trap. I got up, but was pushed at the wall by an invisible force.

"Don't get up, champ. The boss made it clear we couldn't kill you, but play with you wasn't condemned." The leader said with a smile reminding me of that weird commercial of the guy with penis pills and he won't stop smiling.

"Come on, you really think something like that is gonna fool someone like me?" The man said with a smile.

"I mean"

"Let me guess....Pride." Sam said figuring out who he was.

"The root of all sin. You...are Sam Winchester." Pride said approaching Sam. I began chanting silently in latin to try and 'cleanse' them.

"That's right I heard of you. We all heard of you. The Prodigy. The Boy King. Looking at you now...I got to tell you. I don't believe the hupe." Pride said being...prideful.

"You think I'm gonna bow to a cut-rate piss-poor human like you?" Pirde asked with a smirk.

"I have my pride after all. And now with your yellow eyed friend out of the way, I don't have to do a damn thing now do I?"Pride said glancing at me and back at Sam.

"Good choice by the way. Unfortunately....he's not for you."

"You're fair game, buddy boy. And it's open season." He walked to me and closed my mouth to stop my chanting.

"Don't go saying anything you might regret. People might look down on you for being less than a gentleman." Pride said to me before returning back to Sam.

They began to toss Sam around when I broke free of his concentration and sent the other two flying. I finished the chant and raised my hands watching as this blinding white light flashed from them. I couldn't see, but I could hear the demons scream in pain before I was picked up and tossed at the wall by Pride.

"Not so fast, little lamb." Pride said before choking Sam again. I watched amazed as Ruby came in and swung the blade at the demon and cut his throat killing him. The female turned angry st what Ruby did, but was silenced as Ruby stabbed her in the vhest. Seeing Ruby as a bigger threat, Pride turned on her and began to attack her to have Sam grab him and punch him square in the jaw. Then before he could even recover from the hit, Ruby stabbed him in the head underneath his jaw.

"Who the hell are you?" Sam asked breathing hard from just being choked.

"I'm the girl who just saved you ass." Ruby said with a smile.

"Well I just saved yours too." Sam said back at her causing her to chuckle.

"See you around Sam." She said leaving with Sam asking her to wait, but she was gone. I was surprised by how powerful that knife truly hear about it is one thing, but to see it in action was another. Sam chased after her, but she really was gone proving my suspicion. I got up from the floor and walked past Sam who looked confused and yet...turned on? Guess he didn't love me as much as he thought.

I watched from the house as Sam and Dean salted and burned the bodies of three of the seven deadly sins. And Tamara was standing by a burning alter where Isaac was being laid to rest. I was about to walk down the stairs to join them when Philipe pulled me to sit down at the front steps.

"We need to talk...there never really is a good time to talk. But while everyone gets situated....I thought right now would be best." Philipe said grabbing my hands into his.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused as to what was wrong with him.

"We have to break up." Philipe said with a his mouth pulled into a straight line.

"What? Why??" I asked with tears threatening to burst forward like water in a broken dam.

"Because...I'm no longer your familiar." Philipe said as he began to tear up as well.

"What? How? Why?" I asked as the tears stung my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall.

"Don't you get why you couldn't hear my thoughts while I was in my cat form? Because the connection was broken. When you may have been for a few minutes, but it was enough time to break it. I didn't believe jt at first. I didn't want to believe it." Philipe said with a trembling lip.

"I tried to ignore it...but I can't any longer. I'm a familiar...I need a witch."

"Then take me back. I accept this bond." I said frantically...from an outside view I was being hysterical.

"I can't do it...I love you. And I know you love Him. I can't be your familiar if I love you like this. I'm sorry, but we are no longer bonded. I need to go. I'm sorry, but it's over." Philipe said giving me one last kiss and just like was over.

My tears fell with a fury of a storm from ancient times. I watched as Philipe shifted in to a cat and ran away in to the forest. I don't know how long I sat there and cried, but felt strong arms around me and could smell a scent I knew too well. I just cried into Sam's chest as he picked me up and carried me to the impala. Tamara took my jeep, apparently Sam and Dean want me to ride with them from now on. With no one keeping me grounded to one place any longer, I figured it would be best to go where I'm needed.

I cried. And cried. And cried. For months, Sam and Dean tried to make sure that I was never alone, because they knew I would crawl into the fetal position and just cry for hours on end.

A few weeks went by and I was able to stop crying and be by myself. I wore big black ciruler sun glasses to hide how dark and gray it was around my eyes.

"Hey, Zayne. Want a burger?" Dean asked surprisingly sweet towards me. Usually if at any time if I would cry, he would call me a pansy. Then I would threaten to turn him into a squirrel.

"Thanks." I said with a sniffle. I opened it up and took a bite with my mouth full I did the thing from Pineapple Expess and cried with a mouth full of a burger.

"It's alright. " Dean said awkwardly patting my back. I stayed in the motel most of the time while Sam and Dean did a few jobs and told me all about it. They had this job were changelings...I use to think were sweet little fairy, were actually horrible monsters that stole the child and sucked juices from the parent while the mother changeling would suck juices from the children. Then Sam and Dean ran into a thief named Bela Talbot. She stole a lucky rabbit's foot from their father's compound.

You'd think that it was good luck and it was...but lose it and you die. Problem was is that during all the hype of having good luck you lose the foot. But with magical assistance from yours truly they were able to destroy the cursed object. Unfortunately miss Bella ran off with some lotto tickets of theirs that they rounded up while they were lucky.

I spent some time with Bobby learning the hunter's trade. Hoping to be of better use out on the field, before I go back out there. I heard Sam and Dean dealt with some city full of drinkers and gamblers. Then had to put to rest a girl who's mother forced her to drink bleach at a young age which put her in a coma. While she was in the coma she would kill people with the very Grim tales that her father read to her every day.

So after a few months of building myself up as a stronger person, emotionally and learned the way of the hunter. I was ready to go back out on the field and give the supernatural world what for. What can I's in my heritage to give a fight no matter where J go. So, I met up with Sam and Dean in some town by a harbor. I didn't care for knowing the name because from what I gather rich people and gay people don't get along well in this place.

"Thanks. This should be the place." J said to the taxic driver who was kind enough to take me from Bobby's place I was surprised when I saw a beautiful woman with light brown hair and sky grey eyes hop into the impala and drive off. I thought it was Dean's but it was a popular car so it's possible that it wasn't his. I waited in the spot that they told me to see them walking and talking about something serious. I ran up to them and hugged them, after not seeing them for months...I missed them.

"Wait...something is wrong." Dean said looking around.

"Isn't this where we parked the car?" Dean asked Sam. My heart sunk when he motioned for the spot where the woman took the car. Oh, crap. She must be Bela.

"I thought so." Sam said looking around.

"Where's my car?" Dean asked in shock that the car was now gone.

"Did you feed the meter?" Sam asked him curious.

"Yes, I fed the meter. I'm not an idiot. Dude, where's my car?" Dean asked beginning to freak out.

"Somebody stole my car!" He yelled turning around about to attack the first random person he saw, but was stopped by Sam.

"Calm down." Sam said curious as to where the car was, but was amused by Dean's outburst.

"I am calmed down!" Dean yelled bending over and hyperventilating.

"The '67 Impala? Was that yours?" The woman asked with a british accent and I knew it was Bela.

"Bella." Sam said flatly and with distaste.

"I'm sorry. I had that car towed." She said with a smile.

"You what?!" Dean asked hysterically.

"Well it was in a tow away zone." Bela said cutely. She was a very good acctress.

"No, it wasn't!" Dean yelled in disbelief.

"Well it was when I was done with it." Bela said with a smile forming on her face.

"What the hell are you even doing here?" Dean asked wanting to swing at her.

"A little yachting." Bela said with a smile.

"You're Alex." Sam said figuring something out. "You're working with that old lady."

"Gert's a dear old friend." Bela said.

"Yeah, right. What's your angle?" Dean asked her trying to understand why was here.

"There's no angle. There are a lot of lovely old women like Gert up and down the eastern seaboard. Looking for séances to contact their dead cats." Bela said with a smile.

"So you pray on their idiocracy?" I asked voicing my opinion for the first time. She glanced at me and took notice of something on me, but looked back at Dean.

"You give them false comfort." Dean said realizing her game.

"The comfort I give them, is very real." She said walking away, but not before bumping into me. I felt the slight slip of her hand and reached my hand out as she walked away and closed my hand bringing it to me. I watched as my mojo bag came flying to me from a very surprised Bela.

"Never try to steal from a witch." I said to her, but not loud enough for others to hear. She smirked before trying to walk away again.

"How'd you know that she stole from you?" Dean asked me surprised as well.

"Please. It's the oldes trick in the book. She bumps into her victim, making them focus on her body and not her hands. They don't call it sticky fingers for nothing." I said to them.

"How do you sleep at night?" Sam asked Bela.

"In silk sheets rolling naked in money." Bela said with a smile.

"Really, Sam. I expected the animosity from Dean." Bela said surprised at Sam's reaction.

"You shot me." Sam said flatly. There it is...the reason I now hate Bela.

"I grazed you." She said with a smirk before turning to walk away.

"What if I grazed you with a fireball?" I asked her with arms over my chest.

"You'd feel the same way Sam does." I said to her.

"True. Then again...I'm not Sam."Bela said walkimg away.

"Can I shoot her?" Dean asked us.

"Not in public." Sam and I said together.

"I could curse her," I said to them and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"She isn't innocent." Dean walked away while Sam patted my shoulder motioning for us to follow him.

Sam and Dean got the car back from the pound. While I did some research, but came up with nothing. Lucky they made it just in time before they checked the trunk.

The next day we went to a house in a rich neighborhood. The man was drowned last night in his tub. The problem is that he was completely dry, but his mouth leaked excessive amounts of water. We knew this had to be connected to the ghost ship that people have been seeing lately. What I noticed is that it only seems to go after rich people...a ghost I'm rooting for.

We pulled up to the scene and I split off from Sam and Dean. I mean think about it, if you see one or two fbi together you automatically okay real fbi. If you see three...something is not right, which is why the innocents always find it weird when Bobby is around. I noticed Bela acting as a reporter trying to understand what the man saw. I laughed when I heard Dean call her a cockroach and she walked away with a huff.

I was surprised when I heard Bela talking to some police officers. Obviously this wasn't going to be good.

"Excuse me. I don't believe those two are detectives." Bela said with a smile as she pointed out Sam and Dean. She glanced at me and smirked before walking away. I regrouped with them at the impala, they were reloading their weapons.

"I see you got your car back." Bela said with her britsh accent.

"Do you really want to come near me, when I have a loaded gun?" Dean asked her before cocking the gun.

"Now, now. Mind your blood pressure." Bela said looking at their guns.

"Why are you even still here? You have enough to I.D. the boat?" She asked them.

"That guy back there saw the ship." Sam said seriously as he cocked the gun and put it in the trunk.

"Yeah? And?" Bela asked not really caring about what happens to other people.

"And, we have to save him." Sam answered her before they turned to her fully

"How sweet." She said with a smile.

"You think this is funny?" Dean asked with a smile.

"He's cannon fodder. He can't be saved, and you know it." Bela said with a smirk.

"Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so we're gonna try." Dean said as we packed into the car.

"Yeah? Well, I'm actually gonna find the ship and put an end to this. But you have fun." Bela said with a smirk causing them to stop.

"How'd you get like this? Your Dad not give you enough hugs?" Dean asked her as they approached her. I have to say, I find it really annoying that they let her play with their emotions so much.

"I don't know...your Father ever give you enough?" She asked causing Dean to wipe the smile from his face.

"Don't you dare look down your nose at me." Bela threatened him in a serious tone.

"You're no better than I am."

"We help people." Dean said causing Bela to scoff.

"Come on, you do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stones throw from being a serial killer." Bela said with a witty tight smile.

"Where as I get paid to do a job, and I do it. So you tell me...which is healthier?" Bela asked taunting Dean.

"Bela, why don't you just leave?" Sam asked her having enough of her taunting them.

"We have work to do."

"Yeah, you're over two. Bang up job." She said walking away.

"Can I curse her with warts or something?"I asked them as they got in to the car and we just drove to the hideout and got changed before heading back to the guy's house and staging a stake out. Unfortunately my stomach decided to rumble, so I had to go get something to eat.

I found a Charlie's Grilled Substation. I love Charlie's subs and their deluxe cheese fries are like crack, but better. I got three large chicken teriyaki subs with three orders of deluxe fries. I was thinking that Sam and Dean deserved to know about the addictive power of Charlie's. When I finally got back thanks to magical assistance, the food was just as hot as it was made.

"Finally some grub." Dean said cheering happily.

"What the hell is Charlie's ?" Dean asked, his eyes going wide with curiosity and lust as he saw the deluxe cheese fries. He didn't hesitate to put a fry in his mouth and the look of orgasmic euphoria was almost too much as Sam and I laughed at him.

"These things are amazing." Dean moaned as he put another fry in his mouth.

"Try some." I said putting a fry in Sam's mouth. The moan that came from him almost made me hard.

"I friggin' love Charlie's." Dean said as we noticed the guy walk out of the house and towards the gate.

"Hey, you!" The guy they questioned earlier said as they got out of the car.

"What are you guys doing?! Are you watching me?!" He asked angrily.

"Sir, calm down. Please." Sam said trying to defuse the situation.

"You guys aren't cops. Not dressed like that and not in that crappy car." The man said with his hands on his hips.

"Whoa, hey, no need to get nasty." Dean said trying to play it cool, but was actually ticked that someone called his baby crappy.

"We are cops, okay? We're here because we think you're in danger." Sam said trying to calm him down before anything bad happens.

"From who?" The man asked not believing him for a second.

"If you just settle down, we'll talk about it." Sam said calmly.

"Look, you guys just stay away from me." The man said walking away and getting into his car.

"Wait!" Sam called as we ran after him. "Hey, you moron. We're trying to help you." Dean yelled at him as the man got inside his car and was about to leave when his car stalled.

"That can't be good." Dean said as the windows got foggy.

"No. Get the salt gun." Sam said as we watched the soaked ghostly sailor appear right behind the man. The man took notice of him in the back seat, but it was too late. The ghost appeared next to the man and touched his face, causing him to begin choking and spitting up water.

"Peter!" Sam yelled at the man as he died with his face hitting the steering wheel. I opened the door magically, but the ghost kept locking the door.

"Move!" Dean yelled for us to move as he shot the ghost with rock salt causing him to disappear.

They opened the door to find the man dead and unable to be brought back. Water still pouring out of his mouth. We called it in as an anonymous tip, before we left back to the motel. I got some sleep why they did some preparing for whatever came next. They woke me up when Bela showed up.

"How'd the hunt last night go?" Bela asked looking at their reactions and noticing the silence.

"That bad?"

"If you say, "I told you so", I swear I'll start swinging." Dean said seriously as he sat down next to Sam. I leaned against the wall, making sure I had all of my possessions.

"I think it's time we had a heart to heart." Bela said pulling out papers from her folder.

"I've I.D.'d the ship. It's the Espírito Santo, a merchant sailing vessel. Quite a colorful history."

"In 1859, a sailor was accused of treason. He was tried aboard ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37."

"That explains the 37 year cycle." Sam said putting the facts together.

"Aren't you a sharp tack?" Bela said amused before pulling out a photo.

"Here's a photo of the crew."

"That's him. Except he was missing a hand." Dean said and alarms went off in my head.

"Duh! They made a hand of glory." I said looking at the picture.

"I had one of those during my last thai massage." Dean said with a smirk.

"Funny. A Hand of Glory is a powerful item. Story goes, you need to cut off the right hand of a criminal who was hanged. What you do is make it into a handle." I said telling them all about it.

"The candle itself traditionally would be made from the fat of the same man as the hand belonged too. Aswell as hair from the same man to make a wick. However, not necessarily. Once the candle is lit, it causes all those who are presented to it's light to freeze. Perfect item for a thief. It can only be put out by milk."

"Yes, and there is only one place that the hand is at. Sea Pines Museum. The only time we would ever get a shot at the hand, happens to be tonight." Bela said to us.

"Gather your suits boys, it's invitation only. Good ol' Gerty had us put on the list."

"Well then I'm not going. I wasn't invited." I said sitting with a sigh. I was not happy that I was being put on the side...again. But I sucked it up.

"Actually. I can get you in as my sister. I asked Gert and she said the more the merrier." Bela said with a smirk.

"Sister?" I asked confused and my face went red when Bela smirked at me.

"I was wondering....are you capable of glamoring? I'm only asking, because it would look weird if a slender boy with no bosoms was walking around in a dress and heels." Bela asked me with a grin and I turned to the amused and curious looks of Sam and Dean...mainly Dean.

"Anyone you want in particular? Be careful who you ask for." I said with my hands folded over my chest.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked curious as to how it worked.

"Say if you chose Anna Nicole Smith." I said waving my hand over my body causing Anna Nicole Smith to stand in front of them in my clothes.

"I'm already dead, big boy." I said with a moan in Anna Nicole Smith's voice causing Sam and Bela to laugh while Dean went read in the face.

"That would cause a scare." I said flashing her famous extra large boobs. When I say flash...I mean I showed them what her boobs looked like without a top to cover them.

"Holy Fuck!" Dean said jumping up and feeling my face and my lips. His lecherous eyes glanced down begging to look and touch.

"Can I touch them?" Dean asked with his hands up close just begging to feel.

"No. What kind of girl do you take me for?" I declined pulling my top on causing Bela and Sam to laugh at a disappointed Dean.

"I have one it?" Dean asked pointing to my lower regions.

"Exactly like a woman." I said before taking off the glamor.

"Alright. We'll meet in a few hours. I have to get a dress for myself and for...Ariel." Bela said with a smile.

"Ariel?" I asked as she left laughing at us. She was enjoying this too much.

"This is so unfair. I can have any girl I want and I can't have her." Dean said awkwardly.

"Shut up. At least you two don't have to wear a dress or heels." I said annoyed. I was use to acting, but not as a woman.

Hours later Bela came back already dressed up in a beautiful black dress and heels. Tying it all together with a stunning diamond necklace and bracelet. She smiled at me as she handed me a wardrobe bag with a gorgeous flowing light blue dress inside. She handed me a pair of silver open toed stiletto shoes. I made myself look like my favorite actress Kate Beckinsale. I figured that rich folk don't watch vampire movies.

I made some adjustments to my eyes and made them grayish blue to match closer to Bela's eyes. I went with the Transylvanian voice, because Bela told Gert that her sister grew up in Romania. I also made the boobs a bit bigger for Dean's benefit. He was uncomfortable wearing a suit and figured if he was turned on then he might do his smooth Bruce Wayne act. Bela had to teach me how to walk in a dress and heels, but I got it eventually. After 45 falls, I finally got it.

"What is taking so long?" Bela asked with a sigh as we waited for Dean to come down.

"For heaven's sake. Zayne and Sam should be the most uncomfortable, not you."

"You can keep the outfit. Looks better on you anyway." Bela said with a smirk as I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Remember. You're a lady." She said cocking her head to the side.

"I'm so not okay with this." Dean said coming down the stairs. I was looking in the mirror as I put earrings in. I decided to wear my hair straight and flowing. I smiled at the look Dean gave us when I put the necklace and bracelet on.

"I love Van Helsing." Dean said with a smirk before looking at Bela.


"You know, we should have angry sex when this is all over." Bela said to Dean as we took in how dashing he looked in his tuxedo. Unfortunately, Sam had to go pick up Miss Gert Case so I didn't get to see him or him me. "Don't objectify me." Dean said crossing his arms over his chest uncomfortably.

"Let's go."

Bela smiled at him as we followed him out to the Impala. I was so nervous at what we were doing. I was praying to God that I wouldn't accidentally change back. Violins played as we got out of the car and entered the room. I handed my invitation over when it was my turn. The man had this strange look in his eyes as he took me in.

"That's all madame." He said with a smile. I could feel eyes on me as I entered the room. I smiled and pretended to be okay with this, because I was not going to make my idol look bad.

I grabbed a drink from the champagne fountain and took a sip, hoping it would calm my nerves. I followed Bela and Dean when she stopped him.

"Are you chewing gum?" Bela asked surprised that he would be doing something like this.

"Try to behave. As if you lived this life before, yeah?" Bela said to us.

"I have. I just don't remember. " I said to her not telling her my story. Some things are best left a mystery. Dean sighed before putting the gum on the fountain. Bela closed her eyes annoyed at how uncivilized Dean was.

I walked around the room, ignoring the stares as I tried to find Sam. I sigh in annoyance and jealousy as I saw him enter with Miss Gert Case. She had her hands all over my man...did I just say that?

"Remember, Lady." Bela said as she and Dean passed by me and took in my face. I sucked it up and smiled walking away, and taking another drink of my champagne.

I sat by Bela and Dean as I took in the sights of how elegant this party was. Sam approached us alone and annoyed. He didn't even know it was me.

"Excuse me, madame. My I speak with my brother and his date in private?" Sam asked me with a shy smile.

"I thought I was part of the gang? I mean, I wore a dress and heels." I said annoyed and watched as recognition flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know who you were posing as." Sam said to me apologizing.

"Exactly how long do you expect me to just play along?" Sam asked us referring to the groping.

"As long as it takes." Bela said with a smile taking in the view.

"You know there are limits to what I will do." Sam said to them.

"I'm already pushing mine." I commented as they smirked at me.

"Aw, he's playing hard to get. Cute." Dean said with a smirk as they took in how uncomfortable Sam was.

"Don't forget to tell me all the details." They walked away with smiles as they expected us to blend in and for me to cause a distraction if needed.

"To us." Miss Gert said to Sam handing him a drink. I smirked as he downed the whole thing.

"Miss Gert. Let me introduce you to my girlfriend." Sam said as some plan began to hatch in his cranium.

"Girlfriend?" Miss Gert asked not amused and instantaneousl jealous.

"Ex. Actually. Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about from me." I said to Miss Gert and Sam motioning that I would not be used in his plan. "Oh. Well good. Here darling," Miss Gert said handing me Sam's glass.

"Make yourself useful and bring my date another drink. I'll show you how to get and keep a man." Miss Gert said handing me the glass and pulling Sam away with a wicked smile. I scoffed at how pure evil bitch never dies. I'm so going to get her.

I walked to the fountain and refilled both mine and Sam's glass, before slipping something in my glass. I chanted and watched as the liquid in my glass and Gert's glass changed glasses. I wasn't poisoning her, just helping Sam out. One drink of this stuff and she would need to lie down. I watched as she sipped from her glass not even noticing the change of color of the liquid.

I noticed that Dean and Bela came back from wherever they went, most likely finished with the job. Gert handed Dean her drink, and walked away with Bela as she began to feel the effects of the herb that I put in the wine. I walked up to Sam and Dean and stopped Dean from drinking the liquid.

"I put a lil something. In her glass." J said with a small smile.

"That explains how drunk she began acting. After only half a glass." Sam said with a laugh.

"You did that for me?"

"And then some." I said clinking his glass with mine.

"Let's get out of here." Dean said as they both grabbed my arms and guided me out.

"You're enjoying this too much, young lady." I wanted to smack the smiles off that Sam and Dean gave me.

"Did you at least get it." I asked annoyed out of my mind as we got into the car.

"Yeah." Dean said pulling out a ship in a bottle.

"You been dupped." I said with a smirk.

"I'm gonna kill her." Dean said angrily.

"You're right. I'm not going to kill her. Slow torture is the answer." Dean said angrily.

"Calm down." Sam said as he looked through a book to see if they could try something else, now that the hand was gone.

"I am calm. I can't believe she got one over on us." Dean said annoyed to be corrected by Sam.


"Excuse me?" Dean asked not sure what he meant.

"She got one over one, you. Not us." I said laying on the couch back in my natural red headed form.

"Thank you! Zayne. Very helpful." Dean said as I smirked at him.

"You're welcome, big boy." I said with a wink.

A hurried knock alerted us to someone at the door. "Hello? Can you open up?" Bela asked on the other side of the door.

"Just let me explain. I sold it. I had a buyer lined up ever since I knew it existed." Bela said as she sat down in a chair.

"So the whole reason for us going to the charity ball?" Sam asked not amused.

"I needed a cover." Bela said like a caught child. "You were convenient."

"Convenient? I wore a dress and high heels...I should kill you. I could do it too." I said angrily, I felt betrayed. I thought she was going on the straight and narrow. I lifted my hand and closed my hand into a fist causing her to start choking as I mentally grabbed her throat.

"Stop." Sam and Dean said after a few seconds to keep me from actually killing her. When I released, she gasped for air.

"You sold it to a buyer. Go buy it back." Sam said not understanding why she would come to us for help.

"It's halfway across the ocean. I can't get it back in time." Bela said between gasps for air.

"You saw the ship. Now you're gonna die and you need us to help you." I said not even shocked.

"Wow. I never thought my view of you could go any lower." Dean said to Bela.

"What are you talking about?" She asked not understanding him.

"The ghost is killing with a certain motive. People who spillef their family's blood." Sam said with a sigh as he sat down.

"Oh my God." Bela said sadly.

"So tell me. Who'd you kill? Dear old daddy? Sweet lil sister?" Dean asked with a taunting smile.

"That's none of your business." She said keeping her defenses up.

"No? Right. Well have a nice life- or you know...whatever is left of it." Dean said grabbing his coat.

"Sam, Zayne, let's go."

"You can't just leave me here." Bela protested.

"Watch us." Dean said glancing at her over his shoulder.

"Please?" She begged. "I need your help."

"Our help? Now how could a couple of serial killers help you?" Dean asked actually hurt by what she called them.

"Okay that was harsh, but it doesn't warrant death." Bela said trying to convince us.

"That's not why you're gonna die," Sam said getting up from his chair.

"What'd you do Bela?"

"You wouldn't understand. No one did." Bela said sadly.

"Your little sister. She had cancer and asked for you to kill her." I said just guessing, but the look on her face rang true.

"Never mind. I'll just do what I've always done and take care of it myself." Bela said getting up and about to leave.

"You do realize that you sold the only thing capable of saving you?" Dean asked as she turned around. ."I'm aware." Bela said almost sounding defeated. "Well...maybe not the only thing." Sam said as we gathered ingredients and got to the cemetery like we were supposed to do after the party a few days ago.

Dean stood with his gun full of rock salt at the ready. Bela stood with her arms crossed scared that she might actually die this time. Sam and I prepared the altar for the séance. I lit the candles with a wave of the hand and Sam poured the blood of an innocent man in to the cup. We back away and got ready for the fireworks.

I was going to hold a forcefield around the altar, because if the altar was ruined then the séance would break.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Bela asked us.

"Almost definitely not." Dean said in defiance.

"It should. As long as the circle isn't broken."I said as Sam began to chant from his father's journal. I would've used my grimoire, but felt that as soon as we saved Bela she would try to take it.

The wind began to howl and the sky cracked with the rumble of thunder. The wind picked up and blew against us strangly. A storm like this doesn't just appear out of nowhere. I raised the force field that glowed with a familiar red glow from my chest and out my hands. The more Sam chanted the more the storm got worse and worse.

"Stay close!" Dean yelled to Bela over the loud winds and thunder. I watched in surprise as the candles went out and I kept fighting with them to stay on. I watched as the ghost formed from the water in the storm. I shocked him with lightning as I pointed at him and he was struck from the sky. He turned to Bela and touched her, causing her to spit up massive amounts of water.

Whe.n Sam finished the spell to summon the Captain the rain stopped and the sky instantly cleared up. The ghost stood their in anger that his storm was over. He turned around to see his brother standing there.

"You...hanged me." The sailor said in seething anger.

"I'm sorry." The Captiain said.

"Your own brother." The sailor said through gritted teeth.

"I'm so sorry." The Captain said apologizing to his brother before his brother jumped at him and their energies put each others out. That was the last we saw of the siblings. We went home after, all falling asleep as soon as we hit the beds. After a long and dreary job...I felt like resting for weeks.

"You boys should learn to lock your doors." Bela said walking into our living room as we were finishing up packing. "Anyone could just barge in."

"Anyone just did." Sam said putting his new laptop away.

"You come to say good bye? Or rhank you?"

"I've come to settle affairs." Bela said throwing us each a stack of money.

"Giving the spirit what he really wanted. His own brother. Very Clever, Sam. It's 20 grand. An exrra 5 for you Zayne for me tricking you into dressing up as a woman."

"You would rather own up 20 grand than say thank you? You're so damaged. " Dean said with a grin.

"Takes one to know one." Bela quipped back to him.

"You looked like how I imagined my sister to have looked like if she lived past 10 years old." Bela said hugging me. I immediately made my mojo bag come back to me.

"Still doesn't mean I'll let you have this." I said showing it to her. I made sure it was the real one.

"Can't blame a girl for trying." She said with a smile.

"I can try." I said smirking at her.

"Good bye lads." She said to us as she left.

"She has style. I'll give her tbat." Sam said with a smile.

"I suppose." Dean answered looking at the money in his hands.

"You know, Dean, we don't know where this money has been." Sam said looking at the money uneasy.

"Yeah, but I know where it's going." Dean said grabbing Sam's cut. He reached out for mine, but I hekd it tight.

"I deserve this. I dressed up as a WOMAN!"I yelled amused that he kept trying to take it.

"We're going to Atlantic City. Roulette." Dean said as he gave up.

"Listen Sam. I just want you to know that I understand what you did with the Cross Roads Demon. But I know you'll get over it...when I'm gone." Dean said to Sam. I sat in shock of the information. I didn't know that Dean sold his soul for Sam. I know he did something, but not that.

I kept my mouth shut, because it wasn't my argument to have. I put my ear buds in and played my music loud as they argued. I didn't know how...but I was going to help save Dean.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. I had trouble writing it, because of computer. Any ways. Enjoy. Blessed be.)

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