Supernatural Heritage

By liampendrich

Published on Jan 23, 2014


Do not read this if you are not of legal age and or this illegal where you are at. This contains homosexual relationships and it will be treated as such. This is a Supernatural story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm the writer and I will write as I wish.

It starts off a little slow, but bear with me.

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Supernatural Heritage-3

"Wake up." I heard a familiar voice say as I felt someone shake me.

"W-what's going on?" I asked a concerned Sam who was laying next to me without a shirt on.

"Nothing, you just hit your head pretty badly and I don't need you to slip into a coma." Sam said with a small smirk. Holding an ice pack to my head.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around the room. It gave off a homey feel. I grabbed the ice pack and held it to my head which was throbbing.

"We're home." Sam said with a smile as he kissed me out of the blue.

"Mm! Okay!! What's going on?" I asked trying to get up out of the bed.

"I'm kissing my husband and mother of my children." Sam said with his adorable dimpled smile.

"W-what?" I asked not understanding anything. I finally got up from the bed to see the big ball inside my shirt. Holy Crap! I'm pregnant!!

"Holy crap! I'm pregnant. Do you have super sperm or something?" I said to Sam who looked confused.

"No, you are just capable of getting pregnant. Remember? Your 5 months along." Sam said as in a tone sort of saying that I should know this information.

"Last thing I remember that...tattooed freak with the glowing blue eyes attacked me off the street." I said trying to remember what else, but that's all I got.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I heard as we turned to the door, Sam got up and put a shirt on.

"I'll get that, baby. You just relax and find something for us to watch." Sam said suggestively as he kissed me deeply and then my forehead. Rubbing my swollen belly with one hand.

"You can have sex during pregnancy?" I asked confused always thinking the act was dangerous.

"Are you kidding? You're a hell cat in bed." Sam said with a smirk as he turned and left.

I followed him out the door to see him run down the stairs and pick up two gorgeous kids. A boy with peachy skin and hazel eyes like Sam. The girl had paler skin with my vibrant green eyes. I wanted to cry at all this...I'm happily married to Sam and have two children with him. I looked at the rather large diamond on my ring, inside the band was an engraving.

"My heart is forever yours." It read beautifully.

I walked down the stairs and followed Sam into the kitchen to see the kids giggling as Sam made them breakfast.

"Mommy!" They cheered running to me and giving me hugs. I couldn't help but smile at my children who smiled back at me.

"How are my wonderful children doing?" I asked them as the giggled.

"Daddy is making waffles and bacon!" The girl said cheering holding her spoon in the air.

"I want turkey bacon!" The boy said sitting next to his sister.

"Are you hungry?" Sam asked me as he pulled some waffles off the waffle presser.

"I could eat." I said just realizing how hungry I was.

"Anything you want in particular?" Sam as giving me a kiss which caused the kids to go, "Ewww." Which caused us to laugh.

"I was thinking an omelet." I said grabbing eggs from the fridge. Sam grabbed them from my hands.

"Relax. I got this." He said with a smirk. I sat down beside the kids who giggled at some joke between them. They were just so cute and bubbly.

I looked at the window to see Dean dressed in all white standing outside the kitchen door. He just stood there watching me. I got up and opened the door to see him gone. Where did he go? I turned to a worried and concerned Sam.

"I just saw Dean. He was standing by the door." I said rubbing my head thinking the bump on the head that I got, did more damage than I originally thought.

"Dean? Hon, Dean's in Kansas with Jo." Sam said as it as if I should know this.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Sam asked me feeling my head.

"Y-yeah. Totally. Always, lets eat." I said sitting back down by the kids who cocked their heads and looked at me funny.

"How's school?" I asked them figuring it must be a school day or something. Explains the breakfast in the morning and why they were already dressed.

"Bobby Fischer won't stop picking on us." The boy said sadly with a frown.

"Does the teacher know?" I asked him which caused him to nod.

"Yeah, she says it builds character." The girl finished for him with a frown.

"That's not right. I'm going to have a talk with your teacher and Bobby's parents. Bullying is not going to be tolerated." I said getting fired up that my kids are getting picked on.

"Easy, tiger." Sam said setting plates in front of us and grabbing himself a plate.

"No, I use to get bullied. I know full well how cruel people can get. I will not allow that to happen to ny kids." I said being fiesty.

"I understand, baby. Every time I see the scars I get so angry, but just remember you're pregnant and can't do much damage waddling like a duck." Sam said grabbing my hand and offering a weak smile.

"Okay. Sorry. I just get so fired up." I said to Sam.

"Benjamin, slow down. Julia, don't play with your food." Sam said to the kids who were either eating too fast or not at all.

"Pumpkin, you need to eat." I said concerned and she nodded putting food in her mouth.

"What's the matter honey?" I asked her to which she blushed.

"I don't want to go to school. Jake Ryan says I have the cooties." Julia said sadly.

"That just means that he likes you. Trust me, cooties don't exist. Even if they do, they don't do anything." I said to her rubbing her cheek with a smile causing her to lighten up and actually eat properly.

"Oh, crap. It's time to get you kids to school." Sam said looking at his watch. He got up taking a drink of his coffee and setting the mug in the sink.

I watched as the kids got up and grabbed their backpacks by the kitchen door. Sam grabbed his jacket by the front door and came back into the kitchen.

"Just relax. I'll be clean up after I get back." Sam said kissing me and running to the front door with the kids following him.

I got up and went to the front door window, watching as Sam backed the white mini van up and turned driving off. I began searching through the house and found a cell on the kitchen counter. I went through the call log and found Dean's number and called him.

"Go for Dean." Dean said into the phone.

"Dean? It's Zayne. Somethings wrong...I don't think this is real." I said to Dean who chuckled before answering.

"Zayne? Is this another bet between you and Sam?" Dean asked me seriously.

"No. Last thing I remember I was driving to New Orleans and I stopped at an old bar for directions. Then this guy with full body tattoos and glowing blue eyes attacked me. He laid his hand on my face and next thing I know I'm 5 months pregnant and have 2 kids with Sam." I said to Dean who sarcastically laughed.

"Very funny. Look I got to go. Jo and I are going shopping for your baby shower. We'll be there tomorrow. Bye. " Dean said hanging up on me.

I went through the call list and found my mother's number and called her.

"Hello?" Ellen asked through the phone, obviously just getting up.

"Mom? It's Zayne. I'm freaking out. I called Dean and he doesn't believe me." I said almost hyperventilating.

"Okay. Calm down, peaches. What is it that Dean doesn't believe you about?" She asked me worried.

"That when I was on my way to New Orleans, I stopped at a bar to get directions. Then this tattooed freak with glowing blue eyes and hands attacked me. Then I woke up pregnant and with kids and I'm married to Sam." I said feeling my pressure rise, I held my chest feeling myself have a heart attack.

"Oh my God." I said into the phone to a frantic and worried Ellen.

"I'm having a..." I said before I fell to the floor unconscious.

I shook myself trying to tell myself that it wasn't real. I noticed girls chained to the ceiling with IVs plugged into their necks. I looked beside me and saw an IV hooked into my neck aswell. I turned my head noticing Dean hooked up aswell. What was Dean doing here?

"Dean?" I called but he didn't even budge, he just stood there chained up in a trance.

"Dean? Wake up!" I yelled at him, but he didn't move. With all the yelling I failed to account the tattooed man who walked into the room with a creepy smile.

"This is the first time someone has broken through the trance. No matter. I'll give you a double dose." He said taking a plug from the IV filled with my blood and began to drink from it.

"Very rare blood. I'm going to keep you alive for aslong as I can. Don't want to waste your sweet blood." He said as his eyes and hands ignited with an cirulean blue flame. He began to chuckle at ny attempts to resist him, but it wasn't long until everything faded back into darkness.

I woke up to a completely white room. I noticed a beeping and turned to a life support machine hooked into me. The IV hooked into my arm and I was alone. I was still pregnant. I began to press for the nurse to come in to the room and was surprised when Ash came into the room.

"Ash?" I asked so confused to see him in doctor's robes.

"Hey, Zayne. How are you feeling?" Ash asked me as he checked the machines and began writing on the clipboard at the foot of my bed.

"Ash, you a doctor? Now I know this is all a lie." I said to him pressing the button to sit forward.

"Hey, I needed something to do with my life." Ash said with a smirk.

"Where's the party in the back?" I asked him, but he looked up confused. I have to say...I missed his mullet.

"I haven't partied in...ever." Ash said as if it was against his nature.

"Right. Ash, I need your help." I said slowly pulling out the IV.

"Hey! Careful." He said trying to stop me but I punched him square in the jaw. I thought I killed him him with where I hit him, but he got up holding his jaw. Krav Maga is the most dangerous fighting style in the world due to it's no quarter technique where you kill your opponent quickly and with ease. I got out of the bed and walked to the door and tried escaping by waddling. I almost made it, but Sam was by the door.

"Sam, I need you to help me." I said waddling passed him, but he was right beside me.

"Honey, what's going on? You had a heart attack and need to get back in bed." Sam said trying to convince me to turn around.

"No. It's not real. None of this is. That blue eyed freak did this." I said grabbing a syringe that these nurses tried to stick me with. I wasn't able to kick or anything, but my hands were still very lethal.

"Back off!" I said circling away from them and getting to the elevator. Sam ran in before it closed.

"Baby, let's go back upstairs. You aren't well." Sam said until I punched him and tossed him at the wall and wrenched his arm.

"Sam, this isn't real. None of this is. As much as I want it to be's not." I said thinking back to something I heard in my life. The reason doctors flick at the syringe is to remove the air, because air in the blood stream can cause you to have a heart attack and die. Fact.

I walked down the hall and got to the front entrance when I began to spray the fluids out of the syringe and let it refill itself with air. I put it to my arm and was about to push it in.

"Stop!" Sam cried as Ellen, Ash, Dean, and Jo showed up.

"Why did you have to keep pushing? Why can't you let yourself be happy for once?" Sam asked me teary eyed.

"Because it isn't real. There's nothing I want more than a life with someone who I truly love. A family. But this isn't real. While I'm here the real versions of everyone are living their lives. I may not remember everything about who I am, but I deserve a real life. I'm fully aware that the real Sam and I will never be together, but I deserve to find someone who I will love just as much one day." I said before plunging the syringe into my arm and pushing down on it.

The effects were nearly instantaneous. I could feel the familiar sharp pain in my chest as I began foaming at the mouth. The darkness took me away from this existence like once before.

I gasped for air at feeling myself come back from the trance. I was moved behind some sheets, but I could hear Sam yelling for Dean to wake up. I tried moving, but I was strapped to the wall.

"Sam! Dean!" My cries muffled by a bandana. I kept screaming through the gag, I stopped when the sheet fell and the tattooed guy was thrown against the wall almost hitting me.

That's when the guy got up and launched himself at Sam. Tossing him at a wall and against a staircase. He held Sam with one hand and his other ignited in the familiar blue flame that has haunted my "dreams". That's when Dean ripped the ropes, grabbing a silver blood dipped knife he plunged it into the tattoo guy's back. We watched as the glowing blue fire went out in his eyes and his body slumped to the floor dead.

"Guys!!" I cried through the bandana. I felt the weight fall from my shoulders when they turned to me and removed the ropes and gag. I gasped for air, now that I could finally breathe properly. They slowly removed the needle from my neck. I nearly fell to the ground once I was free, but they caught me and set me down.

"I'm so happy to see you guys. Oh my God." I said between breaths as I felt sharp pains in my chest, but whatever it was that was in my chest began to glow and the pain went away. I began to feel myself slowly get better as the light traveled along my body.

"Save them." I said between gasps as the pain went away.

"She's alive." Dean said cutting the girl loose and helping her down. Unfortunately the other girls didn't make it.

"Are you okay? It looks like your powers are healing you." Sam said slightly relieved.

"I'll be okay as soon as I get out of here. I need to get to New Orleans. That's where I was headed before that thing attacked me and captured me." I said to a defiant Sam.

"You're not going alone. You almost got killed. You're not a hunter. You may have combat training, but demons, ghosts, and monsters don't play by the rules."

"I'm full aware of that." I said as I tried to get up from the floor, but my body still ached from before.

"Let me carry you." Sam said before I even got to say anything he picked me up and carried me bridal style.

"So what's in New Orleans?" Sam asked me as we finally reached outside.

I sighed with relief that that nightmare was now over. I looked around to see that my jeep parked on the road.

"Finally a break. That's my jeep." I said to Sam pointing out the sky blue jeep.

I wasn't surprised when Sam put me in the passenger seat and he got in the driver's seat. Good thing that thing was an idiot and left the keys in the car. I sat there for a few minutes while Sam started driving out of the area. I had to fight to stay awake, but I did it. Sam pulled into a gas station and started filling the tank while I sat there in silence, waiting for him to get back into the car.

"You still didn't answer my question." Sam said as he finished filling up the tank.

"Ellen had Ash look up my name. Apparently, I'm an artist from New Orleans. Had a picture of me in overalls painting a mural." I said handing him the news clippings that I had in the glove compartments.

"You look so different." Sam said surprised by the pictures.

"I know. What was that thing anyway?" I said asking about the tattoo guy.

"He was a djinn. A genie. Instead of actually granting your wishes, they make you think that's what happened while they feed off of you.

"Oh, great! A disney knockoff tried to kill me." I said with a sigh.

"So anyway...what do you hope to find in New Orleans?" Sam asked turning onto a road that told me he was definitely heading to Louisiana.

"My past. Hopefully, I'll remember who I truly am, then get on with my life." I said to him as I got more comfortable and put the seat belt on properly.

"What about Ellen and Jo?" Sam asked me trying to understand why I wanted to do this.

"I owe it to myself to know. Good or bad. I'll visit them...Ellen at least. Jo left the day we got back from the hunt.

"Zayne that was a few months ago." Sam said surprising the shit out of me.

"You mean to tell me that friggin' djinn had me for months? That's just great. At least he kept his word and kept me alive." I said finally getting hit with how tired I was.

"You're taking me to New Orleans, right?" I asked with hope that he wasn't just taking some long road to put me back in Nebraska.

"Definitely. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Sam said concerned.

"Mind if I go to sleep?" I asked him with a straight face.

"Yeah. Go for it." He said as I began to fall asleep.

As I slept I expected to see Samifer, but he must have been still hurt from what I said last time I saw him. I didn't know what I was going to find in Louisiana, but hoped it wasn't anything too bad. I don't know how long I slept, but It was midday when I woke up. Sam didn't even look tired, but I had to make sure to give him a break when we get up here. I yawned and stretched out finally feeling well rested in a while now.

"Where are we?" I asked Sam who glanced at me and smirked with a knowing smile.

"New Orleans. We had to head through the long way, thanks to Hurricane Katrina. But we're in the city. I'm afriad though that we have to take a raft to the inner city since that's where we're headed." Sam said as he stopped the car and parked in a parking lot.

"So where is the raft?" I asked Sam who just pointed at a guy who was standing on a raft and using a long stick to guide the raft through the water.

"Wow. Just like Venice." I said as we walked down to where the man was.

"Excuse me? We were hoping to go further in the city. Any possible way you could give us a ride?" Sam asked the man who smiled at us.

"Sure. Lovers get a 50% off ride." The man said with a smile and a wicked cajun accent, but something about him wasn't right. I must still be facing effects from the djinn. His face looked hideous with large empty hole like eyes and mouth that stretched too far to be human and I shook my head his face went back to normal.

"We'll that's us. Lovers supreme." I said lying through my teeth. I grabbed Sam's hand and hugged his side, playing the part. The man had a strange look on his face as he looked me...recognition?

"Right. So how much?" Sam asked him with a sly smirk.

"5 dollars, please." The man said holding out his hand. I handed him a 5 dollar bill and he nodded letting us on the raft.

"Where to?" The man asked turning around and looking at us forcing a smile.

"Cromwell Manor." I said thinking about the name of the historical white manor.

"Oh, that is a wicked place." The man said before he got the raft moving.

"You can sit down, I made the raft myself." The man said not looking at us.

I started thinking about what he said about Cromwell Manor. Why would he say that it is a wicked?

"Why would you say that Cromwell Manor is a wicked place?" I asked him curious at the lore of the land. New Orleans doesn't exactly have the reputation of being God fearing folk. They have a cemetery filled with hoodoo priests and the like.

"What with the murders way back during slaves times. Then vooodoo Queen Marie Laveau's great great great gran baby moved in and summoned magics most foul. The Grand White Witch came and destroyed that motha' without even blinking. When magic users fight with each other using as much magic as them two did...things happen." He said with a shudder.

"Things? Like what kind of things?" Sam asked him getting curious about the place as well.

"I cannot say, but I have been told that those who come to him with ill intentions are cursed by the very means they desire to use." The man said nervously.

"Past experience?" Sam asked him to which he didn't respond.

"What is the difference between a white witch and a regular witch?" I asked him curious about the difference.

"A regular witch is a human with the power to manipulate magical energies, usually gained by making sacrifices to a powerful demon. Some gain it with no outside help, but practice. A white witch is a witch born with magical abilities and can manipulate magic as freely as he or she chooses. Usually helping others, and because of their service of helping people...they gain more power." The man said not looking back at us.

"Does anyone know what the witch looks like?" I asked the man who turned back to me and just stared at me without saying a word. He turned back to rowing, except he seemed almost nervous for some reason.

It was an hour later that we finally made it to the house. I was surprised at how beautiful the building looked compared to how the man made it sound.

"This be the place. As I said, be careful. And pray that you don't run into the witch." The man said rowing away hurriedly.

"Okay. He seemed...I don't know. Scared? The Grand White Witch can't be that bad of a person, can he?" I asked Sam as we walked up the path to the house.

"Some times...power scares people. Like when I have my visions...I swear it scares Dean, and that's not an easy thing to do." Sam said as he was about to knock at the door, but it opened by itself.

As we entered we noticed the strange symbols painted on the walls. I had no idea what they meant, but Sam couldn't seem to close his mouth.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked worried at what could possibly have him so stumped.

"These are powerful occult symbols. It's a devils trap, plus some enochian symbols. I have never seen these before." He said referring to the strange symbols that were seemed very familiar. I began seeing images of myself, I was painting these symbols all over town and then painting over them.

"This is all so familiar." I said as we reached the den, the house was beautiful. It looks like it wasn't touched for...years?

"Maybe that's why." Sam said pointing at a beautifully painted picture I just stood there mesmerized of me that was hung over the fire place. I was wearing white cloth wraps and jewelry.

"I-I'm the Grand White Witch?" I asked surprised and scared out of my mind. I freaked out even more when the fire started by itself.

"There's got to be more to it." Sam said not believing what was in front of him.

"Think about it. Don't you think we would have seen a ghost or something if I wasn't the witch." I said worried that the longer I stayed here the more and more it became true.


I turned startled by the sound of Sam's phone going off, but I tried calming down. Even taking deep breaths. I was ready to find myself, but nothing could prepare for this. To discover I'm a super witch that leaves everyone terrified everywhere I go. I sat on the couch thinking of a million ways this could turn bad.

"Yeah? We're in New Orleans. That's great, Dean." Sam said talking to Dean on the phone in the den while I decided to explore the house a little.

I looked at the pictures that were hung along the stairs. Photos of the residence who once graced these halls. I followed the hall to a beautiful white door with stain glass windows. I didn't know what to expect, but I was surprised at how ordinary it looked. I sat on the bed expecting it to float, but nothing happened.

That's when I heard these strange whispers. People talking in hushed tones. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I followed the whispers to the closet. I found two rather large books and a big black satin bag. I opened it and pulled out a golden crown decorated with gold and silver leaves on the band.

I pulled everything out of the closet, despite what my gut was telling me. My heart and mind kept telling me to push forward. I opened the first book that felt like it was made of different kinds of leathers. There was a symbol that I felt like I should know but couldn't wrap my head around. I was afraid of learning whether the leather was human of not, but opened it otherwise. The first few pages were blank, but the next was filled with ink written words of such intricate detail.

At first I couldn't read it, but a light flashed across the pages and it all was translated. What stood out was the big warning label in it.

"If ye be human, and pure of heart then ye may proceed in reading the powerful incantations. But if ye side thyself with evil, then thy heart be hexed and burn from inside thine chest." It read along the page, I got nervous but knew I had to press on. I flipped the page as let out a sigh of relief when nothing happened to me.

The book wasn't alphabetized, but split into sections on which type of spell you wanted. There was defensive, offensive, light magic, and dark magic. I went to light magic and after searching for a few minutes I found a memory spell. I was thinking about doing it, but I was afraid of how I might act. Maybe it's better to not remember.

The memory spell needed the golden crown I was holding in my hand. I was debating on whether should I do it when something sharp poked my back. I turned around to see Sam with this strange look in his eyes. I looked at the silver knife he held in his hand ready to use one me. I put down the crown and put my hands up in surrender.

"Sam? It's me, Zayne." I said scared that he was going to kill me now that we know that I'm the Grand White Witch of New Orleans.

"And who is that? The Grand White Witch of New Orleans? How do I know that everything that guy said is true?" Sam asked me not sure of his decision.

"Sam...please. Don't kill me." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I don't want to die. Sam, forget about the witch part. It's still me." I said sadly fearing that the Sam I have come to love even though I tried not to was going to kill me. Yet at the same time, I understood what he was going through with this. If it turns out to be a lie and I'm actually evil...I'd rather be dead.

"I don't know if I was evil. I can't promise you that I wasn't evil, but I can promise to try to be good. Please, Sam." I said between sobs, and I was relieved when he dropped the blade on the floor. I fell to my knees, breathing heavily trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry. It's just that after all I been have to go through this again." Sam said sitting on the floor.

"I don't-understand." I said wiping my tears away.

"A few months ago...I fell inlove with a girl named Madison. I had to kill her...she was turned into a werewolf and we all agreed it would be better to put her down then let her suffer with knowing she kills innocent people three days out of the month." Sam said with tears in his eyes. He began to sob at the memories.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. If you never want to see me, I fully understand." I said to him who nodded his head. I felt like I was sucker punched. He wanted to leave.

"Okay. I'll leave." I said to him as I got up and grabbed the crown and books and put them into the bag.

"Bye, Sam. I'm sorry...for everything." I said to him without looking back. If I did then I wouldn't be able to leave. I just found out that he fell for someone else while I was missing, but at the moment I'd rather be heartbroken than dead.

I went to the kitchen to make sure that I wasn't missing anything that I might need. I grabbed a few herbs and junk that I never even heard of and put it in the bag. I gave the house a quick look around and high tailed it out of the house before Sam changes his mind, and the next thing Sam and Dean hunt is me. I decided to put the crown some place that I would know where it was, but I wouldn't be so eager to get it. I decided to put it in the safe at Harvelle's Roadhouse.

I left the jeep with Sam to let him get back home. I back packed all the way back to Nebraska, not even surprised that Sam got here before I did. I didn't say, "Hi" to anyone. I just walked to Ash's room and knocked on his door. He came to the door tired and surprised to see me.

"I need you to put something in the safe. It can't be touched by anyone." I said to him as I entered the room and closed the door.

"I don't get it." Ash said confused at what I could possibly want to be kept safe.

"I don't have time to explain. Just please. No one, and absolutely no one can touch it or know what it is or where it's from. I need you to guard it with your life." I said before handing him the crown from my bag.

"Epic! I have seen this before. It's the crown of knowledge. Supposedly made from the fruit of knowledge that Adam and Eve saved from the Tree of Knowledge." Ash said excited.

"Keep your voice down. This thing is priceless. Last I need is a hunter or demon sneaking in and getting their mitts on it." I said lowering my voice.

"It is priceless, but completely useless to anyone besides a white witch." Ash said before his eyes widdened at me.

"Are you?" He asked but I covered his mouth before he finished the sentence.

"The only question I fear is, 'Am I a good witch or bad witch?' I don't want to know, because I'm afraid of finding out I'm actually evil." I said to him before walking out of his room to a concerned Ellen, Jo, Dean, and a knowing but still concerned Sam.

"Zayne! Just know a white witch is a natural born witch that hasn't been seen in centuries. Maybe even more. They aren't to be taken lightly." Ash said outloud to me.

I stopped and turned around, noticing some hunters looking at me. Unashamedly listening to our conversation. No doubt ready to collect the head of the white witch. I played it off like I was hunting it.

"I know. I need to go." I said heading outside and jumping into the jeep. I everyone following me.

"Why are you hunting? You said that you don't want to be a hunter." Ellen said to me.

"It's a long story, mom." I said starting the jeep.

"Ask Sam about it after I'm gone." I said before backing the car up and driving off. I might as well let them hate me. I mean....I pretty much hate myself. I drove off not sure where, but I was going to find a place to hide and study and learn about magic.

(That's the next chapter. I been wanting to create a witch character in Supernatural fanfic for so long and now I have one. Bet you didn't expect that. Hate it, love's been written. Anyways till next time.)

Next: Chapter 4

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