Supernatural Heritage

By liampendrich

Published on Jan 26, 2014


Do not read this if you are not of legal age and or this illegal where you are at. This contains homosexual relationships and it will be treated as such. This is a Supernatural story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm the writer and I will write as I wish.

It starts off a little slow, but bear with me.

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Supernatural Heritage-4

It's been months since I left them all behind. I have completely devoted myself to magic. Despite what everyone is said, asking or pretty much begging for me to leave it all behind and come back to them. There were times that I did want to just leave this as well, but I couldn't do it. Not after how far along I have come. I retrained myself in the craft and learned to use my powers much more easily.

I went through my old journal to see if I could make anything out of my past. Some pages...I still couldn't read because they didn't want to reveal themselves to me. I figured every thing due at it's proper time. That's when I heard a knock at my apartment door. I opened the door to see a black cat enter the room.

"Philipe LeChat." I said with a smirk at the familiar who has been coming to me for days now. I watched as the black cat jumped onto my bed and turned into a very cute guy with dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Zayne Lockheart," Philipe said with a smirk as he patted a space next to him.

"I have wonderful news. Spencer has decided to extend an invitation to you. Welcoming you to our community." Philipe said with a smirk as he pushed me onto the bed and straddled me.

"What's the condition?" I asked confused as to why the man wanted me in his...Coven, so badly.

"No condition. Spencer is just very pleased with your work. You created several new spells that witches will find very useful. They especially love your poltergeist field disruption spell." Philipe said sniffing my neck.

"So...there is a catch. I have to let them know about the spells in my grimoire." I said levitating us both in the air.

"Oh my God. You know how I hate this." He said holding on to me worried out of his mind. I couldn't help, but laugh as he looked around frantically. I crossed my arms and kept my body straight as we floated three feet above my bed.

"That's how a coven works. Each of us comes together to make the coven much more powerful. We provide a 'family', we help whenever it is needed. We all believe we will all will benefit from your addition to our ranks." Philipe said hugging on to me tightly.

"Tell Spencer I said no. My secrets are my own." I said before lowering us back onto the bed.

"Come on, puddin'. Please? My master said that I can't come back to him until you agreed to at least meet with him." Philipe said with a pouty bottom lip.

"Okay. I'll meet with him, but I don't make any promises." I said with a smirk which he matched.

"I just wish I was your familiar instead of Spencers. Your the kindest person I have ever met." Philipe said laying his head on my stomach. I found myself petting his hair, even finding it cute when he purred as a human.

"I wish that as well, but once the bond is made it can't be broken." I said with a disappointed sigh.

"Unless..." Philipe said laying on my stomach and petting my chest.

"Unless?" I asked already fearing the worst.

"Unless you kill him. Please...he's abusive." Philipe said removing his shirt and showing me the large purple and black bruises on his pale lean muscular torso.

"Oh my God." I said running my hands over his perfect body.

"Easy." Philipe hissed through closed eyes and clenched teeth.

"Lay down on the bed." I said seriously as he did what I told him to do. I went through my drawers and pulled out my mixing bowl and some herbs.

"Remove your pants and shoes and socks." I said to him as he smirked and began to strip.

"If I knew it was that easy to get you to touch me, I would've done this a few weeks ago." Philipe said with a smirk.

"From what I gather it's my duty to undo the wrongs done within the witch world. I'm going to have a talk with Spencer and show him the error of his ways." I said as Philipe grabbed my hand worriedly.

"Please, no. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt. I know your powerful, but he has a whole coven with him." Philipe said worried as his eyes began to tear up.

"A minute ago you wanted me to kill him. I don't understand all these mixed signals." I said to him as I poured in some pixie tears into the mix.

"I'm sorry. It's just...I don't want anything to happen to you. Despite the bond that I share with Spencer...I have feelings for you." Philipe said hugging into my side with tears welling in his eyes.

"Shhh, relax." I said calming him down. I began rubbing the gooey blue mixture over his toned pale body to feel him shudder under the cold residue.

"JEEZ! That's cold. What's in that stuff anyways?" Philipe asked as he stood nearly naked wearing nothing but black Calvin Klein underwear.

"Mandrake root, vampire blood, and pixie tears." I said rubbing the rest of the blue gunk over his body completely.

"Another healing recipe? See! You're a one in a million." He said cheerfully as I finished up.

"It's better for me to know all I know. Not for the whole witch world to know. The things my book has inside it...not for everyone." I said to him seriously. Trying to get my point across how dangerous my grimoire really was. It's so powerful that it had specific rules about who reads from it, and even then it only translates parts of it.

I watched as the goo disappeared and Philipe was left there standing there without any bruises or scars on his beautiful body. After setting the mixin bowl down, I walked up to him to make sure it worked completely.

"Thank you." Philipe said pulling me into a hug and capturing my mouth with his. I have to admit, I have feelings for Philipe. Familiars aren't suppose to have romantic feelings towards their witch...I'm not his witch. After months of celibacy...I was horny and deserved to move on from my feelings of Sam that I knew would never be fulfilled. I needed to let him go...I was ready to do so.

I fell on the bed with Philipe on top of me. I was ready for this, I've saved myself for so long...I deserved a night where I could let my passions and feelings out. I kissed Philipe back and hard. I was going to give him everything. If Sam could fall for someone could I.

I didn't notice that my clothes were stripped off of me, but I wasn't complaining. I had to make it even so I ripped his Calvin Klein off and continued to kiss him. I was surprised when his hand met my shaft, but I kept kissing him.

"Are you sure? I wanted this for so long...but are you sure?" Philipe asked be between heavy breathing. I guess I was leaving him breathless.

"Positive. Fuck me hard...I like it rough." I said with a smirk that matched his. He pulled me into a kiss before his head went to the pink head of my cock. He was definitely well practiced the way he bobbed his head and used plenty of tongue. I haven't had sex in so long that I couldn't help it, after a few minutes I came and hard. Philipe didn't hesitate for a second, swallowing every drop.

"Good thing it's the special cream...I'm lactose intolerant." Philipe said with a smirk after he licked me clean.

"My turn." I said grabbing his cock. He leaned back as I jacked him off first before sucking it into my mouth.

"Oh, Gawd! I thought I was good." Philipe said as I bobbed my head on his cock.

Tasting his salty sweet juices. I was surprised at his size for a lean muscled guy. Don't get me wrong, I'm practically a twink...but damn he was at least 8.5 inches long and 2.5 inches wide. I began deep throating him, you could literally the shloshing sounds of his cock going in and out my throat. I could smirk if my mouth wasn't full, at the very look of him with his mouth hanging open as he moaned.

His face was flushed and he began to grunt and moan in pleasure. I was surprised when he stopped me, he was practically ready to cum with how red his cock looked. He was breathing hard trying to talk.

"I'm not ready to cum." He said to me as we began to kiss again. He grinded his cock into my balls as we made out.

"Are you sure you want to go all the way?" He asked me sucking and nipping at my neck.

"Give it to me good, baby." I moaned in his ear as he bite me tenderly.

He began to nip at my nipples as I grabbed his hand and sucked on his fingers. I was surprised when he kissed me and stuck his finger in without warning. I grunted in pain as his finger poked and stretched me. This being my first time since death, I'm practically a virgin. I could feel myself shudder with this heat and my hole tingled in hunger with his finger rubbing in all the right places.

"Please...fuck me." I grunted as I kissed him deeply with our tongues entering a war with one another.

"Will do." He moaned in my ear as the head of his cock pointed into my hole. I grunted at the pain of his cock entering me slowly.

"Give me a second." I said wincing through the pain. I gave him the go ahead when the pain finally subsided. He slowly inched into me, kissing me to try and distract me from the pain.

"Babe, it's in." He moaned in my ear. "So tight."

"Fuck me." I moaned as he pushed all the way out and pulled out all the way, just to jam his cock back into me. I couldn't help but moan through the pain as he kept going in and out. I could feel the thin sheet of sweat on our bodies as grinded into one another. It must have been hours as we fucked like rabbits and true to to his word...he fucked me hard. It must have been hours when we finally came to a finish with Philipe shooting 5 spurts in my belly.

"That...was amazing." Philipe said kissing me deeply.

"I really know how to fuck a guy."I said laying on Philipe's chest. I played with the hair that made up his treasure trail.

"Can we just lay here? I wish. I wish I could have you." Philipe said said with a wanting sigh.

"You just had me. Are you really that horny??" I asked him with a smirk.

"Funny, but not what I meant. I wish I met you first instead of Spencer... shit! Spencer..." Philipe said getting up and getting dressed quickly.

"Are you really worried about him? At a time like this??" I asked wrapping myself with the red sheet that was on my bed.

"You're seriously doing this? Your doing a 'cum and go'?" I asked in disbelief he ran around the room collecting his clothing.

"I'm really really sorry, love. I have to go tell him about you agreeing to meeting him. He's going to be so furious." Philipe said worried as I handed him a bottle.

"What's this?" He asked curious.

"Invisibility potion. If you need to make a quick escape." I said putting a hand on his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you." He said with a kind smile as I walked him to the front door of the apartment. We stood there as we noticed Dean standing on the other side of the door with embarrassed look on his face.

"See you later, love. Thank you." Philipe said kissing me again.

"Mmm, any time." I said with a sexy wink and biting my bottom lip as I stared at his ass while he walked away.


"Sorry. Only cats do that to me." Dean said with his nose becoming stuffy.

"Hey, Dean. Business or pleasure?" I asked teasing him with a smirk. He followed me into the apartment and closed my door. I half expected him to shoot me or stab me, but he just stood there looking at the ground and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"I-uh, I need your help." Dean said said nervously, and turned his head noticing how wrecked the room looked with pillows and sheets everywhere.

"With what? Last time we didn't part at the best of terms." I said grabbing a brush and combing my hair.

"Sam's missing. Demon took him from a cafe dinner we were at. Sam went inside to get some food to go. Next thing I know...Sam's gone and everyone's dead. Only thing left of the demon were large amounts of sulfur that it left behind." Dean said sitting at the coffee table.

"Let me take a shower and get dressed. I'll be out in a moment." I said as I took a quick shower to get the sex smell off of me. I got dressed in a white wife beater and leather pants, leather jacket, and leather boots.

"New fashion statement?" He asked me curious to my wardrobe of choice.

"Duh! Let's go." I said grabbing my black magic bag and stuffing all of the stuff that I brought with me. Never know if I might never come back.

"Listen...I know you're deep in the magics. I mind of need you to use some of your magic to help me find him. Bobby and I have been running ourselves nuts the past 24 hours." Dean said as we got into his car.

"I'll do what I can. I can't make any promises." I said pulling on my Grimoire.

"Dude, that thing looks so evil. Book made of a Christian man's skin type evil." Dean commented on my Grimoire.

"It is," I said answering him truthfully. "Only the skin of a Christian man could hold contain magics such as these."

"You really need to burn it." Dean said nervously as he drove fast.

"Dean. You're not going to convert me. Is this really about Sam or are you two trying to kill me?" I asked looking up from the book.

"No. We decided you are the one exception to witches. We just all miss you. Ellen and Jo are furious with us. Ash won't tell anyone what you put in the safe. Even Ellen can't get in it. We really need you out there with us." Dean said with a sigh as he told me the truth and how he felt about everything.

"Just promise me one thing. No killing people. Once you do...we will kill you." Dean said as we pulled up to a mix matched old car that had a semi truck driver looking guy standing by the car waiting for us.

"What's going on? I thought you said..." I started getting scared.

"Relax. Bobby wants to rendezvous here first and then you work your magic. You really think I would just kill you out of the blue for no reason? I'm kinda hurt." Dean said seriously as we parked behind the car.

"Bobby Singer, Zayne Lockheart...Ellen's boy." Dean said introducing us.

"Zayne Lockheart? The Grand White Witch of New Orleans's Zayne Lockheart?" Bobby asked surprised out of his mind.

"You're just a boy. The stories I heard about you! I expected someone more..."

"Badass?" Dean asked jumping in to the conversation.

"Grown up." Bobby corrected Dean.

"Sorry to disappoint you. I'm about 1/4 as good as I use to be. If it was good at all. I still can't understand why a demon possossed me and what for. To attack my real mother? It doesn't add up. Anyways...I'm running around with the tank half full." I said pointing at my head disappointed at myself.

"Why? Ain't there a way to fix that doo dah?" Bobby asked me.

"I have a way, but it's safely locked up at the Roadhouse safe. I just don't know if I am good or evil...kind of afraid of knowing." I said worried.

"Are you kidding me, kid? You have a reputation for being a good hearted badass who could kill scads of monsters and demons." Bobby said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so. Anyways, enough about me. We need to find Sam." I said heading back to the car and grabbing my magical satin black bag. (A lot of you have been asking how is it magical. Answer: It holds whatever items you put in it without adding weight to the carrier. Also you can fold it and stuff it in your pocket while everything in it remains entirely intact.)

"Are you sure this could help us?" Dean asked as I pulled out a crystal on a string.

"Maybe. I'll need something of Sam's to channel him." I said to them as Dean got a call.

"Hello? Ash. But we- okay, if you're sure." Dean said into the phone.

"What's going on?" Bobby asked Dean.

"We need to get to the Roadhouse. Ash has something for us." Dean said to us as we all piled up in the Impala and drove 4 hours to the Roadhouse for a shock of our lives. It was burnt to the ground.

"Oh my God." I said with a hand over my mouth. I was so in shock over the Roadhouse being burnt down. The only thing that snapped me out of it was the thought of Ellen, Jo, and even Ash.

"Oh, dammit. Ash." Dean said lifting up a burnt hand that had...Ash's golden watch??? Oh, God.

"Ash." I said with tears falling from my eyes. My mom's probably in here too. Wait...the crown.

"Bobby. Dean. Move out of the way. It's important that I find it." I said not giving them a chance to speak as I mentally moved them behind me.

I lifted my hands and we all watched as the debris lifted into the air. I found the safe closed, but the crown was gone and nowhere to be found. Ash said it was supposedly indestructible, so it was fine especially since everything in the safe was fine.

"It's gone. I'm so stupid, I should've kept it just in case." I said frustrated as I set everything back down where it was.

"What's gone?" Dean asked me putting a hand on my shoulder. "You can tell us."

"The Crown of Knowledge." I said disappointed in myself again.

"The what?" Dean and Bobby asked together confused.

"The Crown of Knowledge. Supposedly made from the Fruit of Knowledge that Adam and Eve themselves bit out of." I said shaking my head at my own stupidity.

"You idjit! How could you let it out of your hands?" Bobby asked angrily.

"An artifact that powerful should either be protected and hidden, or destroyed. Not stashed somewhere for safe keeping."

"It's indestructible. Supposedly...only I can use it. Let's hope that part of the lore is true." I said standing by the wreckage.

"This is just great." Bobby said leaning on the impala.

"What the hell did Ash know?" Dean asked walking through the wreckage.

"We have no way of knowing where Ellen is or if she's even alive. We got no clue what Ash was going to tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?"

"We'll find him." Bobby promised him, trying to calm down Dean.

It all happened so fast. Dean groaned in pain, holding his head.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Headache." Dean answered swatting me away from him.

"You get headaches like that a lot?" Bobby asked him as we walked to the car.

"No. It must be stress. It was so weird. I could've swore I saw something." Dean said trying to calm down.

"You mean like a vision?" Bobby asked Dean who immediately rebuked the very idea.

"No. No, I'm not some damn psychic." Dean said angrily.

"Then what?" I asked but was ignored.

"What was it?" Bobby asked him as he shook his head trying to clear his thoughts.

"I saw Sam. I saw him, Bobby." Dean said holding his head as he felt the pain of the vision again.

"It was a vision." Bobby said patting Dean's back.

"I don't know how, but yeah. Whew!" Dean said holding onto the impala for support.

"That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels."

"What'd you see?" I asked him as he tried to go through his thoughts.

" A bell." Dean said rubbing his eyes vigorously.

"What kind of bell?" Bobby asked him trying to understand where Sam could possibly be.

"A big bell- like with an engraving." Dean said scratching his head.

"Like a tree? An oak tree??" Bobby asked Dean who nodded.

"There's two possible places. Hey, Witch boy. Rhink you can find out which one?" Bobby asked me handing me a map.

"Yeah. I need something of Sam's something that belongs to him personally." I said as I pulled out the crystal from before.

"Here." Dean said digging from the back of the impala and handing me a dirty sock.

"Really?" I asked disgusted by what he just handed me.

"No a used tissue or condom?" I asked sarcastically before holding it tightly and imagining Sam as I spun the crystal over the map. In a matter of minutes it landed at this little old town on the map.

"Cold Oak, South Dakota. A town so haunted everyone fled because they were scared out of their witts." Bobby said as I put the sock in the impala and handed the map to Bobby.

"Let's go." Dean said as we jumped into the impala.

We drove for hours to South Dakota. When we finally got to the outside of the town we had to park because there were no roads, instead of miles of forest. What made matters worse was that it was completely dark and foggy.

"Well it looks like the rest of the way is on foot." Bobby said as we got out of the impala. I was going through my Grimoire to look up defensive and offensive spells just in case.

"Let's go." Dean said as they grabbed guns and loaded them.

"Zayne...think you can light the way?" Dean asked as I put my Grimoire away and folded the bag and put it in my pocket. They stole the crown, last I need is my Grimoire.

"I, uh...okay." I said caught off guard that they wanted me to cast any spells.

"Aduro Levis Lux." I chanted in latin surprised when a ball of light appeared out of thin air and started to shine bright enough for us to see several feet away.

"Stay close." Dean and Bobby said to me together.

"No problem." I said following right behind them.

We finally reached the town and I could see someone walking in the distance.

"It's Sam." I said happily but we were caught off guard as some guy in an US Army uniform ran up behind him.

"Sam lookout!" Dean yelled as the guy stabbed Sam in the back and took off running with Bobby chasing after him.

"Oh my God! Sam!!" I yelled as we ran up to him. Dean caught him before he hit the ground, but we could see how hurt he was.

"It's just a flesh wound. Sam! Hey you listen to me. You're gonna be okay. I'm going to take care of you little brother." Dean kept saying as tears came to his eyes.

I couldn't talk or anything. I just covered my mouth as I fell to the ground crying that Sam was now dead. So many scenarios went through my head at what I could've done differently. That maybe if I acted sooner than the guy wouldn't have gotten the jump on Sam. I could've cursed the guy right then and there.

I'm supposed to have all this power, but I'm still a frightened little child. How can I save anyone if I'm to afraid to act? I didn't notice all the tears falling from my face, how could I? It wasn't even important. I could just destroy that guy who did this, but unfortunately I'm too much of a pathetic child.

"Let's get him to Bobby's house." Dean said as we began to carry Sam's body. The look of peace on his face made me cry knowing that I could've done something, but I still chose not too.

We spent days at Bobby's house. I looked through all the pages that I could read in my Grimoire, still nothing. Or at least nothing that wouldn't have had such a backlash to it. There was a spell that would bring back Sam...but it had a huge warning label upon use. It said of all possible things that could've gone wrong.

Even if I could summon Sam from the might not even be him. Who knows what I would bring back. It would walk around in Sam's body like a meat suit. Pretending to be something it's not. Or being something bizarre and abomination all together.

Bobby has had to talk Dean out of forcing me several times. He keeps telling him, what's dead is best left dead. I want bad. But I couldn't live with myself if he wakes up some hell beast from the darkest pits. Something that hasn't seen the light of say since it's birth. Something so evil that even God Himself fears it.

"Dean we can't just stop everything. The end of the world is coming." Bobby tried to reason with Dean, but Dean wasn't having it.

"Then let it end!" Dean yelled at Bobby from the other room as I sat next to Sam's body. He was so pale, and his whole body was like ice. I used the same goop I used on Philipe to heal the wound, but that's all it did. Nothing changed...Sam was still dead. I psychotically expected him to jump up and dance or something...but nothing.

"You don't mean that..." Bobby said understanding how hurt that Dean was. From what Bobby told me, he had a rough beginning in the hunter life too. His wife came home one day possessed and he stabbed her dead.

"Haven't I done enough? Haven't I given enough?" Dean asked angrily.

"I'm tired, Bobby. I paid enough. I'm done with it. I quit." Dean said bitterly holding back tears.

"And if you know what's good for you, you'll turn around and get far away from here. Go!" Dean yelled angrily pushing Bobby.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please just go." Dean said to him.

"You know where I'll be." Was all Bobby said leaving us.

A few hours later Dean came in and sat down on a chair by the bed.

"I'm gonna go. I have something I need to do. Call me, or visit." I said hugging Dean who at first didn't hug me back, but held me tightly as he cried.

"I miss him so much." He said to me crying.

"I know. I do too. But don't get reckless, last we need is both of you dead." I said offering a sad smile.

"I'm sorry. I been thinking only about myself. Ash and Ellen are probably dead." Dean said sadly.

"It's life. I have to go...Unfortunately, I can't stall my witchly duties any longer. I have to go talk to a man about his abusive behavior." I said before leaving Dean alone with Sam. I wish I didn't have to but I promised Philipe.

I walked into the underground lounge. It was filled with witches and familiars and all magic folk of the like. I noticed Philipe who was in the corner lounging in a large red chair.

"Hello, love. It's so good to see you." Philipe said hugging me tightly.

"How have you been?"I said referring to Spencer.

"He was very angry when you didn't accept his invitation to join us. He got very violent, lucky for me I was able to calm him down when I told him that you agreed to meet with him." Philipe said holding my hand and guiding me to the bar.

"I hope I'm not too under dressed." I said nervously.

"Don't worry, love. I have some clothes you can borrow. Come." Philipe said as he guided me into a hall and into his room. He handed my a whole wardrobe.

I got dressed quickly. Philipe purring and making perverted comments as I stripped naked. I got dressed in a slim red wine colored dress shirt and black leather pants and designer leather boots. He even put a white leather belt on me to stand out against the outfit. Finishing it up with a necklace he handed me of a silver star pentagon with crescent moons at the corners.

"You look absolutely delish. I would know." He said licking the back of my ear. I turned around and kissed him deeply taking his tongue into my mouth.

"Keep the necklace. I got it for you." Philipe said with a wink as he held my hand and guided me back to the lounge.

"What's with the sour puss, love?" Philipe asked me as we sat by the bar again.

"A very dear friend of mine was just killed very recently. I feel like I could've stopped it, but I chose not too." I said sadly thinking of Sam.

"Did you really choose not to?" He asked me, "Well no. But..." "No buts...unless it's yours, then I'm so there. But no really, sometimes things happen for a reason. I know, it's corny and everyone says it. But it's entirely true." He said with a comforting smile.

"There he is...Spencer, meet a personal friend of mine." Philipe said with a smile gesturing towards me.

"How do you do?" I said offering a smile and a warm handshake.

"Finally. The Grand White Witch graces us with his presence. I have been waiting for this. You have no idea." Spencer said with this strange smile.

"Right...Spencer we need to talk. Privately." I said to him as he nodded and I gestured for Philipe to follow.

"What is it that is on your mind?" Spencer as as he took my hand and guided me along the hallway Philipe just got done taking me through.

"Why do you treat Philipe so ill?" I asked which stunned both Philipe and Spencer.

"What do you mean? Spencer treats me with the up most respect and love." Philipe said scared of Spencer. "Silence. and your familiar share a bond that cannot be broken. You will be with each other for centuries maybe millenia to boot. Why do you abuse someone who only wishes to help you?" I asked him trying to understand his reasoning.

"I do not understand what you mean. I do treat him the way he deserves." Spencer said grimly as we sat down outside on some chairs overlooking the stars and the city in the distance.

"I-I used a spell to summon a familiar. I wanted...a certain person." Spencer said getting up from his chair looking at the city.

"Portia..." Philipe said sadly lowering his head sadly.

"Everyone wants her as their familiar."

"Truth be told...Philipe thinks he's mine, but it's just a spell. He's nothing more than a servant to me. That's all a familiar is and will be." Spencer said bitterly.

"Unlike you who seems to divulge in such taboo as sex with a familiar. I choose to remain clean."

"Silence." I said holding my hand out to him causing his mouth to close.

"Love is love. I have taught that everywhere I have gone. As punishment, I strip you of your familiar. " I said standing up and turning to Philipe.

"Get your stuff. We are leaving." I told him as he smiled happily at me.

"You can't do this. It's against the witch's code." Spencer said bitterly.

"Don't get me started on the witch's code. My family wrote the laws. As acting Grand White Witch, I strip you of your familiar and your magic." I said placing an iron band on his arm. It had his name engraved in it which kept him or anyone from removing it.

Spencer yelled in a battle cry before trying to attack me. I didn't hesitate to grab his arm and break it in 3 places. I tossed him at the ground while he howled and whimpered in pain of his broken arm.

"I can't believe you just did that." Philipe said excitedly.

"I choose you, Zayne Lockheart. To be my master." Philipe said to me holding my hands in his own.

"I accept this bond."I said in response to him. He kissed me happily.

I helped him pack. We were in my car when I got a call from my mother. It must be Dean or Bobby using her phone...but how would they get her phone if she was dead?

"I'll get that love." Philipe said grabbing my phone and putting it in speaker.

"Hello?" I asked as I started the car and began to drive.

"Sweetie, we have a problem. Massive trouble. We need you to come to Bobby's place. We need all the help we can get. We figured that your powers could help." Mom said with her country twang.

"I'm on my way now. I'm so happy to hear your voice." I said as I drove to Bobby's junkyard instead of heading to my apartment. It's best we leave anyway...just in case if Spencer wants some form of revenge.

"Same here, peaches. I'll see you later. Bye." She said hanging up the phone.

"So...I need you to explain to me how you broke the familiar bond." Philipe said playing a game on my phone.

"You don't mind do you? Spencer never let me have a phone." Philipe said sadly, but he quickly brightened up with excitement at the game he was playing.

"Not at all. Um...well when I put the iron band on him it blocked his magic. It has his name engraved on it so no one can remove it except me. Or you...since he offended you. No magic, means he isn't a witch. No witch, no familiar. The bond was broken because a familiar cannot be tied to a regular human." I said remembering a case that one of my adoptive family members went through. It was written in the journal under familiars.

"I just hope you're okay with a long road trip to a friend's place." I said surprised when he grabbed me hand and kissed it, entwining our fingers.

"I'll follow you through hell and back." Philipe said with a loving smile.

"Careful with those words. I'm afraid around me you'll find a lot of that going on." I said seriously even squeezing his hand gently.

I finally made it to Bobby's junkyard and pulled up to his home and parked next to the Impala. Philipe and I got out of the car and walked to the house. When we reached the front porch the door burst open with my mom running in my arms.

"I'm so happy to see you." Ellen said to me before she noticed Philipe in the form of a black cat.

"You got a cat?" Ellen asked picking him up.

Don't say anything. Let them think a cat...this will be fun. I heard Philipe's voice in my head.

"Uh...yes. Actually he found me. It was just fate." I said thinking of how Philipe first met.

He showed up in cat form by my open window. He was sent by Spencer who witnissed me doing magic in an alley while I was being attacked by a ghost. I invited him in and petted him for hours, even cuddling while we watched a movie together. In the middle of the movie when to make more popcorn, he shifted into this beautiful guy with this smile that melted my heart. So we talked for hours while watching movies. Since then we been movie buddies, he would sneak away just to see me.

"He's adorable." Ellen said holding him in her arms and scratching behind his ear.

Just wait till she sees me change. She won't say the same thing. Hehehe.

"He sure is." I said with a smirk.

"I thought you were dead. I'm glad you escaped the fire." I said thinking of Ash and the fire.

"A lot of good people died in that fire. I can't believe I got to live. We ran out of pretzels...dumb luck." Ellen said sadly feeling as if she didn't deserve to be living.

"Ash called and told me to check the safe. I found this." Mom said handing me the crown I was freaking over.

"Dean and Bobby already explained what it was. Why didn't you use it. If it can cure you of your amnesia then it's best to take it. Listen baby, no matter who you can always strive to be someone else...someone better. So don't feel like you're a monster." Mom said kissing my forehead.

I jokingly put on the crown and I wore it knowing full well that I needed an incantation to make it work. We sat in the living room waiting to see what was going to happen when Sam walked in. Philipe jumped from my lap and ran off under the couch as I got up quickly scaring him.

"Oh...ho! My God. What's the hell?" I asked yelling in shock. How is he alive? Dean came flying in and grabbed me with Bobby on his trail.

"Sam stay with Ellen." Dean yelled as they carried me out into the junkyard.

"Explain to me how Sam is walking around? And not night of the living dead?" I asked still in shock at what I just saw.

"That's not important. The thing is he's back." Dean said trying to get me to not bring it up with Sam.

"Dean. Remember me? I'm a witch. I know there are only a few ways to bring someone back. Problem is that there isn't a guarantee that..." I started but he punched me out of nowhere.

"What the fuck?" I yelled before sending a bolt of energy at him through reflex.

"You could've brought Sam back, but instead you chose to be a pansy. Because of you...I had to make a deal to bring Sam back, I had to give up my soul. I have one year to live." Dean said getting up with blood coming from his mouth.

"Don't you dare blame me for this. I told you that there is always a cost." I said angrily.

"You both need to rise above this." Bobby yelled as he tried to stop him from attacking me again.

"We have bigger things going on than Zayne and Sam."

"Stop forcing all of your idiotic bigotry down my throat and suck on the fact that you need me. Why do you hate me so much? I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong about that too." I said bitterly walking away and back into the house with Dean and Bobby calling after me.

I sat on the couch with my arms folded waiting for Dean and Bobby to come back. Sam sat across from me on a chair looking at me with a shy and awkward dimpled smile.

"We have a problem. Something I picked up. I'm sure Ash found out and was killed because he found out." Bobby said coming in with a map with pentagram.

"We found out that Samuel Colt made a giant devil's trap. Iron bars. Demons can't get in...but we feel like he's keeping something in."

"But I know someone who can. Jake. He's under the control of yellow eyes then he'll do it. He doesn't even know what hell he'll unleash." Sam said looking at the map.

I couldn't help but notice that Philipe was missing. I got up and looked around, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Where's my cat?" I asked everyone as Dean smirked.

"I stuck that flea bag in a drawer." Dean said kicking his feet up on the table.

I'm fine. The oaf just caught me by surprise. I can't shift in here. Can you get me out?

I waved at the kitchen cabinets and drawers as they all opened at one time. Philipe jumped out quickly and jumped in my arms. I began petting him to calm him down. Laughing when Dean sneezed again. I sat down on the couch with Philipe in my lap.

"How'd you do that without a hexbag?" Bobby asked me curious of how I'm able to openly manipulate everything without saying a spell for everything.

"I'm not an amateur. Even though I had to reteach myself the craft, my body has become so accustomed to using magic." I said explaining how much freedom from spells I have.

"Don't touch my cat." I told Dean without warning him of the consequences.

"Keep the stupid thing away from me." Dean said still mad about the energy bolt.

"He isn't stupid. He's very bright." I said as Philipe jumped onto the floor and shifted before us.

"And I'd appreciate it if you stopped insulting me." Philipe said to Dean, but smirked at everyone's shocked faces.

"He's my familiar." I said to everyone as Dean had this strange look on his face.

"Wait. So...that's the guy? You had sex with a cat?" Dean asked grossed out.

"I wasn't a cat at the time." Philipe said before he sat down next to me, pulling my hands into his.

"People we have bigger problems we need to get going." Sam said as he grabbed his coat.

"If you boys don't quit fighting Imma leave you here." Ellen said to us.

"Let's get going." Philipe said as I turned to him.

"I don't want you in any danger. Stay here. Please?" I asked handing him my phone.

"Fine. Just be safe." He said as I kissed him.

"Always." I grabbed my bag and put the crown away, before returning the bag to my pocket.

"I love magic." I said as Dean rolled his eyes.

We drove for hours, when we finally got here we realize we had to walk because the train rails were too big with no ramp to get over. 50 miles to the cemetery.

"So...Philipe?" Sam asked shyly.

"He...loves me. And I love him. He was there for me when I had no one." I said to Sam.

"In all fairness, you didn't let me be there for you. You barricaded everyone out." Sam said sadly.

"Because...for months I expected that you and Dean wanted to kill me. Once I realized your views on witches." I said with a sigh as we all walked through a giant field.

"I would was a shock at first. But I got over it. I'm just sad that you didn't understand why I was sad." He said to me stopping me as everyone kept walking.

"I said that I kept falling inlove with people who I should be hunting." Sam said with a small blush.

It took a second for me to understand and register what he said fully. We caught up with the group and continued our pace, but Sam was walking closer to me. I tried to keep quiet, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"I don't understand. I just told you that I love you...I mean inlove with you. You didn't say anything." Sam said almost hysterical.

"Because...despite what I feel for you, I'm with Philipe." I said hoping he would understand where I was coming from.

"He's a fucking cat! You need a man." Sam said angrily.

"He is a man. Who happens to turn into a cat. Point being...I'm in a relationship with him. I can't drop him to be in a relationship with you. It's not fair to him. As much as I love you...and I do, so so much. I can't be with you." I said with tears coming to my eyes. I pulled away from him and kept walking this time at a faster pace.

The sun was going down by the time we reached the cemetery. Apparently we got here first, I half expected for this Jake guy to be here first. We got behind large head stones and waited for Jake to show up. We all heard the gate of the cemetery creak open. Everyone was in position with their guns at the ready. After what this guy did to Sam I was ready to kill.

"Howdy, Jake." Sam said as the guy walked up to the crypt with a devil's trap on it. We all came from our hiding spots ready to take the son of a bitch down.

He turned surprised at what he saw. His eyes stuck at the red energy balls the size of basketballs that formed above my hands that I now held ready to send flying towards him. He turned back to Sam and looked almost...terrified. He was pretty big, but no where near as big as Sam.

"Wait... You were dead. I killed you" Jake said with a frightened chill.

" Yeah? Well next time finish the job." Sam said pointing the gun straight for Jake's face.

"I did. I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Jake said as the shock of all this seemed to settle in to his mind of how screwed he was. Sam had this look of curiosity and disbelief, but he believed him. Jake had no reason to lie anymore. Sam glanced at Dean knowingly who looked away unable to make eye contact.

"You can't be can't be."

"Okay, just take it real easy there son." Bobby said trying to defuse the situation before anything bad happened. It took every ounce of strength I had to not send these bad boys flying.

"And if I don't?" He asked taunting us.

"Wait and see!" Sam said ready to blow this guy's brains out.

"What you a tough guy all of a sudden?" Jake asked almost finding this amusing.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Jake asked with a small smile forming on his lips.

"It's a thought." Sam said with his trigger finger just inching to blow this sucker away.

"You had your chance and you couldn't." Jake said still taunting Sam. What's wrong with this guy? Did he not see he was surrounded with guns and deadly energy balls aimed at the ready.

"I won't make that mistake again." Sam said promising Jake a painful death. It got weirder when Jake started to laugh in a creepy fashion.

"What are you smiling at you bitch?" Dean asked bitterly at Jake who had this creepy smile on his face.

"Hey Lady." Jake said referring to my mom.

"Do me a favor...put that gun to pretty boy's head." Jake said as his eyes flashed and a smile adorned his conniving face. I expected the gun to go to Sam or Dean's head, but instead Ellen shakingly pointed the gun at my head. I could feel the cold metal of the gun next to my head.

"Put those away, pretty boy. So no one gets hurt." Jake said and I could feel this foreign presence sneak into my mind and cause me to put the energy balls out.

He began to laugh at the shocked and scared looks on everyone's faces.

"See that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, theres all sorts of Jedi mind tricks you can learn." Jake said with a grin.

"Let them go." Sam said warning Jake.

"Shoot him." Ellen said with her voice trembling in fear of shooting her only son.

"You'll be mopping up skull before you got a shot off." Jake warned them all.

"Everybody put your guns down, except you sweetheart." I watched as they all put their guns down on the grown. I began focusing on the gun at my head, I was going to try and either jam the gun or redirect the bullet.

"Okay. Thank you." Jake said with a smirk as he ran to the crypt. Bobby and Dean jumped to separate us and and as the gun went off I was lucky enough to redirect the bullet and watched as it went into Jake's back. That didn't stop Sam from picking up his gun and shooting Jake several times in the back.

The look on Sam's malicious and angry. It wasn't the Sam I know and love. Something was off about him. Don't get me wrong, being brought back is a bitch and a half. I figured on letting it slide, but he just scared me. I never want to see this Sam...ever again.

"Please...don't...please." Jake gasped out as he begged for his life as he laid on the ground with blood just gushing from his mouth. Sam seemed to hesitate for a second, but shot Jake in the head through his eye.

"You okay?" Sam asked me not taking his eye off what he did, not regretting it in the least.

"Y-yeah. I forgot how it felt to be powerless. I never want to feel that way again. It's so terrible." I said hugging with tears about to fall from my eyes.

I turned to see the devil's trap lock on the door turn and shift to resemble a proper devil's trap. The tumblers of the locks clanked as they were set in place behind the large iron doors.

"Something is happening." I said backing away from the Sam and the door.

"Oh, no." Bobby said scared backing away with me.

"Bobby, what is it?" Ellen asked not getting what was going on.

"It's hell." Bobby said as Sam pulled the Colt from the door.

"Take cover, now!!" Bobby yelled as we all jumped behind the tombstones. The door burst open with this burning glow of hunger and evil as thousands of demons in the form of black smoke shot out of hell. The impact caused this freak air wave which pushed against us slightly. If it wasn't for Sam and Dean holding me close to them than I probably would've gone flying.

"What the hell just happened?" Dean asked yelling over the sound of thunder and wind as lesser demons and demons from the darkest pits and souls that have not yet begun to turn to demons either flew out or walked out.

"That's a devil's gate. A damned door to hell." Ellen yelled in answer over the commotion.

"Come on! We got to shut that gate!!" Ellen said as we charged to close the door before every last foul demon escaped.

I pushed with Bobby, but the doors were nearly impossible to shut. They were so heavy. I was about to use magic, but noticed Dean and Sam getting thrown around by a yellow eyed man. While I pushed with my back to the door, I mentally projected a pulse if invisible force at the man sending him flying. He got up and laughed pointing at me waving his finger in a "no no" motion.

I could feel a force hit me back against the wall. I heard a crack and felt the sharp pain of the colt pierce my body. I gasped for air as blood started to rush into my lungs and out my mouth. I couldn't was like someone shut off all the sound in the world and left this irritating ringing that escalated in a matter of seconds. The yellow eye man smiled at me in this cynical way almost as if he had something planned for me.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt the boss's lovely bride." The yellow eyed demon said almost referring to me. As he made the colt rip out of my stomach and licked the tip the entered me.

I watched as a spirit walked out of hell and grabbed on to the demon's meat suit and pulled out the demon. I noticed when the spirit showed it's true form of who it was. The man I unhooked in my dreams...they were real? John Winchester was out of the pit. The demon knocked John off of him and flew back into the body just in time to see Dean with the Colt pointed straight at him.

It all slowed down as the bullet went straight to the yellow eyed demon's chest. No doubt piercing his heart. I crawled away from the door, because it seemed to almost start sucking air in just as quick as it spat it out. I screamed as the air sucked me in like a vacuum. I thought I was done for, but was surprised when I felt John grab me and Sam followed suit as they tried to pull me out of the mouth.

"Hold on!" They yelled as Dean joined them and I heard the doors finally close behind me. The tumblers locking back into place as the door locked again. I just laid there as they turned me over and looked at my wound.

"You'll be okay. They'll get you to a hospital." John said with a proud smirk.

"Thank you for saving me." John said embracing me

"We're even." I said with a small smile as I felt myself getting cold.

"Keep my boys safe." He said to me and I nodded as he walked to them. No words were said, but the tears said thousands. I cried when I saw John's spirit pass...his spirit filling up with light. He was finally at peace. That was the last I saw of him...or anyone.

The darkness greeted me as an old friend. The cold chill of death high tailed it after me. Despite what they may have said....I know they had lost me. I was surprised this time. I was welcomed with this warm glowing light and sense of peace. I couldn't see the figure because of the light, but heard him whisper in my ear.

His words stuck with me....

"It's not your time. Return back to the realm of the living. I have much planned for you my son." He said in this warm and caring fatherly tone. That's when I felt a hand on my chest, it pushed me down back to the mortal coil.

"Take heed. This will be a tough road."

(That's the next chapter. I hope you all liked it. Thought it would be a nice twist and turn. Blessed Be.)

Next: Chapter 5

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