Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Mar 28, 2003


Enter the infamous legal disclaimer NOW:

I do not own any of the following. I wish I did. OH how I wish I did. Do you know how much money some of these bring in? But alas, I am but a meager college student working towards a teaching degree. That's right; I am in college, and going to be a teacher. Going from no money at all (college student) to no money at all (teacher). Please don't sue. You'll get a crappy pen set that I got from my brother many moons ago. Now, onto everything I do not own. Repeat. Don't own. I don't know sexual orientations or personalities either. DON'T OWN, DON'T KNOW!

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series and characters written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Birds Of Prey television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

Ok, now that that is taken care of, a little publicity for my co-authors. Go read these four stories in the Boy Bands, and Celebrity sections:

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

There may also be a new writer up and coming. Good luck! I love the storyline I've seen so far dude! Keep writing!

Finally, this is it I promise, we are entering into a section of the story where 4 stories converge. I am hoping that this is not confusing, but exciting for you all. So, enjoy!

The Story of the Birds Of Prey Chapter 3: Riddles of the Past

When Ororo and I arrived the room was already pretty full. I took a seat to the right of Eric as Ororo spoke with Scott. She turned and came over to me. "We just got word that Green Falcon is almost here. I must admit, you and your partner are most powerful. I am going to go arrange their arrival."

"Thank you Ororo." She smiled and left.

I looked at all the people gathered, still amazed not only with the strange diversity of people, but their auras. My gaze finally fell on a man standing in the doorway. He looked angry with the world, and just willing enough to tear it apart.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Eric. "Thanks for gathering again. I spoke with the Professor. He's doing better, as many of you know, and will be along to join us in a little while. He asked that we listen to Garret and Jessica, as they have some new information to report."

A man who was sitting next to Jessica stood and looked at those gathered. "Thank you Eric. As many of you know, I'm a Watcher. The Watchers' Council is an organization created for the sole purpose of fighting the supernatural forces of darkness. We have many volumes of ancient texts giving us information on demons, spirits, and so forth. Some even prophesy the future.

"Right after the attacks yesterday, I was reminded of a passage I read in one of Nostradamus' acolyte's notebooks. There were many prophecies that came after Nostradamus passed from this world but were written with his name attached to it. Many dismiss them as hoaxes, however, those who are more familiar with such practices know that pupils often place their teacher's name to a document in recognition of how they received the information. A teacher is credited with the student's access to the spiritual world, and therefore, given the recognition of finding the answer.

"Back to my point. There are several verses found that seem to predict the events that happened yesterday." He reached down and picked up a folder. Opening it he pulled out several pages of writing, cleared his throat, and began reciting.

`In the City of God there will be great thunder,

Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb.' Nostradamus 1654.

`Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the

Metropolis. The sky will burn at forty-five degrees

latitude. Fire approaches the great new city

Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up. Within months,

rivers will flow with blood. The undead will roam

earth for little time.'

`In the year of the new century and nine months,

From the sky will come a great King of Terror...

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.

Fire approaches the great new city...'

`In the city of York there will be a great collapse,

2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos

while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb

third big war will begin when the big city is burning.'

"So you see, there may be more than meets the eye." Garrett finished.

"You may very well be right." I was surprised by Professor Xavier's voice. I turned and saw him floating in a chair. I was shocked. I didn't know that sort of technology was available. A gift from a distant friend.' Came a response in my mind. Remind me after all is settled to help you train your abilities.' The Professor looked right at me, and continued speaking to the room. "Let's take a look at several of the verses you've read to us. Some have said the exact same thing, yet adding new words later."

"I can only assume," Garret said, setting down his pages of prophecies and notes, "that the prophets were getting more information through visions as time went on."

"Prophecies can be tricky," the Professor said with a smile, "is there anyone here who has a background in interpreting prophecies?"

Eric raised his hand. The Professor nodded to him as Dylan also raised his hand. "I have some experience interpreting, but not much. I can get my brother Ryan to help, since it's his forte. But we are not perfect, and sometimes mistakes are made." A look of pain came over Dylan's face, and was quickly covered. "Eddie and I also had messages imparted to us recently, with the exact words, that concern apocalypse, but not the words of Nostradamus. More a warning than a prophecy."

Everyone looked to Eddie as he began reciting. "He feeds on fear, he feeds on pain, he rules again. With his right hand, he will command their faith again. No hesitation he'll make, poisons the truth to lead the way to a world of decay."

The professor looked down for a moment. I was in complete shock. I had heard of mutants who can predict moments in the immediate future, but this... this was all too amazing. And that's coming from someone who has a giant flaming alien bird living inside him. The professor looked at everyone who had not volunteered. "If the rest of you would leave, we can get to work interpreting what these are saying."

Everyone except those who had volunteered filed out of the room. I was about to follow them to the dining hall when Rogue, the girl I had met in Orlando, came up to me. "I'm supposed to take you to the landing pad. Josh and Green Falcon are about to land." I nodded and turned to see Lance a few feet down the hall. "Lance, Josh and Andy are about to arrive, wanna come with me to meet them?"

Lance turned and headed back. "JC is here? I thought he was in San Francisco."

"I called. We both wanted to be together, and Andrea was being dispatched out here, so I asked her to give him a lift." I smiled. "Newly engaged people don't really handle being apart well." He smiled, and we headed for the surface of the school.

Ororo, Scott, Jean, Lance, and I were all waiting at the basketball court for Andrea to arrive with Josh. When we saw a green light appear in the distance, we knew they were here. As they got closer, I couldn't help but laugh.

Andrea had created what looked like a green version of the Star Trek Voyager Delta Flyer. "Eric would have loved that." I heard Lance saying next to me with a chuckle. When the craft landed it began to fade. Josh and Andrea stepped through the last bit of fading craft and came towards us. I immediately pulled Josh into a hug, ending with a passionate kiss.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about Scott, but no. You have to play the jealous overprotective Neanderthal boyfriend." I broke the kiss and looked over to see a meek look spread across Scotts blushing face. Jean smiled at me and I started laughing.

"Well, this place is nice. It's a school?" I looked over at Andrea who had used her ring to create a set of green butler's who were carrying hers, and Josh's, bags.

"Welcome to the Xavier Institute for the Gifted." Jean held her hand out to Andrea who smiled.

"Thanks. So..." Andy said smiling, rubbing her hands together. "When do we kick some baddy butt?"

"All in good time sis, all in good time." We all walked towards the building, my hand in Josh's, Lance and he talking. Andrea leading a set of green glowing butlers, and a trio of mystified X-Men following. We were definitely making a small mark on this place. Now to just figure out who we are up against, and how to stop them so we can all go home.

We headed back into the institute and Jean had a couple students carry Josh and Andrea's bags up to my room. Andrea had smiled and said, "Wow, five star treatment. Nice." Everyone laughed it up, and I felt 100% more at ease.

"We are going to the dining hall and have dinner." Scott said. "Would you like to join us?" We all agreed and headed that way. Josh, Andy, and I all held back a bit from the small group.

"So, what's the deal Blake?" I looked at my sis, who was all pent up with energy.

"Professor Xavier, the head of this school and the X-Men, is going over some prophecies with Eric, Jessica's Watcher, and a friend of Lances. Dylan I think is his name?"

"He's here?" I looked at Josh who seemed confused. "I know he has powers, I'm just surprised. His band, Oceans Whispers, opened for us on our last tour."

We all absorbed this as we entered the dining hall. Josh and Lance were off to the side almost immediately. I smiled at them. Josh seemed glad to have someone other than Andy and me to latch to in this confusing situation. I wondered if asking him to come was a good idea.

We all sat down for diner, and all my worries melted away. Josh and I were together, and that's all that really mattered in this time. Everyone needed the extra grounding of those they care about.

Well, that was chapter 3. I hope that you all enjoyed.I demand feed back. Also, I am trully sorry it was dellayed so. I was preparing for my trip to DC, and became so overwhelmed. I am going to take a moment to give two shout outs. First, John: I'm having so much fun reading your story and copy editing. I know it's going to be a great fic. And Josh, my Josh, writer of Graduation Present, you rock so fucking hard dude. (Pun SO intended!) I really enjoy hanging out online, and your story is only getting better. Though it could use a vampire or two.

Question for my fans, do any of you enjoy Laurell K. Hamiltons books?


Next: Chapter 14: Birds of Prey 4

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