Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Dec 24, 2002


This is not my first story, but I think this is going to be where I flourish. My previous stories lay in hibernation awaiting the day I decide to pick them back up again. ("Learning Curve" in Boy Bands, and "Johnny Boy" in High School) I've never had as many Ideas running around my head as with Tales Of The New Phoenix. I don't know exactly how fast I will be able to get chapters out, so please don't kill me. And, as you can see by my title, I am going to have a character based on The Phoenix from Marvel Comics. I am going to go a bit of my own way with the Char. so any die hard fans, please refrain from hurting me, ok? My experience with the Phoenix is limited to the cartoon, and the Dark Phoenix comic book saga. I do hope to hold true to the heart of the character, but will be making some changes just as was made with The Bat Man. Now, on to the boring stuff.

I do not own any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I am restating; I do not own any of the above mentioned, although I wish I did. Those make tons of money. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned for certain. Everything I write is purely fiction from my mind. Please don't sue me, I am a poor college student and have nothing. If you are under aged, go away. This site is for adults. Warning to the closed minded, gay fiction is about to start.

I've received a few E-Mails. I will respond, I promise. I'm in the middle of my finals right now and just... am way too frazzled. I'm actually considering setting this story down until after finals, but I keep seeing a flaming bird behind my eye lids. This section of the Phoenix Story will be ending with Chapter 10, I think, and then "The Story of the _____ of ____" will begin. (What? Those two words would give away WAY too much. 8^D )

Chapter 6:

We didn't share a dream that night. I was disappointed by that fact when I woke up. I opened my eyes to find my bed empty, and for a moment panicked. Josh had mentioned that he needed to fly out to Orlando today and finish with Nsync, and also pack his stuff to move out here. `Did he already go?'

"No, I'm still here!" Josh shouted from the other room.

"What the...?" I stood up, grabbed a robe from the open closet door, and headed for the Kitchen.

"Josh, I didn't say anything." I looked at him; he was scrambling eggs for breakfast.

"Really?" He stopped what he was doing. "That's weird. I heard you clearly ask if I had already gone. Could you have projected it?"

"I don't think so... I have more control over my powers then that. It may have been a fluke, like with the dream." `That has to be it.'

"Whatever. Listen, I need to leave at the same time you do. Its 10 now. I set up the table I found in the store room on the patio, and thought we could have brunch outside." I smiled and walked up to him. He moved closer and pulled me into a kiss. "So, how was patrol? What's Green Lantern like?"

"Patrol was quiet. With the number of vamps I saw at that where house, I thought that we would be busy. Green Lantern said this is quieter than any patrol in New York. That makes me nervous." I walked over to the patio and opened the door. There was a slight scent from the bay, but not too much. We were pretty far from it.

"Blake... there is something I was thinking about. When I move out here, there is going to be a lot of stuff. It won't be big enough for the both of us." He looked nervous. I laughed at him and started pulling stuff out of the fridge.

"Josh, we'll get a new place. I'm not remotely poor, and unless you have really bad management, you're not remotely poor. Hell, I own 3 houses besides this place. The club is doing unbelievably well. We can get a nice, old Victorian... or a nice new house... or how about a town house? It doesn't matter as long as I'm with you." I opened a cupboard to grab some English Muffins.

"You own four houses? And I thought Justin was living extravagantly with his collection of cars." We both laughed.

"Technically I inherited them. I own a two story home in Cupertino. It's the house I grew up in. I rent it to Andreas Mom and Dad for about... $600 a month? I don't remember. I do know I should be renting it for about 3 grand. Then I own a small place in the Santa Cruz Mountains. My parents loved to go there every once in a while. It's so quiet. I rent it out to a small family that moved here from Maine. They have a son, 16, who was dying to go to Santa Cruz State. After their youngest son died from Cancer, they couldn't bare to live so far from him. Then there is the house in Hawaii. 3 stories. It was my Grand Parents. I get a lot of rent from that place. A family lives there, 7 children. I'm still amazed by that one. They were all born year after year. The dad is a neurosurgeon, and the mom stays home. I think right now she's going to school part time, going for a teaching degree. Their oldest just started high school." I was lost in thought for a bit.

"You're some landlord. Most people would be happy with just a name; you know the story surrounding your tenants." We both laughed for a bit.

"I know. I wanted to make sure that the houses were used as homes, not just dwellings. My family would have wanted it that way." Josh let a small tear slip down his cheek, then changed the subject. "They guys are all gonna help me pack, except Joey. Remind me to find out what's up with him when everything settles down, will ya? So I'll be coming back in exactly one week. Which I do mean exactly. My return flight is scheduled to land at the same time as my flight out today is scheduled to leave." We gathered the food we had pulled together, with his Eggs slightly steaming in the bowl he had placed them in, and started shuttling everything outside.

"Well, bring me back a Disney World hat, K?" He giggled, and we sat down to eat.

"As long as that's all you're wearing the night I'm back." I blushed, and we ate.

Josh had packed the night before, so all he had to do was catch a cab to the airport. I cried as he drove away, fingering the ring that he had left me with. I looked at it, amazed that it was so exactly like the one in the dream. I jumped in my car, and headed for the Club. I decided to use the number I was given on the way there.

"Hello?" Came the groggy voice.

"You stayed out on patrol after I left, didn't you?" Ryan laughed.

"Yeah, well, I had too much energy. I really needed a fight. I never did find one." I laughed at him, he sounded so disappointed.

"Well, I'm calling because I thought we could catch some food before you head out on patrol. Since I won't be there to give you a hand, I thought it would be the least I could do." I turned into the parking lot of Serenity.

"Cool. I'll swing by your club. What time is good?" I turned off the engine, and thought for a minute. I needed to meet with Pink for the sound check at 5, and the club was closed for the night for set up,

"8 sound ok? I'm bringing a friend, so make sure you're in street clothes." I opened the door and headed for the Entrance, seeing Andrea pacing in front of the doors. When she spotted me, she crossed her arms, what appeared to be a new paper in her hand.

"See you then, bye." We both hung up.

"What's up Andy?" I walked up to her, and she held a half page sized photo of The Phoenix which was plastered on the cover of the news paper.

"Care to explain?" She asked. She didn't seem too happy.

"What?" I asked simply.

"I know this is you!" She whispered. No one was around. I made sure by scanning the immediate area.

"What makes you think it was me?" I asked, slightly nervous but holding it in.

"Well, body size and shape. Where the photo was taken. The stance you take when you fly. The direction that the giant bird is coming from is where you live." She rolled up the paper, and started hitting me with it. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?!?!" I flinched down and ducked for cover under my own arms.

"I just got these powers, it's a long story."

"Not that moron, that he proposed! You've only been dating like a week, and you already have an engagement ring?" She grabbed my hand, and eyed the silver colored ring.

"That too is a long story." I pulled her inside and we headed into the office. The crew was setting up the stage lights, and the bar staff was stocking everything up. Once inside, I told her all about the night I met JC, the trip to the moon, becoming the Phoenix, meeting Green Lantern (But not giving his name) and finally, the dream world where he proposed.

"So you made this ring out of a dream?" She was in awe.

"That's the theory. I can create my Phoenix Suit out of thin air, so I think I made these rings in the same way." She thought for a bit, then looked at me like a 6 year old.

"Can I see you change? Please? Pretty please with a Tequila Sunrise on tip?" I laughed. At her excitement.

"Sure." I said standing up. "Ok, my eyes will be really bright, so don't look directly into them." I closed them and stood behind my desk. I shifted the matter surrounding my body, and reformed it into my black suit. I changed my hair from black to red, and lit my eyes, though they were closed. I hovered into the air, mostly for effect, and let some streamers of cool flames float about. I then opened my eyes and looked down at Andrea. Then with a flash from my eyes, which caused her to look away, I shifted everything back into my street clothes and let the streamers fade, I dropped to the floor, and she turned back.

"That was SO fucking cool!" She stood bouncing in place.

"No telling, ok? Now, we are going out to dinner with a new friend of mine. His name's Ryan. He's from New York and is new to the Bay." She got a funny look for a minute, and then smiled at me.

"Ok. Pink should be here any minute. We should go meet her." She stood and we went out to meet the singer.

Pink turned out to be a totally cool person. She was also a totally great singer. The sound check was flawless, and I got to hear a song from her new album, and then Andrea and I went to meet Ryan.

He was just walking to the front door when we exited. Andrea suddenly stopped, and I spun to see why. She just stood there looking towards Ryan with a look of shock. I turned to him and saw the same look.

"Pooh Bear?" Andy asked breaking into a smile.

"Oh my God! Andy!" They ran to each other and fell into a hug.

"Andrea, I'd like you to meet Ryan. Ryan, this is my sister Andrea." I just walked towards my car. "Leave it to me to ALWAYS Find some twisted cosmic way of wrapping my entire existence into happy coincidences." I opened my door, climbed in, and shut it. They were still hugging. "Let's see. I'm now a super hero. I'm engaged to a man who has two friends dating and married to superhero's, another who is hanging out with a superhero, and now my sister seems to KNOW my new super hero partner. You'd think this would be enough to drive you BONKERS. Well, look at that, it has. I'm now talking to myself." I slammed my head against the steering wheel and left it there, blaring horn and all.

"Blake, what the hell are you doing?" I turned to see Andrea and Ryan standing at the now opened passenger door.

"Thanking the universe for unbelievably weird coincidences. My life has become unbelievable now." I smiled as they piled in. "Next stop, Dirty Rose. So, you two obviously know each other. How?"

"Well, he's my ex." I turned to Andrea, letting my powers keep track of the driving as I looked her in the eye.


"Blake, you know I hate it when you do that. Eye's on the road! And don't give that mind's eye crap." I smiled, and awaited the rest of the story. Ryan was being awfully quiet in the back, so I lowered the rearview mirror telekinetically. He was staring out the window smiling goofily. "Well... you know how I lived in Portland until the 9'Th grade?"


"Well... so did he." She said smiling.

"I moved to New York the same time she moved down here. We dated throughout Middle School." I looked in the mirror, and spotted him spotting me. "PS, you suck at covert surveillance." He held his ring up and pushed the mirror back to its original position.

"Ryan? You're a mutant?" Andy asked, turning in her seat to spot him.

"No, I just have this ring. I got it from some green guy. He said it's The Green Lantern Ring, and that it's the most powerful weapon in the universe. I let's me create anything I can imagine. It's really cool. I'm sorta... well... a Super Hero." At this he smiled meekly.

"So Ryan is the guy Blake? The green dude?" her eyes were absolutely sparkling. I swear she was meant for soap operas.

"Yeah. He's my new partner." I said smiling. "At least we won't need to use any subterfuge tonight."

"So... I don't remember you having a brother when we were kids Andy." I smiled at Andy, I was gonna let her field this one all by herself. The last time someone from her past asked that, I became the kid locked in the basement for 16 years. I looked at the poor woman she spoke to, and told her of my daring escape.

"It's complicated, but we are actually just best friends." She caught me off guard with the truth.

"Wait! I wanted to be the tortured child again. Or maybe the weird clone." We laughed for a few minutes, then I put on the radio, hoping to just have some quiet back ground music. What I got was not quiet background music.

"... already destroyed one of the buildings, and are now attacking people at random. St. Josephs Cathedral is currently on fire. People are still trapped in The Fairmont. The National Guard is trying to fight back against the army which attacked just after dark... but are getting no where. Repeat, Down Town San Jose is being attacked by what appears to be an army of mutants. We are trying to evacuate but..." I turned it off and pulled the car over.

"Ryan?" I turned to Andrea. "Get back to Serenity. Tell the staff to get home. Make sure Pink gets to her hotel ok." Ryan and I climbed out as Andrea got into the drivers seat. We ran into an alley and made sure no one was around. I shifted into my Phoenix costume, and saw Ryan pointing his ring at his clothes and moving over his body, changing into his Green Lantern costume. When we were done, we took off for San Jose.

The scene was unbelievable. I looked at least a thousand people in black uniforms sweeping the area with assault rifles, machine guns, and other weapons. When I got closer, I saw the truth.

"GL, their Vamps. Take `em out!" With a great cry, I descended on the Cesar Chavez Park, where there was a large number of vamps. They turned to me and started firing. Acting on instinct I held my hand up and a red barrier formed ahead of me. I landed in the midst of them, encircling myself in this barrier and letting the Phoenix form fade. I looked at one of the trees near me, and it exploded. The vamps all turned to the splintering tree in shock.

I walked to a raised platform at the tip of the small park, and turned back towards the group of vampires. The splintered tree was floating in the air, supported by my powers. I looked at the group of vampires. They turned to run, but I stopped them by lifting them into the air.

I then used my powers to amplify my voice, and cause it to come from the very air around them. "You have all heard of when it rains cats and dogs I'm sure." I caused all of the bits of tree to fall, except a number of sharp shards, which I pointed at the group of vampires. "Well, this time it's raining stakes and dust." I let the stakes fly, and over half of the vampires screamed and fell to the ground as dust. She rest just shouted in pain. "As for you, I think you need some haircuts." I pulled the stakes from their chests, and made them spin super fast. The spinning disks then severed the remaining vampire's heads, and they fell to the ground in cinders.

I then headed for the Fairmont across the street. At the entrance I saw one of the ancient vampires from the battle with Jessica and Eric.

"Very impressive Mr. Phoenix. And I must also thank you for taking care of Shivar the other night. You'll find that destroying me won't be quite as easy. She was always a bit... weak. As we speak my colleague Sanswah is retrieving the item we require. This," He made a sweeping gesture of the city. "is nothing more then practice for our troops. We are larger, and stronger, than you can imagine." He raised his palm towards me, and I was thrown into a car parked on the street. I was amazed by the fact that even though the car was damaged severely, I was unhurt. I stood and faced him.

"You may be strong vampire, but you will not win. Call off your demons and I may destroy you quickly." I turned my head and for the first time noticed the pile of bodies being stacked in the Pavilion Walk Way between the Fairmont and the new building under construction next to it. "You will pay for what you have done this night."

"As you wish." He waved his hand in the air. I heard the sound of gunfire die down a bit. A platoon from The National Guard came around the corner. "And please, call me Dasro. But did I mention, we have taken control of the human army as well? Their minds are so easy to control." I turned and saw a National Guard soldier point a missile shoulder missile launcher at me. Before I could react it was racing towards me. I erected the energy shield from earlier again, but it wasn't enough to protect me fully from the blast.

The next thing I knew I was hurtling backwards. I smashed into a tree, and it fell into the street. I stood shakily, and projected my mind over the soldiers. I pushed one thought into their minds. `Sleep. Tired. Must rest. Sleep.' They soon fell to the ground asleep. I turned back to Dasro and swept my hands at him. He flew away from the hotel and into the park. He skidded across the fountains in the middle of the park.

"You can not take care of me that easily Dasro. I am Phoenix!" I rose into the air and allowed the phoenix flames to form. "I am power!" I caused a fierce wind to start whirling throughout the park. "I am Protector to the people of this world. You shall not win!" I saw a camera crew peeking out from behind a pillar of The Tech Museum. Dasro lifted into the air as well.

"You may be powerful Phoenix," I was struck hard from behind. I turned to see the other ancient vampire, Sanswah, pointing an object at me. "But so are we." A blue blast came from the object and I was sent hurtling to the ground. The Phoenix cried out, then dissipated around me. I looked on, unable to move, as Dasro and Sanswah began chanting in the air. The object Sanswah had used against me was floating between them. A white beam of light then shot from the moon and encased them both. The lights of the city shut down and the only light was the shaft encircling the two Vampires.

Green Lantern came from above the Fairmont and shot a blast at them, but it was reflected at him and he was sent hurtling into the side of the building. The light faded and the two vampires lowered to the ground. Dasro looked at the Tech Museum and lifted his hand. A white stream of light hit the building, and it exploded violently. They both then turned to me. I knew that if I didn't do something fast they would finish me. I closed my eyes and sought out the Phoenix. I found the power that we shared, his fire and my mutant abilities, and drew upon it. I opened my eyes just as two white streams of energy raced towards me.

I felt more power inside me than ever before. I knew I was not only drawing from my own powers, or the enhancements granted by the Phoenix, but from the very air around me. The blasts of light were met by two streams of plasma from my eyes. The two vampires looked on in shock as I stood.

"Tonight you have made a great enemy. You have met the cause of your destruction, and he is Phoenix!" I turned to the Tech Museum, now in rubble and containing the bodies of the news crew. I felt a rage like nothing I had ever felt. My powers were now hyper active and I could feel the fear of the survivors and wounded of the Vampire Assault. I turned to the charred hulk that was once the St. Joseph Cathedral, a symbol of hope, and then back to the Vampires. "You have done enough damage demons, now feel my wrath."

I held my hands up towards the creatures and two white balls of plasma formed. I launched them at the vampires, but they had no effect. "This is not the night for this battle Phoenix. Another time perhaps? Until then, save your humans." I heard a crunching noise behind me and turned to see the hotel crumbling at the base. I could sense hundreds still trapped inside. I looked back to see the Vampires rising into the dark sky and away. I quickly acted and used my powers to hold the building up. I then searched out Green Lantern with my mind.

`Ryan. I need help. Ryan, where are you?'

`I'm inside the hotel. Everything is shaking badly. What's happening?' His reply was sluggish, he must have been hurt.

`You need to get everyone out! Set off the fire alarm, do something, the building is about to collapse!' The strain of supporting the building was already tolling on my mind. I did the final thing I could think of to get everyone out of the building. I psychically projected the urge to flee.

The next thing I knew GL was landing next to me. "Need some help keeping this thing up?" He pointed his ring to one side of the building, and green support columns formed out of nowhere. I could feel some of the weight fall off me, but held on to the structure none the less.

People were coming out the ruined lobby doors, and I started scanning the building. There were quite a few still trapped behind piles of debris, and the building was beginning to crumble. "We aren't going to be able to do this Lantern!" I turned to the sleeping forms of the National Guard and woke them with a thought. They looked up and saw us with our arms pointed at the crumbling building and were unsure of whether we were the cause of the destruction. I looked up as aircraft rose into the sky. The vampires no doubt. I turned to the men and women I had just woken. "Inside! People are trapped! We can't hold this building up much longer!"

I had just finished saying this when the aircraft started firing at us. I did my best to shield us, but the energy blasts were just too much. Green lantern was hit and sent flying into a tree. I assumed the burden he had taken from me earlier, and tried to support the crumbling building. The lobby was now decimated, and people were piling onto the pool deck.

The guardsman radioed for a fire crew, and started firing at my attackers. By this time I was in physical pain. My powers were at their limits after the attack by Dasro and Sanswah. I dropped to my knees and placed my palms to my temples. My head was beginning to throb like mad. I never let my concentration waiver and kept my hold on the building. I lost all track of the world around me, focusing only on the building and the people within. I saw a fire truck park in front of the building, and the ladder extend to the pool deck. Another truck appeared and another ladder rose up. After 15 minutes, and an enormous amount of pain and strain, the last of the guests were out of the hotel. The fire crews and National Guard personnel retreated to a safe distance. I saw Green Lantern hobble over to my side and project a protective barrier around us, then I allowed myself to slip into darkness.

In a distant room in the heart of a castle in England, a group of men and women sit watching news reports. "This is the scene in Downtown San Jose after the massive attack by what appeared to be mutants. Hundreds are dead tonight, and the Fairmont, Tech Museum, and St. Josephs Cathedral are all in ruins. Congress has called an emergency meeting to discuss..."

"... was on my way home from work when all of a sudden a dozen black jets landed in the parking lot next to the Rep Theatre. The blasted any cars that were in the way. Then hundreds of armed men and women in black gear and helmets got out of the backs and started firing on people. On picked up a man and threw him onto the roof of the Rep. I just turned and ran. It was horrible. I actually saw one of them bit a lady. He drank her blood like she was a vampire. I will never forget what I saw."

A man in a simple black suit pushed a button on the table they sat at. The monitor at the head of the room shut off, the rose into the ceiling. "It has to be this way gentleman. They are the only fighters in the vicinity. Their powers offer them greater advantage then even Slayers have. They will need our help. A Watcher must be dispatched."

"They are not SLAYERS!" A man in a red suit slammed his fist down on the table. "We already brought in a mutant to fight the slayers battles, and now we are in his debt. Do we really want to draw two more in so close?"

A man in a brown suit stood. "I do believe you are missing the point Sir Ivan. We are in a time of desperation. Our forces have been cut down by two thirds. We haven't the time to search out and train new slayers. The Bay Area is about to explode. No one may know if it has to do with the attacks on The Council, but that doesn't change the fact that California is about to go to bloody hell! We need to support Green Lantern and this Phoenix. Green Lantern has already proven himself in battle while he was in New York. They are marching into the night, fighting the fight we have been in for hundreds of years. We must support them."

"Gentlemen and ladies," A man in a simple brown tweed stood. "we shall put it to a simple vote. Those in favor of sending a Watcher to aid The Phoenix and Green Lantern in their battle say aye." All at the table except Sir Ivan voted in favor. "Apposed?"

"Nay." He grumbled.

"The Ayes have it. Tell Devin Charles to pack his things. Prepare the paperwork to sign over the San Francisco estate, and transfer accounts into his name. I want every piece of technology we have ready to be at Phoenix and Green Lantern's disposal. Is that understood? They are about to go to war, and I want them equipped." With that, everyone stood and left the room to prepare. Sir Ivan turned to the man in tweed. "This is the most foolish thing I've ever seen this Council do."

"It's either this, or allow America to fall to darkness. They are fighting the good fight, we will simply fight by their sides." The man in tweed turned and left Sir Ivan alone in the room. He turned the Monitor back on, showing The Phoenix squaring off against Dasro.

"It has begun." he turned and left he room.

I awoke to find myself in a great deal of pain being flown over High Way 280. I turned my head and saw Ryan holding me in his arms. I closed my eyes in pain and thought of what the Mother Phoenix said.

"Ryan. The sun. I need to get to the sun. It will heal me." He looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Please, take me to it." He changed course to the night's sky, and we were then hurtling at unbelievable speeds. Within minutes, the sun was all we could see ahead of us.

"I can't take you any further Blake. My powers wont protect me any closer to the suns corona." He looked down at me, sweat on his brow, and a worried expression in his eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll make it the rest of the way." I pulled out of his hold, and flew away from him. I was still in incredible pain. My head felt like it was in a vice. I let the Phoenix out, and we flew quickly into the sun. I imagined it would still feel hot, but it was more like climbing into a warm bath.

I felt The Phoenix feeding off the plasma, and while he did that I felt all the aches and pains I had fading away. Within moments I felt completely better. I wanted nothing more that to stay and keep feeding, but The Mother Phoenix's warning floated through my head. I turned and headed back to Green Lantern. Without stopping to talk, I pulled him inside the Phoenix Flames and we streaked throughout the solar system. I had never felt so invigorated. Within a couple minutes we were flying past Mars. He looked at me with awe and a tinge of fear.

"Don't worry Ryan, I just need to blow off some excess energy. But now that I think of it, I think I can better burn that with my fiancé. I'll drop you in San Francisco." He started laughing, and we headed back to the Bay.

After dropping off Ryan in Frisco, I pulled in The Phoenix until he was just big enough to encase me. I turned and started streaking across America at least mach 10. "Air Force, eat you heart out." In no time I was hovering over Orlando Florida, scanning the city bellow for Josh. My powers were turned up to an extent I couldn't believe. I stopped everything I was doing and just thought for a moment. I knew exactly how to reach Mars, and even though it was in the millions of miles away, I knew exactly how to get back to The Earth. My powers seemed much greater then I had first thought.

I turned back to the city and let my mind flow over it. I could sense other psychics pick up on my, but easily blocked them from searching me out. Then I found him. Lance was visiting him, helping him pack up. I dissipated the Phoenix Flames and looked at my attire. I shifted back into the clothes I had on earlier and headed for Joshes house. When I reached it I made sure no one had seen me, and then looked at my empty hands. I decided to try out what had happened with the rings. I closed my eyes and pictured a blue velvet teddy bear. I put some will behind it, and suddenly felt weight in my hands. I opened my eyes and saw the teddy bear.

I reached up and pressed the door bell. "I'll get it Jayce. You stay here." I heard Lance call out, then pad foot over to the door. "Who is it?" Lance asked through the door.

"Delivery." I answered back.

"Jayce, get a cross and some holy water! Now!" I realized that I gave the wrong answer.

"Lance, its Blake." I said through the door. Then I heard the lock sliding, and he opened the door cautiously.

"How the hell did you get here?" He said opening it wider to let me in.

"I am a super hero, how do you think I got here? I flew. Now, where's my fiancé? I came to see him." I started searching rooms rapidly. Lance just stood back and watched, a bit astonished. "Sorry, I just fed and I'm really hyper. There he is!"

"Blake! Oh my god, I'm so happy you're here!" We ran to each other, and I full on kissed him. We were like that for many minutes before Lance interrupted us.

"Jayce, I should be getting back to Eric. I'll stop in tomorrow to help pack some more. I'll see you then."

"Cool, thanks. Can you lock the door on your way out?" Josh didn't wait for an answer, and simply attacked my lips. Lance chuckled and left. A few minutes later Josh pulled back for air and looked into my eyes. "So... would you like the grand tour of casa de Chases?"

"Can we skip that and just go to the bedroom?" I picked him up and we started flying up the stairs.

"I like the way you think, it's to the right, second door. You know, you should stop by like this all the time. I like it." We laughed and spent the rest of the night making love.

Now, if you haven't read the other stories in the "Tales Universe" go do that now.

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

You can E-Mail me at WriteMeAStory@Juno.com Here is also my AIM SN: Memnoch 157 (Note. You try to cyber, or get all pissy at me, you will be placed on ignore!)

Next: Chapter 7

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