Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Nov 15, 2002


This is not my first story, but I think this is going to be where I flourish. I've never had as many Ideas running around my head as with Tales Of The New Phoenix. I don't know exactly how fast I will be able to get chapters out, so please don't kill me. And, as you can see by my title, I am going to have a character based on The Phoenix from Marvel Comics. I am going to go a bit of my own way with the Char. so any die hard fans, please refrain from hurting me, ok? My experience with the Phoenix is limited to the cartoon, and the Dark Phoenix comic book saga. I do hope to hold true to the heart of the character, but will be making some changes just as was made with The Bat Man. Now, on to the boring stuff.

I do not own any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I am restating; I do not own any of the above mentioned, although I wish I did. Those make tons of money. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned for certain. Everything I write is purely fiction from my mind. Please don't sue me, I am a poor college student and have nothing. If you are under aged, go away. This site is for adults. Warning to the closed minded, gay fiction is about to start.

Chapter 2

So how is it that I ended up in the belly of a giant bird made of fire that doesn't burn heading out into space at really fast speeds, and for some reason not scared in the least, with JC Chasez right beside me? I have not a clue. Thinking back over the events of my day it all seemed pretty routine.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Smack!" Seven o'clock already? Damn it, that means it's time for work. I rolled over and sat up. I walked to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. My short black hair was in complete disarray, and the bruise on my chest from the nice people at Friends of Humanity was finally fading away. There had been a riot a few weeks ago at the Embarcadero and I was introduced to a baseball bat. It wasn't a nice meeting; it ended with the base ball bat leaving with a member of FOH after it introduced itself to the side of his head with some coaxing by me.

I escaped with a half dozen other mutants, and everything was cool after that. I started my stereo from the bathroom, started the shower while putting my tooth past on my tooth brush, all while relieving myself. Gosh it's great to be a telekinetic. I took of my boxers and climbed in the shower. I washed up, got out, and did my hair up while air drying. Why on earth should a person dirty up a towel if one doesn't have to?

After blow drying, gelling, and styling my hair I was ready to pick out my clothes. I checked the clock on my way to the dresser. 7:45, wow, I only spent 30 minutes on my hair today. I was cutting down the time. I threw on a fresh pair of boxers, grabbed some socks, and grabbed a black tank top which was a size too small. Hey, it shows my swimmers body in a great way. I went to the closet, grabbed a pair of black jeans, a blur button up, and finished getting dressed. Throwing on my black hiking shoes, I made my way to the kitchen. I live in a modest condo mere blocks from The Castro. It's great living so close to Mecca, it means I get to wake up late for the Frisco Pride Parade and celebration.

I grabbed a bottle of orange juice from the fridge, my leather back pack, and headed for the door. I turned back and floated my cell phone from the charger to me, and headed for my car. Now I have a great car. I had just gotten it a month ago. A blue Chevrolet Camero, with black leather interior, and a killer stereo. Now I know nothing about my car beyond it looking really cool and that it goes really, really, really fast. I drove towards my club when my sister Andrea called.

"Blake, where are you? I thought you were going to show up early so we can work on that song." Oops, I knew I had forgotten something.

"Daniels canceled the morning meeting, and rescheduled for this afternoon. I meant to call you and tell you we would be able to meet later. Sorry. I didn't get home until 3:30 last night. Ryan was late for his shift, his sister broke her leg, so I had to stay at Serenity and keep everything under control." Serenity is my club. A two story bar and dace club. It was a great place. Really popular, and a huge success.

"Well, as long as someone was hurt I won't kill you."

"How nice of you sis, I'll be sure to let Ryan know you were so sympathetic." I stopped at a red light and noticed the Mc Donald's. "You hungry? I can stop at a fast food and grab us something."

"Yeah, just hurry up. I wanna hear how this sounds." The light turned green and I headed for the parking lot.

"Ok, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Set up the guitar and your Key board."

"Ok. Love you bro."

"Love ya sis." And I hung up.

Ten minutes later I was pulling into the parking lot of Serenity. I grabbed the bag from McDonalds and the two drinks; a medium orange juice for her and a sprite for me, a large of course. I headed in and was immediately met by my bubbly sis.

"Ok, hurry up I'm starving." When we finished eating we headed for the stage. I grabbed my acoustic, nice and tuned by Andy, and she turned on her Key Board. And we started practicing.

We decided to practice the song I had written a while ago.

"Seeing your crying face

Takes me back to that place

Where you were hurt by him

Where you were hurt by him

Andy pulled in on her key board, building up from my light playing.

"Come here with me

I'll take you away

We can soar through the night

And watch the dying day

I'll hold your hand

And you'll hold mine

We'll escape into forever

And never look back

"Say it and I'll do it

Lift you up from the ground

You lost your tiara

I'll polish you a crown

You deserve the finest jewels

To shine half as bright as your eye's

I'll wrap you in blankets lined with silk

You'll never be cold

"Come here with me

I'll take you away

We can soar through the night

And watch the dying day

I'll hold your hand

And you'll hold mine

We'll escape into forever

And never look back

Andy came in with stronger playing, matched by my voice rising. I stopped playing the guitar on this verse, and she started to vocalize the harmony.

"Promise me one thing

You'll let me be there for you

He left you to the wolves

I'll slay a dragon or two

You were meant to be in my arms

I was meant to hold you

But baby this can't happen

Unless you let me rescue you from him

I came back in with the guitar and we just played for a minute or two. Then I came back in with the Chorus.

"Come here with me

I'll take you away

We can soar through the night

And watch the dying day

I'll hold your hand

And you'll hold mine

We'll escape into forever

And never look back

"Come here with me

I'll take you away

We can soar through the night

And watch the dying day

I'll hold your hand

And you'll hold mine

We'll escape into forever And never look back

"Blake, that song is killer. I still can't believe you wrote that." Andy came around and pulled me into a hug.

"Nah, it's not that good. There are a million love songs, and that one ranks at like 10. It's just for fun on open mike night." I set the acoustic on its stand and went back to the bar for my Sprite.

"Stop selling yourself short. You're a great singer, and a great writer." She sat next to me and leaned her head on her hand, with her elbow on the counter.

"You have to say that, you're my sister." I stood and headed for the office.

"Not by blood. I think that best friends are allowed to have actual opinions." She picked up a bottle of seltzer water from behind the counter and sprayed it in my direction. I spun around and used my powers to redirect the spray at her face. She dropped the bottle and started screaming. "No fair! You used your powers you cheater!"

"Sweetie, you're mind screams your plans just about as loud as your scream during sex. I couldn't help but know what you were going to do."

"Ooooh... that is a declaration of war princes." She started stalking towards me.

"Try me my little fag hag." I slipped on a grin that matched hers in maliciousness. She darted for me and I mirrored her. Within moments she was somehow able to get me pinned beneath her torturing me with tickles. "I give! I give!"

"Uh huh, Homo-Superior my foot. The only thing superior about you is your fashion sense. Beyond that, you are no more then a commoner." She stood up and started to walk away.

"Not so fast!" I stood up and lifted her about a foot into the air and looked over at the counter. "I had breakfast, now I feel like some dessert." I opened the fridge and floated a can of whipped cream and a jar of cherries.

Andy turned to me with a look of terror mixed with humor. "You don't have the balls little girly man." I shook the can in front of her face and unscrewed the cherries. "Oh shit, you would." I popped of the top of the whipped cream and began spraying her in the face. She started screaming and kicking in the air. After exhausting the can, I set a single cherry on top.

"Hmm..." I walked over and plucked the cherry from her head. "good enough to eat." I ate the cherry and she looked at me from a mask of whipped cream holding back the laughter.

"You are so incredibly dead, you know that?" Now Andrea is a pretty small girl. She's five foot seven, about a hundred and forty five pounds, with pale skin and dark curly brown hair that flows to just bellow her shoulders. I've been trying to get her to dress as Anita Blake for Halloween for years, but she just won't listen. "The next guy you like, I'm giving him every one of your secrets." We both laughed and I let her down.

"Sure. And I'm sure that your guys would love to hear what I know." I let an evil smirk spread across my face.

"You wouldn't..." She looked into my eyes. "ok, you would. Truce?"

"Get to work woman." I laughed and headed into my office. I was considering opening a new club, just hadn't decided where yet.

I was drawn out of my weird reverie of today by the sight of the moon. It took up all I could see. It was so beautiful. I turned to see if JC was ok and felt the spot the vampire tore open start seeping again. I looked at him and he looked right back at me. He had the bluest eyes. `He's really cute.' Flashed through my mind, and I knew I had heard something I wasn't supposed to. I still sometimes picked peoples thoughts out unintentionally. I have learned to control it more though. Owning a night club which has hundreds of people in it every night sort of forces you to figure out how to block out unwanted thoughts.

We both looked back towards the moon which we appeared to now be circling. It seemed we had reached our destination because we were now descending towards the surface. I chanced a glance over my shoulder and saw that the Earth was no longer visible. It had to be the dark side of the moon. I looked back towards the surface and started making out the details of a city. "What the hell?" I looked at JC and he was looking at the city with amazement. When he gasped I turned my attention back to the surface and saw why. The city lay in ruins.

We quickly made it to the surface and the giant bird set us down and began shrinking. It moved to stand about 6 feet away facing us and became the size of a man. It turned to faze me, all red flames except the eyes which burnt yellow. I could make out the form of a building through it.

I am Phoenix.' rang through my head. I turned to JC and noticed him still looking at our surroundings. He couldn't hear the bird. I have traveled far seeking a being such as you. I have a great need of you. I must ask that you take a great burden from me. A powerful mantle.'

`What would that be?' I said to the Phoenix with my mind.

`I ask that you become one with my child.'

A crossover with Tales Of A Real Dark Knight is soon to come. YEY!

Now, if you haven't read the other stories in the "Tails Universe" go do that now. Just copy the addy's I have bellow the story titles, and past them in your browser address bar thingy. (Such technical jargen I have at my disposal.)

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) /nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights /nifty/gay/celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band /nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant /nifty/gay/celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

You can E-Mail me at WriteMeAStory@Juno.com

Next: Chapter 3

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